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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jul 1870, p. 4

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:1 J. HI G G IND OT HAM, CHEMIST and DRUGGIST, STOP AND SEE! B " $16, Rll Yll RS IBLll HAND MACHIXE, HE ~'O LLOWI NG REMil RKS ON EGS respe c tfully to announce thn.t be T esti monials of most 'vonC.erfu l and er,. has recei ve d A well assorted stock of Genuine Drugs and Pt.. re Rnglish Ohemicals. traordinary c ures in Cnn a da hy the GREAr Also, a splendid sto ck ot the most cnreful1y INDIAN R ~]M ED Y. 'f bey n1e ster n, uirde n1able and inco n testa ble fac t!: , sufficie nt to selected convince the 111ost skeptical that' the Grcli\ Med icina l C ompou nd yearned afte r for age1 is now ac cessible in th e Great r DYE STUFFS! Cruelty to :Boy Acrobats. The Haulou b1othcre are now performin~ at the ' Alh·rnbra, London, and the peiformanco suggests the following remarks to the editor of the London Or<M·lra : A performance sn hazardous as to make it highly objectionable is nightly repeated at the Alhambra. 'fhe peril to wbiob a little boy is put is absolutely cruel. Three norobals-two grown up, one e child of eight or nine-are concerned in it. A net of cotton cord, which may po11eibly break at any tim e, is stretched across tho atage, About thirty feet above <' the net i· a· frnme of some thirty foet -'-·long. At either end of this are ohort stirrups by which the elder brother hangs head downward. The boy takes his placo in the middle, standing upon the frume , One ot the brothers now begins to swing, and the boy leaps from the bar at the preoise moment, aod his bands are caught by those of the swinging man , and the \wo sweep back ward and forward io regu!.r motion. The oth~ r brother now begins to swing, nod the boy is -. t!~QWJI. from one to the other, some time· - caught by the hoods, sometimes by th o - aniile~, sometimes throwing ~ somersault, eomeltmes two somersaults, in bis fliahts from one t<i the other. It is ~othin~ short of mnno.ous, but though done wi1h appnent ease the n sk is nl·rrnrng. The extreme difficulty of the feat cnn be r~adily 11nderstood by all who bave any ' ""cgualntance with fe1ts of tho trap.ze.ln ordinary trapeze feats Lhe ropes arc of so great a length that the arc ul' a cir ole deocribed by tho performer ns he flies through the air interaects the ore 'of the circle described by the trapeze bar for a considerable distance, nnd be can catch it whether it JD·ets him at the level vf his v!ie1t face or the extreme ·!retch ,of his ) Perfected Spectacles from ')RD,-Tbat if L. C. can buy L. M. & Co's 50 to 100 per qualit y. An assortment of Aniline Dyes The most perfect Sewing Maehlne In the kept const&~tly on hand 1 together w ith Q. market. Unnva1led for a1mplicit7 of con~ choice selection of struction, beauty of fin is h, speed 1 and l"neral DRUGS adap t ability fur fa.mily purposee. A trial CHEMICALS will convu1ce everyone of i~a 8UJ>tt!iorit1. which cannot be surpassed for excellency of SDO"'llO""EES REJllED,.,. ~ lW ~ .a. cent. less f1 om other" .i..t. JlD fr um the mannft1.c· turers, he is surely 111 A. pos1tion to sell at less t ha n a.ny of L. lot & Co's Agents; an d be promises their celebrate d SpectaclAs at a. rri ce that wil l make them not only an American catch but o.h American bargain . Treadle JIIachine, Only. $fl0. THE LARGEST, THm CHRA!,'Rs:r ·AND the best Tread le ever offered to}hep_\lbl!~. 'rHE : GUELPH REVERRlliLB SEWING Machines po ssess all 'he new and le.\e1t combined with the l"equiwttei found essential to fi rst·claea Sewins'Mn.cbines R;nd ar e undoubtet.l1y the lowest priced re· c llln ch1nes n o1v offe red to the public, and challenge c a.mparison. i mpro\' ~1nents) March 9, 1870, L. CORNISH. 32 Fashions, Fashions. lURS. A.LEX. FLETCHER. = "'="""======::!=~==;,,,,==============="j =·~.,...,,,=======~ . . .: W OULD beg to inform her numerous patroni and the public in genera1 1 thn.t she has now received : The Late«! Lon®tt a1ul New ' Yo1·Tt St/} lu in Drmriu.Tting. She Is olso prepafed ~Iai c h SICN OF THE COLDEN ~·~~~ 1k,:/ · I ~· J-t/ · ~ in eve ry re spect, and recommend a fair trial begs to a nn ouuce t ha t b-e is pre 1 IBfed_._ . . _ i~dt!.l'-1 &ims lo ·uper1orit-y·..