.. :I ... r() J1a.ve dissqlV.cd r)lldnership; nhd that the. business ·w ill licllcefonh be carried oil .bi _ t he undersigne~. : · . , JOHN FJ,ETCElER, JR. BoWmnntille 1 ifune 22 1 187'0 , To All ;Whtim it ·ma~ Concern1 l. ~rrxRR.:X~~ -·· ·_Tx:na::ms : - -·. 1AICE_NOT.JbE thil.t SwAl'~ \IOILUNTE.ERS FOR RED RIVER. '1 1 FLNTCHErt & HEIFERS LOST. · SttUNC TtUUl~ Ol>~NtitC OUT I At the_Bowmanville Clotbing Store. n 2 e: ,,. I § · scriber, lot 15, 0th con~ession of Dal·~ -Newest Styles in Coatings. ;., N . Tewest Style; in Ties. gton about the 10th of April last 1 'f\VO . .. YllARLtNG H EIFERS: one cle"' "loite Netve·t Styles iri Vestings. Newest Styles m Collars. mulley"; and tl1c. otller re~ and ivhite. WhoNewest Styl_es in Trowserings,: . ·-- · New.es_ t Styles in Shirts. eTe.J.' 1'i·ill give iofonrtntio1i. that will lefld to -. l~ewest Styla·'3 in Beadj-fuade Clothiag. th·i;. rctover1 1will be SlH;aljJ y rewarded. ,;. .- iiT .rn B-., ~ 0 J[, D A"< n · E A p F '"' R ~ A '"' . GEO. W! 'fHER!DGE, rn. ""- _ ., "' "" "" "" "-' """' "-' · "" !Jorlitigton, jun~ is, ·1s10: 46·8w. ~Call early where you can make a good selectiQJl. "Yi'!! 1.'R ..\. YED from the_ premises of t he._snb;; NEW GOODS : J UST_ RECEIVED. I "° tu :u 0 B 0 [ sn · · · · , Monthly FASHIONS regularly received from New York. All ordc~s promptly -, fXAMINATION Of lEACHtRS. Iattended to. · TilR.next l1 dlf,yeo.r1 y Mecti ug of the Boo.rd , of-Publi C"".: InstruC:tioh, for the Bowtnan vil.le -'".Grammar Scho ql OiTCu iL1 will be held in the~~cbO.)l Buil.Hiigs, Bo'rmanville, on DAVlD FORBES. G-OODS . :B .A.T TP..i 1'T G'S; · ·· ·' · ,. . I W~~!~~~t~a!~~~~~-v,1 Ira. in., on the lirstdav1 anol present ·Cnnciidates n.re requireU to. be hi·ls~f charocter, pr~sent A.t I tcstimo- · . Ily order of tho Boa~.' m:isrr:r, Sceretsri- NEW PUINTS, . I NEW JiRiLJ,IANTS, WE\V Dlt~SS GOOD§ C ONSI TIN S r G OJ:' -. Bow.msnville, June 11, 1870. kc. , &c. ·&c. :NE"iV GI..it)\rES, NEW HOSE, , l'UE\.V TIUlilffHNGS, ,:;..: :_.:~ ., . BONNETS,· SIAW'LS HATS, AMI -tilFES~ 6N ·,. ·-,.,,, lusolvent Act _ of 1869. ALL -.., ~ 0 . '?"-· ;-; -'.'C.-· ,; GOODS MARKED AT'. LOWEST CASH PRICES. Posi-tively N ,;· Abntemefit, WILL COl\UIENCE f,. the 1nattel' of ~- / I :, -WILLI.>\.:\! HILLTEU, ·. Bd-WillP..nville, April 2'1 1 1_ 870. ~~~~~w£T9- __ .- an Insolvent. 