CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, APRIJ__. 20, 1871. 1871. S l'.Jl~ in g Goods. 1871. v AND MOST FASHIONABLE SPRING GOODS JUlT lfu :&JlEZt § talJ es : !iii toveis ? T N PARLOI< BOX AND COOK EI J'i I H:F ["\. Coa.1 or\~ lJod ChcaP er than oi; e; THOMA 8 BASSETT s_ 0 ]' EN LARGElVIEN T Ad vice! this is th e seasou of the y ear th at peopl e a re rn \'>ant of an e xtra sup ply of Dry G ood<, ( lot h1u g, Grocene<, OF T H E N evv Felt and Straw Hats. ALL GOODS FROM 10 ~ TO 15 PER CENT PREVIOUS YEARS for Cash CHEAPER THAN ON Please call and examtnc Goods and Pr ices as Great Bargains wtll be given I PLAIN SOIE F.RS, lJj, A. p Alt TIES, BA LL SUPPER S S. F. HILL exper s d Jere dep11rl BOOt S a n d ~SJ lOe S, & c, \\OU} d It l~~ h u l lpte 1 r-a e u d Iu rope Amer ean aid m o c;; l u! lie q1 e trnns are d1«cu!:!Sltl llOt be a g reat be11ei1t to )0Uf l ~~JJ 1 dq ~ ~tl ~l c~tc: n~~dma tone offcflrlcH 11 i ll JN ANNOUNCING THE OPEN ING OF THE ride in a horse ca.r, 111 the stage on the stea,u1 boat or stea1n coach, he takes a. 'olume with hnn, and pulhng it out de vours its contents, 'vhile his fello\v pas ~ould take the oppo1tumty of1nfo1mmg the pubhc that he is prepared to to thell' orders ~engers are gazing out of the windows or Ha.v1ng reccned and being in icce1pt of a very good assort1nent of the IJding along 1n a half dreamy fra1ne of inmd He car11es t]us halnt cf time sa ving so fa.r as to insist upon ieading vth1lst and n.s he has detcrnuncd to conduct ln1s1oess on the he l :; b i.;111~ sh1ved bj his barber What c 1n be acluev"'d du11ng these spare Cash Principle. Great Bargains 'Will be given. rnoments 1s "ell 1llust1ated in the case of NB -All outstandrng accounts me Hquested to l!e settled Without delay Elihu J:lurnLt, the learned blacks1mth, "ho DAVID FORBES. contrived, "W h1lc working at the forge, to ~cqune a knowledge of all the ancient To dispel darkness f101u al out y ou,n1ake ln,ngnages lhe New York correspondent hght of your troubles of the Clncngo Joil? nal tells of a man m Fl.P.JrERS ar e hke fo,.. ls neither v·illget the BrooklJ n Navy Yard, who has for full crops without industry \ears done the "ork and d1a\\ll the pay of a nui,chnust, -who ha.s yet found PonT II01 E has n.n assoc1a.tion to encour tune du11Dg all tlus lvlule to grafaf.y a. age the planting uf shade t rees yean11ng thn'St for kno-w ledge It n1ay be IF yon ha' e a Rcold1ng "tfe, old age may surpnsrng, yet 11'3 ne"\ ertheless true, that h~ bring you tb.e blessing of deafness has inastered the French, Genn an and Italian tongues n1adc hnnself partially A DHU~KEN man c n1 l uely walk in a strmght !me Hes ino1e used to a rye a.cqua111ted \'itth Hebrew, and obtained a thorough knoivledgc of botany and geolo tangle gy R e Las continued t o " 01k on fron1 A POErIC.\.L A1ner1can desc11Ues la<.hea d'} to day at the Nav:i Yard bench,spendhps as the glo" ing ga.telV& ) of pork and 1ng all lus 111ghfu and n oons 1n study and put atoes lrnsbaudmg a.11 hrn eatlllllJ:(> tq_ pJ!rcJlase " ~ kiss Sn.JR a. French lady, " costs books, of winch he has now a hbrn1y of less and giat1fies more than an,th1ng else nea1ly eleven hundred voh1111es, and no'v ~~- 0 ~~in existence he 1s suddenly promoted to a promment Jnportant to Fanner!'