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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Apr 1871, p. 1

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::ue ONTARIO PROHIBITORY 18 J ntcd nnd pubil:il ed ' IE'!> en·~ '.!i'i!nn·s®a)) bJ the 1- rop eto ll~oirnini;, vV M. R. CLIM IE, at the VOL.XVI. ~0 ) CHEMIST 00 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1871. PUT YOURSELF IN HIS PLACE There \>as a depth m that vmce, a thril wife, as she looked up m my fiery counte lmg sweetness and pathos that rivetted uance 'you wtll not kill us you will not evcrJ heart in the ch111ch before the first harm ,.V1ll1e and she sprang to the cradle peuod had been rnuuded MJ fathei sat and grasped ·him m her embrace "I caught her agam by the hair and tent10n had become foted npon the e\ e of the speaker \11th an mterel<t I had neHr chagged her to the door and a.a I lifted tlte befo~ 0 seen !urn exhibit latch, the wmd burst m ;nth a cloud of I can but brteflv reh1e1nher the sub sno\\ stance of what the old man said though '\\ rth i yell of a fiend I still dragged the scene ts as 'iv1d before n1e as anj thn.t her on and hurled her out in the darkness und the stornl I have ever since \vttnessed ' 1\-Iy fnends I am a stranger in 'our '"\'\1th a i\tld ha' ha' I clo~ed the door VJllage and trust I ma) call you friends and tntned the button herpleadrngmoans A new Sw'lX " h as arisen and th ere 18 h ope m unnghng with the Vi ail of the blast and the the dark mght "hieh hangs hko a pall of sharp en of the babe But n1y -..vork 'vas not complete I gloom over ou1 country VV1th a thrilling depth of voice the turn ed to the bed where lay my elder sou 0 God thou who and I snatched h11-n from his shunbers and speaker continued lookest with compassion npon the most opened thedoor and threw him out In errm~ of ear th s frail children I thank agony of fear he called me by a name I thee that a brnzen oerpent has been lifted was no longer fit to bear and loc;J,:ed 111s up on 'vh1ch the drunkard can look and be httle :fingers in my side pocket healed That a beacon has burst upon the I could not wrench that frenzied grasp darkness that surrounds hnn which shall niwa;y and with the coolness of a dei; il gmdc back to honor and heaven the shut the door upon the ann and with my I bi u sed and -wear/ wanderer knife I Sff\ ered the wrlSt It lS strange ·what po'\ver there 1s in so1ne The speaker cea:;ed for a voice> burred !us face m his hands as if to shut The ripea.ker's voice \\ i'tS low and r11ea out sonle fearfnl dream and }us deepchcst sured but ;:i, tear started in f\ ery tone and heaved like n. stolln swept at sea before I know why a tear dropped on my My father had arisen from ]us seat and hand The old man brushed one fron1 hrs "as lea1 ing forward hrs countenance ov;n eye, and continued bloodles1' and t he la1ge drops standing out Men and Chr1·tians you have JlISt I upon his brow Chills crept "ta k to my hear 1 that I a1n a 'agr tnt and a fa1 a.tic young heart and I wished I '\Vns at ho1ne I am not Ah God 1' 10ws my own sad I T)le old man looked up and I ha' e never heart I came here Just to tlo good Hear s1nce beheld such n1ortal agony pictured me Lnd JUdge n_r:on a hun1an face as there v;as on hrs ' I am lJ1 old man standing alonA at the I It ·was inornn1g 'vhen I a'\ oke and the end of liie s