L~z11.ms, Morris & C.o's' A oorrcspondent of the 001w try Gm I tleman says -'·Place )OU oats in a heap m tho middle of the th Fasl mg fioOJ, on tho end that Lhe wind h 19ws to Get you a milking "tool and a small scoopyour wife'· flour scoop will do-'>nd throw the oats with a light . urn cf the wnst, lo tLo other end ot the ikor agarnst n gentle wrnd A little practice mil soon enable ) ou to throw rt in a half ~ircle and at the eamc di·tance. 811oep vfl now and then if you have mu ch , the utmost euclc for seed, the light oab foi feed, and the weed seed to bm n. Yon ml! now have seed oats worthy to sow, without buying at $5 pc1· bu>hd I have socn oats grow m Sweden until I was 40 )Oars old, but I never saw n hca·y crop where the seed was not seleuted as abo.c " 8PfTAClfS t la t both tbeu M · TRELEVEN~ ha.~ llOW !~=~<.:~}u=E=L~P==I-I~~~~~~~====~~~=~~~~~!!!!!!!!l!li. SEWING MACHINE COMP'NY. ROVINCIAL EXHIBITION ,1809. Three first pnr.es, ~nd one second :irn::e award· ed us. on hand an immense stock of H AVl'fG HAD THE AGEKCY for tbe J ea1, L. CORNISH, P made the d.scovery that l\ nolesa.le and rebul puces were Gentlemen's rand Children's PRU NELLA AND CANVAS e~o1b1tant nnd because of 1mparttng thl9 1nfo1muhon to one of the firm, ord 1 theu fa1h n g to stnnd by 1 be original agreenietit 1 J. HIG'GINBOT_ DA.lll, oO per ~ent. cheaper than ~any or L. llI. & Co's Agents, cithe1· In Bowman,. Ille 01· the Doml11lo11. he refused to Lave anytlnng more to do "1th them But be has a complete assortment of tt ese ce1eb rated Spec.lncles, nnd will sell B O O T S AN"D SECOES, all of which he is selling at a great reduction from his usual low pr1ccB. Call a11d see tbcm, and got ba1ga10s, at the CHEMIST and DRUGGIST, STOP AND SEE! J., M & Co. may a!sert JUit what they plee&tr1 but the follow .ug FACTS they dnre not den.) · Sign of the Big Boot Drawn by fwo Horses, King.st., Bowmanvillc. l ST-That L COUNISH ha3 & full assort- ment of their Perfected Spectaclc.11 . , I ')ND -Thn.t L C bas never sold one pa.it ~'.Io \\hat country docs a Cannibal ~of Spectacles for the Perfected tb was beloag? To Manchew Tartary, of not bought of L M & Co cour~e. ')RD,-That if L C can buy L M & Co's ceut lesa from other" ..i AD from the mnnu(ac. tnrers 1 he lS surely lh l pos1t1on to sell at proving ouysclve·. less ti an .a.ny of L lf & Co'!'I Agents, and be p1om1ses their celebrated Spcctaclfls at a ~ What 1~ tbe diffaenpo between n rri ce that will make them not oulv an Amer· cat and a document? One has claws nt 1ca.n cat.ch but an Aruer1co.11 bargain D6r' WJJ fo?low the world in approving others, but we go far before it in ap- t.) Perfected Spec·acles from 50 to 100 per EGS rcspc ctf1lly to announce tb<1.t na im 1"0LLOWING REMAUKS QI 1 hns received n Vi fdl n.asorted Btock of Icstitnon1nls of most'" onc!erfnl a.nd e> Genuine Drugs e.nd lJnic F.ng-li3h 011em1cals trnordtnary cures in CanadFt. by the GRE..KI' Also, a. splendld stock of tb e mo:.t. carefully I NDIAN REMEDY. They are stern , und~ se lected n1abl& and 1ncontestable fact:, sufficient · convince t be most skeptH.:al that the Greifl Med1cu1al Compound yearned after for a.g'9 1s no" acces31ble iu the