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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jul 1870, p. 3

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Tlfl!l GRE.1T ENGL/SI{ REilfEJJY SIR J.UIESC:LAR!i.E'S . CELEBR_AT D FEMALEPILL. Prepared from a prescription of Sit . J. QIB.rl$ 11. D., J1J~traordinarr to-tho Queo,.n Hl_ S invaluable medici:b._ e is unfililing ~ t he cure of all those pa infu l and· d!irl'" ·' gerous diseases to which the feinale pOnstitn,. tion is Sitbject. It mo.<lerates ·11 excess and romovos all obstrnctiQ11s;1_ anQ. a- speedy Cure illay be relied 0n . T '· · -' · ·, -. . At thi;: Buw -- ~ ,· ' ' Clothing 'Store. .;,;.- 'I'O !'11UlRJ!IED J,ADU1S it is peculiarly suitetl. It will, in a short time, bring Oll the monthly period with reg-1 NEW {:}OODS't CA· U TIOY ..;.;::-.;;These Pilla shonld not. be t·ken by females durillg the FIRST '.l'HREJii u'.;!~h bottle, price Oiic .:boll at; bears t!Je Government Stamp of Grea t Britain to pre· · 1 vent counterfeit.a. . AL r, To Now·e!lt Styiiis jn· CoatingJ:'. . .) Newesl Styles i.n Tie%. Newest .Styles in v .es,tit1gs., ;. " . . :Newe~t Sty\es i!i 'Coflars. lq'ewest Styles i.n ,Trow·er,ijlgs, .f. · ;. ,·,!:lowest Style. a in Shirts. . .. ·. 0 Newe~t ;Stylo~ i'it: ~.ei0.Y·)llade Clothiu~; . .JT RECEIVED. 0 'RE So L D. ·(J'u E A .P · · ... ' ~. ·~ ·'"· ~.... M<?.N'l'HS ~f Pre~nanoy, a. thoy sure. t.n bring on Miscarriage, but at e.ny other time d d t' ·· ~ ' . .4 ~ . the,}+ ai·e safe. ' a en e o. _ ., . ~ It\ ali oases of Nervous and. Spinal Alfeo · ·· tioris, P~iils in the Back n.nd La1nbs, Fatigutio o_n alig:ht exe~tion, " Palpitation of thf>: Ifeart 1 Hysterics a"!l.d Vfh,itE:S 1 thege Pills will effect . · ··· . n. ciir:c when all other means have . failed: ~.....,... and aithough a powerf1iLreri:1edy 1 do ~ot con" I ~~ tain iro!l. i calOmel,_ a~timony, or anythi~ 1 ,. · - ..-....;.-;_. hurtful to the constitution . A.T Full dire-ctions in tl;ie pinipblet around pQ.cka.gc, which should be carefully preserved. Sir. Jnme9 Clftrke's Femnfe l' ills are ex-· tensiVely connterf'~itcd. The genuine have 111... EW ,. t.he nnme of JOB :MOSES on each pae . ka.gc. J l'll All others are worthless. · . · NEW DR.II~ J,IA.!VTS; _ Sold in Bownianville by J. Higginbotham - l\l "'W DH.ESS GOODS; D.d D. Stott, . and an medicine dealers. · ~ . .. . ,,, I tt 1!ii.ilr' Call early where you can make a good sclect1on. -a Monthly FASHIONS reg~Jarly r.ecei~e . d..from New York. All orders p~omptly .' · . .. · F o R · CA SB. CREAT CLEARINC SALE ~ ~ DAVID FORBES. " E A T 'T .X .N G ' S , coN'stsTING oir · · . NEW GLOVES, NEW HOSE, NEW TRllVIMIL\'GS, OF HA.TS, ])RESS GOOI>t?, BONN:E:TS, . ' PRIN"i's, &c, C:anadian aiu &c; ·WILL COMMENCE ON CASH Sid.e,-Baclc and Hrmd, Cougl1 ·, Colds, !:fm·e · PlirQfit, 61pralns., Bru~es, Cra111ps in tlw Stomach, ' ()holei·a ,tfo,.bu.,, Pysentery, Bowel (Jomplaints,Burns, . ;Scalds, Frost Bj tes, &c., ... THE C.A N'l!.DIAN P AlN DESTROYER has aow .b een before the public for a lerfgth Of time, and y.rhert:lter usP.d is yrell h~ver lik~d flliling Tri n s~ngle instance to gin~ p(>;rma'nent re~ief when thliely used, and we jlave never known a sh1gle 01-tse of t1issatidfaction1 Wh'ere the 1.Lrections have Qeen prope~ly ·foliowed 1 bul, on ,the contrat·y aU ~re delighted , w ith it:a operntions, and speak ln the hi'ghest ~erms of its virtues and magiC-al-effeCts. '--__.,_. We speak from exp_ e.rience in this matter having tested it thcrougUJy; and therefore those who are suffer1pg from fin}' of 1J1e co111plil.ints for whtt:h it is re.:;011~-tnCnded, may tlcpend upon it being n. Sovereign _ RemPdy. The nsionishing_efficacy of the. Canadi.iu1 Destroyer in curi11g tlie disea~es for Wbich: it is t·cc:ommcndcd 1 and itg v;:nndcrfu~: etfeQJ:s:. in th~ torturons pnins ol RhenmatisiD, a-nd in relieving N'3r\~ous Affection~, entitJe ·tt .to a higl1 ·rflr:k in the li s ~ of Rcm~dics . :Ordcts iiro /:~otnihg ii:i fro1n Medi- cine DealPts 1 in all parts_of the country, for ~further supp1ie5 1 and eftCb tt\slifying as t0 the,univ_erB!ll satisfaction it givP.S. ThC Ci!.ll.ri.dien - Pain Destroyer never fails to giye iriimedia.te relief. · -·All ~ledicine Deal~r~ keep it; Physicians order u.n1J use it ; .and · !10 fam.ily ·wn; be Without i~ nftQr or.ce try!~g it. ' .. . ' ' . Price, only Twenty;.~·,r e dent.i'l per ll ottle , Sold in BovvmnnV-ille hy ·J. Higg i nhothr~S !it1d. Uo.8tott ;- a.nd aJl medicine dealers , ·B : 11··E'R ' ,[,S .~ ,lll ~,r:~,, '""'"· '"~m,,, ;~ f U 'iNTT'ifRE l..'ti ing the highest cash price for i:irst lass Butter 1 firkins ~ preferred. A'r a,nd continue for two weeks. OF N.C OFF. in .ol·der t'!J make a COMPLErrE CLEA.RANCE Will be given; N. B.-Use the finest salt. Market Square_ 1 'M:§ly 25, 187~. MANNNG'S C_ abinet l\'ttrc-roolil9 1 su~iMER boons. . JUNG STREET ·WEST, FARM for At the Lowest Possible Prices for Cash. ! " SECc~al _nttention~ as usus.1, given to the THE subscriher .otrel:S-,_ fvr sale part. oft'~t No, 10, in the 2nd " cOn. of Oartwriglit t~e County of Durharµ, contaiflining 75 acres, 60 of which are cl~Jtred: _ w:~lff'en'~ed, and under, firs-t-ra_ t e cultiyation . · '!li ·rC. arc tW~ -: goo9. wells an<l. fl. S!