~ t- anabrnn j talfsuian 1s pr el a.n d p ubhsl ed I I T11ll!.RIBLE DISASTER & 'I' If. iR 'IY 'r iHHtSD ~ T ~1 OU~ i N G, by tl.o Proprietor W J\-1:. R. 8I,IM I E, ,s.t h e O FF I()~ · - - t·oM! Offif' B l ock K IN GST REE! BO\V!.IAN 'dIL k!l ONT cou ta1ns chelatcstFore g n a1 iP r ov 1n Ne V:; Local [ nLelltge nc e Coun ty Bus 3 uo nm rc1al~[ a tt 1;:rs and an l S. t \.l.Ct1ve WEEKLY GENERAL NEWSPAPER FAM~LY Bo wman \ illc Sept ember 20 1870 T. J. JONES, L D. KING S1IlEET B l ~NO s., TI-IO MAS STOfT, SENI{., R ESPECTFT: LLY ANNOUNCES TO HIS OLD FRIE~DS AND the Publ c generi.lly that he has again requme d the on"~AMER S SURGEON DENTIST. Over F. T. McARTIIUR'S Store, WMA~'1LLE SURGEON DENTIST! CARRIAGE () N"E'V'"JC~"'- STX...E. B U S I N ~ S S! J.M. BRIMACOMBE1 l. D OFFICE IN M CLUNC S BLOCK. 0 nd Wlll be fouud a t bus New Sh n 01 0 N r ARIO RT REE I oppo<>1le tl e n s dence of Mr P COLE M \N IG- A good B1a.cksm1 th Shop a. ttached Oarria.gcs Repa1re.d Painted and Trim med on tbe shortest no tice A call sohc1ted BOWMANVILLE, cotbcr G IS 9 11 6 m ARE YOU INSURED 1 & ty?.!~e-oppos1te DR M essrs Nort~r~~ G-L.A.5'6-0~ ~OTJWE ~ THE subscriber h<1s now received the whole of his ::;PRING IMPO ' TA 11ur-.::; "h1ch w1ll be found ol the Newe"t ::;tyles best quallt1e·, aud at the lowest p!lces e invites the especial attent1011 of purchasers to his asso1tment of AND WHAT DO YOU PAY? DA. VUl!'iON. Ht> d +>H i nt of wealth and powe1 TIES WANTED. CI OTHS TWEE DS WA lER PRfJOF CJOJII8 SHIH 1 LNGS S HEETIN G~ LINEN S TOWELlNGS HOSIERY BLACK SILKS YILVElS PARASO LS UMBHILLAS ' DAMA'KQ MOREENS DIAPERS ~0.000 R ilroad ] ics wanted be tw een New·onville an d Oshawa to be n 1rle d !\.sh H emlock Ceda r and Tam 1r ck Apply to JOHN McMURTR:t Bowmanvdle Drn r 15 20 tf E xt! n ot from to l an l care And re ked not lhat eacl hour Yet st ong r g ew the snare Orea.mt tl ro 1gh 1 fea day aad 1 woke at l ast T o find b n3e lf u nd one-outcast 1 Sir Fianms Hincks resolutions on the cu rcney provid e - 1st fh it aflet the fi st day of Ju l; 1871 th e curre~cy of Nova cotra shall he th e ·amc as thttt of the renJJ nd e1 of Canada 2nd hat aft i th t date the B11t1 sh 'Ove reuw shall A "\V1sa oNsrN farmer, w1shmg to d 9, pass c 1rrent fit S4 82! cents and tha pose of his ac1es thus o dve1 The surr un mg ccnn ry l3 all public uccounts sbali"be kept In 6 id t1scm en t c irrenoy 3rd All mon ey paid nfte 1 the I t e most beautiful 1hc God of Natu1e 1st of July to Her 111aj esty or to any ·ver made I he ·c ne1y IS celes 1al- CAN ~DA JS lhe four th mar1l1De pow er the world and occordmg to the Y ea r B oo k for 1870' I '" 7 591 ·h p a with a tonage of 809 090 ton s Sh~ stands ahead of every n atwn except Great Br1ta10 United States and Fr rnce ID A ',uge as,ortment of Small WareE and [ 11mm111gi;; at "hole ·de ar·d 1 eta1J Bowm tnville May 26th F\RU FOR SiLE. ~ r s le the pa1 t of lot No 8 Broke n F1 nt, D rllngton contu1n1ng 9~ a"res all uodei cult1v h on 1 erms 11ber 11 For lurther paruoul rs applv to 1870 'I'HUMAS P A'I'.f:R SON, T HJ<J sub e11ber offu1· r ort On a h 1 p - --- wAR N ,fJ HUSSIA_l NE ws' "' GEORGE TAIT Da d rngton J an 18 1871 25 t f E N" · To Rent or lease aTerm of ~ears, ' which were rn·end ed to be and if such A FOOL!