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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jul 1870, p. 4

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-~~~ ,.,,;;:,...' ew;11ga.., ]' I nd "·rl , wo h h a d b e·n -··.n.n in through letter· by whom she had never seen, paid him B visit over the Pacific R"ilroatl, and rejec ted him nt once, becau stJ he was " such a little · epud of a follow " ~OU?ht and won Nevada, --·-I L1J.z~rns1 Morris & Co's a man I ~ERrrc1ro ~I - --~ - - -- - - --- -- --- - - ... r[ [ 8PfTAClES t ·M. TRELEV~ EN ha.· now on hand an immense stock of I~. CORNISH, with n..rod hot poker to see 1f tt was good L. ir. ~t Co. n1ny assert just what they please, It is believed by his friends that he has but the follow1pg FACT!! they dare not deny: ST -Thnt L. CORNISH hos a full asaortgone to Eur0pe, although· has found ment of their Perfected Spectacles. 8ome human tnne3, and a plece of Ehirt· tail, about twenty miles from J.ouisville. OND -That L. C. bas never sold one pnir k· of SpectRcles for the Perfected th was ~ First class in Geography como up, not bought of L. M. k Co. said n country $ohoolmnster. Bill Toots, RD;-That if L. C. can Luv L. M, & Co's wh·t, is a cnpe ? A thing that mother Perfect,ed Spectacles from~ 50 to too per wcors over her shoulders. What is n cent. lee~ f1om other"-~ AD from the manu(ac· to sell nt plain? A tool used by carpenters fo1 turers, ho is surely 11· a. pos1tion less than any of L l\f & Co1s Agents; and smoothing off boards. Wh,ot is a desert? be prom1sC's their C(>.lebrate<l SpC'ctaclr.s at a It i< gnosberriea after dinnor. That rrlce that will make them not only an .Amerwill do, Bill, Rnid the pedagogue, I will ioa.n catch but an American bargaia. give you goosberries aftor school. J,, 0 ORN!SH, 32 March 9, 1870, Q:J- In Carlisle, Pa., the other day, a flock of pigcoas were set upon by a swarm of bee·, and runny of them atung to death. It ·oems the bees were about swarming, :.uns. ..tLEX. lo'J,ETCllER and t'Je pigeon·, in !lying. bnd passed throu"'h the crowd or excited honoy-m·k· "lTTOULD beg to inform her numerous . ers,_whfoh enraged them, and they attack- l'f patrona and the public in genern.J, ed the feathered enemy with the result tbn.t she has now received The Latest London and New rorlt 1tatod . · fiO per f)ent. f)beape1· than ,any II:)- A young m·n in J,ouisvill,e ex oC L. !'II. & Co's Agents, either In aminod a keg of damage? _gunpowder Bowmanvllle or the Dominion. ~ ' An exchange g,ys, persons who n se kerosene iamps will bo glad to know that if the wicks are soaked in vinegnr twenty-four hours und thoroughly dried before berng inserted, all smok:o will be avoided tho wick· will last twice ns loui:, nnd indreosed bnlEant light will be obtained, A YING HAD THE AGENCY for thr. lae:t year, mndo the discovery 1 that bot h their wholesale and retail pricee were exorb1t!:l.nL, and because of imparting this information to one of the fi.rm, n.r::d their f,ulmg to st/lad by tbc orig1na.l agreement, be refused to have anything more to do with .them. But be ha.s a complete aesortmen t of tl.ese celebrated SpectacleB, and will sell H Ladies', Gentlemen's ':'and Children's PRUNELLA AND CANVAS B O O T S A.N"D S~OES, all of which he is selling at a great reduction from his usual low prices. Cat! and see them, and get bargains, at the STOP AND SEE·& I! REVERSIBLE H AND MACHINE, $15. Sign of the Big Boot Drawn by fwo Horses,, :Bowmanvillc. ' HE }'OLLOWING :REMARK'S EGS respe ctfully to announce th .. t he Testimonials of most won<!erful and· hns rcc,eived A. well as sor.ted stock of nine DrngS' and Pure Ett~lish Chemicals. traordinary cures in Canada by the GRB~ Also, a splendid stock of the most car'efally INDIAN REMEDY. They are stern, uutt niable and incontesiable fact:, sufficient:! selected ~ · ~ · ,,.. r t.r - -- DYE STUFFS or struction, beauty of finish, speed, and gP.nern.l adaptability for ft1.mily J1 urposes. A trial DRUGS, ~.i;. will con Vince everyone of its superiority. OHE~\f vaLS 1 convince the most skeptie:al that the Gr"!' Medicinal Com pound yearned after for · is now a.ccesenble in the Great which cGnnot be surpassed for excellency SDOSDONEES RE1'1JEDY quality. An assortment of Aniline Dyes The mMt perfect Sewing Aiacbine in the kept constantly on hand, together with n For Diseases of the Throat, Lua gs, LiTll' ma.rket. Unrivalled for simplicity of con. choice 1eleelion of Digestive Organs, Kidneys, &c, aa lrell · 3 Treadle ·Jlfacllfine, Oniy $20. 