... ~. - , ... . ~~~ ·- M· ha." now on hand an immense stock of Ladies', Gentle.men's : and Children's PRUNELLA AND CANVAS all of which he is selling ,at a ·great reduction from his usual low prices. L. M. & Co may assert just what they pJease, Call au:<hsee· them, and got bargains, at tl10 B EGS REVERS!lJLE HAND MACHINE, $15. resp~ c tfu!ly tQ announce th·t be has rece ived R.iwen assorted· stock of Genuine Drugs and Pure English C hemicals. Also, a splend1d stock of the most Ca refully selected ; PROTEST.lN'.l'S of Quebec Province nre but t11e following FACTS they dare not deay: kicking against l\I1htary Schools being ST-That L. CORNISH bas" fu'l asso=lused for drilling rccr u1t5 for the Pope's m ~at of the~r Perfected Spectac·es. army in Rome. ND -That L. C. has never ·ol<! one pair of Spectacles for the Per fected th was THE Bible CliJistians have decided to open a church in Lmdsay, and a minister not bought of L. M. k Co. RD,-That if L. C. can buy L . M. k Co's has been appointed for that town and Pe·fe11ted Spectacles from 50 to JOO per vicinitJ, cent. less from othar" u. an ,from th, manufacFLORENCE NITINGALE , although dan· turers, he is surely tta & posit.ion to aell at tban any of L. ~f . & Co'B Agents; and gerourly ill at Antwerp, ' writes a letter Jess he promises their celebra1ied Spectaclf'ls st a , giving directions for the conduct of the price th!-t wilt make them not only. an Amerarmy nurses m the present oamp·igne. ican catch but an American bargain. L . CORN1SR. ErnHTY·sEVEN years ago thero was March 9, 1810. 32 not a thousand ac1es of land cleared in the Proviboe of New Brunswick, nor a single tree cut where the city of St.John l'>OW stands wi th a population of 40,000. !URS. A.LEX, FLETCJHER A CELEBRATED pre.1cl1cr onoo said OULD beg to inform he..r nuweroqs patr on~ and the public in genere.! 1 there were th1ee companions, with whom you should always keep on good terms:- thl\t she has now received The Latest Londo" cm<l New Yorl< Fnst, your w1f'e; second, your stomach , third, your scie[ice. Styles in. Dressmaking. She is o.lEo pr£. pnred to make La~ies A VE1'ERAN was relating his exploits a.nd Gents' Sbirt1 7 ia the ·to a crowd of boys, and mentioned hav- lJnder-clothing lo.test gtyle. iag been in fivo engagements. " That's nrarch 22nd, 1870. 15·34 1,.. nothing," broke in a little fellow. " My sister Sarah's been engaged eleven times.' l 2 DYE STUFFS! ,, PA TENT AIED!CINF:S1 which cannot 3 choice 1elettion of struction, ben.uty of fin1sb 1 speed , a.nd gt';neral adaptab1hty for family purposes . A trial DRUGS; w1ll con\'1nce eYeryone ot its 1:1uperiorlty. CHEmOALS, An assortment of Anihoe Dyes The most perfect Sewing 'Iacliiac in the quality. kept constantly on ha.ad, together with e market. Unrivalled for s1mp1ib1ty of con- he surpassed for excellency .e~ 'l'readle JJ:£achine, Only $20. THE LARGES'!', THE CHEAPEST AND the b eat Tre nd le ever offered to the public. · BRUSHJ~S, OOMH~ , orr.s, . , 8ffO"IJLDER-HRACES StlPPOR'l'Frns, kc.; &e. Fashions, VARNISI!~S , , :mpiovetneats, combi11e 0 w1tb the requi.rites ' . ' . ·~ti wlfrTELEAD. foupd essential ~o first-class Sewing ~[aclunes and are undoubtedly the lowest priced re- IG'" At the very lowes t prices. habJe r1J.id:11ne.s now offe red to the .rublic H:orse & Cattle 1 and chall e nge cnmp11r1sou Rbsurei ti.Jc lll .JJhc c~at notl11n1Y has been left advantageous terms. 