~!J.)~ , sp'!'."i:Q.g;- al~O a good orbb~ ~~a 1 b!l.Ve a ]arge sum 1nvestc:<l in thnt line it Will be found very complete in ard ofabqnt five ~Qr0s, and a: ,very jtood log~ all its details. buildi.n.g .thereon , -For particlllars app1y ~v . ALEX. BRADBURN, . .4. good assortment oC Coftins on the C_ar~wright; ju;_e . ~.tb 1 1870. 45~3m,· , UNDERTAKING BUSINESS. DON'T PAIL TO CALL. PRODUCE .. LADIES' HATS " · Wages go'od. ' ,Work Yery pip at.the ~TA'I'Ji':S){AR Offi_ cf\. 'ff --··. UfTAN'liED, A GOOD SERVANT GI_ RL ' Hght .".Ap~ Servant Wanted I Bowmanv\lle, .11!af l 7, .I 870, J;IRST CLASS HEARSE 'l'O FiIRI!. tOr ~:ic. per yar11,'\'f'Ol!."tb ;"Hh:; for 121~· ~ach, 01 L FOR HORSES & CATTLE. -:- s TRAy PUP '! A .. I Bowman ville, nur A NEVER·FAILING REl'.IEDY. NYpersonhavioglostabrownSpanicl "-~- Pup-, ma~ hear of it by a.pp1ying R< t this . office 1 and paying exptnaes . _ i4 JoAll l!lh ' I.Om ' - -- z5, 1870: ~5 '\VOrth liOc. .!~' \ ·) ' ..:· · . . r ' 1't may Concern, H~s Vfl.1uahl~ ·preparation combines a 'Jl the meliicinnl virtue of those articles WhiCh Jong experience hns proVed ~o possess the most tsafe and effiCi~ut properties for t.hc ~ure of Flesh Wounds 1 Spr.>J.ins) Brni·::e-s, Galls ufall kinds, -Crackcd Heels, Hing Rone Spa7in, OaHous,. Fistula, Swee ney 1 E·::i; t cn1a Po_~so_ ns, Scri:tches or G:!'fH1J:1e_, ~lrains:; Lam_e------~. -. -. " . ., , ...- ~""~ . _nes~,- _Ma}1ge~ \VhYJ_~~ --o ~:.__~r(J C1·a·ck 'S:' .~ -~~' nPO ! i.~~·f.'a /I\ ,,~ 1~ ... Foundered Feet, Horn Disteixq1e1;~ 1 '> . . ~tFilt~l~·.U !i";~~ ~rf!&iLi~ R,OAD ALLOWANCK i\.nd inan\· ether rl iscnses which horses and · · _. , - ,- . . I tattle ar~ snlijec_! to. 1of Bl o;:,d;s, Dul'ton's, Date's 1 n.11d Russel m~~e ·oTIOF:. is hcre}:.y gh·en, tbnt in pur;. This celebrated Linin1~nt baa he!'!u u~ed Iver \,JJeaµ at , · - · su.ltncc of a StatHte oI Parl~am ~nt of) for many ycnrS, and it~-; c?rativc propcr1.ies . _THO!li1AS . J3A~!~ll}~'S_. ·~ this ProviuCe 1 and after tlie exp1rat1on of thoroughly tested. nnd it is conceded to be _. · · t.hirty ·days from this 20th d!i.}' of. June, Uie ctieape~t and ~1lost reliR.ble . rem~; dy · for j 18.70, a By-law will be passed by the Corall e,xt..