y@ ~liiM % · · Tni; mairinge of the P rincess L ouisa , 211! !i P ersons subscribing for the CAN.ADJ.A. STATESMAN betwee n th is (lat e an d the ls~ o the construction -of the ark. January, lS'l l , and ra,Yi1 1g $ 1.50 in cnsb, "How was li ght aJrriittcd i?n,~o th e will be s upp lierl wi th the papeE to the 1s t odf :irk., os gla.ss was tl,en unknown q ner~ .Jn.unary, 1872. N o w is tho time t p sen and the l'rlorquis of Lorrne w ill place in lfebruory. A FATHER wa s questioning h!! childr:e.n or..e Sun day evening on the portion of Sacred Writ in Genesis descriptive of W. Mc:l1URTRY'S Mantles ·nd Mautla \ Materials :~r e very che a,p i and of tbe n ewest take sty le s. - '" Sl:E G E O F P..A.~IS: Bric ks I Bricks I ~{~ THREE ItHll'T nm F a.:> a:> ("...<? ' OR.S ri.le, Thfachin e -1fada Pressed Wh it e lWR NOHIIIJG. s:= e.=t Bn clts, a.t ~he Oshawa Tiii"iVorkQ. JOHN ,WILSON. ~~ 0 Among the latest arrivals ·at th_e DRAIN TILEB. LA RGE quantity of Tiles on hnnd " nd · for sal e at tlio Oshnwa Tile \'torks.- , TWO STUMP , M,ACHINES and a 1 1l0 0D-SAW1NG AIAC.HlNE for ·nlo ~htap . , Hem1ock, Hardwood or Lurnber taken in ex .. e:hange. l ,JOHN WILSON. Osliowo, Sept. 22, 18~0. 8-!m. 1-:r.j B O'fi~IJANVal lE Telegraphic despatches b ei n g ~cce1Y~d ~- ~ f t'Olll the seat of WilJ.' 1 a~d riu b li eb r:- d I ll Q.._ TIIE funniBst "wunt" we hr.Ve lately the EvENlNCT S1'ATt.S KJI~, is a guarantee t hat HE you n g leH.Ves of tho 'f (! R tJ l a fl t nbonnd hotioed in ne'\rspn.per columns, is that of tbe weekly e r1i tio n nf' the STATESMAti :will iu in.,.!gura.Ling p rop erties. 1'. DAll·d ] " t l h" .e contn in fri ll er <l e tn1l s o( the wal' than 1':.ill Le Ll7:'-TGTON1S Pul'eCb ia cso te as selec ted f1·on1 1 w1 ow, w io wan st u~ was in g 0.1. a found i n ~ Kny o ther pn.per published in ¥rest th6'Ntr1.'i g::iLheri ngs, l s reliable in._,,_q uu.li ty-few mnrc gentlemen." \\re ~uppose th e D nr haJn . ._ ' ..... O.bove widow goes out . to ·w nsh g cn tlen1c:1 , or F ull n~ports, with pri ze lists,_ of t he :tf!1 i- vthich is the t es t of chea p n ~ss. '!'he tea if! sou nd, strong u.a d rich, with a fine takes th eui in to wa11b , 88 n1ay suit eus- 1cu.!tural E xhi bitions .to b~ h; :J fl in .th.~ ndt1.1~ P eltotr £ht vor, grat&fnl nnll pleasan t to the ·tomers. W c wonder whether sh e wash es th:s fall; toge_ t.hc r -with ~he Pr o v1n c1~l fs.u, ralate. Stoc k a nd ns sort me nt, large a n d · b tie day o- a t will also ,JJe ·K·Yen. , ti iem b Y· th e 1ne~e, or Y l ' The STATNSM AN is the only new~p~pc r in n. ttra c Live. T . DARLINGTON. SO much a foot. '\Vest Durhnn1 w hi ch p rocures orig inal reDowmanvilie, Oct. 12, 1870. 11-tf. A ~-E"" mitrnilleus~ h as ju~t b'!en trie d P? r ts of Cou~ties· Council and o~her wunir· iI c1pal proceedin gs . 11t .the p9lygon. of'\ inc~encs in lO presSuUscribo for the S·fATY,S1[ AN i f yon wnut ence of n specu1l cou11u1ttee of competent to be th orough ly posted iu home R.od forei gn · persons. It is w0rked by ste an1 and nows-n.n d subscr ibe now. capable of projecti ng balls during twe nty ~A..dvert.ise.~ e n U io.scrt~d at l owest ;ates , or thirty h ours co~s ccutively wi thout be- Best ad verti sing mell1um in the Connt,;.. " <lai\ y ied papa of on e of the in isees. 1 1 Oh, Naab i"ust ligh ted the gas." in yonr orders. . . a T New.est styles A j I § 0 L D () H E .&. P F 0 R Good satisfaction gua ninteed, All ordern promptly attended to. FASHIONS received Monthly from New Y ork , _ r, !few a.nd Fash~.onable Overcoatings, Shuts and Drawers, -· l\f eek 'fies and Collars~ of the Nnwest Str Jes. fL in 'J'.'