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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Oct 1870, p. 4

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THE :BLESSEiJ. , a -----· Lt!.l.lllrns, Morris & Cos ·; 1>0 per ceut. ciu·,.per than \a n 3 1111·1. of L . lll!. & Co'" Ag ents, eithel' in lllese·d 1s she that would get married Eowmm1n iile o .. the Dominion. but can' t, for the oonsolations of the L M & Co n1ay assert JllSt '.\hat they please, L~o r.:p ~ l are hers hut tbc following FAC TS th ey dare not decy Blensed urn they that are bhnd ; for :my shall Eeo no ghost5. . J<lessod n10 they that <HO deaf, for the) never lend money, nor listen to L ;r CORNISH, tedious stones. AVING HAD THE AGENC Y for ibe Blessed arn they that aio lean, for laet year, mad e the d iscovery that t here is a chance to g10w fat, both th en whol esale and retail pnccs were Bles,ed are they thal ai·a ignorant exorb1ta nt 1 and beca 1se of 1mpa.n1ng th is informallon to one of the fi rm , ar:.d t hen for they are happy rn thinkrng that they fa1ling to stn-nd by the or1g1 n!t l agreement 1 Ji..IlOW everything be re fuse d to have fln)th1ng more to do w . th them But he bas [I.. complete il.."'- sortm en t of Bleseed is he that is ugly in for m and fea larcs; for the guls shan' t molest tL.ese celebrated Spectacles, and will sell l?fRffCTfn &rfCTAcus t H TRELEVEN ha· now on hand an immern:;e stock of l+UELPH SEW!NG MACHINE COMFNY. fi"st prizes and one second 11:!'. j DIWV INCIAL EXIIIBITION, 18G9 Thrco ~nze a wa rd· Ladies', Gentlemen's ;i- and Children's PRUNELLA AND CANVA S B O O T S AN'"D S::S:OES, all of which he is selling at a great reduction from his usual low pnces. Call and see them , and get bargarns, at the STOP AND SE E HE l'OLLOWING !lEMA!lKS ON Testnnon1als of n1ost wonC.erful and ex .. tra or d 1 nary cures 1n Onno.da Dw the GilEA T INDIAN REMEDY. They a1, stclD, und e niable and in c on tes table fn cte, suftk rnnt to convince the most skeptical that the Gren. r Blessed are the orphans ; for they have no mothors to spank them. TnERE rn not a P1 otestant place of wwsb1p m Cuba. Poor Cuba 1 1 ST - Th·t L CORNISH bas a full n!Oortment ot their Pe1focled Spectacles. STUFFS! Tbe most perfect Sewin g I\Iaclnn e in the ma1k e t UnnYalle d for s1rnp 1 1city of conatr uct10 11 , beau ty of finish, specd 1 and general adaptab1htJ fo r fa.m1ly pu r poses !\. tnal wtll convince eYery oue of its s n pcnouty Medicinal Co m pound y ear ned after for ages Hl now 11ccess1ble in the Great OND -That L 0 has never sold one P"tr .L,. of Spectacles fo1 the Perfec te d th waB no t bought of L M & Co ' ')P.D,-That tf L C con bny L. M & Go's A CHILD was poioonea a few days ag<> ·) Perfected Spectacles from 50 to 100 per in Ott·wa, by tak rng a dose of " worm cen t less from other " "-J.. An from the man ufa cturer s, be 1s on rely llJ 1. p os1hon t o sell at exterminator." less tban a n} of L :M & Co's .Agen·s 1 and which cannot be snrpoased for excell ency of §JHl®§HON.iEES .REMEDY a ua.lity. A. n a.ssortment of .An iline Dyes kept const.i1.. n t1y on band, together with a For Diseases of the Thr oat, Lunge 1 Liver D 1ges t1ve Organs, J{1dneya, &c , aa well a. choice sele ction of Scrofula, the vari ous Skin Diseases, Rumore DP.UGS, and all diseases arisn1g f rom Impuntics o CIIEM!OALS, t he Blood, we bold ly stat e tbat t his grca T1·eadlc ll:Iachine, Only $20 TUE LARGF,ST, TH!l CHJJAPEST AND the best Tread le ever off'er"d to the pu blic TnE productions of the J,nke Snperior he prom1see their celeb rated Spcctach"s at a eopp·r mmc· urn thia year e1timated at puce tllfit \\ill mnke them not on ly a.n A mer~ ican catch but an An1e.r1can bargain l,000,0GO tans. L speeial fftudy of the Pru,s1n1JS, Their onrps of ·pies 1s organized m the same way os th eir corps of artillery, FlsPIONAGE i s a March 9, 18 70, CORNISH. 