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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Sep 1870, p. 4

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~ ~ a ~ · tr8o~~~~\~e~~~~~ twent y four IT u fi~urod ont lhnt " · huff, in months I~ ERf fCJEO SPE~TAClES L!!ZJl.rns, Morris & l-o's ! M I Ill Tim Cannd 1 Central IL 1lwny, from Carloton to Ot tn,v a, wLI bo opened on the 15 th of September. AN I 1sh g11l J,avrng been sent to tl1e Po.I Ofl:ico tor th e m n l, come back to inqp1rc wl.iethc1 it was ln :l1nn or co~n 111 u~ was wa~1ted haP now on hand an immense stock of la . - t )ear, nu:~de the discovery thnt uo t l t he.11 w lio lefiale and retai l prices were f' V{11 b!l a tll au<l bectn.:ic of 1m1 nn1ng this i 1 rrnnt1ou to one C>f tlv' fJ1m, ard tbe1r fo.1hng Lo stnnd b} +he orig n~l ag.ccrnent 1 he refused to n.ny tb 1ng more to do with t be n1 B ut he hns n complete nso;ortment of tl~ese celebrated Spec tacles, nnd will sell R L. OC)RNISI..::f, AVING HAD Hrn AGE1'Cl for the ""\- ' f Ladies', Gentlemen's and ' 1, ~~ l· OLLOW ING REMARlCS FFi.UNELLA AND CANVAS TT is repoitod that tho Mioister of Milttta propose· to ga1won Fort Henry at Krngston with Volunteer batteries of iiO IJC" umt. chea1>er than any oc L. !!I. & c:o· s AS'ClltS, eithet· jJl urt1llory. Bowman1·1lle or tbe Dominion. vaiious poiots in L ?if & Co may assert Just wha.t they please, Coleiado are del ·ycd by t e rnconvcn- but tbe following FACTS th~y tlare not deny, ient habit the selllern ha>e ol haogrng 1 ST -Thnt L CORNISH has a full assorthorse thieves to the 1clcgrnph wires. ~ 1--..lncut of their Perfected Spectneles ND -Tlla.t L C hn s nevPr so1rl one pa1t EAI\LIE!t ,n the"" on, they fired can- ' ) .,. of Spect::icles for the Perfected th .,,.as non iu the fields wenr I)uri 111 t o bring on not bought of L M & Co DEsPATOirnS from B O O T S .A.N"D S~C>ES, all of which he is sellrng at a great reduction from his usual low pnces. C.tll and see them, ·nd gut bargarns, at the I CBEMIST and DRUGGIST, B EGS respectfully to """ounce Jr. HIGGINDOTHA '.VI ' --- n unn S1ncc then tht;,j!11ng of cannon RD,-'rhnt 1f L C can bay L M. k Co1a -has Lrought a ccssut1o n to the reign-of Per fected Spectacles from 50 to l 00 per Nupoleo n. cent leSs othar p u .an fi om the rnnnnfHcturer1;, he is surely lr. ~ position to sell ttt - Sign of the Tiig Boot Drawn by f wo Horses,, Bo1vmanville. hns rcceivt·d n wP.11 a sso rted stoc k of lest1mon1als of most wonC.erful And .... Gen uin e Drurrs a.nd Pr re En&l·s'i Oh llnord 1 nnr~ c111f's 1n Ca1rnda 'h; 1he G REIA.' o ..,, I .J C ll l lC!l 1 S "' " Al so , a sple ndid stock of L he most ~arefull I NDIAN HF.l\TEDY. Th ey :n ... stern,,, undtt se le cte d ) n1ab le tt.u d 1ncontes1able fnct!:, snffi c1en\ ttlll ·n~t ST p __ Od b nel l ' l!E I DYE STUFFS J j \[e d 1c1 nal · co nv1 nce 1te rn o st~k eptn:nlthatthe Gr· Corn pou nd yearned after for agel is DOl\ accc;is1ble i n the Great 3 winch can not