L Ladies' EVEN I ' .. has now on hand an immeme stock of I· ' Gen Lle1nen's and Children's PFl UNELLA AND CANVAS I B O O T S AN"D SlEKOES, ·ai l of which he i~ selling at a great reduction from his uJual h.. w paicee. , UaH a1jd see tbe1!1 , a11tl gee barg._11ns, at~ ~CHIEAP- I the COR ER !s.fo? ORE! '1 v s'gn of thc.Ilig Boot Dt\l\Vll hy l\VO Horses, King.3t., B\IWilHlllVille. s 'l'e:i.+irrronials of most '\vonGedul rind e:x· I tr1101d1na1y cur~s in Canada by tJic GREAT lNDl.A~ HEll}ifJ"'{. 'J'}1p,_y aie stern, unde conv1nc: e tlie n1o~t s1.ci,·tii.:al tlia t the Grent I Me1licinal Cort1po11 ntl yenrrcd after for age:i ·snow .tccc ,s .ble in t he Great 1 j 1r'IJE 1 llLLOW!ti (; HirnARKS ON .1nable anJ. in contc:;rnblf' fnct~ 1 sufficient to cl.ring' the remainder of the winter season! MoGLUNC & BROTHERS Jiave removed to their AND Ar2 out tlwir OPINION has fully justified the original idea, that at 1he " Corner Store " you co uld get Op;n"~ng I T I iv1 .::. S U I '.I' ET) , £\..ND vV EL T, S U I '.11 J8. D T 0 R E s The greatest part of the goods have been imported direct from England. Cur Prices will be found l301\'ma11vi1le, Dec., 18137. ....,_ ~- TO GET ONE OF LOW, and our Stock co1nplete -1n ev£ry tlepa:rtinent. 0 0 0 c J '/I entI '7 4" , I rn l P 1 ,i..,I. ICE T.- I.- Y 8 --- "'"~~""'-"-:':~~~~----=- .. -~~~ L,SO .t.VENT ACTS 01' 1864.·5. , j 11 They rue Chcnp c1'Teat, Clean and 1 l)urable. The f:J1Jowiu(r 0 I s -~S D .AZARL\S HJi:FR, ry i\1~~rnun. a :..o\\'£, his ~\ i 1 L,1rc3s ud Lt c"n . '1'. T. LIST OF DEPARTMENTS: DRY GO.ODS, CE RIES, AND PHOVISIO~S. lVIILLINERY, CROCKERY, C.9JNA & GLASS\7\1 ARE. READY-Iii,\ DE: CLOTHI NG, AND CLOTHING MADEjTO OHDER, \VJ,11:09-1:0 anii 1et:·il, by the Ilo't\rnan vii!\' Furnitut·e DI::it.uf,,uLunng Corup.u1,y THO)f .i..s JORNS'fO)., Dlar1nger. Bo'\":"nH1r::v1:lc, JL1ne 10 J8r)"i. 15 McCLUN"G & BRUTH'.ERS, SIGN OI' '.!'HE GOLDEi'll J,Afll!rn. BOWiHANVILLE, September 22, 1869. - - - - -'---- - - -- -- -- car EE COFFEE! MRS. C_ 601.lNSAI.~. rs prcprt.l('d to atlend to i\li ll i"E'r\ ttnd Straw 'l\.. otk, as nsual. L.idicrs' l'elt H.1Ls cles.nc\' ,l1Hl dlered to tl1c 1\r0,~·cstStYics, [C;= 'l'Viu OF THE VEHY BEST KIND ! [i n J 011 11 y "tl l llel[)eipcdc. Tlit "Globe" ::iccnB la~y io1li1g roundi And can't increa~e i ' s spPf'd- A]Jj)1entic1;;8 ·.111~ed1n::.rn.cd!f1L]1 3U3 · r l aL 1l1e lv·.1 t:::;t T( :J1 fl 1r D1111H.J_tl n ~ 8u111e dll.y I 11 12a,v» 1~ j,, tLl' lutch 0 n 11s "ild \ eloripcdc. 1a.Lb. J4,(lf D0wmnn'11llc 1 !1 :ii ice. and cheap as~at any store in Canada, or out of it, at OF SI-IELE A:::"'JD I-1E£\.. v·y inJhelu1r s~s hlc. ord~r: a! d l\f'olrtU1tcd t (, liL, (~,'ti -,slii1tamaJeto in c.1sh paid fo1 · SIGN OF THE GOLDEN LION, KING Small Ti'anuly 1 Flt Li 11e1, A Ilwelli.ng, suitable fer a 'IO Li.;T, .EL.,1unc qr.