32 Fashions, Fashions. llIRS. ALEX. IFLETCH!l~R ha· a h·n that did hy blue o~g·, and was worth n hundred dollors, until they fou nd h~r proprietor feedrn g her on indigo. INDIANA OULD beg to inform her num erous patrons and the publlc in generai1 th11.t she has now r e ceived W w. t The Latest London and New York AN exchange uys, " the re is someStyles in DressmQldng. thrng sweet about little girls " Another She i s nlao prepare d to mnke La,d ies adds· "and 1~ grows on them as they Unde.r cioth1 ni and Gcnts Shrrtft4J ln the :;;row l>igger." We say, "both correct, la t1:1st ety ie by crackey !" March 22nd, 1870 . 1~·34 Jy, 1 begs to nnnounce thnt he 1s prepa1ed to gi"e 1nsLrnctions in the eleme nts of PAINT8, COLORS, irnp1overnen t s1 comb1ned w1t b the 1equ11¥tt es VARNISHRS, found es!'lentrn.l to first-cl ass s~ w1ng M achi ne~ and WH!TEL EAD o.nd a1P. und oubtedly tQo lpv. e:;it pric ed re ~ At the ve ry lo we~ t pt ice a h ab le :ill :iclanes no1v ofrcred to the pubhc, und cha llenge camparis on Horse & Cattle Medicines THE GUELPH SEWING MAvaTNE Co'y N B - Country Sto1ekcepers supphcd on ussn re the p ublic t.lrn.t uot l11ng las b een lef! tdvantag co us t e uns undone by them 111 1he wa'i of tro ub le and expci;ise to render t he ir liia~hrnet) first-clnss i n every r e~pect 1 and rccommfln <l n fa.a trial in order to test their cl auua to ~uperionty ff OILS, HE :mrnr,PH REVERSIBLE SEW!\ G 1ifxcb1nes pos11 ess a ll 1.ihe new and lates t PATENT ME DICINES, BRUSHES, OOMn~, SHOULDER-BRACES, S UPPOR TERS, &c., &c. r emedy has NEVER BEE:-/ EQUALLhD~ Where was tbere ever such a cure ns that tn th e pers on of W 1taoN ST ORMS of Br ighton, Ontario, of Consun1pt1on, or thet of PETl!ill C V I\-hrLI:::n, ol Ernestown 1 Ontario, o C.:ins nmp hon o r that of .AMnno::E W oon, e Consecon 1 Ontario, of DJ speps 1a nnd Liver Complaint, or that ef JoHN fioSF.Y, of Nan- ane e On tauo, of RhP.umat1sm, who iJ.QQ actu~lly been on crutches tor year s, in spito of all tre Ltment 11eretofore i and 1s now well. S cores of su ch case:, might be mcnt1onedhad we sp<>ce JrT C·ll at the Drug Store and ge t a !'hr· cular of unquestionable certificates on tha GREA1 SHOSIIONllES so.t1sfy yoursel ve.s . REM EDY and Vocal & Instrumental MU SIC, -embracing tborougb Bass an d lia rmony, the cl ements of compo::;1llon He is also pt e pared t o tune and repair Pianos R cs id ence-Ohuteh Street, East Bowmanv1llo, June 3 1 1868 . 45-tf, THEY ARE GUARANEED rrH!l TO THE PUBLIC. P1ice of Remcily in laige pints $1. U'iD!l !lSIG NFD P.ESPECJ FULL y lG'" For Sale b) al' D1 uggM s an d Dealer a informs the public that he htis purchased In ?tied1c1ne Agen ts for Bo'" manv1JI0,....... t he enti re stock- in tra de of tb c l ate .Richard J\fessrs J. H1 gg1nbothart :' Stott t Vhe}Qsl\n Ueed, Senr 1 and will continue to cariy 00 A~en t s, -Northrop & Lym a n Newcop·os tho FoR the following reason: Teaolier · " Polly, why isn 't your yo·nger sister iie1e this nfternoon ?" Polly : " Oh p1c·se 'm bur'· got a f'ollerer and hain t: comin' any more!" Boot &Shoe Business SOMETHING NEW ! A BLIND man in Grafton, N H, excells as a chocker player. He hqs his l\JIE SS RS YOU NG & BRITT HNnre p·y· nwn board with sun ken places for the 1.l.l ing the b1ghes t puce fo r ~heckers , tho blacks havrn g round and lass Butter 1 fit kins p referred. tho white squaro holes, N B - Use tho finest 2alt. A WAG in Oinoinnatti brtbed a bnnd to play the "llfarseilluisc" the other evcnmg in a beer gnrdcn . A suhscrip »on is no w berng taken up to buy new 1mt,uments, and the doctor'· bill will be paid out of the Teu tonio fund. MBi ket Sqnare, Afa; 25, lS 70, ! M:oJYr U RT RY has recei"ted large shipments of A BRUSI-IFACTOR OTARTED IN wuana-rocor Bowrna ll'lll e, N ov 10th 1 1809. ~ ID:OlVilJA !'ii'VJlJi,JLJE ! ~ 3 tf. men !