VOL. XVI. SURE YOUR aATES OF \DVEUT!S!NG AND YOUR IN THE ill Rf Un ~ I I 11 I\! I (lJ ffi If PAI LOil 01ll e Co·I or \\ ood cu aper tnnn e'e I TT!O'JISBIS'oETT I -- -- T. J. JONES, L. D. S.i CAPITAL, FULLY SUBS :HIBED, £2 oOO 000 STSRLING 1 -------&;, ~'.IORLA"ND, WATSON 00. ~usiness D A " I D !}irtdm rr. § ~Ir Genen1.l Agent3 for Canada E1t.u~ Montreal. W R CLIM!E, Agent· Rowman· l e "'l or \\in er ~c,,.ncrv1 A It'!.', 'IJARRIST~Ranl ~TTORNEYatlA'.\\ _D Solie 101 1n Cl anccry and I1 < 1vQnCy Conveynnc"r ~ota1'i Sohc1to fo1 the On- HA1:1.I~ Y t..nno Bank &;c Oppos1to Treloven's Shoe Store, King R r<>et East Bowmany1lle F cbr arJ 9 18"'0 PORT :I-J:OPE, ONT. ~ ~ !\{oney to I oan a. Lund>1 fH Salo A UOTIONEER, APPR <'c!SER ·nu t-'.. eral Agent Dr.rln gion Oentre pro1npttv t ttr::ndcd to ·----RffBJERT ARiUOlUD~, ~ale At the Bowmam1lle Clothrng Store. EG!STR .\ R, \v EST Dlll\H HI ISSUER ofM::t nageL c..,,nses 811,rristc1and At orncv at L 1w l'lnd Sohc1tor in Chancery ~{ nc:i lon.ned on Real Estate OfficeonKn:g Sreet, llown1aa illc R NEvV C:icOODS Jl:::-ST RECEI"\rED. Newest N< 11e't I Iii t ROVINCI\LLANDSURVHxOR,0,1 TO BE SOLD CH.tJAP FOK ~A§B.IJ. Eng neer nnd La· d ~gent Offico n 1 PJ!:;'f" Coll early whore you can m ke a uood scleot1on ~ re::;ide1 ce, Lo+ Ii.I 3r 1 r.on Dr.u hr gton All t::i ~ i_; PEHIO GOLD I ILLIN{ '-.l lN:St: f TED orders left at the office ct Robert <\.rm our J\fontl1ly FASHIONS reguleil~ rec ived f.om New )' ork Al md 0 rs prompt!J k.J and on e.1.eelleu tooth pow de· for sa e O I attended to Esr1 .:irom1 tly attended to C. G, HANN ING 1 Ne1ce·t St) les tn 1'ie· Newest Styies rn f1olla1' Newe't Style· 111 T1owsennp:s Newest Style· in Shut8 Newest Stjle· rn Rcna:1 rn"de C oth1ng I 1 >I 1 h Te·t 1 SURGEON DENTIST! P !\J1 I I (Gra.duatc oftl a ro1onto Drn·ers ty,) DAVID FORBES. P UYSIOIA N SUP.GEON &c OFFICl' on Kr g Street next door to Ye1 c eti.s & Q uck ~ Variety btoro Bo" mar\ ii e sroTT, R ERPECUcLLr ",NOT NCll:; 'fO Ille OLD FR!o<NDS lND CLSTOl!EllS, A1'1l tl e Public generally tluit he ha;:i fl!!t r r1 Q med the Ch1tar10 A ·1. j ,ugc asso t m:rn, · o f S ma 11 u· l ]ec. n areo a'1 l 'f nnPnrng~ a t "10 s, le and retc11J. 1 \.1.o oeg lea¥1;,1 Bowmanv1lle May 26th 1870 rHU'.",f AS PA'I'"DD c· Q1'ff ~~ n~ . o.. ,,, '--""' I..'il, TEMP.EH.\NCE HIJlEI, NC). i@9 B '1.Y r§'.ll'RJEE'l IE~LERH J\IIEDICINES, AND $1 Plim. BU. 'I'. CHETv'IICAL, R.H. TUilNER, Auct10neaa'. XTOULD EEG TO INFORM TEE !K hab tants o'"' Bowmanv1lle ind farrr ers of lVsst Durlan, that le s nov; 1 e ' p~1ed to attend to any 3aks tb1t mn3 iifusted to b1m ChR.rg"' : i moderate Bowma.nv1 le Oct 1st I9G9 tf Barber and Hair-dresser, the premises th rd Post Office is pre p11red to att~J.1 to the wa J;,i of tll-'l publ c n Ins hue, UL J..1anuer unsurpassed by t!.ny W. H. EDWOODS, l'owmannnc, Jan 6 '"T~ rns 0 HAdoor V"I NG fitted up ea.st of tne n tue Pro\! l'n-c-e ~oL Particular a ten ion gn:en to tbe cutting and dressing of Lau1ea "' d Cl i hens han .A call solu.:ited MONEY TO L.END ! IN SCMS OF $300 AND UP"WARDS, at a low rnto ofrnteiest F AREWF IT, & MeGRJil, ) 'iO"iVll HaU, lllonnm.n"<ille. Bowmanv1lle 1 Aug 20, 1868 Jr}"'Gffice,-O p posite enit auce to 3 & J:n.o EL EcTI~ 0 .!iJ ~TOVE Till \'I Ith Is still at the old stand, a prnd1g10us PLAT~~D E!ect~·o~Plate R. PEATE, TAILOR Gentlemen's & Boy's Garments MADE IN THlil ria1dvvarc, utlery p <.t111ts and Oils Stoves and 'I'1nvvare. A. Lat o.f ~llB~mli.d Tea §et;i. Bowmanv11le 1 1fay 28, 18"'0, ENOll}}fOOS RJ<;BUC'I'ION IN PRICI:S NE'\VES'.J[' STYLES. 30 tf Bmldmg Hard\'>clle, Pam ts and Oils, 15 to 20 J er cent cheaper. Everythrng \rnrranted to be ao; 1ep1esuutcd. "\V ANTED. Bwmannlle, Feb 19 1868 HOUSt and LOTS for SALLI STOVE Al'ID TII'l SHOP