OR S iLE, on Wellrngton Street ¥or t ~ " particulars apply to A DIXON < IT ts a remnrhble faot that the bravest owmanville, March 31, 1870 35 tf of soldiers are generally the gentlest of tnen " I'LL rnp you on your little hend,' is ~ popular Western parody on a mnch-sung song T1rn follies of youth become the v10es of manhood and the d1 ~o race of old ao-e BRICii -CO'rTAGE F M II ha~ now on hand an immense stock of tention of farmers io the onc-h01se and two-horse Iron Cultivators manufactu1ed by en of B11gh~m Young's mothers in law him, and wh1cl1 have for six years obta..tned first prizes a.t Provincial and Local Fairs have died They a.re undoubtedly the best tmplcment of VEGETiTION 1s on the move and the thli k1nd 1n u:se, and will in a. very short time more than repay then· cost, tn the efficitrees generally are packrng their tiunks ency and excellence ot their work Inspecprepnatory to leavinq tion inv1tDd ~<\. supply of Cultivators no"W on ha.nd for the spring w ork, and will be THERE were 118 steam b01ler explosrnns sold at lowest rates ' DURING th e past five years twenty-sev- CULTIVA1 0R~ atT 1 HE SUBSCRIBER would direct the FIRST PRIZE Ladies', Gentlemen's PR.UNELLA AND and Children's CANVAS B O O T S .A.N"'D low prices S~OES, .J. HI G G INB OT Ii A IU, all of which he is selling at a great reduction from hrs usual Call and see them, and got bargarns, at the CHEMIST and DRUGGIST, STOP AND SEE Sign of the Big .Boot Drawn by rwo Horses, Krng.~t.i Bowmanulle.: EGS respectfully to announce that he Teslnnon1als of n1ost wonGerfuJ and e.xhas received A well a,ssorred stock of l traoidinary cures in Canr.da h the ORE~ Genuine D1ugs a.nd Pr re English Cbcm1c a ls IIS DIAN t.:.EJ.1ED1' They n1.., a t ern, uncl,e Also1 a splendid stock of the most carefully II 01A.ble and 1ncontesi::able fact" suffir.ir.n t t:Q selected con,.1nce the most skeptit:al tl ~t the 016'11. Med 1c1nn.l Compound yearned after for ag·S · 1s now nccess1ble 1n the Great B T HE lOLLOWIJ\G REMARKS ON DYE STU FF S ' lrmng 1870 There we. e 326 persons . 1lled by them, an d 227 wounded IRON HARROWS of a superior k1nd, _ also on band BUGGIES Al\'D WA.GO!\'§ A MR8 CLARA NASH of Columbia, N ~ompleted her legal studies m 'ier husbands office, has become a Jus \Ce of the Peace constantly on hand for sale kinds ofBlaeksm1th \'rork doue on the shortest notice A cnll sohc1tcd I "ESTCOTT 34-tf Bowmanv1Jlei 1\fiucli 22, 1870 ~All :Cnl.i:l?O~T.A.NT tl , havrng TC> AcooRDING the report of the Mrn ster of Miht1a, lhe nouunal strength of '10 active m1htia of the Domimon JS 43,19 men to PARTIES USING MACHINE. SOCK'S )I W H~:f N0/t begs toannonucc that I e H3pi: epared to g1 e ln::;~ructior::; 111 the elem en ts ot which cannot be su rpassed t or excellency of RE1'1EDY q nahty An assortment of Aniline Dyes For Diseases of t h e Throat, Lun gs, Ltvtr kept constantly on band, together with a Digestive Organs, K1dneJ si &c 1 a s well a ch oi ce ielection of ..:icroful a the 'anon::; Skin D1..,eascsi Humo1e DRUGS, and all d1seasl:'s ar1::;1ng from hnpurittes