be snqu1s,.,cd for ex cellency or qun.hty An A. SSortnie nt of A1nline DJe9 §IS.O§U:ONEES llEMEDY kept constantly on band, togi;:ther with a For Diseases of the 'rhroat, Lungs, LiTtr choi ce S!elect1on of TJ1g estrv e Orgnns 1 K1 d neJ s, & c , as well a 3 c ro fnln, the larious Skin Diseases, HumoN DRUGS, nnd n,11 d1sensci:s arising fron1 Impur1t1e1 · CHEMICALS, the Blood, we boldl y state tl1at tlue gre·ll PATllNT MEDTCINES ,. ing a l<..1rge an1ouut of p1 0perly In New he promises tbe1r celobraietl Spectacl~s at a Yoik, 1s now s:.i1U nlc:o to have a large ( rr1ce that will n1ake t h<tm noton lv an Ameranlouut of Jeni tistute in llalt1111orc, pur- ican catch but an American bargrun al50ut fi1e yeulS "go. L CORNISH, ::Uarch 9, 1870. 32 THE Empcro1 N upo Icon, own less than a ny of L .U & Co a Agents, a nd BRUSB,l!lS, COMBS, SHlJlTr,!JIIR-BR ~OE3 remedy has NEVER IJEEN EQUAL t ED.ViTbere wa s there evtir such a cine t18 (bnt i· th e person of \V1LSON STORMS of Br igh&otr 1 On tar io, of Consnrnpt1on, o r that of P1T·n C V MnrRR, o; Erne~town, Onta ri o, · J.oisumpt1011 or thal nf AMnnosE 1Voo o, · Couscco n, Onta i 10 ofDJspepsrn. an d L1 .. er Com p1a1n t, or tl1A. t ef .Ton~ HoSEY, o f Nati ... nn cc Ontnno 1 of H.heumntism, w h o .iao. fH·tun.lly been on crutches fo:- yenrs, i n ·1·lte of all t re atment ac re tot ore, and 1s no 'W' ·ell, Sr,01 e9 p fsu<.:h cns es m1ght be menho n edba~ SUPPOR1'Etis, kc; TH!' nuhtan cnieer of Ki ng Wilham yeurs- Hrn Jllnfc~ty, who \vns born 10 ' 1797, wos pnoent at the battlo of l I RS AlLEX. FLETC:lilER Waterloo, nnd was then but eighteen · ~ · years of ai:;e"lTTOULD beg to rnform lier nnmerou · 1 i;. ~ patron.>1 and t he publlc in generaJ, 'tious for war. 1 of Prusm eX'tends over a portod of 55 Fashions we ep~<:e ~ Ga ll R.t thn Drng Store and ge-L n Qlrr.ul ur of 11 nqnest1on n b le certilicater. oa. tluw j~ making immense prepara· :J.7,e Latest London and New l'orle It will soon hove assembled _ · , . , n well corp· o,f 140,000 undar Styles in Drtssrrmkin!J. - ,the connnnnd of the A1chduko Albe1 t She Is al·o pr<pare d - to make Ladles I h mpathy with Ti'rauoe is well Under cl~thino: and Gents' Shirts, in the· AUSTRIA tbitt she ha.s now received SICN OF THE COLDEN LION. Vocal & Instrumen~al MUS IC, cmbr~ c 1ng t~~ongh Bac;s \Dd Hnr11 on]' 1 tho elements of comi·o s1 hon He is also prcpn red to tu ne nnd r~p:'l1r Pianos Re-s1 dence-Oburcl1 St re~ 1, E A st Bo'IT"mnnvdh., June 3 1 1868. 45·tf, Gl!F:AT l'HO"!HON EES REMEDY H4 w ose sy ~ known. lntesl ·ty ··. March 22nd, 18 70. 16-3'4 ly. Tm: en lhusiaslia F1cnoln11nn who Be~ - ~----:,:--$50 ,000 that tho T'rench n11ny r.oulCl ,bo/ JI. FllElbDING, ill. D., in llerhn on th e 15f!1 of_ thi s month, <"Ii{ lllfllEJ< OF ROYAL CO]>LE,GE 01' ]!Q::--3 requcst.ed to have ~t...t time postponed l'f~urgeO"ll!z E n gland; L1centrn.,e Rnr~i · Resident cbc·ir St Thomas Ho<'!:p1tal .atmm of Dutchmc n hav111g set lll botween London rtnd Acting Resi,Aen,t Med i·n !Otficer, !Paris «>n ncscouut of th e \\t.::tthei-n severe C oll+> ge of Pby<:itcians, Ed1uburgh (Lnt e' 1 and Be!lrn , City ;>t London Ho ap1tal for Il11l!'