C.Cye (Sanabian 10 ~tat£~man pr 1 "d <nd puol bed lmVERY ;'iillil~~9A~ l"\IOR!'UNG, by tLe P1opr1etor, WJY.I. 1~. 8 I ... I JYJ:IE, At \ih C :\M.AN'rJLLE ONT 1 1" FICE---lllcUurtr} 's finocl<, KINQ 811"tEF. T no WEEKLY GENERAL NEWSPAPER DOES OUR DARLING HOVER NEAR HOW YE Y WONDFRFUL AND SURPRISING THE QU \LITY .A.ND CHEAPNESS OF Dry Goods and Ready-Nade Clothing SOLD A.T BI-{OOI~E'S ,w_i.D.-1- -- uppOiitee 'fown Hall, Bowman ville. L. F. CuoR U::; -Then whisper ge n tle angeh1 Our bre l k1ng hen.r ls to cheer Oh! tell 1 s th10 Ugh th~ da. kr l:'l?3 Does our d 1rling \J over neri.r ? LET THOSE vVHO ARE NOT AWARB OF THIS FACT C'.\LL JiElOltl PUHCH\.SI.tiG A.ND S\.TISF:I' 1HEMSEL\1'S Bov;mnnvillc, October 6, 1869 King S ti ee t J1 l st 7 Borma1n l e E0Wmftnt11lc Julv 16 ul tf NE\V STORE .. ~v~CI:;X Th'X I~ ~1s ~t:l!':n OF ~~ EvV TAILORING EST_ABLISHiYIENT ADVICE TO THE GIRLS. ------ - -- H HAS NOW OPENKO 1ttS NEW <\TORES 8l'JJ 1 NDW ~/r OOK \\ 1TJI A OI Fall and i11tur Dry Goods, TO BE SOLD FOR CASH ONLY. F, 1',, J:ifcABTH.UR HAS SECUHFD fHE SI R\'ICES OF A FI HST CL !-\.SS CUTTER, AUCTION BUSINESS W. 11. JVE S, WHO WILL MAKE UP Ml~N'S AND E01: 'S CLO fHING TO ORDER IN A s rYLE NO r ro BE SU p A~SED BY ANY ESTAI3LISHMEN I' IN THE I HiG"' 8 PRO\ INCE ' tell me wh" t it rn tot ii en tu e, tho10 to ;ou Tom saul so d1 1;; 1 ROBI NSON H-OUSE'I 1111 Work Warranted to Fit, or no sale. lE;l.lJ Elt!\.NCE UL.TEI, NO. B~Y SlRfilrE'I Atew Io s1'o thofl i gS tieet, 109 F. F. lYJ:c AI~THUB. BOiVMANVILLE, October ' 1869. TORON TO J urns $1PERID>t..ii. ~I \.THJ WS Pmnte1, Glazze1, Pape1 hanr;e1 ~ JAS. BIGHAl'II, I =j~l!J STOTT~ ~BH·I~~ D~W~@El~ 1 ·mM ~Abo ut a thon1:. ind dolia1s a year keeps ISupo euu tu v1 0 v.1s 10 f.fALL BUILDIJYGS, BOW2rL4NYJ..LLE. DEALE!\ IN DRU ..x) 1 MEDICil\TES, AND FOR B01\M;\I'.i,IJT8 ANT 1 Al l!'ClvN RESJDENl E, n.:T'Orde1s I unctu;;xlly attended to g<=>s Modert.le Physicians' prescriptions carefully Compounded, and all orders correctly answered. 0111' ~tock IN St IS OF MONEY TO LEND ! $SOO AND ur-vv ARDS, ~ Fm·m&1·s anll Pflyswrnnsj1 mn the Coir.nt1·1J i1·1ll find nt a low ale of uterest FAHEWELI & McGEE, ?q-Office,-Op poslteentr.~nceto of rnedicine;; coniplete and of th e bc;;t quutity ow·mfll 'ille, Jar ~ 6 l~C9 ff k:; To,vn nan, non ma .. v1Ue. W. H. EDWOODS, AT THE VAR~ETY vi Io Par1 wl en one W18hes to Icnrn nr.v I thing 1e:;pecb116 an 1nhab taat of the J Mreot city he can be ·at1>fied b) apply1nl!'. ® to Lhe Cl11ef of Police 'J o t he office of ~ Ins Chief l.1nron11e non bcut his steps up 1 Barber and Hair-dresser, Room P 1per cheaper than e1e1 Poper Colla1 s-- t111 ce Boxes for 20 ceu lo 100 Pieces ~Iu. c, COn"1stmg of Songs altze· Schottisches- 5 cents each Sewing l\1ach1nes Organs and I\l elodeons, hotn best J\olanufuctu1ers Wnt11 g Deoh and leo 1 mys in gient vu11ety 1h1ee g1oss ot Fans, at Fnc Cents eicb on an errand of tlus k nd respectu1~ lhc lady he had JU·tpnrted \\it 1 i In nnewer ponderous ledl(cr to lns 1nqu 11e,. the Olu cf and after c011!Su1 :i ed a brief rn Cabs, f1om $2 00 to S12 00 Schoo 1 Books anu all other good equally low MEDIC ..A.. L. Special In.ducements to Pedlars ! WIIOLl< ~ALE AND HET AIL N R --'Vo have lately added to our business that of an Exchanae Office are prepnied to buy or sell G1eenbacks, American Exolrnngc, Roya.I Ca n udi 11; aud Upper Canada Bill·, S 1her, &c &c JUNE 10, 1869 (15) YELLOWl.ES & QUI:.K.