Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jan 1871, p. 4

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-~- ,we: PROSk"ECJ'.B:_!!!_ FOR J S7l. ITHE LADY'8 FRIEND. ha· now on hand an mnueu~e stock of Ladies', Gentlemen's FIRST PRIZE and Children's PRUNELLA AND CANVAS two·herse Iron Cult1v.ators mau ufaetu ell by b1m, and wb1cb have for six ) ears obuune-d first prizes at P rov1ac1af and Local F1urs 71 bey ere undo .... btedly the best 1m f> le,ment af CUL11 IVATOit~ 'I & BOOTS .A.N'D SJB:OES, all Of winch he is selling at a great reduction from his usual luw prrne· Call and see them, and get barg.rn·, at the 'IBE SUBSCRIBER would direct tho at tent1on of fa1ruers to 1he one berse ane .:iigu of the llig .Beot vrawn by f wo Horses, Krng.~t., Bo ,v mau v1llc. the kind IIi use, nnd will 1u very short ttme more than repay th en cost 1n the (iffic1 ency and excellence ot their work Itupec ton in v ted A sui ply of O llt1\"1ttors now on hand for tne ~pnn~ worki nnd :will bo eald a~ lowest rates I I 1 BUGGIES A l'U) WAGO;,i§ 1 constantly on haad fo1 salt D:l"' ~II kinds of Black"m1th "o rk done en 1 ~?.~·nor~d~1~!::~~s A ea.II sol1c1ted I WESTCOTT 34-1( DRUGS ommCALS, PATEN1 MEDICrnE~ BRUSHES ( OMn~ SHOUI DER BRACES SUPPORTERS &c PAINT ~, COLORS the shortest noti ce I "est p1 cea 'A fl NISIIE S, WBl1El E ·· <l ~D nowmanv11le, Marcli 22, 1870 Horse & Cnttle Medici ~ e"' The S T-OTT. All~ DEALB:RJN w. Vocal & Instrumental MUS IO, embrac i ng t horough B~ss and J· l arw ony 1 the elements of compoe1t1on Ht 18 it.lso pre1 ared t o tune and repa 11 P111.aos Res1denc~-Oh nch St1cct 1 E BowmanT1lk 1 June 3 1 1868 4:5 tf N B - f:o:.intr y 8to1el cepers a 1p lie 1 OJJ ad\ an tageo is te ms ~BJW(®@~~~ CHEMICAL, TOWN r:IALL BUILDINGS, BOWMAN-VILLE. MEDICINES, AND DyP- StuffQ, Pa1entl\Iedicmes, n ... ery, Brushes, Combs, Soap:s, Pam ts ai,d Oils, P.unt Brushes, Coal Oil, and Cc:.] Oil Lamps, ttc , &c P.hysicians' prescriptions carefully Compounded; ~"" and all orders correctly answered. ~,,untry wil fintl _.. l!".."1·11ie1·s and Physi<rlans Jro-m th oiir s oclc ':·f" 11iedicines 001wplee wttd t' ., lffl "sy qitati lteP ----.---- -------~·------L \ T Ls :c MRS. J, C. POLLA B D GOODS, H AS REt;EIVEO A FIJLL ASS-ORT mentor ll.a:ILLINERY Cnrtw1 ght 18 3w· Mn ch me sew ng don e- to ordo1 Stamp11 g f >r Brw.1d \Vork All prom p Uy filloU Store one do o r ee:st or He11 dt!-r3 11n s .Bowm 1.n"V1lle Se1 t !ith, 187;J Sa1~saparilla1 ...:.~ YE.L~'S ----- ENLARGEMENT OF ~AP!TA UY ~UBSr f IB~D. £2t100 ODO BO HIS FIR8T-CLASf-> nnITISH COl\IPANY OFFERS superior advantages to Policy holders, 111 both :the Life and Fire department. Hates low and tenns l[beral. 