%.veedFJ, ClOTHINC STORE' A . Aloo·,' arc a beautiful lot of the " '.l' 0 B IE C A S II. The newest I R~adyam::Hlic (Jfothirn~, a good selection of ®vet· Coat;;i, .ll: e~ Jackc~l'l ;u;d au the u,eadiTlllg Styles, ve1·y c1rnitp. · Co~l!Be afon;;·. aad ;·ct Che ap Goods. ~ HJ! , CANADA " PRE~YT~.R!A lf· CHURCH, with quarter acre o f tAn4; .. ·f,ilao, Two a.me buildings, north ofthen.e'lf' church in conree ofr erection,, . ..Apply te P, MURDOCH, . T FOR SALE. , Small I rofits and·Qutck Returns is the motto. ~ Ohnirm·n ·Buildiog 0 om,Bowm.aoTllle,:sop;, 7th, 1870,r ·. ,09n:iing heated. A machin o nf two horse · ·power is sufficient for an implemen t of l . twenty barrels. The rangc,\s ab?ut tho !J llli.mo as the Ch11s,epo t . I ha in ven to r' has offore,d to make 200 of them in eight ~ days. 1 07n . --- WINTER DRY GOODS !WW RECEIVED A'l' U1 ADVERTlSER· W.E STgRN 1070 IJ . I I 'i) UJ.l. READ l READ ! ! R EAIJ l I l Which will bo !old ING'S Provln .. tf On!i>rlo, f Oontr· Oourl 'of th United Oounies ofJUniled Ct0u11tioa of Northumberland &00 Northumberland nud Durham, Du1ham. 'roWit; Canada, j In tho ·· · In tlte matter of ROBER'r UOMENT nnd WILLIAM: T. LOOKIIART, trading under the name and stylo of Moment. a.D d Lockhart, as co-partners a.n-S. e.1 individaa.1! 1 .'" ]Ra<Jlvenlr. The llUdor.!iigncd be.To filed ln the offit· of ·hi1 Court a deed or cQmriouition snd Ui'"" cbarge 1 exeaute4 b;· their Creditor@, acd ·· Thurid&f, lh· twent.y-1eeon'1. day or Septvmbt!:I nex,, 1h17 will apply \o t.be Judge .t thf· , O<n>n for '1t eonfinDAlloo ol tbe · dll·J.w\·c· ll>·r·br iitrMte<I; 11o< will y lpditld.uals aa OQ... putnir5. · . Dated a& t.he Township of Clniko, rn tJ;i;· Connty of Durham, 1.his cigbtocnth dAy of , ----- -· eldest da.u.gbter of ~,rn. ED,VARD P nou'I' i of \ 1"'lf everyl'ih erc kuow tluit the \Vestcru the townslup of DJ.~lin g to n . .AdvP. rti ser, tbe li vcst 1 bes t, morn ."con: ""-""'""""~~~ r ' 5"'ifi<..oo·\3ill pote'i and po_pu lar W e ekly New spap':lr i n Ori.~ 11rnd·, cnn now be h ·d fo r JFU" i!.'ii:EJ!" !illil!<,D. No SJONER had the grand ~ ':tt~~g~f~ ro_ r o_I11 _ 1 ~~ 0l1~~L1?..R . - ~" 1;1_ r my c rossed. ·t he Rhine, and T ~O"IJUH\fi'V,ille, t his moruing, :~fits. JOH. ~· tJtrit, Rged 77 yea.rs. , SPE CI.1..L FllATURES.-Tiie ·" Canadn the petite' Pr!nce Imperial. re. I:]- F:.i.neral 011 Sa.turd~y, aftcrnoou 1 at 2 Ifo·lth Jo urnn! " ifovi ng b een incorporated ceive_ cJ his baptism. of fi re, than o'Clock:. with tbe \Vostei·n .A.dvcrtlse r, we ha vG u. ' In De.rlingtonl on th1;( ] 8 th in at., Mr. special cfo·partm~nt, edited by 01. T, CRm p- the . writer took._· advantage of W1LT,JAM: WERRY, aged '13 yeo. rs. bell, M. D ., i1! w hi ch appcara able nrticles on t]1e panic ·in the marl{ets, and Henltb-ho·w to live, how t') ke::-p heoalthy, nnd Low to regain ie·w" "" le. st.-Oootinued invested largc_ly in Cottons a nd uon· r:1~NlT~~ILE 1!.iAtttt ,m:rz.·s I S tori1Ja.-The VVords 11nll .Music o f ·NG_ w other goods, 8 ncl a t once 'coin~ . Songs, Cho r uses , etc.-E ngTr.y ir.gg , Mips, Ilowma.nV'tlle , October 20. P hot ograp hs, etc.-A c~ refully p rq.ared inenced sc1!in:..; Coit on 1. . arn nt l!'Iour,-".lOO po un us, . .·...·. :::3 00 tQI ~ R 2!j Ag-ricn ltu ral Colum n, witq (' cloY"er nt-1 ~ 1·. v " 0· i'f vou - W a nt ""· < ,, G iclesi "" , o u b"'OO d Wheat, Full, .zyo busbel 1 ···· · 1 10 fjj l 20- entitl ed, .: L e t ters froI U a ,ou ?t:y entle: J ,· \Vhon.t, Spring:, 4?' buslicl, ... 1 10 @ 1 20 l man."--Lo.dio s.'. Dep r. r trne:lt, g 1v- t:: g La te st suit of C]othes, and \Varranted ' O·ts,W bushel. ·· ·· . .. ..... o 30@ O 34 f Fnshio n s, Rempes .for Kitch en, L aundry, to fit, ]\icArthur's is the 1cte . i1oRs, <\ft' bnsbcl, ...· , , ~ .. . · . O 6 0 ffil O 6 1 1 . h , B·rlcy, 'W bushel,.......... 