\],·,; .ri'.ex:. F.GS respectfully to a1,no n ncc that i_1 e ha!': Jl-'(;<'In·d a well ~J"'-'llr1cd stock cf ?e!ln1nc Drug:> arid Pr 1 e Eng-!1<il1 G l er::ncrds l_lso 1 a. sp!cud (1 : ,: to ck ot tLc 11.JJ1:d careful!'· _ ,p}ectcd ~ B STREET, BOW MANVILLE. &,. . !,.; · ' &c., &c. TO A Saw and &hingle Mill STLT l{'FS ! tA' t ~ $ :E-I .A. S -~I which rarnot be snrp0::scd fl)· excellrncv of 11tahtY, ~il.n a"S 1J1tmFnt ot An1lirw J)Jcs 1 H'Jll consta n tly en l1,1nd, together wnh u choice ~ elect1011 of , in lhe £fth concession , Tow11slJ>p of Cn· 1-/ ll!p I "WHERE DO YOU BUY YOUR GROCER'CES beino- the question of the <lJ.y, J.M. would rei;pcctfully glve a hint to those in perplexity, that he keeps \Ye would beg to call parlicular atten!ion to our stock ol Poi.:sr-cs~ion of l) ll1lls cnn be g1vcu if req111rod. J1 'or hath~1 I\1 unt c.eurcd land un soiJ. lot. wtigbt, oetllf!Hd ll) l\lr. \\~ A. Lo1,cks, v,tll be rented f1H n tcnu oi' yw11 s 1 witli 01· with:n·ply li-< nnUGR, 11 Ii .J .IVl ]_) CHEilITGALS, PATE~T MCDTCINES!, BTIITfGit;;:-i, fl(l'\1118, SlIOCLDCR-BR r\ OES, STJI'PU.Rl'hHH, &c 1 information \Vn1thy the cuosc1,,_bfr a.L Wm.LAING 12- tf top cn.ises opposi ~ e his o.icj. :tand 1 F!Rto'l' s.rnP IL\S'l' (H' 'l'llE OIL~, &c. PAIKT8, COLORS, \"AilNl~!JRS, STOVES, !\'IACHI!'JE OIL, LPg3 ton nn on n ce tli:t the is prep(l.rCJ. tn gi ·e insttuc'il n-i in the ":cmcu ts constantly on hand a iirst-class stock of iEATHE.R BEL'l'ING, of a nd I\' H [T !1 f,T·~AD \\l1e1P] 1e is p1epfl.ed to fn1nisl1 th0 p'1bEc ,:j' At the Yery lones1 p11ces. \ti1'1 1dl t1nrls of BUUTS & SIIOEb. lLn i1.g a vt ry Lmg·~ Stock on band, lie is l:_Iol.. Se & C.)att:le::JLed.ici,"lC~ bo'"r,d to ::it.: LL Ulle_>\.P N n -Country ~lorel~eepors snpp~icd DU !IT' All kuul;,i of wotl. m:ide lo orderi on 1rl \an L1geons terms . tlu'l :-;hortest nntice· Dowmau'ii1le, } ·. ngnst 12tn, lSGD , RUBBER do. COAL O.iL, Vocal & Jnstn.unen tal J\f US I G, en1b1acingtbu ougli /1,1>:~ ,ind IJa1n1011y, tbe elements of co1npo1:1lion 2tf. :2~ '~T · GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. and thO£e who buy from him will nevrr regret that they are able to answer, LACE I.EATHER, RAW AY.:D IlOIED OH,, SKATES, &e., &c., &c. I~ IIe is alr:;o p1 '--Tared to tune anrl repair Pi:-i.nos. RtHillL'rCt'--Church Strcct 1 Iea:d. DISEASES \V Dow1nanvllle, June 3i 1868. 45-tf. DR .. JAJ.\!IES, EclecHc Physfoi::rn, , -:\7 OULD ~· l C1,Lt lie 1 S 0 D TIE:SPECTlVELY STATE is nuw lre,lliD~ snccfs::;f1\Jl.) ·- F.pilCJ'R.)