ha' no" on han.d an m.rneme stocl, of Ladies', Ge1'ltlen'len's an.d Cl1ildren's PRUNELLA AND CANVAS all of \\h1ch he is selling at a great reduction frn n l11:s u~ual low p1rnes (' 11 and see tlicu, a 1d get b .i,,"u s, 't tie Sign of Lhe Big Boot Drawn by l\vo llor~cs, Krng.~t, 13ownrnu~1lle. Bo" manvtllC' I:L\l.[J?O~T.AN~ TC> ihlf>!G MACHINE. fXTRA ,MACHINt Oil N B -Co ... 111J Sto1ckeepcrs on ppl 1ed "'d\ intagcous le ms C1rtbe .. d THE DE ~LE" 1:1 DRUG ) 1 l\1EDICINES, AND CHEMICAL, I D," Stuff\ Patent l\Icd1c1nes, u _,,erv, Tlrnshes, Co,11bs, Soaps, l arnts <11.d OJI,,, P ll .t Urnshes, Coal Oil, and C.,nl OJI L llllf·S , &c , &c cmb 1ac1 .; tho oogl C s find Ha1monJ 1 th e clcmcnl3 of com p os1t1u 1 Ile 1a -dso 1 rcpa1ed to tune a1 d ren::u P1inos h (~ld e1 ct- Cliu1ch Q\ 1Ejcl Ea" Bowmanvillt 1 Juue 3 18(.;8 45-lf f hysicians' prescriptions carefully Compounded and all orders co.Tectly answered. L:'..l i~SJ, FASHIONS !\1RS. J.C. POLLABD FOR SALE! 'l~Hll ou111nnv11Je Jnn JL " 1 b OO!l \GF ONLILJERIYSTllEET, q n,1 t('r a:irc of I ~nd att11che d , 18C9 O\\DCd and lately occup1t-d by Mr \V I - = Hc1 ett A I h to Rxce lent f1utt trC'es1n the garden McnLONG BROS SURE YOUR G E STOC1', Soc 1gent fo1 tlrn Domu wn B 0 lgluun 1 On f S 1l BR\DSU.i\ J3owmnn· 111e YOUR IN 'l' HE S~_;IeSa pa1-oi}la · .rt\_ YEl~'S · peno1 ad vcmtage> to Po le v liolc1< I·, 111 Luth tl,e Li fe Fire department. Hates luw a1 d Lc1ms Lbeial 0 ~.. CAPIT l L FU_LY ~UES'~FIB D, £2r00000 '1'11IS FIRST-CL <\S~ mu I'l:Sll C0.\11' \NY OFrI'HS Th.1<11i. t 1.·t.. ... .-s 1 Ge1c1u. Ag,..nls f C 1ad1 'Th~ ~~ .. Is still at the ohl da11d, v'1tl, a prod1310us :>tocl, of BLOOD LIV Em Ha,rdvvare, Cutlery Paints 2r1d Oils Sto,·es and 'T'1 u -vvare. CU HES or !"iplendid ENOHl\fOUS A !, !l ' JElerh·c-!Pfa!c '.lfea !'id !S. LlYJ;R COIJrLAINT, Bmldtng Haid1>a1e, PHtllS cl!Hl 011-, 15 to 20 rer ce11t }~Hrytl1111,; nananted to be as iepresented. DLl3lLirY STOVE AND (he1 100 deo1,;1 ° TIN SHOP latest ,rnrl mo-t Beaut fol, ( hear1 with e \Cl i; ALL Stoves for iVoo l aurl Coal, the Stove Furrutu.e, OF A'D i nJ S zc· ol Co k P " '"' ud Il ux Stu \CR and 11I other k111ds of l'rn11<1re, HhHle ~ Spt cul <:itlt 11t10 I llb Ncatn ei;s sud Di..:s r teed 1td1 UunJucto 1 P1p o~ &c Noue Lut the b1.::-; t r.I :.ttt:ria top lt~ln~ up}~ l\l r1ou,.(hh us~d, and sat1>:facuun gu.11 ln l!1ghest Pnce paid for Hides, Sheepsl.rns, I:ags, Wool Piel, Ol',GA~S in;q, 01d Cuppe1, Featl1c1s and llurse Il . . u, VlUESIIVE THE ELilEK\ IS A l'URJ:LY "\i EGET A 1311'~ It F llEE MEDICI~E \\EI T,mGTO~ BUILDINGS JOHN M'LEDD. Servant Girl __ :s Bowoiun' illc, Sept, 28 k6~ F'lUM mN RALS "' - --- -- O ~E \\ OlK fill) c m1 "l nt to do ge1H"la .A 11 ' l " u GDClCIJ orrus '· G1eat Dargaw.s vqJl be g1 ve.i ,1t the l!'1~E.H..l>OD : l!l@W ~, · ~~: ii::,c!>to~·ed · p CORNER · dflllg' ST QR E ! I J IvIONEY TO LEND ! l:>: SCMS Oli Insolv ant !:.ct of1869. 00 Ont.,10 Cou t uf tlie Unit "C nitcd Uounlt s of l.. ed Cu 111 111 ti 0f N0Lthu11ol la nd anlj No th111l e1l 1n d $800 ANI:> UP '>Y L\..1~D§, ut a. lo v ta e c.;f 1·1te est FAllE \\E LL" 'cGEE th e 1'6filalU · d0l' Q._ f 4 " htt winter season' ' I P1o<ince " of ,a Dudrn,.n I To \\ 1t at tl Du 1I am PUBLIC :" RY ! T!! FOR SALE BY AuL DRPG G!G!S W !JOLES.I.LE BY OPINION Jn the 11wttc1 of CflARLES 81011 an lnsolvtnt os 1,1udl iru l vtdu 1l y G$ a membe1 of 1he lutcji11n of 1 ) Stull & Co 'D '".'ticw A~"r~ ·~ ..-- ~ .,g._,,, .~, F OM W 'TAIJ_,l)1-~ Gontlemen's & Boy's Garments :\tAO£ lN THE l1Essns has fully JU~ttfied 1 h~ 011g1nal Hied, that <1t the " Corne1 Sto1e") ou cou 1d get l~' NOHTilhOP &. LYl\lAt\; Puce l 00 :Newcastle. I 'I' 'TED AND vVELL SUIT ED ED REI~A" ! el(;l\CD ot the clock to tbe fo i t-uoon tlte un fa wman \dh. ·, Feb de1s1gned wi ll apply to the Judge of t il es u<l 1 _ _ __ I Co irt fo1 a d1scha.1;:e under the Sf id ~ct !. i D ited at Bow1ulnv1le,1n tie County <f Du1ham ths fifteenth da.~ ofFeln1uy 1 A D, t 8~ 1 A Dwellin g \\11h Shop s tah l 11 f1r CHARI ES 81 TT .l':1.._ 'I.ulor or Rh .,mak l' 1 Ti qmrt a:t 1, JOlJN K GAr BRAil'H hlll~ ~I LX l'l ll10UEK~ bis Rttorney ad 11 cm :Bowmanv1ll e, O~t >5 1 L87 0 13 tf O N TUESDAY H IE Tl\ E'.11' FIRST day of M \ROH nt...... o.t the hru1 of !STYLES. TO LE'"l' I\01 tl I OJ /i;. \ 111111 I for Canada Slid h ) J Hlt.Gr.N BO T!lA~r ond [) I S101 r Bu vrua::n l11P, nnd }h: o cine c.e.a le'& evCrJ wL~rt" pronru~tors 'l ~