65 066 Agents wnoted in nil sections, s ud srlcn - pace to g et t ,em. An i1n Rye,'.lf'busheL ...·....····· 0 60 ab 0 68 did vnluabln premiums gi<en to ~IL .mense stock of Dress Goods Pqtatoes, 'W b"'iiel, ..... . ·. O 30 t@ 0 30 iI:T Specime~1 copies gladly senl free,. at 5d. per yard, and · upwards. Bui!er, 'W ft., ·. , . ··.·· ······ 0 ! ~(ii) O 18 ·Address Jo.in ()mnm·m1 &, J:lliro. , 'l' h l b cl C II · Ilg!!", W ozen, .. ' . .. . . ··.· O I 0 fiV 0 U Zt-lZ. !Lon don , @Ult. e CC e rate Ortl"\-VU pnze DrMsed Frogs,#' cwt., .· . .· 7 00 q; 8 0'> BJaug:e ' t s a ucl · h ·.rrn3r Fl Wool, <W tt> ... . ............ (l 25 .@ 0 25" - L e .l1 ~ a11Clovcr Seed 'W bushel. . · .. . 6 oo @ G 19 fl el, at ' :F. F . l\1cA rthur's. A On ibe lRth inst., by tho Rev. Dr. hincno.b, TI-=[E BEST I ·Rector of D1uli ngto o, M l: H~~NRY AL EX ANDE R __ l::IAuN, of Bertie, Uonnty ofWollnnd, to JANE, 'l,"'{TE Vi ANT TO LET '11 IIIJ' I'UBLTC I I At Small '.Profits, · On Prompt Payment, and At One Price. DRY ~nans, AND Bowmn.nv i lle, Septen1bcr 20 1 1810. E L L I Q-TT:1 F SI-ION BLJ3.1 ORING ESTABLISHMENT, JB: .A.. nL[ P ,T 01.N.. August, A. D. 1870. . ROBERT MOMENT, WILLIAM T. LQCKJJART. JONSON, ·' . 8-lit. - Attorney; ad, litem. · 1 F. F. TO c ENT l E ill E N'S .NOW N DRY GOOD~, -.--CLOTHINC CHRONIC DISE~S:tS. ! DR. JAMES, Eclectic_Physician, '\l.'TOULD RESPECTIVELY STATB l'f that hEi" is now trea.trog succeasfuUy tl~e fo~lowi~g diseases :-Epilepsy, o'r,fnllini F i ts, in their worst form; Consumption, in its various stages, (with Dr. J.'s re1nedi e1 consumption is no longer an incurable dis-C3 Be) i- Bronchitis, C11tarr}1 1 Asthma Gravel D ro psy of the Cheat, Abdominal , .Dropsy1 G enentl :Oropsy, &c. 1 patients who hiivo been. tapped several times are curable u1.dcr Dr .. Jamei' tr&e.tmentj diseases of the Made to order iii the latest New York styles. A n lmm e n~e lot of beautiful ~~~~~ ~,~,- ~~,-~ -v Netu 'J\~ucrti£Htncnt5. ---- -- --- lot of damaged Prints will be sold at a g reat bargain. F ar Carpets, 1-Vinceys, Canadian Tweeds, Shirts and Drawers, the "Beaver Block" is the place; F . F. McArthnr's Cheap Cash Store ! Only One Price i "i)RITISH AM E RICAN BUSINESS COL J.-:> LEGE unrl TllLllG RAPH TO INST!· 'l'UTE. rfhe only re'prt'F .;>ntative in On t A.rio of The - Bryall t & Stro.tton In ler nn.tional Ohn.in of Coll eges . The T! Il'OIW DEPARTMEN T is thorough ly aUR.pted t o th ose w.ho 1visb to l~y tho follnd a tion ofn sout!d hu~1ncssJDducn1rnn. The PRAC'l'I OA L DEPART MENT 1s A n1 i nature busi nes!J worl d, WhC' re f! acb student performs all the routin e d uty of office work , b u ying , selliag1 ~hipp i n f! 1 co ru m lssion , R .ud dni.win g notes 1 drr.ft s and c11c ck s . ...\. r egutn1 · Bank of issue is In co nne0ticn with lhis department; ·t\'itb he P.n tif tllly engrrivod ba nk not es, wh ic h is tts pe:-frct in its detnila ns th£: best org11.uized i nst itntio u;; in the Connty.' BUY THEM ST OOK. Now is tbe time to buy Cheap Suits of Stylish Clothing, EYE AND -EAR, Error§ ofyouth 1 Nervous · Debility, Premnrturc Decay and all the elfecLS' or indisc retions of yot;.th-a cure is g11aranteed i Dys. pepsia.1 Liver diseaae1, B.f!d diseasea of t't'onteu and C:hlldrcn, C·ncere cured \7ithout cutt ing, and little po.in; Soro Legs, Salt Rheum, and Scrofula in all itaforms. ,D r. J. is happy to say, di11et\ses wliich have hitlierto bee 11 thought incurable: are now rnyidly yielding to his treatment as his gratt>ful patients are willing to testify: No Cn.lomel, no mercury, no Min eraIPoisona w.ill be a d ministered in nny form, iu an..J d1S\l1lSe. T !' IIE 11ubscri'oer b Aving hecn nppointe-d retail agAnt by th e Bowuia.n v lll o Ftlr Rfture ~rl\n1ffactu1·ing C o ., is now in a pos it ion MURDOCH BRO'S H AV:f] RECEIVED, E x . S .S. Jlibe-rnian, and otlw· shipments, GiU.!C.IEB.UES, . HAJ'll.D'"V ARIE, HOOT§ and SHOES, CR@C!ilERY'an GLASSWARE, &c. to tlH atl orders at aB low n rRte a:c: auy Ue nler in the Couoty . _ Bowmanville, Oct. 20, 1870, , In great variety at JELLIO'l"I"§ Sto1·e, nain.1,ton. ll:)" All _______ _____ RO llJ'.l'. § . N JL<ll IWNJJ::'ciG. 12-tf. goods morkod in plain !lg;ure·, and at reasonable price!. 