-l-- -"'""'"'-- AN or. EWS elements of , assnrE'J THE the GUEL publi PH ~ SEWIN that nothing G MA\JdlNR ha1 beenCo'y le!t undone by them in tho wo.y, or tToUble and F::.r Diseases oft.b e Throat,, Liver J 'D1 gestive Orga.ns, Kidneys , &c ' a s well a 3 c1 ·ofu1a, the vario u s Skin Diseases, Humo111 and all diseases arising from Impurities .a PATENT {:tE DICINES, ihe lJlood, we ~nldly stole that this Pren llRUtlMIES COMBS remedy has NEVE R BEEN EQUALL llD.:JftOULDER-BRACES Where wa s there ever s n ch n cure RS ~h at 1a ' th e person of W ILSON S·ronMs o f Br1ghto;q., SUPPORTERS, &:c., &c. Ontario, of C ons um ption ; or that of PE1·R. OILS, 0 . V . MILLEB.1 ol Ernestov.:n , Onla1io, · PAINTS, Consu m ption 01· lba t of AMBROSE 'Vooo , o COLORS, Conse co n, Ontario, of Dyspepsia an d Livm:o VARNISHES, Comp1aiut 7 or that ef J o HN HoaEY, of Nan.a nd WHITELEAD . s nee , Ontario, of RheUtnatisnl, who ~iaa lt:J- ~ t lbe very lowest p'ricea. actuRlly bee n o n crutches ror years, in spite of all ti eatmeot hereto fore, an d is now wen. IIorse & Cato-tie Me~lich1es S core s of such cases might be men tionedbal N B.-Country Storekeepers supplied oo 1 we STJ!.Ce . advantageous terms . & Call at tb9 Drug Store an d 'g et a Circu1ar of nnqnestionnble cetJ.ificatee on tH OXfU'DSe to ren de rtbeir Machineaftral-cla·· THE PUBLIC. ___ GREAT SHOSHONEES s a t isfy yoursel ves. REMEDY an4 -~ P>·ice of Remedy in large _p ints $1. ----~ tt]- For Sale by all nruggiats and Dea.let· ·" to g i-e mstruclwn s in th to make Ladies !!l-34 ly. I Under·clothlng a.nd Gents' Shlrts, in t he latest .! tyle . l 1 VocaI & Instrumental ",,- TT THEY ARE GUARANTEED , S I C, i nforms the pu b hc that h e h!\S purchased in Medicine. Agents fo r Bowmanville,M essrs . J. Higginbothan' ::'. Stott . WholeaaIJ; To perfo rm in every resp~c t all th&\ It claim- the entire etock-in-trad e of t he 1a te Richard : ed for tbem. Being determin~d to pri1eour Uecd, Senr., and nill continue lo carry on A~ente:,-North1op & Lyman Newcopies rpH.E UN DERSIGNED RE SPEC TFULLY 22od, 18~0. ..J..Y.J.. u . ~· C. HI J, L IE R, Itt. D., Graduate of Queen's University, LATE HOUS E SURGEON TO THJ; KINGSTON GENERAL HO :::iPlTAL, AND embraci ng th orough Bil.SS and Jiarruony 1 th e elements of compositiGn , H e ili.J also prepareU to tune and ir Piano s. Res1dence-O burch StrCet 1 l!:as t. Bo wm~nv i llc, June 8 1 1868. 45-tf. rep u lat wn, guarding rigidly &&_MIU defect tho or inferiuuty in material or workmanooip, having the .Machines thoroughl7 Jrled and subjected at ev ery stag e to 1nepeeUon, being manufactured under ou r own immelliate su ... pe:iute udence, employing good workmen , us1 og none but the ve ry best Mo..chinery and Mn.t!!ri al the public may rest n.·a1lred 'bfLt our work will b e what it is'repr'.l>Hll&edto be - all fi1st-c1ass. . . Boot &Shoe Bus1"ness SOMETH ' ING _ NEW l TO TBBI Royal College of Physicians & S!t111e.on·, KINGSTON. vill·ge of. Millbrook, on the arst ot Aprll He also iutcnds to che.oge loce.tlons with hi& brothe1· Dr- W. HlLLE:R, of Enhiskillen, D o.rhn ~ton \vbo'3e re putation as Physician a. a d Surwe~o is too well khbwn to require further t ;ml:llent. D R. S. 0. HILLIER. intend· to eo\"meo"o the practi i::e or his profession i. o the vv. ~cM:URTRY .-==...:---=:=. THIS IS TO CERTIFY has rec Eli ved large, shl}HUteu.ts of arms over his head. In tbe short swings supervision, in made by the Hanlons, t he radius of which is ".lnly their o\vn length, and t~e two additional fCj!t of the stirrup rope, it iR oeceasarily only for a moment tbat the ·. ~wi.!111;er ean be in 41 position te catch the ~ 'hinds of the flying boy, the mis- k -f fif h 0 f d - hi 5 ta _e o " t _ a se~?b \n swing would send ln.m .out of _reacli, Th e full knowledge of tins is req uired·for the full appreoiation of this ruarvcllbu > feat. The performance is terminated by the · l'll h" h 1 boy ascen d'mg ,o as 1 ig er par .over the center of the frame, an d from this lie :,]o~pa something liko twenty feet ', down. before be his caught by the bands ·ot' the ·' Swinging brother. W. e need hardly point ·out how imminent is the risk of on aeci· ·dent ~o thi· poor boy as he swing; through >tho air. Unnatural deYelopmeot of his "Inusoles has already stunted him broad.. · . . · ....... - ... ~ ...l..... .."'-' years and a half learning ~ad practising &be~ feat·, and_ is perfectly fe~rless, haVIng never, dunng the whole training hurt himself in th3 slightest degree'. But: - ~Yen supposing he does not bren'h: his 'ncolr, which may happen at any m oment lhe effect of severe traioin" at his early ag? '!'"Y bo ruinous hcre~fter. Public op1mon. should check ·jlch repulsive eights, if the law will not. . 