JOLUney There rs n deepsor s+orn1 hM cea.'3ed but the cold wa.s mtense IO'W 111 nn: he11t tnd tens In n1y ejeS I I frrst secured 'l. drink of water nnd then ha'e Journeyed O\OI a dark and beacon I looked m the accustorue,1 place foi Mai~ less ocean and all life s bright hopes have As I n rnsed her for the first hme a been wrecked I an1 w1thout friends home shadov;J sense of some horrible n1ghtn1are or kindred on earth and look ?.1th long began to daWJ1 upon n1y 'vandAr1ng m11Ln rng to the i cst of tJ1e night of death I thought I had <l.rearn.ed a fearful \\ ilhout friends krnctred or home dream but I rnvoluntaril~ opened the out not so once side door '\\' a shudde11ng dread N o one could "1thstand the touclnng AB the doo1 opened the sno·w uu1st1n pn.tno::: of th" ol d lnan I noticed a tear follo1'etl ly a fall of son eth n g aCioss the trmnbhng on the lid of my fathe1 s eye threshold scatterrng the cold snow and and l no more felt a.sha.n1ed of 111y OW11 Rt1ik1ng the floor '~1th a ~harp hard sound No n1y friends iL was not so once J\.f:y blood shot hke red hot an:o'\"\s through .A.,vai; over the dark waters wluch h my veins and I rubbed IDJ e)es tu shut wrecked my hor es tl1"'re 1s t1 e blessed out the sight It 'vas terr1ble It "\ si iny own Jn light of happn1ess and hone I reach ag un convul:nvel3 for the -shnnes of the JUrcd Mary and her to houscho 1d idols that 1nce v;e1e m111e uut d~ath. no-.. irune 1 10 nore The ever true rno·he1 had Lowed her Th'-' old man sce1ned looking a" a.y 1 self OV"'l the child to shield it and hnd throu 1 a \a.c:tnt,'Y u1 on some br ight i;is i\tapped all her own clothes around it ion h s li1 s .,,part and hrs :finger exten I lea,1ng her own person oare to the storm ded She had placed hc1 O\vn han over the fo.ce t11e dn ectron o; the child and the sleei had f1 O;>;en 1t to some shadow tl o white cheek The frost " as white in Hn okecl ;by its nf!.gic 1noving Jts half 01 en eyes and upon its tiny fin \\ ith hei old I kno\\ not \\hat became of n y bov NO. 38. her bead surmounted by a little flat, or namented with bits of lace birds tails &e &c " ard with '\iary1ng success 1 but l tt te l conv1ctionhas been deepening 111 th(') i-: of manJ friends of tho Tt!1npe1 n e that 'tttb)ia] .5.t:l:!bSti.':in ii.lone 1B insuffic a check the g1ow1ug ra,a.ges of rnten ancc, that more strmgent reptessn:e ..til sure rnust be adopted Du1mg the past fe" "eeks a .ser O" 2nect1ngs rn the interest of Tempv have been held rn Toront~ "ith L " 1 w D. STOTT, AND DEALER IN I DRUGGIST, oos 0 13 0 "o 0 ,o 'lOJVJ\' lEALL BUILDlNGS, BOWJJ:IANVILLE. MEDICINES, AND CHEMICALS, D) e Stuffs Patent Medicmes Perfumery, Brushes Combs Soaps, Pam ts and Oils, Parnt Bl'U8hes Coal 01!, and Coal Oil Lamps, &c &c fought and striven Ho>> honestly t11ed to lrv~ HO\\ much been cheated-1 O'-" sorely tried Ere the "1 on°' he was lf~ 1 t o cmbu:we ..:41.nd u vou would learn the,,e th Uh'"S tJ e \\a) Is to put yuureelf m ills i lace PYYSICIANS PRESCRIPTIONS CA({El! ULL"Y COMPOUNDED AND ALL ORDERS CORRECTLY ANSWERED .$E!'" Ji'armeis nnd PhY,'-iciari· from the Ocmnfu-y will find plete <md of the &est quality 01'1" St-Ock of Medwmes GLASGOW HOUSE T noi,.~ T HE SUBSCRtl3ER HAS NO"W prices ~~~'.'"'""""'