·H old bachelor sa 8 , )' alte rations of th e cairency had not bee 1 men keep clear of c·lico if you wa~~ ng made would h ave b ee n payabl e rn 1c do th Y to prc·cnt cnnency of Nova Scotm, shall on 1 and afte1 said d ay be pabable respectiv e w 18 1 and the pressure of a dehc~t~ hand ly rn eqmvalent sum s Ill the currency of will d.o as much to nnhrnge a man as t h ~ Canada> that i· to say 75 cents ~ova measles and the doe ors bill to boot Scotia cunency, 73 Canada cmrenay I &c 1th On and after the l· t July no A MATtIE>IATICAL fnend '" botheri ng Dominion note 01 Bank n Jte payable Jn Ihis head over the following problem Jf any other cunrncy than the currency of four d ogs with 10 legs con catch 80 rab C nada shall ba is; ue d 01 re issued by bit. with 27 ID 14 mrnutes, how many the Government of Uunala or by any legs must tlie same rabbits have t o ge t bank, all such notes issued liefure s nd away from eig ht dogs, with 32 lrgs, rn date shall lie called rn and red ee med 0 17~ minutes alJowrng 365 days m the n tcs payable rn th e currency of Canada year ·hall be substituted for them 5 th G ol l You have lust ' om baby I hcor said coins bea11ng the same pro portion u1 one gent1e1n1n to unother J Yes' poo r wc1_ht to that of the Briti sh sovereign uttle thin g I it was only five mon t hs old whwh five dollars bear ro four dollar We did all we con d fo1 it We b ad pas~ c :t rent I fo:ir doc 1.101s ~ paatv under any Act or law in force in d vine al so two w:.iggous to sell, nnd a N va. Scotrn, or wllh r eference the1eto or yoke of steers s ~i~~trni~g g;{~air ~~!~~°.,~~ isb~n:l~ VICTORIES XIRt.ORDINlRT! and gave it all kn ds uf medicines, nnd yet after a weeK" 11ln css 1t died , AD.H I DEFINE D -'l'hcrc mnst ha va been some curious spP.CHncos of Scottish humol broug l t out in the ex un1 1nri.t1on 01 O· teehisin,( by m1ms t rs of the flock befi1 rc th e nd1nin1otrat1on of commuu1on 0 ---o--- T lllGH 14_; 1'.\l[ E AT THE BOWM~NV ILLE and FUR STORE A choice se\Pctlon of COO:lS a1 d ---~--~-=,,,_-,...=.:--.:::-'I:-_ ~~ ~-- llhkc an ea15 cd I, \.DH' .:rnd f,E l\'P Fl U :\eltct§f §ltJJc,.. FANC"l "RA.PPIEll:S, Nene"'t l"a1trrn"'. llA.1' and CA I'S, I ah: id Fa,.luon DUI FA.I 0 ltOBE"', etc., etc, etc . .AL L Ile.. C H l:Ll .A P F 0 R 0 1\. S H. "@ll ALL KINDS OF' FURS ALTERED AND REPAIRED lll lGHEW.1' PRUE PA.ID FOil HAU l' U llS. MARKUS JUA YR, 16' n8 tf TO THE PUBLIC WALTER WIGG& Son, N returning t hrink s to their nu1n erou s cust D mers and pubhc ,:;enerally for post favors would respectfully invite attent10n to tfreir presen t stock of F 0 R I Christmas Novelties Fu~N""ITLTR,E, Ha<rng lately added co 1derably th retn th at th ey n y therebv be enabled to supply nil parties who m y please to favor them with a c 11 Gre t rnducements held out to those purch as ing at ti 01r establishment Brothers Bown anv Ile