BONNETS AT AND HATS ·& BBO' S,: '· . ·· ~ ~ If., ~. .. ... '.· . · . . McOLUNG . F~r 25c., worth 75c. to $1.00. · w . I~ (·, ""J':1 :r ..,. ;I; · t n- l .Al110, a good lot as low as 12!c. MAN 'T -LEB For $1.50 and $2.00, wortli $5.00. .· _ .h4. :·J ·. .. ...... .... CA.LL · .,. EAR.L'Y". : { >. · aTJlC:El.RX~-G TXMES~ · ~, . ~J .' .,.., ' Otir stock is dep.~rtment, './" , . --~ -...-""""' ,· ..-~ <: . \. . ' -:.-:::~~. ~:.~... _.- .· ; c'-:-.. ·~ -·.·~ now ,domplete 'in .. . ·9 · . ' :" ~'} ev~ey - VOLUNTEERS FOR .RED RIVER. ' -- .; 1 ··.·-:-~·· S~tN 'era - and . .,: ' ·/~ ' "Will .be - :fbtt11Ld ·attrac/i .,,,._ ~ :c ;, ' ".\~ .' - ,, · . , -'-. ~: ~· . .· ·na ·ot>i}'llNC OUT ·~ s:.-,; ~ . ·.··· , : . ' At the Bowman ville ·Clothing Store. Ul, tiV:¢!and cli~Ri); · -.;, ,! -~~;,_ ·~ :~~ NE"V GOODS J1:JST RECEIVED. Newest Style; in: Co~ting1. - -'. /.- · Newest Stylc1 .in Ties. .Newest Style· Ill Colian. N e.wes t Sty Jes l· n Vestinas I . e . ' I sn· Newest Styles in Trowserings. · ,, .Newest S~y es in 1ru. .. Newest Style~ in Ready-madQ Cloth1~gi OJ' ALL TO BE SOLD ~·. CJ HE -AP . FOR CJ ASH · .G6r Call early where you can make a good selection. ~ '. J\fonthly .FASHIONS regularly received from Ne.w York. All -orders promptly attended to. = .our M;c· tuiVc 1 aRo's= . -- ?""' .,._·.,.. -~ · . ' --~ "' . · ~ . :. :EG>O:K:S! DAV1D FORBES. Carpc't .!!tock, is 'v ery·1arge, and· I :a A T T '· AT . having bought direct from the nianu..:' Ie .. ..... . ' : j;. I .~i ... IC ... = ~ l: ,N" G ' S , CONSISTING OF facturerJ our prices will be found low. Parties wanti11g ttnything in this way NEW P.RlNTS, J\'EW GLOVES, . l\'EW DRil. . t.IAN'.l'S, NE'V JIOSE, NEW DRESS GOODS, NEW '.I'RlltllJllNGS, &c. &c. &c. ALL GOOD.S MARKED AT .LOWEST CAS:ft PR1CES. PosUively No Bowmanville, :~pril 21, !870. AJ:fa1: e:in~nt. .will find it to thei~ " " ad\·~ntage to give Us a ,call 'before .pi.ttehaiJlng. e I ~ ~ ~ -, .~ · - · -. ' ·,. ~FAN CY G 0 0 D· S, " s - OL .· BERLIN WO !FJ;JIO~BJ .-'-o..-'- · ' R E GIST ERED under ihe' new Med ical Il'o#m~nvRI<, .6,prll %0, 1870. '· "'" n. P .t.TTERSON, O!}m~·cJ,1 ,:::~ b: found at his . old_ office, 38 , MISS STOD.GHTON : _ HAS just received a. sui)ply nf _Work~ng .T· reduce nur Iar«e ilfock; v &I . Mnt~rials and Fancy Goods, ~ncluding , . . J3erlfn 1 F leecv Leviathan }"iugenng woc;:ils YollNG -tlfAN as n DE-NT AL STU~ !rrtsb: 1\\'0'r:. ;i/g C ... t 011 1 · Filo~elle, ~ ;av~e DEN'.f. ~on8 need lipp ly but- tbose _ of 1.ud Stinne1u 1or mak 1ug l· lower.:., ~Il~ "ootl habits a!nd Deportm.f'ni . 