1 ftJE In§olVent" hn s n1ade an B.ssignment bf his c.strt.te nnd .effects fO me, nnd the ere .. i:litars e.:re'- not.ifierl ta· lueet· at La.tdm er's Ho1\.TOTI C!l IS BIBRil BY GI VE N, tbat iill tel, in- the ·:Viiliil.gC of Eui,i~ldlleu, in the l~:tt persona ho.ving cl11ims _nga.1n s t the Es.:. County of Dur.h nmi -on Sa~urday, the 2nd tat.e of Guy U nmsb:y; la te of tbe Town ship day of J11ly next., at noon, to receive sta- te~ meats of his ' o.ffairs, nnd tu ap point a.n As.;. . Mr. J.-N. G. · £oDG~ving be.en ~P RO( ~l~i:i of Cl a r ke, in t he C ~u n ty of Durh!ttti1 WlJ d Agent foi· tl~ e a.bove Compa ny, is .p repare d d ied o~ or ,.b out the second ~ay of Feb rt111ry, !lgcee. to take His ks on Farm Huildingf;! . and their A. _. D. 1809 7 or against bis Exee i.l tor::J as such'; HENRY .l!ASON, co nte1i.ts· Churcht's Common Schools , _an'd arc required to forward the sainc on oi: be.; T11teritii Atisign ee. T O \ T U H~lls rt. nd o hs.e3e Fac tor_ies.w i lh th eir fore· .M on do.v, the t hin.een~~ day - ~f Jun~ Cobourg, June 13, 1870. · \ord inary co ~ ~e ut ~ 1 a!. the follo'\ving· 1 :at.er-i 1·f"or , nc_xt i if. b:/. post:1 ,P.1:~ p a ~d 1 to Me~t!!, Fare.1 ! a t.e_ rm of thr<::e ye1i.r s, I without, RilJ :. pr:nlbli'd i wt:1li ..Mc?"ee - & ,. i:.l~~le~ge:, of_ U:e. ,T~w b. 04 no lo or ony rurtho r liability ot any kiod: 1·)lowmanv1Jlc, S ol!Ci ,ors ol the said _ Exe cu---F i~ST Ct Aes .-Dwelling houses of_ Brick tor~; tbeoi~' Christia n and S urnam es , nd d tCs.s:Gann.da: P " r ovince of} . In tbi: Covnt,· o_r St oDe 1·w.i t h 'R o.ofa covered with S·l.a:te, e::i. fl._ nd decdrip'tions; th e f .u .11 pfi.rti Clllnrs of On,t'ariiJ, tfuited Coun- Court of the U n ited Tile , Me tal, G ravel , or Sh1ngl"JS lr.id in i t he it· claitns; n statement of t11eir account.s ties ofNorthumberl iind Co u n ties of NorMort ii.r 1 w H.ll tlle lr Coh ten t s 1 tit a c a. sh and the_n~ture of. the secti dty; if acy 1 held und Durham tlrnmberland an d premium of :)Oc per $ 100-: , . . by t hem . · .· _ , · Dui'llai.n, SEco~TD . 9i As~ .-D"'e l hngs - _of ~dck or And NOT1CE is furl be~ given, that froID Ston e, Shiri g 1e -.Ilbof, .With 1!-1e il' conw fl;Ud after the above tuPntlOllC'd date, theun_In tlie 'matter o f t~nt s , nt a cash· prelni um of 6 2~C_ p e r. dc rsigned Exeeutors . will proceed to distri. $1 00 , .,,. . . , ' .. · ., . ." l l>ute the asse ts of the said Estntc 1 hRYing MARTIN WILLfAM BA YL Y, THIP.D Ct!es.,;;::,_Dw.ellirigs ..of -:'Yo.od, with regard to .the clnims .of' which t.hc said Ex.e. . An Insolvent 8hingle Ro·of, B,arns_ and . Out~uildi?g.s cut9rs, shall '._h E:rl' h~1' e not._ ice, (if uny) 1 and , Tni uhdersi fttiCd i1ns filed .ir.i the offic ~ of with t.hel r l:!