1 w·· Demo n· strator o.nd Ptoseetor of Anatomy U!lder t11j . 1852-3, and discharg.d hi· duties to my s&tistact10n . N. BETHUNE, M.D., Ed., F .R.C.8 , Ed., M.R v.S., Eng. --:-- THAT W. HILJ,I E R, wu1LG at ·riinlty College, Toronto, A STun~.<r Itl 1-. S. c. ll ! L 1.. IE n, D I I U" I"G 11 · · d · d' n. ·' :.1n ses~ 1on en 1867 av 68 ' ischnrr,ri > i>e dut ies of Prc~ecto r of An~ MOD1j, t~ .i·Y entire oati,foction. · Ho ha· alway~ been a diligent, ·ltcntiYe stadent; ~ aeat and 1kllfnl aaa\omiat. His dlss·otlou gave the highest satisf·oti<>n 10 the e!n··> , and en title .Mr. ll. \O tlio d>slln<;tii<>.. of one·· oftbe best Siu d~n \s of hiB 11.,», on an;<o.lhe r, year M, ~ UL.MV.AN, M.D., ' hof"esso~ of Anatomy. 3~ April 25th, 1$6$, - - - - - - - -- -- - --'--- SPRING · GOODS l\'.i 1 \KING HIS STOCK Large, Attractive and Well Assorted.' l\"EW Sl"RING G DS ?00 ~VPI.iii.~. M~l1l!1,,(},:C:X .! .J...1J stock a very choice asaortmenit of. Bonnets, Hats, Ribbons, Feathers, Flow6Jill,,Laees, Oollai::s, Cu.ffs, and other articl6'1J ' .. NEW IN As heretofore in the old s tan d i 11..nd h opes by strict a.1teJ1tion to bu sines~ to merit A oontinu a nc c of ihe extensh e ~us t orn accorded to his fai her for th e (la st thirty years . oTARTED IN 1.'be sRme workmen being emyloyed as 1<:iY"" ROWiUA.NVILLE ! - . fo1 meriy , cue tomers cB.n depend on getting their orders filled as heretofore, in an equall;; Q f 0 r Our Machines are la~ger than an7 other sat1sfa.ct ory mo.nner . "\XTJLL!A M COBB, desires to intimet· ta __ hand Machines 1na d e Jn - the Market are l 1f tlie store-keepers of Bowmant'iHe A lnrge stock cf rea.dy make w ork QU band URC HASE RS OF !IIUSIC w ill consu lt simple in. co n s truction, e asily uader~tood w h ich will be aold cheap for cash or npprov~ e.nd s nrro un d in J! country, th at he ha s ope ntheir o wn tnteres t s by subsc11bing to and kept in wo1k1ng order. They a re· ed c1edit, ed a 11 BReSH FACTORY / 1 and is now preP~TERlb' Mus1Cl.AL MONTHLY. It is issued on nounced by tho se y, b o nrc e.xpert1at1e·u1g pared to take orders for Brushes of all RICHARD REED . de scriptjo ns 1 Bnhia Rroo111s, &c., in t'ac\ Bowmanville 1 Nov. 10th, 1869. the firs t of e·oh m ontl.1) n.n d gi\~ es an the as everything in the Brush 1ine. The work will latest n n d bes\ Mus ie, by such aucthors as PERFECT E EYERY RESP.Of, be got up secon d to none manufact ured 4n Hay s~ Ki nkel, T homas, Bishop , Oa.nks, Bech t, f\nd are so easily operat~d that ttie1 tllll be the Dominion Orders solicited. ll'a c tory Frey , K ell cr 1 Vlyman ~ ete. Ev!'l ry numbe r worked satisfa.c tonly by thoffe .,,ho b&ve in Fullers' Building, opposite McT aviah's~ o .onta1 ns PETC"R~' at least 12' n ever run a run.chine beforet and thie whh· p1ecf! s new i;. ~ and go od out th e least fear or he~itatlon. By many 1nusic, printed on fine whtt0 pape r and from t hey areprefe 1 r~d o\·er)i.igb priced Machines, full si<!le mu sic plates eve-1 ·y pie ce of vd:i ie h 'l'h ey will execute in the most perfect and is atter wai·d printed 111 sheet form, fr om the satis-taetory manner a ll the varietie1 ofaewsam e plate.s 1 and sol d nt from 30 to 50 cents nig: sueh as St1tc1ang, He mmin£ 1 Felling eacb , e, nd all we ask Jor this valuab l e maga- Cn1ding, 'ft.1ek~ng, B raidin g , Embroidery' 1 zine j3 30 cents a copy, !t)3 00 a y ea r, $1 51J Bi?1.d1ng, G nthern1g on, Qu ilt ing, &c, FOR PURIFYING THE Bt'OOD, for six mouths , and '" e guara n tee to ev ery I n a word, these Mitcbine-a are whai bavp And fo.rthel!peedy cureofthc followmg compln.ints: yeady I at long lilt-e n looked for- Ma~h intiisfor the reople krot'nla nod !!lcrofulou!I. Alffccrion8, ·udt 1tiast 4 3 2 &'II lli pages ot the m asses,-t he poot a.a weU as the rich Rll Tamon.i E"lccn, 8ore8, Erup1io~ ebo1ce rnu!iie , b y the b est nuthors. \Ve do b eing t he che apest .Mac h ine in the market I·itn11llc1J, Jl·uroitules,, Ulorche;J, Boillilf Dlaias, atul ell Snln Dioaetule#~ not exp ect P.1<:TF Rs' l\Ius1cAr. MoNTRr.y to ray siae .tlii:'ld w orkin g capab1litM!S considertd. ' 0AKLA"ND 1 Inti., 6th J u re, 185!t. us as a Magaz i ne, bec~ose w~ g ive too :much I1.-1 s tr ucL1 ens fou ope1at1n g obe M!lth11oe scJ C .A.1'itR & C o. Gents. I fuel it m) flut\ to norous ic for the money. It i s is .