:';'J. " t- - - -_.::___ ~- · =t· ~Qt ca nnabian ~tattsntnn ::u DIDN ' T CARE FOR HIS PATCH. Rags aro often · di·grace, but lb<l rent! that make them are almost a privl· lege, when they give oppdrtunit7 for "' motlier or sister to s!iow how well they oan mend them " I would not go' to 'Sttnday sohodl with that 11atch," $a1d a proud girl t<> h er brother. ' ' " I woulil rather go with the pnt oh than not go at all, " answered the- b&y. Patch or no patcli, what did his teaoh: er care, who had hunted him in hi' lowly home 7 She thought moat of Iha little boy's soul. What did the ki nd sup-.intendent cnre, who c·ught the boy'· blue ere looki'g straight al him as 1 .0 spoke, a nd wps pleaaed to see it. ' Patch or no patoh, he sung" I wont tii be an ongel," u sweetly aiid beartil1 es better dressed boys did. No 1J01iola~ re· cited a better lesson or behaved mor~ properly in bi· class Patoh or nn pate I!, his Redeemer had died tq save him, and now h<l'1aid M hint , m tender accents, " Son, giv~ me th1 heart." Patch ot' no' patch, tbs Holy Spirie was hovering t6 help hlm remember b is Creator m the days of bis youth, and choose this day the Lori! for liia' portion: Patch or no patch, heaven has room for him . · / A parch, you aee 1 is no matter at all. Instead of ' hein~ · disgrace, it ii rathr an honor. because it shows a boy baa " kind and c,areful mother, anxiou· to ~O' her best with tho sm~ll rne&ns GOd ~~' len I her Never be ashai.ned of a p,.,tdt. 1s pri nte d n.nd published EVERV TilURSDAY !tlORl\!iNG. by t l e Propr 1eLor 1 WM. R. O T,I J\fIE, At the OFFICJ:t::---Pos· Offic Block :&:ING STREE T 1 BOW:M: A.NVJLLl:!:,ONT 1 up .. VOL. XV. 21' 1870. ' J mNSURE AND YOUR S'I'Ol'ES? IN PARLO R, BOX AND QO OK, e1 ibe" Coe.J or Wood, cheaper than ever TIIO~IAS BA,; 'OETT ASSURANCE Co., or I.Oi\'DON, ENGI,AND. CAPITAL, FULLY SUBSCBIB~D, £2.500.000 STERLING SURGEON DENTIST. BRITISH COMPANY OFFERS SU. THIS perior advantages to Pclicy holders'. in both the Life a nd T. J. JONES, L. D. S., FIRST· CtAS~ Fire department. Rates low and terms liberal. MORLA,.,.D, "WATSON & co. Montt"e nl. . ~""""""'-rv- ~usimss ~~rtdorll. General Agents for Oana.da Over F. F. McARTIIUR'S Store, KIN G STREET , BOWMANVILL E Yet 'tis coward.a that fear t for we seldom may kno't" T he bhs::t tba.t sbf\ll fall to our sh&re 1 And us often fro m sorrows our Joys may flow1 I f bravely ou r fortunes we dare, For ho pe i n life's enp HI oft bu ried deep, And JOY· are mtngled with tears ·· 'l'l'e weep The_v never havfll lived who never have Javed, For th e heart tlrtnke of love as its wme 1 An d they that q ua.IT of its nectar unmoved, Lo:H1 "'JOJ i n its nntnre dlv1ne 1 For God that created, He ms.de us 1n lo veOu r blies here below, and our end there Rb)Ve And love in the heartt like a bird 1n its nest, Folds its wings der our bupesyet unborn, Still knowing 10 t1tne they ma.y be possessed, Nor mo urns if the ftedg1ags ar~ gone , For though they take wlng m the day's fleet. W R CLOIIE, Agent at lloll'tbanv11le, ,................,..,.,... ""'"",...,...., ~~ ' DAV ID S Jtt A RT, IF YOU Wl ~H TO GET D ']")ARRISTE!l and ATTORN"EY-3t-LAW, Solte1tor in Chancer y and Insolvency, Conveyancer, Notaryi Sohc1tor tor the On tano Bank, &c G-R.AN"D DXSPL.A."Y ! C'.llie>OD PORT HOPE, ONT. & Money to Lo an & ka.p4s for