~. n te uts, .uL a Ca$h prem ium / s hall not . · b· _ -.1.1a:.b'le for . t b.e RSscts, or any part tbis Court, 8. De~d of Oomp osi t1on nod Dis, of 75 1! p ~f $·100 1 . ··.: - . - . t hereof_ so d_·_ s1 r1 bn ted to nny person of \f hoac .chnrgei f'"..x:eGtded by his Ure.di tors ; and on " · · J . tf. d-: -LODGE, churns, they . SJHili Il'Ot .. then hn:Ye notice, at Pprt Ilope 1 O nt the ~ t.ip e of the _ distrlbuti~rt' _of -~· ifeh_ n.ss·e ts, Wednesd;~, the 20th day of July.next w *tif. .A : c·0ot EY, _ -_ l . .°.: a. par t tl~er~o f. --~~<l tn at lln s ?not ree.. ls i16~ ~il~_ a_ ppl; to ibe.111r:lgc cf t11e sRirl Cdu rt.; Gcn'e ral Agt 9.t and Insp C! ctor; f . g1v~n 1~n d e 1 t he prov1a1ons of the .. 9t-h Vic. · . . . , ., . ll':: _ tor1n 1 Ca.11. 23. . ·. for a . Contirijj:trtio-n of t.hc disc}lnrgo t he rePo~t Hope, llfn_ y , .. e.1 18?0. ~ -1m Da ted this 13 th a~y of1!ay, 1810. nnd continue· fot two' VJe~ks. farmer's Insurance . Compan~1 NOTICE! tJr '\Viii be ;iven, in orller to make a 1-iri ... J (}0 lVI P L E T E CLEARANCE ' · ,. ;. I . 1 , Insolvent Act of 1889. ' of our SUMMER GOODS. DON'T FAIL TO CALL. TERMS, CASH AND PRODUCE. ~-NO SECON":O PR.l:CE. A. ·.argc lot oC Cot· ...:Et·. per yard, .· ; ,, <- · · -~ . { I .. by ritfott~d. .bL W . ll AYLY, by J. \VRlGHT, A GRICULTUR · .\L _ MUTUAL . . his Attorney ad limn. N~W~osiie, l f'l th June, A. D. is10. . _ .AsstrRANCE ASSOCIATION OF CHRONIC .DISEASES. --"-- THIS is t o g{Vc: n otice t ha. t ir r . Wm. Gny , .. ~~ , _. "Jfokc-Ht '.Physiciit-n i; . ll e ther-in g tonhns bee_ n a p pointed a gent in H.'1. ll.l U@R COi'll il.~,~l'i K · 'i:j[TOJ:iLD RNSPECTlV R LY STATE tbe Conmy of DurhRm, fo r t he ab ove Com.' Y·f , tllat he is n~ny Lreitti n~ s ucc ess-fu lly pnoy, 1n suc cessi on t o l\f l' Ja s N G Lod ge, a nnaa.l mec t 111!f of-G:e ~ 10'e k. . 1o l d e r!l. ~he follo_ ,Vh1g disease.s :-rnpi l.c psy, or fnli ing- \\h o has qui t its emp loy. j: off t he! Po rlt i:~.n· i1 nf g tD o ? Ha rbor Com- t · h · f ' · ' ~1r F eth e riugton w · ill R,tf end to the renetv- pany: 01 t le <= ection iue ctors foi t he l Fils, .tn ~ . ·cir ,wyrsl · o rm; Con 1> nmpt10 n,. u1 f ensuin g year wi!l be }ield u.t the Offit.'e of its,v::iriohs stages, (with Dr. J.'s .. r enH:.tl iee a 1 o a ll risks of t-he Com p.'l.ny befo re ther tl ia u r t p t D · 1· t l-,.ori S \1mpt ion.,i~ no l_o ngcr a n inc urabl