0 undor. e by ... ann in die way of tronble and expeuse to ie.nder ~:1e1r J\lachines first-class 111 e'e ry respect, a.nd reeominend n. fair trial 1n order to test their claims to auperiority 1 , , ·HE :mrnr.PH REVERSIBLE SEW!lW ' Ma.clnres possess aJl ~he new and la.test PAINTS, , COLOttS, Mcdicia.e .. OD THE GUELPH SEWING MAv11l::.IE Co's N. B -Co11nti-y Storokeepeh ·uppiied W SICN OF THE COLDEN .LION. W· .ANDREWS begs to a.? no? nee that li e k prepared to gi-e 111s t.ruchons in the elements of I THEY ARE GUARANEED nnd TO THE PUBLIC, rrHll UNDERSIGNED UE SPF:GTFULL y informs the public that be htls pi.ircbased the cntire:st9ck~in-trade of the la Le RiChard Ueed , Senr 1 attd will continue to carry on - - - - -------------J. FIELDING, !ti. D., ROY.:l.L COLLEGE OF 'l'HE En1:1lish spiritualists claim to have 'beard from Charles Dickens &i uce !us arnval in the other world . The dis· tinguished novehst is 1ep1eseoted to b' going around with Pnncc Albert. Sntgeon3, England ; Licentiate Ro;al College of Physicians, Ediub urgh. (Late Res ident Accoucheu r Sl· -Thomas Hosilital, City of Lond on Hospital fl)r Diseases of the Chest,) Office : Dr. Herriman's, Orono . M E!(BER OF London 1and Actlng Resident-:1\led i-cal Officer, To perform in e"·e1y respect a11 that is claime r! for t~etr.. EeJ g determined to prize ou r 1ep~1ta \.10~ , g u&· d 1 1 g rigidly against defect or inferior ty 111 inatenal or ".:otkmansbip hav-i::ig the l\.'e.chines thoroughly triecl emb~ac1ng thorough Ba~s n.nd Harmony subJec1,.ed at every stage t o i usncction , bei ng the e lements of compoe ntion ' man11factured u n der Ol' r own immediate su.He is also prepared to tune and repn.ir pc n.ne~ d e uce, eml)Joying good wo 1 kmen, Pta~os. Res1dence-Church Street, Ea.:it using none but the vc1y Jes Machinery and Bowma.n~1lle 1 June 3 1 1868 . 45-tf. Mnt«r1al the pu blic may rest nss ured that our wo1k will be '".Jat it is represe nted to be -all erst-class & Instrumental MU SIC, tho Boot & Shoe Business ~ SOMETHING NE:w i Two Kentucky churh-members had an argument as to whether it was orthodox fo~ for one to turn his cattlo into the other's cCOrnfi.eld. Defore the argument closed THE subscribe1 offors for sale Dart of Lot there was o double-barrelled shot gun 1',..o, 10, Jn t he 2nd :con. ofO&rtw1ight, in the and a funeral. County of Durhn.m, contaiaining 75 a.cr~s, 61) FARM SA1"'E. wuaaarocot HATS~ GO TO 'l'wo surveyors, M essrs. Austin and ,IB usscll, have left Ottawa for the purpose wells and e. small spring, also & good orch- of ascertaining the best route through ard of abont five acrce, and a very good log t he Nepigon territory for a railway to building thereon . Fol particular· apply to ALEX. BRADBURN, Fort GRrry. FoR the improvement of the volunteers as marksment. it has bee n decided by the Government to offer a S!!lll of money in , on t!le premises. Cartwright, June 8th, 18'10, 45·3m.· of which are cleared, well fence~, and und_er first-rale cu't iva.tion. There are two good vv. ]Y'[ c l\([ u R T R Y As heretofore in tl1e 1 oia stand, r..ntl h opes by s t1 ict nttent1on to business to merit a aon- j hnuance of the extcnsh e custom accm <led to lus fa.flier for the pa s t th irt} y eais. &TARTED IN The same workmen bei ng emylClycd its 11 fo1merlv, "'Cttiurr Ee . eu tomeis can derier.d on · t Iie1r 01ders filled as bcrctofor e tn nn cqnalh sa.tisfuctory manner ' "' 7\TJLLIAM OO Rjl, desires to i~timol· ,t~ A Inrge stock cfr ~a dy-mal . . ewo,.kon hand Hie store-keepers of .Bowman·it!