1§70. JW.oi ..£!l~ l.t-2! L<i F A - ~m ~ r~ :U87®. HAMPTON, Jan~ary HENRY EJ.. LIOTT, J1·. 26, 1870. s o s. FIRST P RIZE recei 1<ed tho Fall Fa shions, aod is 11\"'l 'F" 'lWi' ]}ft '"- 'o')W ~, lJ1 P .. llOW vre pRr':d to make Up 1ndie s' gl\r- => ~ ~1.J '<':'i"-"" ~ tit~ ~ e:.. ~!!b c. n1 cn ts, ns ust:o.1 1 i n the 1L~1 tcJ>1t ?J1 J'iCS. -., -~a.die!i' Mn. ntles, Bn.squea nnd VVo. ter -proofs FIHS'l' PRIZES ii; both Rn s i n~ss and Or-ma.de or o nt in the lri.te.::L slyie. _ . j nnrncntal Pcnm.an~b1p rvere. a.~~fl.rued ,tn us nt n:T' S e\· l app"' tic es v· n·' d i n - _tli e lnti3 Prov1ncHd Ex!ub1lro11 1 'loronto.di t I ·~ era. Ivn ,t\ le l !UC· j TLis is th e S eventhYen r i n S t 1cces.sion that a e .J · ~fe ha ve o b ~r.inr.<l th·st pr'.z0s in P e tHll,unsl1ip. Dowmn.nv ille, Oct. 18, 1870. 15-12,ly. j Y o ung men s h ould benr i.1 min d thut til e " - -- - - l tw o Premium P en man of Cunadt\ nrc cilgag-~ ~rf.liiQ8 m:'·~R ~ tf'.rJ. r cj at th i:: in stit ution in tea cl1in g th o Hpe n~ Ta ii'El b!~ ~ S""\i i.=lil cel'inn System, ns l"Xb ibit!:.l at tb~ Provinciu1 Exh ih iti'o a, wbicil was the. arlm irntion of n11 A "" CRES: being lot lG, 5th Coa . of 1. I o<e 11 rs. 1Je1 \_ u1trli(1gton 1 within five minut es T HOHOLGII INSTRUCTI01'7S I N T E LEw a lk of tb0 vi llage of H1 im1Jton . },.bout 'i'O G RAP H Y. Life~ cho lR.J:ll: lp good i n forty ri.crcs olen.rcd, llnd thi; bft}::t uce cover ed "ith Colleg-es. F'Ot' term;. 1 r.dd re ss goo d hu rclwcod. On t he.. prem iSNI nre i\. new barn ::i.nd oth er ot1 tbuiic1ings, \Y ~ll frncc:d; ODELL & TROUT 1 Toront v, rt.- never_fa.iling st:-enm of wu.ter. Goorl you ng f _.4_m _ 7· _ ____ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ orcb o..r d: -:eomn·enciug to bellr. F or fnr the r QTT BINDI-...~G p1'rticulnrs, npply to II><> pr op1·iet or, on lhe . L"-- J.. ..L"'; · premises. ·- A. THO llPSO X . 1LJERS ONS HAYING BOOKS, M11gazincs 1 Oc t, l ~ Lb 1810. 12 -4 w. Jt Parnpblet;, , or· n n yt. hing ]n th e bock __ .___!._ -li nc, wlaich qrny wi. :'.11 to hu,·e bonn d, can Ca1ta clH;t:;,t Pali1rn. De§t2.~oyc1" lriJ,ve tbl· ~r orders filled i n t.be u(·:tteot. n.n d ' F ·r d" · ·t · ll most d urab le st\rle, nntl <..Hl tho shurles t . .aa r. um1 1y _ \ e ic,ne, l 1s we a nr1 t' c b · · ti t th S fa,· orablyknown, rehevmg1hou~t1 11d :oflompnu1 m th e ~o I C 1 Y .1c~vLng 1ema , e TATE SMAN . . · Offi ce ... Bnrig along .-our b inding. Side, Back and Head , Go1tgh ·, Colds , Sorc · W , R. OUlIIE . Throat Spra.ins 11rui.'ics, Cranivsi·a, Ilow m anv ille, Oct. l s t.i 1870. T-IAS r '8f' , TO THE PUBLitJ. ---:--N returning thanks In their numerous customers and pubHc generally, fo r pus~ favor>, would respeotfnlly invilo attention to th eir present stock of . . The nftlic tod, who cn.nttot obtain relief from other sourc~s, are p!\rticularly invited to call and see bun. !IT Office in Ncilson's Hu11, Belleville: ~O ffice l1ours, 11 a. m to 3 p. m. Y o urs most rsspectrully 1 H. JAMBS,!.!. I> r"> WALTER VVIGG & SON, -------·- ------------- - --- ---- - -- ·- --OR SA.LE,- A good and snhstuntial b--ick cott~gc , s ir:rnte u~on Ontfu io btre et j stn-b le RHd onc-qnarter ucrc of lan d, wi th fruit tre es. Terms li::icrnl , Or wo uld ,excbfl-nge for a Liousa on n ort h-cnst si de 1>f Bowmu.o\" iUe. A pp ly to Ji'. CUnITT. Dowman··illc, Alig. 9, 18 70. 