RELEVEN ' e- stock of h2· no\'\ on hand an 1mmen:s PROSVEC'!'l!JS T.hE 1£iif!'~ Ladies', Gentlemen's and CHEMIST and DRUGGIST, PRUNELLA AND CANVAS B,OOTS .A.~D SJBLOES, all of wlnch he ls selhng at a great reduction frnm his usual low prices Call and see them, a11d get ba1g rns, at the STOP AND SEE of the Big Boot D rawn by r;vo Horses,, Ilowmauv1lle. f EGS respectfully to anr ounce tnat ne rf!E l OLLOWING REMARKS 01' ha.s recc1vrd a w ell a;.isorted stock of 'Iest1mon1ab ot most wonGerful and tX.. Ge nuine Drugs a n d p re F.nghsh Ch etnicals tiaord111ary cures 1n Gannda h"I the GREAT Also a splendi d stock of the most co.iefull IINDI~N REMEDY Thev n 1 ... a t ern, \ln4e selected Y n1fl,ble .and incontesTable fnct", suffi~1ent to coa\ 1ncc the most skeptical that the Gr~· B DY E STU FF S whrch canno t Iqn ah1J An · f 1 Med1cn al Compound yen i ned ::i after for age I now accessible in the Great of L ti I e11 or u l1 also 01 hti.nd ~UJGG!i!E§ A WAGON§ constA.ntly on hand for ::;tde lG"" All kinds of Blacksmith 'vork done on tic >ilio1 le::;t notice \ c 11 so11c ted I II ES l COTT 34 tf F'o 1 t11-f11·st 1 Yem·. GOD i 3 IJADY'S BOOK .!C<Ua' 11§71. be snrp"sscd for excellency of §IDJ.O§H@NEI\S REI\'ll.EDY assortment of An1hne Dves kept constantl.} on hand 1 together with a For D1sea<leS of the Throat, Lungs, Liver choice selection of 01ges t1ve Orga1 s, Kidneys, &c , as well a .")Ctofu l a the \auo i;; Skin D ::.eases Humor· DRUGS, and alld1s~a:sts.a11.;i ng f101n Impuntl~5 a 0 RE \llCALS, the Blood, we bold ly sta te thn.t tL1a gren PATENT MEDIC IN ES, rcmea, has NEYER BEEN E-1:;\UA LLED~ BRUS RES C U~lRS Where was tbe1 e ever st ch a cu1 e ae tb&t ta SlfOULDll R BRACES the person of WJLSON SroR11:s o f Br1gbt~ SUPPIJRTERS, &c OntErio of ConsumpL on or that of PzT·.a.--OILS, 0 \ f).11LL liH 1 01 Ernestown, Ontar10, o ..... PAI!'iTS, 00 nsum pL1o n or that of AMBHO~E WooD, o CO! ORS Consecun Onta110 ofDyspeps1a and LJter ·AR:; rs rrns Cu1npln1uti or that ef JoH::-. HosEY1 of Ne.u .. anrt WRITE! EA D a.nee Ontario, of Rbenmat1sm , who .aaa. west pneca ac ualh l een on er itches fo .. year~, in IJ 1te IIor·se ...~ OattleMedici].'l.e.:.. of all he1L1uent he1etufo1e and 1a now well. ~ S1.;01es ofsnc11 cases n11ght be menttoBtdha4 N 13 -Co;intry Sto1ekeepers surphea on we spQ,ce a hautagcoas te . ..ins !I:]= Call at th" Drug Store nnd ge~ & Cir· cn hu of unques t1cnoblc certificatei on th· GUE H SHOSRO~ EES I.EM EDY ad sat1sfv.} ourse l vcs &c: DEALEUIN Voc?J & Instru1:nental CHEMICAL, JY_[ US IC, e mb tn cH.JgU o ough B ss anlHarmony, tJ e elements of co mpos1tl on Ile rn alao prepa1ed to tu n e and repair PL...110!:! I es1de.ccc-Chn1cb S treet East no1 mn.11\'11lcl Jun e 31 18 6$ 1;} tf 'l'RE~ UNDEUS!C.,NED -I ic.