Great REVERSIBLE HA~D MACHINE, $15 which cn..nnot be surpassed for exce11ency of qnahty An asso1tlnent of Aniline Dyes SHOSllO:'WEES REMEDY Tho most nerfect Sewing" 11Iach1ne 1n the kept constantly on Jui.ud together with n 1 market , Uunva.lled for s1rup1Ic1ty of con· choice :aeleCti on of struct1on, beauty of fintsb 1 speed, and gene ra.I adaptabihty for fii.mily purposes A trial JJRUGS, wtll co n vince everyone,_,_ of its s 1 111enonty CH~;mcA LS, B r ' DYE STUFFS! __ PATEN1' MEDICl!\ES, BRfTitl;!BS TPeadle 21Iachme, Only $20 THE LARGEST, 1 HF. CHEAPEST AND I the best Treadle ever otfcrcd to the public OILS COMB~, ::muuLDER-ljRAOES' SUPPORTERS, &c, 'PAINT1'l, COLOM, , VARNISHES, oud WH!TELEAD 1 the end of its paws, and 1)10 other has pauses at the end of its clauses. March 9, 1870, L. COUNISH. 32 'I!!E :auEJ,Pfl REVERSIBLE SEWIKG Machines possess a ll the new and la test lJ::ir" 1 hove lost my appelit"'," snid a p:igantio fellow, who wn· an cmrneat performer on the trencher, to a friend. "I l1opt"," said the friend, " no poor -man ha~ found it, for it would -ruin him Fashions, Fashions. !URS. ALEX. FLETC11£R patroni H.nd the publJc tht1 t she has no"' reeeived im.prove1nents cornb1ned with the reqn1'it,tes: found essGnhctl to thst·clas~ Sewing .M achines n:T At thri verJ 1owest pnces. and are undoubted1y t~1e lo" est pnced reliable ~facb1nes now ofte1ed to the public Horse & Ca t;t;Ie Medich!l.es and c!ba.llenge oatnpaIJson ' THE GUELPH SEWrNIH!A1.mINE Co'y a ssur~ tbe public that nothing has been left in a week." W OULD beg to Inform her nuiucrous in gol.lcro.JJ "I don ' t see as anything is the matler with thi· plum-pudding," said n follow at n Thanksgiving dinner Sbe is aleo prepared to ma~e Ladies "Well whc»said there was?" growled Under·clolhmg and Genl-s' l>J;Jiil·, lu the latest otyle his nmgh bar. Mar"h 22td, !Sj@. "Why," soid the first, X concluded there was, you all seem lo he rnnurng t do~n." Q@'" The [,a.test London and New llirk Styles in D1·essinal.ing. SICN OF THE COLDEN LION. w. I ANDREWS I begs to nn:J:Jonuce that he is prepttred to g1~ c itistruct1ons in thtt elements of undone by them in tlie "fay of tro i.lble 1ind. expense io render their .Machrnes hrst-class 1n every i:e,.,pect 1 and recommend(~ tan tuu.1 in order to test their cla1u1s to superiority TO THE PUBLIC. rl'HE UNDERSIGNED RESPllC1 FULLY u1fo1 ma !he pub he tbnt he has purcb 1sed the entire stock·111-trade of tbc late Ricliard Ueed, Senr, and '4\111 co ntinue to tarry on tho TijEY ARE GUARANTEED 1 Vocal & Instrumental MUSIC, S. C. II ~ J, L I E R, lll. D., Graduate of Qucen1 s C'niversity, Tbe London Athaneuin contains nnothcr ex:a:nple of the influence of LATE HOUSF: SUJWF'..<nl TO THE KINGS'j'!'.)