1-tf. T ITE FOLLOWING F I loo r r v l,[i:' Fu-:&~ ITU" :R, E, &c., .f'1·:un cd to oi·der and in -W Il i\ R.R CII1\NGE.- liouse, Lot, nn<l OITi ce !o r . sJ.k, \1 i1h pla c tic: c (if dC's it t'ld) 01 ri ea : :y 20 s ea ra standi r1 g . On:; c t"tl~e !Je t:~ p1iYn.~e c.l.wcll ings in Bow manvlllc. S1 tu a1ed . on Oh urcl: Sl,..tc~. Olv:u p ror eash. .A 1-. p ly oa tbc pre:ni.5 e::: 1 or by lettet i tG B. PATTER- Having lately ndde1l condd erably thereto, thnt th ey may thereby bo enabled lo supply all parties who muy please to favor them with a coll, Great inducements held ou~ to ~ h ose purchas ing at th eir est ablishment. Pil)tu1·~s, L oo ki9,g·~! :u:;s e!ii, ever y style. WLicli tl1cy are Somplos of th e diJferent kinds of mouldings ··n be seen ol the ware- rC1oms. I BO --1 G SON, i\L D. N. B.-Tbe dwcli ing will bo 11oltl ui\h or witho ut th e officf\, as desired_ They would also beg tQ announce that having purchased a splendid k:J QlmYANT IVANTJ<:D. A SER VAN'l' capable of d oiug ge1 .cral hou ._: wPrk 1 < wanted immed iate ly. H 1 ~heat "tta. ,eo. 1m1d . A ppl y to ,,frs. \Vm. Porter. [ETERMINED TO SELL A'l They will be reuily al all t imes to attend to Funer~ls, on ·horl notice apd re as.inablo t~rm1. COFFINS KEPT. ON HAND AND MADE TO ORDER AT 1:1E~:f0V AL. The New Do1niirnion. Retail JFu1·niture l,Varieroollbn, . . the S tornacli, '( . )holerct llfotb~s, - - - - - - - - -- -----"-'-- n R. DAVIDSO N HAS RlimOFED HIS OSH W KING STREET EAST, .A.ngnst 24, 1870. Dysente~·y, Bou;el Cuniplainls,Burns, Scalds, Frost Bites, &c., TH.E CA NADIAN P AIN DESTROYER has no?; bee n before tlie pub llc for a leng th of time, and wherever U" cd is well liked never- f1 i.iling in "' si ngle ins tiJn ce to give pormnuent reli ef- when ti m1:ly L1 atd , an d we have neycr know n a. sin;rle Ctts e of di .ss a.ti .:i fn c lion, whe re tho dit:-cutions havtl been prop er ly follo wed 1 lJut on the. contro.ry all Rr8 deligh ted with HB o perations, r.ud s1)ca k fln8fa ll8Wlnlf :.laC fl!nfl b I l' 1 (\,~ 1 ) A JLY Offi ce P. nd Residence t o King S tre et) 1i:!.vrrenCV next doo t· to Mr . Buckler's jewt' lry s to re . lwd-tfw. 1 Bowmanvi lle, S ept.. 2tlth. Opposite l. W. Fowb'1 Siert. J l\I ARKE'r HUH.DINGS, Mac nine for Salel H ALTJS MAKE-·-B-HORSE P OWED. Apply to G.M. BICE, 10-Gw. Solinf}. Panic Pri 08s~ New D1·e;os Goods, .A.11-vrcel Sateens and SorgoS. .. ' ln the hi ghest terms of its viL' luea t~nd ruagic al effects. We ~penk from exper ~enCR i n th is n1atter havi ng tes tod it thcn·o,1g lil .Y l a nd tl:iercfor~ those w h o !l-r~ sufferrng from r.uy of t ho oompla,in:ts for Which it is n~comrbend~d t may dnpend upon i t being n Sovereign Ilem{l !ly . The n;gLonish ing efficacy of th e Oanadi11. n PAin D:ei! tr oy(Jr i n cndng tho d i ~cn s es for wh iclt iL is recom 1 nendefl 1 e.nd it'il wonde rf11l . effect ~ iu sub,:l niug the torturo us pains of - Rheu'raatiam : and in relieYiug N~rvot1B A tlGc. tions, entitle it to 11 high .rank i n tb~ H6t of WANTED! ANTED t o RENT, n good comfortnall flHn ily, table dwelling for a E r.o nt.r..ini ng about si x rocm !I , siLuntc nr. l1 0 ::ir the b 11sin l.:!BS part of the town ss pus ai hle . Appl y at th is ofiice. 2w . Bowrnr.ov ilb, Oct. 10, 1870. W New Black Lm1tl·e@. J'IJe w :mnack Glaca au.a Gro11 ~iH.:M, ilplo ·d id T·Iu. .. "' p > D ~ rm 25 ~ Aug;~~70.SALE I SHver §treOJt. NOTICE,-REMOVAL. R. RETD hns remoTed hts re aidenee to the house lately occupied by Dr. Vrowl e, on Wellington Stre~t. §urge.-y at his o~d iresldence, OfficA hours from 10 a. m. to a p. t:ll. f-lf. _ - ""dies . Order~ liore cominrt i n fr on1 ~rcdi0 ' " rs: ,. . ]l.....ru.... ~!l a II p:ir t G of tl1e C:.)untry 1 for ~.llilo Ve:i.ti'.., "'"I, n.nd ea.eh te:stify-ing a 3 to ~f'r~er . .Mu.pp!J.Z-. · "·~iiQu it gives.' th.e unh·e.r.