···s of 11" Chest,) Office Dr Herdman s, {l,Lono. A MAN hns been arrested at Terre Maute, Indiana, for dccoyrng young girls I/into a. certain ice cream saloon, treating 'them with foo cream saturated wi th laud 'l' HE sub5orib er off~rs fvr sal e part of T.;ot -nnum, and then cuttrng off their hair No, IO, 10 the 2nd oon of Cartwng ht , JO tbe 'Whilst !lie:)' were in an uncoasc10ns con- County of Dnrh1un 1 contn1n1n 111g 1:S a.ores:, 60 FARM for SALE. bers of which pledge themselves not to plant n:ore than one-third of their culti vatcd land he1eafter in cotton, ,and to plant the other two thirds m cereals, and also "solem nly ag1ee " that they will not <hspose of the cereals made by them to any planter wb., does not belong to the A~socintion. of whic n are cleared, v. ell foncecti Q.Qd under £rst .. rate ¢ulhvat1on . There nro two good SOUTHERN pla,.oters nre orgnnizrng a wells and a small spung, also a good oroh· ard of abont fi \ e aero", 11nd a ve ry good lag "Colton State Association," the mem- building the reon Fo1 pa1 hcul a1s apply to d1t1on. 1\1= c J\'.'.f U R 'l~ R Y ALEX. BRADBIJRll, on the prem ises. Ca.rLwnght, June 8th, 1810. 45~3m .· .has received large shipments of doth meet ·cat upon the gar den wall, and if- a cat doth g1eet a cal '<lh I need they to squall? E very 'l'omm) ha· a Tibby wa1trn g on the walJ 1 and, yet she welcomes Ins approach by an un-earthly yawl. And 1f a kitten msh to -court upon the garden wall, why don't be _ sit and smile, and no t stand up and bjlwl, vnd hft his precious back up high, nnd ~bow his teeth and moan, as 1f 'twcrc co · lie tllOre than love that made the " feller" groan, cat IF a lass Ill1tter 1 fitkins prefene4. BITTER! l\fE~~gR~h;'Oh~:u?s~~;(,\T!,;~~~~~~~~~ s p RING GO 0 D S N B -Use the finest salt~ 00 TO- CBEAP!l~ BOUNSA LL 1 S MAKING HIS STOCK l\fARELE WOBKS Spring Millinery! in of 1792 will he rep eated, an d tbis morn 1 .11'1. st ock n. ve1y choice as.'iortment of fln11ing i-ays " \\7e l~i.! rn fronl i ehable nets1 Hats, Ribbons, Feathe1s, Flowers 1 L~es., THE 'l'imes di.believes that the mi1ac!J l\lrltS. J. IC. POLI,AUD bas Row Large, Attractive and ·well Assorted. ·onrcee l ~ .., tliat E, in CODJUI1Ct1on Collars, Cuffs, and otheI a1t1cles with France as suon «S a stable Go'VcrnFOR LAVZES' WE.AR; mcnt 1s fo1 med m the latter named - -country, - intends decluung upon toge lher w1tb a supplJ oiJ1laterutls for Brai d China for sat1 sfact10n for the maosocre of aud Embrn1do1y A lso the Eugh,b and Fieneh crtiiens at GENTS' C00LARS AND CUFFS. J<;mperor of Chrna fu t the ·~county ~r1ents1n, d"ma"d1ng gu araute.J from the of .All oidcrs f()I 1:hUu.ie1y promptly .filled. EVERYTHING NE\V IN G-0 T O MRS. c_ BOUl'lfSLAL ]j]nglwh and French subJeCts rn thal JJ:IACHINE SEWING DONE country rn