'l'EIE LARGEST, ;I'HE ti:HEAPEST AND the best Tteadle enr offered to the pub he. OILS1 · . PATENT i!ED!C!NES, BRU#;ES, cmrns, ' · OUf,DER·llRACES, , ~ SUPPORTERS, .te., PAINTS, 1 Scrofula, the var1ttus Skin Dlseaaes, Humoaw and alldiseaa~s arising from Impuritie1 · ·b Bl d b ldl h & ~. · ' e oo, we o y statet at this gr... retncdy bas NEYER BEEN EQUA LLED..Where was there el'er ··ch a cure·· tbat .. t he person of WILBON STonu of Brlgbt°"' Ontario, of Consumption; or that of P · C V. Mtttl!:R 1 ol Ernestown 1 On t ario, · J,facbines poasess all the new and latest COLORS, improve1nents , combined with the rcquiwttes VARNISHES~ , · ' · an--' 10Uud esaentinl to fir s t-class Sewing Machines l't-4.. A. ~, ~ WHrrELE;Ul. ,,_, t tne 'fer<· lowes t.n,ri , ., ··, f\n d undoubtedly the lowest priced ro" r. d-it, ~ .- . F T ll]J 'GUELP H REVERSIBLE SEWING Consumption or that of A"anon Woo1>, o Oonsecon, Onta..:rio, ofbyspepaia and LiTff Complaint, or thn.t 6f J OHlf l:IostT1 of NRo· " O n t 1t.rJ01 ' Bnt;e, ,o f Rb euma ti am, " h o '1A · IJ.11·ac t ua JI y been on c rn t c hes f or years , 111 Fashions, Fashions. SICN OF THE _ COLDEN :~ION .. ANDREWS begs to announce the.the is prepared to gi'"'e inshuetions lo. the elements liablo J\facbin es now oi!'ered to the public 1 Ho~se & Cattle Medici\\'les and challenge ca.tllparison, THE GUELPH SEWING 1!A\JaTNE Cr!y N. B.~Country Storekeepet· supplied on' nS3uro the public that nothrng has been Jett ·dl"attrngeous term<. undone . by them in the way of tronble and expeooe to render their Mncbioes first-class ' , in every respect, and redommend a fair trial in order to test their claims to superiority. -~ · lif all tre1<tmehnt heru.,fwe, abnd i1 llow ...... Scores of sue cases might e tnentionedh TQ THE PUBLIC " wo , , Irr Call~\ tpe Drug <ll<lro ~od g et a ei... crrlar of unquestionable certific!J.te~ on . . GREAT SHOSHONEES :REMEDY aaa !'latisfy yours!'~til!I'.\. ~l P1·i~e of Reme'V; {;. 'kiy,ge jnn t' H. Q:J- Much hn· been snid of a very pro- Styles in Dressmaking. She is alrn prepared to make L&die· tJnder-clotl1ing and Gents' Shirt·, in the latest ·tyle. March Z2nd, 1870. 15·34 Jy, - - -- - - - -- - - - - - -- - - lifio breed of sheep coming, some from Russia, and othe~~ from China. '.l'liere nre several !pocimens in the Zoological Garden in the Boia de Boulogne-notably two Chinese sheep (one of which has .J. FIELDING, ill.. D., nlrondy produced nine l&mbs in the course of tho year), haviog at the pre- MEMBER OF ROY,\L COLLEGE OF sent moment one four and the other thrae Surgeons, England ' Licentiate Royal College of Phys1e1ans, Edinburgh. (Late young ones at its side Res1dent Acconcheur St Thomas Hospital, ~ ' - ' London,and Acting Resident !\fedical0ffic~1'1 ~A i_ninister at a ~urn.I wedding' City of London Hospital for Diseases of the having ar1·1vcd at the point In the cere- Chest;) Office: Dr. Herrlman's, Orono. mony whea it is customary to oall on any ohJeetion to tho proceedings to "Ppeak ! now," was astonished by a husky note of protest ls·uing from a corner. Of course THE snbr.:cnbet offe.r! fvr sale part of tot all e,yes instantly turned in that dirco· No, 10, in the 2nd con. ofCnrtwright, in the tion,, '1(hen a lean, hungry looking man, County of Durham, conta.inining 75 t\Cres, 60 six feet high, em<rged from the crowd' of which nre cleared, well fenced, and under holding hio handkerchief over his face, first-rate culhva.tion. The-re are two good and blubbering. "Why do you object?" wells and a small epring, also a. good orchard of abont five a,cre11, and a very good log n·T\.ed the paison. "Caso, case, sir, I - building thereon . For particulars apply to I want'or for myself, [do," ALEX. BRADBURN, I of THEY .ARE GUARANTEED Vocal ~ Instrumental ]}f U 8 I c, embracing thorough and Harrncnr, the elements of compol!ition, He ia: also prepared to tune ovd repair Pianos. Residence-Church Street, East. 