£lil .Ba.t1Blb... "lf.'l.:ifroyer ll(j v c1· fn ils . ~'-he (;anal.hi.~ Palu .v-. ·1 M; dicine D~n.l f,-0 g!q~ t mm.edinte r. 11liee. .A.h , u se it· fl.n<l ~ rs t.~~ p it; ;P hy sk.inu~ order s.riu. . · c e' try~o , \fij,T AN TED I A'l' THJ<:HOW !! ANY ILL E l' ¥ · Futnilnra Faclory, n. few stron g yo1:ug me n , a ~ ap;J1 eutice1i to t ho Cn.n e- C hair und Cabinet ,bu~in e ss . A ppl y tc T2c..uAs JOHNSON, Manager. H f?"i 0 0 with quur~er ~ere of land o.tt&cbed, owned a nd la tel y occupied by. llr. W. L, , Bonnett. :n:xcellont fruit tr0es in tho garden · Apply t o . " MeCLUNG BROS· Bowmanville, Sept. 7th, 1870. .Jl rjflHE OO'M'AGE ON LIBERTYST!llilE'I', G ~ b .. fa,wil\)' wil\ !.>1ne;itb!>ut it 'Iii.er o:-.. Ue cl Tf ln n1~eis, 25c per y u.td : · J1'renel1 Me ri noes , 4.0c pcr-yn rU , 'Vi:in~~,Io , f1 om Sc to 3 5c pe r yrtr<l, O AND SEE the following 0 IT EA P GOODS ot MURDOC H . B !W!i'l· Ill' OWll li'Jo:l.fand~ , Ver-, l[n. TI. E. Rowi;:, Lyn, Mo;r !Ith, 1179. Ch··r· ~@i1rnID@~ S1n,'7"I have have Tiscd ·your u Euroka" for Sick Headncbe causCd by a disordert Ne~~- A,J.g:i:t. ' . j!',ruo, Or.1y'i'.w<U!ty-~«e C e l1k· p er11o!tle . Sc.ldi~.llovma.~viUe hy I .. U i~ginbothf1 S ' "' ..,.d D_. Sto.!>; ,an.<> all :':edi c'll<3_o.e·l ·ro:__ 1.'H.E (JREA.1' JIJNGLJ/ifli 8,ii;NBIJY > l Is·...,ll\flNGJ1 ~ , .. -. §ill J.&.RiE$4Jif~£ Rl&.E~§ · J.µs,t h eld i:.'t fO~OJ.:1~¢~ J)Ver t e IDlr ~ 1 fo11nntion of tbeir wlie n: :ibo uts will be rn i~ J? r·parcd from a. pre s.c.ript ion of Sir. J, .O J_ark e c d S · 'f I· · t'· ' d · -::.::.:.._ unong ' uu L1,... . ew1ng l.l n.c u o ~ s lR r~e. . W<H. 1r., r I ab ly r eward e d bf t·qrp1ying a t ' the STATESJd.. D., Physi~ ia_;:i ,Exti"aor<l)!la ~y to tl...u 4ue_?n wh i ch were the c e l e-b r ~ ~ d H.owe 1 \.Vhee 1!J. t: Office & Y r'j lson , &c. 'l' his l i; o.id;r a .Q: on)Jrmittion · HIS invaluab?e ·';:n edicio e c ia nnfoiiing in , of U1 c J7CidH; t previ? usl.r ,r e;1d,'3 r·ed by t ho ;DARLEY 'S tho ~ ure of aJ-l t hose painfnl a.nd dun- GREAT CANADIAN PUBLIC . a ::i d \;iro,..... ea geroua disoase1 to which the fe1 .µa le constitn- conclusively the 8U PE RI OIU~Y OF 'I H>B · tiou is auhje~t,, It moderates .i ll ea ce s~ ¥d ·· JLOC:Ii.2 U.t.!ll" :ovER M,r, oTr.:;j;i;,_ "moves ii.ll o b.11true tion.s 1 and a. speedy cu re CELEBRAT D FEM.A LE PILL ' f" l'lff 6 U !.!-'" q ui~ti!A~ , .. 'f.f)Oti'. .....'. :."' A~ . J.Jl'i!D ..,,HE FllRST lPRllZlE JI.ii CM"IW17 ! ?ifl ~-If Ii AI!-:-Vo.Q l 'fwee ds 1 35cp~r yard ' !\'c~'ii' D1·ab and .B1·own _ Willceys. F rench m.er i n·!Hi,· · ·1 New 'l'Wcetl!i. !Wew !Canadfalll [{niUed -~ I X SHF.EP, mark,;d n i'.h red paint on the ~ r ump, .s t1nyea 11om Bowrn:inv1Jle abou t t he - Q 0 ~ ,E Ls~~(~!! s~J!E~ 1J!s~. TE, ~TORONTO, ~ , T II.E Goods.I firs t S eJJlt'm bL·r. Any r "~':'ill <"' Iii g'l[<1 j r:.:.n:~·l.l! @ J'l I ~Uli~ I ffl~ . ~ h , ~ t renown - peni;on giving in - stomach, an d impe rfe ct digl"stion, with auocess, when othe.r remedies f£Liled to do .... nny good, Rnd I nm iiatlafied all tha\ is necessary to convince a11y person of it. merits would b_ c to give it o. trial and I cheerfully r·ccommen<l-it to all - wbos'e ,co.n- ONT·. dition demnnd ,a nythiug of !his nat.urft, EsTA BLrSHED I N 1868, , E . .COOK, Prioprietor of Lyn 1Voollen Factor1. ' For the pnrpose of quali fy i ng Opera.tors for tho ·' Lyn, Morch 1st, 1870, file!';'rapb ·anti Railroad Lines Mn. H. E. RowE, Di,:An SlR;-1 have used two bottles or Then and now so rn.pidly builtling in the Domioio:i and United Sta tea. It bas become your Medicine for disea.:ze of the Storoacb. nnd Liver, and fonnd the most benefit from one of the th~ ~s~ of it that .r ev~r received from ao1 Permanent_ Institutwns-of the Country, and has t u rn eJ out who now fill importa n t pGi!itions with T OVJEll P..00 ®PEU.A.'