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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jul 1870, p. 1

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&:ke f.ana'.nian 18 jtat~s1nan pr1 nted a.nd pubhshe q SY£flT TiUTRl!DA.T MO!lNJNG, b1 tl e Proprietor, WM. R. CI,.IMIE, OFF I (J:ll···Posj om.. !Block J:[MEI: STREET 1BOWMANVJLLll10ifT r aadconttuns the la.test Foro1gn a.n i ProY1ntii&l New 81 Local [ntelhgence,OouDty Bua1~ess, Qommerc1al~fa. tters 1and a.u1astruct1ve )hscollany TERMS -$1 50 perannum,111 n.dvan ce2: 00 if w1tb1n a1x mon t hs-$2.501f "Jot t 1 ll the end oftb.e year No paper di1.. ';. !ontinu"d unttl alla.rreara.ges ar~ paid except at the option ol the pubheb~r, and :fi&rties refu1ung pa.pees without pa)ing up ..till Jje held responsible for the 81lbscript1on tidtH tliey comply w1th the rule. Ail lette!a addre.,ed to the Editor must be pul-p··d, olhetw1 ! e they may not be taken trom tho Post OfliGe. RA'J:ES OF ADVEll1'IBING ~~-~=~~~~~~~~ ~rt'm~~·~~~e~ ~ ~':"."~==c===~~-~~~~=~=~~=~=~~~~=~~~~p~~~=~=~===7==~~~~~#~~~=~~~~=~~~~~~~==~==~=~~~~=~~~~~~~:~ WEEKLY ANl> t'Otl'R IN THE Six \inea and ut:der, first insertion .. .. $0 1ub1equent ineert1on 1· · · · · 0 Froms 1xtotenhncs,first1nsertlon, · · O subsequent insertion, · ·· 0 0f'er ten lines, first insertion, per ltne, 0 subsequent insertion, " 0 50. 13 16 20 08 0?, ~rum ID1rnIB~uill11 perior Fire department. . WR The number of hnc~ to be reckoned oy thE ·pa.ce occupied, measured by n !lea.le of solid hreV'ter. Ad<qert1sements vnthout. specific dtreettone will be published t111 forbid a.nd oh~rged accordingly A.ll transitory 1l.dver\i1emcnts must be pa1d for v.:hen banded in Ad'f'ert1soments must. he in tbe offir:e of p11b- A.SS1JRANCE Co., oC LOi\'DON, ENGLAND. rn m n~ m and either Co'I or Wood, c1iee.per thane.Yer '· TITO MAS BA9 'OETT .I ' CAPITAL. FULLY SUBSCRIB~D. £2.o00.000 STERLING BRITISH COMPANY OFFERS SUTHIS FIRST-CLASf, advant~ges Life T. to Policy holders,_ in both the Rates l~'Y and terms liberal. & · liea.t1on by 10 olcl.:>ck on the 'Vednesday rn1rn1ng preceding their fhst pnblteat1on To merchants 11.nd others adTert181ng by th., ye&r a. very liberal d1sco11ut w1l.\ be made J. JOES, L. D.S., If I try to write tbf!! letter, I am sar~ one half rrord1 W1l1 be Ill tbe CUl IOUS language Of my chatte11ng fnends, the birds The lilacs bloom in the sunsb.Lne 1 The roses nod A.nd sm1lP!, And the clothes that ought to be folded A..o.d ironed must wait awhile I he in the ohes-tnnt shadows, And g1:tze A..t the summer sky, B;dding the cfttes and tr13:uble~ And trl tl.:i of'l1ftt pass by The beautiful cbeatnut~blossoms co. Montreal. · ~_,..,..,,_.,,.,_,...~,r...r ~usimss ~indorn. ~"-~" General Agenti for Canada SURGEON DENTIST: Ov:er F. F. McARTHUR'S Store, KING S1'REET, BOWMANVILLE ...-,,....~ IF YOU Wl:SH TO GET 9 G <> <> :C» Either in Summer or~ 111ter Scenery, DAV ID Sill A. RT, TI ARR!STER and .ATTORNEY-~t-LAW, _ D Sohcltor 1n Chancery and Insolvency, fjon veyancer, Nota1y 1 Sohc1tar for t he On 1r.r10 Bank, &:c. · PHOTOGRAPHS! ls directed to tho ato~k PORT HOPE, ONT. ~·Maney to Loan & Lands for Sa.le or new and HARRY TAI'l, a call, at his studio, THOMAS STONllOlJSE, uo'l'IO!IEER, APPRAtSER ·hd GEN or·l Ag~ht, Darhngioh Ceul rc Sale promptlyatttnded to , A F :A Opposite 1rreleven's Shoe Store, Are fal\1ng