'Bowmnuvillc, June 3, 1868. 45·tf. $60 for $8. FARM for SALE. F vv. URCH.A.SERS OF MUSIC will consult their own interests by subscribing to Pn .. s' Mcr110AL MONTHLY. It is issued on tbie first of each month, l'lnd gi\·es a.11 the siwple 1n. constr?ctiot.J, easily, understood i wbich it·1ll b{l nold cheap for cnsh or a ro\" .. ttnU St1l'ronnding O"ottnttr, that he bas open.i a.nd kept in W(H'kJng or~er. 'lhey are pro .. J ed credit, pp ed a " BRUSH FACTORY',11 and i1 na· (!rt'~ nounced by thoio Wl!O Me experts nt sewing! R! CIIARD REED . pared to ln~e Nrdern (ot Bra·h~· Df al( as Bowmanrllie, :NoY. lOtb, 1R6g. descriptiitiH1 1 Bahia 1frootns, kc., ha fact lL.; ·:, .<.,? -all first-class, forme rly, customers can depend on geWng ~ JI lUA,!11 l', , , ;1"';~ ~ their orders fil1ed as heretofore in an equa1ly ~ 0 ur MilC b" ines are larger tha.n a.n;r other sn1tafactory manner. I · w1LLi AM COBB, desire~ to inti'ili;:fe 1 t'<t hand ru:ach1nce mo.~ e Jn the 1Y1arket, nre A large stock cf ready~tnake wor1L on hrtnd ; the store-keepers of Bowman ville: 0 or 1.nferiority in ~·terial or workmaoship, hav~:ig the Machines thoroughly tried A.nd snbJected at eveJ:y stage to JnSpettion, being ma.aufoetured under our own immediate supe:1ntendence, employing good workmen, ua1ng none but the verr best Machinery and ~!Rter ial the public may teat aaBUrcd that our work will be what It ia represented to be RESPECUULLY Infortns the public that he hRs purcbased To pel'furm in every reSpi.!Ct all thnt is <llttitn" the entire ototk-in-tra.dc of the la.le Richard ed for them. Being determined to prize our Ueed, Sonr. 1 and will continue to carry on reputation, guarding rigidly agairut defect tho T~E t11'DERSIG~ED , , n'" :F"6r Sais b,Y ·ll Druggistd and Deal·· in Med101ne. <.; Agents lf~a:sra:. J. Higginbothan' ~-Stott. Whel4!:i~h· A~ents,-Northrop k Lyman Newcopie1 for Bo1'mRnTille - Boot &'Shoe Bus1"ness SoM -""'tiT1'-iTr -~ n ,.l'i \.;(" -- As lieretofo-re ln the old stnnd, n:nd hopes by sirict attcnllon to business to merit a oontlnuance of tho ex tens" e custom accorded to bis faiher for the past thirty . The snme workmen belug etil j'loyed as I A BRUSH FA ft~ CtORJ 114 ") ~ · ~ N~w E!lt I ... · · OW !>TARTED IN i ·· J\:fo:NrURTRY ha.s recBi ved Iarg~ shipments of and best Music, by suoh authors as PERFECT IN EVERY RESREC'I', Hay9, Kinkel, Thomas, Bishop, Danks, Recht, a nd are so easily operated that they oa.n be/ Frey, Keller, Wyman , ete. Every number Contains e.t least 12 pi.eees new and good musle_, printed on fine white pairer and from full size music µla.te9 every piece of "~h1cb JS afterward printed hl sheet form , from tLc sn~e plates, and sold at from 30 to 50 cents ta~h, and all we for this able ntarraJ ine _is SO .eeuts a copy, $3 00 a year, $J°5rJ for six months nnd we guarantee tu every yearly subM I Lscriber a.t le 4 3 2 & pages of e hotce music, by the be~t autbora . We do P.Ot E'!lpect PKT&Rs' Mus1cAL MONTUJ.-V to ray us as a ~fagaf!';ine, be.cause we give too much music for tho mon~y. lt 1s i1umed aimply to introduoo OUJ'.' 11ew tG the mntiical world. Our subscribers sing and play the music we give them. Their musical fnends l everythlng in the Brnsb line. 'l'he # ork 1fil1 be got up secood t o bo1ie mannf11-C t nred the Dominion . Ordere: solicited. Fsetoff in Fullers' Building, opposite McTft.Tilh 1I' PETERS' New York: paper bas been Cartwright, Ju~e 3th, 18~0. .5.~m.· looldag into the affairs of tho leading nogro min~trcls, and finds that on the whole they are comfortably well off. Some of tbew command salaries of from $100 lo $1~0 per week, and have rolled up property to the amount of from $50,000 to $300,000 each. Burnt cork, big ohoe· aud a banjo, ar.e more profitable than a whole laboratory or library ; and a song ESSRS. YOUNG & BRil'TAIN are p·ywithout · glimmer of sense, pays bp tter 1ng th<l highest cash prlco for lir·t thnn a brain toeming with scientific and lass Butter, firk1ns prefer:red. useful kno\Vlcdge. N. B.