\,RD HEED l:;{TJLLIAlll COHD demco to 1n tim,te to ~' 'o/ t:b e sto1e-teepers of Bowmn1n iha nod sunour>drng country, t hat be hns open ~ od a. HBRUSH FA CTO RY/' an d 1e now pre µa 1e d to tnke o rd ers fo r R1 n::i.I1 es of all de.:;;c1q ti ons, Bnl 1i:t. Drooms, &c, ]fl fact Tlle wo rk w1 H be got nn t:iCCon d to none manufncturc d in the Dom 1n1on 0 1de1 s solic1 ted Factory 1n F ullers) Build 1 1g, opposite \IcTn v1 ~ h's' evt:1 \ tb ng 111 the Il-ru:in 11110 lTTiNTtON ! vv. qi:tht a due l, declined On betbg n"sked' the ieason, " Arrah," said P addy rJ10 McO LUNG'S OLD STAND, OPPO' would yoJL have me leave my mothe; i!. site the'I' O'l-VN I"J!:ALL where he I S pre pared to :fill all 01de1s l>n hJS line, a n 01 p han ?" « .AN I rish ma n receiving a el1allcn~e to SCOTT HAS REMOVED llJ - '- -- Sai~sapa:rilla FOR l"URIFTING THE BLOOD, And for the speedy cure oft he follo,~111~ compla1ntst 8crofb?a and §c-otul ota:i Afrc~t! e nil, tsaMb AYER S 9 fiJR , " smu · I th e ascatns ' ' hed ' landlaai < GO TO · " ltLtle." "a traveller, after be had Just sent his 'l>IJ for waid for the seventh time "you OF ALf, SORTS AND SIZES, ·nuot be ··'tl'y fond of eoffee" ' "Yes ! 11adam0, I am, ' he rep lied, "or I should CHE ~l\_P for ever ba~e d1anli; BO much water to get I-Ie is also 1)repared to make a.11 kinds ot F. F, McARTHURS. Pimple~, PuMe~f',._, ll'il ntchei:t , Dla.i1as, uud aH 8klD Das. ·'l.ttCHo Riot 'I' l1 ll110r@. -nJ'lceH, ~ Ot'e 'h mu>npt!@U>lt :llo· i~ CASI-I SPRI G GOODS · MAKING HIS STOCK FOR THE Ci HEAP EST !1uv1ng 1nhe11ted a Scrotuloun infoc·1o n 1 1 h8.t>0 suffe red from it fn vnr10m1 WU} g ihr J ears 8om.o-: 1"omerlme111t t li rr11:d u 1wr..d and dis+ e<ised n en~ ths"«tom!lc11 Tv.:o} ears ago it brok...., out on m y head and covel"d my scalp tl id ,y t 11 en c sor.-., wiuch was pmnful and loath~ ome b<n ond d e~c 11rt1on I times it bm'8t ou· 1n Ulce-1!! on m> liauds ftlld arrr 3~ knowledge wbat your .Snrsa pa1 Illa h:<s dcne fo r 1ne J 0 AYBR & Co OAKLAND, Jud Gent3 I tee! it mv d uty \Ono-- 6th Ju ne fo59 w-omH of the Mnd !me '.:lefargo type, ra"ently saved her hfe on d _ or purse by presenc~ of mrnd w bile 'I.loving along a lonl·y road i n M'issouri Ch ~ c;;wnrd ly rogue '1ha attempted to ab her :flod in teno r before a set of rnittmg n·edles, w1lh which she tbreatcnod to o.'o w his brarns ont. A wo1k to 01der7 OH tl1s shortest notice ~All those i nd ebted to him will ples.s'e CiOURACIF.O'UB call nn d s<eUle' accou £1i·, ., he 'va.nts money at once to lnee t Lis la1b1 ht1es B O U N SA LL'S AND Bowmanv1Ile Nov 9th, 1869 15 JYf~ii_RB I,E - .VJ OllKS tued many medicines and severnl physlc1aH11 1 'hut without much 1elief fro n anyttung l n fa c+, tht'I: diaorder grew. w01Qe .A-. en1th 1 1 3i! rejolc"' d t o read in the GOfJpe l Mtl%f;ll J.::llI tl .. a~ J uu had p1 eptt-"e tt an u.ltera ine (Sa 1snpnu lfa.)1 for I knew from ye tr reputntwn tlw.t an) thing '"ou mE\dc mnst be ~ood Foll' mal:.'gaini!i in i!Inralwawe GO TO BASSETT'S, SIGN OF THE GOLDEN AJ;rVIL. COTTON S , Large, Attractive and Well Assorted. , IlO W'MANVIJLLE. A N'f PE RON 1 n tc lding t o .3recte1 tb e1 I~. lllonument o r GraveStont: io Ul" men ui, ~ of de p n. rte d friends will find to th .. H fldi;an t 1bf1oca11A-ur1 con1 pare I aeut to Cmcinnati and got 1t, ru a used 1t nll it cured me I took it, as vou advise 1 ln small doses of n. tcnspoonf'tlt over a mo nth, and uioetl &!most t hr~Q bottles New and healthy skrn HO Jn bTir;an to frrm belie ve that I feel ~ hat I amaarng = hen I tell yon, that I holct .., n to b2 one o1 tho aprn;tJes ot 1be 8.