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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Mar 1871, p. 3

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" Insolvent Act of 186ft !Royal fanadi:;t.11 ~ank. In t!te rnattei· of ~· . / OFFJC!l vPPOSITE . nm" POST OFHENRY 1110.SES _ fice, ,_ llowmnnville.' · bis Estate L> i;n~, and ,the -Cr~Uitors l~Ie notifiell to meet al lny offic~, Kiug Sti·eet, in Bow1nanvilh,on SA.TUfJ.DA 1,.,t.hc l'WE~T Y ~'!FTH DAY of MAR\Jll, A. D., 1871, M twelve o!clock, noon, to receive statements J1. ) ruE Insolvent has made nn Rssiµ:umen t of posits. r an Insolvent. lnte1·esf afilfHl!'Cd on de- SPECIAL 'ANNOUliCEMENT .. Farro Property I ·. J\ilO RT G . .<\"GE SA I . E. Insolve:u t Act of 1869 , ---· VALUA!lL!l In t!tc Can11ti1 Court of the Ui1ited Coun ties of N Ql'tlzumbcrland & Dudtutn. Ca.nn c lu : JN THE 1tATr,111:. or Pi:ovince o Ontario, 1 Uuitl:d Conn ties 1)f? George Brown, ' .Nort.LumlH" rl und I · Du l bnm, T .> \Vit : ) AN INso1,,·1~'J'. of bis nlfoirs: and' to ' ~Vfwint an Assignee . CHARLES R. D. B 1 OTh, , , _ Interim Assignee. ~ Bowmn.nYille, _l\iarch G - tb,1871. 32-3in. -m-;,..-i. e!,. ..,..,. .... I ,aoT ~-. 12 ~ "'"'""&'~. I BRICJ{ CGTTAGE, containing seven roo1ns, situate on Queen St::-eet, Dowman\'ille; good garden a1taclied; good well and cistern. P'?s~cssion given immediately. .ALSO, A ..Dwelling House in· Orono, at present occupied by !\!r. 'l'ho,s. Bingh'lm, Good gnrdca, A HAVE s,ecured the sole ngency in tliis loA. II. hlAODOL'GALL, cality for \ he sale of' LAZA!lU'3 & MOR-~ Agent. RIS1celebrated perfected Spect~clcs nnd EyP IloWmnnv.ille: March Sthi 1871, 32-ly. Glasses; they are very popular and have been a spccin.l manufacture of the &.bove. fiim for runny years. These spectacles will assist the sight most brilliantly, str('ngthen nnd ft~ preserve th.e eyes; a1Jd arc very easy 11n·l ~~-A.~~ pleasunt. to wear. \Ve solicit n call from .those need~ng alds to sight, Our full e.ssort1nen t in gold 1 si1Yeri steb.l and shell frames, Persons of taste and refinemen.t consider will enable us to lit sll confliLions of th6 eye, tlie Photographs mu<le at. n.nd give great s:i.tisfac t ion to those who i 1 favor us 'vith a ca.II. I E ,,r: I ~~ ft ft ' f- fl t)tis '-' ·· in announcing ·the o;.ieni11g of the lifoi-tgagc ficm Jolir Cnrpentcr tberf' , will be sold nt Bn0nu:'s Bo'l'&:L, ·Bvwmnnville 1 U · ·NnEn n. Pl1wt'r- of S<tlc contninC'd in a s PR I~~ J,J;.1. 1 v;ould lnketb e opporl11n1ty of1nform111g tire public th:1.t he IS to attend to theH' orrlers. Ha'!·ing receiv~fl and lrning in receipt of a very good assortment of the, ~J~ ~-i AD E On Frioa j 24tn March, 1871, 1 ;; AT T'YELYE O'CLOCK, NOO)i, . - Newest and lilrost Faslii"oriable Goods and r..s he has determined to conrluct business Ol'l ,s11 Nr. s1-z1ken Clusterfidd, Auctione" Th(; SOUTH HALF of Lot Fl VE, in t 1ie NIKTH Unnce.:sion of the 'I'o\YT1Hli!(l . of DARLlNGTON, co1itaining th"" O'H1\..F{,A'S AARON BUCKLER. · <::A~JB: G H.E AT llAH.G.AINS \';'ill be giYen. ONE HlJNDUED ACRUS. cloor«d and nbout sixty t'm· 'j---,IIE und . . rsignl"r1 h,·s filell, in t~} e office o'f . tl1 S C·ourt 1 ~l, C<1nSt-Dt by his l'l't'llitors to bis disehfl,.~(', nnd <n 'ITIE~T'AY 1 tit· T\YENTY-EfGHTll MARCH will apylv to 1he Judge of 1he said Oour·r. for a confirmation of the dischin-ge ther~'l:y ·ff~·ckd. D11tcd thie 23rd day of Febru>iry, A . D.f day of next, h" 1871. 