~med si mp ly to co-mp&o y eae!1 one. l nowled~e what your Snrsnparllla haa done tor me. !f.avin"' rnheritcd a Scrofulous infection, J have introduce our new mu~1c to the mudicnl ·r1i~ ti:tl{.:itlt!tl editor of t he <::tra r »r it·~Jka~"""avil suffere~ from it in '\'OrlOllS W&)S for yea rs. Some. world. Our s u'bscribers ~log a nd play tbe Horn 0;.: Gr e elc r rn !11<: udmiralile uiht~til··att'llie re · mu sic we give them . Tbdr rnusical ti iends centEx1>0su1on at 13utfab of 11>.e Al'lll M1umr11.crnrei, !~7ne:t111~1~~:\~!:d l~~=~ ~~dmJ;s~~e~~;da!~ :~~ 'l'wo a g o 1t broke uut o n 1ny bend b I und.\gr1cu.1 1 ·1-a! lnc111,.lrl' of the lili®t t:d 8t11.leaanrl .ear t. e mu 81 Cr C1rn11tla 1111:.' ·1mi>nn1 1g 1r~e m ~en1 10"m1 which charaud covered my scalp and ears with one sore, whrch I ~ e 1 t, and buy actcn:.:'.l'tl thoe pri>."f'lH age and mule 11 1mtw-)*·H>le for ' was painful and loathsome btiyond descn phou. I it in she e t i11us1c form , where we make our 1t: po:m 1 )le so highly cn1!JzE"d 10 relap·e ·rain mto a -!r1ed rnany medfu1 nes and eevcra! phy fm:aft..111:1 1 but B 0 UN SA ·L L'S WithouL much relief 1rom a.nytbmg. In fa ct, thto. profit Re membe r [ every yearly subseriber "late 0£ L::1 rbnn,m ~ act·d t lic sewmK maehlne lu lhe r: · fo r~mf'i't Ta Uk . \\ e COIJC\H Wllh tb e rlulosor,111c dtP'Jrtlel" grew wors~ At len~h I was rejomed t.Qgets, du11ng the yea r, at lea~t l:.iO plt::Ct'S of 1 e1l 1torGftht! r l nhuu e n,niw~c~tnn'-te 0 JftS vaue 1\/1: rcad 1"1' tM' Gospel ~iessenger 11.iat ymi had prepared our best mu s1c, all ot which we r..fterwa[1l t aml. were rmu 1loncl. m g eneud-t hat J.llo ~tmn of.tJie rece'. .ll~ . L.l.. b s:n o.Jterli1:We (Saraapirr:i:llah for I knew irom your 1 rcputatfun that anything y(lu made- must be g ood. p rint in shest f01 m, '3.lld sell for nver $60 .- i that "" who usually corr°" tlte p-urM1 a.ncl ~trol tlrn , , family ex peud-1 e ~ iu ttilc 1u1 unpr r!jQi:lieed v1e\ v ol I sent t~ Chw1:n11.a-b and got it, and used 1t t ill Jt BO"\VJU.AN VILLE. rt H! publi sbed at t),e ..\f am mo th l\f uc;ic ~tore th e CaF. e \\ ~thud· I hev woulil co me to th· . . . . C' Uncured me I tooi< if. 1 aa yo u advise, 1u @mall doses or ll. tciu;poonf'u1 ov~'r u moutb, a nd u~cd nJmoot tl1r~ of J . L. Pet,.,rs, 599 Bi oadway, New 1'. or'k , clnslOn.. \ Vit arc hy im 1r1t"ans a '" \V omeiri.t1 R i ~ht 5 " --'\\h ere every thing u i LLe mu sic hne ca n be 1ad\'ooni PE.RON lntendtng to ~ :rc-e- t e it hei bottles. N~w nud l'l.ea,lthy skin soon bc$au to funu e rn th.e exlualt:d i:;ense nfth~ 1e1111r lnrtwe ' c~rtain 1 Y n rt:: ~ fl" m 1he resn11el.<!d M ll86 o( &ttte.,. 1ng u:nder- t\J.e scab, which afier a wb ilc Jell 011'. My had. No matter how your orc.ler 1 ;t 1ha l the st>am str .. ~:s 1u even!t.or!I ht1· ·n nuahenMonumentor G·aveStone to t ho:i mem\J rJ akin ls no-w clenr, anti I know by my feelings tbnl will be promp tly at te nded to. able t1):lht 1o a 1-1.,.,,, 11 g m11.c1111w. T heo lonh @I erca. 1 ofds p llixte Gl fi!'Ie-.p:fJ3 wilifind i.,tgree."tl] tti th ~n the d15eaEe lla11g<HJ e-from u1r system. ·~: eu oau well belie\ e that I foul whnt I am sn)'1ng wh~n I tell Jou, ,., f t1 ou m the>1 pan1 eu 1 ar '1 Jlh~re!I ofa~trJ(.ln R,. n o tsu h d -i. t l'I d S ampls eopies can b..-: seen nt the o~ce o rntt to one lmlf the lrJ mg- mnuunl -.1.i;. tbei; Iii varn .. irg~ & ea..- an comp ar e ~ tbat I ho lit .. '" toa b>e- one of the n.po.,tlcs of tbe ogct and rei.... ...... evl!!r ga-eJ.efully. Youre1 tbi.s papei . v.11,;es 1md a1:1ll~l ·1 crs iire snlJectcd ~, wH~ Work ' Price & Quality u h1 -~"arbl< ( .&!',FRED B . TALI,EY. Band 1 awl l(.U~~~l :rnrt i:;~um J.U. , !::earn and ~ u sQe· and tia;idf 'ftiithany o.ffiU'"Ht i n CaDiO~a. West. We speal1 St. Aurfton)""s ~eL H -o!'IP. or :fery!'lipehU\ Tetter nud Salt, Sc&ld Ilead, T JJf 1 hehea r11;:: ! 1 ! k,s11tllhcb1arn b' d; '~Di iire l 1y in affirming a saving o f 11tlea? A BRUSH FACTORY $ 6 $ 3· P I 0 Sarsaparilla AYE R'S subaaus CAlscribor MONTHLY ! . 1 ARBLlP \VORl(S I ANY t ~n ~n Wu r~ 1t .. ,. ~ , "" . . · pclleJ lo N.~t. ·k er·~ {f,rJ~!l~~me r~ rnve11tl"tt "· ".t" .. ~;',-·.,.- 1 ~1 ~ - "-------~i1lllli.~!.1:.Cl!....tJie i " ' 1 As w.:-ll~ tht:t Wt<<H} ham} TW :ZK TY rJlit 03.N'l' . "!'~ · ·· eotn- 1· '\Yo rk~..,.·o · k- w0rk 'VI.Uy, by the 1 Dr. h ... vert M P1e!Jle \\ J:ites 11 om Salem, N Y 1 :tzth Sept, 1859, that lL h:ts cnrcd n.n inveternle · of Dropsy \'ihfch tlrtei..te.ncd to termmote fa Ri1t~vorm , ~ore F..:'Jetoi, DropH)".