! and the Public Generally A NUMBER of l\:lontreal gentlc1nen are pubhc position There lb no inchv1dual, hot'i ever hu1nble about to lmport s_pai:ro-ws to cheek his mrmunstauces or calling 1naJ be who destruct1 ve insects cann ot 11se in t1us country, if hem ikes up during spare m oments Special Announcement. D. FORBES SPRING TRADE Newest and Most Fashionable Goods, A:N'D ORNAMENTAL NEW SPRING GOODS PRINTING Hea ders lil D arlmµ;ton and\ JClllkuow the best plac e to purchase. J\i umerous m ei chants a1e offeung appa rently g1ca t rn ducernent8, but the best place to purehase is at E LLIO'I I 'S General Store, HAMPTON, \\het e a g1eat vaJiety is a lways kcp l 111 stock, at reasona bl e Elliott's clothrng is as as an; ; his a'so1 tm en t of c Ioths is ve1 y complete, Ladies' dress "leo R a mprng goos-d a 'ery f ai;:.11ona J bl e ]OL; · forBnul"'i'.\ od Allollen;i OllpLl17 lllli:<l ~tbre Twodoors East of Henders on s H otel Ell tt' r f tl --- - -- - - r 10 , g oct>nes :;ie o 1e .Joiln'!l Hot <i.n · .lfrst -P1·rnc b d · d Da·oni. \'ery Est escnption, an m price,---he sells currants at 5c, pe1 lb and upwa1 ds, ra1s111< at lOc and up wards, h is te a 1s not 'S nrpa'sed. If you ot a first-class THE COl\IMERCIAL REPORTS. BATTI~G-ST A New Railway ProjectT EXECUTED IN A srYLE AYEl -~,98 · JI '.\. YOU};G ladJ who has been practicing hIS n11nd to do so, and devotes to the at ' Let me kiss hnn for lns 1nothe1 taunnent uf ]us object the 1non1ents 'vhrch arc now giv en to idleness or pleasure You1 0 1 n en you who are filhng n1ftn1or on s, and arc unl1a.ppy because you sup1Jose J ou a1 e t1ed down tu your callmg, Ca PXrhange 1 o' \ p11l and 1st Sa:rsa parilla I I I SECOND TO W You,s, &c, FRIE NDL Y AD\ B ER thmk of tlus, a';;cl strike boldly out for TR.AT chap wa.~ Gheeky "\vho n hen his ct&llU.,r conmlamed that hrs account had ·il<watoolo'\."' 11chr ed !nm to Jet It ,wi 0 lli PORTER V\01TLD MOST RESPECrFLLLY AN~WUNCE TO THE 1nhab1t nnts of Bo v; man ville an<l sm 1oun d1ng-vicm1ty t hat he has now 011 hand U1e follo\ving ne w and con1plc tc stock of ., ,..., I t 1s one uf the muses of the times that our young nlen h"ve so httle pride in this respect that inanual labot 1s considered by so many of the youths of the present dn> to be dcgradmg that tJre idea should pre\ ail of an education u1aking rt deroga tory to a man .a d1gn1ty to work at any L1nng besides "1eldn1g the pen or yard :!.i?il1ilo. Steel and Gang Plot s Bingle and Do1Wle Cult 1ato1s Oooh Parlo1 aad Box Agtwu lttt1al l! wr na CPf; Co(le.1s, R oot Outte1.:i, Iron Fc rw~1 q, &c NB -OLD lRO~ TAKEN IN EXCHANGE W ILLIAM PURTER, T1 on _ Pomider , 1 NO B o"\'l'Dlanv11le J{1ng Street East l\{nrch 8th 1871 16-32tf ' 1 uaN'!:r fi11d bread for my famil), sard a la:zJ ~fil-ow in con1panJ "'I-Tor I, re-pli ~li an .:u:rdustr1011sn11ller' I lU obliged A 11 RE~IENDOUS FOR CHEAP GOODS, AT RlTSH 0 F stick .A . nd it !;:; to parents th....t the cnnse of tlus evil may be traced W rth a praise F I to work fut 't c E .rAs :m '!8. ihfe wumust play what rs dealt to us, and thcu boys, aJid are 3ustly proud of the 1thc :0@'i'y consists not so 1nuch m wu1 I sch ol<tlly ha.bit:! of the l ttte1 But their rtu:1g -as rn playmg :t. wo1l.ln derual a id pe1sei-e1e11ce 1'h1ch gan1e of ca.rds so 111 ".j-he g a.1 ne of sa\ ors of he101s1n, some fa th ers educate N"". .A. lY.1.:'LEAN9'S First Glass Grocery Store. IN THE poor hrtnd "eo:ll "' DTRING tlus "ar, says a.n exchange, "}'ranee produood no !lfarnhal Murat ~nd ) et she ate cavalry horses enm1gh to ha'\e produced even a 1nartial neigh A BLUFF old fa.nner says 'If a n1a11 professes to serve the Lord, I hke to see lnm do it when he measures omons, as well as when he hollers ' Halle!tryer r St MAR1.'S' V idette has an extensive cs :sa3 on sweai1ng It ,.,111 be prope1, here after, to look to thIS stone village M an authority on the sub3ect,-equal to Sand field SucCE!