!lf OEI<EIL\L 1tm!Plf4),, forests upon the the qnantity of rarn. In .HD several distucts of Australrn there is n perfect iage for cutting down timber and Demonst1·ato1· of Anau;.11-,,y where this devastation has been ca~.ied TO THS out the quantity of water thot falls irr a year has greatly diminished , frolll 37 Royal College of Physicians &; 8Ul'Q£1Jn~, inches in 1763, it has decreased to 17 Kl NG ST ON · iuc!ies in 1868. In 1869, from Jacua1v R S C. HILLIER intends to commence to July, comprising two of the w;t the practice of his profession in the months, there only fell eleven inches of vill&ge of Millbrook, on the first of April - To perform i n eYery resp~et nll that 1s claimed for them BeldU determi ned to ptfzcon 1 repulat1?n, g"tia1d111g r1g1dl,Y aganist a.e rect or infet10 · 1ty in n:iaterial or wo1kma.11slnp 1Jav1 og lbe A!achrncs tboto"ghly t11 ed and embracu1.g thor ough Basa and Harmony, subJected at every stage to inspection , being the elements of compo.!!ltion. ma.nufoctuted under our own immed iate euHe is also prepared to tu ne o.nd repau: pcrintendcnce, employ1og good workmen P ianos . Residence-Church Street, Eas t u~1ng none but the ver) best 1\Jaehinery and Bowmanvrlle, June 3 1 1868. 45-tf. .Material the pu a l1 C may · rest assured that ou t wotk -n1ll be what it is rep1csented to be Boot & shoe Business , SOMETHING NEW -all first~cla:::s $60 for $3. D vv. ra1n. ~ The Quebec Gazette says one of the " cheekie3t " things out is the demand of the Hu\lson's Bay Company for compensation for losses by tho rebellion winch the Company's offici·ls did s~ much to promote. The Company makes its demand upon the Im~erial Govern meat, it 1s supposed with the ioea of getting rt out of Canada at last ~ 'l'he artless generosity of y.outb is · -"'"'ii""' ~ H e l'\lso intends to change locations with J,J.j .As heretofore 1n tlie old stand 1 11.nd hope::; by sn1ct n. ttehhon to bu siness to n:ier1t a oon .!: trnri ance of the extensne tlustorn aci:torded to lus fa1her for the past th1rt3 years F rAI\TED IN The same workmen be1ng emylcn,ed ns ..,fo1111erly, <!Ustome1s cn n depen d on getti ng a6.¥" .EUPiVlllAr.iVILLE ! ~ then 01dera Ullell u::; heretofore, n1 an iq uall;. satisfactory rnan11er l."XTILLIAM COBB, desire· to lntimate to A. large stock cf read y·tnake work 0n b nnd , f _ l the s tore-keepers of llo\\manv11l& \\ h1c h "ill be sold cheap for cash or :l pprov- ti.nd surroucding- country, that be has open .. ed credit cd a." IlRUS tl FACTORY/ 1 l.i.nd is now prepared to take oulefs for :Stashes of all d"scr1pt1ons, Bahia Broolna, &e, i n fact everyll11ng 1n the Brus11 hne The work will be got up se c ond to none manufo.ctuted in L hc :tiotb.1b100 Orde1s sol1c1Led ll'f'1C tory in Fallers1 Butld1ng1 oppos1to McTav15fi'a" A BRUSH FACTOR brother, Dr. W ·HILLER, of Enmskllien, Darlington, who~e r.ep;ttat1on as Ph7s1crn.n and Surgeou is too well known to require further comment. THIS IS TO CERTIFY at 'frinit:Y Colie.ge, "fo-ront.o,, was Demonstrator a.ad Prose.etor of Ana.torn;y u~der my T HA'i' w. )J:)J,LIER, WH[Lm A STUOl!'.IT supervision, rn 1852-3, and di,.,horg~~ l;iis duties to my ss.t1.afachan illustrated ia an incident, told by the Albany A"fl"'· of a little boy, bis face besm·ared witli molasses and bis rags fluttering 111,. tbe breeze, running up from the river, tlourishrng a dirty shingle and ecreaming ot the top of bis voioe to a c,ompd~ i '_Oh I Bill,, Bill, get as m;,ny llbys and shmgles ns you caa ; for there's n big hogsit of 'laoses busted on the 'Pavement-busted all to smn·h." 0 N. BF.THUNE, MD, Ed " F .R C S , Ed, ~! R '3,13.1 !Ong. Mi·. S. {), JI IL I.. 1.E R, atomy, tc_ D U!l,ING.JJ.Yth; session of cha.r,..