£(\: I GO TO under the "cab, wl!ich <>ff-er a \~I L foll of£ 1Iy skin ia IJOw c 1cnr, 1111d I knov. by my f(..c lrngs tl'r;:J, ,---- CaAJ,6NS 1· tbs greatest seat of the F. F. :McAR rHtJRS, the d1:; hnsgcue from m-; S) Btem nnd1cr.... ... evergratefn1ly t. ~ 4'U can -well i"' honrnege wius trade There is on e 'iercn~nt there who bolds 4,000,000 bot ·!cs as his ordinary .took. His cellars, :-ro~vnted in the cb .:tl ~ rock, are O\Gr six mles long and ·re traversed with tr:-;,,. , uys th rough which loa de~ irnggons are THE Best n.-.sfir"me nt of V.Vork, Price & Quality 01 Marb~ s \\1 th an} o fl e r 0 d 1n CanM. d ci West \Ye speak po s1t1 vely Ill affirming a Savine oi n t 1cn.c: I!!·· Ai!tl ony'· !Fk·, ITT<mre ' " ..,,.,,,.,.,,,,.,, Te·t~r n ud ~aH. :Rheum , ®cnld i'-ll:en.d(, 1 t 1'our ~, A LFRED B T,1 LI,EY ex~ T 0 BOUNSALL & SO N , ! !~~ ~j~;0i~~~·\it~1~\i rti,r~~~e~~i"; >a~r~~tre ~~<! Jmronch ~ele, @ei~ 0.- ~W4:!Ued! nie:efH .Rin e-worm, f:ioi~ Eye~, ID>l'op~r.. Dr Rvhe1t M P~oole ,\, Jtes f1orn Salem, N Y, . uven, Propdct ors i1 the greatest grarn mar· et in the woild, Io has ·Ix ll>rge eleator·1 able t<> hold from half a 1mllion oO " m.ltt en and a Ha!f bushels. Yot a \ eel or tw o f!go five hundred ears were '.1IrL w.~UKEE EVERYTI-1ING NF\V IN r~ M'<S. c _ sour,1s ta.llv, bJ the p11rse'irrr·1i:~ UtiO 0 1 onr Siin;qrnn l tt nnU aJeo n dangero11s Mtut.'.fltang Erysip~!a.s by ! ~1 "e doses of the eamit, Ila} s he cures the common Er1 p h ons by it constantly· LAL prepa'""'il to a ttenL1 tc ~f1ll 1 ne ry and Str a "'i \fo1k, ati i1~ ul\ l Ladies FcltIIats c leane d and altered to t be Ne\veat Styl es !l:J=- Two A pvren bces ...,.anted imm ed 1n.tcl y Bowrnan n1le 1 1rarch 2401 1 ~63 , Landrng m the freight yards an d on the c·,1cks of tho mt y, unable to discharge ,hen wheat T lns 1mmeoso glut "from c ld w!icat, au Ill the merchants e·timate 'hat there are a m11Iwn more bnsbeb of cbe crop of 1869 te oomo. THE HEIGTIT OF BLISS --Highland 8h 0 phn d ' Frn c toon, Glasgo' I believe, and lots of coot meat ther ?" Toumt " Oh, yes, lot Highland Shepherd · ' An' drmk, too?" Tou11st "Oh yes ' H1gb and Sbepberd (doubtrngly)'. ' Ye'll g« porter toe yer parrrnh '/" Tonnst . "Yes, 1f we h ke" H1gblaod Shophei d. " Ora Cl ous [" (Speechless 1nth admiration) 0 ," \\omen's \1i bi.ts Cotton THE LATEST STYLES IN ::CJ.\l.l:JPOR. T .AD.TT TC> STOCKII\fGS at 2d · GO TO F. F. f1fcARTUURS . PARTIES USING MAC&llNER'l. STOCK'S fXTRA MACHHff Oil FOR J,UBRIOATING PURPOSES HATS AND BONNETS, FLO'\VERS, &c. SPECTION SOLICITED. B-0wman~rne, March JF YOU ·wANT A ) o ~\j SUIT :;: GO TO CLOTHES~ 11, engineer, while sleeping the other mgh.t , !ieamed his engrne v as about to run off ohe +1ack rnto the d itch, when he franuaally got out of bed and rushed to the windo1V, out of whrnh ho jumped a dis ranee of abo ut twe~ty feet He landed on hts feet, sma,hmg a thrnk oak board 1 n ),,. fall, and, excoptwg some severe Lru1se"i, was no t lDJUred. RAILROAD A EJJ1fif1L~1v~w~!1~~tE 0~1t· l'rII:t\E R A.L. E a1 e v1epared to shO\\ its supcnor it) to all othei Oils now nseJ on Macln nery, fr om a Clock or Sev;; a:ig Machi ne to the heaviest Stearubont S ha.!1~ The follo,v1ti g ~ue P1o peily made by the bes t cutter rn t ov+ fOl' $6.00 ro ~{ESSRS CHAh:IBERL n. lN & SILLS, v ~ "lft O, {)ou uty of Lennox 1 Ontano 1 Cana1.o. t.11...v oo, Coun ty of Hastings 1 Prov inc e of On ~a11 0 , Fc L 9t1' 1 lSGO , '""r,nway P ZebulonSlonu off' O"P-Cct,Texas ""1He3 · Tt~r: bottles of yout Sa1~au anl la cured me fl om a. (ro·t - a bm.cous ,;welling on tl~ Deck, v. I hud tm fcred from over t wo yeal'E Lencol"rhffia. fn" Whit~ r., ®..