Sale AT TE'N TI 0 N Is di rected to the SPL~ND ID stock or new a.n d PHOTO GRAPHS! Either in Bumiller Ol' "\V1nter Sce n ~1y, give HARR °Y'.: TAIT I THOJllAS STONID OUSE , ,,\ uotIONEER , APPRAISER ~nd GE N call, at b ts stad10 1 tl._ eralAgent, Dt1.rlingttih Centre promptly· t t·nded to Snle FAS Opposite Trelev-en's Shoe Store, SUMMER HATS! Ki ng Street East, Bowmanv1lle. Febrnary O, 1870 28 mg light, They ever re tu rn l a our sorrows' clark night Ob, ne+-er despan tn t he battle of life Btrife, 1 The BEST a nd MOST FASHIONkEt.E stock of Hats ever shown in Bowman ville. Make an early call and you ;.i;1v sure to be suited. Who kn ows wb rt. t the morrow sha.11 bring? Still onw1t rd and hopeful amid troubles and For Tim e scatters balm from his wmg ~nd happiness ours, if we seek to attain. By seeking it w isely v; e Siek no\ le. va1u . ~@i3 &@T~ ~7m~1'? ~t~~£~o HIGHEST PRICE P:aID FOR HA w FURS. l!i.«.A::A.:R:'O"S With Teeth. Without Teeth. SURGEON DENTIST! i'o.!i:.A.YER., DR, A, bEl'l'lil, (tiroduate of the To ronto Universi ty,) HYStdIAN, SURGEON, &c OFFJOE on iC1n~ ~tre~t, ne x t door to Yellowlees & Qulckr· Varlety Store1 llowmn nvj llc, P SENR.. ~ S J. M, BRIMACOMBE, L. D.S. UP ERIOR GOLD FILLINGS L\'RERTED an d an eJ.cellent t ooth powder fol sale Cntatlo , R j ODN Ii. t:A1,nnAITH, B I ARRifi'!'Jil R AND A 1'TOR NEY-at-LA W Omce 1 k ing 8t t BoWn)ft.n t lll e Age nt n..t BowmanV1 1le for t he,....-F reel1old Ruild1ng and Will b e foaud at h is Ne w Shop o l 0 J'\TT A. RIO 8TRE ET , oppo~i te thft rr s 1de n ce of P C OL EMAN 11::1- A goo d Blacksmith Shop a ttached OaNHtg~s R.a pa11e-d, Painted g,nd Society .Jtonef to eli"i1 on fiirm se c urity rnrumed en the shortes t not1ce ..c\. call aoh c1ted cA R R 1 A G E BOWMANV! LLE , Ocotber 6, 1869. !l:SPECTFULLY ANNOU!\CES TO ms or. ti tRlENDS A ND OUSTO~!ERS, AND :\! the P u blt ~ gtiner1:11l y 1 tba.t he has agai n rer:iu med the ;s nst N E s81 irr DlELIOID rARM r [OR SAl'"' S r [ 11 t I ._ _ _ _ _ B _LOCK: In tlJA year 18- them reeided ln the north of England a gentleman who was koown as Sir W11l1am l\hroton. He was on9 of those men who aro cool and calculatrng-nllvays lookmg beforo them. He had made oll hie money at iron wo1k!og, but after havin g got his title, ha thought tit to " set out" and retire. H e noeordmgly chose a residence in Durhnm, an d re&ided there. for three years, when he detetmmed to build a lnrge man·10 n for b1msclf, and he accordingly consulted with an atclu tec t, and tha uraw1ugs and epeo1fica ~1ons were n1ade out 1 tendc1s received ana work proceeded with S. CHESTERFIELD, AUCTIONE ER JOR DOWMA.NVItLX AN]) DARLU!GTON RESIDENCE, - · lG"'Orders 1,11nctually a ttended to. Obar gos Mode 1ato. 13 Now wh en this rnans1on w;-is built, Sir UOBER'I' EA S'.l Ol'f THE subscriber 1 1a13 now received the whole of hi3 SPR1NG IMPO rtTATIONS which will be found of t ht' Newest Styl es, best quahtie·, and at t he lowest pric e>'. He invites the especial attention of pur chaserr; to his aBso1 tment of CLOTHS, TWEED@, , H -0 0 l' ll K ! ll. T ~L.\ NUFAO T URER an<i ~ porte r of CJa..terta ls fro m William found t hat every one was admir 1ng- 1t; nnd artists came and skctol1ed It befo1e !he glass was m tho window· E ver., nnn declared lL peneo t lon 1 all but ~II \ \l'" }l lt !Ill h !l1'l i0!1 )f West, Emdley & Cary's Mfg., Co. King Stree t Eo.cti B1:H'i'lllAQ Vllre. Bowmanu11le _.T nl) 16. .5 1-lf -ml".