- !867 and '68, d1s...ie duties of P1osector of Anentire sab::;fnctton He bas always been a diligent, attentne student, a neat and 8ktlful o.na.tonust Il1s d1esectio:la ga.ve tbs highest sa.t1sfaction to the clas:11 and entitle :rtir II to the d i::; t·nct1on of one of tho MAKING HIS STOCK best Students of bis own, or a.Dy other, M. SUL LIV AN, M.D , 'o::::i- An ·American traveler in Italy Professor of Anatomy. has dumbfounded the Government by 34 April ~5th, 1869 fierio\isly proposing to lea>e Mount Vesu vfo·s. 'He, says he will make ro~ds nnd NEW SPRING G DS !00 lay out plensnre giounds upon its rocky sides, build hotel> and set up soda foun tams on its summit, nod help the visltors up and down by machinery. To pay l1im for all this outlny, and amass a l\ifRS. J, C. POLI.A.RD bas now in stock n. very choice asaorlment of Bon· fortune besides, he 'Y·1' charge a small 11'..L nets, Ha.ts, Ribbons, Feathe1sr.Flowe1s,Lnces 1 admission fee' from ali who wish to st.op Colle.r:s, Ou.tfs, and p~he1 a.rWc1es up and see the show. year. Large, Attractive and Well Assorted. Spring Millinery! EVERY"TEfING NEW IN fil RS, C _ tHHHH~ !.A!. I<.: pr::i.p11. 10cl to atten~ to !1f11huer\; 1.tnd S<tira~ Work as uau Ll Lnd .. es' i~ elt frtttB cle~od tt.nrl altc1~d lo thti Ncw..es t Styi..;!:G~ ~ T\~ o App1entices "Vanted 1.mmR.dtat ely 130\vmanv1lle, r~ra1.ch 244J.. t 1..G:3 since, a prominent business man of Northampton, Mass who bognn to sow llis wild oats when ~ boy, aod has not got all throu~h ,yet attended a' oo!Ored ball m l\Iark~t.,;treet in that town. After eaoh "lireakdown" ho notioa-l that a well near the house'by the way a shallow one-was resorted by t!Je men to quench their thirs t. Unobserved, wlnle the d1tnce W1S gofog on he sli pped out of the house and moved the oiirb_ a few feet beyond the .\>ell, and waited tba result. Prnsently out came one of the dancers, and plump into the well he went. Blowing and puffing, ll(\ ,came up to tl1Q top, and exclaimed " By gorry I who moved dat well, smoe l'se out liero last?" ...... r; ·... 07 Some t~tt10 FOR LADIES' toge.tber mtb a supply ol ;;i;.aterio.ls fo1 Braid and :Emb1014ery. Also OENTS' .C.OLLARS AND CUFFS. All orders for Mi\lwery promptly £1led. lJUCHINE SEWING DONJ!J :J!() ORDER. !O.t~mping <for bia1d and emlnoidery done oh '!Cb~ shorte·t notice, and in a great """ ety ofBIJles. Cheapest and best assortm ent of aH k1ndij of HA' 'fHE LATEST STYLES IN GO TO F. F, McART HURS. \'\" \\1sh \he cntf'rpn !Mng Company the succe1<.s "'h1ch a sur~ to follow the ma.i ufue tirr. or fi r.st.c 1 a~s mac·1111es I ____.. __. ____ ALL CHEAP :FO[R CAS!,r. iG- A cal11ospcctfully eol i.,--ited Store one doa"r east of Henderson's Hotel Krng Street. ' Bowiaanwille, April 20, 1870. HATS AND BONNETS, CHEAPE ST To MiSsRS Diiu\MBERI AJN & S1~4b, Co.nway P 0 I Co u n t y ofLen llOX, OnLarw, Canadtl M!1..Dou 1 County of Has11ngs 1 \P1ov1nce of Ontario, reL Oth, 18G'D. Thi~ 1s of ~"866 l I&" The 'Buffalo b:okers are running agamst ·ach other to secure Can·dian money wJiich is now quote.Int one pnr cent premium, Lut the run is notl.:rng