-Use the 6ne·t ··It, a tr. Ma.1ket Square1 1Iay 25 1 1870, ll@.. A man who is very rich now was very poor when a boy. When asked how he 'gOt his 'riches, he roplied: " 1\ly father taught me never to pliiy until my work was finished, and never to soend my l!OY until I ha~ c_arned: it. If I bad but 38 nn hours work to do b n day, I must do that the first thing, and in '\II hour, and after that I was allowed to play ; and NEW SP~ING G DS?OO then I could play with mooh more pleas' --f ure th·n if I had tl1e thou~hl of an unfinished task before my' mind. f early ' ' formed the habit <>f doing everything in RS · .J. c;, POLlulRD h~· now in time, and it soon hooame p11rfo~tly easy stock a very choice assortment Qf ijonto do so. It is to this I ilwo my pros- nets1 Hats 1 Ribboos 1 Feathe1s, Flowers1 Laces, Collar-s 1 CuffsJ ~and other articles perily." . ~ A on the premis:e1. us CA M BITTER! SPRING GOO.B S MAKING HIS STOCK worked sa.tisfa.ctonly by those who hq.vo I never run a machine before, and this withoat the leest fear or be.-1itat1on. By many they nrep:eforred over.. higb priced l\lacliines. They will exec ute ia the most perfect and satisfac tory manaer all the varieties of sew~ ing) snch as S titching, Hemming Felling 0'>1din"1 'ft.eking, Brn1dmg E~brotdeiv' J31nding1 G-ather1ng on, Quilti~g, &c. M' In a '-""Ord, these Machines are wba.t ha.\'P long been looked for-·Macbintls for the people the masses,-thc poor as lVell as tbe rich _ being the cheapest Machine in the market s1z;e a.nd work1ag capabilities considered. ' InstructiOiHi for ope rating the Maehine s.ccompany cac11 one. .A.YER~S Sarsaparilla .FQR PURIFYING mE llLOOD, And foitWJtpcedy cure of the foll!!Wltig com.pla!ntlf: 8cro(ula and~~rofuhHUI A.d'Utlmlll·t a.dt as Tumon..1. t):._!):cn, 8oreM 1 .:Bn~i41!!!f Pimples, Jt'!'u111uT-~- Blotchetl, 8ei19' OAKLAND, Ind. th June.1·, .T C. AYER & Co. G~ntll · I fool it rny ,.,uty to adJmowledg-e what your Sn.napanlla has <lone kiri....~ !ianng inherited a Scrofuloua infection, I hafo suffered from it in various ?ift.)'I for )'e&Tll. Some. times it I.Jure!. out 1n Ulcers on my hands and armai l'OmetJmeiii it turaed lllWB.Td and distrest1ed me at the Blaiu..s,. aud all t!lkf1l'-.. J>.Me~ mo- Large, Attractive and Well Assorted. l1kc 1t, And buy it 1n sheet music form~ whe r:e we mRlre our profit. Jl,,crnembert every yearly su bseriber gets, during the ycnr, at least 150 pieces of our best music, a.11 ot wh1ch we afle1 ward print tn s!ieet form, and sell fur over ~60. It is pubhahed at the Jlammoth ]fu<;ic Sto1e of J. L. Petf!rS, 599 Broadway, Ne'v Yor k, where every thi n g i u t }i-2. nlus1e liue can b e bad. No ntnttcr how smfl,ll you1 onJs r 1 it ~'ill be promptly attended to Sample copies cnu ba seen at the ciffice of this pap<.'r, b.e·r t.beMONTHLYmusio, 8 0 UN SA ·L L'S Spring Millinery ! ~VERYTHING NEW IN M wuanarocot Chea.pest and best as15ort ment of n.ll kinds of Work, Price n.lternti'ic (Sn.raapa.nlla), for I knew from 7oar ;reputrit10n tbnt anything you mncle must be pod. r sent to Cincmnati ana got 1t, a.nd used It till M BOW' ~J.ANVILLE. cured me [ Wok 1t, as you ady111e, in small dosea of a teaspoonft1.~ O\er a mouth and U11ed &lmost thr" ?>qtUes N~w and healthy skin soon began to form NY PERON intending to areete i t ber µndcr th..: scnb, which after a. wlule foll off. M:y I\-{onumen tor 0 rfl \ eSt one tci th~ mem ory skm ia now elem·, and I kw>w by my feeliugs that 1 the dise.nne has gone from my syiltem. ~· ~u en.a well of depn.rted friends" 111 find it greatlj to t h 'll behe\. e ihnt 1 feel whflt 1 am er1.) ini:i; when I tell yo~ advnntnge to c11.ll and c.qnipnl.e that l hold , .~ u to be one ofthe aMstles of the a.g~ find re1.___ ct er ,t;T$tefullv. Yourl! 1 & t ,,\.J;Fll!IP n. TA.LM~\'. with any olfer ~ d in Cana.dn. '\Ve~t We Speak fi!t. Anthony"~ lFffe Ro1Jo cu· Tctt<tlr n.utl Salt hbcuo1, fi!lcold UetMll, positivel y in affirming a sa ving of atl cas l\fARBLE W ORJ(S storruwl1. 