~. W A'rER PROOF OJ,OTHS. SHIRTINGS SHEETINGS, LlNENS, TOWJC:LTNGS, HOSIERY, B LACK SILKS, VELVETS, PARASOLS, U~1BRELLAS, DAMASKS, MOREENS, DIAPERS OLIJY.C:I:E, IBS'Llilfl o.- LICENSES ·1a.uthor1tyof His ExceHencytheGovernor (} 1ne1'A.} OFFICE at the " STATESMAN" Oflic0 DR. :UA.V JDSON, :and acco uchtiur, of the Royal College of Plrys1c1ans, England . .. f King Street. A fo.rge ass01tment of Small Wares and Trimmings at whole· sale and retail. B <Jwmnnvtlle, A!ay 26th 1870. R Ill hi= left hand, he oomme~ced to pump) were kept only from starvation by the furiously ' with ctha right, and the htlle obar1ty of the neighbors. This being lever-handle was al!llost invisible, with tho first oase under the Aot, his Honor ~uoh speed did ii go up and down. The dealt leniently with tho prisoner senteno footman kicked away the portmanteau, iag him to be imprisoned in the common that had been !ef't in_ t he hall, and bnrst gaol for two mQnlb·, to be kepi at hard the cupboard door open, and then pro· labo: . ceeded to d rag to light a rast sssort men t of rogs, nod btawo paper, nnd damp straw, oil of' wbmh made a terrible smoke, although !lo flames were vt·ible. It wus A etory CQmes to us aboµt Dumas.soon put out, an d Str William returned The great novelist, bei]g lo London last to ins roon1, , ,y year, fou"d himself inexpr'es!lbly bored H e found the doo r locked upon the by the diean;iy dullnr2s wh jeh reigns in inside upon his nmval ; but this did not the modern Babylon on Sunday. The startle 111m at fir~t He knocked, but be chan~c from the ga5ety of Par!sian Sun· got no an·wer, so, 'JIUietly stepping !>ack doy was anytli1og but agreeable to the olong the passage (hem@ a powerful man) auth o r of Men t e Cristo. 1 he !lung h1ws·lf at t he door, and it gave Balow, ho cafes, no' Teslaurants, no way with a crash T he roo lJl--ll'aB empty. open stor~ e, no the&trao ; whil·t abov0c He lnok ed everywhere, and faun-\ two the f<ray and leaden luo~ing sky seemed thtags, v'" that the wind ow w·s wide to hang l!ke a p· ll ove r everythmg, pro open, and that h1 a lhe hundred pounds ducing a painful impression of drearme·' Do not estimate the worth of a yootll were gone. impossible to be dispelled! hy b.is tact t~ talk nQ_osenae> nor by hia He was mortified in the extreme. Had Ho Was standing w1~h an English woustaohe, thu man who wanted a slluation taken friend in the courtyard of tho house, Do nOt im ~~iuc tl1·l' an extra ribbon ~ his money? If so, "as it a plot to do so, where a number of poultry of all colors tied arou'nd tile neck, con remetl7 th e or merely that, knowmg there was money and sizes, 'werll cnjoyin'g th eir liberty and th er e, had he availed himse lf of the op- ' p ·clnng at t heir grains of barley with defeat of a soiled collar or an untid y dress. 