· DXSPLA"Y" SPLEMDID Is directed tu the Either in S mmer or Winter Rcenery. give HARRY I stock of new and call at his studio, LE Opposite Treleven's Shoe Store, Ktng St1eet East Bowmanv:11Je AND AT SUMMER HATS ! lliA.'i"UllS. Fcbrnary 9 1870 lllARK"lS fhe BEST and MOST FASHIONABLE stock of Hats shown 111 BowrnanHlle. Make an early call and you are sm e to be smted. With fcet11 SURGEON DENTIST! SENTI., ~~A IU.t I ~ \. G F. SJ ~utuontJ of Hu; Ex . . ~ lcncrt h eGo\eruoi AUPl't I t la1ge assortment of Small W,ucs ,tnd Tnmin·ng11 at n :10Je:iale and retail. 1 B own.armlle M y 2.G-rh 1870 T'l-lOl\f A.S P ii 'J:iI:H80N, De ((!Jll~Hti!l(~~J a:; T 0 Abm~ DE \LER !!-< ~r T!?J ~~~~?@It~~' TOW.K '1 LLL BT.:ILDlJYGS, B0ffJ1IAXYILLE. MEDICINES, AND IPhysicians' presc-;_:-1pti~arefully Compounded, I 1 I Change of Agency! - A <J A R D. and all orders co:rectly ansvrered. ---- ~-- 110 beg '"'" to 1ofo1m tl o rubhc that 1vr b n c tppo1ntr] Mr. AARON BUCKLER, tl c well l nown Jewollcr, to "'1persed4' our fo u e1 <\.gent here ~o r the sale of 0 1 r PERFECTED SPECTACLES. & Jn.o ELECT1t0 STOVE TIN WARL.