'l'wo years a.go 1t broke out ou m7 bea4 and covered my scalp and cnra with one sore, wlUcb. was paJnful nnd loathsome beyond deseriptiou. l tried many medic1ne111 and several pbys:icJan1, but l'l"tthaut much relief from anytbJng. In tact, tbe dfPJrder grew worse At length l wa1 rejoiced. t6 ~ re,ul in the Gospel .Messenger that rou had prepared A I I Qualityofld'.arbh - TW&NTY PER. CENT. BOUNS,1.J,J, k SON, Pl"oprletou1. MRS. C. BUUNSLAL Work, as lJSUal r~a.dies' Felt Ha.ts ol&s.ncd and H.lten~d to the Newest S tyles. ~Two .A.pprentices rtanted immediateh!le, March 241~ l %3 . ' FOR LADIES' WEAR; - A CALIFJRNIA INDIAN DINNER.-l\fr, Chever, who ·pent many years among together with a. supply ot materials for the California Indians, and studied oare- and Embroidery. .Also fu'ly their history, ond manners, and GENTS' COLLARS AND CUFFS, customs, gives tho following illustration All orders for )liliifiery promptly filled. tf their habitS, m the May number of the 1Vaturalist : He saw an Ind;an come to the banks of the Feather River, one after- JtIACIJ:INE SEJVING DONE noon. He was hungry, but had uot a TO ORDER. particle of food to eat. His first movernent was to start a fire. Ha next turned St>mping for braid and embroidery ~one over some o]d logs and hunted up some on the shortest notice, and in~ great Tarigrubs. H. then pulleJ up some dry ely of styles. , reeds ( and plucked n few ha1ra from his ALL CHEAP FOR CASH, head and' tied the grubs to the hOttom of! L-- , ·. the reed~, surrounding them with a circle !L.1- 'A cal: r<fapectfully s0Le1ted. ' , of loops. The reeds were tben stuck ,store one door east of Henderson s Ilotel, . h t Iy rn . th o mu d , rn . I h JI King Street. ]13 t \e s , · ow water B owmanv1 11 e , ' I 2 0 l8"0 , o t t be stream, an d t h e I a d Jan squatted ' ' , beside tbem motionless. Presently the top of on'e of the reeds be~an to tremble, when lhe watcher put his thumb and H}J Partnership l1eretofore e"Xist:ng befinger upon it, and tossed a fish on the tween CO[\NISH & SON, as Watchgrass; and so he continued to watcb and makers' & Jewelcre 1 is Uissolved by rrutua.l oatch fish until he had enoq ·h for his co'lsent, All debts due to, or Qy Sfttd firm dinner; nil going: to ~bow, tjrnt the man to be settled furtbwith by J,, CORNISH. .Bowmanvilte 1 Nov 19, 186'9. ·who wants bq~ little here below may get WILLIAM CORNISH, that little easy-provided ho knows as l LEWIS CORNISH, W1tne·s, much as a Culifornia Indian, JOHN FRANK, f ,. rs prepttr<"d to attend to l\fHline1y Rnd Stra'l AT THE LATEST STYLES IN GO TO F. F, McARTHURS. HATS AND BONNETS, FLOWERS, FOR THE CHE.A.PEST 'Ve \\ 1i;h the cntel'pl'!Sl!lq' Compmn the succe~.<! which t, sure to follo\V the ma1 ufuciare or'Ja,.5 mn chm es, R . & H . O'HAR_!\ 1 Agcut11, JJowm arY~ lfe _, T &c. ~~ · Zl\iTS AND ~A~ -·-------· J' To MEssns. CHAMBERLAIN & S1tts 1 Conwny P. O., County of Lennox, Oatano, Canada . 1tLA000 1 County of HftSting,s,Fro1'r iace of Ontario, Fet . '9tl· 1 ~S69, "t· J· M Co .L INSPEbTf ON BoMnanTllle, Milroli 30, 1 llft T 0 N s J THE 0 fjp'TJillWlaJ~- I <!j.~YJ £ ~~-~ '@! ~ _,..... C · Sh 16 GO TO F· F '· l\{ C ARTI"URS J. · NoT QUITE so - '.£It is among the T most savage and debased tribes only that the coud1tioo and coocfort of the horse have been ncglecte11, "but we believe there are ~:,,ny in civilized countries who are guilty of the same negelec-t, and without Be- L. HE Business will be carried on hereafter by s7o. ! ~st as!ortment of CORNISH :'SI and from the immense stock just opened 1 tbe tow rR1cxs a.twb1ch it is offered, the q11nhty of Wflrk tur11ed tut, he hopes to merit the contin11ation of that support so r liberally acconl ed to the 111te firm . t h e excuse o f t h e 1ormer here all may L CORNISH vail tbemselvos uf the use of an article Bowman ville Nov 23 rne9 which has done more than anything else, ' ' wa , " w oon n o m y c au For abc?t two ye&.fs, white this weakn ess w ~ s coming on me, and afterwards, I siought medical advice, ~mploying, e..t different I"AINTIJXG, G RA.INJJXG, times, three doctors, and med1ciues of different kinds, pre-scnbed by friends 1 but of no Decorating, Frescoing, Kalsomiaing Plain avail. 