-arlan Tmmer, lJt(lrtue U lcel'at!nn, F<iilt!ll-R Dh:eurrert. Dr JBS Chauump; ofNcw101kC1ty 1 writ65' ~ u l n10s t cheerfully comuly with the request ofyQ)lt &gent lll Sll}lllg' I have found }our Sa1sapa1illa · n:ioet excellent nl teratn e in the 1111meroua oomphunts for which we employ such a reml<'dv, but cspeernlly in Female Disea1sJ1 of t!Je Scro:t11I01:w dlntbeEls I bnve cul'd 1nany inveterate Cl}.Sea of Leucorrhooa by it and so1ne where tho comp1nlt:1t wa11 cam1ed by ulceration of tho uterus The ulceJ"ntlG n Jtsruf wus i;oon cured Nothing within mt k no,.,ledgccqualait for these tbmRle dITT!ll1gementa. ~ Edward D 1'-Iarrow, of Ncwb1· rr 1 Ala , writes: 11 A dangerous ovanan tumor on ont! of the fe.mnle-4 Jn my tlimlly 1 whrnh bad defied all ttie remciches could eruploy, has at length bee n com pl My cured ~y you1 Extrl'lct of Surse.pnrilln Our.Ph)&Oitu.t t hougbt notluu g out cxhrp!t.hon oould afford relrnf, but he advised the trw.l of" your Sarsapnrlll:t as thei last re.sort be+ore oottmg, antl it pro'i <td eHQetuaJ .Afte r tnkmg your remet'ly eJght weeks no eymptom cif tbe dis&l!.lle 1ernaJns 1 ' t. §yplutis anrl Jl!lereur:1m.'- Dioonse. ii :N E:W 01iLE.J.lf!'! 1 25th Au gust 135~ DR J C AYBR Sir, I ol 1ee1 fully oompiy withl tbe r.equei;t of your ngent, and 1cport to you !!oms -"' t he et:eeta I bnve reah.zed w1th your Snr:sapaul1a. v.. " Ute ~ with 1t in my prtJct1ce, m4'St cl th:J ' w" ·t Oen ti :Ilia, IllnoIS, W F. F . McARTHURS . McARTHUR Wa'::ltS 1000 F 11k1 ns of the points 1n wh ich 1t excels other 01] - It will not Gu.n1, hence 1fachmery can be k ept clean 1ut h but httle trouble, and it "ill clean l\hu.:l11ne-ry tna.t lins bee n gummed I by other oils n fl iii not ('ongeal or 'll'hl<!ken h1 Urn Coldest oC Wea ther, this is a. qua lity of t he high es t im port ··nce, f1om the fa ct t hnt n.n 011 D(Jt b lv1ng this quahtj, will not l ubr icate o. cold shaft, such an 011 may be appli ed 1n a h £1ated state, b1.1i the moment it touche::; n co1d shaft i t ia congenled a nd will no~ begin to lub ricate un til the j ournal by fu el.ion acq uires that t empera t ure ne cessar~ t o rednce 1t to a liquid "'tate In acqu1n ng a l11gh e1 t en1peratu c by f11chon lhe JQurnnl expands and the box IS IDJU red Tt IS as imposs1ble t o use 011 that w11l ch ill on a co l d shaft without tins result as i t is to mrnglc 01 1 with wa te r 30, 1870. And~ ill pay the p.1 ghes t price for It WA..,TIN G m s PAY ~A genial rector f a v1l'ia~e pallsh in l'Ylrnn esota found t difficul t to got his salary promptly. V@.. §igH o:f the B!EAVliERS 1870 B.ow;in.JHH J. llc 1 Mny 2:; Tlus i:, to cc t1fy th .it during the 1\1nte1 of l 8GG T "as taken " i llt a we8k ness of the ilE subo('r1 be1 s hrt.\r1ng i: tai ted Btlt:i lness anl.. le~ 1 \vh1ch gra d11 tll y, d u1rn g t11e sp11 ng 01WC1 .&fr G fJ:ii 1 8., Ca iriage Shop, is of 1867 , e xtended to ID} knee£, and o u u p to my h ips, and I becarn.e oo weak t hat I co tld p1eparc:d to iece i ve all o id'-'IS fo 1 n o t\\ alk i hut wa::: cot fmed to my cbal! F o r a bou t t wo yeara 1 w hil e this w e ~. kn~ss PAIN'.ll'ILlWG, \\&.S coming o a me an d nfte 1wr:rds 1 J souglit medical allv1ce, ero p10.Jlng , at difkl<;;llt Dcco r1 tin g, Fte:ico ng, Ka1sorn 11og t imes, thrc~ d oc: to1::i. 1 and rucd1ci cs of d1ffe1 and Dccurn.t \ e ent k111 <l8, p1escuoe d bJ f iends 1 but of no l\Va1l I con ti n ue d to get 11orse and worse, Paper Hanging, Gilding.,&< &c. un ti l the sumn;er of 1868 , when I '\ \Si n(luc cd to tr:-; th.a gna t Sho"-honP.eS RemeJ.y l y tea u1ng\he c u its 1~e1 fopn ecl , 1 a paw pli -PAITI~ T Your Sarsaparilla s:teedily taken curr.o l b1m in 11...... weeks .Another wn,; attacked by seoou.:'nry symp.. toms in h13 nose, and the nlcera.trnn h11.d e:s'ts>..:'...!1'~~ n conoldernbl0 part of it so that I lmhe-; e the b....