1 ti: : 1 portun1ty an d taken it? He thought endent satisfactwn, whlle an unfortun If your hana s nra br owd by labor dJ the latter. ate black roo·ter was confined to a coop The man that was at the porter's lodge unable to reply lo the amiab'e advanee· oot envy th· lily fiogers of M1~s Fue· nn n satd he saw a man come in tho morning of his lady frtcnd·, who gathered round Feathers, whose mother work· in the kitof the fire with · portmanteau, nnd that bis wicker priso n, exoept by a miserabl· chen while she l~unges in the parlor. If a boy with · Ct!!;·r between hio !Ing; ~ oo n afterward he saw him running to- attempt nt !lapping h1> wings and o ward the gate, saymg ho WllB going for wretched attempt , to produce a 3oyou· era, aslrs you t!f smoking is ofl'oosive tell him mos< emph·tioally, ",Yes." ' the fire engmes, so he let11lm prl·J. crow, which died a·h:x in the poor bird', Do not w~ste !ears on the imagiouy The next morni ng Sa W11Jiarn re throat and resolved ; tself'!nto a mournful sorrows of Alonzo and flfehsu, nor t he ceived a letter by the poet, which puzzled cro·k beforo it passed h is beak. hme novel heru10e~. Seek rather to him not a little-It ran as follows·" There I" said Dumas, pointing to the Sm,-Having seen your ·dve1t1sement captive, " there you hnvo a perfeot pie le v1ate tqe ~"l suff.iing wilh tho1e you ~now, in the---1nv1ttng burglars to break tore of England on a Sur.day; that " If your drei· i· long, and a gent1~ln·n in nnd steal, I thought 1t was ha rdly to England in the cage. But look at that be called a cnme, this house-brea krng- l1ttlo rooster with, tho golden and black steps on it, don ' t be angry, but mee\Jj be1ng in faot, out of th e wav of proof of plumage, struttrnµ: aboUt' and ,looking Ro beg his pardon, as you ought; for be is the safety of your home - I migh t \vi1b gay and happy Well, my deu sir, that entitled to tho ,i;1ght of ll'&y safety venture to show yo u that fo101ble 1s a picture ot France. on S unday." entry 10 not the only way of roblirng a At this moment the iarge blaok rooster, house. And moreove1 , es you specified by an extra vigorous flapprng ofhts wings so accurately where the rhmo was, I de overturned the cpop and found himself termrned to posses~ it. at hberly. With a bound and rt screech I aecordingly took an old portm!nteau he fiew ot the h ttlo represen tative sf an d filled it with some very smokey rn Fran ce, and, with a few well-directed ll 1mable stuff, but not dangerous mnleri peck·, put him ignoq11b!ously to the als, and donning some old elothes, I roul proceeded to your man·ion The Eni:lishman took his revengo. As I bad often ~1s1tcd it while it was "Well, Mr Dumas," said' he dryly bu1ldmg, I knew it well , and so, upon "I think you may call that tbo battle of g1V1ng an elaborate ruessogc to the toot \:V atet JJ O " man, I staid in the hall whi le he deliver I knew of ed It, but I wns not idle. the cupboard under the stairs, nnd 1111 med1ately openrng 1t (for the key wns in it) I emp tied my portmgntea u , .ud h ~ ht cd a match and applied it to the dam p straw and the bits of brown paper, and tben I qmetly closed the doo r and pocketed the key, kn~wmg 1t would be ·ome time before the sm oko would oeze through . I th en pal·vered to yottr Hig h n c ~ s til l t he alai m was g1von, whe·enpon i pretended to t11p nnd fall w111le runm ng !or the door, but pwked myself u p immed1 aiely, locked the doo r, forced all Hie drawers of your writing table, pocketed the money, a nd hf tiug up th e ll' tuclow, le·pd on to the lawn-good iump, err tarnly , but I ran of! toward the gate Hero I was stop ped. I porntc~ to the ·moke coming thr mgh th: hall-door, oaid I was g01ng for the cngtnea, and then quietly returned home. , It