future. r~ prepened to n.tto n d to Mtil1nc ry a.nd Stra." \\ oik , as nsual L11dws' Felt Ila ts cleaned fl.ntl altered to the Newest Styles Lflucorrhma. o:r Whit..i.j ll'.Jvnrhan 'l"·mell"· IJ&eraHfl lJJeerahon, Female D1"'nn.oee. I>r J B S -Chann1ng, 1Jf New York CU1, wntee:r "I mo,.,t chee1full{ comply iYitb tbe requed of 'f't1JH'¢ in aay!ug lltu 1" found your Sarsaparilla · most -exeelknt altet ntive in tho numerous eo· piamte for whieh \Ve emuloy 1:1nch a :remed y, 1'·1 e1peo111.lly Jn Fanale Dzsc:ases of. the ~rDfaJ..,. diathes1s I have cured many lllvetorate, nus et Leucorrbrea by lt nOO .so1n0 where the oompJ.nt w~ oaused by :<dr.:crafwn of tile ute1·u1. The u.l&ffo. ·tlon it.self \\'R'S jjQOu cnred NotWng wjtbJo _, io:nowledge equa.h11t Jior these fem ale denrnge.meatt.· Edward S llW"ron, of Newbury, Ala 1 ,,..,..... 11 A dangerous ovarian tum-0r on one of tha femal· In my fnnuly, wb cb had defied all the retue<bea ww eould <imploy, bnfJ :it length bc6U cempletoly vurtlll by your (lf' Snn;aparilla Our, vLiy&olaa. thaught uo:ttJ'ing but f!J.:tirpntlon could'Ord rcli-1;, but he ndvucd tb.e tual Gf yo ur Sarwpu..rilla Ila the Dist re1ort before cuttmg, and it proved eib ctu~t .After taking your remed} ~gbt weeka 110 oymplolm Qftlle dJsea!e rem1U.U s 11 8)'Jlhlhs and -' l e rearinl Di-.et1Mh \ NEW OKLl'tA.'!'i.S 25th Angu&t 1850 Dt J' C AYER Sir, I cheerf'ul ly comply "'Hlli the request ()f Your agent aud report to you ao me of the etrect& I have reahzed with} our Sar11aparill1L 1 b is said thot the J\Itlitio TO ORDER. Sl:tmp1ag for buud an d embroidery: done mJnt are prep1rinJ an estimate of t1i e cost of the ·e\eral raids on Canada by on tbe sho1 test notitc 1 a nd in a g rea t v an· ety of styles, tho :E'cnian·. Tqeir calculat10ns will, It i~ JY.I I L L I N9E THE LATEST STYLES IN R, y-_ ]10R GO TO F. R l\foAHTHUHS, ll- Two A p pre n hces wanted 1mmed1a l elJ Ilo..-m an ville, March Ht~ l '63 underatood, embrace the cost of calhng ALL CHEAP FOR CASH. the frc;nt, und the actual damoge mflct·d Sto1e one door east ofHende1son's Hotel, by the Femans. 'l'hcse will be prosent King Stree t, cd for hqn1dat1on te the Imperial Bowmanv1lle 1 Aplil 20 1 1870. Governmsn t in the first instan ce, and 1 ~ is reported lhe Im~erial Gevernmcnl Dissolution ot' PartnershiI·· will make a demand on the U lllted States for compousat1on. HE Partnership he re-tofo1c e:uat ng be· tw een CORNISH k SON, as WatchFR AUDUUl~T honx cf .singular crue makers' & J ewelers , ts dissolved by reutuo. l ly is repo1 tod to have been prneLiced by coYisent, All dt!bta due to 1 or by B!\ ld firm be oetti od foithw1th bv L CORNISH oo enlerpr1s1ng but uoscrupu1 ou::i collecto1 to B owma.11Y1llc~ Nov 19 ,~ 1860 of hnir for false chtguvns. The wretch W IL L IA~! CORNISH, m"dJ his appeara nce m n v1lloge of Ger· W1tnoss, l LEWIS COR N!S IL niany, armed with what pmported to bo JOHN FR AN K ) n r~qucst fiorn a 0 Sainte P.... 2soo11.1tion n HE Business will be earned on he1ethat the women and girlo ot tho pla~e aftcr by would contubute their huir fo1 the wari- out the Volunteers and waving them to It?