~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RECEI'tED THE WHOLE OF HIS SPRING I l\'IPUHIATIONS ·vhH h ·v1U he Cnmd of the Newest Styles best qna.lities and at the lowest lfe unites the cspec al attention of purchasers to his assortment of I CLO'IHS TWEEDS PROOF CLOTHS SHIRTIN GS SHEEIING LINENS TOWELINGS, HOSIERY BLACK SIL.KS, v ELVETS P A:RASOtS UMBRELL !1.S, D!l.MASKS 11'10.l{EENS, DIAPERS Vi ATER ~ la1ge assortment of Small\\ ares and Trnun1 ngs at ·vholcs tl an l retail THOMAS PATERSON. Bo\.'i n1nnville April 18 1 J u s T f.i OPENED. Markus Mayer H !\.S JUST OPENED Ot T A Vi' EI L SELECTED STOCK OF I neve1 shall forget the conuneuvement of the temperance refonnation I was a cluld at the time of some ten years of age Our horne had t:n ery con f 1rt. an l my krnd parents 1 lohzed me tl e 1 clnl J "\Vine was often on the table and both iny f;d her n,nd n1other ga"l.e rt to inc rn tho bottom of the rnonung glass On Sunday at ch11rch a starthng an nonnc~n1~11t was 1nade to ou1 1eople I" nothing of its purvort liut t hem "as much wlnspenng among the men Tl e pastor said that 011 the next 8 , eIU!igwo kl be a. meeting ancl an address upon the e\tls of 111tmnpeiancc 111 the use of a:l 0 hohc d1inks He exI iessed hunself J6'HO rant of th"' obJeot of t11 e inceting and coulcl nut sav what course 1t would be best to pursue in t he 11 atter lhe subJect of the 111eetmg carne up at Ollr tabl1.: after the scri;rce and I q_tlcs fao ned l-; father about it 1, 1th all the ea- 0 I I I HATS, CA PS, for &c., 11 n te the I 1 OF Ev ERY DESCRIPTION WHICH HE "\'.ILL SELL CASH. nm the sunple, sweet sentirnentB which ch:tstcr about a ho1ne I would ask, ho" is a man to fall m love 1v1th such a piece of compound, double andtwrntedtouch 1nc not art1fic1ality a8)0U see in v. igghng cur1os1ty ? ' Seconclly, With that v.asp waist squccz1ng your lungs liver and otl1er "\Ital organs mto one half therr natural size, and \\itth tha.t long tail dragging on the ground, how c.'l.n any n1an of sense, '\\ho kno" s that his life is 1narie up of use;··of se1 vice of work, how ca.n he take such a partner 1 He must be desperate mcleed to umto lumself for hfe with such a fettered half b1ea.th1ng -otnanrent t "' ' Thirdly Your bad d1 ess ai;d lack of exercise lead to bad health and men wltie ly fear that mstead of a helpmate they would get an m' ahd to tnke care of Tl lS bad health 111 Jou as u1 1n u makes the mmd as" ell as the hotly futldlec l and cf femmate You hn,\e no po,ver of mag net1s1n I kiH w you giggle f.reel;y a..r~l use b tg adiectives such "" splendid awful but then this don t deceive us th.rongh it all You aie su1)er1ic1al, if fected sill) you ha' e none of that -wo inanh: strength r.nd warmth w-Iuch are so assurmg md attr-achve to man W Jn you beco1ne so childish and 'veak in1nderl tha,t you 1eflIBe to vi.eu1 decent narnes e1en and nisist upon baby na1ncs Instead of Helen Mruga,ret and Elrzabetl1 - :y'i)U-af feet Nelhc Maggie and Lrz~ae ~hen your brothers weie babies 0 ou called them Bobby Dicke, and J ohnn) but when they g1ow up to nu\.nhood, no mo1e uf that if ;you please Dut I know a "otna.n of twenty five years and l':!he I~ as big a~ bfth my gr :i..ndn1others put together 'vho insists upon berng called Kitty, and her real name is Cathanne and, althoughherbra n is big euough tc conluct afiaus of State she docs notlung but giggle and covel' up her face \\1th her fan a:ud exLL1.un once four minutes Dou t no"' ;yon 