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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Sep 1870, p. 4

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, Tm1 lillzary of the lJrilish oontain· 1,500,000 volalfi 11 , . THI! German populatio n of Pari! ~E ee·ds that of ·DY city in Ger111t11y exc·p' 1 Berlin, Vienna and HuDburg. tBFECTED SPECTACLES t M · TRELEVEN ha.- now on hand an immense 11tock of !IJ ~ ~ ~ .. ,;.-i Ci- UELPI--I: AVING HAD THE AGENCY for tho falling off in the population of ;JJouly all laet "' year, made the discovilry tha.t the southern cities of the Uuiled Slates. both their wholesale and retail prir.~s were exo1 bltau r; and because of imparting this information to one of the firm, nr.d their failing to !tBnd by the original agreement he refused to have anything tnore to do 1\ itb them, But be bas a complete assorin1ent of tl:..ese celebrated Spectacles, and will selJ Ir is nid th~i tho eena!ll will ahow r. H L4 CORNISH, ~ SEWING MACHINE COMP'NY. Ladies', Gentlemen's '"? and Children's PRU NELLA. AND CANVAS BC>C>TS .A.N'D low prices. S~C>ES, S. HI G G IN B 0 T D A. l'fl, CHEMIST and DRUGGIST, STOP ANDS EE Mt P!'r cent. cheaper than ,any all of which he is selling at a great reduction from his usual Call and see them, aud get bargains, at the Of' L. M. & C:o·s Ai;'en1s, el1her In BO'R'manvlUe or the Dominion. L. ?.I . ..t Co. may n·sert just what they please, but the following :rAeTs U1ey dRre not deny: Si~n of -the Ilig Iloot Drawn by rwo Horses,, Bowmanvillc. ND.-Th1tt L. C. ha· nover sold one pair at' Spectacles for the Perfected th was nol bought of L. M. & Co. RD,-'1'bot if L. C. can buy L. M. & Co'· Perfected Spectacles frorn 50 to 100 per cent. less from other" ....r.- .an from the manufac .. turere, he is surely lh & pos1tion to sell at less tban a.ny of I ·. ~{. & Co'a Ag~nts· and he promises their celebrated Spectacle; at a rrice that will make them not onlv an American ~ b.uJ.... an American barg;in. -~ ir.- GORNISHL March 9, 1870, 32 I 2 ST -That f,, CORNISH hao a full assort· ment of &heir Perfected S11cctseles. ~ ~ &4 3 =---- Ov11t twenty thousand dollars ·h1ln Leen roocivtd by the Ottawa Relief Com· mittee from various senroes, l\1o11treal oontriliuting eigb.I thousand dollars, Fashions, MRS.ALEX.F.£ETC:D~R AN Auatrahau murderer, for wh'i,.e a?· 'WO-lll,D heit, t·, foforufher nnmerono , l>JIM;:-JF and lhe public in general, rost a reward of £30Q was offered, ment his wife to belray him, arguing thd if th&*"--:f'tle ha.1 now reeeivod £300 was going, ii 1bauld not go ont of " The La!est London and N<WJ Yer.lo tho family. , 8tyle1 in Drwm«king. She II aloo prepored to male L·dleo A C1110Aao man Rues another for Undor·clothlni and Genii' Shirt1 1 In tht ~ $0 1000 damagta for trcspnol. The Ires latest e:ty~.,. March 22nd, !SM. pass eonsista in " pulling divers lari;o quantili11 of hair from the pl1inl1tf't bead." J. FIEJ,DING, l'fl. D., A MABSACHUSE!'TS farmer says ho can wintor hi1 oows on atoamed food for oneEMBER OF ROYAL COLLEGE OF! Surgeons, England ; Licentiate Royal Col!·go of PhJ sw1ans, Edinburgh. (L·te Resident Acconcbeur St· Thomas Ilospita.1, Ohest,) Office: Dr. Ilertima.n's, 01ono. SICN OF THE COLDEN LION. " w. bail toa.'