- A call respectfully solicited \V am~ir ·-e ' Vln te Cptton STOCKINGS at 2d · F. F. McARTHURS A T HATS AND BONNETS, IF YOU 'N ANT A .. FLO\VERS, &c. ISUBT GO TO ~CLOTHES. , 1n Proper!) maod<l oy tlle best cutter tu" 11 , fo1- $6.0() T F. F. l\IcARTHUHS. 'fliR nfacture of a cope to be pre.anted to the on the dccll1 ation of hii infalhb1ltty.' Ji'. ired w1th rchg10ns en tbusiasm, the fllll with all haste surrendered their tresses, oujy to find out lhat the merchant Pop·, ~ L. 00 RNISH the late firm. -uill INSPECTION SOLIO ITED. Bowma1nille1 ijarch 30, 1870. McAHTHUR W.a.utJ 10'00 F irkins of o v ~r su h 11 cribcra J1&T1ng started Ilus1ness Mr G Ha.1n(la, Ca.rr1sge Shor, is prepared to r ccen c o.I l order11 for n od from the immense stock JUSt openedJ the LOVI I'RlCES at which it is offered, Lhe quality of wQrk turned out, he bopes to meu l the cont1nna.t1on of that suppo1 t so Di.'cor a.tmg, Fres co111g 1 Kalsom1 n1ng Plai n bad bagged tho b>tr, liberally accorded to and Decorat1 ve L CORNISH B_p'."fl' manv1lle, Nov 23 1 1869.. l 'l ~ Sign or the BE-l VIERS -. ~-- - .Aud will pa1 the h1!\'lmt pn co for 1t p 1\.TTINT!OU ! W&I S.COT~ · :zc=- Bo.-monnllc,Ma,125, 1870 !SIGN PAIT_[~ G All krnb.s of aper H · G"ld " & & angmg, 1 mg, < 'C. ro · ,,m ' ' LET. Conccs·io n strnef, Sign & Danner Painting E xecu ted u1 a. atlach cd Pus ocss1on gt vcn iwmcdiately. Apply to JAMES MUIR. Bowmanv11l0, J unc 15, 1870 46 tf'. Cottage, on l\l'h or without ga rde n IlilICK NO. I S 1I'Y LE -- 0- S a tisft\-etion guaranteed 1n all its branches CllEO'l'EllFIELD & BROTHER. Bow111n nv1lle, Nov 17, 1868 Great Bmgains be given at the INT ELLIG E NOE WORTH KNOWI NG. · all and settle U1eh· accounts, as be Bo\\rnanv1lle Nov 9th, .1860 15 He 11!1 also prepared to make nll k inds of ' vork t o order, on the shor test not1co JG"- All those indebted to lmn v.ill please wants mon eJ at once to meet h1s 1Iab1hties OR SALE, ou \\rtllhngton Street. irot JHlrL1<: ulars app lJ to A DIXON .o wma!lv1Ue 1 Mar ch 31 , lB'lU 35 tf F Th~ :a e.s to certify tbrit <lur1vg the \\-lntci 1 of 1-BUG I '\\l\S to.ken .,.,1th n we akne ss of the an kh 3, " b1ch g radually, d u ring the i!pnng of 181J'l, extended to tny kne eg, nn d on u p to my Inps, nnd I bec'1n"' 0 ,., .. r>;o.k th11t I could not "'alk, but \\a ~ confined to ms chs.1r For about two ) ar·t while -&hi1 css \\ a.s comi ng 011 me 1 nuu. ~r " urds 1 I sou gh t med1cn.l Rdnco, llmploJ 1ng, at d1fferenl times, three doctors, n. nd meJ1c1ne1 of d~ lfe r~ op t k1nds, preGenbcd by fri e nds, Lnt of no a:nul. I continued lo get \\ors o and worse, until the sumn;er o f 1808, wb en I waa in duced tu tr) thu gren.t SUoshonP.eS Ren-1_edy hy reading tlte performed, ~ n a pawph let At tlns: 1114e I had beg un to fe el the wetlkue~s in my bcui<ls 111 f1\ct I 1vas get· Ling