e cl is- ex pire. B e h:;s bee n well r eco mme nded , ~, n d om pa ny , tl or ni-.i n g on, on ('JfSe) ;. Uronchitis, Cati rrh , Asthma, Gravel it is h opecl his ~ ppoin t rn ent wi ll pro . ·e . l'Y!onday, the 20th Day of June nex t, :bropsy of tle ' Chcsr 1 AbdiJminH l Dro psy 1 a r c ~1 rtable to t 1rn' memb,·1s generally. IIi .s :i.t the· h'our' ot four o'~lo. c k, p. m. Ji-e:ner,aLDIOJi B J! &-r.., pa.li e nt~w ho-have Pe~· 1:·' P os t-- OlTice i ii Mi llbroo k'. , "»1 o ~»h·r 1 J . ·MILNE, t~pp.ed s·~V er.Kl:. tilhes. a.re curabJ C UJt.de1· _ Ur. W;vJ ...N II.iES , S ccrctAr,'i' . .Jumca' tr,eatnrnn't~ disea ses cf t he - GCneral Agent.· ,,. ·· · -· · ' . DR. JAMES, :m · -· C_ A N A D A. TYLER H. GA 1!BSY. ~;~REN~O, A, GAMSBY. N i>LS Oli .<.1lALL. FR1·c\\' Cl1 1 i\IoGee & Rnll e f1g ~ 1 Executo rs Soliei·f urs., Bown.Ia:tfvil1c. 42-4t. E> ecntors I LA.DIES' FINE StralV HA.TS . -- ' f~r 19i c . .each, ~oc, FANCY aobos, · ' 1vor~h :Joe. MEN'S AND BOYS LIGHT worth PORT DARLINGTON ° ry""HE I ~ ·- ¥ ~ i_ ,'. ~:.J _· . .EYE .AND E ..l\ . R, t?rors .ofyout11t Ner \re'us . Dcbi lrtf; P1·eiun tur,c Decily f\nd all the .effects of indi s cre-Hon:~ of youth-a e'ii i"C ' ts g_.)J!'·rn nleed ; ·Dys i)·e.pain: , Liv-~ r. ,. d.ii1~ln scs. 1 and dise ases o f Londo n, Out. , :l!oy 16. _ IS"IO· 44-l m , ·1 t. ['.') CAUTION. - SEL l iN C OFF. .:. :B'..L:-\..S llION ABL1:lJ . .. . \Ire. will ... : .. ' ' .· ' ', :,·: sell g0eds at very l~li U.:ti. d . Chi!flrci::1~ C nti c er~ rli.H"" J_ . p uhl_ic nre _ lle--n~'tJ .. wa:rned ag a inst ~_11 rP.d. .\ Hl:io· ~·I t c' u~ti og , nnQ. -.l_ ittle pfliti; Sore pnr cli fl.~rng t\n J Promi ss ory Note, Ktll LeJts; Sil.It fl tteu nl; a n d Scr ofu1o. i n dll ifri' or ofde r , b(:tlri ng o r p u rpor! ing to be ar n1y (orins. -,JJr. if. ... i-s bap pj' - t o Sfl.j" 1 d i ~ e n ~es sig na.tur c, t\ S the SA. m~ w: ll not b e p a.id 1 for r1\'-l:1ich ha\~e bHhertb bce'u .thtn~ ght incnraDle tlie following reusons: On or a_ U out ~be 9th :.,1re u'ow rapidly Jiclding" td his Li·eatn'i'en1 1 May iu s L, U 1y s: g nntu_ r e 'l\'.i. ~ _ Jr:t u d u lcn tl y Wo11t_ C;'D ~s .his tfral<>f1il p:.!.lient s u. re "«·i_ l l ing lo teat ify . obta ined to a ll oCunten t 1rilir port1r1 .g to b e n co ntnict of a gen cY. for the sale of " Morey's -W~ll bO ndtnhl.istert:d ill st n.r form 1 ill afly P a tent HA.y .Fork," .