Dec 14 1810 20 t P1ctu1·es, Look1ng-glasser., &c., fi·anaed to order, and every style rooms tn Samples of the different buds of m oul lings can be seen at the ware .NO'l'I C E. C G HANNING, They would also beg to announce th a t ha vrn g puich ase d a s plendid They will be ready at all tuues to nttend to I unerals on short notice and rea81.H1able te1 n1s COFFINS KEPT ON IIAND A::<"D M \.DE TO ORDER AT }iOR no " MA:NVIILE A~D DA I NGTO~ The 11ew Do1oi1110n Rct:ul Furniture \,Va1·croo1n11. RES!DE ~ OE QU I EN SrnEET & Urders p 1nctu!lllJ ~tteuded to Ubar 13 0 S H KING S I REET EAS'l' AugJSt241810 .A '¥ .A.- rh e JOY OUS cry came from th e captain \'Vh 1 t ud been stnnnu g b is eyus over the ocean 10 hopes of seeing some vessr-1 com 11 g to s ive tbem Sw1ltly Jh tng towaids 1h em cane a low r ak1oh three run>:ted schooner i'i'htch e\: er and annn sent up a 11 ht to P"v t' t 1wse on bo ard th burning ship that succour w 1r, nea r H rk I the deep boom of a gun is heard and as the captam list e ns he ex ola1n1s ' \l1so Dewes, wo ar0 all right now cheer up Ii r there comes ~ vessel of war to our ~td th e1n Ship ahoy I came 10 r1n gu1g tones from the ·choon e1 as she came near the SOCIAL INFLUENCE bu1n1ng slnr wluch was being drl\ en rapidl y along by the wrnd \h o.i I answere d the captarn Throw a hne from your sh ip and I will send y )U a bollt c1:1n1c in the same face~ l~ steel against social dnnl'"tng d s go s Mo derate Opposite J W Fowkes Store 4 Da ted Jan 31 187 1 R. H TU ;:1,NER, Auctioue er .... ~G-EN"C-Y!'II\. NIJF \()'I URll\'G CO FOR T IHil TOWNSH IP OF DARL IN G 1 O:N BUWMAN 'l~LEHFUR~ ItURE IE> '~ /JDHNS' HOT All STILL AHEAD! §OIREES, TE,\ PAll'I'IE!ii, B \\..LI, !SUPPER"'· - PUHl,IC \-"Vi l,DDIJ\G DIN~ERS, FHTUIZM . cl ar toles I couotf.r ance the v1 t s and disc lllll;2: all CA l\t~IS L100nsed CHARGES MOOERAlll SALES PROMPILY ATiE.NDED TO T ber bnv1ag heeEJ ar po ntP 1 re 1 be Bo mM n-. ii le Ji' 1rn I ture J\ian i f c t uu1 g Co is 1 ow m a positio n to fi l nll o dt-1~ at as low a rate ns any lea! e r in tl e Connty HE ta I nget t by ~ n bsc1 ROB'.l' s lll"l\'~l " G 20, 18"0 12 tf BowmR1 v l!e Oc t »> QjJltl!r!il!tQ~ IS70. FA.LL IS70 Tl f G RAP HINST ITU Tf, 34 KlNG STREET E !\.ST FASHIONS. MRS. A FLETCHER r.rOf{ONTO, ONT. Es1ABL SRl!:D [N 1868 AS recl:'t ed the F all .Fasb1ons a nd 1s For t he purpose of qual fJ ag Ope1a t ors n w pre1 a1ed to make u p ladies ga.r fo1 the mt> ntl'I as us a l 1n the Latest Styles Tele;;1aph and Ra111 oad Lines Larl e;,, : Mc1.ntles Basq ea a d '~ ate1 I oo fs made or c ot n t l e lfi test stv le Then and now so raptdlv bu Jd g 1n tl e Dou11n1oa and Ur ited Sta te.3 It has become ~ Several npp1en t1c es "'unted o ne of the d1atel) Wo Id nost respectfully inform the_ 1nha b · Permanent Institutions of the Conntry Bowmanv1 \le Oct 18 1870 t11nts of Bo \"iman' 11e anr'I the surrounding and has turDe 1 ou L country tl at be bis comm en ced th e fI Tb e lrne " s thrown the b at attach ,nendl5 rnt1maoy w11h th ose who me ed nd after a little difficulty the people hqncr ti oy would s ve ti OU'and< " cl Irom the sb1p we1e tra11slerred to the thousanao;i of .