- A ud ~ 01 k~ 1<lrk-Y.ork 1 ull decfl m b~ r light In 11 e c \\.hen th e weather 1 s ~1um aud bngld. FOR LADIES' WEAR; together with a supply of materials for Braid and Embroidery. Also GENTS' COLLARS AND CUFFS. All orders for Milli~ery promptly filled. T HE Cheapest and best as1:1ortment of nll k tnd:l of Work 1 a.s U!JD'flll, 1a;Gfes' Fel t Hats c:lean<l d h e ITifl J not hnve talrnw nll 1he ~mi-r rou,nd, oue tilhe an l~ altered to t he Ncw estShyJ'es . I e \\ orkfor1 nem \\hlC'h. ht" ' hetlerhalf "- h b tJ- '1... -;'"0 Apprentie~s wa.n.t1Yd imm.e tliate ly , lh e Lfomal lo her of her wst clium.o: 1111111 \T ('I b } co mes lhe · \.\Or.,er h:il{"-}rns for11. ni:c~J~~~! 1 sc~ Bowmanvi:}e, March 2-4.f~ 1!'3 5S wtth an1I no1w1ths1,rndm!! lha1 tbe coil of the ·ewm h not per·~ap~ . o r e-1w .. mu:1h ll1e 1111m ex~ ~~1~~~dll1~'\~ar~r~fl.3 Vlllg u11plem1: ul· Ul' ed Ul lh· .Gehl m.achme JF: ~.~~. fanrn:r Jui!!' his 1n1 pro1·ed plmigh hi" feaper a~1.· er1 , , l oich h" rad1!1y r egar1!~ rui a ncceu1tr 111tllo' BOUll!S LIH. le prer11r~d to Dt~e-nd to Millincpy a.nd' Stra" MRS. e. tio-ns lil y i t iremsta.ntly. persevering use of our Sarsnpnn\I, anti also a dangerous Jlfa{ignant b'ry8tpela8 b y lnr·..:~ doses o.ftlle; My1t-lle curei tbecommon Eri'l Dron:ct.l:ocefu, Goitre or Swellefl Neef(. Zebulon Sloan a1i' Pro~pect 1 Texa s, w11tes: n J hrc '" "ottlea o.fy t>ur SarsaparJlla cured me fron'I rt f,olf, , - e. h1deGO.n 11weJbng on lhe l.lef.!ksi which :m ho.d st. !ered ti o-m (i!"i al!' iw& years rr :r.eneotThrea or Whi:fn:, OY::tr&n Tam«. ,. JJr .·J.J.\ S Channing. fi;f New York City, wrfteG': .. I mo!!t obeerfull'l com1>ly with -&he request. ofyour agent Jn eayi-Tlg fmmd'. yeur SnTsn.P8rilla '8 most excelhmt a:ltcrative 1.n the numeroUir Ci:; ~ plaint~ for wluatt- we employ snch1 a remedy, bu1' especially in l?emal'e D1su1!5es of th· Sor.ofuloas tJterine IJlceJ'ation,, Female D~ase11. l@i.. An ·musing affair hoppened lately between a coal dealer and a purnhaser._,.,. The latter was very an xious that th e St·mping for b!·id and embroidery done former d~d not clieat him, so he (the pur- on tbe shor test >t~tice, and in a g1eat vari· ohaser) rnspected the weighi9g of the ety of styles. AL!. CH!<;AP . ~ OR CASH. ooal himself, and felt perrectl.1; ·aiisfi3d that he gol the full ellowanco without a'oy "shave." However, while the coal j & A call n·peotfully soli,~Hed . ";DB weighing, the dnvor of the team .Store one door east of H-.'!.~ ~r&on'· Hotel, ".011ld not help laughi ng, aw·re at the Kmg Street.. . hme that tha purchaser waa particular Bowmanvillc, April 20, 1810. abont his full weight of coaL The purohaser noticing the laughter of the ' oriv- Dissolution of" Partnc1·sbip. er, , ske,d him what he was laughing at. HE Partnership berttoforo existing be"'\Yh~, " said he, " when "your coal was tween CORNISH & SON, as Watchwe1gh1~g you wero standing on the soales makers' & Jewelers, i~ 41;1solved by ~utua.J and weighed with it." ls it pos·ible? co*laent. .All debts due to1 or by s~ld firm Why I weigh nearly two hnndred lo be settled Cottbwith by L, CORNISH. Bo\l m.a.nville 1 Nov. 19, 1869. pounds I "Well, sir," said the driver WILLIAM OORNJSI!. "you are sold." '· Yes " was the reply' i,EW!I> CO!>N!S!;, " d I h b h ' ' Wllneas, l ' nn ave oug t myself, -too !" JOHN FRANK. f M.AC-JfINE SEWING DONE "'O ORDET>, .L· H THE LATEST STYLES IN GO TO ...A ~ ..J_ - ~,.: _ ~ . l r>At~ I -s-_ F· F· M tRTJH ""US · Cll -- HATS AND BONNETS, CHEAP EST 1 ~0 man sliout l 1hu1lr of lakmg one n( thr. rentler !e:r '1 ts hFart wnlwni ruk: rn i.:- th ere w11h he r the·e Jacr 11 · T he m Ach m e ~ of th e Guelph Sewmlf Ml\chme Co'v hav~ bl?c n decl ~r erl by eo mp ·1en t Jud ee: ·1 the lete ~·Xh1h1Lion to be to.upc ri{l r 10 ihoge ofa~y olh« 1r1ake , ;:;:;:.. )O!h m Ca1rnrl::1 antl llrc Unn ed Stalt:·i lhe Com n' ~ enrr~mg off1 hr~ e first pr zes and one ·~eond ri!'! y '\ C er· aml} a- wnndrrlul .whievemcnl fnr ne b P ·p 1ovmo·~n11e!u~1\t· h: who.1 l!ay claim in 7ere~~~~~ll~~ th eu mar hmc!' to Ll'!'wrl'~i. v12 : hemr-firei.ela"·h·n d Pe r leNi'lfH i..foc 1m11 gu:=1nu1tt"etl or 1fno1 g1Ten th .lU i\. · r:hmPpUrclia~c tlcan beretnrned , Notunhlt'he eh~:d 1H1 )lpl1e1; ilw !a1111 1r wnh n scw1 11 {'.:' maeh1nt1 C'·flnt I i'Hlhl to 11r~lu1.r~1HI " lie or thf" fin1 obll;,.llq en;,_t ~\rJ;; ~ 1: 1u~~e ;!~~[n~~!aloguc which con111lUH· u Th; I I - I.. I 1 1 0 wh1c,11 n imrt to follow the or !irti..cl111e macumes. 'Ve wish ·he eme- rpnsrns- COtnf>B."Y Ille! lllCC·89 To MF:ssns1 Oll..