-1rnal complaints ever nJfored to the poration of the -'{illage of ~ewcastle to ')phlic-it 11ever fails when ti1nely used and stop up strc:et known as Church sl{ect, at aithfully applied. ~ its inter::i<iction with Toronto street. To ba had of all Druggis-ts and Countr:; ]f-erchants throughout the Dominion. Price M. '2ti Cts per bo~tle . Hewc~·tie,1oihJnne, lBTO. - _. Northrop . & Lyrt1a.n 1 :~re~cnst1c, Ontario ~----- - - - - Proprieto'" for Canada. FROM KINGSTON ROL1D. I'~s · A_ ltO!Hl, Sold b)' J. HIGGI!\"BUTHAM and D. ;JU " .C.l> C:JJ.JU' s',t01"!\jjowm~nYi1lel Ontario_; .... .~ M - -~-ARE, dark b.f-o."'. n, .nlmost. bl .ack' . ---~ -I ht A _ , , Qan0.d1t P1·0Yince of} In ths Cou.nty 1 ~. --- · --·- .... _/"' - ------lower part of ·nrnd ego . . Ontario United .._, W I o. .Coun ;; Cour t oftbo Un 1t·d .., JJIANH@OD :. ·!it(l\,V .L@§']i' COLT; bay, (horse,) eight week~ _old: ties ofNorthmnberland Counties of NorHoW · fi.te·i!tored, a star on fote.hc~d . . · Any person g1vrng and Durham. thnmhcdand and -·-·-·_,.. -such ihf'ottnati_on· as Il:iay lead to their-re;. Durham. T CL 0 ~ JRl ,_ I NG ROOlll P A.P~R, 4.c~ ~ :~ · At nearly . HALF-PRICE. l N ! ~ .'fAILORING ~ I" ..-~---" ESTABL ISHIENT, pric~$ r~ on~ ro~nttf. . , we w\<ll seU goods at very lpw ' " : 1 I ;':f l Mare ana ~olt Stolen or Sjravea - J ~i·l~'~;~~~k. of ol:.,.ent "'t' Made to order in the latest New York styles. An !uimemro lot of lleauti('~l "Us't l'dnL1ollEb, AMiw Ji or- covery will receive . tho above reward.,, ·, tioh C"if Vr. CLlLYBinYELL'S Celr:Addi'eFt:;, .· . . _, .. 'V hntted .Essay 0!1 tb~ ro.dical c u re (with;;: · -h . tmt mtdiCinc) ufSperititHorrhrnn, or f:em _ iI CL YDjij HOTEl1, Toronto. mil ~VeaRncs;;i,.llnroluot<'\r}'. Semiiitll l,oiz,.. , . ,,,. 0 48 ~ ' ' il·~j. ~pd\C!1'!y-. J\f ~n~a! nn:U !_'hy~1c,21 lncrip~cit}' ~1J:npe-1 Torou to~ J unc ·2 ! ' 18 7 . ·l1. J Pf!i"theniatter ~MA.RT IN WILLIAM BAYLY, of ... ~ '# · - · . · :;;:_":°-...!._t~~~f~~ 1 in'duC eu bt· seJf-111du1gchce 1 tmeht.s iO mtt'.rrnge 1 e t(!.; al;o;o. Comi11n:illuoo, _ Ep1lcp- 1,~ iiexual i;x--! - -- . . THE underslgned has filed in the ·this ,,. Q.u~lrt, a Deed of Cotnpos.inun -.- - . J:tnd Dis.. . c1}.t\rge, l'\Xe_ cuted by his Creditors; and oh .An Insolvent ) omc~ o. " ~~w ~tko~~~. ~ T~1mm~~ NOW IN STOOR:. Now A.ND YOU WILL 'tJ.riT es~ay - _ h.e. c ..........__ ... ~tr ~te3 frdn1 ti tiurty VE2r'.' l!l~9 tie%fttl ex.: ele11rly de,m·Jl·~ ll!;-=·:ning. cdm~0.q:1 e11 qfls of 1'1.t-lf-ahui;f' _ p1'1rtence, _tho.c.i\1~~ ~ed ~- ithollt the qnr1g~rom11he of ~nay b. ~ ra< en "h. ~ a.p Ji::i.!J on of rh!'! kn1fo ; ant: rn1.enµ1.l :i1ed1c1ne or. l;1";-:,. el?at ouc."lc.$im p1e, ce.r1:;J rt rim~ pomtrngoutamodcot~n .. ··"'ilv· --; ····!T.,rer r1oma1ter . ctfcctu~l:' by n;e.ans·of whi~lL e ~. -ts~ h;;-ns~!