-iS m life is \ er)i apt to n1ake us furg1t the tune wl1cn we wasn t inuch It is JUSt so '1-"lth thti f1og on the JUn1p ho kant 1emcrnher when ht:i wuz a tadpole, but other folks kan 1\.. t:E1 r:tlt ""ltITER, desc11b1ng a r ecent ball, says the feature winch made the deepest 11n1)ress1on on hID1 -was the "unu sual number of very plump women foam winch may develop latent talents mto some wry O'\ er the tops of their dresses " starthng n.nd useful d1scover1es and "Were ' Joung n1eu to becon1e disabused of the CHITDRENS SHOES 20 CENTS PER PAIR L'-DIES FIRSf CLASS P~CSELL!._ DOOTS " :rt'IR SMITH," said a lawyer to his land FOR &S CENTS BOY s BOUTS FOit ONE DOLLAH lord, if a man v;ere to give you five hun idea. of degrn.dat1on wluch, in their minds, WOMENS CALE GAllERS ~OR $UIO 111EN S GAITERS FOR S11o attaches itself to n:1anual labor, society dred dollars to keep for hun, ancl lie died, The "\\hole of the Stock rs New and Fresh Well Assorted, and Well Bought, what would you do 1 VI ould Jou pray for would become better, the world be benefit ted by artisans "ho 1n1ght have supenor and Frssh Supphcs are Received Weekly, him ? "No, srr replied :rt'Ir Snuth , talents for certain drafls, and we would, "I cl pray for another like lnin in 1nany cases, be spared the melancholy IMITATE THE 1\IIoo::rs - I f you are a ~180 SIJht of a 1na11 en(hu1ng the woes of pov A VEHY L.ARGE A8SOHHIBNr o:!' inan, you \Vlll treat the \\01ld as the 1noon erty, because he was "too well educated treats rt-shuw it only one side of youI Lo \\Ork at 1nm111al ]n.bo1 -Iridicator self seldom sho'" youi: self too much at a tnne, and let \~hat j ou show be calm, cool II'Y 1s a h en 1nunorta,J 1 AT EQUALLY LOW PRICES and polished but loo~ at e' ery side of the son ne"\ er sets world 4 pride tak es a \\long vont Because the Ind ' 'has been through college," he 1uust choose a profession forsooth, and his cdu cation IS supposed to fu1n1sh the neceo;:sa.ry brnms for the p1 oducmg of a good faw,i er or pltvs1c1an so the young 1na11 enters tl1e uncongenial walks of hfe and the people 'vonder at , and rn son1e cases de11de hrs w~tnt of success He i~ not a.cl11ptcd to the ptu stnt cha;;iat1sfactron ensues, and if he does not become a pov e1 ty stncken burden to lus friends, he will l)e at least a clog up on society, wrth onl;y the "flatteru g unc tron J which he laJ s to }us o·wn discontent ed sou], that he JS purs1ung a genteel avo catron Ah those , genteel avocattons m ,,} a display of b1a1ns rs atten1pted, ser ve ~o sho\v the 01npty pates of many "'ho pursue the1n I here rs a dignity and stnnulus a.bout mai111n.1 labo1 'vluch inv1g orates even the wu1ke1, and renders 111n1 1nore capable of cnJoyrug the intellectual treats that may co1ne lll. lus 1\ ay , and an invention and resource about 1t at times $5,000 )VORTH Japan Black and lmpcnal Teas, 25c a tb ]111e Young Hyson 'rea, 40uper tt Superior Young Hyson Tea, 50c per tb Extra do do 80c do Good Coffee 15 cents per pound Extra Fme Blue- Layer Rarsms, 9e per fb, VT" n11..:nt1a Rnrn1ns 6 cents per lb Good Cu11ants 5 cents per lb 12 Darn Best Soap for $1 BngM Sugar, 9 cents por pound Good Brooms, 12: cents each Four Pounds of Good Plug Tobacco, $1 (~ood D 0 MIN I 0 N , I AT THE $1,50o:worth of Boots