\fdDEnr.AJN & SrLta 1 Cao way P. .l.tmoo~rhrea fty 1t, a.nd s ome "'here t he eGmpl8ln1 WAS cani;ed by 'llllceratwn of the utemt.,., '.fhe ulceN atl~n iti'elf Will! !'Oon cured.. N.otbmg within mv tn,owledgeequ-s1s1tf@f" tbw.:!e fem-aie derntlgament1ol!I' \ .h.~ward S Marrmw, of Newbury,. ..«iln ,.. w:rftet" " A dan' "erons mraf"1tm tumov on one of the female& """V ra'hu ·-~ ~ hlcb iM!.d d.etie d all the remP.dies we n j~ .'.{./. . "'"at length Yteen compfetely curetli con u emp~1· ~ lii:IU'Sllfn-TIJl:"U.. Qur p h}"!'!lei:u· by your Extr~~l ...... -.q,U:on ..,;a- .. ~ ~ 1 ,Lflb: 1 1 r.1ihef,. thought nothing bur -.,J' h~ ... e;.11 -.;.; 11 ,1 ,.,11' {'I thtr bnt tie; advised t he tnnl 01 10~ . ·01 'u1 dltir·md . lJUOl r esort before cutting, a ta.., it I' 'l , i n1'-'l'ua1 4\fler tak111 g your roamedy eightb-~ :,~ .. 4 iU : ntbes1s. I have cured Jn.any invet-erat~ cases oS' 0 County of Lenn o x, On tario, Canada. Al~poc 1 Oounty of Hasti n g£\ ProvinQe of _ Ontailo, FeL. 9tl·, ie69. 1 T FLO'\,TERS, &c. INSPECTION BOLIO ITED. llow11>an1·ille, GO TO F. F. McARTHURS. ' NOT QUITE so.-"It is omo11g the ~ the condition nnd con::fort of the horse lilF' L. have been neglecte..1, " hut we heli-0ve tliere and from -the imD)ense stock just opened JOoat savage and debased tribes only that T HE Buslneu will bo carried ou liore, after by Jl;orcll 30, 187!3. B.est ass ortment of CORNISH are ""Uny in civilized coon tries who are the LOW PRICES a t whLch i t is offered, and Uh: f ] quali ty of wnrk Uirned out, he hopes to 1(1 11 1ty o t rn same negeleot, and without merit the contin>1ation of that support so the_ excuse of th e form er : here all may libe rally accordod to tbe late tirnl. = vnil themselves 0f th e use of an article which has dooe more than anything else b.eretofore known to improve the condit10n and reliev? th e suffering of .tho hors· Thoso _ who will not ase .t will Le the ... losers, their horses th e sufferers : to avoid both use "Darley s Condition Powders a~d Arabi~n Heave Rem~dy," and you · will be sat1oficd ,.ith the result. Reruembcr the , name, and see that the signa' ture of ' Hurd _ & Co. i~ on eash package. McCLUNG'S OLD STAND, OPPONon~rop & Lyman, .Newcastle, Ontario, . sitethc'I.'O"\VN :E-IALL where P'°f"?tors for Canada, Sold by nll be is prepared lo fill all orders in bis line. I !TT ~'&tftO·t .f.'4 .f.lf. L. CORNISH. Bowma.nville, Nov. 23, 1869. J7 DRl SS GO~Il~, B A RG ..cll.NS ·· \SIGN w sco TT HAS REMOVED 1· ' GO ro f. F . McARTH URS. ~ ~ ~ ,A_ .. ~ ~ 5' ~ ~· -& - .:&;,"'flil ' ~ iit , . _W _. Jnlt.T ,~ \Yomen's "\Vl.nte Cotto n This is to certify that during the winter of 1S66 1 was ta.ken wi~h a " eakness of the or a nkles, wbtch gradually, during t1H~ s1.11 in g of 1867, e~ tended to ruy kneeB, and ou up to my bips, and I became s o wea k tba.t I could 1 10-t walk, but was confined t o my cbttir.week~ AJJOfb(1 1'> Wi.!! attacked by secuudary eymp. I!' or about two years., l\tbile this weakn ess toms rn Jns uose, and the ulc!eration h~d eaten n.way W /:1,iS comiDg on ~e, a nd aftc.r_v.'ards, J sought a corudi:l:erable pnrt of it, so thM-t l }lelieve tho dw. medical adv1ce 1 ~mploy1ng. at diffe r ent order would aoon rcuch hts braiu and kill lum But It y18 ld,ed to my ad mmi~trntion of your S; G ltA.11'1NG, tupe s, three doctors, and med1 ci,1es of drffer- the uJcersbealod, and be JS well again, not of oou111e ent kinds, prescrib ed by f; nd s b ut of no without some disfiguration to his fkce. A Wf.tma11. Decorating, F rescoing, Kalsomlnfa1 Plain n. ~ra.i l. I continued tl}.. gef. .wo who hnd been treated for the same disorder by gier~ . rsc ~ nd worse an d Deco ative was sufferin g from thia ¥poumn 111 her hDnes. unt.H the s u m ~11-rOf l 868, when l was..i n~ :1Ury J hi:iy bad become so sensitive to the weather that on duc ed to_,t ry t lie ~ re at Remedy a damp day she s.utfered..exeruoui.tiug he't" Paper Hanging, Gil~g,_~ &g, by rea.ding the cur<'S performed, in a p.11rl1ph- jom ts and bones Sbe1 too, was curutl entirely by your &areapnrilla in a tew \\eeks. I know from ifs let. .At this time I bad beO'un to fee l tb e formula, wblch your agent gave we 1 that tins weak ness in my hand s, in fact I was getPreparation from yotll' la born torr m~t be a gre;I P:AINTl~G ting alm ost helpl ess. I ha ve taken L lYO r emedy, consequently, these t i u y l"emarkn\)Jt ~ sults w1t11 1t have n ot surpnsed me. bottles of the Shoa hon ees Remedy a nd two A.W!