1 \T r and _:·-Br1Jnze Ca.rJ.~buard [sometl~ing '31 · , T. ;J. JO~~S, L, D. S, n:w] 1 l~ook 11-1 b.:1·ks, .Ladiea' .C<, E 1~~ B:owmanyifle 1 ·March 9tb· i "1s.7o. 82 ; ing 3 u n d Braids in_ all YS:riet1cs. ~rJers __ _ . _ _ iu Stam ping nnd Eorbl'oidcry prompt ly executed. .. · . . .J. FliELDl:NG, iU:. D., Jrr F'irsi dc101· West ot Messrs. Murdo ch's . -. _ , · _ · , : _ , Grocer)'. · · · MEllBEU OF . UOY AL ~OLL_EG,~ ,QF .. lS70 4!-.l-lm . _ Surgeons, Englund i I:-1ce~t1nte Royal . Bow ma n vill e, Ju ne l, . · Cultcge of P hy sic1"na, Edinburgh . . (Late ----------------- - -- Resident AccouClieur St· Thomas Ifospit:tl, WA . N.T-E.D . . .: . . A 11\ -~~ M'CLUNC · *< BRO'S. wttaaatocot OhtaP4<1t "DC! loe1t a"o.rtmenl of all kin~· off lr ron n f.'JU \}:f\ !ii - l=-A BARGAIN ! --I I 'O -!~ · ··' --e ""· ·- · .'1111ell '-..ds at ver-.Io~ . - _ e~ "--n , . . . Q to --r+· t t UARTER fl.ere of la nd otf n1ug s rec ' on which a 1e erec te d a goo~ BRIC K L?ndon,and Actin g Rc,;dent M_edicalOffice,, ' City of Lond-.iu Hos1ntnl fo1· D1seuse~ nt Lht , Chest,) Office: U'r. IIerriman's, Orono. , J s E'.ASHION ABLE 'f :iTOREandDwelliug,frnme dwelhug,1aarge brick bln.cks1nith's 7 ::ibop, nnd l~rge . woo en worksho p: Jh~ , whole· fol' $21'000---:-$11000 _ G:Ss h, and .balat nce· as maf be· RfP'ed upon. Title',- iutlisputable·, .Apply on the premises,, M, MeTAV!SH, HowP".o:IrdlTe, :\!ay 4th, 'l s'10't .4 0-tf, EX .a;,.v l7·1I'IUfO.R'S 'RJ'OTICE r, ~ - .m · N 011CE Fis' ITEllEBY GFl'EN; that · all · .perilon!I b11. ving claiU'ii' egarnst lhe X&· · .. ;jl ~iice1 . for one month. ta to of:Guy Gamaby1· of t~e Tow us hip of Clarke, in the Uounty of Dnrlia:'in'1 "·b·11 , died on or obout seeo1rd da.y of F eb:IUiiTJ, : HATS· N oticc or Pa~Jicrship·, (if. - - - . _ _ H:E' undersigned have this dl:'Y entered into Pnrtnersbip- to curry on the ProduCe b u ::inc~:iS in Bowman-v ille, ~n the stand fb . rmerly occup ic·d by i1oiil:::t' & HuNT~Rj the ti'rm to be known by the lHl-me arid t 1Ua of Bo ~1 D.1CN & "\\7i::1,n Y T S. BlfltDEN', B. WE RRY . Bowmanvill a 1 April I, 18 70. 