o CHEMICALS, the Blood, w.e boldlv state tha t thnt grea\ PATENT MEldOINES remedy Ji., NE1 ER BEEN EQU ~ LLED Wh e1e was there evel such a cu1e RB that tn BRUSHER 00l1B~, the pe1 ~on of \VrL~ON STORMS o f Bnghton SHO IJLDJ?R llR iCES, SUPPORTERS, &c , &o On tr n o ot Consun1phon 01 that of PEJ1'R OILS, ~ \i irrLLEn 1 01 E inestown 1 Ontario, o PAINTS, Jnsumption or that of AMRROSE -W ooD o Consecon, Ontario, of DJ s pcp srn. and L1ve1. COLORS, Comphu nl , or that ef JoHN Hos1y, of Nan V ARNISHF.R, and WHJTELEAD anee, Onta.rio, of Rheumatism , who o:1tta actually been on c1utcl1es for years, 1n spite h \\est pncea of a.11 treatment here to fo1 e, and 1s now wcl1 bul)t es of such cases might be mentioned.had N B -Country Storekeepers supplied on we Bpl':ce !CT' Call at th<> Dn g Store And get a Cir· cul111 ofunqne.:{1 fllle certificates on the GllEA l ~HObHON EES REMEDY an· sat isfy yo111sclvcs SHOSUONEES advantageous termsi - - - - - - -- - TOWN f:I.i1LL BUILDINGS, BOW21IANV1LLE. DEALER IN Vocal & Instrumental J\:f US IC, embrac in g thorough Btis~ and Harmony, th e elements o f compos 1no n He is also prepared to Lun e a nd repair Pianos Res1dence-Cburcli Street, Eas t DRUG )· MEDICINES, AND CHEMICAL, DyP. Stuff,,, PateJlt Med1cmes, D _·· ery, Brushes, Combs, Soaps, .Parnts a1,d Oils, P:unt Brushes, Coal 01!, and Co:;,l Oil Lamps, .~c, &c. t he entire stock in ,rade of the lnte Rich ard Uee Sent , nnd will continue lo cany on tho ' ~~:.'I~i~~.~:~:~~~:~~;. Pric· of Remedy in laige p"11B $1 COTTAGE ·ro LET. 45-tf ---------Physicians' prescriptions carefully Goll!pounded, THE M1tche1l Ad,ocate (M11uslellal) 1ys ' The result of the conteso through 1t the Provrnco ta rather unfavourable " th e Government" We should thrnk THE Oontatng six ro ms 1 gitrden A.Dd stQbhng hard and soft \later RttuatPd on Queen StrePt H.ent $6 pe"' month .AppTv lo Mr Thoe Bowden < r to St J Il Hutcheson, Barrister Bowmau'\'tllt! 3w and all orders correctly answered. Physicians Jrom th oitrsock of medicines complee a1·d <' ~ J!'cn-mm·s cMul '..,nntry 11·il fincl 0 ' sy qual'/, FOR SALE! T HE COTTAGE ON LIBERT Y STREET INSURE YOUR LIFE, AND YOUR PROPERTY, IN THE \\1th q11a1trr a..,1e -0f land a ltLched, owned and la t c_ly oocn p1ed by Mr \\ I-' BennPLt Excellent fruit t1ees 1n t he ga1den Apply lo McOLIJ~G BROS Bow manv lle ~ept 1tb 1870 G B STOCK, A YOUNG lady havrng read about a man Sole agent fo1 the Dom1n1on, Brougham, Ont, tvmg rnvented a stove wb1c)l 11tll con S B BRADSHAW, ma its own smoke, hopes he will donse Agent for Bowmanv11Je method wli ere ~y tobacco omokers can ho 'l'EST I J U 0 NIA J,S. onaged on~tlie same economical prrnc1 JOSEPH HALL 1Wachine Worlcs,} . · ~L\.. YEH9 S - Sa:rs a parilla ENGJ.