?no~uce that he is prepared to £'l-e instructions in the elemcn ts of ANDREWS wbi~h cannnt be surpassed for excellency of !iiDOSHONEES REl\iIEDY ., The mosl perfect Sewing Machine in the quoltty. Ao assortment of Amhno Dyes market. Unrivalled for simplicitv of con- kept constantly on hand 1 tog\ltber with a For DiscA.se3 of th@ Throat, Lu ug1 1 LiTer D1gestt Ve Otgt\ns, Kidneys, &c, a1 w-111 a struction, beauty of finish, ·speed 1 and gnneral choice selection of 3crofula. 1 the various Skin Diriet&.:!e1, H1unor1 adaptability for fn.mily purposes. A trial DRUGS, and all diseas~s lHISing from ihlpurit1e1t o wtll convince everyone of 1te superiont7. CHEMICALS, the Blood, w~ hol<lly state tb e. t thi11 grePt PATRNT MEDTOINES, reruetly has N:EYER BEEN l!:QtrALLED.Treadle ltCachine, Only t/;20. DRUS!!,~S, COM.ll:'l 1 Whelc #"as there e-rer such a cure a11 tba.t in 1'HE LARGEST, THE OtlE'APEST AND SIIOULDER·BRA(HI!!, th~ person of Wnsolf !'11ok11a ut Brlgblo·, tho best Tread!· ever offered tu the public. BUl'POR1'11:1lS, &O., &u. Ontario, of Consumptloh I ~I tU~t of PHH on,s 1 C. V. MrLLFm, of .Brnesttf1Vt11 Ontari11, o l'AlNTi!i, HE tGUELPll REVERS!llLE SEWING IJoneumption or 1hat Df A1ti!-ft01 1: 1\-'ooo, · i\[achines poB8t!!IR aH the new and latest COLORB1 Con.1H~co11 1 Ontayio, ofDy1pepsft'. aad LiY·r improvements, combined with tlle requW.tes VARNJSfil!l'!1 Compla1bt 1 Qt tliat of Jo11~ tlolJ~ i , of Na·· found e11sent1n.I tu first-class Sewing Machines and WHI1':Jl:1,EAD. B.ncc, Ontarfo1 of Rboutnntlsfu , who ·&a and are undoubtedly the lowest priced re ... ll:J" At the nr;r lowest priceo, , actna!J~ been ott UMcbcs for l& ~ro, in tpho Hahl"' !lfschinci now offered to the public of ah irMtlitl!n t herelofore, ·nil,ld no ... woll. 1 I-:Corse & Cattle ~:ledichu:."' Sco1es ofglt~h cases might be t.acntion·dha4 and challenge campa.rison. THE GUELPH SEWING MAt.J11lNE Coy N'. B.-Oountry Storekeepers 9 upplied on \l'e space. 11ssurl.' ...the public thn.t nothing htts been left advantageous terma:, ls- Call &t th~ Drur S*oro an d a Glr· cnJar of unquestlont\ble,t c1 on undoue by t hem in the way of trouble and GREAT SHOSHONEES llllll!JEDY expense to render their Machines fir>it~class satisfy yonrselves. 1a every respect, and reeomn1end a ttur tria.l 1n ordtir to tcs~ their claims to superiority I'-1'ice 11{ R11medy fo la1'fl~ J1int1 81. _.,.,.. REVERSIBLE IIAND MACil!NE, $15, Also,"' splaudid stock of the must carefully !NDIAN REMEDY. 'l'be;r ·· · atero, unit nJablt! 1111d incontestable faet:, 1uffic:itu\ te selected conviul:!e tl.ic most 1kepth.:&l tha t the Gr·a Medicinal Cotnpound yearned nft er ror .,·· · j is nov a r cess1ble in the Great 1l'estimonials of most wonc!e r fut ·nd e&· has received A well assorl.ed stoclt of traord1narv cures iu Canada by t he GREA t" Genuine Drugs and Pure EngUah Ohemit"! B EGS respectfully to announce that: be r HE }'OJ.LOWING REMA RKS 01' DYE s Tu F F s ' T g·· THEY ARE GU!\,RANEED Vocal & Instrumental ~:[ U 8 I c, · embrn.cing tl1orongh Das~ Jittd Ilarinony 1 the elemenia of composition. fheo public that he lffte pYu:hased To i:ierform h1 evt;iry resp-act all thri.t is claimed fvr t?em. Hei~g de.te.rm1ned to prize our the entire stock-1n~trade of tbe late Richard re:p~tat1?n 1 · gu.cud1ng rigidly &f,.;!linst defect Ueed, Benr., and will continue to eatry on or 1nfer1or1ty in tnat~r1al or workrnaaahip tho ha.v.1ng the MM.ltblnee tbo~ougbly tried »nJ TO THE PUBLIC. I: T EE UNDERSIGNED llRSFEDTFtrLL M third lc·s expco·c than on dry foed, and ~el one-fourth more milk. This resuli:. London,and Acting Rc.!lident I\{edical Officer, City of LondGn Hospital for Disese~e of the from five years e:i:perienoe, sub3ected at ct/ety stage to 1nspect1on, being miiuufuetured under our own 1mrnediatc sn~ .u" is also prepared to tune and rP-pRir pe:iuiendetiei\1 employing good workmen, Pianos. Residence-Church Street, East u:nng none hnt the verJ best Macbiuer.