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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jan 1871, p. 1

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____, 1s pna ed ~nd pUbhehed E1 EllV Tin llliDA.V JllORNIJ.'IJG. b.r Ll e Prop 111 e or 1 '\-VM. R. 81,IMIE, .it ,,;he O ..'FJCh·--.Nhl Olljr Dlocl< THURSDAY ~roltt~~. .,..T···H"··E ······R···In.Elt.LESS STE.EDS Price. Rowma.n~hle: ~£!!".'. !rl'pte111ber 20 1 tB10 ~ R ' UI I ESl'F en 'rIIO~lAS STOlT, SENR., BU S 1 I\l ~SS! I took the maw rood and ron on through the storm, ns if pursued by a thou·and fiends, as I sometimes fancied I WM I r in thu s till davhght, when I wet a al;><~e coach full of passenger~, hai l ~d the d1 1ver, and to d b rn1 my "onderful ·tory He thoug ht mo mad but per<uad,d me to mount lrn box anLl !!" b·ck wltp him On nrrin"g at the mn 1 be found a cun fi1m at10n o' my fen,ful tale, The hou·o h 1d not 6nly been struck but, stiauge lo roli1e , botb. the lnndlorrl aod hts wue hid b~eo killed by the b ilt of heaven ~nd were found dead amon!( tnJ 1ry o· (! ran for my hfe. y ANNOUl\OES TO HIS OLD I Rll!~DS .AND 01 ·~AIJERB '\ND the Public f(!r.e1allT that bt has ·1a1n 11Fumed \he the ra111R I I subsequently bnd to appe ir b"fure a rb 1,ztstrate actlog nli CrJronl!r, nnd depOSito the t._at!, .nd the Jury retarned a ver- dict m accord "'ec therewtth I got aw ·Y fr m th ·t fo 1 ful rez10n as anon us I o iuld, hut to tlus day I ha;e never full; rncove rod from the el!'.ets of th.I n1~ht of horrir at the tan I Morn1ng dn wns o 1 the b11.ttle fieldJ And un I er the ca.I m blue s1.y S eep ng the st 11 c 1 i F:lecp of deai11, Six hund1ed horae nan l1c KILLED DY HIS WIFE THE Rub<cnber }Ms 1ow received the whole of his SPRING IMPO.r,T.A 1 lUJ\!" "h1ch wi.l le found of the Ne\\ est Rty'es best q11alit1e and at the lowest pricefl. r e rnv1t1s the especial attent10n of purd1 isers to his asso· tment of 0 l?.JE t7'UC ~STLbU ~ Offi <- aripo,lle Messr· Norri rop & Lymua 9 61n Bricks A ]a1ge a .. sor t ll1(!lllt o f S ma l l ttV<1res · ,\nd Tr1111ml!lgs sale at d 1etatl at~ h o ]P- pon S11.le M Jcb Cl e MRde Preised Wl 1te Pnek·,attL· Oah»rnTlo"l'.orkP JOHN WILSON P A'I' f. BS ON, NEWS! -o--~ 1\tY E.:; :.N" T nl NNIN(} HHllI .AT T'lE BOWMA~VIT O"ll:S 1N PARLOR BOX AND C00K l E e1tlle Ooa.1 Gr CAP and FUR STORE A eho1ct !eleet1on of T !!ll:SIDKNOE, ;:rOrdertt puue tt s_JJ,r ti.tll'.'n detl to gt-· Moderate coons ! T. J. JONES, L . D. s., SURGEON DEN1'IS1'. JU St opt nll ll out "htuh Wl l ho " d P11ce ?>I.kc"' eorv cull and found JU"t wh 1t B wonted, b tl1 for Qu ihty JOU ar e SUR~. to be SUITED OveI F. F. McARTRUR'S Store, Yes·erd·y at noon ' t1'ged7 was en acted at 62 Warren Street, Jer.oy C1tv, 1 u which J ohu Moran "n1 totally stab bed by h1" wife Ann iUorun """ ew pbyed m the "!eel wAirk., 1rnd ·tnce h·d mdul,>.ed to exce.s m liquor His epree culnunot d on luo r·lttrn to I is home yes·erd y when he begun an <tlack up on the crockery and glaesw~re Thts m1sbehav10r excited lhe md1gnat1on with 11« Moian, and she clf,postulateJ with her <ltunken l usonnd 1 .whereupoo he at L clied 11·1 savagely aad "1th a stunnlnl( blow blackca her right eye and kooc\<·d her to the lloor As soon as she recovered from tloe blow sho rose and began peuhng putatoe· with a lir~e car vu g kutfe Moran again attacked her w1 h rcoewed fury, and beat and kicked her In & fit of rage, unoolc lovger lo wllh·t·nd his att ·.:ks Mrs lforan dropped the potates, and cut hc1 hu·bnnd acres< the abdom<n oponmg · ghastly WOUTJd Lrough winch the 10tcs tmcs protruded, and will prove fatal t\.