- Fot Sn le by all ll1ugg1ots a nd Deal··· RESPECTFUf I Y rn !Ied1c ne ,\gen ls for BowmanYJl!e II Uie e1 tSre stoek u1 t d e oftlIe 1a. t e 1l 1c l1a1d cc enr and 'Will continue ~o carry oo tho HJ TO THE PUB LJC I P;ice of Reniedqin large pints Sl oims the p t bl1c that be li:'ts purchased :Me sr-i J 11tgg-1nbo t harr "" Stott Wbolea~j'; \.geJJto:1 -Nortb1op & Lyman Ne wcop1e1 ), l\ifEDICINES, AND Dy" Stuff~ , Pa tent Medicines, D COTTAGE TOL T. .,ery, Brnshes, Co,11bs 1 So<1ps, l'arnts at tl Oils, Parnt Brushes, Coal Oil, and Co"l OAI Lamps, ,,.,c , &c Physicians' prescrrptions carefully Compounded, and all 01dern conectly answered. n@"' LA.TES L' FAE'H:IONS Con ta n g s1x: ro oms gnrden and ste.bhnir hard and soft 'vater situated on Queen Stree t H.ent $ 6 per 111onth Apply to Air Thoe Bowden or to St J II Ilutcheson 1 Barrister llowmauv11l~ 3\v 1\/i:RS. J.C. POLLABD ,\. FfJLL A~SORT uiir~u< Fct1·merfl anrl Physicians r01n th -'~unti'y wil finll k uj 1nedinnes comvlee m ·cl <' 1", Ii. sv qiiall Jan 1SG9 Ti 1,S REClllVED E 1 nen t of FOR SALE! o~manv11Jc J;.<l:ILLI NER y T H lrn OOT1ACrE ON LlBEPT! STREE'l', w ith q nn rter a"re o f lnn d attached, SURE YO AND YOUR IN ne 1 ar cl l:tli:'ly occ pa~d hy 11r \V L .. Bennet! Rxt!~lknt ft 1 L tr Pe 111 the garden. Apply lo ~'cCLl NG BROS. Bo,Amau~ Jle Sept 711 1870 P!tO PER TY, '.r II E ISarsapa1 illa 11 . · _AYEE'S . OF I I L A GODE!, I h1lo.delphm. Cor 1er S x tl und Cb est rnt St CAPITAL FULLY SUBSC R !B~ D, £2 oOO 000 S1~RLING peno r ad\ ,mtai:!;eS to Policy holder·, rn both the Life and F11e department. Hates low and terms hbe1al :JU: RLA,...-D, "\V,<\.. G r"i_ZET"I' E. L L'S 'Fl' .!Hi. lE NI ® IDl IE J, Parlor Th1ag azine T HIS FIRST-CLASS BRIT ISH COMPANY OFFERS SU- \\T() _Bl(R f l O'\Y ~~'.! 4-NVILLE. §OI"! & CO. :i"Iont~·enl Gen e ral Age n t:; fo1 \V TI CLIMIE .Agent at BO\\manv1lle A. NY PERON 1nten d1ng t o r ecte1the:r J-\ Mon mentor G-rnveStonc to tl "'merr..or~ 3 oftl epll.rtedf11ends"\'i1llfi1Ht1tg1cttl.} to th 11 n.dvnnt.ngeto call an d compa1e "\Vork, P1ic0 & Qua1ityor:ill!a1bl" "'RRU CHlNESE & J:no wit b o.ny offe1 °d 111 C~nada \<\ es t V\"e s pea k pos1t1velJ in u.tli1n11 g a saving of ntleae i\' EN rY !'En CENT £0[JNSA LL & SON, P1opueto1s cLeod~ MRS. C BOUl\lSLAL -- Is ptcpc-:reO to atten :1t o 1\f 1 en fLUd .:::; trn" Is sti 11 at the old stand, with a prodig10us stock of AND PLJ\_TED vVAR1£, I-'Iardw-are , Cutlery Pcnnts and OiJ:s Stover,, and '1.'1n-vvare. A ;-,,) ®Ji \Vo1k as usual Lad1 es Felt Ha t ;:; clea n ecJ tnd a l te1e<l to the ~ewestStyies lr::T Two Apprentices wo.r.:ted nnmed1ately Dow ma n \ illc, :!