3t:-lf. ~ .z~ ll'l & ~l ~~ )'f ~)I \' stable, woodsheJl,_...\:c . Terms low. Apply to W, H. CHAPLl'f, Newca5tle. _~~ r to W.R. CLIMIF. 1 Bowmanville. EQUAL To AIll ~ ~,. '°'Ti¥!-,,,; ~&;>,,,. "' ~-""f."=""" · ~ l!UY .&'eVtl ~-.5!!.&!J k';f!.~tJg·v.!:.ef/'fJ ~..Et, "'- p oAR r. 0 R TIIIS is to I ar.d hnve been want of Spectacles tP.n years, ha.Ye failed to. fin9. a pair to tlo hie any good o~ gi\"c me IN FIVE QUARTO 1lOLU~1ES the leas-t help. Tliis 16th day of Fc·brunry 1 L 0 YER S AND Ji' RI ENDS, 1871, I called at AARON DccKLrn" store in Price. $9.00 PC?i Yolur~e, or : Bo\Ymanville, nccording to iavitalion ttnd $40,00 Complete. secure i notice that 11r. :\IaJer (of Lnzarns Morris & Co.i) wonld be tlierei a11d J had not the lcnst ESCRIPTION OF THE WORK. THE Y 0 [] R Pf C TURES expectation tba_t I could get· ?Rlf of SpecPARLOR ALnuMis doubtless the most! tacles t o see "1th. I cnnnotsee "1th m.r W;>xtensive ART Gl\.JLERYeve_r published. anfl naked eyes furlhc:- tba.n 4- inches. r have by those who lrnxe l~xamin!:!d the sBvcr a l e're the icy firgers of Death tftkcs them now . ihe .extreme pl~asbte t ··o sny: th~t Jrl.) portions of the work, it has been I rono ·incc d :nvay foicvcr. e}:es1ght. IS fitted with a. 1'llll of Spec_1aclcs "1'he~Climax of B~nuty." Et ch \·olumc eonwith wh1cl; I C!lll se~ au~ d1 .. tancc I desire t?, tnins 20 full riage Chroma Lilbograph:..f1 in I and ~1erew1tl, ileen11t my duty to m_ake tlns Oil Colors 1 40 full page Steel Eng"a'<ings. J , publ1ci nJld to 1ender thanks to this great 4& full 11age engrtt.vings on wood nnd 260 flnd goofi fit'm. WrLLIA~r GAY, ' pages of fC'.tding matter·, d('SCripth·e. of the lins pictnrr s 1:10 \Vitness: EDWATID f$1L,/En. illustrations 1 the wl10le making- each volume about one half as thick. and snme sized Bowmn!Jvill(' 1 Febrqnry lG, 18~1. pages, of .\Veb3te/s Ia'.rgcst Dictionary . ~ 'Y.~ ~ _ _,a_ - ~ The said document was sworn b!!'fore me volume j3 -complete in itself nud "'-(n ~ A~ ~ £~ ..A..~" ;t- tli_ i6 -19lh day of February, 1871. be sold separately, if desired. SolJ L; SubGEORGE HAINES, J. _ P_:__ ! ·scription, Ol1ly. tba.t rich and poor alike c:;an have Vol. I ls devpted to Wild- A1ncrican Bird~. Vol. II Contains "\Vild Americnn Animals. PICTURES oF rnEm of 'Vol: III AnJerica.n Domestic~ted Birds and I -' Canrtda: In tbt-CounlvCoutt Animals. · No familiy wit11 any r1egree of rC'fi'"le~ Prorince of' Ontario, of the l7ni :e<l ~ C1011nVol. IV !i'oreigo Uirds and Animals. meot are ·without pictures. County of Du,.ham ties of ~nrthumbt'r\rol. \t Fishes. Reptiles and Insects. ------To \Vit; . lanJ and Durham, , I This work will nt once commend itself to the cu1ti~·ated Ainerican ,peop lt· 1 and no I11 tlie niatlei· of Lrary w1 1, hereafter, be complete withI :)lrt this addition to its treasure.;:,; while n.s WILLIAM CASWELL, nartoi:, n.musel!1en~ it is uneqn~lllt!d by an. ln.sol~ent. American pub!tcaltons. , u \YEDXESDAY, THE TWEXl'YAgents '\l'anted. NlNTfl day of?tfARCH Ul"Xt: tlie und.ersigned will apply tn the Judge of the We will give agents vei·y lil.ernl terms for y~ said Court for a discharge under the saiil se.lling the a~oYe d. c~cribed publicntione-, and Takes this opportunity stat Act. lVISh to ttup01nt an ngcnt in e\'f"'Y town jn Howman...