Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Sep 1870, p. 1

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-- --~---- WEEKLY GENERAL NEWSPAPER VOL, XVI. FAM~LY A.ND YOUR PROPERTY, IN 'l'HE Sweet SEPTEMBER. 1s the \01ce that ca!Ja IB ~ l i1 llil ill IB ~ IT ill ~ lIJ [f U © 1tr ASSURANCJE Co., o:f LONDON, El\'GJ,A.ND. ,-' From the babbling water fid1s Iu meadO't\ a where the downy ueed:. are ing, And ooft the breezes blow And eddy1og come and go · ft.r- In fadod gardens where the rose is dt inir. .Among the stubbed corn The bl) the qnatl pipes at morn, merry pu.r tr1dge drums tn. hidden ple.eee, ..o\nd glttter1ng insects gleg,m Atiove \he rea.dy st re&m Where busy sp1doro build their filmy Jacas T~c CAP!TAL. FULLY SUBSCRIBED, £2.oOG.000 STERLING -~~ HIS BRITISH COMPANY OFFERS suT perior advantages to Policy holders, in both the Life and Fire department. low and terms liberal. FIRST-CLAS~ Rate~ 4 - At eve, cool sbndows fall A cross t1'1e garden Wl\11 And on the clu.sLered grapes to purple turn- ing; ~:lORLA"ND. W-ATSON - & CO. ~irrdorn. DAVID ,,r General ...4._genti for Canada Montreal. W. R CLl MIE, Agent at Bowmam11le, PHOTO GRAPHS! E1tb· "'l or Wu1te r Scener1, ,. ...\na real vapors ho A long the eastern sky Where the b1oad harveot moon is tedl1 bornrng Ah 1 soon on fiold and bill 1,he wind 9ball whistle chill, And patna.r ch svrl'llovn! i:.a.11 ttitnr flo<;ks together, To f!,y f1om frost and snow, B ARR!STER and ATTO RNE Y ·t LAW, ~ S ohc1to11n Cbance1y n.nd I uso l vfilOC):,. a~~~~ "'M"~T _,,....,.. __ ConTeyn.ncer, Notar), Sohc1tor 1ct the On .. ~ .A.J.L.~~~~~ ~ 1.1\110 Bank1 &c / HARRY TAIT TX:l!OCES! .. JS studio, Opposite Treleven's Shoe Store, K ing Street East, Bo?.m1:1nv1lle PORT :ECOPE, QN'.T. t r ),fb11ey to I,oan &; Land' for 81L~ VOLUNTEERS FOR RED RIVER. Aud seC'k for lands whe re Olow The fAtrer blossoms of a baluuer 'veather. Fobrnary 9, 1870. 28 TllOl!lAS S'l'Ol\'HOa:I SE, UCTIONEER, APPRAISER ~n d GEN 6ral Agent\ Dti.rhngt.on Ocntro Sa.le protuptlj to A ROIJER'l' ARl!IOU(t. &61SrRAR, WEST DUR RA~l , l SSUE R 0 t Marrin go Licenses, Barrzsleracd .Atornev at Law :..nd Sohc1tor 1n Clu1.ncetJ ll'ltlf>jloanod on ltea.lEstato Office on Krug l! r eet, nowmau~1lle At the Bowruanville Clothing Store. R NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED. Newest Styles in Ties. Newest Styles m Coatrn gs. N ewest Styles m Collars, Newc<t Styles m Vernags. Ne"e"t Styles 10 Shirts Newest S ty les rn Trowsenn gs. Newest Style· m Ready-made Olothrng · With 'reeth. SURGEON DENTIST ! C. G. HANNING, / ROVINCHL L ~ND SURVEYOR, 0,,,1 Engineer and L and A!Z'ent Offlcu and r e!nden ce, Lot lil, "id con D L rhn ctt on .All eid·1 1J left n. .. tb e office uf Rober t .l.1 n1ou r EJ11q, ;.rom ptly o.ttended to ~o P 'II.' 0 DE §OLD Clll!.EAP l"®R (Gradu~te of the To1o ot o Unne L !HtJ ,) P olil K.Lot 8 tr~c t, next door to Yc llowee· it Qu ck~ \71\notJ Store, B0Wtna.n\11le, UYSIGIAN , SURGEON, &c OFHCE 'I'll OMA~ Sl'OTT, SENR., Ontano ~ -'L' DO~IAS CIHUS'l'IE, fN"G srH.J!.;rll!, BU\VMANYILLE) Ag't fort be follow1ng Bri ish and Canadian n!lt:'"3.nce 0 omp...,a n1es,' 