and Shoes AT EXTRAORDINARY PRICES. I "r CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE PRINTING ESrAl3LISIIMEI\T TnE BACHELOR~ LAMENI - ' ' ~7hen I ren1e1nber all the girls I ve n1ct together, I feel like a rooster in the ] ,II exposed to every "\\Cather 1 I reel hke one Vi ho tr eads alone sonlt:j bar Il) ar d aU deserted, oats are fled, '"hose hens are Uead, to ma1ket started A roou. Seotchn1an put a cro"'-n p1ece into the plate 111 an Edinburgh church, on -a Sun<l11y n101n1ng, by, mstea.d of a penn), and asked to hu:ve it back, but wa.<: refused Jn once, in forever "Aweel, aw eel g1untei.1 Sand.,. "I 11 get credrtfor it in heaven'" Na, na,' said the chu1ch A PARIS correspondent wr1t1ng of th~ elder "ye II get credit only for the pem1y late c:11ege s~n s - ' They tell of one lady here \\:ho \Vas so overco1ue by her appet1te AN cx:troor.dmary instn.nce of thn instu1ct as to eat her beloved lapdog Mter a of bees is on rec;u1d A 1nuuse had rnade Fish of Every Descr1 pt1or1 I BE i\.UTIFUL BIRD CAGES. NEW TYPE, he .rty meal, she looked down at the httle it s way into a hn e, and " as most hkcly OUR BLACK AND GREEN heap of bones and tears fellf1ou1 her eyes stung tu death The 1e1nov tl of the corpse "Poor B IJOU 1 ' she excla.\med, "ho'iv he of the nrumal wa.s a d1tect 1mposs1b1hty, would ha\c enJO'Ycd thcn1 tnd the1efo1e rather than endure the eftiu v1um of lus putr1fy1ng bod), they covered Aoe allowed by all who have ti~ed them to be the B est Value ever o.ffeied in IJius part of A.I L) nn, ni'1SS ' a schoul teacher it O"\ er "ith a tluck coating of i-v ax and a little g1rl \V ho the fust man was the Count1 y, eithe1 by Oity Tea C01npanies, o any othe1 thereby p1eve11te<l thti enuss1on of any un answered that she <lrd not know Company it matters n~t uhe1 e quc:;,tion Vii\S then l)Ut to thenext, anJr1sh pleasant odor TEAS T . NEW PRESSES. child, who answe1ed loudly, "Ada1n su, IN tJ10 trousseau of the Princess Louise w1th apparent satISfaction '~ La"W said there \Vere no less than el"\e dozen of the firljt scho1ar, "you needn t feel ~o shoe!<, all of \\h1ch were exlub1tcd before proud about it, he wasn t an In.sluuan 111 the shop 'v1ndow of a. Regent st1 eet shoemaker There v;ere gra.1n calf , A~ Irishrn::in had been sick a lung tune, WILL BE MADE TO ANY ONE Bl:YING TEN POUNDS AI A IIME and lvhile in tlus stat e -would occa.sronnJly elas tic balinorals gra.111 calf button boots , ce d.Se brcatlung, 11nd life be apparently ex kid button boots krd elastic balmorals ORDERS BY MAIL PROM.Pl LY tin ct for aOrne tune, '\hen he would a.gam kid elast ic boots, sham but toned a.nd cotk glove kid bouts , bronzed kid co1ne to On one of these uwas1ons, "hen soled ATTENDED TO he awakened from lns sleep, Patrick asked boots , kid hoots for C:\ enmg wcnr, \\1th hun, ".An hoW:U we knov;, je1n1ny, ,..,hen rosettes of ;silk, satn1, and k1cl ' colored you 1e dead 1 you re afthnr 'vakin up silk boots , 'vatcrp1oof elastic clogs , '1h1te n ery time "Bring me a gl iss of grog, satin shoe~ \\hrte s1lk shoes, ti;nd twelve pans of dressing slippers of var10UB }111es Jf~ 111rchael s Block, Next Door to Hodder· Cheap ];'unllShmg Store, Simcoe Street, n.n sa.J to me, 'Her es till jees, Jemmy OSHAWA an if I don t raise up an dhr1uk, thm The P11ncess nlaJ v; eU be said to lune APRIL H, 1871. l tf, atarted in married hre on a good footin g W: R CLIMIE, I'IWPRIE10R lmry me t" A Reduction From These Figures CASI-I FOR PRODUCE. M. A. McLEAN, I