-ille, Flbruary 22nd, .A, D. 1871 the United Stutl's and Dritish Pruvif1c:es. ir1g to his numerous J1·iends and customer:!! WILLL\~I CA~WELL, Experienced"book agents sind all otUer rJc-r- tbat they will, as usual, find his establi~D ment well stocked vatb a good supply of o.11 lly W. H. LOWE, ~ons of respectahi111y shq1ild applr at on Ce. things in his lin"i for the holiday srasoni his attorney, aU Ele1n. Any Young ).Ian, or Yonng La.dy, ;a.n, by de30-lm. such as Vot1ng r\ short time during the day or evening, secure a complete scti free of expernw. PLU31B CAKE, , or, ifpreferre<l, ·we \viU :i.llow large Com.mis: STJL'l'ANNA CAKE, sion in SEED CAKE, We have prepc.rcd a most bettutiful I VO ~n7 ALB UM 31-tf. Let parents and children, THIS is to - certify that r have tried in V:~in to be fit~ed \vith Spectru::ks, until this day Mr. ~layer (of Lazn.rus llforris & Co,) lit~ed me with a r> ai'r"'of their Spectacles:~ with which I read with I! .lnfort 14 inches dfstauce fr~m tbe eye, nnd have not had nny to read further ofl'than G inches ahd not clear at that. mwrnWAIT, Darlington. Eowman\·i1Ie, Feb. 11). 'l'liis ffinn is 11 hL·u t ten lll ilt·s from Bow-manYillc an · l Po!"t D,LJ·]ingiun. '1'lii:r.~ a··e GEOP.GE DROWN. ' I I t9.r. :m·,-f', I' o·tt:"tnn .. 1· ·.· ,.. , J,. ·x> ..':'A .a · :::or u ·s (.fl aC"OlHlt§ '-' a~·e rc .. ·1e~t~d to "'e I eighty acres ·t· ,;:-, "-' IY I from stumps. settled \T,ithouit tlclay. ' s aa1 '1dnS~'disle~1·s~.~lVE$; I HUIJAB:N1·ol)tl10sr certif;tb~I _ . I ' ft ttftw ft A ft .,..... "'""" ~ .J\ n - ~ 4 l- l - -:.:o: .,,====~===-========--D--=L,-\.__,__v~_I.,.._D--:..,...:-F_,. :,- ~BE 8_· i :;~·~~:,~i·;.' :linilding,, ail iu a rmunaulc state I . _.,O, /.- - i 1111d I Stalile H. Tbel'I:' is a Freme Barn ftr1il n1tnclieii 10 it, built in 1850, 60 by 30; ' fran1e Dwelling fJDuse, 21? hy 18l with r R if E . 'I, ttw v -n:no .t.t!,.T r ~ .f: " ' 4i" lj or tl:'rm::i and parl1_ c npply to the AUCT l 0l-. l\T Atictioneer, "010LER, MOS$ & FOSTER, Toronto, f1)r Mortgag»s. BowmnnvillP,_Feb. 28 18:1. J:-3!1:. $ ~olicitor:! in! to Farmers; and the Public Generally. ' -Frie -n-cl _ l_y--A~dv-ice! 1'o the Edi'.tor. per Set D I I PH QTQ G 'RAPHY I IlHY GOODS, AND "l"T j\J. Putl:rEn wonld most. re:: peel ful1y nunounce to the inhabi t a-nts of i'f ville arid s 1rroundoni; vicinily, thi\ t he hJL; now on hand ll'e follo~·ing comple·.e stock oc. · ·A ND GANG !'Lows, ·co.or.Ens, ' s1·Eg.l, St~ GLE A.\.D Dom;u; CULTffATORS, ROOT CUTTERS, 0 Srn,:._As this is the ! of the year that people are in want of a.n extr~ supply of J?ry Goods,' C Io t 11! n g, Grocerw1<, 1 " Boots and Shoes, &c, would it I no~ be .a great he!lefit tO' your Bowmf\n· readers '-in Darlington und ~ icir1ucw nnd c , l tty to know the best plaC'e tv j ' ~easou . - i IDBY G n fl 0l} ~ ,' UU R :\OWN AS Tim I I I BR(l(JH(!E . . ST.lJ.fJi(~ . --~ - -·· -- --·o·-·- · - - . .. Al:CTION, 011 ' COOK, PAHLOR A!iD DOX RTOVhS, IROK FENC!XG, &c. FRrnKDs. 