& t1y, 1 lhat he ba s openwhich will be sold cheap for casU""or opp1oi;~ and snrrour.d1ng coup 1 11 ed credit. ed a BRUSH F AVTORY,1 1 and 1s now pr~ .. ' po.red to taKc- orders for Brushes of aU nICH ARD REED descnpt1ons 1 Btthin. Brootu!'I, kc , in fil\Ot 6owmnnYille 1 Nov. 10th. 1869. · c,~errtlnp.g in th e 111 ush line. The wo~k )Y1ll be got up seco nd to none mll.nufs.ct nred Jn. ti.le D ominion. 01df'IS soLcttcd . Factory 111 Pull ets' Bu1ld1ng, opposite .Mc'fn v1ah'&' A BRUSH FACTORY I r " AYER'S h::.is rec10i ved la~f e shipments of Cheapest a.n d best as sortment oi nil kintl$ o f SaTsaparilla , FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD, . .And for the speedy core ofthe follol\ Ing eomplaiuttw 9crofnln nnd 8(ro(alon" -"-ft"ccr l o n ·, . . . . n" ·.rrnnor.-, Ulr.rr!I, Sorn,.., Ieru1··l·Pin1pleii1, Pu11Jt11hi:~, · lliotcbci., Bel . . Dlnins, nncl n!I !tlkin _._ Dhie1u1ttt1. 0.AXLAND, hut., ..Gth Juno, 1850. J C .A YE!l & Co Gents I fuel it my d 11ty to~ 1'nowledge ,,.hnt J!OUr Sarsapan:{la ham done for~ !laving lnhentod a Sciotnlous. lnfootton, I ha1'9 f!Uftore~ f!om 1t 1n Tanous ways tor)'eat'8. ~ome titnes 1t burst out in tncen:i on my hands tnll nimn" romehmes 1t turned iuwnrd and diltrcsied. Jne at t.htt 1tomnch. Two y ~a r1 ago It broke ou' ou m1, bod. and covered my 5Ca.lp and ears with one sore "'biah wns painful nnd loa~bsomc beyond dosertpt~on. I ! rierl mn.ny R)edfO lneiJ and 11evettil pb~J l\h1't ~.Q Without m1rc h reheffrom anyth!ng. In fuct, t~ d.i?1)rrler gre" \\ Or lJtt .At length I l'fftl_ re}.>~ fff fead in t lie Gospel Mes11en ger flinty ou llad prep·red an alterp.tive (Sn1sn.pll.lul11) ~ for I knew i'ro m your reputation that ~nytlii.tlg ) c~ made must bft good' I sent to C1nc1nnab and got 1~; apd a a«l'. It CUJ It bnred me I tool: It, as you adyf11c 1 ID ~n~n.ll do~ oC a. tengpoont\tl over a ma nth and U!led tWmoe:t thrttt. ~ottlei!. N_.,v. and ho.dthy skin snon be;?!l:n to fund. µn der the Ecab, wtuch after n whJlo 1eU ott: akin ls now clear, iJnil I know by my fl?elfngs lhM C.he disease lmsgonc fro m 1tJy ey~t~ m . !"~n f!llD wtR b t·lieve th.it I feel wha t I am c:ny111g wlrnn I t eH YO':'. that I holrl ·· tJ to be one of the apostles of 1be a~ and .rel- .... Cl er gi atcfully . Yours, !~a:tm:t~t~h ~f,r;~t~~,\~~t:~ 01y:tg ~~:!: -Ohio, were recently diseo,ererl in sociallv, morallv, and religiously develop c<l, an·d well educated,.docs he become a 1·espector of the rights of all, of every sex complexion and clime. ~:::·~;:~:.::::;;o:~;:t:~;i~:,:;:::t~:"I 11~ LI I Ill to them upon pallets of straw, hut so l\;fESSRS. YOUNG & BRITT H::-1 arc p·yweak from long fasting as to be k nablc l't'J. rng tbe highest cash price foriir·t to niove hand or foot. lase Butter, firkins preferred. N. B.-Use tho finest snit. 3-tf. llaikct Square, May 25, 1810, IN the exact ratio th nt man becomes 1\'EW SPRING G Dsroo ~ Tl El I ' , -- , SPRING I ;· I" ~ _ Ii · THE CHEAPEST l\!1HQNG HIS STOCK AND Spring Millinery! !France . - . Jeotions; ll&S UO" ID stock a very choice as~o1·tment of Bri.QThe officials mterposa no ob- nets Hats Ribbon· Feathers Flo-won L~ee· . I1 priests . bl I I I I J I t I1e pans are una e, Cullars, Cuffs 1 and uther articrea · e·en if inclined, to pievent the work , FOR _ LADIES' WEAR ; and tlie people receive the btblo with avidity. together with a supplJ of n1ate1ia.ls for Bu:..rd and Embroidery. 