1 continued to get worse and worsei a.nd Decorative until the sumwer of 1Si5.Q 1 'Wben I was induced to try the c;reat ShosbonP-.CS Rfmedy Paper Hanging, Gilding,~ &c. by reading tbe en res performed, in a. pe.wph· let. At this time I hRd begun to ft>el th0 p weakness ID my hands, in fact I was get- subscribers hnring star-ted Business mythips1k' abndu/ baesca.mefisoedwetak that Ibc5>uld ;::pa :di~ re~'e~~i lt~r4ge f op, f A + eis or- G Il · . Ino This is to certify that ~ during the winter of 1866 I wag tnkcn 'ilt~l1 s v.eakness of the ankles, wbieh grndtH'l!)', dunug tbe spring of 18671 ext.ended to my kneesi, and oo up to SIGN AINTI::r-. G kin~· ting almost helpless. I hnu e taken two l7 0 0 0 ~i~r:t~!~r:et~~:~1i! s~;e~:~~ ort~~c ~ 0~~~: l Those who mil not nso ,t will be the losers, their horsos s theCondition sufferers: Powders to avoid r both use "Darley nnd Arabian Heave R emedy," and you ! will bo -saMsfiod .,;lb the result, Romember tho name, nnd see that the signaturn of Hu d & Co is Oil e sh pa k ~r 0 M~CLUNG'S OLD STAND, OPPO, , r · a c a~e, sitetbe'I'O'WN HALL where Northrop & Lyman, Newcastle, Ontano, he is prepared to Jill all orders in his line proprietors fo,r Canada, Sold by nil ATT INTlON t w. sca· '"TT B A. f t a · .a 1' ·iv ' e HAS REMOVED Bargains will be given BAR . G ,AJ.N S ·' " _'il_ ttt tf.!e ' , . · STOCKINGS Wom·n'~ at2d Wblte Col ton GO TO "'Fo:a F. F. l\foARTHURS. F. F. McARTHURS. I medicine ,,,,,;,::::=====~~~=::;,;==~,.,,-= I WO'RTII_ - -- , lle:rfers. BODTB & SHOES 0.1' AtL SORTS AND SIZES, He iealso pr.;ipar<1dtomake all wo1k to order, on the eborlest notice. · 1 CHEA p . ,' . - · · IF YOU ~ - WANT A INTELLIGENO:W iCHEAP forCASHt SUIT :S CLOTHES, Properly made by the best cutter 111 Co1· $6.00 GO TO ~NOWING. · I kind~ :i CORN~R , Flottr and Feed at\\ holesale Prices R 1h;y~~~ ~f~" :tr~;~~f ~:l~ ;, ~°r'iI6~W, .,f public J:J- All tho·· > ndeMed to him will please call an~ settle their accou~ts, .·she ATCLIFF & Co. would tespe~tfully in.:- wantd ma-D.ey at once to meet his ffabilities form their many customers and friends, Bowmanville Nov. 9th, 1869, 15. that Ol\ 1ng to their daily incrflasing trp.de1 1 0 s TORE ! ~ DR- J. C. A Y .ER· Sir1 I have been afthctecl with n pamtul chrome ftlr a. long- time, which balled the llkill of phys1cian15 1 and stuck to me in E :c:ccuted in a spite of all the remedies I could find, until I tried your SarsRparill&. One bottle cured IQe Jn tws and friends; and to nny one &filicted as I w~ks, nnd restored my general health aa ~ l!Jucb was, i have only to say try the Shoshoneea that l-nm far better than before I was "tfa-()~d. l think it a '~ondeTful medicine. oJ. F.Jt:&AH . .H.cmedr; ~ believe it will cure y.011. !Jules Y Getche.11, of St Louf.s. '-'I ba1't. ~ Satigfa-0tion guaranteed in a1l Jts MARY A "~N DOUGHTY. been a:!Ilicted for) ears \\ itb an aJf~ction qf tAe ~w. branches. Swora tll b efore me at Ma.doc,., County nf which destroyed my health I tried ev~rLtb.IPC, CHESTERFIELD & B[\OTHER. and e\·erything f&1led to rchc\·e me; and I hava Hastiug_s., this ninth day of Ff1brnary, 1869. ' Ueen a broken~i:!own man for some ye;ira frOlll no .tber CH.Use than. derangement of the fti~. J!y Bowmanvil]e1 Nov. l'l , i86:8. A ~'.WOOD, J, P., kc, telo\'ed past.or, the Rev. Mr. ~3!'1py, 11-dvJ.s.M. me tg tcy \Clll' Snrsapar1lla because he smd he knew yoo, 1 I hereby eertify that J b a.ue known ].[rs. you naswortb trymg, By the Ma1y Ann Doughty for th e la s t fifteen years 1 and"a.nytliini; bl!Wling nfGod It bas cured me, n11d has so i;\ed she 1s a :u·oman of probity and truth . I hav~ ~yb-lood as to a n~wman of me, I feel y,ounlf ktto:wn her before, during, and since her ill- aga.m. The beat can bp said of you ls not ball goG.d enough.II ness . I beheve her certificate to be true in Cancer T11nt:on~ Enlnrse111e11t every par t1cuh1f I kno\v that while ill her ~cbirru11, 1Jloorntio11, c:Jarin o.od Exfolialio· o'l case was decla1ed h op e l e ~s 1 and I know f.he Jlone11. A gn~at vanety of cMe!I bnve been reported fu n1 that she bas since her recov ery, always a..t~1:here cures of these formidable complaints bal'e tnbuted her recovery to tha -Shoshocees resulted trom the u~c of this remedy, but aur t!paco Remedy . Wbatcvcr may be the peculiar here will Lot admit them Some of tl:Jem mnY ba properties ot this mt'ld1c1ae 1 .one thing is found in our .American, '~btcb the agenta -, below named nre pleased tpfurn1sll