1nean Hl -..v cal tnan p1opose a hfe slnp to such a s1llJ go1se I ~f,Y deu guls ~ou must if JOU would get husbands and decent 01;es diess in plain neat beco;nin(I' ga.nncnts an<l talk lik.e s~usible, ea.nlest sisters You say the 1nosit sensible men are crnzJ after these butteilhes of fashion I beg your pardon rt is not so Occas10nally a n a 1 of bnlhant success 1nay 1ua1ry a silly "eak won1an but to sa.y as I have heard 'vo1nen s y a h ind1ed times that the most "lalls1ble n1en GJ.1oose 1vo111en with out sense, is simplJ absurd Nineteen times in twenty sensible men marrj sen s1ble won1en I grant you that in cotnpa ny they are very hkely to chat and toy ·with those oi.:er dresse d cien.tnros b1 tthcy don t 1sk them to go to the altar with them Foiu thly Ainong the Joung: n1en Ill the niatrin1011iaJ.markct only a s1nall nnm her are independently neh and, in 1\.ruer1 ca such rarelv make good husbands But the nuu1ber of those "ho are 1ust begin mug m life who arc filled wrth a noble a1nb1tion v.:ho have a future ts very ln.rge These are worth havmg But such "ill not, they dare not ask you to JOin them, while theJ sec you so ulle so illy and so goiJeotlsly attired Let theu1 see thatyou are industrious economical "I.\ rth habits that secure health and strength that you -would be "1lling to begin at the beginrung m hfe wrth the 111an you would consent to marIJ then 1naruage '\\ill becon1e the rule, ancl not, as no,v, the exception ne 2 Ub3ect -To secure a legislative enae mcnt proh1b1hng the iuanufactnre a ld s 11 of alcoholic liquors in the Province of On ta-1101 except for med1c1nn.l and me,...han ca.I pusposes a.nd to co operate with asso c1at1ons that m11y be forlllell 1n other. p.r:o v1nces, ' ith a view of e~tend111g the: l)l"'ln c1ple of prolub1ton iluo11ghout t1ie Yl ho e ") Domm1on 0 Membm ship The League ~hoU be composed of a1l 1 ersons who ftg1 Cf: tt s I port proh1b1t1on l)Ure and srmple "..Jla " h v contribute to the funds of the Assoc1a+10 CALL EAl L Y A~ D IOU WILI BE SURE 'l'O BE SUPPl I TO TI-IE PTJBLIC. WALTER WIGG & Son, RETURNTNG THANKS TO THEIR NUMEROUS CUSTOMERS AND IN tlc 11tl ceen rallv fo rs wlLll especf lly1nv ea.1tentontothe p1e:..entstockof In the coiner was tho ta'\ ern keeper and round h1n1. n. nu111be... of h s f1 ien<l~ 1' or m ho u tl e µeople of the p!.ce con t1nued to come in till there ' as a far Fu:RN'"ITu:RE, n.nd in e' ery SQ le i;;:an plcs oft o lld ah Tl e) -I-I TB A_RS E, 'I hey 'vill be icady at a 1 tnuee to attend to Funeu-tls on short notwc and i easouuble t COFFINS KEPT ON HAND AND MADE ~e" ro ORDER AT '.fi'hounas f'l1ollllhonsc. prompt1} A UCTIONEER attended to General ~gent Darli igton APPRAlSElt AND Centre Sales ll!one:'} to D,c·nd. HE TT-:-<D ER SIGNED HA v ING been appomted agent for the Provincial Pei 1nanent B lllding a ll ~a' 1ng's 8ooiety of Ioron o 1,,, prepare i to ne,,.otiate foan on !teal Estate secur t:-t on the n1ost fa' ou able terms rn 19 J lJ l AIHJJAIHN T I UoEtev to SUIH1:3 OF 8300 IN a.ta low iatc n1tc1 cst (lf f,~nd ! A~ D l:P\\ARDS, F 'REWELL & McGEE R.Peate 'l'ailcn·. GAR 30 t f 1 Cheap "\lianted a Student O N E WITH SOME KNOWLEDGE Qf con~po n lmg p efer eil JI l ovci the audience But n1:y chi ld1sh interest wci.s 11 Ill the OSHA WA· old man His broad deep chest n.ncl unu IUNG STREET EAS r Opposite J 'V Fow ke s Store sual height