~ soon ns Mrs Mor·n realised the cxtc·t of her husbands lDJUr11a, she leaped out of a soc nd story wtodow and falhng without lnJury, ente1ed another home, followed by Capt Jourdan Ruel> iag to tba roof, ·he passed from o~e bouae to another, ur;ttl find10g au opoo &cuttle 1·0 dOl!CG!ld.rl and was found by an officer seor·ted u1 der a bed The dying l!lan requcet~d th·I his Wlfa might not be arro·ted, and asked ·' o' obc might baa loweJ to sit by his bcdsdo >ntil he bad drawn h1· last breath IIe rclu.11cd to make an a11te-mortu11' depo'1t10n, ""f rng t'id he was as muoh to bhmt aa bis mfo !or tobaoeo oh· 11' eri. --R·v xxu 11, second ol rn·e THE cold Jn the South killed thousands of orange trees Florida· an<l Geor"t· 0 liu id OoLD nights h·ve pnt a atop tc. ga~ ·parktng If 1he dou t a1k you to ooma rn now, you bad betlr.r quit. ·aten ·o rn~ny saus ~·· in ht! day that he 11 afraul 10 look a dog in the face PERKINS ' ··r· he ha· SPEA!t!NG of the thentte of war, tbal wuat be tbe only theatre where baok seat1 are d·8trablo "BUT why, Pat, did you enhot in the 34th Regunent?' "Och sure to be near my brother, who'· 10 the 23rd' "Yon havo broken your pr omise," aa1i " N o~er you mind I [ 0111 make anotber JU·' as good " one lo another ~.F:.. CI.a L D.l.I:XE, HUH: 8R OF B 1thcr 10 8 1 mm "' r or Wlo +er 8ce ne r.r g a1 e P~lD Bowrnnnv1ll" Sept 2:J 1870 FOB& E:i'AU l'li:An.n:us :l'IJ.A v n, !Gv n8 lf Ki ng Street East, Bowmanv1lle l(l"'O THE PUBLIC WAL1:_ER WIGG & SON, Febrna.ry 9 1870 9Tlll §OllllEE~. ONE doy laat week three eusptcrnns men , ntered the ·tore of r !11urph), wlio ·uspecte l ·omethrng wrong, got Clnel Con<t"plo Trnkµs to come t<> his store and nwult further developemcnts The men brnu0 ht m 1be boots and looking at them Mr Murphy became e nv need \liat they had been 'loleu and gave tlie While berng con men in t o custody ;eyed to the loek up they oil br 0l.e nwav from the constable and two of tl em 0 1" ' Como,' snid a snob to a meobma1c, let us meet on n level ' - " IJ.,-e to vlow my biama out to> do th·t, wu tlie reply 'TAUNSN, ls in rncnshuu d boy don JOU ar a eule1 'd pff~sl1n Scriplcr? -"Go tuy ' member de mggn Dem'. U·? ' whut on hearing th e rem·rk that earth went to the moon, <sscrlcd that ther._o must be a den[ ofa<l.FR A NKL !< ""'I ist on -, l I N retui n1og thanks to th ctr nu nerous cugtome1s and pub he 'i'EA. PAR1'1E~, ,;e ne1a l!J, fo· pai t fav or·, woul<I r spcctfully 1nvHe uit-nt1on to B!l.Lf, l"iUPPER<i, PU!iU,Jf; DINil'ERS, WEDIHJl(. C&h.ES !o.v.v· ..,.., ~ --~- ?t·reh -----~~ -- - 15 34·1.} They h·ve fined · Gorma B llen mCh1call'OJU·t forsteilrng a tl1e b·by wa· nt two we«ks I Ills ts a w"y they hive of style A DRUNKEN m~n op ~round m P .tcrson tho o h n s to nltur <1 If Funcr ~ ls re 1!i 1 nble term"' TEMPER\NOE Ht l'~L on Rhorl not ce 111d J "1th Tt.otl '\'.