'WA SON & C~ T UN SAL 1fil l\lfARBJ,E ORKS 1':lo»h·cnl IlO'WJUANVILLE. Genera. I .:A.gents for A NY PERON" intond ng to 'ree l e tlier L~ 11Ionurhent o r G1av-eStone toth<J memorr fde p a r tedfr1~nds mllfin~ 1tgte 1th-to ti 11 f1.dvfl1 tfli,:e to cnH a n l dotnpa1e Pa:unts a,n,-1 Oils rr lll "'v are. A FIC TORIA.r~ P . 1EENOJC G!CAD Jl UBNAL 1 J, n A ~'HU'i 4.'IL o\SS ENOHl\fOUS MAN and his Im I ro\ '11'er t by all tl e rncans 1nd1ca Led bJ Sc ence 1 18 ti.toe obJe ct T'[f'HE 'SC .ENCE OF I AND TC> SHOP U~ING MACKINE. 'bt lts vwndort!Ol Ing I'-on1lla<it1 . . . . . :lndnttmmta ?lcld out by n.o other Nc:tUnm e' lici.l.telUa:ence. J.'r$ BtTOOESfl IS '"'- UNPREOEDENTED 1 IT IS 'i'liE DE<i/ SEST iubnshed vVEEKLY in Canada. Great l«1rgams \\Ill be g1_v e n ct· ' CHEAP G B STOCK, Sole agent for th· J)o.u11n1on, .Brougham Ont -.~ro MlLEL 'TIOY 6" · COR ER STORE! ..:nmn sooiw:urnlEI<S 1 noens S B BR.ADSIIAW * l'ml Agent for Bo wma nT 1 ll e TE!'ITDJDONJA I,~ . JOSEPH H?!LL Maclm1e Worl" } O·hawa, Ont, April 4, 1870 j $25 Celebrated Lockman Fmt fc GEO B STOCK, Esq, Brougham Di:AR 81R-"\\ e have been usrng your $32 LOCKMAN SEWING MACHINE lubn cnting 0 11 for the plilst f ur months 1.nd For 00 Subscribers C9.U say 'i\ 1tno u . . hes1ta r tl at it 1s the be s t It lS RlBo ch eap nt d \lhtse Sewing :M:.chillea wer& awal"ded !st fr1Ztj o I '1'e hHve ever used ifv all o\hera at Provino1a.l ;EXll.1b1t1oli. ~ 'loro~t.9 la iS te longero thf\.n ttt y ot he r 011 W e h a ve QQWber ~th JB"O n our ln.rg<" 14 f1ot iron Pla nf':r 1;1evel\r'; Form your ()lubs for 1!§71. with one 01 1ng It keepa: the tool! cle an llqle ~DPJ' for one y~nr, t.o o ny l .?t 00 a nd bright and we do not want AnytLHng a4dre88 I be tel 3s a. lub ica.lor Youl's TeJ-'pec tfully , F W GLEN P resoden · Sabseriptlons sent t n now coa?;.t t:lll ~nd Pnze Sewing l\faolrine, dring the re1nainder of th.~ winter season! }10E 45 SUBSORIBEES!. PUBLIC has fully JUSttiied the or1grnal ulea, that at the " Corner Store " you could get ~ ~~ .,. JSlfl FOllU.TEE~ fil() ,Tii~ ' BllSSCP.:ll · hON I OR ONE D0?,1,iAR' Sei!il fa tfpeeimen ~opies AG s.:.;N rs, J!catl o l P~Z SllTH UST, in t h e J:~Mi.ll f.rad ·i;:vr:r.~r.'f ,,._liEGJLWll A Ubei"al casll ec:ro.mi"',..! o.Q io C3au.VaAiCB 'fHE DAIL'f TC:l.EORAl'H l!.'!5 PE:"! v=AI!, "'4Jlrel8 all LeUoro poskpald Copy of .p tc.timom( l of the ]Joizman v1lle Furmture Cornpat1y GEO B $TO Cl\ Esq 1 Brougham pri:,A.11. SJ:t ,,,_v,: e ballr: been ns st your E ~ tre. .Mu ch ne 01l 1or the pas t fiY· mcinths:, FI'l.'TED AND "\VELL Rbertson &Cook, .fro!!rletort Pub~n "-nd cRn !:'UJ' with safety tll.ft.t 1t is the best o1 l '\\ e ht.1r.e el' er used :ind it ~1ve1 Ull aii ""4 J. ao§9 llOBE'r.Dt!Jf· ,,._..11-wo~ 'fYr.ON'l'O god 1at1Sfrttl 1 RI>\ 'OU gnBrji,n ltf'.d It t.o g « THOS JOHNSTON, )f \11 1ger liuwa:u;;v U· F·r1uturt Ce IIIG GIN 30TI A ~! cln and n dra ,e re ----~ j Ro ' 1R(;.l 'J'nl cJ Jl 1 .., IS Q O:l 6 ~~

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