<;· order w oultl soon reacu lus bn-un ::md kill btm But tt) ielded to m} udmm1strat1on of your Sansapnrilln; the ulcers benled , nnd he ts well ag!l m , not of courao witho ut som(! d1'1igurahon to his fnce A womnu who had been t 1eated foi the eru~e disorder by mer~ QI.try v;us eu:ffe1ing f1 om this poison 1n bar bones. Joints a11<1. bones 'fbcy bftd become so serndtive to tb6 weather that on ll damp day she truffe rad exc 11101af1 ng p11.1n in her She, too 1 was cured finl1r&ly by your San1µpartlla fu :. few weak11 I kuow from Jee: form ula, v;hich you1 agent gave me , tbnt tj1ia Prepru:atlOn fiom your laboratory must be a g-relt re~cd ) consequently, these truly r emiuxa.ble r&> ci:Jt.s wn h 1t have not aY.rprlsod mo. ]! r11ternally yours, G V LARJ]!I.R, !oif D, Rhcr;mn.ti sm, Go11t, Liv~r (Jo1Uplaint. lMDXP:l> ??iDE?\CE Pre~ton Co v~ , <Hh Jul), 1809 Du J C Ayxu Sn I ha~c bceu uIU10h~d 'inth a pamful chi omc l(hcumatism for a long t1mo , wh cb baffi.ed the slall of phJSJ.c1ans 1 and stl!r. k to me 1n spite ot all the 1emed1e,, I cm1ld tind until I tried consuming lus pal8ht nnd tbe top pf hi.. comp la1nts for · 11h.1 "'11.derftd 1n tbe <mrii oi" fou nd its effects iru J:. "\"" -~tt Onv of my pa-, Vene' uU anr:l ~V'"' qt wllieh weNJ tieuts br. d Sy{lh11itfc ulceri;. in n:i:q t hr" - mt--u&A 4 t hs\ti.. .,.,.. · .. :i, it !s retomm~ndefl T Emd havtJ ......_ 33- L·tteily it was mueh bchrnd. Going to ,,,. of his delinc1uont par1sh1 onern in the hardware trnde, he looked over his stock if cork sorews very fast1<l 10usly, scokrng 1 large one of peculiar strength and ·1ze f o tho mqmry, " What do you wan t of "1.leh a thrng anyhow ?" the aoswei Stock's Extra Jllad >hne OH '"ill cnru.e, " My denr sir, I want a cork-sorew Lubricate the ClO!!<lle§t lllarhinthat can draw rny ·alary I" The pay- cry the mom ent U is applied. This 011 1s t\ f.Uranted to be supe rior to ~fl(ll IJ.ta are now coming more promptly. either sperm or o live 01le 'vith the exception of bolt cutt>n g Orders will be promptly at· llU.?lCK Cfll'I'TAGE let At t his ti me I had beg un to fee l tl e F OP. SAL E, on Wellmg tou 8treet, part1 r.; uhus ap pl.) to For .All k r.l,.s of BARG Al.NS Great Bargains will be given at the o wma:i' dleJ March ~1, 1870 A DlXON 35· tf Sign & :Sanner Painting Execu ted 111 \ cn.kncss in m) hnuds, 1n i \c t l wus get ti ng nlmost helpless I Ua vc tnJ... e n 11no oottl cs of the Sho,,bo ne es P.em edJ nn d two bDxcs of lh e p ~ll s a ud I 1rr; en tirely iestored a ·o heallL I ne ,ei: ex pecte d to gB t bst tc1, NO. 1 !CT" S1 tis f' tc t1o~L g1 ran tce d P ~he UBLI C NOT ICE 1s. hereby gn·en, tha~ bntn.clies Eowmnn vll l e) No1 1 7 18 68 NEw YoRK, 8 th -A special corrcs tended to, if sent to WINANS, BUTLER & CO, pendent w1ites from Versa1 Jles, on even~7 Fi ou t St, Toronto G B STO CK, ing of the 4 th It ts t' nder.tood thatB1sSole agent for th a DorninrGn 1 ·a&ro1. counts upon seeing lhe spirits of Brougham, Ont, S. B. BRADSHAW, he Pansran s gtve way nuder tb"o pressure AgeHt for Bowwanv11Je 1f a p10trneteil steg·. :Meanwhile it in ert? n that home stokness is breaking Jui. in very trying forms a1u0ng the G a fter t he exp 1ra.tion cf tweuty da.