1 Insolvent Act 1 N. :d,~OLD AGRICULTURAL FUltNAOE 3, IRON 'l'AEiE~ ' 11\' EXCHAJ\'G1S. W!LLIAll POJ\TBR, 1869. l Bownianvill(- 1 King Street Ensf, March 8th, 18~1. - pnrcha5e. Numerous merC'hants WILL m;_ SOLD are offering apparently great induceinents, but the bEst place :'I to purchase is at ELLIOTT'S ~aturday General Store, HAMPTON, wher~ a great variety is always kept 1 BY ~ l\fonday, .':!8th, Ji-i 1870 ri..r1' stmas ti , &New Year. of 1871. I TO EW ·DRESS BUY THEM JUST ~"oID · ~ ~U · ~ i~ ~to~k, at r~aso~able prie_es. ,·.;or. 26th & 1sro. .i c HA rt I_,1 s ·r 0 D - \' 0 I Ellwtt s clothrng 1s as stylish as any; his assortment of cloth~ i:s very complete; Ladies' drc:ss goods-- a very . fashiona lile lot; Elliott's groceries are of the I ~·ery --:o:-- Sale to Commence EACH DAY JA.ECEIVEJD AT ~est dNcription, and low u1 pnet>,·--he sells currants at 5e, per lb, and upwards, raisin:s at lOc. and npwards, his tea is not snrpaf.sed. If you arc in want ot a fir,t-class Sewing Machine, Elliott's is the plac~ to buy--yon ean ~et a Lockman, "Vanzer, any other . ki11d, at or below mauufocttt'rers' prices. Elliott has lately added an assortment of clock~ to his stock, which he 8 e11 8 rcrnarkablv at 12 o'clock, Noon. -A - Mr. :Brooke's Old Etand, -.o:-- Specimen Dool<- Cor Agents, con- I'" "'" CAKE, ~ 1 taining 5 of the Oil C.:hromos 1 10 StPel E11gra\'ing!!I, 10 "'ooll Engra. ~·ing--3 ond 50 pnzes of descript.i·'e reading, Le_ ing selections from en'Cl~ rnlume, !og;tuer wo'h blank paper, spet.·imen3 of b1nd1ng, &-c., &c. Our - Specimen Book ha~ cost u~ quit(' largely, and wo do not wish to send it to persons who do no-t intend to act as agents 1 but to uuy one \\ho 'vill nuike an effvrL to procure subscribers to lhe 'Vork 1 ,,.-e will send tlic Sp~cirncn Book, prepaid, on receipt or 40 cents to cover postage. Enclose stamp for reply and address AMERICAN PUBLlSH!KU Co,, RUTLA:XD Y11 · HICE CAKE. l'OTJ1\-D C.AKE, ST>RI.\'G CAKE. SCOTCH ')HOHT BREAD J. ' A LARGE 'rAitlETY OF SMALL OAKES. MURDOCH BRO'S i ' TH¥: 1 iiJ: A foll a:;sortrnent of Bis BOARDERS ( FE\Y ree:q1~ctable gentlemen CH.n be nccomoda.ted with Board at Mr~. \Vm. 's, Silver Street llowmanville. w.nauvilfo, .March 2nd, 187l. cuit, iocludiug the Celebrated Cream and Digestive B1s0uits, :FHESH lL\.Kf'D; nnd n very choice s~l~cli o n of ConfecLionel"y suitable for tl1e tiibea: C ~ T 0 D. Bo\vmanville: D0c, 14 1 1870. 2J-tf. - -- ---- - le' ft\I TH ~ 0 sBn V R J .L!ST nECEIYED A CHOTCE lot of New Fruits-Rai~in!l, Currunts, Figs,·;;) LE.n1on, Orange and Citron\ Peels; Nuts in grc·nt vnriety . Also, Dar· j rels nnd Boxes of Be::nn iful Onndfo:s, with an ' nssoi-tn1ent of Chuie"l Tiiseui!s. I U"¥. I ~Darlington lnis ag~ilu received nn~ ~ otber lot uf those ce!l:bratrd HAS T · DARll!'UCTOR.I ll'C 111 . · ""'·~ ~ HAVE Il.EOEIVED, SIGN OF TII E GOLDEN I. i ON. Ex. S.S. Hlbtrniui-;, :)1ld otlier shipments, l -ii e :; PURE --....__~ _ _, f~~ ,.;__ ~~~~-"--.--------- W A N 'B' E e;. ... "' (; : LEAF TEAS, 'J'll R l!'ULl.tllV !NG " Qur.ility is th.e Trst of Cheapness." Ilowmanvillr , Dt:c. 2li 1870. lid nee ta1u'n 1 · m exchange. Ac . I com11:; due on 1st,\ pril aud 1st October . bong-Lt at a Great Sacrifice. the entire titock will be mid at · 1ess than one half the original price. The whole must h" sold within 30 days. L·Hlic·' J who want bargains, arc invi't. eheap, and warrants tlwm. IlP ed to nttend. acts also as agent for mo::;( oJ the leading Newspapers. Those <l:11'!1 llJ 10.!'.Uu~ n want shonkl. give him a call Iat once. All k111dsof farm pwCOl!ME:<Cl'.'iG AT or rIUIE above str.ek having ~Pe? I:CA:L·F··PA~T SIX. . 