compared with that ofter the" Canadien Pam Destroyer," which tho people have found out to be tho very best thmg for the cure of colds, rhenmatism, Fore throat, bo,vel c~mplaiots, &c. Sold by all Medicmo Dealers at 25 cts per tottle. NOT QUITE T HE Partnership heretoforre exis t.ng be. FLOWERS, &C". INSPECTION SOLIO ITED. Bowmanville, M~rch 30, 1870. GO TO t"een OO!lNISJI ~§ON, as Watch. C'-O'lSent, makers' & ,J"ewe-1.ers, is -dissolved by irutualj' All debts due to, or by B:lld firiW 1 to be settled forthwith by L CORNISH llowmannlle 1 Nov 19, 1869. WILLIA>! CORNJSH. WilnMs, } (,EWIS CORNl§3:B. JOHN.?UANK F. F. lVfcARTHURS. so -"It is Olllong the after by inost savage and debased tribes only t hat ~ -WU the condition al'd comfort of the horse and from the imme nse stock just o17ened. have been ncglecte}, " but we be1ieve there the LOW PRICES at wb1ch it is ofTi::rec?, and the are ;o~nny in CiVthzed COUlltdCS \\ho are quahty o.f W()Ik turned OUt 1 he hopes to g-nllty oi lhe some negelect, and without merit the conttn11at1on of that s.uppo.rt w !tberally accorded tll tlie la,te ~rm. the excu'e of the fo1me1 he re ·ll may L c,OR'.'!L@ H avnil themselvos of the use of an article Bowm!l.~ville, No" 23, 18ti9 !1 winch lj'as done more than nny tL ing ehe _ heretllfore known to improve the condi-J ~titfto·t ~ton and relieve tbe mffcring of the horse, ~ ~· Those who will no~ use It will be the losers,the1rhorss~thesuffcrers· to avoid both use .'.'Darley s Condition Powders and Araburn Heave Remedy," nnd yon · will be satisfied ..,;\h th~ result . R_erne_ mber the n.une, ~nd see that the signa_ McCLUNG'S OLD S'fAND, OPPOturc of Hurd & Co. 1s on eash package Bl te the 'T'O WN .IIAI~L where Nonhrop & LJm·n, Newcastle, Onto1io he 18 prepared to fill a.ll orde1s ~n h,t,:, hli@p propri~t6rs' for Canada. @(§111 by "l' medicme dealers. T HE llus1ness wtl1 be carried on her-e.. FOR THE De.st assoriment of L. OORNISI-I Paper Hanging, Gilding,&< &c. DRf SS GOOD~, ,JJl2lli ~ SIGN P AINTI1'1 G w fl. *TT SCOTT 4'1'- ! ·ro HAS REMOVED ~ BABG.L4..INS · / · A G S-. ~ ' GO i'O F. F. Mei\.RTHURS. FOR tVomen 15 'Vl11te Cotton ~ ~ I to cert fy that during the wn1ter \Vas taken Yi 1~b a weakness of t bc ankles, ub1ch gradually, dur111g tile spring of 1867 7 extended to lD) knee&>, and OH up to my hips, an d I beca me so wenk tba.L I cuuld HE su.Qsreribers ba.v1ng sta1 t'd Bus.i.:n-ess not walk, but ..liaQ confined to my chair over Mr G Ila1nes, Carnage ,£bop, li:l Fo1 abcut two 1.curs, YI bile tl11s wc .... knes~ p1epa·ri:d .1.u receive all 01de1s for wws coming on me 1 a:ud atlerwa.rds, J soJJg ht medical a.dv1.cc, f'mp loy~ng , at difteri<nt PA.I.NTliNG, t1ru~s , th1 e.e do c t.o1s, and me J 1c1 .....e:s oj d1tfer. ent k 1ocls, presieri~:e'd b.J friends, but of no De..corat·n.g, Frescoing, Kalsom1n1ng avad l cop.tinued to get worse aud 0101sc, and D ecorativ e unt~~ t;he .ntmrr:er of 1068 1 when I was in duced to tr:,: tbe 'St eat Shosb,.onr:cs Remedy l::y 1ead1n g the .)1nes per forroed,111 a ;lampll~ let. At tb1s hn1e I had begun to reel the '\.\e~kness 1n ruy ha nds) 1n fact l twas gett ing a lmos t heloles..3 I h:J..