} S 1rom first pu hl1ca t1on bl:rcot 1 a pphcation will be made t o the Judge of th e Sur roga te Ooul t of the Counties of Nortnum'b ei: lar.d and D ui ham, to appo!ot :Mary Ann McLea n , of D all1n gto n, w idow of Dav id i\fcLea n , de c"'ased, Charles Honey, of t he klarne place, )eoman, and Jame,, McLean, cf the Siltne, yeoma n, guardians of Mary Id a :vlr CHllSTl<RFfFLD & BROTHER but snnp l;-, tried the m e d 1c1ne ts fl 801 t of fo .. l oin hope 1 h ts c1oe of rn 111e was not ~1 pi l\ a te one , bu t k nvwn to a ll 1ny n e 1glt tJOr~ ~ u d f ir-uds 1 and to flny one affi1cterl ~ ~ l in all it" was, 1 b \\ e ori l v to s~y t1y tbc Sboshonees H.cmedy 1 I beli eve it ".:ill cure vou your SLrirn pu i:llt I am far better t han Oef'orc I wns aft icked One boltJe tured me 1n tww weekR, and rm;torec1 iny gBllernl h~1\ll h so mueb MAflY A XN DOU G HTY Swo rn 1< bef J1e tne L t Ma doc, Co u n t r Pf A F WOO D, J P, &c HaEtrngs 1 tlns n1nth d::iy of fPbru111y, 1868 I hereb) ce1t1fy th at I have known l\Irs i\Ia i y Ann Daugh1y for th e l tifleen ye u s ) lieISH \V) Tit1. nofpx0htlyanat1 1Lh I 11 n wlncll de ~t rO) ed tny h,e 11t h 1 trK"<l eve rv th~ng, t!\ervtlupg fiuleU to rehevfl me, and J bave been a biokcu down lilll.ll for some _years fruw no ther cause t hnn a~ . q.1·g&ln<nM of the .Live1 My !tlelovcd pastor~ the R rJ'i Mr E;sp-; , adn.sed mrJ to tr> vo ur r!iars ipunlla , because he said he knew) ou, JiDd think it 11 v; Ollderful recd101ne J Ii REAM (Jules Y Getchell of St Loms, writes 'i I hnvs. been afillcten for year.<1 with an atrwtum qf the Live.r, l Lenn , infant daughter of the a.bovc·name d TES';I'IJUOJ\'IALS. JOSFJPHHALL JJfachinc Worl.s,} Oshawa, Ont, April 4, 1870. n·u l1oops before the French capitn] ,' b sis ps1trnularly noticeable among the . GEO . B S'I'OCK , Esq , Brougham, Di;:11R 81& -We have beon t .:;;rng your iold'Cl from tluabia and Franconia and luhrrcat1n g 011 for t\1e p9St four months, a nd he Bavarians of the Tyrol. Exci tement can say wi tho ut bes1tat1on that 1t IS the best 011 we hnvc ever use d It 1s a lso chea p nnd.. f the march and of gre·t battles aro lasts longer than any other 011 Vile ba"ie 1akiug them give wny to disgust and run our large 14 foot 1ro11 Planer se1 en days \\1th one 01hng I t keeps the tools clean 7ear.oess. The vast mllJOllty of these aud br igh t, and we do not want any thing oop· are men who have home ties and beter as a l ubncator Yours r es pectfully 1 F, W GLE N, P 1csrdcnt ' uhes, !>nd arc chafing bitterly under 1 0 prospect of an indefinite camrinigne Copy of a te<timonw l of tlie Bo1tman' t is not to be deemed that the feeling ville Furmtm e Company GEO B, ill'OCK, Esq, Brougham ' shar 0 d by the officers of regu lar Pius DEAR Sn1,-We have h een ns rig JOUt an ~oil Saxon army. '1 he Sal\PnB are F.x t1 r~ ?i-lacbuie Oil tor t he past five mo nth s, <p~c,ally mitated by the 1mmma1N>e of a a.nil c a n say with safety that it is the b es t J ig fatiguing wa1. Drneases, sttch as 0 11 we lHt ve ever used, nnd 1t gives us as g0od sat is faction as you gua1antce<l 1t t o ' D'teJgi i and bed waler always develo p, g.>e THOS. JOHNSTON, i2 !Daking serious ravage:!! at Versailles CHEAP COR ER STORE OPINION hb li fe tune of Darhngton 1 aforesaid, yeo man, deceased Datt:d at BowmRn'i 1lle, this third day of Angust, A D 187-0 Mnry Aun McL ~t.n 1 R-nd D a vid McLean, 111 JO Ht-1 K GAL ER I. IT Fl Sol c tor for Ap pli can ts. k uon n lie bef ore, ou1 111 g , a ud " ne e l1 et ill ne~s 1 bche\ e he c e1 t 1fica tc to be ti nc in e\! er.} pa r ticula r I kno \1 tho.t while ill her case Wfl.S d ccla1 ed ho peless, and I know th at she ha::; su ce h\;r i ecove ry, a lw ays at! tubute1. her reco very to tDe Sho~l or ei:,s Hemedj. \V 11a tevcr ma: be the pec11lrn1 good enough -H Sttb!l"-'Us, Clanc er TnnaorB, IEn! lU l cer~don, Cru.