-AND. ASS1JRANCE Co., ot· LO~DON, e THE Welland Canal wt!l be opened for <v1gat10n on the 5th of Apnl Th" I i least two weeks corher than the usual enrng of this gre>:t commerctal h1ghway 10 coming season promises to be an usually busy one Oshawa, Ont, Apnl 4, 1870 ' A HOY rn D etrott has killed stxty r'\· F W GLEN, P1es1denl. 1 cf 111s ne1gh bo1 'a cats to get money to ry his mother a set of fulse teeth Ile Copy of a testimomal of the Bowman.. ville F1'rn<tui e Company s made a qmet neigh borho' <J where GEO B STOCK, Esq, Brougham a howlrng wtlderr.es~ Good DEAH S1R,-V\. . e have been us .,g your Extra Machine 011 for the past five mo uths, at d can eu.v with safety that it is tbe best 011 we have ever ll';:ed, ~nu] QEO B S!OOK, Esq, Brougham DEAR Sia-We have been ua1ng your Iubr1cat1ng 011 for tl e p1n3t four rr1onths, and can say w1tnout hesitation that 1t lS the best 01\ we have ever U'lCd It is also cheap and lnsts longer than any other 011 ~ e hn.ve run our large 11 fJot non Planer 8e\en dnys with one oiling lt Jceeps the tools clean and b11ght, and we do not want nn:y thing bcter El.3 a lubricator Yours respectfully, CAPITAL FULLY M W R SUBsr~RIB~D, £2 oOO 000 STSRL!NG 1t1 HIS BRITISH COMP ANY OFFERS SUT peuor advantages to Policy l10lders, both the Life a11d Fue department. Rates low and te1ms hbeial. FIRST-CLAS~ RLA1'fD, W- A;; C> :'ii & CO. lU:o ntreal Genera l .Agenb for Canada CLIMIE, Agent at Bo,, manv1lle it gives us ns goodsa.tisfa.otion n on guaranteed it to give THOS TOI! 'ISTON, :Jlannger Bowm3n,ille Furniture Co J1dancc, he had instead t~ken lns wife's Rowmn.nville, J'u J &2·6 [t brought him out all ~ E U R E l{: A" THE & J:n.o A J,o ' TIN :l.N ~ aglc was teceutly shot near Bel d, havrng around 1to neck a steel col CHINESE r on 11 h1ch was graven the date 1646 1 d a half eff1eed armorrnl bearrng It to be prcsentcJ to the Museum at A, AND Ill Is t;hl[ at the old stand, with a p1od1g10ns stock of BLOOD ELECTRO PLATED vVAllE, HardvYare, CutlAry Paints and Oils Stoves and 'T'1nvvare. of' St> lendid JElech·o-P!atc 'Eca §cb. LIVER SHOOTING ·hoemakers for breacn of om1so to ha 1e boots done Saturday S~RUP ght IS becoming a popular custom, and n Lut tend to tuiprove the veiactty of DYSPEPSIA, e craft Rl~HUC'I'ION IN PRICES CURES Bmldwg Ha1dware, Parnts and Oils, 15 to 20 per cent. cheaper. Everytl11ng 1\ arranted to be as iepresente<l. ENO HJ\tf OUS l\10NEY[ to LOAN be repaid tn rnst a lments to sun rower" who a 1e n.llowed to m:ike such men ts 1n add1L1on t o inslulm<' n t~, as mn.y find eon ven1 en ti ma v be ohta1ur.rl tha Cn.nnda. Perman1:nt Du laing und rnJS S c1ety bl a.pi ly 1t g to L OANS FOR Fl10M I TO 20 ~EARS bo1 to A RAPrURED writer 1nqu1res, "Wh:nt tbeie undet hea\en more lrnmamzrng, GENERAL 1f we may use the tet m, more nngehz / LIVER COMPLAINT, pay theJ from Sa.v- "than n fine blac 1c CJC in a lo\1ng we a?' T"o block eyes 1< tho ouly AND owcr thought of at pi escnt ' THE ErnpPror Al eirnndc r the second 1s 1c1 ally known 10 St Peters bur~ ta h 1ve DISEASES come a c1nfirmed d1uukard II· 1m DEBILITY STOVE AND TIN SHOP! FARE\\ ELI, McGEE & RUTLEDGE, Stoves for Wood and Coal, the latest and mo-t Beaut ful, Cheap/ Over 100 deot)' n· und Size· of l'o 1k Parlor i nd B ox Stoves ALJ, Sol c1to1 s Ilow111anY-1ll e t::T' P11vate fu.n ds to 1oan 16 t Stove Furmture, and <tll other krnds of Tm ware, made with N