21-tf. Y cmrs, &c,, . _ (IEU,r./\_ XT for genei·rtl Housewo1k. 0 Apply at the 8TAT~SJL\N Ofiiee. SE A LAND FOR SALE! coons W!oicb they are . - FIHESDLY ADflSEH. l>,·cember 1·1, 1870. l I .8l!iY' Sale du_ ring ever.) · r~renoon.~ FARIN E.1 H §taud.- witlumt a Rival! It is the most snbatl.lnlially built, bas I.lie fewest working parts, b('ftutifnl in design CLnd finish. IIHs the best design< fa sbuttlE- 1 31-5in.lll :ond by f<ir the LARGEST B08BJNS. It is capable of JH'rforn;ing a. range of work hitl:.erto:tlionght in ro::::!'ible fer Sev·ing Mu..<;nines. ~'i'· '~,_,~ 0 --------- ~-- - J\, BURNESS, 1\g't. 18i0, Bowmanvillc, '\.,v, ~1. '.L'O . -..:',~\ ·~?t \! 1AEM I i>~O~!JE'!1 '! . -.\.!;n- ----:o:--- IDETACflED RESIDENCES IXSUllE YOCP. PROPEHTY IN '!'HE PREPARED FR0:.\1 CUBE OF BROSC'lllTI§. EMI1'l!F!ELD. General Sewing Mac~ine Agencf, :lIARKg'l' BTJILDINGS, p I h §Old at about onc-lrnlfthe p1·ice o(· tll er JUaehines l'Irn PRICE OF OT!rnR MACHINi:s DOING TIIE LIKE WIJHK. r, tqunJLv ot home on Jratht:r flS on fine good.;;. Ens 'carL ' ierl off prizes on'r !hf< UcJwe, Sieger Luckman, \\'ln:t,ler & \\"ilson: \Ynrzer, He;·mor d, 1 u E I A~ _ I T r=r E BO\VJ\'.i:AN VII... T.... J~. &c. A Pt>rfrct Jlachine Guara111ced or no Sale. pa!llC . p. r I0Bs. 1\'ew 1 L AT E S TU r-; GllJE.ll:..Pill ilAl\'D TREADLE Jl..l.CIHl\lE§ ano: the best inade,sirnplesl, more durable 11.nd AND rclinlilc thon any other single-thread runcbinc. Larger and work with gn·Mter \Vi~I do all kinf<ls of d'_mes1ic s1 ~ing in :i p.eriect 1y sat1.s ~1ctory manner. Has ta.kPn first prize "brrevf'r exhiLitecl. Agents '"·anted El f!l'J TI lie1·(' . S1·lendid In- ! R J:J=To- BE SOLD CHEAP. H ;r...LV-1:._ ., 3 ' ducemeuts. · ! l\._ New !\'en· For. terms7 Sllmples of SP'Wing, &c 1 a.pply to <i'iELPH SEWJ'fG MACIIJNJ<: UU'Y, GUELPII, CAN.~DA. JG= R. & II. O'IIura, Wlioles:t le agents for ~he Conntie5 of Durham, Ontario and Yic{oria. Spcciarinduce:iments to LiYe agPnte. January 18th, 1871. 0 s l\'ew l\'eiv .l\'evr ONTARIO BANK. " 'G MACHNE N SEwj.N TOOK TllE FIRST PIUZE ,... -:'-.._ . _, P ,'ft.OVINCIAL EXHIBITION, AT THE GIV EN 'l'IHT Applicationwillbemadebytbe '- 'outarfo Bank to the Parliament of tJ1c ·Dominion of Canada, at the 11e.x:t Session tbereof, for an Act !o explain the provisions of Chapter 53 vf 32and 33 Victcri;i. entitled 11 An .A ct to OTICE rs · HERil !lr I ll'ew New 1'1cw , -~~· .llist he~d at Toro.nto, ?Ver the most renown. ed Sewing llachines in the world, :imong whic_h were the celebr.atcd Howe, " hee_lr;r Al: Wilson, &c. Thi~ IS onl,Y a confirmation of the verdict p r e" 1')usly reDdered by the GREAT, CAN" ADI AN PUBLIC, and proves Ql)nclusively the STTPElUORITY OF THE " LOCJK.MA"1" OVER AJ i I~ OTIIEP.S j j · · R. & II. O'HARA, '\\""holesalc and R~tail Age11ts. · Also, 11.gents for Guelph Sewing Machine Co., GtQ_Je.r & Baker, Singer. Howe and Williflms 1 Machine;i.. W'"e have f.ilso on band a full scock of tbe f,IT'l'I,E \'f ANZER Machines. Persons not satisfied with one, ~~chine can exchange for 3.ny otlic1· iuside of thirty days. Remember R. & II. o·Hara's amen? tbo of Lhe. Ont·rio Dunk," by declamg how tbc qne3 t wn as to a. change of the Head Office of said Bank s11all be submitted to its Stockholders; who sha.11 be e.r.. tiUed to vote theL·eon i bow the said votes shall be taken ; what form of oroxics sludl be al101"1n~d, and I.he scu.le of \"Otin~ , and I what number of votes shall be req·1 ired to I nnthori:r;e the change