·i1's and Exfotiat11cU1 ef' t he Benes. A great vanet} of CH.sell l.!R o; e been rported to us "-here cures of these ..lormidaUfo cumpla1uts ha' H resul1ed from the use of this i ew.ed.>, but our ~paae he1e will i.ot admit them Some v:t them may be found in our .Anwri can .A.lmanfl.o , which the nf"'Cll ts n,pd anJ tlnng you mad<> was \\ orth tr/ u1g J1y the blessmg of God 1t Uas -.:uied me, aud 1as so yurJfied blood 111> to innUc a :ucv.; mnu ofmc I fee young agam The best that can be said of you 1s Dot hull ID) below narnea ai e pleased tofurnisb gratis to al wbo call fo r them ~a eln n chol y , I pi opC' rt1e:-\ of tl11 s me <l 1c1ne 1 0 1 e thing is tei to.i n tbal 1n b e. cas e, 1t hts ~ct ed almost I hk~ the per !onna ncc of ... m11acle i:NTF.CLLIGEN C E WORTH KNOWING, I I 1 A I' WOOD, J P, Warden of tht' CountJ of Ho.s tings, Provinct> of Onta.uo, D onnn on of Canada , _ dring the remainder of the winter season! Flour and Feed at Wholesale Prices A TC LIFF & Co . wou ld respe ctfu llJ 1nfo1n1 then runn y cu.,tomet sand f 1 ie url::i, that owi n g to the11 da. ly i n c1ea:-1 ng tr ade they can now affo rd to sell ] LOUR and li'F.ED FOR A ~~~ Jill1. SALE. Di1nmse, Fit.. , Epilepzy, Neur n2 g u,, of these atJections have;;t been ma db by the alte1 ative po" e1 of t rn mecllc1ne. rt s1.uuulntcs the \ Ital functions iuto v1 Joro11s lcbon,. and thus overcomes aI.Sotders \.\ lm.:il Vi ould lie su1>' posed beyond its roach Such n 1emcdy has lo~ been 1eo mred by tbe neeesstttes of the people/ IUl< ~ e aie confldeflt tbat t his wUl do for t hem al t pled1erne can do :11any rPmllr ka ole cur !"~ ~t!ipcps~n.t :n~art Ayer's Cherry Pactor~ 7 FOR TJIE RAPID CURE Oll' t R 1 i PUBLIC BY RETA.I L AT WHO LESA L E PRICES, and hope by ahva_ys keep ing a large stock r.t the lo:v:rest pr1cesi an d punc t ualh attending to :dl o, to meut ui heretofure, a sba ic of public pati:onage Remember the S to..rc, ]ifa1ket Bnild1n gs I I D\Y1 T LlNG HOFSE , with one acre l nd 1 >1 1tuaLed on Con cesswn ~t.,..eet op pos ite Ocntie street, ri o >:: oc cn p1ed by the 1 subscriber fhe house is ue-w a nd 1oomy 1 and su pp11cd w1th ucccssa ty con' en1e n<.:es soft and hn.r d \~a.tc1 good young oiclrn trl , et c One of the mo st desirabl e s1t ue.t1ons in t ow n fol 1 }'ll\'ftte i es1d ence A ppl.) on the p remises to Bowm 1'<~ ......~ nd Clamard The samo corrcspo n dent <tate; that it rn not true that Ge n Burn. ds went into or eame out of Paw as a j J\1nnager Bowma.nv11J e Furniture Co Bow1nanv tllc, Jnl.) 7, 1810 52-Gm, has fuf y justified < the original idea, that at 1he " Gorner Sto;i:e " you could ge.t King Street RATCLIFF & Co. 21 lc ,Tu 1870, W H BASSET'!' 49- tl Bow nutn\ 1lle, Jan l 21 l 870 TO LET. FI'I' TED ND WELL SUI TE D FAR~l FOR SJ~LE. Servant Girl \Vanted. L iberal wag es g1 vcn Apply to 1 e~oho tor with Jul-Os Favre He went I BRICK co lt age on Con ces&1 ·on s t i ee t , · 1 ud oan·e merely ns a brarcr of d1Bpatchcs mth or without garden attached PosMPJ1Stcr Washburn He expressed sess10n gtH11 im1ned1ately. Apply to ,rnsolf as g1eatl) struck by t h~ quiet and1 JAME S MUIR. ter tlllned air of Paris, Buwmnnv;lle, June 15, 1870 46 tf, . . Bo:wmimvme .., D<tf., 1867. I 8~ ACRES of Lot 5 1 first con ceos1on , Townslup of D urlin gto ni on(1 m1le M. nd a J1 alf ea.,t of Bownrn.nv1lle Po sse si:; io n g 1 en 11nn1ea ate1y 1f desned JOS ,!,YNARD Northrop &: .i..yman, ..;ewca.t> tl e, Ontnrio ro pu e tcrs for Oa ne.da :i! J ONESS o w1unv1lle, July 20, ISTO. 51-tf.

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