al most hel pless J ha· o taken Lw o bottles of the Shoshonee& Ll en1e dy an d two br>xes of t he p1Ua and I am e n tire ly re s tore d to health I ue"er ex peeted to get better, b1tt sun pl) tu:ed tho meo.H 1ue ai; a sort of fo~Jorn hope This ca:.e of 1n1ne was not t1 pr1 \tt. te one, but known to all my neigh bo r & and ft icnda, and to any one afflicted n.s I \\-as, I bnve only t o say try the Shoshonees Remedy 1 I believe it will cur e yon - ll!All.Y' ANN' DOUGHTY Sworn to before Ille at Madoc, County of Ilastings, tius ninth dny of F<': b ruary, 1869 A F.\1000,J.P.,&c. complamts for l\ h1ch it J.· Jecommended 11.nd haYe found 1h ~ffacts truly vr-onQort'ul Jn thQ eni-. of Ytnl!rwl <ZfW }JercuNal .Disea1t1 One af 1n7 pa. ttents b.a-cl Syf'lu liflc ulcer111n lus throat, v. ldcb w·r· consu1n rng lns na late and the top of hi· mo"UL 'Your Sa.rsa1m.r1fla steadliy taken oured hiia ha An weak· .An otliftl" was Rttulced l:>y secoudary ·11JWh to-m11n bhi nose, and the nleeratlon bad ·ateu awv · eomndern.ble part of zt, l'!O that 1 beJiet e tbci cUI· m and kill ban. Rd ell a~D.Jn, not bfeo·rv o Wi face .A wo 1~ treat.od._f'ortho 5nillt duorder »r me ... 41n.T)' w11e 1uft"1Jnng from tWs poison iq her boa-. They had bet-Orne oo seusltil e to the weA1hertbt t oa the 'lYhO bad~n ul~r I h1 1vecured with tt..l n my prnct 1ce inost of I.ha n of JOUr S.ar111lparU1at w1tbont Join t ~ R tbat Flour and Ferd___ at W holesale Price~ 1 _ · I For Il«Jrga1ns 1n l!!ard" arc ATCLIFF & Co wou lu re spectfu lly rnfoun their mt'¥ny cu ::; tome1s and fuc nds CHEAP O\llng to their daily rncrea· 1ng trade' SIG~r SijlJ t.hey now nfto1d to Fr.01 R 1 nd FEE; GO TO BASSETT'S, OF THE GOLDEN ANVIL, Y CORNER JlY REfAIL AT WHO LES HE PRIC ES, and hope by nl \\ ays ke ep1 1g a larn-c i tock at 0 the low!'st, ai:id pu a ctua.1J y attend ing to all o-dcrs, to ma nt, 11~ heretotore, a s h~re of public patronage -.. FA I'\. '°MS f I ~D El.. SALE , STORE! J00 ACRES GO OD LAND, being Lot No "' Jn the 4th Concession dt·ing· the remainder of the winter season! Remember the Store, ]fark~t Bu 1 ldin (F~ 11le 70 ncres cleared, and 30 in woods ~Lng S t reet. "' Comfur t able dv;e1hug·bo use, good barn RATCLIFF &i Co stab le a ud i:;hed, and some f4u1t trees on th~ Bowmanv1lle, Jan 12, 1870 ~~ D.a1hngto:i, 2i miles frorn lhe fown of Bow~ 1fter the expiralJon Gf twenty days from the pnbllct.rt Oil h~rcot appl!c11t1on will be 1uad ·to tlH Judge of the ~llrtoga.te Co n rt of the Uuttcd Couutrns of an d Dur ham, to ~ppoi n t Mii.ry Ann McLcau, of Darhu g ton, \\Jdow of Dilll d .Mc Lean d e~ 1 e ~ased, Obarles Ho n ey, bf the same pl ac e, yeoman , 1.u·d J 11.rui.:'s McLe:tn af the s ame plnc c, ycom.a.n, gu a rd 111m~ of Marv lda McL ean, 1n fa.ut d l ugl.J. L el of -the a.b~vo.nnmed M::tr) An n McLr an , nu.1 Da\ 1d Mc Lean, in bis hft! tune of D~rl1ngtf>n 1 afor-csa.1d, JCDmaIJ , dec<:: tu1ed D ated at Bowmnnv1llc, this third day of P UB LIC NOT!CE 19 heroby give