.l'OM §, ARA~~\AN A'l. l<*J J;V 1. Oil J.'fJ. . may b.e reli.a& 00. '1'0 !Ull.RIUED J, .u~rns · R. &l!Hl. O'U&RA, \Vhol esalc nnd Rct°:i: A gc 11.t11 . ' Also, ngentsfor Guelph s ·ewing J\f~ h i ne Co:, Gro'lter _ & ~aker , Singe r, Huw e and , VVillin m:!' !lachine::i. ~~e ha';" e R.l so on hn.,. "l tl a full stock of t he LIT'i'I~~~ ~V _M.:rtfZER Mac hines . :Personr! not satisfi ed with- ,one 1facbi ne ean ,.a~h :ln .gc .fo r a ny othrr inside of thirty d ayB. Renler:u.Q<Jr R. &; H. O'J-1nrfL'S is the Se1"i'1Btg Itlaclill..ftn~ DG:>!~Ot. it is peculiarly suite d. I,t will, in a sbort · .,;me! br!µg oµ t~~e n::. ,· on.tbl7 period with regutti.rtty. ' $~c h b~~tle , pripe O.ne Doll ar, hears the Gov~rnment Stan1p of Great Britain to pr,e· '1ent e.ouni.erfoi ts. ' CAUTfON .--'-TJ.iese Pill s shonl (]. r:ot be ~ken by fe 1urdes d u ring th e PIRST TIIRE E MONTHB of Pregnancy, as they a rc su re to ~iog on Misca.rriag.e, but o. t any othe r time \b ey ·re safe. Io a.H e a.sea: of Ner"ious ::i.n ll Spiun.l AH'o(;. tios s, Pi'.ins iu t ho Bl~ck a nd Lambs, Fatig nt on sli g ht 6Xel'li ou, Palpitation . of t lH· IIcnrt,. ilysterics an d \Vh 1te s 1 thet;o PU ls wi ll e.J 'ec t · c ure w hc!l all other 1u-er.ns haze fa i ~ea ; 81ci e. lth<llugh & powe rfu l remed1r 1 t1o not con · .1 t1tia irou, calomel , a ntim ony, or a nyt ll iu .. a1rt ful to Lhe cons titution . ' Full direction s in th e po.mphlct aro111Hl etielt ,...a.ekage, whic h gh ou ld b~ carcf_ 1 1ll y ]Jret' roii. HORSES~"&- CA'.l'TLE. " :!'~"RV.En FA_I~'-:;:_N~'"" .E""ED"' , "-1 ~ . J. ..!. ~OID ~!JL1AiBIESs LADIES AND CENTLE1 1JEN 1 T~ l-·alua.ulli }Ji'.epa;,.1.tic,n GOtnU:i::. cs -.- r.r.; g I ail A CHALLENGE: FOR aer v.cdJ. ". Cl l , ]l' ._,. 8 i.r ames nr {':' 5 em;1 1e 11 11 s. are ex itns~v c l y e0un terfe1 t9d 'Iha genuine lHlVC the nan1c of J OB MOSES on each pa ek ug c. A B otll t'l'3 lcs.::' . - ~ )aroJ wortli ... ' . . ' So1d~n Dov.·1wi<I V 1~1c uy< ·~· rI 1 g-,..; 1 11v o~ ;,,;. ru . }id D. otott, n:1J. ~E ~r:·11ca1 c- d:; ,de ra , I .. f1b c me dicinal .;vfrtue ,ut" th os\} itt· ticle s W.b ich long e~pcr.ien;eo pns .P.i:ovcd to pcsges:s th e n;i 0 ~it :::afe and t:ffic.i,.c nt prope r1 tie.s tor tbe 1 0ure of F l ~sli ~~ onr:..d.:i~ :Bpra,inr,, ' ~ r 1: i!:e~ 1 i)nJl s of n.ll pndtt, G,nte.ked HcelsJ H.i.P.-% ~op,e ' ~p nvi11, .Q u.qo1t i1, Fi stu Li, S W \'Qney, .i~~ter.nr\ Pois o n5~.scrn. t chcs or Grerrsc, Strnins 1 Lnm,p:.~ : MSS, ~fau ge, W.billows, Co rn s, Sau.d Cr~cks ' Foun a ereJ Fei:d, Ho rn ,D1stem pe1·, :)w~:l linP"s 1 - -· SA'MUE:J.J S :\:rAM of Eo w nui.nvil~e ;n [ n~d mnn·y 0 th.er di sease' s w!i ieli ho1·ses n~d I · I ~tt ttle t;ll"C 5Ub1ect t.o . ~ th o County of Dnrhttm, Prov11ic0 of . " .. t . · d b h SE WIN Th 1A cclr·lJrn.tcd L1n unent hus been use d I 1 0""n ~r_10J ~ 0 ie rc Y c alle~ge n.oy ~ ~ G. i:o~· rnnny ycnrs 1 r;.nd itS cu ru.tive pr o p.erf.ies ~.lA vlff'.\E of th~ srimc PL.CG, n ow mnr.uf.tc- :horo u 1rb1y tested n.nd it is concr:d efl to be tnreil anywhere HJ th<:! wcrld , to compete h"" ' · , a vs.inst tl'-e ,, r 0'1K\f AN l! .r:- 1 · $lOO ' n tbc c e1q11J ~t ~Ln d mo.st r ~lrn.b ie remed y ~or "" f ; k .... _ \..J · " t' 1 ? ~ ' tll <tll CXtL·rnal ccn1plrunts eYC l' ofToretl to th e ~i, ng: 0 '- t wor n{ 1' quni i 1 ~" 1 v_i z :..."';om 10 rlt; bl ic- i t n ercr fn.ils \Vbcn tim e ly used and mes co ~ on spo o , on ntu:: in~ , to l le vc i·y fai hfullr " Pr li ed coarsest LINEN tbr ~ s. d s, on fn1leU cloth.3. ' ~ ·~ > The .iosii1g pai·ty to g iv e J1is h unCrej do\lt1 r 13 To be had c~f l'll Dro;sgic:t : ~ an·~ Cou utrv to the poor of llc~· mn,n v ill e. Mcrcb an t s throu;J;h ou t the Dominio u . Pricve s s~ r \TT 25 e t.s pel' bo~ tle. Tru.Yel1i n 0' a~Qnt f" r Mc~sI~_._ ,I' n·~Erl H· 1lortlno_) & J,Jm ln , N'-~wcarHle Onltlrio ~ v · ~ . , :Uuw - r r on 1te .