eatness a nd D espatch ~Specia l ~ttr: nt1on give n to pu tt 10~ up E 1ve Troug-hs Conductor Pipe·, &o None but the be·t Materials used, and sat1·tact10n guaian teed OF THE Highest Pw~e paid for Hides, Sheepskrns, Rags, Wool "Peruu LR t-iyrup," BSOLUT;] DlVORCl S leia11y obtained ID New Yo1k Ind ia na Ill1no1snnd ot her S1 a t~ .., 1 fo1 pf'rson s fr~ any State or Conn t1) lega l evt ry where e.:ert 1on, dru nkenness non ..,uppoi:t, etc, su icien t ea 1se, no pub hc1ty, no charg e utrl divorc.e obtn1 ne d CAUTION. -All genuine hns the name (~OT A rngs, Old Copper, Feathers and Horse Hair, A~D Perunan llark ) A DEPUTATIO:S of the .Ma·ne Legi<l.t e, on a \1~1t t o the Ins1ne J\>::y}um at ngu-.fa, while wnlk1ng throut)1 the cor DIGESTIVE OlWA:tiS. THE EUREKA IS A PURELY VEGETABLE MEDICINE R FllEE FllOM MINERALS \VET LINGTO'\ l3UTLDTNGS Bowm ain 1lle, Sept, 28 186<l JDHN M'lEDD . 171 ::st Ja ne5 blow-n in the glnss A 82-page pamphlet !!<>llt free J P Dr.N~MORE Pro1 uetor 36 Dey ot New York Sold by all Druggists Advice hee Bus1ne s "'Sta bl shed 15 )eare Ad l1ei;s ... ~[ R USE Attorney, No J8 Nass 1 ~~ v~,, Yllk: S1reet lorn, were greeted with one of the rn 1es 1 who "as pee11ng throu~h the ~rat 'of a oell d oor, wrth, "Well I de re , if here ain 't the animals from Noah's -~ - - - "" - - - - -- - - c_ - - - - ..,.2k±i£±_ _ Servant Gir 1 Wanted. T possec;ses the power of Toning aod S tnmgthrnu g the Stoma1,;h 1 of Exc1t1ng tbe Toq 1d LtV( r to a Henlthy A.,t1on aud of Puig ng out all Dep1aled Hamo1s and Il1l!o us Secretion from tLe SJ stem Most Diseases have their or gin Jn or ate g.i:Hft. t lJ aggra\a tcd_bJ lnd1ge:;iton, fiom tlie/ sole cnus0 that the D1gest1ve Organs do not per oi:m th e duty tl at natu1e has designed I thtm, hence the nutrnnent snot abstiacted f1om the food, nnd the .Blood is de prived of that uo uu~bme nt it req_urrei of the D1gest1ve Organs It bas been thoroughly tested and found HERE 1s a conund1um for thA' consider to be the tl11ng so long sought for and so ion of the next 'reacbet Institution- ea1nes t ly desired by the Sick and Suffering ~ l'he 'e1 b ' 1s' being singular, ~n<l ' are' Lyn, ~by llth, 1870 ' plu1 al, doe· it follow that "~rabella 1s Ma H E Row·, 1k,' I O NE full) co m petent lo do general house Yi ork . A.pply to MURDOCH BRUS '· BAR Great Bargam:s will be given at the J UA.1'ROOD: !110,V r,OS'I' Holll!' Re,.toi·ed. Bricks F OR Sale 1 1'facb 1ne Ma.de P1 essed White Bricks, a.t the Oshawa I 1le 'i.V 01 k11 JOHN WIL80~ S'l'OV.ES lN PART OR BOX AND COOK e1the Coa l or \Vood, cheap er tba n ever Stn,-I have u~ed 1' E urel~a ' for Sick c plum! of Isabella, and must tho !"tier Hend ache, ca1u1cd ln a d1sordBrcd stomach cess<.1r1 1y be :i.s singular in d1snos1t1on and impcricct d1gest1on, with succea'", \'i hen in number, nnd if !:0 1 mn'it other remedies failed to do me any good and lam satt;:ified nil that 1snecesstH) to convince vays he a murucd woman, :tny I er&on of its me1~ts; woul d be to glve 1l a tri al, a nd I cheerful1y reccommend 1t to all whose cond1tlon dema nd anJ tb1ng of thu1 CHEAP 1VILn CHERRY BALSAM -The memory D1 , Wista' I S embalmed rn the hearts thousands whol)) lns Balsam of Wild erry has cured of coughs, coldo, con np·too, or -ome other fo·m of Pulmonary It 1s now over foil) years 'rnce ,, preparatron was brought before the 1bltc, and 0 et the demand font 1s con ' ntly rncreasrng r)le Buffalo btokers are rnnnrng L tast each other to secure Cnnad1an 0oey winch 1s now quoted at one per 1t premium, but the run is notbmg mpared with that after the" Canadian 110 De;troyer, "wh10h the people have and out to be the v<irv beot th mg for ,,.., cure of eo1ds, rheumatism, sore thron:t we! complnrnts, &c Sold by all l\fed , .o Dealer s at 25cts p~r bottle. nature E COO:K 1 Proprietor of Lyn Woolen Factory CORNER THE LOCKMAN 4 586 MONEY TO LEND ! lN SUliS OF Lyn, Oct 3rd, 1870 MR H E RowEJ, DEAR S1;i;i --Hs,v1 ng used three bottles of you r '11luable Med1c1ne in my family with good p:f:lect1 I fce1 safe 1n 1ecommend1ng the Eurekn for Gcnc:ra.l Deb1hty, Inaction of tho Lrver, LotSs of Appetite &c, it having bee11 usell for the above complaints in my family dring the remainder of the winter season! STORE! SEWING MACHINE JS liOW TUE $3 00 A ND UP"\-Y ARDS, at a. low 1a1e ofn1tcres t LEADI:NG l\1ACHIN E IN TIIE DOMINION OF CAN AD A. Yours rc>i.pectifu11..,., J FERl,USON, .M E Minister PUBLIC OPINION Tb1s proud 1 os1l1on i t has a.tta ned thrOllffb 1t::. 1nhe1ent good qutth ties I he e qunlit~s a1e s1ruplic1ty dur!l b1ht} elegance, adapta btht.) 1 besides n score more of pq in1 1mptJrtance For full pllrtlcu la.1s address to the PEATE, TAILOR Gentlemen's & Boy's Garments MA.DETNTHE J Sll!PSON F30M l'. lflOMPSON, ESQ 1 DIREC:TOR OF 'IHE RO)AL CA~~D IAN D:\NK YI T! TRY IT!! FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS WUOLEBA.LE BY has fully justified the ongina l 1clea, that at the " Col!ler Store" you could get Mar.&ufacturers, WILSON, BOWMAN & CO H a mll ton 0 nt~t10 NE"\VE!ST STYLES. JO tf R. & H. O'HARA, NORTHROP & LYMAN; Puce I 00 Newcastle, FI'I'rl'ED AND WELL SUITED Ag cnt il for Du1ham aud Victoria - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - -- - to be a rcma tk a bly ri.ne-t.oned Uwmauv11le, Feb 19 18 68 I I bur\ s pianos--the fh ~ t eons10-ned to lb1::s mad e t It sai:know lrd gcrlb)Prote~s1orals l ll I Gi,;~i.LE.MEN-lpuchased, abon t ten y ears t1gn 1 ne of Brad 1 ~!Essas R & H T oRo:N rJ, 15th Mr,rch, lS'iO o rr.~... EUREKA" Js.c-uar1 U!to l8P 1 F. 'Y'" 11 (CHOPPING AXES A j CC>~::C....E. Boyd s 1 "'heap 1 T 0 LE 1_, ! tons, Da te s, and Russel makers ~ Dwelling with Shop suitable for Tailor or Sho.,maker Inquire at al _Tliulas' BASSET'S MRS !I.LEX FLEIO!JER& BowmsnYJl!e1 0c t 25, 18T O 13~tf Sold bx J HIGGINBOTHAll and Furn of Thom rso a & Hurns S'fOTT B.n"wa11YHie, and M~uictne R & H 0 Hara, general agents for Ontario ever) vrht:rO t ba~ having been removed several time!< during that pe11od, it has only req tued tuning 1\\1\;e No11h10 1 & .uvn au Yuurs tru lJ proprietors for Canada <:;!trumr.nt and l may also mention wm b!AM TIIOMPSON, (