>ipks"o( , Fr11terno.lly yours, G. V. ~ARI:UER M . .D boxes oftbe pills and I 11.nt entire ly restored RhP.amad.111n, ~~'"' Ll"\'.<ir CJ01:ui1;tqi~(. to hea.Hh. I nev er expected to g~t better lNDEP Pb, Va., 6th "July , "185$. DR J, ave lJ.ei::n 1lfil1c;tQcf with a but sim ply tried the medici ne as a s ort am Rla \!!~matism for a lQ ng ti!lJ:e, \1Vlucb forlorn bopo. This case of mine wa s not n of physicians, and' stn<:k' ta me In. E1:e<:1uted i~ f:J. private one, but know n to all mv ne igh bors n :med ies 1 could ftnd, nn~I 'J 1.Jed I~. ' One bottle euri·M ~~ fn twt:t and friends; and to any one &'ffi1cted .,, 9 J n 4 raato'r~d µiy t!e!l"' o11 J1ealtlt eo muoli was, I have only to say try the Shoshonees tar bett61." o;,..., bclbrc ~ \Ya~ attaMed. l Remedy; I b elieve it will cure you. kit a w P,uJ~rJUI medicine. J. J<'lU:1.A.M. !'.Jt.ilf!l! ¥ . Ge tcheJJ, · es : ' u J h~V!i MARY ANN DOUGHTY , been a fhC tad for yea o.ftb,e :,, Sworn to before me at Jf ad oc Cou nty of wW ci'l ' Cl.ei;troyed m · 6vat'ything ~nd ' evel'ythir.ig and l bav; Hastings, this nin t h_da y of F~br:1ar;· 1 1869. l)een a bro m no N:&w O R.tliNS, 26th .Augu11t lt(..)~ Sir, I uhoorfully 00!.IJP\y wit~, ~~d report to y ou aiom" ..... of the etfects I ha\ e realized ~vi th yo ur Sanap1111lia, J have curnd. with it, In my _prnQh~ most of the compJarnt.'! for whicb it Is rccomllle Dd~ a, nlld have found its effec~ truly wonderf\\J fn t he ~qre Venereal and .Jlft.rcurial J)iuase. One of '1\Y Jll'tients had 8y:phihtic uJ.cef"i11n Ilia throat:t which were eommnung bu1 palate and the top or bfa mouth Yonr Sn.n:apanlla- steficJily taken cureft J::i1m ju ilvO ofthtt diireaie remains" Syphilis n:qd lllerearial Dlsea DR. J r c. .A YER' the reqned or your ign & :Banner. Painting of NO. I STYLE: -t_ro. ~ A. F. \\:O~V.,,-& c. Great Bargains will be given at the T. F. McARTHURS. mecacmo dealera. BOOTS & SHOES INTELLIGENOE - ~FALL SORTS AND SIZES, WORTH KNOWING. CHEAP for CAST-I ! CHEAP . IF YOU i.Y ANT A Flour and F:ccd at Wliolesale Prices form their many cu stom e rs and friends tibat o wiug to their daily incrHa.s1ng tra de' '°"- ,they c~n now a fford to sell FLoun. nn d F-r.11:~ ,, BY RETAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICES. .and hope by ai wazs keepi ng a. large stock a t the lowe .::.t pr ices, and punetually attending t o all o: ders, to me rit, iii heretofore, a ahv. re .c.)f p ubhc patron age. R He is al·o, prepued to make all kinds of work 10 ord~r, o~ th e shor·est not ice. II:}- All those mdebted to him wrn pleaee call and settle their accounts As he A TCLJF~ & Co. would reapectfully in· wa nts mone.y at once to m ee t his iia.b'itittes llowmauv11le Nov. 9th, 1869. 15. --- I co RN ER · SUIT ~ GO TO CLOTHES, tor $6.60 s T oRE Properly made by the best c utter i.n tow n, I hereby certiry thn t I have knQ wn 11Jrs. MarY Ann Doughty fQr p~e las t11ftee a years ; she IS a. woman of prp,~ity and t ru th. I have kno wn her b efo1~ , during, and since lier JJ1 .. ness. I believ.e her cerhficat1.1 to be true in every po.rticuln f . I k no w tb a.t wlnle ill her ca se Wt\JI dechued 4opeloss; a nd l lc now tliat she bas since her re covery, al we. r's athibuted her recove(y to the ShRsli.o ce{IS Remedy, \Vb a teve r may be the p ec uliar properties o-f_ ~liis 1Il'<dicine 1 one t hing is ~ertaio, tba~ in her case, it hRs aqt() ~ f;l.l most hk " the p~rwrm1:t-npe of a miracle. ~-~ -.elo\ ed good enough" $eh~u·, Cnnccr Tumon, Entargemettr. 1he Done·· .A g1 e~t variety tny blood as to mitde a new ma h of me: I feCl young ti.gain The best that onn be Ell.ld vt' you Js n ot half JJlcerrttion, Curie· und Es;follarion of' of God try your ai Si\parllla, because he said be knew you nnd anytlung you was worth iryJng. By t~ ~t M t~ .... _. bi1!J cured me, and has go p u rified. l'l f · Ft De.. F. F. lYlc ARTHURS. F, McARTHUR Wa'.lts 1000 FirkiTis of A. F. WOOD, J, P. Warden of the Cou nty ofH~$t i ngs Brovince of, Dom1~1on of CaDactd.' of ~aee8 have been reported to us where -0ures of these furnudable complaints bava resulted from the use of this remedv, but our spitoo here v.,11 f,ot ad mit them. Soma of them m ay bo found in our A merican .Almanao, wbh:h the ngenta b elo w named are pleased to furuu;b gratis to alf who call for them. DyMpepsiniHenrt Di!!lf':Rff , 1.i'lt~, Epilepi1,., ... ForBai:gains in Harclware Go To BAssETT's, SIGN OF THE GOLDEN ANVIL. dring the remainder of the winter season! B1EJ1"Tmr And will pay the highest price foi it OR Tll'f!l TQWNSHIP OF DARL i ngton. AIJ ordera punctually at tenqail to. Oharges moderate. F lVnt. B,._.Jl'l'~.l'f, A UPT-lONEER ii.nd overoomcs di.soi ders which would be su~ ~osed beyond its reaob, Such a remedy has long been required. by the ncccss1ties of the people ond we a1e confident tbat tl$ ¥.ill <lo for them all that. wedicme can do . !t stuc.ulateis the VJtal Juuc tmns tnto vigorol'!s action be~n ~ade 11: Elhuacholy, Neqral;:ta. ' :Uany rem a1 ka.ble cures of these atfections h &l'O-,:.