2-G - -- -- - · Seed Potatoes. , ,,UfD YOU WILL GET ,' celebrated '· HAR UISON " Pota_ tocs -the m'ost prolifio var_iety yet . grown in tho country-are offcr~d for sale.Price SJ pci'r bushel. Discount on orders over ei,,ht bushels. Apply to Robert Beith, Esq., Darlingt.on; or to . l\IURDOOB BROS., April 13th, 1870. Bowmanvillc. & Weekly Globe insert ·tbrco weeka and send account to this of!iee. S EVERAL hundred .b usbels of tlie now A. D. ·1859 1 or ·ig.Aiuat-his- -!.te'c'i¥fors as 1lucb 1 · lu·c reauired: to forw&'.rd t-~~ aamo on or before Mond·'j, the thirteenth day of Juno next ;: if by poS't; pre, to Messrs, Farewell, McGee Ii l~ul:l~dge- , of tte Town 8owmanville,· SoHC:itots o~ .the ea.iii E:r:ecu- : tors;· their Christia.a- and SU'l:n-ames; addtes:ies n1n~ · .dcccn .··ptions;- th . · . 1uH p-a:·rt. i cular1 _o{· ·I'. their clu.ims; a sta tement of their accounta and ,'t11 e nr..ture of tlte s~c11rity 1 if any, held by lhetn , And NOTICE is fu:rtbe r g:iVen, that fro1n ~ and aftex the abo ve meutioned date·J theut- F ,c'fersigne·d E x.eea·tors will proceed to- di.stribute th e Asse ts of the said 1J:state 1 baving regard to the ~la?IIfB- ef .wbi eh t~· said E.xccato-rs shall -:.hen haft1 notte· e,. . (if any), and sbaU not be iiable fo~¥ tb-e a~·ile ta-1 or a:ny thereof so P:istribu te d Lo any pcEs&n of wl!ro~e chums they shall nut t~eo ha.Ve .~o!ie-~ 1 ~ tbe time o( the distribution of SU°C"h asae\s, or a par.t thereof. And that this notice Is given u1:1dcr the pro?'iili:ons· (If the '29'th Yicto.riA-1 Cap. ZB. Dated this 13th dny oHiltty-1 l8'1a. TYLER H. GA!IBSY . Executora LORENZO A. GAMSBY , NELSON F, HA.LL,. . Farewell, McGee & Rutledge , ·E.1:ecutors Solicitors, «: Q ·~ 'M . · ',I ';_ !! . OOTO " .: . ·' -,-- ~'. · ·-'::--':! ~ v roa tli,~ ' . . '] ' F. F, McARTHURS. . "· \: · :1· ii ;, CHE.>l..FE'ST Mac!e fo order iu th:e latest An .· . Nttw Inimense lot _: ; ·! i . New York Btyles, q.f beautfr~I ··Axi\TT$ J..N,)} · iwmw tgit;@TM~ .~ ~~wmm~~ .NO"\V IN ·COTTONS : ··n 00 STOCK: Stylish Clothing. ro. F. f t NfcARTHURS. j: -~ · r- : i· · is the time to huY,CHeap Suits of nn'f:':{;o(rns, ~ GROCERIES, HAcRDWARE, DOO'l'S ;aud SHOES, ,,d "GLASSWARE, &c., " ·FOR T~_E DowmBnvUle ~ ~Z-4t. WOOL! WOOL! \\TOOL! , . .· . !PORT DARLINGTON HARBOR CO:J.lPA.NV. AM 80YW U 0l EM M jL lS ! w ANTED, AT TH,!!J . ' the c.e~brated .. ·m ~ ~' &~~ ~ ~-~W ~~AWif-M ~ ~· A __ -.~ . . m~··'~ }. 'f!"· D .: ~-.·ft . .! ~ .·-, -F AJ,L 'r11 E , · ""·L . · ·· .. th. 4; ,.'""'TRV Monday, the 20th Day of June next, Wo .., jlll:i . e .,.,, 0 . .,.,i,. · ~ '. ,1>t t;i;o )lo;i~ oi ro..