41\.l so Here is an epitaph from a M1iwaukee GENTS' COLLARS AND GUFFS. eemetery : All orders for Milh~ory pr-omptly filled. "Herc lies the bodr CJf Peter (i1ac~, DR GUI'{NESS reporl8 g1cat success in ti1e d IS ' t tl 'b ution f th 6 8611 . P tures in . ( °. . M . . . . """',. RS · C PO'"" ·RD 1 .- L~-:,:.·ge, Aib."active and Well Assorted. COTTONS, GO TO EO'\.VM.ANVILT.18~ . F. F. l\Tc .\RTliURS. NY PERON interrfflng to .rectei the1 l\{onumen t or GraYcS I One to th~ mecr; ~H' of departed f nend 3 '" 111 finrl i t gre atlj t ot h )JI n.dvn. n tage to cnll and con1po. 1 e A I x,. THE ' Who died fron1 eating Sweitzer kAse ; Re finished six platters commenced the 12,IA.CHIN E t N:SW IN Exploded seYcn 1 ard Of such is tho Kingdom. of Heaven ." S$WIXG DO;} E TO ORDER. DRESS GO~IlS, GO TO tho originals." a publisher of lithographic piints at e1y of styles . . AI,L CHEAP FOR CASH. Berlin, for o great numbe,- of copies for the portraits of tho more 11lustrious Prus- !t'.r A call respectfully solicited. sian generalo, has received the reply, Store one door cas t of Henderson's. Hotel 1 " Thbre are no copies left we send you King Sl1eet. , Bow111annllo, April 20, 1870, ... Stamping for braid a.nd erubroidc1y doi:~e; A PARIS bookse ller, having opplied to ou tile al.Jortca t notice, and 10 a great var:- F. ALFRED B. '.)'ALL!tY,. Fk-c, Ro~c 02" ·rfltl-pttl"41 w1lh~ny offer~d 111 C anad l "Test \\' e spea l 1 Tetter and ~C1,l1: na.o n 1u, Scnld o~, King,..'o&·m 1 Sofc Ete·,..Qrop~y. , positively 111 affiuu1 ng a. sa\"idg ot ntleaf l>r hvuert i\I l'.Nble '\\111:4! from 811.Iem, N 't., Tllf. !i T1' etit C!f.NT . 12fh Sepb 1 1Sb9, that. he h1u. cured an tqv~ter;r.I· Clflli:e of Dropsy, whrnb t;hrru1;tenerl to terml~t,io n. BOUNS.HL k SON, ~~lh·, by the pe1sevarfng ll!!IO nr our Sar8aparlllr. 1 aud also ll dangerou!! Ml~lig11a11t Erynpelcu b~· lar~e Proprietors. do&ea of tha sam.;i 1 ·are be cures thl:! oommon ErN~ tions by Jt eonstn.!!.Uy. M ~ S. C - B 0 U NS !.A L Bronchoeule, G'o~trc er l.hv~U~t1 Nft:f~. Zebulon Sh)J'.ll,tO!?'rooP,eo~ Texm1, wrlhN;: .. fbrt'!"' [s preprned to atten d to Mil11 nc ry and Str.>t'\\ bottle· of} our ~u.r11apar,Ua ourod nu: from R f{lti~'( Werk, ns 11sun.l 1-'a dies l' elt Hats cleaneC1 - n hideous /iwellfng on tllp ni<lk, 1l Weis I had M!"· J"ered from over two years." a nd altered to t he Newest Styles . er 'Vhiro., Ovnl'l...d T miiiiitt lO"" Two .Apprcut1ces ~anted 1mmed1atelJ LiAaconhrea T..rrerlne Vleentrlon, F'emnlc DJ.on..ew.. l.lr J 8 S. Channing, of New York Cltv ·.ftttl'J Bowmanville, March 241> l lG3 " 1 most oheerfull'[ comply wJth the r~no~ of_yttat , " agent 111 s11yrng l:la\o fou nd y our $arMtpartlJI · -..... most exoelleut alteratn e fn the u11meroTIJ QOl?l't l'ln1nts for which we empl oy auoh a. remt-ar, 1Hit ei;pec1ally in Fein<J.14 Disease~ of the Scroftilou d1athet1lll I have eured mnn1 iuvct.ernt.e _ . . ot Leueorrbrea by tt, e.nd 11ome where the oom)J&laj: . t Work, Price & Quality of rt'Iarbl ~ lit. A.ntt~onJ'" - -- --- --- --- - -- THE LATEST STYLES IN GO TO ~ People ought to learn to