gratis to allw~ c.ertain 1 th ai in her case, it hns acted almost caU toT them. ~ town, hkv the performance of a miracle. Dyspepsia, Heart Discru.e1 Fit.M, ~~' · .ti. U p a1n · t· ign u; .llanner ing All nf hottlea of tbe Shosbonees Remedy and two boxes of the pills and I am entirely restored to hea.Hh. I never expected tog-et better, but Simply tned the medicine as" sort of forlorn hope. This ease of mine was not- a prn·ate one, but known to 11.ll my nmghbors RiugworJU, Sore E,-en, DlOP8J'· Dr J..,... -~rt M Preble wutes from Salem, N. j(, 12th Sept 1 1859, that he bas cured an i n vetentt~ .;11ase of DPQPS V, .:Wlnch threatened to termtpate fQ. tally, by the per11ew:!rjng' lll3e 01' our Sari;o.parilh., and also a 4~ngero1t~ A{aFignant E'J'1fStp6las by lo.ri.;t: do!oies ofthe 1mme, !lays ltt1 clll'C:t thegummou .Er-u; twns by it constantly. Bronchoccle, Goih'e w 8"tt"elletl Ne«lc. Zebulon Sloon of Proo~.t, ',fcxas, writes: ·· 1 brc ~ bottle! of your s~rsapRrilht ou1ed me from a GoiU ( - a hideous sweJUng on the neck, which I bad i;u.~ fered from o"er twD yeara. 1' Leuf'!nl'l'hma or 'Vbitr,"' Ovarla11 'Fam«, IJlt~riuc CT1ceralion 1 Fem.ale Di11eEffll!r. Dr J. IS S Chann1ng, of New York C1t1, writar-.......... ~ 1 1 most cheeriu!I; comply w1th the rcque1t of_y~ ngent in saying haV"e fonnd your Sa111aparl1Ja· & most excellent alW.rative In the numerous oo· p11.inb for whIQb wo employ 11uch a remedy, ba.C especially in FC1'( Disewes of the -ScrofulGn· diathesis. I htll'C cured many invotcrate eue11 of Leucorrhooa by it, ·nd some where the eompla.lot was cau~ed b>" uloeratJon of the 1Ue7'1t.1. T he ulcer.. ·tion it.self was soou c.urtld. ;Nothing wit hin knowledgeequals1tforthese female derangement·· Edward 8. Marrow, of Newbury,' Ala., wrlte11; u A dangerous ova.nan tumor on one of the femaJea In my family, wbich hnd defied all the remedica ~tt could employ, bas at length been completely cureq: by yonr Extract of Sarsaparilla. Our ph,.~1cinn tfiougbt notlung but extirpation cp1,1]d H tfo d n ief. )mt he advised the tnnl of your Sarsi:. p 1 :i v ·t11s lnsi icsort before cutting, find jt pro\' cu !!It ' ml. After taking your remedy eight weeks nu:.; 1n, otll of the disense remotrni." ._ Syphilis n.nd ltlereuriol Dilean. i NEw 01tLKANs 1 25th August l&i . DR .J.C. AVl!R Sir, I cheerfully eomp}y lntlt fhe requel!t of your ngeut, sad report to 7on l!Ome of the effects 1 have rca.hzed w1th your Saraap11rilla. l have cured w1tb it, 1n my praoticeJ ruo!St ot the -eomplamts for whfch it is reCGin1nenaed, and havP. found its etrechl truly 1;vonderfu.l in the ourc of Jl°enereal and .i.lfercurml J>ivM,l,S.e. One of my pa:. tients had SypWht1c ulcers 1n bis throat, whiah were iX!Dsumn1g lm1 palate and tbe top of hll'I mouth. Your SarsapanUa stcacllly taken cured him in ft'1'9 weeks Another Wfl! attack.e.d l>Y 1e{:ondary aymp. toms1n his nose, nnd the nlecratton had eaten awa,.a oonsiderable part of 1t, so tbn.t I believe the di&· order would soon reach his brain nnd kill him. Bu& tt yielded to my admmistrat10n of your Sarsrtparilla; the ulcers healed, and hew w~ll again, not ofcour~ WJtbout 11oroe disfiguratlDn ro his A woman who Jiad been treated forthllil same disorder by mer.. oory was suffering from thfs poison in bor bones.. "!hey had become 110 sensitive to tbe weather that on a damp day she a;uffered excruclatfng pain In her 301uts und bones~ She, too, was ~urOO entirely by your Sarst1parllln 1u a few weeks. I know C rom If· formulA.. which } our agent gave uie, thatr.! Prepe.retlbn, from your labor-tt-t<>r!' must be· remedy, consequently, the~e iru y rem:lrltab e ~ sults w1tli it hate not sarpnsad me. , Froterually your5, G. V. tARlllER, M . D. Rheumatitm, Gout, I1iTcl" <JomplalnL "T. INDEPENDEJSOE 1 Preston Co, Va, 6th Ju!J,_J.Slit. NO. I STYLE · F. F. McARTHURS. F ae.. A. F. WOOD, J, P. \\.rarden of the Coutlty oi'Ha!ltings, Province of Ontario, Domhuon of Oanadn. F. Mc'A;RTHUR Wii~t· JOO OFirkins of For Datrgaius in Hardware '10 BASSETT'S, t: THE nod hope by allvays keeping a laoge stock at GO Lhe loi'est pr ces, and punctna.1ly a.ttendlng to all o'ders, to me1 ii, ao heretofore, a si,.,.., SIGN OF Remember tt\8 Store 1 Ma1 k et Buildings K:·mg Street. RATCLIFF & Co. dting' the remainder Of the WiD.te:t SeRSoJl. · BUTTER.