n, th at l I her e by certify that I ha'\o known llfrs Uary Ann Doug hty fo r the last fifteen ye a rs, s he 1a a woman of prob ity and truth I bave known her befure, dur u1g, at d sin ce he~1 H " ness I beheOJc her ce1 tificate to bs trU fl,,_lJJ e \ er) particular I know that 'I\ h1le ill h ~ case was declared hopeless, 3nd I k now. tLHt &he bas sLnce her r eco ve l y , a lway s at· 1 tttbu ted her reco -i;c ry to the Sho;:; l oz::e<:s Hcmcdy . Vlhateve1 muy be the pecuhnr call for the;qt p1opc1 tie s of tins ruPdtcm e, oue thing 1s Dyspep1inillcnrt Disea"P.' Fit..,., Epi!ep1y, 1.;ert1un, t hat JI he1, 1t h11 s acte d al most \ 11 eluo~holy, Neurnla;1a.. l£any remarkable cures ot t hese nffechons bllT· hk~ tlle pertormauce of a muncle . bef::u mane by the 11.lterahvc power ofthn rncd1C1be. A 1 1 \\ OOD, .T P. It atiMJ.ul11te.i the\ ital tu nction3 uito v1gorott.-s act101Jp and thus overcome, disordete \' bJch would be SUP' \Varden of the Connty ofHas t1ngs,Prov1nce posed beyond itH re».oh 8nch a, r~roedy halil lonj. of On ta rio, Do1u1u10u (.)f Ciuiada. be-en 1 cqwrcd by the nece!IS1t1es of the people, nni W a1~ ~on tident that till:; wdl do for them au tbs& med1orne oan do formula , wb1ch ) our agent ga\ o mo, Uiatl!. Preparation trom ) our Jaboratoi mni;t be a remedyl com1eque11tJ y, these trnfy remuko.b o ~ 1ulta wi h 1t !Jave not 11urpn<1fki me. ~ l'f tcrualh yours, G V LARIMER, M D . Rheuwati1111n, Gout, Lircr Compl11.lnt. lN DE PRNDY.~OIC , l resto n Co, Vn 1 6th Jnly, lM8. D1t. J C AI 11:1~ Sir, I ha~e boon nfiliotcd with· pamful chrome R.heum ati~m for a long tune, wbiob bamed tbc skill of ph}!:dc1ans, and stuck to me ht. ·ptte ot all tho remedies I could 1lnd, until I trlotd your Sarsaparilla On.a bottle cu1ed me In tw~ week·, and restored my genernl bcP.ltb 11u 1!!11Udr that I am far better than beforo I w1w aJtackrtd l think it a wonderful rucdicme. J FlUli.H IJuJe· Y Gelohell, of St Louis, wnte1 u I h11·1 been afilioted for J ear& with au agectiQn. <if th~ Lw~ which desttO} cd my hl'!alth J. tried everythiil&. and everytlu~g tailed to rehel' c mo, and I b&\'1111 I.teen a. broken-down man for tmme years fr'oqi no tbet e11.u1c than der(l:~igem.er1t nf ths IAv,,,.. !.It t>i!loved putor, tbe Rev lUr ~y 1 advised mo to try your because he s:ud be know yo ... nnd anythmg you made \\ail v;orth t rying BJ tbe blemug of God It bli.11 eured u1c, and hns so yurJO:e4 my bloodo.e to mnde a new man I fee )OUng. 1.ga1n The best tllnt can be a.aid of> ou ia not h&llgood. enough " , 8cb~fru8, C'anoo:r Tttwor·, EnlarJleme·· IJh:.eration, Varies and E.xfo}iu.110111 .'# ·be DODC!ih .. 4 greo.t varu::ty of 011scs have been reportOO to u wtJere cures of these fonrudable have resu lted from. tlie use of tbis remedy J. but our sp11 oe bere will 1.iot admit them Some 01 tb em way b4I found Jn OUl; Ameri can Almanac, which the ·Ken'MI below r.iamed IUtJ plcnliell tofnrDf! b gratiS to all w bo a damp day 11be 11uffcr1td ,excrucmtrng- pain w. he., aud bouos She, tuu, wr..s curud entirely bT your Sarsapa111lu 111 a. fow week11 I kuow- fro m h· APPRENTICES "ll:T ANTED, by the 'l'V Manufacturing ! Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOll. TUB ll.A I'ID cua.E 0 11' ST~ll §OIREE~. -AHEAD I 'il'EA lPAUT! E§, prern "C;:; rrhe l<J/ld 18 well wate1ed A lsoi 200 ncre;i, being Lot No 13i in th~ 4th Conce-:::s1on of tl e above Town sh ip, 150 cleared ) 50 in \\Oods Weil watered . Good OPINION has fully justified the original idea, that at the " Corner Store " you cotlld get August, A. D 18 70 J OHN K GAL'lRA!TH. Sohe1 tor ftJr .Applicants. Bowmanv1l1e Cab1aet Cotnpaay, a. few good ..:'\.pprentu:ea to Jearu the Cabinet !Iak1n nnd Turning buo1ness .'ipply to THOS JOHNSTON, Manager Vour:h,_, Cold1o1, luJbtcnza, JJlna.ntene9'1 (Jron p , Hrouc&utu1, linc1p1cnt Uoal!UDtptu:n11, nnd .for lhe Rch.eC o C f'ou !tl 111npuve J.llnt1ents in ad \oanr,~d !itag~ 'l'.lf tht lbi.~:uc. buildings and 01chard It is one oftLe best if not the \ ery Le:;;t f.-i.1m in the Tow ns lHj) ~ Si l 11.a Lerl 2} 1 u1leo fron1 the '1 own of ilow- ,0.\.I..l!, '9!UPP E R ~ . P,!!. c u B'll l\ r; Ill ~ "\\7 ED.llDI l'l\ :L-1 [ '.il..Ift. IE!§, ' ma u v1ll e l'or f ur ther pa t t1culars 1 npplJ to F AnEWELL MGGEE & RUTLEDGE, Publl sber of the S TAT°E"'MA ~, for su b· ~cript1on , ad vt'rh;:;1ng or JJb 1vork 1 a1e 1 0quested to settle the s a me at one~ l.l .\ LL PERSONS I~D EBTE D TO T HE May 18th, 18~0. 4~-tf, FOR ~ lflSALE. Soltc1tors, l.\:c , Uowrnanv11le-, 1 !JOS \V l 1 110N, Tempo P 0 36-3m A DWELLillG HOUSE, "'th ono acre 1'-, I 'I' TED AND vVELL I u)d 1 situated on Conc eso;ton sLreet, op posite Centr e st1eet, D()W occu pied by th e ~ ubscnbe r Th e house is new an d room y , This is a remedy so u.nn en;aJly known to sur..,. any ot her fo1 the cure of tli roatand lu ng complau~. that 1t I S m;eleas here to pubh:;b the fWJdenee of 1t:A '\'Irh1es lts unnvullcd i:'X ~ll c uc e for coughs a nd culd~, and its trn ly wonderful cures of pulmonary dis~ai;e, lune ruade 1t known tln .oughout the clVllizcd natmns of the eart h Jew s1e tho oommumt1es, or c:nm tam1heil, among tllem who have not somo per~onnl expencncc ot' its cffecls-:mmc Jiving trop11 } n1 their llllds.t of its '1cto1 / ovc1 the subtle aud dangerous di~ ord ers of the t iront n,nd lung11,. .As ull know the dreadful fa.ta 1ty of thece dlf;ordcn. and as tlu y kuov;, too, llrn etrcCtl! of th1s 1emcdy. l'\'e need Dot do more tlu111 +o ai;.~ ui e t hem that 1t haa 11ow all the Hrtu cs tLut it Uid I.Jave whe n makJng :~:~::~ ~~~~n~::a wou 60 shongly upoa, tbli Pro.11arsd by Dr. J. C. AYER & Ce., Lowell,~·· Northrop & 1 .. yn1nn 1 App l; o n the io prte t ors fo r Canada ... ~ewc~:.tle, Ont4,Flo Bcwi:rnnvme, Der., 1867. Jle 1 J µlJ 6, '870. BASS P.TT 4.9 f. It'iNJW!:.t:%\.J Sold bi J Il!GGINBOTHAM and J:l, ST OT1\ llu'" rr:.a.J:l v Ilic, and ll~ d1c1ne D ea ic' 1

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