is my intentlon to i~ dul ge in a tout' to the Umted Slates with tha five hundred po u nds I prOO\fred by, my , ID gepmty. P rny rcme°!nber th ey 'are hot nil thieves l bat steal, and believe me, yours tru ly, at. EGISTERED ACOORDlNG TO THE n~w Medical Act as Phys?c1a.n 1 Surgeon '1'H01\!IAS PA'l'ERSON, IRON HARROWS " A V ERY HANDY MAN." Si r- W 1Iliom vertrnem en ts in his money "as. Street, E:.e£ Ond d oor north Consul tattun tr:.e.e,. llov;manv1Jle., J une 25, 1867. orece OU Silver of a. tiuper1or kind, a.Isa on han d. BUGGIES AND 'VAGONS '1-' 110:1'1 ft.S CHRISTIE, ING STll)U)'.1-', BOWMANYILL.!l , Ag 't ror t ke foll G:iiVJ Og Bri tish a.ad. Canad uin a11u·a.n ce C Olllp.entes, viz Royal, Liverpool -.a<l Londo11 , BrUJ.il-b /uni uca. and P ro\ i nc1 n1 K ~Bl11111r~~ De STOTTP A~~ DEALER Bl c onsta ntly on hand for sale !'IJ- All krnds of Blacksmith work done on the shortest noti ce . A ca.11 solic1ted. I \I ESrCOT T :Dl~W®@l\~il~ CHEMICAL, ' II Jio;~ften h·en a matter of ~~rnme to u~ (Galt Reformer) t J;iat some pro,vlSion was not made in law 10 puotsh ~hose great hµlka of men w ho loaf aboGt, soak t ~em seJvea with whiskey, 1and foil to provide thotr and, fa milies wlth tb e common , nc&ssar1cs , of hfe. We have knowa , and now l<;noiv men fo Galt, who for y·ar· have scarcely dra ivn a sober breath, whose only per:od of i ndustry is when the oravrng for liquor compels th~m to aar n a few ·hillrngs wherewith tq ,pur chase it. These men hve upo c the proceeds of their wives' mdustry, anp fbe poor unfortunate sufferers are comp<i_fled to drudge and sl.1ve ilreRrily and wearily to furmsh the commonest necessaries for their httla ones, while the wretched specimen of humani ty wl:o calls himself husband spends his years in the pursuit of wl11skey. l t is satisfactory to be able to inform such that along with other W1'e measures-the !logg1og system for tnst·nce-we have al·o a vew law which fits their case beautifully, and we hope to · ee it tried on a few ID t li 1~ quarter before long At the Cou nty Judge's Crimmal Court, held Et Woodstock las t week, a man nam ed J 11 i;. Cross, wag i nd 1c~ cd under the new law, and th~ 1'.ntes makes the followmg allusion to it· "The QUEEN"" JAMES Onoss -The prt·oner was rndwted un der the St·tute 32,-33 Vic , Cap. 20, Sec. 25. ·Statutes of 1869, page 176, fur not prov i d i n~ hi. wtfo with necessary food bod 6lothing As the law is a now ooe-lllis b eing the first tri ed rn this ooantry-we give tbe text of the aect10n : ' ' Whosoever being ' leg.lly liable, either as a h usband, paren t or guardian, committee, mnstf:r or tnistreS's, nurse or ot herwise, to provide for · ny person as wife, chdd, ward, lunatic, idio t, appren tice or servant, infan t or otherwise, nP.CP.!sary food, clothi ng or lodging, wilfully, and without lawful rncusc, refuses or n egle ~ts to provide the same, or ., ttnlaw· fully or mahe10usly do es, or causes to be don o, any bodily harm to any sueh ap pren tice or servant, so thal the Hfo ot . -wires'. IO" A young gentl rman in Whitby re· cently found hims·lf in company wit ~ three young lnd1~'s, and generously divided an orange be\ween them. '· Yon wil\ rob you1oelf," exclaimed one of the dam· sols. "Not at all," replied tl1e innooeri t Wbitbyue, "I have three or four mor o u1 1ny pocket. " SooLDIN(l-Whnt