about m; teet 1 And the dreamy au u laden \V1th. their odors rare and sweet .. AND AT SUMME~ NATI! K1n·g Street East, Bowman\ llle. Febrnary 9, 18fo. 28 Jui.nkus fflA.t'ERS : , ' ' Th(! BEST and MOST F ASH!Ol'!ABLE stock of Hats ever shown in Bowinanville. Make an early call and you are sure to be stuted. lj~lBJ &~~~ V~iW,'1( {jmt~~~o ' 1-UGHEST PRICE PAID FOR RA \V FURS. DR. A.. J)EITU, (Graduate of thb Toronto Un1vera1ty ,) HYSl!J!AN, SURGEON, &c OFFICE oa King Street, next doo.r to Yellowtees & qufck's Variety Stor e, Bowmanl'1lle1 ' " " waa W1thTeeth. SURGEON DENTIST I J, M, BRIMACOMBE, L. D.S. P SENR., S UPERIOR GOLD FILLINGS INSERTED, and an excellent tooth powder for sale OFFICE IN M'CLUNC'S BLOCK. 0 nta.rtti R E1l""EoTF&LLY ANNouNcEs To ms oLD tlle Public genera113 I tLat be hns agrun requmed the ~·m)'lNDs AND cusToMEns. AND SDLEun1n r l1U u FARM FOR SAIT' [[ I, CARRIAGE ' ' A UCTIONTBl:J~I~ roR DO'\\ MANVJLLE AND DARI lNGTON ~. CllESTEllFIELD, i·· ' ltE8JDENCE, - - '3-0rders punctua 1ly 11. ttended to Modeiate ROBERT THE subscriber has now received the whole of his SPRING IMPOnTATlONS which will be found of the Newest St; le s best quaht1e,·, and at the fowest prices. He invites the eipecial attention of p'u rchasers to his asso1tment of CLOTHS, TWEEDS, W o\. TER PllOOF CLOTHS. SHIRTINGS SHEETINGS, J,lNENS, TO~VELINGS,, HOSIERY, BLACK SILKS, 'VELVETS, PARASOLS, UMBHELLAS, DAMASKS, MOREENS, DIAPEl!S. lll'S MarcL 3 CUL 1lIVArf ORt T RE SUBSCRlBER-;,uld ~,re ct the attention of farmers to the one~herse and two~horae Iron Cultivators maaufactu1ed by h1m 1 natl wh1cb have for six years oUt41ned first prizes a:t Prov1nmal Rnd LoC11.l Fairs ' hej are undoubtedly the best 1m1llemeat of the ktnd 1n U!e, nnd will 1n a very short --FiRsr -<PRIZE time more thi\n repay their cost, in the effici- DO\V J\:led1cal .Act ns Pbj s1crn.n, Surgeon and Acooucheur 1 of the R oya l College of .Pbvs1c1an1, England Office on S1her Street, se co hd door Qf K~ng Street, Oonsnltatiun hec Bowmanv11le, June 25, 1867 R EGISTERED ACCORDING TO THE Boivmniiviile, of Small Wares and Trimmings at whole· sale and retail. ency n.nd excellence ot th~1r work Inspec~ hon invited A supply of Oultivators now on ha.nd for the spring 'votk 1 and will be sold at lowest rates liny 26th, 1870. THOMAS PATERSON, IRON HARROWS ro:>m . " I beg you, girls, to havo b little respect for poor grandma-she is very 111 to nigh i " ' 1 No;j'sen~e t Don ' t be such a fool, Janet,-anybody would lh101< oho wa· dyrng." " I believe she is " Thea reply oame m a violent elam of tho door, ·nd J aoot was left i.lono with her patient The hourn dragged wearily, on1l over· oome by be" long sleepless \latches, Janet of a. superior kind, also on hand. BlJGGIES A.ND "\VAGO.NS TUOlttA..S CHRISTIE, ING STREET, BOWMANVILLE, Ag't fort be f0Uow1ng Brit1sb a nd Oana.d1an nsurance C ompBn1es, 'iz Royal, Liverpool ao.d London, Brit1>ih AnH r1ca nnd Pro-v1ncial A(ent for ROJBl J\IH.11 Line of Steatnc1s and J'telghtL1n~ ofboata Auctioneernnd Com)i:'iss1on :Merchant and Coroner for Yn1ted (tou 2 :1es_-of N orthutn berlend anG. Durham K ~B~lmlt~i1 STOTT. All~ DF1ALER con::.tantly Qn. he.nd for sale DilltlW~«IDlr~~~ ' l3"9 All k1nd11 of Blacksmith work done on the shortest aottce. A c11.ll soltc1ted. I WllSfCOTT, TOWN «ALL BUILDING!Ji Bo1rk.,tNVILLE. li t DRUGSt MEDICINES, AND and Co~l CHEMICAL, &.c. .. " B & Ru Hedge ARRISTERS ..l~ttorne;;a, bv.11c1tors, and ,f\;ots.r1es Public. 