looked giant like ,. he strode 16 4 slowlJ up the aisle Hm hair white his bro'v deep sea n ed with furrows and :'il'ound hIB handsome 1uouth hues of calm i:ud tr1 c.:lnng fla<lness I-I1s e;yes ,\ere black anJ i estle1:>s an(l kindled as the tni; ern keeper utt ered a. 101\ Jest a.l0t d Hts lips con1p1cssed and a crnnson flugh \vent and carne over hm pale cheek One IN THE ar1n ,va.a off abo\ c the elbo'\ and there was a w1d sca1 oi; er ]nt; right c' c The younger finally rose md stated the ubiect of the mcetmg and asked n there .ASSURANCE Co, of LON"DON" ENGLAND was a clergyn1anp1esent t o open it Vi ith a i)rayer Our pastor kept lus seat and the speaker hunself 111ade a short address at the conclusion calling up on any one to n1ake re1narks The pasbor arose m1der the galleri; and 3ttacked th e positron of ±he speaker using the arguinents which I have often heard since and concluded by HIS FIRSI CLASS BRI'IISH COMP ANY OFFERS SUPERIOR ADYAN de-tiounc1ng those engined n1 the new T.A.GES to the Polley Holders in both the Life and Fire depuitment Rates low and tc1ms libero.I n1o\ e1 ne11t as 1neddleson1e fanatics \vl o WIShed to break up the tune honored usa MORLAND, W-ATSON & CO., Montreal, geei of good soc.:1ety anc1 Tr: Jure the bus1 General .A.genti:1 for Canada ness of respect ible people At the con R CIJ1\'11E \gent for Bowman"\ Jlle clus1on of ]us 1cmarks the tavei n keeper and his frie nds got up a cheer and the current of feeling ·Vas evidently against the strangers and th el.I' plan "While the pastor was "I.peaking the old n1an had fixed hie eyes U}JOn lum and leaned forward as1f to catch e'ery '\Ord As the pastor took Ins seat the old n1an arose, hrs tall form to" e11ng In it'i syine GREAT BARGAINS ARE NOW GIVEN AT THE tr3 and his chest SVi ell1ng as he inhaled hrs breath throngh lns tlun d1lttccl nos tnls .. lo me at that tune there 'va.s so1net1ung a'\e spning and gTa id u1 the appe::trance of the old man ts he stood. ,v1tlt lus full eye upon the audience h1s teeth shut hard utd 11 silence like that of death tl Toughot t the church He bent lus ga?.c upon the ta.vein kcepe1 and that peculnu ey e hnnercd and kin lied for a 111oment The scar grew i e<l npon his forehead a1 rl. beneath hIB he 1\ y brows l 1s eyes ghtte1ed and glowed hko a sei pents the tavern keeper quailed before has fully 3ustifiad the origmal idea that at the ' Corne> Store you could get that searclnng glance and I felt a relief Vi hen the old 1nru1 y.; ithd1ew his gaze ] or FI'I'TED AND WELL SUITED a moment more he seerued lost In thou 0 ht and then rn a lo\~ and t remulous tone com I n1enced Donuurnn Retnil Fu1·111tul'c 'Va1·el'oo111, INSURE YOUR LIFE, AND YOUR PROPERTY, COMMERCIAL UNION CAPITAL FULLY SUBSCRIBED, £2 oOO 000 STERLING T BARGAINS I in dehri un I a"' oke and sentenced to prison fo1 t en but no tortures could have been endu1 ed equal to those " 1th1 n skv and her he::i..rt as futhf 1 and as ever my own bJson1 Oh God no I au not a gu:uded and chenshcd a husbands love I f11nat1c I '\ ISh to lDJUre no one Eut Her blue eye grew d1n1 as the fl.oofls of '\\lnle I h"e let me str1v ~ to 'varn others sor1 o'v wa h d 1way rts brightness and not t o enter the I ath Vi lucll has been sn the loving heart I 1\-Tnng till every fibre dark and fcarfnl a one to me I -would see 1 ny angel "ifc and clnldren beyond thm \ale of tears Ihe old mn.n sat down, but a spell as deep ancl strnnge as that w10ught by some wizards bieath re~tcd upon the audience Ihe old man t hen askecl the people to sign the l\{y father leaped froni h 8 seat and snat.