} and Bo\Tmanv1lle, June 1861', 45-tt. U;lhH'1a~ tbe public may rest assured tba., our Vtor,i 'iYlll be what it is rcpre:eented to be Boot &Shoe Business Soi\!IETHING bTARTED II! NEw f !-. a, 0:)- While Dr. Mary Walk:er was leotarini; l·lely, a .. pienl youth cried out : "Ara you the Mary lhat b&d a Jittlo lamb ?" " No !" wa· tho reply, " bul your mother had a litlle jaok&11a J" FARM for SALE. TIJE sub.scribe1 offAra f0r sale part of Lot waaaa1ocot I -all fltllt"clasf!, A. IIUNGRY ,Tew poying puticular itontioR to a ham was aske<i what he ~·ying to it. Ho replied, "I was "'Y· fog, ,' thou al111rst p<rsuoJest mo to become a Christion,' " of which are cleared, well fenced 1 a.nd under ftrat .. rn.te c11ltivation. There arc t:wo good wells and & small sp1ing. also a good orcbArd ofabont five acrcs 1 a.nd n vet) good log building theieon. For pnr.ticuhus nppJy to ALEX. BRADBURN, on the premisc1 .. Fl'rrHI!! the last cenlur1 Franoe ha~ Cartwright, June 8th1 1870. 45·3m.· t.,Wa been · kingdom (with a change of 1'1·· No, 10 1 ia tbe 2nd con. ofCr..rtwrigbt 1 in the nt- Gonnty;.. of Durham, containining 75 acres) GO 1\'.[cJYL U RT R yl FOR has received large shipments of ·· Our Machines ate larger !ht. ·ny other hand 11 Mach1ne1 made in the Market 1 1re 31mple in_ conetr11~tion 1 eas1Jy understood t\Od kept 111 working 01der, 'fhcy are prooouuced by those wLo nrc e:-spcrts at se\\'ing then· orders 1llled as boi'efofote, ih an equully ~TILLJAM CORB, desire1 to intimal· to aat1sfactory manner. r"t the store-keepers of Bo·ntnanT!ll· }, large stock' f rendy-makc work on hand which VI ill be sold cb1;iap for cash or approv~ and surround1ng country, that he bas opua.ed a" BRUSH FACTOHY," nnd 11 nolr rre ed credit. pared to take orders for Hta~hea of a ll RICHARD REED dcscript1ona, Ballia B-roomo1 &e., in faQ ' PERFECT IN EVERY RESPECT, BowmanviJle 1 Nov. 10th, 1869. · everything 1n the J:frush lin~1 trh ~ "Work wi lt o.nd are BO r.fl.~1ly operated that tbev tldll be be got up second to nont! fnanu fn.ctured i· 1vorked s11L1~fa.ctonly by thuRe wbo lia.-e tl1e Dominion Orders !Ollclled. Ft\cior7 never run fti macli1ue Lefo10, aud this "ith- As heretofore in the old stnod i and Ii opes b_Y su1ct altent1on to bug1ncss to merit & ~ou hnua.nce of the extenshe custom a~corded to,~rn:i tn1he1 fo1 lhe past thirty years. I he same workmen beiug emj }eyed as formerly; customcr!1 ~an dcJ;end on ~etting A BRUSHFACTOR I@"' BOlVNIA~VlLLE ' dys.·sty) ; twice an empire; a consulate foro11Ciout five years; while at present it is ·· :epublic tor lhe third time. Who vouic not rule tile Frenoh? oa t the lein:t feor or hed1tat1on. B} many the~- arc fH eforre :1 over .h1glt p:1ccd Mncb1nts 'l h('J wrll e:i::ecuLe IE1 the rno~t pe1foct and ilat1,.factor} mnntiot RU the va1ietie! of 8 ewTHE tng~ ~uch a.c: Stitcl1i11g 1 Hemming Felling O'Jrd1ng, 'J'ucking, B1a1d111g, En'i-bruiderv' Che·p··t aod best ""urlment of ·ll k1nd1 of Binding, Galbedug cn 1 Quilting, &c . . .. ' in Fullers', opposite Mc'l,aTiaht1' Sarsaparilla '.FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD, .A.tH1 for tl.Jespeedy cure oft he follow mi; complaint· ~crofuia and Sc!rot\do1.1111 Adbet ion11, J11Ddl .nlli Tnmon, 1Ulcc1-., ~9re111, ~ru1J'tfon-. I11 i~itle3, Pa11111le·.1. Dlotche n, Doiiai, Blaui.i., aud au HHfii Di-.icnse·. 