write pln!n-if they don't printers m·ke m!. takes, and nw kward ones, too, ·Ometimes . j THE Par\uerohlp heretofore ex·sting be tween CORNISH & flON, as Watch'A man sent an obituary notice of his de. · caased wife to a Verrnont paper lately mak ers' & Jewe1ere, is dissolved by mututtl ·Vllnch wound th . c I h ll h II h ' co,.ent, All debts d11e to, or by sold firw up us,. s a a ow er to b e settled forthwith bv L .. CORNISH. . grave with my tears, but the type setter )lowmanv1llo, Nov 10,' 1869. lather spoiled t,he sentiment by making lt WJLLiAM CORNTSR. icnd: 'l shall harrow her grave with my Witness, } LEWIS CORNISH. . steers , JOHN;' RANK. £. F. Mc ARTHUR<..:. HATS AND BONNETS, IF YOD WANT A WM caused by ulc~ratfon of the uforw·. Tho alotr-. btlen ftse1f ViM soon cu1"8d .Mottung wit hiq ra'I: J:..-no" ledge egaahntfor the1c female d1ra1.1gementa.H Edward 8. Marrow, of Newbnry, .Ala., lf"'J1tw1 11 A dangerous avanan tumor on one of the remal~ in my ll\mily, which hn.d defied nll th~ romedle!I we could employ, ha.s nt length been .completely cnre4 bY yonr Kxtraot of Sarsa1\9r1lla. Our. p h r11laiaa tboaght nothing but extirpation conJd all'Ord raUel, -.. bµ.t he a d vfeed ,the tr:ln1 o£your Sanaparllla u th· lal'lt resort before cutting, and it proTdd e&ot11al. 1 After tl!::nu:) oar ramed,- iigbt week5 uo ·ymptom !'ftJle d11SCal1J J'~!Ilab:ISl ,.,& 11 SUIT : ·cLCTHES, PJoperly made by the best cutter in tCJWa, FLOV.TEREh &c. tOrSG.00 GO TO F. F. McARTIIURS. I ·r appeors that even Whit by masons . are not suffiornnt ta do the buildinga there, for Bowmanville masons and oar- .a6Y"' L. ,Penters are there at work. One of the latter-n ' Freachman by th~ woy- is doing a pretty ~harp piece of work. On J\tondoy last. single handod-he com· mooccd to put up a house 17x24, an<I ho promises to finish it by Soturday ni~ht ,}le is likely to do better than thot, "fo; tho fram e work is Jinished, roof shin!rled chimney built, and the laths up r~ady for ,plantorini?. This is about equal to 1hc speed of the Western cities. AN AMusrnG lNCIDEN~ .-Miks Lottn, .during a recent B os ton cngogement, wa& H~ngiI!_~ Frank How~rd's new son~, en [ ,t1tlcd, "Gn~ss \Vho, and >Fhen sho re· T HE Bu.sin~es will be .carried on here after by CORNISH -w: INSPECTION SOLICITED. Buwmanvil!e, Ma!ch 30, 1870. F. F. McARTHUR Wa~ts 1000 Firk iv s of PAIN'l'll\'G. Deco.,.:J.t!1 g, Ft 6S c01og, 1{al ~om 1u ing Plain a 11 cl Det·ora.ll \c B U T T E Ft~ And will pa.y the h ghes L price for 1t of the etreets I hnve realized wit:i_,~~laraapuilla .. 1 have cured with it in ..,. proeUce ~!I: :0/ Uw compJalnt11 fot wbtcb it ia ttoammeudtd, 1ll4...ll:'tt found 1t11 elfatlte tr'Uly :wonderful Jn the 011r· ef Yenerl!aJ and Mero uHal Dl!~ate Otl.e of <Jn\lt '8' tients hact BYJ>hllit1c ulcers 1n his throllti' wbJeb,·w.,. eonf!umlng bls palate and t he top o hi· mnill. l' our Sareapnrilla et1i11ad1ly tnken cured him i n tiff! weeks .Another was attacked by secondary symp. tonuJn h1a no&e'. :i.nd the ulcernhon had ~at.en aWf\T a COD~1derable pg.rt o! it, so thnt I believe the dlserder would soon rEo.Cb lua brn.in nnd k.11l him. B11l lt yielded to mr admm1strnhon of your Sa.n~pnrlJJa; tbi ull)ell! healed, and he is w<JJI ngaln,notofoonl'lfl wJthout 80me dlsfigurndon to h1B hi.cc. A wom.a who had ~en trested fo1 tho same d1sord11r by mer-. tur) wae eutrenng from this poison JU her boa-.. l'b~y had become so sensthve to the weather that on J01nts and bones your ' N:s'trGJ.:LEA ?l's, ~t.la~u3urtL1*1 J>a 3 C .Ann S1r;--f ...,9heerflllly c6mp11 W(Ui" the request of your ngent 1 aia:'~.