-.hed at it eagerly I had ' Do not he startled my friends-I arn follow ed hun and as he hesitated a 1110 not a n1u1dere1 in the com1non acceptation ment '""1th the pen in the ink a tear fell of the tenn )'.et there rs a. hgh t 1u n1y 'rnm the old man s cheek upon the paper S1gn rt--s1gn it, young n1an Angels evenmg sk3 .A. spu1t inother 10Joices "ottld sign it I "'ould "'lite 1ny name o"ieI the return of her prodigal son The ~ltere ten thousand tunes in blood 1f 1 t wife s n1les upon hun who aga.1u.. r etluns to 'vould bring 1ny loved an d 1ost one v1.i: t 110 and honor l\fy father Vi rote ... Yo1 l1.:r ir Hudsori, ' Tl c ane;el cluld v1s1ts i11e at nightfall, The old inan looked Vi lD , ed lus tearful and I feel the hallo" mg touch of a tmy pahn upon my feverrnh cheek M) brave eyes and looked again It is- no it cannot boy if he ;} et In es "ould forgn e the sor strnngc muttered the old man 1 O"\'\ ing old in an for the treatnient w]uch drove hun mto the woild and the blow don me srr but that is the runne bi ave boy that n:iauned h1m £01 h fe :rtfy fathei treinble<l n.ncl held np his left ' C::r0d forgive ine for t he r uin wh ch I ann fton1 which tJ1e hand had been sever brought upon nle and nnne They looked for a i 10ment ll1 each ed He ~a.1 Wlped n. tear fron1h1s e;ye l\:1y father "atched hnn 'vith a strange inten others eyes both reeled and gazed' My 01\n InJ 111 ed bo) ::nty and a countenance unusually pale and ~fy 'athet exerted by sc 1ne sti ong en1ofaon They fell u pon each others necks till it " T was once a fana trc, and madly fol lo" e I the n ?.glm hght which led me to tsecmed that thell' souls "ould g1 o'v and ruin I "as a fanatic 'vhen I sacr fic ed ru1ngle into one There v. as i v. eeJ!ing In n1y wife children happiness and ho1ne to that chu1ch and I turned bl.:l"n ildered upon the accmsed demon of the how] I once the str eaunng fac.:es a:ro u1d me Let 1no thank God for this great bles adored the gentle ben1g who n I lllJlned so sing ¥. h1ch has gladdened my guilt-bur deeply I was a drunkard From re pccta denecl soul exclaHned the old n1an and bihtv and 1nt111cnce I plunged mto degr t- kneeling d 1wn poured out hIB he Lrl 1n one datron and poverly T left her alone amid of the rnost n1elt1ng prayers I ever hei..\rd The spell was then broken anrl all cathe 'vrcck of her ho1ne idols and l'Jotecl at the trtverns She never complamed Jet geil) i:ngned the pledge Slo,\h. gourg to she aud the cl11ldren v,;ent hungry for the their ho1nes as if loth to leave the spot That old m w1 w de Lfl but the lesson want of b1 ead he taught Im grandchild on the knee as One 1\ e\'i Years night I returned lat0 his e"i erung sun " ent do\vn \V1tl1out a to the hut where charttJ had gn en us a roof She w ts Jet UJ and shn e1111g over cloud \\ill never be forgotten HIS fa the coals I <le1nanclticl food, but she bur st natic1s1n hl'Ls lost none of its ihe in lH) into t en,rs and t oId ine there "as none I n1 inhoocl s hear t fi~1ceJy orde1ed her to get sonic Fhe WILL IT BE HEEDED 1 turned her eyes sadlj upon iue the tears falhng fast over her pale cheeks D1 Dro Le\'iis preached the follo,\1ng A.t this 1no1nent the cluld in its cradle sermon in the columns or the long1 etJa.