- o'clock, p. m. of thankinl:I' u'umerous ti·ien4,s .and. · customers<=> fo r the liberal pa.tronage extended to thei,n ~·mag the past . season, j and also of iufor.i;run_ g - them th at EH nee ..thei close of .the season uf 'l869 they have added to their a1re.i~ly efficient st ock . of m.'t chin_ery anotll er LB.'rge oston1 Cu.rd1ng 11achu1e, fr-om the celebra ted e.stablisbment_:of_ Buynton & Seward New Jersey, and they have no h@sitation in ~ayt-ug t-ba.t ~beir facilities for doiuu a. first·cl aS~ ',e:ust om business Ul'f\ unsurp:ss ed in the GOi-Unty of D~r?a:m . . l?rom the fact that most of ·tb_ e mn.eb1ne_ ry I S new, and neither trONble no r expe nse _l111s been s::Jared to make · tb,e old as good as e whole strictlJfO L" -:8' cus_ ~.>m _husincss.wl.i_i le everything that business tore tho.ught and a. practica.l knowledge of lbo business would suggeSt will be done to ml'.tet ~h e wishe s and~wants of _ ~ustomcrs, and h a.Ying r]"HE annual meeting of toe Stocki1oldere ~ of tl.1e Pol't ·Da rangton Harbor Cotupa.ny, ·fo l· ille elccti_ on -of Directors for the ~ns~ng _year, will be ·held at -the Office of ~~~ Compauy, at Port Darlington, on = = ·~ C.. t!J ~. In great 1':tt·iety at EllLtOTT'S Sto1·e, Jl(amptou. G:)"'.A)l goods mnrked ·in :prnin: .1igurt's1 and at rensonnble p~ic~s. llAMPTON, January :lO, " ,,_ ., .. :.,~_ :_.,·~~§_·;.~.,, ;DBBSiGOOn'i GO TO , . '- · 1S'id. !l\fF :RE~HY ELLIOTT, .Jr. .. . ~ _ m:f! ·;;_:· a;J;!i']951i·~ -;;;r.~$l5)'i$ ·~.- :; . F. F~ J\foAR'.ffIURS'. ." ·.. · .:. ~~<. ---' si: '·· · . ~Olt '!. " " . ,,, , I ·. Wc:rmen'-& Wib1 te 'Cotton ' ,· "! .STOCltlNGS at2d j.. -~ ·, . 00 -~'W-ill ,sell, for twenty days, his stock of ·;: -' . ! . TO R F. McARTilURS. '" -- ;"- '. .. . ' '· : · , .; _, . B.llA.).)BURY PIANOS. T · EE subilcribe rs --. ,,., t , ._ ' take .vu-.. 2 eppor li. n,.. ~y By orJer, . -· 1. !JILNE, ic~r.etary. ':IF y~.'\V.ANT \' 'l 0 A_ ,. . . . :.BowmauviUo, ·r.rayU . 41. T REGARDLESS OF t:JOST PRIUE. .. SUIT:; ' . ' . 'CLOTHES' ' "" ' ·-' - . ' - " '1 · . GO .TO l'or ,,_,,00 · . Proj>Oit7-4e, by tho best eullet. ;n ~o.w·· , e _ F. F.j-IcARTHUR& ' . ....... F -.URN I TU RE R; S.']}1::ANNING'S --Q~binet ~V arfu-roo_ms~ . GIVE '.SJ:1\lC ·A CA.LL.· ; :. F·. 1". M:otARTHUR -: J ( ·. ! -n- 1 , './i.'r Sewin6 ~'M.achines ·! ': OE' ALL KINDS, K'ING · STREET' W!?,:i'J'; I ~ ~ ' .,. . . , , , ~aul11:"!MO Firkins. of : Elti ·Jri·tt:· E Fl .· ' -o,. .· ,. .And will. pay \ile ·hig h" st 1l<'ko for it. 119. Slga oCtlu~ BE,l.VER~~ ' Two CA.RDING .lJlachiues, At t}/,e Lowest' />.Qs·ible P.ritx.s for Cash. ,1,T.sur..1, giYit-n to the back' as soon_ as ··any f?lhor t:>st~l?li~?m)pt.. ::-~_Sp,e,cial &ttenUOu, e.g Parties fr<tm a distaut~e_ will ., get theu: rolls home with them if pussihle. ·.'