~~ !o 7oa eome Sjptii;~4jt~ml'lRl D·§ti'~, . a damp dav ebe 11uft@red excruclatlng pain 1n her ,peatetl the hoes .: · Borne one I'm n1shmganJ longn"tg to see, 11 (,1:11ci;swh11 1 1f71 ouca.11,guc ss~ L.o. 'fOBtle~fcCLU3C s OLD SJ _o\. KDi OPPOthe'I'O"'\:VN :EIALL vhe1e _ Le 1s to fi!l all otde·s b.l bis Hue ID ' A QT& ... eHftr,(G 1D1 W I~ ill: g ;U.~ ·U 1 ATTlNTlON I WHAS .. SCOTT REM6VED pn~pa red .~ S·;·n or tbc BE\. VE Bowmo.aYill e, May 25 1 1870 R§ SIGN -P .A_INTIJ'.'..i G formula , which your D&'lllt gave me, tbatr!! Freparettou !rom yov.r laborato!J mm1t be a nmedy! oonsequcntl3, the1a truly ~mar¥:·b e ft. l·111ternally yours, G V LA.RIMER, ll. D. Rheuqaati811J, Gont, LiTer Complalat. lNDXl'.EUIDE}ICK, PrMton Co, Ya 1 6th July, 18GI. DR .r. C AYBR Sir, I h11.ve been aftUcted w1'b · parntul ch[o1uo Rliwmatu"' for :a. long time, wbieJli bnfiled tb& skill of pbylric.:ians, and ~t:Uok io mo Ill eJ)ite of A ll the r'1m.od1es l could tlnd, until I tn:od your Biarsepa.rUla. One bottle enred me i n tw· weeka, and restored my general be=lth 110 JJU1tlt that I am far better than before I WAS atb.oked [ 1hrnk 1t a wtmder!ul medJ'11nc. J. F.RliAJ.l. Saru1.P.ar1ll111n a She, too, wae cnred entl~ly bJ' ff!\\ ·weeks. I kno\T :n-om It& aults wJ h U have not is'1.rpnscd me Sign & liauner Painting BA·RG~'-INS '· BRICK Co tt:i ~e, on Co nce ~,ion street, Execl·teU in a w1Lh vr wit.'i oo t. garden nttacbed. Pos session given :wmed;ately. Apply to J A:l1ES MUIR. Bowman ville, June 15, 1870 46-tf. NO. I bra 1ches . STYLE 11, 1 8 68, tc::T Sa tizraction guaranteed in all its C t!llSTERFIEL D k BROTHER · Bowk'..r rv1' li:o l'I OV. - - - -------- ------- An entlrnsias! io indiviclu<lll in tho para- I ' · · '!!I , ,qnet sprang to h rn feet, nnd exelaimed · Oi!' ALL SORTS AND S'Z};S, "I cnn't,gucss; but I'd givo a thcusand C -i:;: I H ..d.u\..P fo-.· O..t~SH. ,<Jollats if I w:as the mon !" Just imagine ,t he npplanse that followed, , He i· ~!so prepucd to mol.o nil kiodo of work to OJ dcr 1 on the shortest not;ce. w NT E LL,.-""E NOLI"' !!j" All those rndebted to hilll will ole·se ,,J.. i ~ _12,; cCall aud settle theh· accounts; as be BRICK CO'.l'TAGE Great Bargains will be given a:t the F OR }JALE, on We 1l'ngton St1eet, part1cul';us n.p p1y cO been nfil1cted for years with an aJf11eticm q/tle Liv.r, wb1p.h destroyed my bee.ltb I 1ried oveey_t hiut, fti'!d evervtblug fiuhld to rcUev" me, antt. l h11Ta lJeon a broken-down DUUl for i!iOme yean frc1p. 1110 .)thar cause thnn derange.me11: of Uie Liru~r. My ~loved pastor, the Rev Mr. }Apy. advl8<1d rae trr.J ,__ .._+ try your Sarsaparilla, bees.use be sn1d he k~JW yoq, -,...__ 1<1u.leM Y GetqhelJ, of Bt. Lou.is, wrJ~ : uI ha~ .J For A. DI XON March 31 1 1870 . 35-if _ ,,,...,,,,,,.,,,....,,,,,;========= -=,.,,....,.,. WGRTh KNOWING:, wants money at once to ruee z llis liabilides Bowmanvil!r:i Nov. Sib:, 1869 15. Ctt·E AP TO BASSETT'S, 'CORNER · P UBLIC NOTICll is li <reby given tllat after the e.:i:p1ra.tioa c;f t wen ty days' from ihe fi rst publication he<eof, a.ppl1cat1on w ill be mnde to the Judge of the Surrogate Cou ~ t "Perulian S1rup," (Jior "PernThm fill..rkt") .A. SZ.page pn.