1z lt o_y n.l, L1vct pool ·I. Lo n dea, Br1t1sh A.rut n ca. nn d P1 0' lncial c-eut for Royal Mn1l T 1ne of Stea.1ne rs an<l ' "' glitL1ne ofboata .Auctioneer and Comn! 1s 11on. Merchant aud Co1onc1 fo1 t"n1ted l'ew:D.t1eJ11 ofN01t hum he1 1and an<1 Du1l: nm K CLOTHS, TWEEDS, WATER PROOF CLOTHS, SHIItTING8 SHEETINGS, LINENS, TOWELINGS, HOSIERY, BLACK SILKS, VELVETS, PARASOLS, UMBHELLAS, DA)iA~~~p;~i~EEN$, arewcll McGee & R utled ge A large assortment of Small Ware~ and T1imming:!I at wholesale and retail . Bowmanv1lle, Hoy 26th, 1870. l\otar1c1 P ubhc. J 11: F AREV. Ef,L, LL ll, R McGEE, B A JAMES RUTLEDGE, B A Orrrc». }le] ecter!' Bla ck, oppoe1tc 0'1tr.ancc to 'J own Hnl l 1 .Bowmauv1lle B AL"!RlS1 .ERS At to1neJ11, SoJ Oll-ors, and T HOMAS PATERSON, W. H. EDWOODS J Barber and Hair-dresser, H A.VIYG fitted up i,he promises Hind doar east of the Post Office, 1s prepared to itttE..:i.d to tbe wants o f tbe publi c n lna hne, U\ .l.l.'.!.One.r unsurpassed by a.ov a.. the Province~ Particular .s..ttent·o'l. g:1ven to t he etltl n("~ l.'1¢ <lre.,stng of La.d 1 cs 1 a.nd C!uldren 1 s ban° ell.U aol 1CJ.L<l!d, JB:! A R . D ~ ...A..R. E, .4. STOVE & Jn.o A TIN WAR~. MONEY TO LEND ! lN SUMS OF $300 AND UP"'\VARDS ' ' at a. low rs ta of interest FAREWELL & McGEE, Is still at the ol d stand, with a prodigious stock of cLeod!ll WARE~ It:i'"Office,-Opposite entrance to 'l'o·wn Hall, Bowruannne., Aug 20 1 IS6'B 3 ELECTRO · PLATED PEATE, TAILOR &entlemen'i:; & Boy's Garments UAPE IN THiii HardV1Tare , utlerv Paints and Oils Stoves and Tinware. Loa oC Splendill Elects·o-Pfate 'l'ca Sets. NEWEST STYLES. twmanv1lle 1 Feb 19, 1868 30-lf Building Hard war~, Paints and Oils, 15 to 20 per cent. cheaper. Everytlung warranted to be as represented. ENORMOUS REDUCTI ON I N PRICES. < .D 90(l1s} HOUSc and LOTS for SALL STOVE AND TIN SHOP m the Stand lately OCCUPIED BY MR. CORNISH, Where be 1s prepared to do all k inds of wo1 k FRAMI'; HOUSE, wi lli quar ter ·cie j uL hi~ hne of business in the la te s t styles 0 of land ,it1 ach d. Situated on Dike Stoves for "\Vood and Coal, the latest and most Beautiful Chea atroet A.i..o, a q uai ter acre of land Over 100 destgas and 81zeE of Cook Pallor and Box St ' p 8'luatod on Ontauo street For furStove F urru t ure, an d · ' of Trnware,O\CS, ther partumlors apply to a II ot her k'inds made with On the Shortest N ot1ce ELIZA STU R GEON Neatness and Despatch. Mii"' Spee1al attention given to puttin~ up E e T A ll wo1k warr anted. O lotl:J e.ll cleaned and 1 t M ~' ' C d p & N b ~ av ro ua 0 1s a. r!I arewel Ps, Liberty St o n uc tor tpcs, ro. .L one ut the best :&Iater1als ust!d and satisf t repane d ou t he sLcrtest notice. A call bet wee n the huurs of7 a.nd 9 p'm teed ' ac to n gu111an~ 3ol!c1ted ~ U'f'!!MG DONE CHDPPJ l\l r~ ~li~ap at J3urtou '~, Bowm·1mlle, July is, Is7o ·5 1 tf . Highest Price paid for Hides, Sheepskins, Rags, Wool Ptck- n;~ AXES k rngs, Old Copper, Feathets and Jiorse Hair, Da.te s1 and Russ<?l ma el WEJi, ING TON BUILDINGS 1Jl0NAS BASSETS Bowmnnvdlc, Sept, 2 8 1 1869_ JOHN M'lE DD · 1 '

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