of the sn'd H . · Offi 1 [ and such other matters relat· "'t;a t ce, ' '"~ ·ere 0 for as may be n~cessary, anll to further pJ'oYide tthe exercise of the powers gi\·en hy sR.iU Act: 1;>.r declaring a ti~ne or providing tlrn.t t~1c Dirccto.t·s of the sa.1d Bank may declare a time at wlf1ch the cba~ging of the Head Office !!lhall be carried into effect after it 1 t:hall have been decided to change the place of the Head Office. t H :EALTH~1E AND · See the following Ocrtifie:i.tes : Da-css Goods, , · JOHN SILVER. I This is to certify fhu.t the Agricu:tnral J\' .All-wool Sateens and Serges· Swon:y·bcfore n~e- 1 nt Smitlifiel<l, th is Gth su:-anco C onYpany bal'ing ,depoHited in t}u ' /r l\. Jr 1 dny cYApril A. D. 1870. hands oftbc f!ccciver General of C:_:inad· 1_.1__ ..1..\1..J.... ,. . ' ~7 · ~. ' J. 11'. WELLINGTON, J. p I the 5nm Fifty.four Firn Hu ... , Iliad{ f, ustl'es. fl.) .I · I dred Dollars, in Cnited StAtes Bonds, as r· Blacll Glacc :uul tilros Wonderful Cure of LnnP.' Disease. , quired by the Act of Cnnad·, 3t Vic., e·J 1 48; ::iec 22, is hrrl:'by licens<"d to carry .o,, Silks, BnooKLT~, .April 5tb, 1870 . 'tl1G hur.iincss in Cn.nad!L of Fire lrisura n ce ~ Splendid V nlue. J , r, Ctt\.MBERLAIN Esq -S Tl . . t 1 Dato:-d at the City of Ottawa, tlic 2ud da .J. · ·, ·i IR,- l!S lS 0 f J e 1870 Bowmanville, Nov 7th 1870 r,p1·Lify 1hat 1uy t\ ife was ·ery . low \Vit:1 un ' · 51 tf Clan 'J':utaus. Lnug n:~H'~SC. l'he Doctor bad givrn he!' np. Jou:" LASGTON, for Mir istrtr of Finan ice. =-::="'=o-::::;======c:l>:c================z.·~- -~ He said h~r lungs w0re tnbcrcled 1 and mrtli~ This L~ to certify that I h~\'~ bran acquaiot.. Rong·h Drown cine~ could net help her. A~ a la st rrsort, 1 c<l wi i h the Officers and Managers of t!-u lloU:uul!i!, "' '('D ~ purchfl.sed a bottle of the Gt eat Shoshonecs Agrieultnral Insurnnce Company for mnn:' Vr.ry Cheap. o ~ v Canadfl.: \ Jn th!3 County Rt"medy. J\ t tlie t>xpirution of t\vo d:-iyF.h~I years, and also" ith thi: business opcrn tioall Dl':lb and n1·ow11 ~ ,· Q · f1· Province cf Ontario, f Court of the United sympton1:;i. were <lPcillf:'dly better. She Con- of the Company, and have no hesitation 1 ~ ~ County of Durham, Oount;cs ofNorlhum- t.inilcd to improYe so rnpirl ly that by tli ·· recommending it ns a perfectly safe nnd ra. '\Vi11ccy!!. 6 I'"' ~ T{) To \YiL: berlandandDurham. lime she had taken one bottle sliP wns able !inb le Con1pany,aud its Officers as compe. French merinos, ~ ~ to sit up. Dy the continuance of the rem- 1 te-ut and honorable bnsine.;;s 1n'en: and ns J1 ~ ~ 1in 171,(~ '/natter nf edy3: F-iie wa~ pe1fectly 1Pslorcd to hea ll. I i:isurf:'s nothing lJ11t Fnnn Prl{pC'I:ty ,;nd _dt>· 'l'weeds. " ie: 1 . ~ ~- ~ ou nny p11l.lish the facts for tho benefit lache'1 Dw\·l!ing.-i,] h ns ~530,000 Asi~ets. Canadian linitted ~ w ' ::--i ~I JOB GREEN~roon, o-. tho~ similarly nffiicted. l consid£r i~ rcsp:insiLle heyon<l uny oontin. Goods . .,.~ ~ j , on Jnsolvcnl. T. U. Bf.OWN, gency. " '.~g)roc:1-- ,,..,Ul~ . .,.~,., Episcopal MethodistMini;te . D. D. CALVff,M P. J' \J,{ WED'fESD.\ Tl!E TWENTY- , &· ~AhnTe ex·mined into the condition a.d NI~l'H day of.MA:{CH n1>xt, tlm unV.I.. !b,, J!A·~ Htantling of' the ~.i.gric u ltnral 1nsnranc: .. rlersi£"ned ~vill tl.j)ply to t \Je ,Jndge c tho · company, and do fully concur with Mr, o,.:. 1f .