~phlet wnt free. J . P . DINSMORE, Proprietor, 80 Dey St · blown in the glaes S~ld ~k. of the United Co untie s of ?Jol:U.Jumber1ar.d THE GOLDEN ANVIL. Darling+on 1'23 miles from 'be i'ow1i of Bowman v 1lle. 10 acres clear ed, a.!ld 30 in w bods. FARMS FOR SALE QF GOOD LAND, IJeing d1ing the remainder of the'winter seaso~! l 00 ACRES No Lot ·~ i n t he 4 t'.l ca~eesslO!l STORE ,! J,l. ATCLI FF & Co. 'Bowmauv1lle., Jri.n ll.2 1 lS!lO. Oomfurtabt<J dwell:Dg-house, good -'bsrn, stable .and shed, and some fru Jt t rees on ~he prem113cs. Th e land is well wa te:-cd. .Also, 2(M) acres being Lot No . 13. in tbg 4th Conccs11!-0n of.the a bOV'tl Township, 150 cleared, 50 io. woods. Well Wfl.tered. Good buildin gs and orchard. " lt ia one .oCtbc best~ i f not the very best farm in the Y.awnship.Situa.ted 2f m les from t he ·Town of Dowmanville . For fur~het particulars, 11.pply to F J.nE~EiL1' , -arcGEE k R JJtL EDGE, Sohcitors. &c., Bowmanville, IAugust, A.. D and Dn r hn.m , to ap poi n t Mary Anu McLea n of Darlington, w~do w of David l1IcLean <le~ ceA!!ed, Charles Honey, of the .siame 11laco, yeoman, a.ad J am es McLean, of the same plA.ee, yeoman, gua.rd1aas of Mary Ida ~Ic Lean, infa nt ll'lughter of the above-named ~{ary Aun McL~a.n, and David McLean in h1 a hfe t nne of D a.rhng ton , aforesaid, Jeomnn, deceased . Dated at Bowmanv1lle, this third ..day of CAUTION. -All genuine has the11JJ.me by all Druggi_s11 _ _ _ __ I hereby certi fy t hft t I bave known Ms Mary An::i Doug l v to + · t he lrtst fifteen year.:i 1 sb.e 1 1 a ·vor.a.n u 1 1robi..y a ~d ~ LJth . I La"~ k ;:iow:l t er befiJ-,, dur ·ng, a.ad stvce h er i'lness. I believe r::t> ·cert tlcnte to he t r uf: Jn every p :rt icul n r I know that whil e 111 Ler c1ts e was d ecl ared hopeless; nl'd I know tb<1t sh ~ bas etvce her recovery, nl1v a.ys attdbuted he r reCO'it:ry to tl!e Bhosbore<0s Remedy. '· Vbe.tever w.1y be the pcculi ir 11 ro p erues of this rned c111e, ono thUJg 1 s certaJn, t11at in lier c».se, it lrns acted almost hk~ the lle'"for mance of a. miracle. p:ud an) thing yqu mnde wae \VOrth try1ug. :Uy tbij bfossh1g of God 1t hu cu Ted me, and hM eo·puriW my blood as to made a new man of me. I feel Y:O.UP_I' Again tho best tI;io.i QRll be 111Ud of you la not half good enoug h. n Hehhl'lt·~ Caneer Tnauorl!l, Enln1'·e1tN1J. 'i IJl~rqtion, Carica auJd E.xtolialloa Q tbe Dones. A great vanety of caires have- been rt!J?C)rUll t.o ·· '!Where cure11 of these formidable ~Jt!pl#1DlB haYJt rH~lt.id from the u~ c of this remedy l. '*~ IJll:r ipaoa bfirl! ')V}ll 11Qt admit them !Some qt- 1bem may i)p found call for tl).em. below ~med are pleased to furnish grllfs u, Ill wJ» 1n ou.r American Ahn B.J1ac 1 whl.ab the- ftP.Jlll ' - PJ'·pcpt1iJ:!:!..llenrt JilM:lUse, Pi111, Bpilepa,., .,._ .... _ J.f.lelaneholy, Ne11rnlgia. Many remarkable cure.ll of f.t)eF.e atrection1 11""1 beall mnde by the alt.crut.1ve power ot this med jciu,q. Jt titj.Jllulatea the vital funcbons into v1goroa3apHOJn ~ii thus overoomes disorders wb1ch would be RJP posed beyond its reach Such a remedy hat1 Ion& been tequirerl by the neecs&ties of tbe people ucl we arc conJldent that this wdJ do for tliem :i.ll tW m ediome can do. A F. WOOD, J.P. Warden of the County of Hast in gs, Pr o vince of Ontario, Dom1u1ou of Canada. APPRENTICES 1 ! Ayer's Cherry Pector:alt FOR TlllC RAI'ID CURB OB' 1870. · JOHN K GALBRAITH. 