\Iar"h 24U l ~G3 TI--3:'.E PICTORIAT.i St·ientlid JE D.,('.t!'o-ll"Ja~ e ·~·ea §eh. A i'HHi1i°Cf ASS FAMILY MA GAZINE !!AN and h rs Jm -O EN .ci H ... \ L ~ JffO\lment b~ rd! tl e m~an::; in dicated bJ Sc nee 1s the obJect 'ir'HE SCIENCE OJ<' ) STOVE F D Ai~D Tifi SHOP! A lHN E TRhhA f,A PUPLLY l'il 8 1 J~ mes S rrc e t l'I Gb I AB Lb ~lEDlC [\J, \VET "LI~G1 O>J BUfLDJ:'\GS Bowaia1n Ille, Sent, 28 lE'G< Servant Girl Wanted. Bricks I Great B,irgams v.ill be given at the F :Jn § S=tle 'M n.c h ne !\.frrQe Prec:s cd '\'\li te ab tie O::; l:awa Tile 1 Vo1k Bu ck~ , JOHN WIL S ON ~ G B SIOCK Sole ngent for the Dom1n1on Brougham, Ont CHEAP 'l!' ® V IE § 'J ® V E.§ than e-v e1 Add1e<S IN P '>nLOll BOX AND CIJOh ~hen.per S B Bl \DS II I W A~e n t for Bow1nanv1llc COR ER d.dng the remainder of the winter season! either 00111 or Yfood I f I!O lJ\SRl~' l lI' S ll. WELLS P uB L18BEn "'i tu re 'm fil§T! IUON!llil.L§. P 1op 1tetor of Lyn V\ oo e 1 Factu1y } STORE! ~T T JL"U JI. ~ Insolvent Act of 1969. CaI1adn. In th o County Pro ~nce ff 0 nno 1 Courtof tlc Un1 t U1 led Uounl es of \_ed Cou n ties of Nt rth u mbciln nd ao d )I No1 ti 1 mbell an d TO LEND ! $300 AND UP"'\VARns,[MONEYtoI .... OAN Ayer's Che1·ry at a low iate of 1!lte rcl>t lN SUM S 01~ ~viONEY 384 Bno uway l\.,;w Yo n!{ Pect~ral, FAP.EWELL & llcGEE FOR THE R:\-.-.ll> (:Ur.£ Oil I JQ>Ol!ice.-Oppos1tee!itrance to "'own Umll, ll<nuu;Hn die. PUBLIC Y T!TR.YlTl! WllOLES .1 LE BY ~ ~ p I ~ ~T Ji."il Dud an Io\\ it and Durham In the matter of CHARLES STOTT an lnsolt ent as well indu;1dual 1f "';~ ,-~ !!fa. ~ ~ N,; ~ k:ll .d:& Jli. ~~' as has fullv JU st die d the ollgJll<l 1 idea, that at the :, Corner c to1e" ) ou could get Copy of a testimo 11 al of the Bournun ville }lu r 11itar e Conip a y GEO ll STOL K E q , llrougharn a m ember of the late firm of C Stott & Co N TUESDAY THE TWE><TY FIRST dav ofli'IA.RCH nf. x t at tl e hcu1 of elelien of tbe clock in the fo1enoon the nu de1s1gned will a pply to tl e Judge of lhe sn1d Co 1rL for ad scharJe undet the sa d Act TAILOR Gentlemen's & Boy's Garments M '\.D.b] I N IHE FUR SA T T BY AuL DRUGGISTS :B' I 'I' TE D Ne'~ cas+Je. AND vVELL S U IT ED CO,VL~ .. O NE"\VE § T STYLES. 30 tf NOR1H'i0P &. LYMAN; Price 1 00 EDBEKA" ' F .. "'Y .. I I Bwmanv1lle Feb 19 1 1868 on \Vell1ngton St1cet particulars apply to A DIXON owma::iv1lle, Match 31 1870 J5 tf ~,:::fO R SALE .L D1Ledf1t.Bo\\ m tnvlle 1 11 tbe Co1 lj of D tuLa.m th s fi ftee1 th d t\ of Fel.ii:uarj, A D , 1871 TO LET! "/ \lL 0 No1tb o ~ .uf)nan, ..H:,'iCatt 1!' 1 011111.r r 'W CH !l.RLES ST TT by JOHN K GA!JBRA!Tll his attorney all litt>m j PERSONS INDEBTED TO TRF propr 1e to1s for Canada Solrt l y J HIGGINBO T HAM ·nd D 1 Publisher of th SrA11M~!!N for subbCt 1p t 1on f.Ldverhs1ng Ol JOb wo1 k are re STO Ir Bo-.vmaavl r, nnd Mee tel De <ealto quest'Od t-0 settle t.he 111.ame at o nceever yw L't!ru