·by a }lerson calling llimtliscnSe: ~ ,. , .. , sel f C, A \ber t s: , Agent. !"l a ving recently 1'he r.fili tt.tidr iVho Cnntiot obtfll b. relit f lea r ned t ha t t he t ro. nsa ct io n i n q uest ion is n frOnt. other ~o i1t t~ R, are p Ftr t icu·Ja r ly i ~vit Ci:I fraud and that signntures so· obtai.ncd. hav e to Ca.11 and ·sec him. 1r:.1-__. Ott1cc in Neilsonis bee n {-;_sed to. 'dece i\·e the puhUc nnd parties ltrt!l; B~l1e:til1 e . Office h ou rs, 11 a . n:L fo rro irig tbcrrr, t h is no tic e ·is ·gt Yen . -·:to i:i P· !"· . . D ANI E L HO G'ARTH . Y~iii:S_,mos~. t.e3pec tf11Hy, . . . . 4! 3-3w-, . , 11. JAm:s, fil. D ~o Ca:lo~eli no ml3t'e ury, no ~1 i tie-1;i:t1P oi3"ons 1 FUB,l~ I 1 URElI R <S . M~A..N N ING'S C".abi'net. Wfl t·e,,roorns,AT · A lnrg,o n~exte ns; st~ ck of . I I l!HlllG · STREET WEST, · n:::r A.t -tiie Lowe·t Pvsxii?e .Prici!s f!Yr Ca sh. I f p.-- CENTLEME-N'S Ct.OTHl 'N~! / . Apti1 ; HtiA ; ~-~--~~~~~---- ~~~- . > : r -· r- ·w ~ u~DiR~AKiNG 'BUS!N i~·s · all its detnils . _ c·ons t ant.ly on fui.. n 0.'. As ._J l~ave_n. Iarg_ e s.um lnveste;.d in that· liri'e ·i:·. 1t 1v11l be found very complete in . . 1 , 0 O. ~miw ~ Made to order in the latest New York sty\!lS· . An liHmensa .lot of bcnutiful A i;-ood as§o:rtmcnt oC C:offins · in g the higilest cash pri c& for first NOW IN STOCK. Now, is the time. to buy Cheap Suits of Stylish Clothing. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HA.ROW A.RE, Ji'l001.'S and SHOES, CROCKElltY and GLASSWARE, &c., l\lfESS Rai . YOt!Nti !t BRITTAIN are PRY 2 -~ ~ ~ 0 y Q ;~~;;:;· ·~~'";A~~. I ~ 1 la3' B . "_ tter, fir kins .preferred. i j Ii ·_ B .--=-trs~ the fin es t s f\.lt . l:fJ. · 1 0 great va1·iet~· at ELLIOTT'S Sto1·e, Hampton. HENRY ELLIOTT, .Jr. ·_: . [J:j r 1 TO HIRE. BoWti1 d.n\·til e, nur 25,, 1870. ~ of which are ?lea:ed, well fenced, :and under ---------------~~-ofab ont five acrc~ 1 - n.nd avery ··good log l bd.l H.dinti:tllereon. For ' purtjcnhil';j' nppl_ J tO '· A L EX. BRADBURN-, 1 l1Hm snb scribet ofi'. . Ts f . ..d sa1ti p11..t t trf Lot No, 10 1 in t he 2nd con ~ _-ot'C nrtwiijtht 1 i n ·tlie County ofD i1rlatm1 conta i ni n in:g- 75 "a Ct~CS1 60 . -~' FIRST CLASS HEARSE BERT Y'if ~1. .., lIT QQL -n ! n?d first-ra te cult1va t1on . There are two good well· and. a small sprin g, nl·6 a g ood ~rcb- ~:::i'x v.6~B -~ o-=' ~~~~~~~ ~ ~ . e I I ·~ lhf" All goods mnrkcd in plain figures, and 'at reasonable prices. HA~!PTON, Janua ry 26, 1870. 0 . ~ . ""' " r ~ - LJ · . .0~,t.wr1gl·t,J"ne Sth,l~~:.bepre:~~~·~.. ~ rJ . ~ ,fBI:! ('II! ii: a DA DGA't...I' ~ · ~u1 ,q)-.fc\l.F;.