{cli~~._Vfy i>Nhat his condition may be, may CL\,'~rl~:ttt'!! l.y. ~nrl ra:flic~ll;·. ·' . h';;-..-oi iG"' fi'hi3. :r.e:cttue.,.~!;.:n~ld ne Ht -the h a.1:-"~- etrc,J !("~";;;,, ~:."c·. In ""·i·a ·ttV>;rjph. o:iJ.y 6c,,H i :, ~"·ic ':'-"aJed nulhor ui. tf1!s. ttdrnirable A Bi'rtf · "\V ANTED ~ .l1.. TTdN · ~ ·· · - , Appl~· at the STATBS'ilAN Office . - ~- -- .H · "d d t ns ~urs2rJ <:.x~:v~rh · ·-~'>s~::, -he wil~. a.pp1y t.o. ~he Ju~ge cf ~be .5sl.1 our ~ ... for ~Confirmation of the tluichnrge tbered : - -· -~-~~~·_. ,___ by · ti~ette ~ · we ·.an·s.d"y ·, t'-· 20· tli day of July next \l c a .fit.: is tl1e time l;o hu.y Cheap Suits of Stylish Clothing. ~~T. A. ~'.")-T , _ l ' V - __c::L..L~ 0 . ·. ·' ED. i· M. W. .tlAYLY, r ,:,-, 0 'ITQ\)tb ·~; - illnd. . 8-" a _..... ~ ~ !- · · rt'l ~· J' ht \-"' Ofk, 1 ......._ ~ ~E:r.t.·~nder ~c~l1 ~2.-j,}!ain ~nvelopc, io a ri y:.J1.udrc.S~1L} - \\T nttng,"· ~r..,, ~~'"'J ~BIL l a: l ig " ' ,postpaid1.:_oux~'!~"'l'. ..·.. o f.»~~ ~ .!A.;u;; 1· · o . rt?..'o ,rost st~PS~,Apply at thl} ·STA'l'lil~~.\ll. 9ffiCQ: ' Al110,.UJ", ?ulv~_:,;;:ep . .: .-"-f¥'9J'D!.~§t.:G!J J.dt..:/'PnCe25~. '~ .~qtes,,e£1:hl11;:r;~· _ .,...,, ,.. ~----~ , '· ._ ,.· Cl.JAS. ~ . .c ..~Lti'l".i::!«f.:; G1t \ . · , t - -~ I 'lf"'Y Af:lttln~l 911 t, ncb:iOn, employment at -- - -.· . - .'L ' ,. . by J. \VR'1Gti'11: ' , N e.-Woastle, i&th June, A. his Attorney ttd litent. . · D . 1870. . DRY ~ot)DS, GROCERIJE§, . b:ARDWA:JlE, :BOOTS and SDOES, . CROCKERY and GLASSWARE, &c., In great va1·iety' at ELLIOTT'S Sfore, Ilan1pfon. & All goods marked in plain figures, and at reasonable prices. DA It~ & ICim I i o., l-... . ._' -...,.. ___ -··- ;:;iri<llo!"6'1',NowYo¢,J;c.«O[io v \ii'i< ~.oa. Servant 4lirl Wau.ted. · ~= ' ')\/f JJ:MBER o·F · ROYAL COLLEGJ1i ·'.0 F, :) 111' S.urgeans 1 England j ' Licentiate Royal .College of P'by;ikian,;Edinburgh. <I:~te · . Jtesi:\,lent .A.ccouehoUci.' Si· Thomas Ilosphal, V'V;' .........~~_,,,.._~,-..~~:_,..._·~. i;..oa~oll,e.nrl Acting Re.&i~e.H LM cdicalOfris-_~r.., City ruL,ondon Ho"pa_al;for 4\··~··s of the Yi ~'iCW - · ~ X · ·t·~ ~ .f ~;.i~lCt· '1"1e'l1lfJh!J:, "" · .J, f'.'l'IELDl~G., ltlh-.;EJ' .~ n" , ·~ · · · Cll'.R01~IC DISEASES. HENRY ELLIOTT, .Jr. HAMPT.ON, January 26 1 1870, JAM ES, W-e ai~ hene~al Agents 'for 1-' .... , " " .,.. Ch~st " · .OJf~ce.: Dr. Herrunans 1 ,Qrqn.9 . L F. BROOKE, will sell, for twenty clays, his stock of .,,, ·- -' . .__ ,_ ,_,..