\ve taken t\"> o bottles of tbe Shosbonce.s Remedy and two All krnks of boxes of the pills and I am ent11el5 restored to health [never expected to get bet tet , but snnply t 1ed the medictne as a soi t.. of fo .. lurn hope 'lbl3 case of nnne was not rL E-:recuted in a pi:ivate one, but knuwn ta a ll my ne1gbtior s aud triends 1 and to nay o.u e a/01cted r1.s I was, I ht\ve only to say tr;Y th,e Sho,:ih onecs Remedy 1 I belie\: e it '~ 111 c ure .} ou n::T' Satisfaction guaranteed 111 all Its nArS Ar!N DOUGHTY bran-ches :8~.010 to befoic. mo at .Ma.doc, County nf CEESTF.UFIELD & BROTHER llastrngs 1 t,hts run th: day at EP-b1 ut~ry 1 1809 , T ign & Hanner Painting NO. I STYLE -L · STOCKINGS at 2d · GO TO B(lwmanv1lle, No'. 17 1 1sea. A l< WOOD, J. P , &c I bereby cetllfy thnt T have Lnown .M is Mary Ann Do u ght;t ro r i;Qe last fifLeen years 1 she is a "owan ofprob 1ty a.nd t1uth I bav.J knov111 her b.efvre, during , and snice he1 illnes;:;i I behev~ her certrfieitte to be true in eve1y pirt1cnla1 ! k .aO\\ thatwb1Jp, dl bet case was deo..;lu..1ed bolH~l-e"s 1 nnd I kuow that sbe has ~in cc hc1 1ecu ver_y 1 nlwn3s a t11 tbuted he.r recovery to the Shosho r.ets Reme,d.y,. "rhate\er mny be the peculiar prop.ertJ.es of thus 1ned 1c~.n,c , one thin g 1s certain, tJ:u:i.t m he1 case, it lrn.s aeted almost ltl; .... the per f o1manc.e pf a roi.ra,cle A ~, WOOD, J. <'. '\Vardec of L he County ofBa~t1ngs, Prov 1nce of O,ntano, Dom1n.:ion of Oannda. Great Bargains will be given at the F. F. McARTHURS. JF vou 1-v ANT A SUIT GO TD ~ CLOTHES, ro1· i!iG.oo Properly made by the bent -euttcr i.n ton n;.1 ll)J'l!pcp.'Jin. lflcnrt Di~ca~c, J!'iu, EpilP-pl'ly, -..V lt:iehtn cbo ly, Neuru.Iii1u, 1oriany remarkn hle cu ri>s of these ..a!Tcctions bn\o been msde by the alterative pov. et -0ftb1s n1ed1eme It st1111ulahn~ tbe \ital functions into vigorousactioo, and thm1 overcomes d1:mrde1'R which wonli1 be supposed bevond its rcaclJ. Such a remedy has Jong been reqmred by the nec-e6.Slhcs of tbc people, aud we are c.011tident tb,at t.llis will do Jor them all tbat mechcrne can do -------....:... ~ ~LIFF R & - : Co. would respectfully inFol' lJaR"gains in llai·tlwai-e F. F. McARTHUBS. McARTHUR ' GO Wn"Jts 10-00 Fn'kins .of customers nnd friends, 1.hat owing t6 tl1e1r daily 1ncrijas rng trade, thev can now Rff°otd to sell FLOL"ll and FEED P::orm-- th~1r man; Wn1. BA.RT:ON. BY-RETAIL AT WHOI.llSAL I! PRICES, :£1.nd hope by t\lwass keeping a large 2tock at tbe lo-west pr ces.,. nnd pun ctnally attend!ng .to rt.ll o~iJe1s 1 to merit, as bcretofi0re, a. share uf pt~Uh . . patronage AUCTIONEER T,10R THE TOWNSHIP OF DARL l1 rngton. Ail orders punctually at tended to. Charges moderate. TO BASSETT'S, BUTll!J[ll! ER.,. And \v1U paJ tbe highest p rice for it Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOR TlIE IlAPID cu.nE OF Vonifh~, ,f;IGN OF THE GOLDEN ANVIL. Cohls, 1l.·1flucnza._, iloarsene!!!', <t:i 01111, B 1 oii.ch 1us, luci picnl C:on .. ~uu1pt1on, Rememb°'lr the Store, K ing Street ~larket Buildings 24 FARMSFORSALE B~rhngton, 2i miles from l he fown of Bow· n1an ~.nlle. 