good does ocold ing, do? It does no one the least oervioe but ii c_reates infinite mischief. Scolded sernnt· never i1 ? their work well 't'hd i tempera ore roused, as well as that of their mBtress, nnd they very often fai l m their duties !'t awkward moment·, sm1ply to spite their m1stre15s nnd ' 1 l!lerve he r out." V ery wrong of them, doubtleos , but human nature is frail, and servioe " a tryrng rn·titu t1on. It do es no go6k to husband or clnld, tor it simply rmpties 1he house of b~th as Koon ·· po·s1ble 1'0 W J_ Y fIALL BUILDINGS, BOW.MANVILLE. Aitent for Royal MAal Li ne of S teamers and JreightL1neo fbo.Xs Auct1 oneernndOom 1t11'SSton }lerch.u1t 1 aJI<l Coroner forYn 1ted{ Counties of Nortnuill betland and Dnrham. .., D RUG ':; f MEDICINES, AND B ..,.are,ve11 u ~1 cGee "" Rutledge ·. ARR[STllRS At to10e)s, Soho1lors, and Notaries Publi c Dy-P. Stt1l'Is, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Brushes, Combs, :Soaps, faints a1.d Oils, P aint Brushes, Coal Oii, .1 C .- ' & anu c<> i Oil Llllmps, .~c., -c. .- .~~~- Change of Agency! _J\_ I 1>-F.ARE\\ Er,L, LLB, n McGEE, B A JAMES RUUED-O E, B A 0FJ'IC~: MoFeeters' Block, opposite entranc.e to Town B a ll , .Illlwma u ' ii le Physicians' prescriptions carefully Compounded, and all Orders OOn"eCtly answered. OWr Stool~ Of 1nedicfnelil C!Jm]Jl&te a ni(, -Oj' the best quality , CARD. h ave app O'l nted We beg leave to 1nfor1n the pubhc t hat we :ROBINS ON HOUSE, TEMPERANCE W.."fllL , tiii!r' Fct/l'mers andPhysiciansf1·om the (",ov1,ntr11 wir:f. fhid Ibo \\ ell-1rnown J'ewell er, t o ~upersed e o"r former Agent )lere, for t h.e sale of o.1u IVIr. AARON BUCKLER, !YO. 109 DAY STREET .A few doors North O<fRrng Street, PERFECTED SPEC'I'ACLES. epiri t TORONTO. JAMES MATHEWS, Proprietor !,Ill PER DAT. bee11 oom e OULO BEG TO I N F OR~! THE I N,li;ab1tants of Bow man\ tile aod fa r mer! of Wsat Durham, that he 1s now prcpred to aae,n4 to any sales that iu.a-y be en61 \isted to bna Clu1.rges moderute :Uowmaavllle, 0 at 1s t, 1909 LO tf W It. H. TUANER, Auctioneer. STOVE & TIN WARli. J:no 1'1.[cT ·COd,. Is still at the old stand, with a prodigious stock bf W. H. EDWOODS, -'21arber and Hair-dresser, doer ea:st af ~ li e Post Office, 1s prevred to atlt ::d t o the wan~s of the puhhe iJI' ·J:us Linc, ca .;.10.ao.er un su rpassed by an) ln tlic Province. Pa.rt...-cnla:r attention given t o the cutting and dressing or Ladies' and Chlidren's ha.1r 1 A e~ ll sohc1tcd. ELECTRO PLATED I--Iardware, utlerv Paints and 0 ila Stoves and T i nvvare. A Lot or Splendid Electi·o-Plate Tea Sets. Building Hardware, Paints and Oils, } 5 to 20 per cent. cheaper. Everything warranted to be as repr~sente d . , ff A YING jjtted up the premises third ENORMOUS REB UC'I'ION IN PRI ~E8 l ' fi£ MONEY TO LEND ! J N St.US OF ES '1' A BL IS H w ya11Loo11 "J J:NB 1 ,, ...... ""='"'"'· -·, E . C. ALLEN &: CO, ..i\OGUllU. )LulJB H 1 ,I{ E N T debt whic h for bo ner, / $300 AND UPWARDS, at a low rate- of 1oterest · FAREWELL & i\JcGEE, STOVE AND 'FIN SHOP IG"'Office,-Opposlte eutran<:e t:;> Town Han, Dowrua ntcHl e. Bowma"'v1lle, Aug 20, 1S68 9 PE~TE, \ 1\ 1 TALOR ., Gentlemen's & Boy's Garments 1'9, 1868 30-tf WEI·LINGTO N BUILDINGS, · Bowmanvdle, Sopt, 28, 1869 JOHN M'LEOD .. ~o.,rnaavl l' t , . J . P . J,A 1!."JJ\"6\. !fay 28, 1810'. 44-tf