}CUn~ men t om a fear f'ul h vice and thousavds nnd t i oust[ <ls ot Schooller a n d 'l a ary was soo n in l e h f comfortable cubrn reJmcmo- 0,er th en t cir own sex om the wietehed fate o I I ts claimed th at 'lrntiltic uon nff1rds escape f om a hoin Lle death drnnkatd s wives th e readiest a nd s implest m eans of disrn At breaktas t th e next mornrng th e Bu t so far horn th s bcrng the ru le it feeling water and of keeping it fresh _ " nlas I almost th e excep t1 n In social l he water of 1hc 'l'hamcs tfiken to sea yo un g captarn ol t he war schooner d e 1 scunded to J 10 Ius c ues ts 1t th e table paih e~ where Wt H~ I l:j servrd, ycu see 10 iron tanks soon beJom es p c1fcctly ar d as he entered b1a.ry sprnnct to wards II young wo ine n with sea ct:iy an exceph u sweet and remains so during a long voy btnl ., b drink with you ng men and g1v11 g- snnl a()'e ,A small piece of iron or a fe w nails \irank l\Iercer r Oh 1 it 18 you-I~ tt 10 Z ccuntenanc"' to th e most dJngerous 10 the wate1 in which cut .flowArB ai e not? f rm of all self tndul~eoce put will keep the wnter sweet The ex Ooc glance at the beautiful girl and And who 8 iffers most lll the end or I penment h's been tncd of put rng somtt thou~h)earshodpa,.cd Frank Me eel all this? "omanher,el! On her l ironfilng.rnave·selwitl a >ery >mill fvr 11 11 as no other recogniz ed the play' head fulls tie sorrow rnd the suffe110g quanti ty of water and then plicmg ~ m te wl om he had loved 80 well aud As ·oci ty now IS every generation ~row· leech therern After Silt: months had whon1 h e had never cett,ed to thrnl ol rt. harvest of drunkaid s and women pasaed the woter was found q utc fie sh Mi D ewes came foiw"rd an d what " reap the sad frurts of tlut harvest and th e leech all\e and hc"lthy Tlieee JDyful 1neeting was there but see a bioken hearts and premat ure graves facts are curious and suggesttve I cloud as 1f of bitter n1 cn1011es come over Mr D ewes let we 1 eh eve your mind of 1' our 1nn0cence 1n \ 1rg1n1a - - · -------~ TAILO & ING 1 nbc ll il nd & Du 1 lam a t t he end of I wenty days nfrer t he first pub\ cat ion b f' eot i n the Ilowm a n vd le ST ATESMAN to appoint Lre t1t a. McQ ua id w1d of the I ewvsh1p of Catt :vr1ght dow of th e late Rob fl rt l\1cQ i~d forme1 lv f the sam P- place deceased Guard a of 'l hcma s He n ry McQna1d Infant son of ot the said Rob e rt McQua1d and t.he said BUS I~ESi;l u O"\ ER 100 OPEKATOR!ioi, wl o n l \ fi ll im por tant pos 1hons with U n1 tf' d Oo nn t1eo: of NJ ti A PPLICATION "'11 be ma de to tbe JLrlgc of t be Sir t 1g te Co u1 t of tfe ill the 8tand la tely OCCUPIED BY MR CORNISH, P.A i.NTS 1 Varn1sl e:, and B U::!bes of tbeap at Lret1t1a McQu a.1d All wo1k warranted. Clothes cle aned and repaued on the sh i test not.ice .A. call S'Oilc1ted GO SIGN OF ~R~WUR & LO~E Sohcitors for Apphca Boww~nville 1 February ~ 1671 .J. P. r,A Vl~G. 44 tf 'l'. II, CHURCH.ILL, 9 3m 10RONTO, ON7 Bowrnauville, M·y 28, 1870°