0A:iH:1A1tD, Ind, 6tl1 J11110, 186t J C . .J.17.n S. ¢0 Gfibts: I fee\ it my rluty to 1ietnowltuj~1\"biit yQtir Ej;anap11r1lha ha11 Jone for J'J'loO. !IavJ:hp; Jrilit'tlbia a Scrofulous 1nfccho11 1 I h1t.f'I !Uftetctl ftOtti it in ...ar10111 ways fpr yean. Somo-o tlmea 1t oui lu Uicl!nl on my h&ncl! and atft\11· 1ometimes tt turned Jnward and distreooe:d me at tht 1toIDHch. Two year1 ego jt broke out on my beal:l and covered my 1calp a.nd w1tb one 1orc, 'Plas painful aud Jcto.theotne bevond descn~Uon. I tttP:d mAny mcdfemes and MYeni.l pby1JJc1au11, but 1\'ithott:t 1nUdh relief from at!yUtlfg. Jn fact, 1be du1nrdbr _gh:w worae At Jentil:t Wna rejo1ctd read tu tbc Go11pel MeiisenRer lhat) ou had pteJ>AM 11.11 alterativa (SarsapaullaJ,ifol' I kne w f't'cun ro·r repnto.hon that anything you mnde m ud be &"oOd. I sent to C1ncrnnat.i @nd got it, and UliCd it till it .Sured me. I took it, WI you A.dv1se 1 Jn ll'mall d0&et ef a. ~aspoonful over a month nud tbE!d nJmo8't thrq AYER'S SE OR GJiOZAG\, Spanish Minister to Paris, has been reo·lled, his offenc~ being tho re.aognithn of tho llronch Republic when,tby the present tn·oties, Spain i" bound:Co wait the notion of other powers bet'ore·t·king ·uch a step, lasa Hutter, firk1na preferred. Tm1 latest instance or a rosf being N. B.-Use the finest snit. Market Square, :l!ay 25 1 !870, made >!J smell as sweet by any other name, £0111es to us frow Sydney, Ohio, where ~young man wanting tiJdlestriugs, l\'EW SPRil\'G G ukcd et a m u·io store for Celine in tu. tine1 fo.11U1riaal purposes. TTERY M'~;':~·;os.;:?.t ~;'~,;!:;~;):=; SPRING HATS~ GO TO GOODS ~,OR F. F, McARTHUHS. THE CHEAPEST wbnt lHLVP long been looked for=-,1ach1nr.s for the peopJc the m!:i~sca 1 =-tlie poor as veil as the dch _ being the cbcnpest itachine tn the rusiket size nud Worklt1g c11pabil1t1e1 considered. · ' In:itrnctlons for opet'l~l1ilg tlrn !1In.c:h1ne uccompnny each onu. a1e In a Vl·ord, these Matlhinos BOUNSA.LL'S MAKING HIS STOCK *· DS !00 l\f.ABBLE c 1V ORI(S D 0 "\.\Y-1':1.A J'.\{'\"ILI E .4 · Large; Aftractive anu Well Assorted. FORJ Jl§_ __ .Best aesortm~nt of TWJ:~'j~ .r1i; V.IN'r. , & Q 1 't f"'lr , t .ALFRED JJ, 1';>LLZY, Work ' P nee ua11 Y·O l·~arbl c I Sr. AutbonT'· F";rc R<>·· or 1lryd11~1..., wilh any off1:::1~din Canada )Ves t . \Ve speali '.rt;tter :ind i, ;!tfAcuu·, .. toac uld. llleo.t,.L r)... p()lltl-V:ely HL·.AJfirW.lll~ a 8&V1Dg of: A ]C lt:i ! ~g·li:':!fe'~f'M 'f;1JIDe"". .~~'(lSIJ'r~iu ~<>fou. 1'f r -- -v bottlei;, New and henltl11 t1k1n foon began t<t 19rlf:I h \rnder tbe scab, which n1lcr a while fell off. M1' NY PERON lntend1ng to .a1ecte1t e1 t ekJn JS now dear 1 ancl I kuowby1ny f"elmgs tli.,.. .f-.1_ ' J\1onutnon lCJl' Gra Ye St one to thB 1ne m l.J r\ I the dlwnse blls gone from my sy11tem. ~~i!lu (':"lfl ift·ll · d l'lfi d , tl t tl · 1 behevethatlie'1lwhat1 n n snymgwhcnltellyou ofd e11 a r t e df r1en s "i't 1 1i i-grer.. J o l .. ll tliat I hoJ'1 ... 11 to be .:me of tl.Lc apoRtles of the ag.; <idvantflgeto cnUand compare J Qnd 11c~ ...... ev~rg1atcfullyL Yom111 A ~ T · · "OUNSALL k SON , Pro'!'lrJetort'I l" ' I Uth 8eJ1:. 1859, that he has Cltred o.n 1nfetar.1!;:, (:USC of 1Jtopsy which thrcateucd to tetminate ta 1 ,.. r-"'1 All orders for Milli~ery p10mplly fill&d. EVERYTHING NEW IN MACHINE SEJVING DONE TO ORDER. et;v of styles. Stl.mpiag for and embroidery done on the l!lhortesL notice, t1.nd in A great vari- DRBSS GO '.l.'O ~I LLIN'"ER,-Y_ THE LATEST STYLES IN GO '.l'O F. F . .MeAHTHURS. MRS. C. BOUNIS LAL Zebuluu Sloau.t of i~ru1pcci, l'·xaaf \\'rite!!: "1 h rt~ rs prepared to attend to !-ffHinery ri.nd Straw liottlea of,our l:Hi.nap&rW· cured tn1 from a Goelrr - & hlde:ou! swelling on th· ntck1 whkib 1 bad 1a:?f... ork, a! usual. La.dies' li'elt I!at1 cleaned ltred from 0Te1 two ye&r.!I tit itnd alterild to tbe Newest Styles. IJ~uconhm· or Whllfl·~ 0Yarl·n Ta__., l:J- Two Apprentices wa.nted lmmediRtely f 1,~1erl!te t.flcel'alioa, Fe~I('! :blfflt..., Dr. J. B S CP,auning, of New Tork Cttr, . . . , , Bowmanville, March 141> 1S63 ,. I mol!t oheertul!J comply with the t<:qucal ot.r·· apnt fn saying J. blT· found your 8 r.r11ap11,-llil · !Pol!t excellent ilter&tiTll ~n tht numei't'l'l.t °Woi. pl&iuta for which ~u employ 11uoh · r·inedy; 'bd e11peo1a.Uy in Female "°I?:tea141 of tbie LSe.tttNIOUll diathesis. I hnvo enrod rD::ti~;' ln1"eti:l'ftte Ollllf t4 Le11C0rrhaoa by it, aud !om· wU.;:1'! tbt complaint WHB cm.used byulceratWn of the ut~Ml~ S tte uloffri. &hon itself was aoon eurod. Nothins within tar Jmowledge e-qual1 it tor the.!!6 female dermugeqie·tl.'it Edward S. l!arr(no;, of lfewbury, Al·., writ·· u A Uangerotls 01'ctnoo tum-0r 011 one of th· fomU. tn my h.nuly, whieh bad defied all the 1'e11NdJe1 . . eou.ld emplo7 1 hrui at length been complet61y ov.rt4. by your .Extn:M;:t of Otl? phJlf-o!A. tla6ugbt nothiug but &xtupntion oould a9'erd relier. Int lie advised the trial of your Sar~·puilla u thil last nMrt before cutting. and Jt pro'i'f:ld db·tw:aJ. ·tter tak:tng yonr nm~y olJht weekll no ·1·1tea oftbe d1SCMse relJl1iliui; o clo,ce of the l'l&me 1 s·r· ht curn tbe eoamo:a Zrur. lwn· by it COUlltaDUy. llro1u~h0Cf"!ls, Golll'fl n· S1"eUe4 l'eek. l·lly, by the pene\'cnng UStl or our S araapft.rilf11, and f!.l110&dangcrou1.1 Jiallpn~lRf'yl*pe/a1 Jari:o 1 ·-.· ALL CHEAP FOR CASIT. 0- A call r"peclfully solicited. Store one door east of Henderson'11 Ilotel, King Street. Bowmanville, April 20 1 1870. Women's White Cotton STOCKINGS at 2d · 'I:'. Dissolution oC Partne1·s1tip. T HE Partnership heretofore exist:ng be~ tween CORNISH & SON, as Watohmakers1 & Jeweler!!, is dissolved by mutuaJ CO'l!:!ent, All debts due to. or by s~t.Jd firm lo be !eLtled forlhwitli bv I,. OORNISH. Dolfmauville, Nov. 19,' 1869. WILLIAM CORNISH. LEWIS CORNISH. HE BusineSI will b· e&rried otl htrt· after by HATS AND BONNETS, FLOWERS, &C'. INSPECTION BOLIO ITED. Bowmanill·, March 30, IF YOU W'ANT A f Properly m~d_, uy t'1~ begt cutter in tolrn 1 for $6.00 GO TO SUIT~ m;uo\.l)ne·~ wlnch a 1ur~ to fol!.:.w the U1$.11ufae1nre. lll'" fint-cla:n 'Ve ·wnh \hf" ,.nteqtf'l.f.Hlf:" C~ l1ptmv 1111!1 lllCC"e · .5 CLOTHES, R. k II. 0'JIARA, ( / .A~C"n1t, ]3 ow ma r>·1!Je, To Cu.A Mrstnr,.uv k S1L1is, Conway P. O., Count.Y ofilcnuor, Ont~rio, Oanada. MADOC, County of Has tings, .