- Q-- '""" said Conrt for a dischurge under the snid en in n"eomru~nding it to tile. Farroers ~oft111, c+ ~ Act -, · ' ProYince, as one pcrfrctly safe artd relia~ll· ~ CD O ~ ...I... · ll~wm::i11\" illf' F b 2·) 0 l ~ D 1~71 in which to insure their propt.rty. · 0 EsQ.-This is to ce 1 t;.fy tbnt nbout three years ag-o I bt·camc 11.tllictei with Bron<:bitis: which last'i'd ubnnt ~ighteea TIIO!iths. f WP.S SO RffiictPrl for the war1t ofbren.1h that it wns YerJ diffleult for uie to sfw11.k1 n.ud in the uiµ-lit time frequent\y throwing the clothes off anil rai~inrr in lhe bed to keep from strnngli11g. I ~ried three of the most e1nin'."nt ph,Ys!ciaus in tbc Countr of ~or1hu1nbcl'land fur nbout a yeaf without. receh·ing any benefit. ln facL I continu(':d gttting: worse nil the tiruc. At lilSt I wns advidetl to try the Gl'eat Shcs'.":on~ ces R:nn·tl~ . . ~ bo11~1it a ~ottle (t11tl took it, an<l "beu 1l u1:s about finished I began to feel. a Iilllc bc!frr. r cuntinu~d to lBe it uutJI I bad t1tkcn ti.rec botiles, when, to m.r fatisfoction, I found that I was ns ·n·li as ever I had be{'n previo.u3 t.o my illneier::, a::1d htl\"C bern so ever sin cf'. Cn!MBEr.LAIN: J.C. Agricultural Insurance Companyr -AND- Save Ifal/ Your Head Office for Canada, Kingston r[-iilIS old a.n i well establish~rl Compr.n: jnsnres oothing liut Fnrm Property n 11,/ detacht'd Re>iide1H·es, and ls::i~1es I'olicies ' 1 L~ Greately Reduced Hntcs. ASSETS ........ ·· .... $580,000.00 Deposited witb the Fir::ane" Mini; .. tcr for &pecia.l benefit of Cn.uadian ?oliCyholders, Jnne 2, 1870l' .·... $54,50(1 I Second deposit, Oct. 31st ..... _ .. . l /14-5 $56,{hV' ·vv. l Q u R 'I R of 'l'bousnRd ° ..... Insolvent P.t..Ct of 1829, : 0 0 O Po' ... I 5 \..J..1.. " -"' : n .. Q "" "" c. ~ . ., · , ' _ 0 2 o o'f f'lll'I v: I lt.iRONIC DI ST! .A ~ .....i L · ~ ~ "-"' ·~ 0 - W ~ -O 1-1 c-+Cl) ~ 00 ~ t~ ~ - :? llll!ll ~ 0 Fl , · ' 0 DR -s-r..-o. J AM E S ·we 30-lm. lly W, IL J.OW}J, liis r uey ad Iitem. JIJH e rnary " GR~'EN\rooo. " · - · · · llf ~ ~'.? "·~ ~ w ' . 1 T,Jt,J !I\ DLA Bl kl A _ !:Un i·ltf'3 ' .d ,<; - -- - - - - - - - - - - · ---NOTICE. J,e~isla- Dated tl1is 23rd dny ofS1t.nuary, 1871. is tbe,Sen'ing lllacbiue · Dt>pot. MOST DELICIOUS food in the world. S old by m - ~ (1 Q' ~ ~ ~ -· O :::::;· COUl CO ~ Cf1 Q '6ilf ES TAB LIS l1 31 H NT. ~ riJ'f 0 OT~CE i~ hereby gi1·en, · that appl ' calron mil be m"de to the N"OTICE. N tute of the I)rovincc of Ontario nf its rrHE O'fTARIO DANK WILT, APPLY to the Legislature o-f the Dominion of Canada: at its ne::t~ s~ssion, for an .Act to continue t:be existing charter of the said Bank, iu conformity with the provisions of the Act of the said Pal'liament nt its last Sel ·ion, in_titu1ed "An Act respecting B.:tnks and Banking ,n and also to amend 1 he said Cbnrter in rei:ipei_,t of the effect of Bills o-f Lading aod "\Vareho11se Receipts and re1 specting the sale of SLares in said Cank on which lieris an· held, nnd for o ther purrosc. 0N1'All10 BANK, . - -- ---- ----- - -- nr.xt se~8ion, for an Act to co ~sfruct a Railway from the waters of J,,,ke Ontario in the 'l'own of Bowman ville ,in th~ ! " , ' vounty of D urhnm, through some ports l of the Town·hip of l>urlinglon, Clarke, I C~rtwr1gl 1 t, Cavan nnd j)J;:invers, in the '01d County, and the Township of Op· Emily and V crulam, to the Vtlloge of l~obcnygeou, in the Cou[]ty of Victoria. Dated 17th day of ,)anuarv J> ~ ' ' . H ~ !'"' z CO S' :: ,., E .