\ t tl out T~etl1 COFFll\S KEP1 ON HAND ~ND li1AD1 ~ 10 ORDLR AI 10usly w mteol to know body else had been struc quake ' 1'0. A 109 f('W BA l 1 1 doors Nor otK1ng S lrf!et 1 ~JA l\en D«Jlll ut,ion i" u ra i tu re \\ are1·oom11, SURGEON DENTIST ! Sm!E pcnple will ker TORONTO OH 1:-I AvVA 1 llrV. S A i' , i H 1879 ·t J UIFS PER DA'I'. Opr oBJfe J W Fowkc s Store R. H. TU .i.lNER, ,,,,.....,.......__ I I 4 S J. M. BRIMACOMBE, L. D.S. UPE fl JO R GOLD FILL I NGS IN~ ER 1ED aud nn e!~ Cell1t t to 111 Io vdei fo r salt! OFFIC:r IN M'C:L U lllC s B· OCI{ THE LOC'KMAN' SE\VI:NG MACHIME LE\DING fiowmn.nville tft l agent bv 11 e Bo\\ffiftt v Ile l 11 nf We beg lea.vlt to inform th e pubhe fitted up tic p cm1 :i es th rel l apr oin te d doer enst o f t he Post O fti r. t- 01 1 1e tu r e 1lifa.nuf1.ctu 11n g Co 13 row in ' p it t 11 / to fi 1 a ll r ders nt as lo w a tatc ns any d e-al P.,·red to &tlt. .... d to tlie \\nut s of tie l l I c u h1i h :i.e a rn,nuer un su ri a.sse d UJ anv er ID the Co<rn y ]Ir · ROB'l' !UA!\'1"1 "\ G tl .. J) a t;h('! Proirtnce W. H. EDWOODS, Barber and ,., air·dresser, f I A. VI~ G T HE subscn ber hrn 11g hee n appo1nt('Cl 1c CARD. s I ARON nu Kr.ER ' to s 1per~ecle our 1r Bowmau v 1lle Oct 20 1870 12 t f th~ well I nown Jr,weller forn et A g et t he1 e for the su l <' of o MONEY TO LENJJ ! i l'> 8 l'. M 8 OF esoo ANJ:> UP,VARD.,;, F ARlll'\ Ell ""cCEE at a low rn te of inte rest n"Office,-OJ>!'OS·teentl ance lo Town 11u11, llo"'h 1 3nl tlle Bo\vma "'Ille,} ug 20 1H68 3 Bo wmanv1\le Oct 18 1870 Gentlemen's & Boy's Garments Jd'AD'Fl [ N TRPJ Bowman \ 11le March 2 1A70 Tl) T .. ET NEVVEST STYLES. Bwmftnv1ll<.>, Feb 19 1A6 8 30 tf PAINTS! V nr!'.nshes cheap at and Brusbe ~ OANS FOR FROM I TO 20 YEAR::! to be repaid in instalments to sun. borrowers who are a.Bowed to make such pay ment!l in add1t1on to 1nstalm~ntS1 as they may find eonven1ent mav be obtah1t.d from the c . . nA.dB P ermanent Bu1ld1ng and 811.v of all des c 1p tion i: 1nge: Soe1~ty bJ applying to F AREW< l I MeG E ll & RU'l'LEDGE Sul1c1tora B ~SSE1 r S 31 L A WOMAN nt Diyton, Ohio, wh<> ead ?o one ooulJ teach I er At1)th1n.r a bouo he comb11s1tble n·tme of ke1osene tn·llll'·ted her lire to renewe~ ex·rtrnn· with a ptat of ~u"b a lll"lt er of the. non Her husb· n J oomplarn· cxolos1ve k;nd oouwleiable at the exhorbitnnt char ·· of uadortaktrs, who se<m to h iv· put ,. con- fiot10ua va],.e on overythmg amea tbll war. tho Glyoertae and htharge m1xod rnto" pa&!·~ furni·b an oxtiemely firm eeraent for 1ro" and stone, ·s well os f,..t<lntn~ iro n t<> iron and 1t I! snJ to be partier1latlv ><l apled to fixrng iron ln ·n ·tone as ror ratl'!f·ys, etc Tue materrnl h ord;r,· ve"y qu.o~ly, anJ must th <rofo ie be used -.t cnoe It IS 10soh1ble in wa ter alt: otd 1>'1 concentrated aCJd· Arh ol· s JOin·d wll h it rum be used · very fe" hours oflHW'afd~ CEMENT FOR JaoN \ND OTI_.. S STON!l - ~ Pr t"::i.t~ finds to oan Bon"l'.lanTillc 11 i lForD.a:irgains .n Ha1·1.hvare ten"' D \le ~ and Ru:;sel makers GO TO BASSETT'S, IGN OF THE GOLDaN ANVIL · ! l

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