'IO acres cl~a.red, and 30 1n woods. Comfurtable dwelhng~honse, good hRrn, stable o.nd shed, and som~.flu1t trees on the ~Bowmn.n::v1lle; Jen 11.2 1 1870. RA:TCJ,IFF & Co. 100 ACRES or.:G"ooD LAND, oeing J.. ot No 9 1 1n the 4th O o ncess1on P U B L IC - - ~ Sign of' th.e DEA.YERS OPINION Bowmanv1lle 1 Mar 2,;;, l81G FDR SALE. TO LE "f. BRICK Cottage, on Conees·loo street with or without garden attached Pos'. session given rmmedutely Apply to JAMES MUIR. Bowmanville, June 15, 1870 46 tf. L DTS No 1 1 2 and 3 on lluut Street, 1 n prem11ses. The land is well wate!\,-W §OIREES, Also, 200 acres, being Lot No 1 -s, in lhs Ooocess1on of the above Townslup, 150 TEA P A.RTIES, 4th cleared, 50 1n woods. \Veil wate1ed Gooll: BA.LI· SUPPER§, buildings and orchard It ib one of the best, PIJRJ,JC DINNEUS, tf not tbe very best farm 1n the Townsh ip S1tuaLed 2i 1n1les ft om the Town of Dow .. W1';DUING C,i.fi~S, ma.nv1lle. For further pa.1 t.i.eulars 1 e.pply to FAii.EWELL, )[(.10E-E & Rt:TI EDGE, i PT t.p 1n the Pe~t style ttnd on reason· ( j( able te rn1s 1 by tlie subscriber,. The Sol1citors 1 .&c., Bow1nan\"ille, y; n1 l ... t 11be swee1PE~ and beat br~n~ llehver- 0or to TBOS WELDON, Tewpo P 0. dinl,Y to "i)S~OW er' in all ?8.rt~ Qf t'l e town STILL AHEAD I has-fully justified the original idea, that at the " Corner Store " you could get the '!'own of Bowman\ Ille with Brick House f\.Dd appurtcna!J. ces tb e1eon. For par. t1culars apply to D CHISIIOLM, Soltc1tor, &c 1uul f'or 1he .RQJ.1.e.f Pn.lieut-t u1 advance,d. !atagcs of lhe D.itHC.a!iie. T.bs rn a remedy :.o Ulll\ ~rsally known to su pns:i any other for the cure oftb1oataud Jung compla1. t"· th:at it 1~ useless here to pubhsh. tt1c evidence of iti 't'Irtttes Its unrnall(d excellcnw fo1 coughs and co1 d« and its trul} wonderful cures of fulm onnry d11;casc, huve mtide 1t known throu ghou the civil,. (zed natmns of t he earth JI'e" are the commumtie.'l!, ur UoH!'iUlllPlll'e AND WELL SUITED Por~;·;;~~TICES 1 Po1t Hope F ,lfo~vma~vil)e, Dec., 1807. States,fo1 persons from any 8ta1e or Conntl J, l:l:T ANTED, b.} the Bowman ville Cabi ne t legal e-ve1ywhcre desertion drunk enness l'l' Ma.nufactu11ng Oompanv, a few goo non~suppo11,Jetc /tufilcient c~u::.c 1 no pub~ Apprentices to Jearn the Cabinet .Mak1.nd OR SALE, on Wellington Street. For hcity no cha..ige until 1.hrorce obta in ed and Tu rning business ~pply to Ad"i1c'c hcc Rusrne ss e::;tabhsbed 16 yeais 'l'HOS JUUNSTON, parL1uuhl.rs apply to A. DIXON .Address M BOUSE ··~tturney, ' Manager 35-tf Ikwmanville, Mareh 31, 187lJ No. 78 Naasau S· . 'low Yo ]iC ~c&y, lBtb, 18 70 42 If, A BSOLOT>l DIVORCES l"gally ob tamed in New York, lnd1a na 1 1ll11101s and other r 4 wJ t 1opln m theu midi:.t of Jts v1cto1y O\er1hc ~ubtI9 muJ da11g1aous d1 1;order., of the throat aud lungs As all know t he dreadtul fathhty of the~ d1Qorder~ nnd as t he) kno w, too, tht! effects of tbn1 o£emedy, or .evea famili es, among them \\ho have uot l:'QlilO pe 1~01 ru experience of 11:8 efiects-sonic hnn_g I -- now C!ll the 'H tues tba t Jt did I.lave when making.. t he cures w.bfch have won so strongly upou the.confidence of m.ml;.1nd we DC< d not do mo re than to oi;surc tbcm that 1t ~ BRICK COT'.n'AGE I l're_parod by Dr. J. C. AYER&: Q~., Lowe!l, l!a.os,