\f·'1···· Pro.,-ince of Ontario, Feb. 9th, 1869. Thi· i0 to certify thl\t during the wi(\ter of' 1866 I wa1 taken w1~h A. we:iknee1 of tl1a HE l!ubac!ibers having stin·ted Busincs!!I 1t!lkles 1 which g1ndu:dly 1 duri!lg the &:pring over Mr Q. Hainee 1 Ce.rriage Sltup 1 i!J of 1867, extended to my k.nePJtt and on up to my hir1s. R.nd I became 10 wen.k U1at I conld prepared to receive all orders for not walk, but was eon1in!!!d to my cb:"Lirlf'or o.bcl,t two ]t'lll.rtt, whllt thi1 wenlrncss A.IN'.l'ING, was coming on mo, und aflern ards, J sought medical adv ice, eruplo} 1ng. flt d iffereri t Decore..ting, Frescoing, Ka1somining Plt1.1n tlrues, three doctors and med1Cidc!! of diffe11 a.nd Decora.h~ e ont k1ndil, prescribed by friends, but of no .!\vad. I continued to get wo ..&:e Rnd worse, Paper Hanging, Gilding, &c &c. until tho summer of 1868, when I wlu1 Induced to try the gn~a.t Shoshonf!CS Remedy by rea.ding the curea performed 1 in. ft. patttph1et, At this time I had begun to ftel th~ wee.kncsa in my bands; in fact I wa.e getAll kinks of F. F. McARTIIURS. t. T '11@"' L. 00 RN I SH McARTHUR 1000 Firkins of T a> 1iill and from the immense stock just opened, the LOW PRICES at Which it i!! offered, o.nd the quality of work turned out, b(I hopes to merit the continun.tion or tb;i.t 11upport so liberally accorded to the late firm. L. CORNISH. Bowmauvllle, Nov. 23, 1969, 17 , 1 Doffl. \~oii'. Moltke antl Von Steinmitz 1870, B'UTmrER.. ;ind will II@.. p·:r th· h1ghoot price for ii. Sign ot"the BEA. VERS ~5 1 !h0t militar1 exparienoe io the ,.; German we ·i:ainsl the Firot Napoleon. ·rIT'~e;yi han fought bota Gf the Fresch i~Empereri!-longo intervallo-have seen dxilh,ell·I:nun foll from power ; and now · t.b.e7,11ed ;Germany, which ha1 undergone '~o m&ny·tran·formations in their lifetime, i l!Pited in JlOlilical ~rg·a.izoti.o~, nnd fore-r <Jll!!lib 11D1oag~he nal1ons m m1htory power ~ ,, 0 McCLUNG'S OJ,D STAND, OPPO· ~ llod, thei~ IlowmanTille, Yny 1870, SIGN P AIT .I 0.1 G ATTENTlON t CBARG~~l.NS TO LET. ting almost helpless. I have taken two W. SCOTT HAS REMOVED 1iss1tetbe'I'OW-N where prepared to fill all orders in hia lino. HAT~L Sign & Banner Painting · I' ' ·'.FIIE fine schooner yacht Ripple, 35 ao Executed in a. BRICK Cot toge, on Conces;ion street, with or without garden ntt·ohed. PosB session gtven immediately. Apply to ~"' Se.tiat'sction gae.ra.ntocd in .. n.ll ,its J A.MES )fUIR. brfli.nehcs. Bowmanville, June 15, 1870 46 tf. CHES1'ERF!ELD & BROTHJ!)!l.. bottles of tbe Shosbonee~ RemPdy and two boies of tho pills e.nd I am entirely restored to health. I never e:xpectod to gP.t better, STYLE W·· ia Bul'iiogtou B·y OD Saturday, I I I U' 0 ·l101'ing on board the hou. member for OF ALL SORTS AND SIZES, .South Bruce, togather with Mme othe1· 'legal gontlcmen 'from Toronlo, The :/I'irM· ·ays aha cruised about during the I-:IEAP for CASH I He ii alsn prepared to mrike nil kinds of ,ngatta, and nltracled gre·' admiration fb.Y ~he aqperb style in whioh she is fitted work to order1 on the shortest notice. ,to,o·, owned by E. Blake, E·q., M, P., BOOT~ e - !)_ u OH,R£~ · Great Bargains will be given nt the ' hnt s1mply tt·1ed tbe med1cine as a sort of fodo.rn hope. This case or rnine WPLt1 not r. p11vate on<i, but known to all n1y nc1ghhor1 and fnends i and to nnj' one afflicted a.s I was, I ht\ve only to say 1;ry the Shoahonees Remedy:; I beheve it will cure you. ' , MARY ANN DOUG!ITY. Bowruanville, Nov. I 'ti 1868. BRICK COTTAGE OR SALE, on Wellio.gton Street. pn.rticubus apply to A. DIXON owma!lvillc, Y1uch nl, 1810. 35-t( --~ --- C F ~· call and settle their ac::co11nts, ·s be I!?' All those indebted to him will please \ wants nioney at once to meet hi1:1 liabilities ~tl;,-Y~H.. LE, Kent~oky, ha! procured I Dowmanville No~. 