· 8 n ,..fll r-m ~ ~ 1:::1 \...l 1-r-.,. (fl_ ,....- .d 11 \V'~e~:~~;~,~rn~e~ t!1~·al~k~~~!~~~1k ~o~·~~~.sag/{h~~n~~ :~1r:~P;c\~ ~~;, ~i:;;t:!: I, ~1~ ~~:~.n~J :rL~~1~1~a~ , ""1~::i'~~l:, ~~ Ln z I l.J ~ tant~~~n~r~·~\~~~~~1~~a:~~n;~1~~~~1er~ot~~ding ~;1:~~c~~~:o~1;~·~~1e~~~u:lfe~~~il~Y'iur~:~~;:: ~;:18R;0 CLH!IE, Local Agent at Bowmoxu 1 TAILOR! lionsofyoc.t1-aenrc is gu:tranjeed· Dys-- --- --·~ NG Bl[JSJN ES~ pepsia, LiVCI' diseasos, and disea;es or A CHALL,_,~' NG -E FOR. $10·Q·. in die Stand Jutelv ~ ~~~'!J 0 ~£~\., Wo.,Id most respectfully inrurm the ~0.1 g 'kr TU.. ~,..~~ ~--;\.~ "J( inh·bi- EYJ:i:::· 'AND ...; ~ co_nsumption is. i:o· lon~f'r an incurable di 8 - : ~cmen, 1~. regar~. to ihe re.o;p1itl ,ib~lity or the ensc) i Uroncl11t1s, Cl\tarrh, As:hrna~ Grr.vel : comp~n~ .-D. li1~ber, E8q. 1 CR;:.~urr of the Dropsy of tLe Chesr, Alldocuinal Dropsy (),<non~ ·nk; Jno. i1cL,oc, \I. P . .!', J. R. Gent>ral Dropsy, &c., patients who be-e~ r;\-u·ba11t. . Esq., Postmas ter; J E, F.-1-reu;eH tapped several timefl are curab~e U!!..d~r D lt.~q, Barnster. Jamd treatment; diseases of the r. · Agents fur Cobonrg ond 'icinil)', t~e fo~l~wi~g disease~ :-"Ep~lcps), or fa ll ing 1 F 11s, 1n tl1etr worst forn1 i Consumption in I its various stages) (with Dr. J .'s reme.'lies I Eckctic Phy'!iiciau, 1:17 OULD RESPECT!\" ELY " STA TE lf thal he is now treatin4' succt>ssfuilv [ ,. J. C. (~T,ARK, R:inkrr, J. CARRUTH ERS & Co. Gi:o. A. KrnxrAT1ncir 1 )ii J!. n. :rtr. B n1T10N . "e w?nld refer you t o the. f.illowing gt·t!- I < Ti::AR MARSHALL, GRE H & n:rn l l i I ll'orn~u and (;hildren, Caneer. oured .v1tlir111l cuttiug- 1 nod httl~ pain; Rori? 1 1 wlneh hflve ? b_e e n thought iucur-able ) 11 1 0 1 · ~ I-' \.LJ ~ ~ . P ""' ,c. + ~.A ~ ~ o :I ~l If ~I l'il !El, ~~"i.t~ ~r~l~;·~:;;~~;lc;~;;~1et~i\\\',,;~~·,':~;;7;· G) (J !J T ! the Shortest Notice itllJ~ I , in btsilne of business in the latest styles. 0 On tario, do herl'by challenge ariv SE Bowma.nville, 13th Dec. 187 0. j t 1871 , A. D. ' J. McMURTRY. I Hf. . p!l'j1 ~ ·I e-cr JOH~ FOWLER. · · " " t+ 9 "' No Calomel, no utei;cury, no llineralI'oi~ons 1 On w.ill be administered in auy form, in' .All work warrnn1cd. Clothe~ cleane.d and disease. . the sl.ivrlei;L notice. A ca.11 'rlu:! r,ffiicterl, ·who cn.n11 '\) f obtnin J"P1ref 1 r~paired on SOHl'.:ited. from otl18r sources, are particularly i11\'itfd I J .. P. '""-lifl\'""G. to C~lll !,1 11 d ~ee him. tr]= Office iD Neil;::on"s Eowmanville, :Uav 28, U:l"fO' 44-tf 1Iall1 Delley1J 1c. !r:r Office hours, 11 fi.. m _ _ __ _ - ·· " ____ · _ toil P· m, , ) r of prim~ fig3 ju.:t rece; ve~ ~t tb~ Yours most respect.fully, ALO , - ~icknacks . . ' April , 145~ , jl, LH!llS, a~ainst 1he t· LOCK:\1AN." f 0 r $100, in t~fl1tge of ll'Cl ,k and cnalitv, viz: from· t liR fjnc-st cotton Rpool, on. musli;n. to t h e Trrv c,oarses~ Lna:s thrr·itdSi ori fullt>d cloth~. 1he 1os1ng ra1ty t u gin~ bis ltunc'red to the pool ot lh!1Ytn:::.uvilie, 8, SM A.LL, \_'1a.H:lling agent for liiP~ ::l 1"'. R n.n 1 0 I1a1.a., 8£ "' ing 11a.e1in t ..A.ge1.;ts · . ll··\\ ~! : D mnnA1lle. ~·r,.mber r 3th, lS7Q ' ~~~e~1 ~~~~·1~;r~1·: ..",~1~ i';,~~la'.1'1 ~.U::'~'r~:~~ ~rrxn- I I ·i i ! / I

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