· '~ 0 1.'j f V I' c n..nD. J lL ' 0 rr. trn. ! Scw1~g:..!:idu ne .. .A z· eutJ i;n:tri villc , · 8 ol d h.y .f. I H G G I NL v ']' l f~\ ~ lJJl D . S~pti;;r~'o t : !3 ~1:!! lB '() ~ .S'!' U 'J"1' , .B ... W:.4 (;..- ·.r : ll "'i (J :i 1, ~·l' k a. 0 e+ Desirin g to lenrn t11is light nn d hon orable profes sion, should do so a t once. The nverage length of t1mo requ ired is ihre'l ruo11tlu1. L ttd· &\.s Jcr..rn more rapidly than Gen~l em en. Do th sexes adlmitted fron1 14 years of age and upwards. For full partic ulars 11nd t erm s a ddr.esr; THE LOCKMAN 'I'. 9- 3m . fill. c:nn:r nicaiLL, . T ORONTO, Oll'l', [ "'i t anoo 1 SEWING ~IACHINE IS NOW TUF: LEADING lVIAOHINE IN TITH f r~tra !.111 111-· !'A~~~ co~ I 1 ·"' '1' ~ ,,b" 'b of Lo') ?ny 1, ~ .. "' cr1 er O.u o " "' 1hun a t1ulr vtt lualile med1eme 'No. £ , 4th Coo. Dadtngto n, 3 mil e· i-L\NXAf! CREElli'. frOlli th e To wn of Bowmanvil le ; fiO acres n il I h.:"" 11~f'1I 1l1e "Eu reka 11 for Dy11peJ>6ia a.ml T his prond position it ha.s a ttained thro ugh chm.red go od ba.rn, good young bearing 01- Ge11c111l liel.11ii1y fi)r myl'rlf, 1111d rlau ghter! as well , d i J , ·11 . d Al 100 ,. w11h the mn,,t hnprY re>< ull ·, ruv l l can say to :di i t g 1uher en1. good q_ua lit ies . 'l'heac qurilities c 1 1 ~r ,an ' \e w ate r~· so, av~cs , trnuhledwi1hc .thcr1hatrn1h"' ' ·Eureka " 1heyw1l l ar e sin1pli ci l y~ dlu abi lity 1 e ~ cg~ t nce i ad:ip tn~ bc11J g Lot No. 8 1 3rd Uon _ n.bove towns h1p ; find H re r la111 cmc. J hul'c recol nmendcd 1t lo a nmn~ b ili ty, besides u score more of l'q1rn.i _i m1~nl"- about 75 acres cl e B,t't'd , the balan ce W?ll 11er ) and ll g ii·e;; r,:::it 1sfuctio11 111 C\'e1y cnse . J\ I R !. ~. tHflPMAN. - ~ t ance. lfo r full pn.r ti cu lars address to the wooded. A g ood stono d wellinglhousc O'COd o·nn aud stab le, a fi ne yo1rng 'bcali~g or- PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE · .)Ittnuf1t ctu rcrsi chrlrd , an.d 1vell-w a torr:d. F ur pa rtlcn la rs1 P:i:~ e1l a 1~ cd by H .. E .. Ro-vve ... WILSON, B OWMAN & 0,0., r apply to FOR SALE BY ALL IJRUGGIST!l. Hri m ilt 1 i .t RICHARD SK!i"INER, Who b e.le i y NORTl!ROP & "l YJf-~N, UO th<:! { l' :2-i1 i i5.':S . .. R. & I I, O'JillUtA, _,,\Tc ircaEtlc. 3 ~" s~.:. -:: tle 1 S,~ rt , Z'i' , l 3'l 0. 9 ~ti. D 0 M IN ION OF CA :r.;r AD A. TH __ ~er E:. f r "n.1e pa.rt ~£LC -i;JA . . . !ndige~11n11, "!It! med1clne taken tor t ho above diseaso. I can confiden tly recommend your" Enrekn. " for Dyspepsia a.nll InJigestion , Your truly, G. L. LITTLETON. 'l'his is to 'f;ertify th_ nt { h aTe used th.· Ohin~ s e Blood end Liver Syrup,- prepared. by H. E. RowE, nnd cnn recommend it 1:0 be a very l alunble Med icine for constipatien inc.l.igo!tion and general debil i t..r. ' HIRAM BOOTH. I have u sed the 11 E u reka." and 1een h. us ed by different partie.11 with the JllG!t satisfactory r e sults, and I thcrefoi-e con&eien· t iously recommend it to tbe public as a. Blood Purifier and Liver !nl';gorator. N. BAXTER. I hn.ve uiled the 11 Eureka." far Dyspep~j,., or fndiges tion with per fect suceese, and I cheerfully ,recommend it to all sutferinglikewise. GEO. P. :l!cNISH. I have l>een m~i ng tho 1·E urek8.,, fol' Dr11pep!1ia or '\VOtl!<I say 'f: O arr dyspeplle.15 that I toum? 11 to rd1M·e me wheu nil o.ther medicines fa ilecl m llomg me good. nu d <'~nno t regard it othetwi&e v