--tionalist Let all you ladies read lt and then gn e due heed to hrs teaclungs Now 1'1.dres I -ill to you JUSt a 1 ttls ser1non a.bout a foot long I don t often p1 each but in this case notlnng but a n1ust :;erinon "rll do First You are perfect rd1ots to go on 1n nnd those thu3 wa3 Your bodies are the n10,,t beau streaunng ci; CB and the feeble t\ ail of the t1ful of G o<l s creations clnld inaddened n1 e nid 1 stn1ck her a tn.l galleries I ahvays sawgroup.q of women fierce blow in th'- fa.ce ilnd sho fell upon It ·11aa not passion the gazers -we1e JUSt as the heai th likely to be women as n1en it "as because The furies of hell boiled in 1ny ho of the "'ondrous beauty of wo1nan s body so1n and i,., 1th deep intens1ts as I felt :Now stnnd ~1th me at my office wrn that I h tv.,l conu1utted a wrong- I had do" and see a. ladvpass There goes one ne'er struck n1arJ before but now so1ne no~ rsn t that a pretty looking ob1ect? ~ terrible in)pnli::e bore me on I stooped b rr hu1np three big lumps a v; il<l rne"s of' down 11s "ell a.s I could ll1. ny drunken ur11np.s and frt 13 a hauh 1:.- up of h"" c Jr '.';R state an d cle1 ch"'d both hands in her 11a1r I here and thore, .,..n enorr::ious h c u. H ave me CJ J ~nnes e::. clfl,Imccl my of false han or bark piled on the top of elected by the ine1nbers all Presidents ) f Local Dranches shall be ex ofilc10 Vice Presidents of the League 5 The management of the "ork of the League shall be vested m a general coun cil to be composed of the Officers of the A.ssoc1afaon and t' entJ fi.i; e 0ther n e1n hers to be elected aJ111ually The comich )0tnt the tin1e and place of it'l own .shall ap1 meetings, and may if Judged exped1ei t appoint an executive councll to n1anage tho busmess of ~he League, bet·ween the se~ s1ons of the gen1;iral counc1L 6 Alte1at1ons or an1end1uents to be made onlJ at an annual mcetmg Due notice of proposed amendments to be giv en to the councJ] As soon as 200 inembers are secured,. the Prov is1onal Con11c1l "ill call a general n1eetmg of the me1nbers for the pu1pose of electmg pei n1anent officers and couucil Persons in any part of the pro\ incc de"'1r rng to beco1ne n1e1nbe1s of the League ate rBquested to setd theu na1nes a.nd isub -.. sc111)t1on to the Prov1s1onal Sccretn.11 ].\ T J 'Villnc, Toronto The Provision tl Council earnestly 1C" om1nend the immeduite formation of a I BA::R,G-AIN'"S Corner Store. PUBLIC OPINION I l>rmch o.f the League In ever 1nnn1c1pahty in Ontario They wish te be dIBtlnctl"\ understooa. tht1.t the present niovement ls not des1gue<l. to interfere w1th 1nuch less to hinder, the '" ork of exu~ting te1nper ance organ1zat1on On the contrary 1t is T~ Rome (G· C'al tells this behoved it will tend t o greatly strengthen =h ~ ) ch)"°)'"' " '"' ~ ' story Ru111or brings us details or a hor theni v. lnle the presentation of prohlbr ri bl e t rage d Y tiiat IB saicl t 0 1rnve ocenrre d hon before the people, as a distmct rssue m St Clair Counti Alabama The ru "ill tend to umtc the friends of temper mor runs that the t ax collector of St tnce 0,ery\'ihere for a colnmon olJect 01 ir had got together a large amount of The C , ncil piopose to mlTy ottt the ta.xes and given them to his wife to keep, \\ oik by 1I1eana of uicinonaln