~ Aod will pay the highest prioe for it GOLDEN .a.NVIL. F I OR THJ;l TOWNS,HfP OF DARL ington. ;\ll , orc!era punctually at ten cled to. Charges moderate. ' .A UCTIONEER ' 'vm; . .BARTON. ~!any remark?\hle ClJff:S of thc!:le affectfans hilTO been mnde by the altel'at1ve power oftbts medfoineJt stimulates the v1tul ftJ.uctmns into vjgorotts acnou, and tlnrn o\crcomcs disotders which WQuld be snpposed beyond its reach Such a remedy his Jong ~necando. Jlieln.ncholy, Neurnla:ia. been reqmred by the necesHties of the ,ptgpJ~_, and we £onfident that tb1s '\\111 do fo.r them a.u tha· Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, J'OR 'rBE 1'.Al'ID CURB Oll" FARMS FOR SALE Da rlington, lN,1rf>, %iog 100 !lot'Jil>io. ~GOOD 9', i'ii tbe 4lh Concession Bow· .A.cnis p tJ B L I 0 ~ ·· OPINION Sign oC the DEA. VERS Bowman "l' ille 1 May 25 1 1870. of s J the 'l'own of Boll.manv1lle, 'v1t.h Brick N:?~and~~nL~:t , Street, in I iniles from lhe rown of House and appurtenances tbeieon . For par· ticulars apply to Sl'JLL -AHEAD ! w1'1u11 : !ES', 'l'E.\ PARTIES, R.\l.1, SUl"Pt;H ~. PURJ,IC DINNERS, i\'l>DDING CAKES, I 70 acres cleared, and 30 in woods. Oomfortable d~e11ing-honse, good b.arn, stable and shed, and some fruit trees on the premises. The land is well watered. Niso, 200 acres, being Lot No 131 in th1r 1 4 th Ccmcess10n Of tbe above Township, 150 cleared, 50 in wo oao: Well watered, Good bu1ld111gsand oichard .lt'isone of the best, if not the "ery best fa.rm in the 'l'ownsbi_p Situated 2! mllca from the Town of llowmanville. l!"or further particula.ra 1 apply to F AnEW&tL, MoGEs &. Ru1LEDGB 1 manvllle, F t T T ii: D AN f> WELD suii'En llt-wmanville, Dec., 1$67. BRICK Cottage, on Concos>i~' street, with 6r without garden attached Possession gfven f mmcdia,tely. A p ply to , , J A)lES MUIR. Bo~manville, June 15, 1810 46-tf. Por~;·;l;;~TICES ;6 -4WJ BSOJ,UT.E DIVORCES logally obtained A York, and other Statesifor persons any State or Country, in New D. CH!SHOl'.,!J, , tor, &c. 1 Port Ho1·e. Solicitors, &-c,, Bowinanvil1e, or to THOS. WELDON, Tempo P . 0, Bow!hannlle, Mnrel1 31 , 1870 , :le-Sm F "\1.-T ANTED, by the Bowmanvill~ Cabioet Prepared by llr. :r. C. AYEll. & Co., Lowell, lillaa& l 1 f Ma.nnfactunng Cotnpany, a few goo legal everywhere , d ese rtiou, drunkenness, Northrop &- 1.. yman, ..;e~caunte, Onta}io ' nou .. suppott1fetc ., rnfficient cau9e 1 no pub- .Apprent.1ces to ]earn the Ca binet Makind ropr1etor s for Canada.. licity , DO charga until divorce obtained. and Turn ing business. ·Apply to OR SALE, on Wellington Street, For THOS. JUUNSTON, Sold by J . HIGGINBOTHAM a~d ll. Advice tree. Bu~iness esta.bl1shcd 15 yenis partioulftrs apply to Manager. STOTT, Bo'1'.·ma.mv1h~, and .M'edieine Dea.1e1r Addres!I. ,bf. Hp USE. J_ ttorney,, " A. DIXON 43-tf. ever; wt-:r~ . M~y !Sth, !870. No , 18 Naosa~ b ' ,'fev, Ye· !l Bowm.,Til!'e, Manh JI, 1870 35 -tf from Indiana, Illinois (1ouch8, <!old111, Influcnzo.._, Hcm.nieae119, ffroup, Bronchitis, Incleicnt C:on· l!UIUJlrion, and f"or lbe RelieC ol" Con~uuipt:ne l-'ktlePh in tul 1'nuee,t:l Mtagti1t oC Ilic Disew.e. 1 his is n :remedy so universally known to sttrpnse Sny other for t heoureoftbrontnud lung complarnts. that .1:tJP1 useless bere tQ publish the ev1deuce of 1h virtues l.ts unrn allerl exceJleuce for eougi.Js and colds, nnd Jts truly wonrlerthl cures of pulmonary, have .Qladc Jt known throughout tA.e e1vll· v:ed nations of the earth. Few are ttie commumties, OT eYen famihes , nmong tbe1n wllo bave not wmo pe:r!'lonal experience of its c:ffecta-some l1vrn"' it.rophy 111 their midst of 1ts victory over the aub~I': ancl daugerOU.8 disorders of the throat and luugS:, As all know the dreadful fatal.i t} of the8P. tllsorder&. and as ther kuow, too, tht! effects of thJs remedy, we tteed not do more than to uGeul1l; them that it has now all the virtues that it did ha\ <c when makLD.g" the 0tll'e5! \Vhloh have :w:on so strongly upon tllS C(On.fidm1oe of ma11kind , . . . ~ r l

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