-M QM.ll lfi · Q -I_ .- ~ j U3t rec~ived _ ti. !'!apply of .Wo~king Mnleril\l S nnd l'° ancy Goo ds , includi ng Bi rl-in, .F lee cy, Levin.than Fing ering WoolB '· .-. _ lrlsl1 W"orkic> g Cotoon , Filoselle, Leav.s UA ~T:.E R a cr _e oi_ and on King slre . et, and-, Stamens for_ making F lowers, :Sil~ .·1 . _ on w birh a_r~ ere.ct.ed a goo~ BRI C K ver a nd Bronze Card-bt1e.rd [somet-b ing :1· . S'roRE and !J:welhn;g , r.fr ara e. dw.el b ngt l~rg e new], Book. Mn.rks, Ln<lie3' Collars, _ .E.Jg- HAS MISS STOUGHTON .~ = .. . ~- B · ·· R - ..u .. _.·. _ '· r'i,_ o - -.~.--~ , J.,~~f TT T'1i wilf seil, for twe·i1ty days, his sfocll:: 1 ' pf '" 'H ~ brick .tiln.. c ksmith's.-:sbop., a..µ d _lar_.ge wood~n - ings and Bra.ids in all varie ti es. OrJers : w_orkshop: tho w. hol_e for $2 1&0 0,;...._$1 . 1000 .· in St.fl.ra ping nnd Embroidery pr on1 ptly exe~ c;1sh, and ·b a.h1n c ~ as may 'J;e a g.ree d upon. ' c ti tcd. T itle.~ ..i,q{.l is p.i:i ta;ble. -4-pr~ on the-.pretµ'.J. isc s,t !L i"" F'ir.a t- ·d o or west of Ilfessr.:i. ~lul'doch's I' .t o . ~ Gro c ery. ·!!. MpTA:VISH, . l} O,V D'Jl.n· ille, J une 1, rn10. 4 4-lm. ~ ·B ovn-. ~n,v i11e, M·y 4tb, :l,8;! Q, 4 0-tf. I ~ t . : Q . ' A· ,{1_;:;;:11 ··· I I ~ood ·T .·r. .TON!TIS_ , .-,;, . D,. Bowmno: ·dlle !lfa rcll ~th . 1S-t°0 . YOU_ N G MM f "-" a . B E~T~-L STU.· DENT. -None need .ft.-pply b µ.t ·t hose of habi ts r.. nd B ~p o rtrc en.t. , W)\.NTED .. . ·· ' · · · · ~ i ~ S E\" hun,;llrcd bushels of tbe now celebrnte_ il '-.' H 'l'tI!.TSON" t , · Seed Potatoes. ·- . ..q.. · - · - REGA.RBLEss ifJ- vosT P.RicJii, ·~i;t.b.)!..i s. ' m Se .. 'l?vant Wa11· + ._ ..d . 1_,. . . Beith., iE·9-·· MURDOCH Darlington; or to ~ ~ ,BROliJ., · ' :-t.he the coµn1;r,y"~ ure 011cred for sale.82 P.rice $.l per bu£hel. !Jise~a 11t . on orders ' over e_ i ght bushels . Apply .te ~obcrt P t o a oes lllOSt ]}i'ob:fic Y.ar! cty yet g r own NEW 8_ -~ TA1JLORml'~G .T .A B ·L IS'µ M § JV T. plp_aq\lo ~uas'1LN Offic·. Bowmani.il_ l e, May 17, 18. 70. l U AN)l'E D, 4_ GOOD SERI' AN T GiRL · 't'f Wages good. Work very light. Ap- · · ~2 · 1870. _ ·Bowm~nvllle.'I 1¥gekly (f(obe fosert three weeks ' and send a.cco.µn _ t to this o _ i!ice. (!::)- ~yril ~3.th, Notip~ :! ' ;t = 0 !fl ' ' · w· · · , ,,.,....,.....,... 2 - .~ ·. . - - ---~- -'- ~ ----"- $, ~~ 'ltiJii/W·~lW-~ ~AILORING BUSINESS OCCUPIED · BY MR. CORNISH, ' in the Stan-dJ _a.tel_ v .