-:-__, -~ - l ;- ' ' ) ' ' ' i the .eelebratecl FOR. SALE OR TO REN_'I." .. and ~ qtclfll:td71 with or without Se·:en a,nd I\ half acres of Land additional, at present occupied b:y:. Dr. Davidson. .A.pply on the pre1nis_ ns 1 or to Dit. DAVIDSON. _( · ·~ · q'HE. .Jfo~SQ~;-Outbuilding:i-, G-OC>D S LOOAL A~ENTS WANTED. ~ .,TENDERS FOR :SRI]JGE. Aug~~t,' fc?~ the ercct:ion of a - thelOre~k known as BJ'ack 's ,of New J?rill;ge, on. _ C reek, 9n the main Road. Doun.c11 ,to furnish matcrirr.1. Plana a;n,d Spe,cHicationa cnn be .seen on ~pplication ;to t~10 1indcrsigne.d. Work ~0 .be co1'pletod by the i;frst of October, Tho Oouncil do n ot bind themselve11 to accept the lowest ,t.e.~dtr; :i:1.t, · otherwise S';ttis'.,. l ,£A.TUR:DAY, :6th S EALED TENJ)J(Rif:wiil .be rccci>'ed by· tb·e nnder~fgl;led till !" "' ·z REGARDLESS OF COST .l".Rl()E; ; " . , ~<J ~ ·llowma.nville, March 9j' 1870. factory. __ _____ ,,.._, R. WINDATT, ·rp. Cle<k. 50.lm, ~-----· · 'i*' ~ NOTICE. 1\.TOTICE IS HEREBY G!:V:EN, t.hat · all .!:"' ~ersons having claim·s a~ai"ns-t the J)state of JOHN BRADJJUR])', late .of the l';[\:iwnabip of Cart_ w rigbt, in the .County of Durbe.m, deceased, are require.~ to forwarr} ttiesame on or before the FIJ.i'TEENTH DAY OF AUGUST NEXT to the undersi~ned, With fuH particulars of their' .cla:im:s, fund· ~dueh~a varifyin g ihe sa!Q_c . is hereby furt_ be.r givenr-that the u,nder~ignerl ! will. not .be' re~ponsible , f or ~ny claims aot \ . llent in by the:· a·bqv.e date, ~·nd d.'uly V·Q.Ti;fied'I .JrlSALE. !fOUSE, with On0 acre sit,uated on ·"Oon.c:es§ion street, tre street, now oc,cn~ied by the =~~ , , ACENTS ! ACEl\iTS ! . Nowlhaveit! SO~\!ETHING NEW! 'ATTRACTIVE VALUABLE OF ' . ALL KINDS, Just what Agents wa"t I loo ' What eve:r!Jbody wants! . MORE AGEN·TS ' FOR SALE CHEAP. · wanted a.t once. · · " Qll!CK'SALES I ' LARGE PROFil'S Ag~;;ts m.'.kiirg o~~' $20 per day &s' THOMAS WHITFIELD~ i ·\· _ · oartwrlgb t.. ! D&ted' 1llth of Joly, . 18'10, 50.Im .. , · . . · I· .-.,... 49-tf Otbi::lrs can do it. Send fo1· ewe of KELLY1 8 PA 'l'EilT SPnIN,G Bx.oa. Price only $6.00. " 'ALY, PERSONS INDEBTED '.l'O 'fllE ' . F'u.b lh;ber o'f t~e STATESMAN, for s'ub-1 ~~-r-iptiOD» advl!:,,tjeigg or job wo~ki are rtG, ~{!_,e:sterl to: settl,e-th8'samc WANTE':o'. rrwo·GOOD STRONG BOYS TO' LEARN ,, · tlJi,> B!aokswithtng. W, Mc:Olung's Os.rriage Sh·op. · 'The ~bove engrav!~g 9ho..,:s one of KELLY'S PA TENT SPRIN'lt BEDS in a Bedst·ad with the side rail taken out to show the side and lop ·of Bed . Send for our prl71l'-te circular . Address ' [20] Ma rket Bulldi:;. Apply _ 1!t once &t'j" "" .

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