\\Tork do ne as cheap a-s elsewhere. FuHing and Coloring_ attended to with neatness and desp tit ch~ As I have a. ·large tiUfll 'in vesttd in tba.t line Wool taken in e:;s: cbnrtge foT work, · Full it will be foun.d very conlplcto in Cloths, -Tweeds, I1'ln.nnels · and Blankets kept · ·all its details. on baud to exchn.nge for v·1 ool or seH che ap for 'The highbst. 'price paid for fi rst~good a ssortm. e nt of' Comm1 elass \vool. · co~sta~tly on h~nd. ACEN-TS - ' ACENTS ! W-e will be able. to .give c~stomers . tbeir rolls UND ERTAKING BUS INES S., 'jtQ'if. .. S'.&LJ;: OHEAP. l.Vorkn;tan & Cougdou. 44 .. 21. C.artwrigut, May 26, 1870. . . ·N.ow it-th'e ttllfe to· goi Birga'i'ns. APPRENTICES ! FIRS? CLASS f.l~ARSij ro mm~. B .a·l i A O'. 11... &\.B - ;_ a >' - Apprentiees to · lea:~ the -.Da.binet...Mak>iD'g M&r~t .l'Ull~fa·iil: and Tu~aing buswes·. ,AppQr to ! 'Tll!)S. ' JOH)IS'J'ON, _ ' M'a.nagel". ;' . ·)>l'r.! IStb,.. 1'87'0·; - · 4fi-tf; ' l .. ·. ·' i W ANT . ED·,·by tho B . owmanv-il:~ . . . 1 &_bin~~ Manufactnrinf7 Coiupa.ny,.a. few- good : ·(!) = = ~ ..,..: .. Send. ACE"'TS ! Nowlhave it! SOMETHING NEW ! NEW :TAILOR~Ni - EST.t'llLISli!.l El·lT. . . : ~~,, ·~~ LA~S?!~~ · ·Wi>11lt1, ..~t. <!'·P·~~firll:;- in!~rm th· io!1abi; \ :.t&n:~:~p:~·DJ(l'IlS.id1~6-.~n'l'! ~C · SUt'f<lQ'O.dlag ATT RACTIVE VALUABLE > ,~hat .Age'1t· ,;w~I ! 1oo . ~;?n!f,,7;;.!~Ts, Wha~ ever9oody ·ID<mh ! · ' 'l'AILORINGJU~IdssJ ' io tho Stud lately ·· ~a11:t1·;r;t.~t .li,~' ;,!LS · i;ommeoeed «>§ . · Ql'J!CK 'SA!L'ES l ' LARGE PROFITS Agt\uts ma.king over $2G per-day Others can do it. Send for one ' of ~:r.L.L-Y~s PATt:~T Sta JNG ~ns. '. Price only $6.00. · · OCClJfl&D llY ltll; OOllNISR, , . \Wber-e_ he l s prcpred to <io 11.!I kinds of. wortt . .:intiKlii:u~ au.siim ess in tll-0 latest styles~ er OU!!!i?S DO.)}'~ · . OJI tlie:8borteat Notice - · ...,. . t1114 ;ll~of , ~, Tb~· &bove epgraviag ·bows one of KELLY'S · PATE~T SPRlNG BEDS in witli tb"1 side_pl.ii !ak!>a O\lt to,sbo.;v.~be. $ide and ti;p of Hed . · & Seds~d · Boli'!;n·nvi!i·.,' UU[-Z5/ !8 'ro. I .._,~ ati f · . tor oar priva;te·o!rcu.lar.· · .111 woill; ;Wortu&et. Olotbu c!ee'Dri ""~ ' oa th~ ~boc t~~t !lo~ice, · ·-..:. c!i.·;; Zv w rae.~ vi ! k:J ~!~J 28.J' :S7-f',, .Addr-0ss J. ~KELLY & Co. Bvw tu~'Q vil1e, Ozi L JI, ~, LttV!""ll6<. d .