1 .E,l!AREI\ ELL, LL n, n McGEE, b A 1 :Farewell !tic Gee DyP. Stuff~, Patent Medicines, Perfii.mery, Bf!:t'shes, Cqmbs, Soaps, Paints a1,d Oils, Paint Brusnes, Coal Oil, Oil Lamps, - <.tt., Change of Agency! J Physicians' prescriptions carefully Compoun~ea, and all orders correctly answered. A'.. CARD. lel;vo to inCot!!:i t 4c pubhc that we ba.,.e appo1u tea 'l'wo houra later she awoke with a Wo be~ ---Oi H_OUSE, :a OBIN S ;rEMPERANOP, lll.>'rEL, - JAlllllS RUTLEDGE, B A OT'tl'IOI. McFe eten~' Block, opposite en;.rance to .Towu HnlJ 1 Rowmanv1lle Mr; AARON BUCKLER, Je- Farmers alii! Physicians h·om tzie Count1·11 will find our stock of medicine~ complete and of the best quality nawmanv1lle, Jan . s, 18-69 .. " Jeweiler, to supersede our tbe_ well-known former Agent here, for the sale of onr WO. l 09 DAV S'J.'REET JA,IES MATHEWS, Proprte!pf A (ow doon Nort/I pfY,.1ni; /il treet, TORONTO. $J J'fill QA. T. :e:: A R.. ::i:> ·~ A. Fl. E , STOiE_ & Jn.o ELECTRO fi1S1-FP-war£1~ We caution the pnbhc agR1n ~t those pretending to have onr Speta.clea for sale, and who would palm otf 1m1tn.t1ousi 10 placo of our own Every Spectacle is gnar b) our Agent for one ye>tr 1 and prices are uniform throughout the Dom1n1on 'Ye refir to the weJl.rCr" of the said Spectacles as regards their qna.hty '\\re ha'v e JUSt assorted our .Agent, Mr BUCKLER, with every kind nnd descnpt1on, o.nd g1van full instruction to enRb10 h 1 ai to BdJUSt our Spe,.."-q,cl~.s upon ort.1cu.l rules. LAZARUS, )lQRlUS & Co. Bowmanv1lle, March 2, 1870. 31 Is still ~t tl)..e qllj st~nd, with a prodigious stock of W, Joi. EDWOQPS, Barber ~nd Hair-dre~ser, ~ PLATED W AREJ NEW tant~ utJer:v Pain~ and Oils Stqves al}d TinwaF,et .&. J;ol f!Jt· sp1en4ig E'ee~p.·p,.f!nte T~ .. Sets. ENORMOPS RElfPCrfl:ON IN :PRICES! MO~}Jf at P..- TAILOR~NG Tfl LE~D J fJSTAJJLISHlrfENT. IN SUMS 01f tU;JOf? 4-ND UP"W" ARDS, low rate of interes t FAREWELL & McGE)il, STOVE AND TIN SHOP Would most l'Cgpe.ctf'ullr inform the inhab1. of Bo~n ¥ 11le and t11e surrouad111gFOUnt~ri thst Ii· h·· conHp enced the Q:'.Onlicc,-Opposif e enti:a1Jce to l'OWD Hall, Dow1uanville. ' Dowm&nVllle, Aug 20 1 1$68 il :PEATE, TALOR ~!llntlemen's & Neatness alid Despatch. 11i""'Speo1al attenlibn given to puttrng up Eave '.j:'roq1'hs 0 · ' donductor Pipe., &c. None but the liest J\lafotuils used, and satisfaction gu·tan' Where he 19 prepM"'I to do all kinds of worJi: .,. 1n btshne ofbusJness 1u the latest styles, Stoves for Wood and Coal, the }ate5t and most Beaqtiful, Cheap TAILORJ!JG BUSINESS Over 1 QO de5lgns and Size· of Cook, Parlor and Boa: Stoves. I ' · d I) th J· d f T · d · h in ilie Stand 1ate 1 y Stove F urruture, an a o er mi s o rnware, ma e wit CCUPIED BY MR CORNISH teed " Highest Price paid llir Hides, Slieepskins, illgs, Old Copper, Feathers and IIorse Hair, R!igs, Wool Pick~ (i U'f '!' ! N~ D 0 ft ii shortest notice J:n. :Boy's Garments MADE IN THF: l'll'Jff'\VEST STYLES. ilwwon·~lle, Feb 19, 18 68 30-tf WEI-LINGTON BUILDINGS. Bt1w!iiah\'1lle, Sept, 28, 180~ , 02 HN ---·~ - M $ 1 lf;' EOD. 1 On the Shortest Notice repaired on ~oh\aL~d~ ;\ll woik -1.~rrantcd, th'e Clothe& cleaned and A call J. ?. f,1'.VING. t slia], resting

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