A RED RIVER EXPEDITION. VOLl]NTEER Po~t O:l!ioe :Bow 1876 !lot pevlous i i l l Serva11t Wanted! TAILORING BUSINESS, n ·u~ Sl·n<l utely AN'fj':p A GOOD S~R\f ~l! r GIRi Wage. good Work very Hii: ht \p pip ~r.ns><AN Office !lo >munn le Mn-~ 17 18)0, W at tho OCCUPIED BY MR CORNISll Where he is prepared to do all k n,4$ of work in b a hne of busloesa n th.a ~te ~t. gtyles OUTTIN9 DOME On the Shortest Notice A.II wok wa rnnte4 !)Jq>Jie. cleaned and repa red on the sP.o hrn t not cc .A CtLU sol tcd .'J. P. LA. l I.NG. Eowma~vi l e M~y 28 ) 8~0 H tf STRAY PUP' Ra.,lan P 0 J.4 11