-: by the alterutive power oft bis medicine. Ayer'$ Cherry Pectoral, JOR TBE l'lAJ>ID CU.RE Oii' .- peuch111, '1old11, Influenza, IIonnenea '1f tt·n1, :l:.ll'onchitis, l,nc:ipit'nt (Joa... ,.411npt1o n, anti fur lhe Relief pf !Jo11ii"'tto1ptive Patientr. 111 11 l\1ng ~ tre ei. Remember the itoref l\.farket Buildings FARMS FOR SALE Lot No. 9, i n the 4th Conc easion Darlington, 2i milea from 1he fawn o f Bow. tuanv1 lle., an d ao in woods. Oomforto.ble dw.elling-house, good barn, stable and shed, a nd somei fruit trees on the premis es . The land is well watenui. Also, 20.@ &eres, being Lot No. 18., in ths 4th Com.cession of the a bo v e Township 150 cle.a.r~d, §O in woods.. Well waterie.d. G ood bu1ldrngs a ud orchard. 11 is one cftbe best tf not the .a,;ery beat fa rm in the Town sh ip_:. Situated 2i miles from the Town of Bowman ville . For f urther pa1, (lpply t o FA.HEWELL, Sign ·or the BEA.VERS RATCLIFF & Co. Bowma o.v-1lle., Jan , lt, 18 70. '. 24 100 AORES Oh',GOOD LAND , lJel ng P U B L IC OPINION TO LET~ , BllICI): Cottage, on Conccsdon street, \\1th or withont garden attached. Po11:: session gt1en i mwe <li.>tely. Apply to _, J 1UiES MUIR. ------~~-'--'----! Bowmanville, J une 15, 1870 46-tf. ABSOLUTD DfVORC ES l·gallyobtained STILL -AHEAD ! ·SOIR.EES , ·TEA P.~RTIES B&LLSUPPERS, ' PUDJ,IC DINNERS '\VEDD.11\'G CAU.E§, ' ·l ~ OT "'-P in the h est style aud on reason. '-- X 1.)}.l :crm1, ty the sub;i,criber. The has fully justified the original idea, that at the " Corner Store" you could get House a.nd appurtenarces thelepo. . ticular s app ly to ' L :fOR,_,__ SALF. .Fo r pa r- OTS No. l, l and ~ oa llun l Street io the Town o{ B<iwn1anville 1 with s:ick fl· C1j!SHO ~ M, Port Hope, .j'une )S )o.1 SolicitO!' &e r, f,o rt Hope. 46-4w F I 'I' T E D AND WELL SUITED " - APP:ij.ENTICES ! Mo GE~ & Rur LEDGE 1 Solicitors., &c., Bo wruan Yi11e, · n.. . ~t l ""l. l"lt'1".~·1. and bes t bread deliver· or lo T.l!OS. WEL DON, Tempo p. O. w.!l , A i '1':"~111~t nall?.artsoflhcto wn Bowwnnville, MB-rcb 31, 181-0. 3s-3m . F .. "Y',, COVVLE. Bcwmanville, Dec.· 1867. in Ne w York, I ndiana., Illinoi1 and othw S tates 1 fo r persons fr om a.ny Sta&eor Oonntey "{;iVANTED, by _th;-B;w~nvill~ Cabine 1 ~on:tide11 ce of mankind. :ft·.P.&r1ld by :Dr. l. C. AYER 4' LbwoI~ Mau, legal ev erywhere, ~eSer~On~, 4runkenneirs; f ~anufact..unng Compa ny, ~ ff!w goo BR ilCI{ CO 'I'TA.GE n o:i·supptH't1 !ctc., n1ffic1ent cao"; no pub~ .ApprenticffS to hiarn the C'i.b iuet Ma.kind N~rthrop & Lyman, ..;ewcasYe 1 Ont a rl~ OR SAI.,1~, on 'V0llmgto.n Stre~t. For lJc ity. no cha1ge untll dh' CJtfA ob,aioed. and Turning bus1p.ess . Apply to ' roprietors for Ca n ada . THOS J[.>JHSTON, p ar t u~u ktrs apply to Adv ice free . Busin ess: establis~td ll 1t~rs. Sold by J . HIGGINBOTHA ~! a nd 11. .Man~ger. A. DIXON )-'ddross M. HOUSE , A_tio rJ1>y, 8TOT1\ Bo~ ma.avllJ. and Msd1cine Dea.le n ,C owmr.n'"Jlle 1 )!ar&h 31 1 1810. 35,.tf No. 78 Nassau b.1. .S'ew Yo k 'c 1 Ma.y 18 th, IS'i"O. I eve'ryWho;in:1 1 ~Z· tf~ ' Jl.!ld ns they know1, too, the effects of this remedv W e ncr.d not do more than to aEEUre them tbat it hit~ now aU tbc vniues thu: i t did have when makJ~ the ou.ries wbJeh hn ve won 110 etrongly upon tbj; 1n thei r 1mdl!-t of its victory over the $Ubtli ~rophy nd dru1gero11H disorders of the tb1ont aud Itl.ngs,. know the drea.dfW t3.tahty of these ersonal This is a remedy ISO u uf-; e1~ally kuown to e.urpMs any other for the cure ot throat and Jun"' oorilphqnts t~at 1t 1 a u seless here to pubhsb thfl ev "l.den cc of 1t.O: Ylrtues. uoflvalled excellence for coughs and cO!ds, an its truly \Vonderful cu res of pulmon~ ~ase, have rQade it known t hroughout the cn·1 · iz.ed naUona of the earth. Few arc tfie .,omtoanlties, or evcu fam1hes , among t hem who ba.. e not some . advanced Staps of' the piseu.8Ca Jb ex.penence of tt.s cft"ects - i;ome Jiving d1s orde~ ~all Ce., F I · \ '

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