to the Loca l remarking as he did so t]utt 1 e \\as coin Hlll Doinnuon Par:h:unent.s l:y pubhc pellcd to take a t11p that would necessitate n1eetings and 2 ld1 csscs bJ collectmJ and hts absence front hon1e fo1 three or fouI d1ffus1ng 1nforn1ation 111 1 eg<lrd to t he days He left and she lud the 1no11e' Li:ruor lraffic tbro11ghout the whole cou1 <\bout 10 o ck cl that n ghta part) of men t11 bJ ava1h115 thein:::;eheg to tho utmo::rt v.earmg drsgume broke in upon the poss1blecxtent of that great le\ er of public lonely woman and demanded the tax op1n1on-the p1efl:. and by cnlhng toth~IT She refused to gl\ c it up o& tell aid that lllOSt })otent ~gent 111 all m )l'fl.l t'e "here it vvas after attempting 111 vain to fo1 1ns- thc Clu'lst1an Pulpit Believing fo1ce her to tell the 111d1ng place of the bh!'lt the c.:ause is founded 11pon right and treasure the\: searched for 1t and fo1111<l 1t JUStico, and that it stand~ in t111 a.telyJcon After possessu--ig themseh es of the nLone:y nected 'v1U1 the co1n1nerc1al prosr er1ty as they 01dercd her to get th e1n some supper wclJ as 1\ ith the inoral and soci::l.l \\ell be \\ }ule she -was busy111g hc1 self in tlus ing of t1ns Domnuon the u1e1Hbers of the forced task she conceived the 1lle :i. of poi council ea1nestlv nnd confidently ask the sonu1g tl e1n and t hus presen:1nb a.t once co opeiat1)n of ~u goo] tn en and tiue the rnouey a.ud h er h 1shand s honor She '\lule thev re' eiently in:voke the blessing deftly slipped arseruc ur the coffee and chre . . t1on of ll n1 without "hoin no she was mixing They d1ank heartily and fell dead shor ~ly after" ards S ie slipped off then disguises and found that two of the villau1s were strangers but the third was her husband "ho had ta.ken this n1eans of ste :thng the taxes of the people I he storv 1s nJmost too horrible ror ere deuce but oLU ui..fornlant~ were confident lHE lawyer "ho filed a bill shM ed a that the foots" ere as t he) st·ted the1 1101.Je cut an 1cy_u untance spht a h,au rnade an entcy got up a case f1a1ned an RETRITIUTION - If 've n1ay tne ind1ctinent impanelled a Jury put the n staten1ent of a ].fo1n1 lus JOurna.l a cu11'Uls in a box nailed a "ituess cln1'cled lns retr1but1on has befallen a n1an na.n1ed ehent hauunered a. Judge, and bored a. S wuuel Poston, 1l1 Jail in that crty charg whole court \ll 111 one day, has since hud ed "1th killing a ina:n 111n1ed Schoftclrl do \ n law and turned carpenter The Jailors heard a loud nou;e con111 girom a cell m ·vluoh Poston a..:nother l!lan were WE give the follo,\111g anecdote of !t confined When theJ v.;ent to mvesi1gate school bov as rlluf-ltratrve of the honesty or mto the matter they found Po8ton laliermg youth 'Ihe little fellow had a dnty face, under great mental cxmten1ent and Ill a and lus teacher told lurn to go a if! wash condition of te111ble fright JTe declared I 1t He went out and strna for a few mur that he had seen at the dolU of the cell utes anfl then carne back WJth the 101\e1 tv;o figures d1essed in w·h1to, one of \vhom half of lus countcnn.nce tolerably clean he recognized as Scholfielcl All effort. to and the upper half\\ et and ch1-t} John co11\'1nce lum that no one had been i:h the sa.1d the teacher ' ·vhy did you not ' I did wash 1t f WuS Jolu ItElll ]:! D F. Y. COWLE.

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