9th 1869. 15. 1 S.'fl1HQn c·ge and set it upon her eourt , CHEAP 1 -----------£'JOT I C E .. NOTICE ie heroby given, that I hereby certify that I have known 1Irs Mary Ann Doughty for the last fifteen years; she lS a woman of probity and truth. I have ki1own her before, during, and since her ill· I behe,, e her certificate to b@ true in eyery particular I know· that while 111 her lpUBLIC f Site is now ready to exhi- - - - - - - - - - · - - - - - - - - ~it r.tli1' qf·ber y,oun:; men who will occa- Fo1· BaR"gain'l in ilardwa1·e 5ional!y inaill~ upon going wild. Thie is GO TO a piece of police-'ltra!<1gy ,whioh has boeu tried at severol ,poirit:s in Kentucky with SIGN OF mark.ed effect. Tlui,l<;cied- the above io -----------.,.,...,..c~-- Lindsay, but on aceoaL4f having to keep a person employed, ·eonti!'V;l!ly, in exhibiting the wild animal· co11)of;iued thereACRES ?,J-1' GOOD LAND, helng in, tho lown fatherfl. h&d ihe.cljgll taken J-'ut No !J 1 in the 4th Concession lwqse Jttep·. CORNER a ' STORE I dring the remainder of the winter season! aow11. Darlington, 2~ 1uiles from 1he fown ofBowmanvillc, 10 acres cleared, aud 30 in woods Comfortable dwelllDg·house. good barn, stable aad shed 1 and som(I f{Ult trees ou the 100 after the expiration of twenty days from the first publicA.tion hereof, a.pphca.tion will be made to the Judge oftbc SnrrQgatb Court of tbe United Counties of Nortliumberlar..d and Durha1n 1 to appoint Mary .Ann .McLean. of Darhngt'>n, widow of DRvid McLean, dea e"ased, Cha.rlc::i Honey, of the !!! place, yeoman i nod James lifcLcan 1 <lf' the same pb\ce, yeoman, gua!'d1 ans of Mary ~ Ida ;\fc· Lean, infant dnughter (lf the above-namf!d Mary Alln llcLf'itn, and David i\TeLes.n, in bis life time of- Dnrhngton 1 aforesa1d 1 yeom11.n, <lec1:H1.sPd. Ditl~rl !'l.t Bowmanville 1 thia third day of August, A. D 1870. case l\S.8 decla1ed hopeless: and r know th 1t she has aiuce her recovery, nlways at. tnbutcd her recovery to t 11e Shoshor:e6s Remedy , Whal ever may' he · the peen liar properties of this Plf'd1c1ne, one tb1ng is certain, that in her ca.;;e, it h!\s acted almost lik~ the performance of a miracle. A. F. WOOD, J. P, Warden of the Oounty of I!a!§tings 1 Province of Ontario 1 D :nnin1on of Canada, been afllict@d foryeaftl w1tban aJ{ecticn ".fth~ Lii.'Cf't whieh d'1sttoyed mr, health. l .tried e T·ritb.inL and evflrytbfug rued to rclievG zac1 and I haft been n. brokeu-do\vn ma.n for eom& toors ft'Ol!J no .·ther c1tuse thtu1 dera.ngtmu.nt r>f the L1Hr. Mr 'be-loved pa~tor, the Bev Mr. FApy1 adviHd me t.o try your Sarsaparilla, b11enuse he sB.ld he knew yo~ and anytlung you made was wortb trylag. .B1 tm -. . . . blessmg of God it has ou1ed n10. t1.nd ha1 BO puro. : ;;;-,.. my blood as to marle a new man of me. I teel ycu~i agaJn. Tlie best that tlUl be s:U:d of you is not hd good" 1 S!lchirl'n11, 4JAncbr T111uor:'il, En!n rgtnne-. l.flcerad~n, '" Varie1t nud ExfoJi qdod . eke BoneM. , · A gretit vanetY. or oust bav& been repqrt,(!d to q 'tfhere cures of tllijse furmida.ble complaint~ haq ttl!lulted from the use of this J"emedv,_ but QUr s:pnoe- \ Nr.w Oat94Ntt, 26th A.ugu·t lU. Dr: · .T.C. AYsn: Sir, l 1MP.r1\IJIJ' tomp}7 whit tb.11 requen of your apot, and nport. tll 10· . . . . ottla etreatl 1 n:a ...a rea.Hutl 1fith four llar1ap~Ula.. 1 o·rtd wfth U. tn ..,. praaUctJ hWli et tb· eo111pl&inbl tbr wbl~b it \i· rec1uumti111a!Pd, and ba~· fou11d it· etreell