· ' . Wo11ld most respe~ ¥""\~i·ls i~form - t~H1 ·inhabit.o.ats of Bowtnnnville and the surrounding eouatry,tbat he has commen.ccd th e T~E un d er&ig,ned h.av e i bis da.y .en t({re.9- : NY person ba vin_g lo ::Jt a brow n Spa n iel ~, into Par ~nersh ip to carry oµ _ tbe l?rot"'t b t th' · e business in Bowmnnviile, .in the .s.tand 1 · 1' . pu p is forlJ?erly oce·u pied _ · :t be d1 may . J..e.itr u i .. y app. y1 ng a. b y :F' o ti E~f - & B UNTER, 0 fjJ c~.' an payi ng e~·penses . 44 firm t_ o t,>e k nown by ~e na[!la ~~-~ .title of B'U RD EN & W E,ItR)-" STEAY PUP 9£ Par~ne,r!'lhi9; -~ A . ~a::~~s~s~thc:~tl yleslm f~~'J::.~n~"l~:;~~J~~~~e!t~i:~c~~~~:;; iCHDPP~NB AXES . \!ill.. Q,I A A ._ A _ l!l.'ll ~ l}!3 _~i _ ._ .l' f.li! Cil.y doh Hospital """ Oh pf , ) L on o~ .D H for · Diseases , O of the of -Blood'sj -Burton ~, Da.te s, ;ind _ Ru. ssel make I On the S.h ortest Notice .. · · · .. MEMBER OF RO YAL COLLEGE oF Surgeons, E ngland; Licen ii ate Royal B;>.wm~nvill e , Apri· 1 1, 1;810 . 36 .Where he is prepareU .t"? .-do a.11 kin,d s of w·o rk Col!eg.e of Physicians, Edinb_nrgb. (-Late l~-'--;, ----~----~-~ -~ - _ ____:__ __ ' . 3 . BURDEN. ·n . WERRY. ·s,, _ .uce .: ,. r . 1 1 emman " · rono. ver >·heap e.t = = ~ <ll .. -, ~ A CENTS ACENTS! ACE '\ITS! Now! have it! SOMETHING NEW! ATTHACTIVE VALUABLE Just what Agents wa><t ! Wllat ever!JbOd!J wants! wanted at once. -.,.- · . ; .Q,mcK :S.ALES I . . - LARGE PROFI'tS Agents.making over $20 per da.y Others can do it_.·.. Send for one of KEL~l'."'s P_A:TENT Sva.LNG Br:oa: Price oii1y:$6.00. ' ·. loo MORE AGENTS ,e"Olkft~ll,. ;.t b . re~iHi} · on the shortest notice . .,6.), .~n~k witrraated. OIOtbe ~ clczned an d A ea.J i D!". B . PATTE~SON , TH O.MAS BASSET'S. < ·-;.om e s- v!He_ , 'Ma y }, Jr_ , !F_ '. -!L·~ l'liJ ~.. ~; · ·.I C+u.,cb Act, ·,v . lU. "' ~ S U--ec+ 28, l 8 'H>, 44. tf. . Riw:. S T.ERED· uridez t~~ :oew .lledicol . LL PERSONS WDE.IlTED TO THE · be foa"{).d . at ·h is old r1f.fic.e, 1 · . ?ablisber oft.be. Su.TESMA-· N -for sub: f d · · " B ~w m ., n v· t~~ A .. ,, 20 l S'lO i)B ~cr1p ioD , a. vert1s1 n g or job w oik: 1 are re. __ '"'. _ l u ,' -~·d , · · ~es ted to setLle the _ s.;iJ ?e ~-t o_ p. ee I A ~ '- '· 1':·~ll.,JIHAlll/ ·' ' ; ;The abo~e engnving sbo"'s ono of KE,L_LY'S PATENT SPR!SG BEDS i.n wit? tbe sr~e ra.Jl_.t'a.ken.out to s~aw the side and top of lled_ · ~d for our p&:1va.te c1rcula~. Addres·s - & Iledawad · · :Uarke~. 3u itd ~!? g,<!/ I peeembet i.s, !S~9 . [20] J. A. KELLY & Co. B:JWC! an ·1 illi:,On. t, , . . ,I ' ' .