'l'IT ANTED, by tho Bowmanv11le Cabinet ff P..Ianufactunna Con:ipn-ay a +'ew gooJ Apprent1ces to lenrn t h e Cabi net Makin a..nd 't urning busines s. A )plw to OPI ·NION has fully justified the original idea, that at the " C-0rner Store" you could get So H-01tor for Appli cants. script1on, A.LL PERSONS JNDE:BTE D TO 'l'flll a dn~ rth11n g Pu.bhsher of the SrA7E i:! MA~, for suo- oi.· job wotk 1 aro re- quested to settle the s::i.me at 011ee or to TilOS. WELDON, Tempo P . 0 . HewmnnviJle, March 31 1 1270. FI'I'TED AND WELL SUITED ouce to A 3 PPRE!i'T[CE WANTED-TO LE AHN the Boot and Shoe Business. Apply at W. Il. BROWN, Neweostlo, OT up in tlre -b ~st s tyle '°":.{td ~ oo t"e£son~ bri ck cottage, s1tu:ah'.! upo n Oot&rj~ able terµ:e, ty the -subscr1be r Tile eet; stable and. onc~unrter aere of land, w ln l'" \ Le sweete1tac<l l'·est blead delivered with fruit trees Terms hberat Or woQW. n. ily to t::ls'tt:n ers lll all parts of the town. exchange for n. house on north·eant 11de of G f f>R SALE.-A goo>! aud ·nbstantial F · 'Y'" CQVVLE "' · · .I ' Servant ,GirlWanted. J f,1beral "'ages gt> en. Apply l.o, ' MRS JOS. MAYNARD. / J oly !Jtb, l870, The hou se ts new and room)' 1n New Yor ki I.rrdrn. ia, I!hno1 s 8.nd otbc1 subscriber· Sta.tes,for persous i r om any State or CQnntry, and snpphcd with ne cessary co n ve n iences 1 leg al ev erywhere; desertion, drunkenness, aoft and htt r d water 1 good young orchard ' non-suppurt 1 fet~ 1 s ufficient cause, u o pub· etc. One of tbe most desirable s1t11ntions 1~ licH_y, no charg o un til di"rOrce ()b t.nuc d towR. for a private residence. Apply on the Advice free . B uE1Uess est ablished 15 years pl'eon see to .Ad dress A BSOLUTi': DI VORCES No. 78 ~nss~ u. l<~·ll y oblamed ill :ftlt~h~·::fe~ This is a. r ornedy so universally knnwn ire su.rpus 11ny other for theoureof tbro:i.t and Jun~compl ain h, Managz r. that it JS useIese be re to "Pubhsh the endenee of u .. vi rtttcs It· 'ltnnvnllcd excellence for coughs a t May 18th, 1 8~o _._ _____ __4 _2_ -_t_f, cokli:=. and its truly wonderful (mreK of pulmona d1 .. ease, hare made it .knO'\'ill tbIOllgl.wut the c1v u:ed Dati(Jns of the e:i.rt h }'cw are th« communitiee, f)r eveb f:umlrn11, :imo11g them whQ have not~ pprsonu.l expenence oT its effects- some Ji ving trophy in their mul st of :It.,. Victol'y over the tiiUbtlil and dangerous Q:ism derR of th,e throat :;ind Jun~ DWPLLING flO UdE 'th A.s all knol\ the il1'ad1u11atalily of theEe thsordera,, 1 -' o 1 w1 one a c~a 1Uld (\3 thev know, too, t he dfcets ~of..t lus :rem.eel)"· land) situated .on Concession street . .we Jieed not da more than to assure- t hcn1 tha.t 1t has oppos ite Centre street, now occupied by th ~ ~ow all the virtues that it did hnve when maki~ (1oughs, fJold1111, ln·h11cnza, H-l'ffnewt1, Jfroap, llron-chitis, l11e1picnl ~OD· eanaplion, and f'or lhe Belief oC Con"un1ptive Patienbl TJ!O S JOH NSTO N, FOR A_ jJt SALE. J ~o nfideucc the ~.o~d byJ)r· .J.e. h.YER& C&.,Lowell,~ oor.es which have of manki nd 1'\0u en strongly upon.~ AI.EX. FLETOllliR . 16-34-ly. Bowmanv11le. ll~ wmonvillc , Apply to F. OUBIT'l'. ·\'!J!, s, l~7o. l· tf, lfowlll.\lnville, D~c., 1807. M HOUSE. At torney, S> , )Je w Yo ~G W H B.ASSETT Bowmany1JI· , July~. J81D , t~- tf