Wn.derfu:l ln tbe eur· et F"lftf1' tiM .MWCIUrial DIHtJU. On~ ot 1111 pa.. tieat& had Byphllitfo ·lotr1 in ll11 tbtoa~ which,...,... oon1111nth1~ hJ111 pa1Jtt anil ihe tep or bk ···~ Yottr .Sar11.puill1o 1tel.dlly takH eare4 blna t· aw 1Nek1 Another na Mtaek·d b7 MeoDdllr}" .,~ k1111 in his no,c, and ibe 'lllceratio· h·d ··t·D · toDJfder·ble part or It. "° ihat I belieY· tb· 11» WOG.ld 110011 naoh W11 D?UD u· til1 him, BU h yjeJded to 111.y ad&nh:iidr&li.gri. or rour !ara»ri'U.i the alt1r1 beal"d, and be 111fell ala!R, nos ofeo·rw W'lthont 10mo dfaftgnratJon to b11 tae1. A. wo;ua wlm bad been treated. for the 11.m·di~rtter ~,....,... ~ry wne 1utrering trom lh11 pt.11ll0n nt tier box-.. Jhey had become eo sen111iY"o to the wettberlhai..., n. damp dav llho 11uftered~·xcruoiatfng !)JtJn tu hw Jo1nta ·nd bon··· Sb~ too, wa1 eutai1 entlrel7 .,. 1our Sartap1ll'ilha. in lL ow week1. I know from st. rormule, whioh yonp agent l'ft"fe me, th&lr!! J>reparation from roar ! mtHt be a. rtmedJ ! cooaequeatiy, t4e1· t~y l'emarka11 o PIP 1Wt1 wi 11 Jt ha\'t not ·11.rpnscd ma.. Fr1terna.lly yours, G. V. URIHEit, X. D.. ll:ltelnm·ti~, Ceutt LITer t.Joqplabat. llfD1'PE:NDRNC1', Prtstou Co. 1 Va, 6th Jul1. td. Da. J. C. AT;ir;n.· S1r, I htwie bt!cn e1n1 11ted wttb · pa.lnful obronie Rfleumati.un. for a 1ot1ig t ime, whlola. bamed the ekill of phyele1an11, and 11tnek to m.e la 1p1te of all the remcdJea I could tiud, u.utU l tried your;IJJa. One bottJe curtd me Jn tw· weet·, ..Jl.ll!l rMWred my general health to auei. tba.t I i\m far better tbti.n before I Wjll ~Qtfull'.'ed. l tbn11c it a wonderful mediaiue. -J. FBBAJf.. ;Ju 1t!I- Y. Getehe!J, of St. Lo11!11, writes: u I hll~ ·ypkilit - M-erlal 1>1...... ·"'¥ .r Jil,e Drapcpiiat,Hea:rt Dh1~nnet lfl'iu, ~f,Ue~1 il.ielaucholy, Ncurala-iq.'>'( ' found in our American Almnnao, which tbeaifa<>enta below P1l:rn11d are pleased to furnJBb gratis to wbo call for tbcm. bere mll iiot admit, them. Some Or them ma.y Manv remiu kable c11res of these aifuctl~is h~ been mRde by tlie aJW:r~ivc power oft4ii mediClue. lt L'!tiJoulate11 the 'Vital funr.ttom1 trifu vigp.1.otts action, and thus ovctc:omcs d1sariJeril \\h1ch would be imp p{)sed beyonjj It.I reaoh. Such a. rernOOy hns lonlt been rcquil"e.d Py the neoessities of the pi::uple, a.nil we arc eonftlfflnt that tbia WW for tll~in au thal p:wdrnme en.a do. ao APPRENTICES "IT ANTED, by lf ! Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, premises. 'l'he land is well watered. PUBLIC OPINION ft\ LL ~cr1pt1011 1 JO!!K' K GALBRA!TIJ. Solicitor for .Applicants. Plll1SONS INDEBTED 'ff) Sro\.TE3llAN 1 tho Bowmanville Cabinet Manufacturing Co1.I1pany, a few good Apprent 1 ~es to learn the Cahiuet ~Iakin and Apply to ' Turn1ng business. '!'HOS. JOHNSTON, j\lfl.y 18th, 1870. Also, 200 acres, being Lot No. 13, in the .Manager. 42-tf, Pub l uiher of the for sub .. has fully justified the original idea, that at the " Corner Store" you could get FA HEWELL, McG~~ advl"rtisiug or job \\ ork1 are requested to set\le the ~ume at once PPRF:NTICE WANTED-TO T,JBU:S the Boot a.nd 8hoe Business. A.pply at · once to ~ ' 3 W. H. BROWN, Newca,tle. & RuTL1tno2 1 Solicitors . die., Bowman ville 1 or to TllOS. WELDON, Tempo P. 0. 3G-3m. FI'I' TED AND WELL SUITED A SERVANT house W()!k 1 1'f .tges JHud. Ecw manville 1 De<», 18<37. W II B.H!SRT1' Bowmttnv1lle1 Tuly 61 l8T0 1 4.!J- tf.

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