- 1 n1 riillt1 g AF N u 0 A 'l' I BLACKSMTHS COAL KPT CO~ . STANTI Y " ~ BUY FROM JOHN M' MURTHY." AH of which we \'ill sell as low as any ho nsc in iiie trade. (wi th Dr. J's remedies longer ttn iril'u ra,b l e d1i;ease); i11urcl1itis Cnta11b,Asthn1a, Gra\oel, Droi ~/ ot tLe Chest , ·Abdominal D1opsy 1 r.0ne1a,l Dropsy, &c, p at ienB ·who have b~cn Decorating, Frescoing 1 Kalsomining Plc,in tapped s0ve~al ti Ynes ar<" ct.1 ab lo 111.der Dr Ja,nv~:i' tretlm'3 'lt; dise:tses of t,be and Dc0Li1at1v{) 8llop 1 is prcpnn:d to receive all orders fo1· ilf· "ar1ous stag6s 1 r:OtbLlillJH!Oll 1~ no 'IIITJ th<:- following ili~e,l:.S P, fl sub~cribe1~ hafi:lg ~tarted O\et i\lz G Ht ne~ 1 C lflli:tge Business Fits, in lliti1 ,,.u,:s t foim, Consump tio n, iu OOL!- G .L) ll \1\. nr, i1q1s Papor Hanging, Gilding,&< &c. FLOUR, ~CRACKED A WHEAT. Bo""rnanville,Kov. 26th, 186'{. SOLIOITE D 18 ).....:::J p_ IGl'-~ _., _J_ 'It,,,. -p ~.1. ,',I"'-i-;~r_,L-,1"1'.. . .L"l ..L ~ '_:,.. r-i 1~\S ju,;t reccivsd "~ t I1 is ~tore) ;r]= nea:.' the Po~t Office, one ot' Mcdlluws' (of ~e\v York) cclclir::i.l~tl Sodr. \Yater FourJlains, l I E1rors of)onili 1 Nervous Debility, Pii:>rn:-tM a11d 1-1e UO\V inv1tc~ n cal1. 11armg ah,ay::; 01 , I 111 e Der.av nnd all the effects of indise1c. hand a "a1 rn!y of mato.::lia ):j for prounc.ng t1onb of yO .. tb-a cu1 e i:s gun.r.in tee·l ) Dys- those C'lol au·l refresb1ng eftcrvescing !11 i1Jl,_s. cu1cd .ithout cutting, ttr:d little pe,io; So1c Leg"', S tlt Bb-?:nm 1 and Sctofulr._ u1 111 its peps1a1 Liver t1i,,eases, and d;tsPt1:ses of so gr'1teful and invi:!or;.iting to tlJc i:::) 8 Lem '1-0I:tlClt'i a-.l.d tl'_hiC.d!~cn:, C'auce1s du1ir1g Lhe debJitating he,1 ls uf ~um1ncr. fo1ms. Dt . ·1 · is FOR . SALE. Fresh llrrivals of Crockery and Glassware. Goods sent to All Parts of the Town !. J1JNE 2B, 1869', · 111 BowmanY1llci Ma1cli 30 iS6f! .' STYL lr.?-, Sahsf1riion Ura ncne s. g11.11;1nlelfl in icll it~ wl,ich lrn.\'C fiitherto been tbought incn1ab le , arc now .ra pt':!ly yieldrng \..O hi~ treatment, flB h1~ gratPful r~1t:Pn1,;a18 \'rilling· Lo teot1f;· Ko Oalo11:1dj no mcrcr:ry 1 no Mineial PoL,qn~ , ir.7 Always nn hautt , a full sLock of Oa!:c 8 hapry to :.ay, di:;e:lsfi:.; Fancy B1ead 1 giscu1ts, &c. Ve1y ,.,impki ltnd eu~1ly worked. Tile }1 micted, wl10 cannot obtain rl->l ef BowmanYille 1 Kov . 17 1 1RG8. 8P. THl fo1 n cirr ular. ! from (!lier :iources, are particularly in\oifed ;Jriilt~ Price only $50, to ca I a nd set· him . !i:T Offict' in ~elison 7 s d !. W. J ~ yJES !Tall . Bellev1l:e. lJ:T Oflice 110"r3, 11 Dowmanv "J>nt ,\ LL 1 PE HSON3 TNDBRTRD TO TIJE j to 3 p m 1,u:m ises ) I 1. l. pnbt1Sht·r of the SrArES:MAN, tor sub- j Yqurs most respectfully, ~-. J.8:.. O L I J.l.d.!:J:E, ( i:i1H' pl1 on, adverti~ing; 01 job wo1k, are re- ( "' ' , l1. JAMES, ]f. D. 3J . sted moto 5ettle 0 11;" same a,.t one.;. April 14.3 1 1 CHESl'llRFIELD & Bil.OTUEI!. will be adm1111stered in any form, in U!l) dise nse. Hand Loom a:;: um&, O!HiAMEtl'rAl. PRHITE!f.