· QL arrnnian by the Pi opriet or ~pec1al hast e " Co1ne, conle" ea.J S t h . . impatient ut11IClucto1, "come, wake u1 anJ. WM. R. CLIJ\fIE. at the OFl:'llCE-Post omce Bloc!·, oft " "Is Hus Palentine Bridge? ' ri,7;·n ed Jenknrn "Yes," .said the condu ctor, " coine, inu.ke h aste and get off" <· Ohr ; don t want to get off, n Ba1d Jenkins, " bu~ , you see, the doctor told me to take ·nother pill when I got to Palentme Rridge ' Tli· cars went on KING STREB'.I, DOWMANTILLE, ON'.I , Different Ways of Making Tea VOL.XVI. BOWJ\IIANVII,LE, ONT., THURSDAY, APRIL 27', 1871. Ronald could not love her, as she once of course, he ·would rt, aunt Barbara had left all her l have apokeu ere tin·, She must school her wealth to Effie, subJect to some annuities heart to thmk no more of him to old and faithful servants Effie Leslie was, as we have said, ve:ry The mil Wll.S proved to be genuine, n.nd beautiful, h·1 figure w .10 graceful and dig tlie h eu at law >ms obliged to y1~ld pos~es filfied, her brow lofty, and expanded, eyes sion to the rightful ownei· Effie often deep and "ell set, and hair nvallmg the laughmgly tells her husband that, m spite raven's v.ing in glossy darkness She wa ~ of all lns caution, he has been duped 111to t1uly inagn1ficent in her beauty m'arrymg a rich wife Bom of a good, but d ecayed family, and Lord Charles Barnngton soon afterward· left an orphan at five years old, she was mari 1ed a young gul, dirnglrter of a supadopted by her Aunt Barham, the 9nly posed m1Ihonaire, but after therr warnage \\ealthy member of a very it was found that her fat her ""' a dcspefamily rn.te specul'l.tor, n.nrl his 'venlth '\as a 1ner,e Tins maiden lady was rather soured m nnth temper, from haYing been for many yearfl " A.nd the husband an d wife hved hn.pbeset by her necessitous relatives, all ea pily ever after," woukl be the natural end ger to become sharers of her wealth She of my little story only for an addition wa· dtsgusted by thror toadymg treatment which I am bound to make, and 1t is thrs of her, and determrnod to tliwart them I out of her abundant wealth, Effie spared Her sister, the mother of Effie, had been much for her leas fortun .ate and dIBapthe one exception to the rule Though pomtcd cousms, and so, returmng good the widow of a naval officer, with nothrng for evil, they all benefitted by AUNT BA.a but l:ier pension, she had never appealed to BA.RA'S WILL her relatn a f01 aid This decided Aunt I NO. 39. c1ent, m the 1nmds of independent mon to have led to. a condemnation of the Government But what shall "e say of the proposition itself! Could any sane man m Ontar10 ha> e believed it possible that the Par!tamcnt 0£ Canada could sanct10n such a monstrous proposal 7 Incretl1bl~ as 1t may seem, a n1n.1or1ty of the members voted m favor of the scheme- and Lawson mid Walsh were amongst those who >oted for it Several amendments to the Go'l"erruuent scheme were proposed, but they 1871. Spring Goods., 1871. A SPRING SONG. $0 50 0 0 0 0 0 13 75 20 08 02 Isuspected he did, or, T HE NEWEST ARRIVED at AND MOST FASHIONABLE SPRING GOODS JUST \\"hen the merry Jark is filling All the heaven with hex trilling, In the rays of morning h idden like a seraph from The number of 11111 R lo be reckoned by the space occupied measuied by 11 s:ca1P. of ~ohd Nonpnrml Advertisements w11hout speciilc directions "i'iill be published t11l f11rbul and c11argcd nccordingl; .!.11 trans itory adve1 t1se1nents must be va1d for '\Yhen handed In <\ch e1t1semcntS IllUSt be in the etttce of pnbhrn:Ltion bv 10 o clock on the 1'rcdnes day rnorn111~ p1-eceedfng t heir first publlcation rJ 0 Il} ~ tc}J.ants and others a,d, crhs1ng by the year a very liberal dbcouut \\ill be made F_ :EIILL'S_ GENTS' SUITS MAD;E TO ORDER. New- Felt and Straw- Hats. p- Pleue call and examme GoOds and Prices for Cash 1\8 our sigh t , Then da1hng let me lead. you 0 or the soft und pearly meadow, "Whc1e the prcttr pension OOVi slip hangs its tiny bellt:.i. of light 'fhe timid things that bttrrow In the baTJk sltl~ of the futl'OW Will not flee and w1ll not tremble when my dal"hng lingers nigh But he1 footsteps they "\Yill follow were all voted down, our two 2nembe1s voting with the Go'l"ernment on e'l"ery d1 vision They even voted agamst an amendment askmg that the matter should Great Barg&lilS will be given Through the brake and Ferny hollow To cntch the tender glances of her love-0ndearlng eye 8. F. HILL· be laid O er till next session, to give tune STOTT, kND DEALER IN DRUGGIST, Every wa11ton bird that aazes Will s ing a1W. chup her praises To tho !1 cshly budding branches that will stoop to kis., her check ; And Zephy1's, perf~e laden. Wi11 pay tribute to the maiden While the stream.let of her beauty t.o oortly speak, .And I, ber own true lover With a charmed song shall move her To breathe a sweet confesSlon. in our lo.vc-e-n.chanted bower 1.'0WN HALL BUILDINGS, BOWMANVILLE. dencA tp 1hP. honse la.telv occupied by on \.Vdlington Slru-!t Surgery at hi s old r esidence S1hc1 S t1eet. Office hours from 10 a n1 t o 8 p m 164tf D1 Cr<')w1 f D Rtes REID HAS REMOVED HIS Dr. 'i. Beith, RA.DUA'l'E OF THE TORONTO Univcrs t,, Physician Surr,con &c Office An King Street nextdoo1 to Ycllo,-.lees& Quicks Var1etv S tore 1Jova11aJ1V1lle Onta-..10 G C. Nt· ul:uul 'a rew, M.D., N ;J. EW CASTLE OF FICE- OPPOSITE Messr,, ~ orthrop & Lyman 9-Gni rn. :Brim:u:oinbe, L. D. s., .John Jli. Galbl'aith, B A.RRISTER AND ATl'OHNEY AT L A.. \V Ollie{ Ir1n g Street J::lownrn. nVlJle AKent a t DO\\ u1an\ ille for tlH3 Freehold Hwldu1g Societ y l\foncv to len d on fa un tmeur1t y \V. By n. Cl im ic, Sl;;UER OF M I aut hority uf Hr.;; nor General Oill.l! al ~RRIA(l E LICENSES J1xc cllen c; thc Govcl."' t he Statesman ofiwe 'J!'homas Christie, d.iu.n In '" urru1ce Co1npau1c "', \ rn l{o' al Lh: c 1 pool and London .l:lut1sh ..A1neu1 a and Pro\: 1n e1a.1 .A.ge n t for HoynJ M r. il Lu1e of St.earners and K ING Agen t for the follow1ng Br 1tish and Cana S'lREE'l', BOWMANVILLE, Frelg'ht Line of bo"ts a11d Co1oner for United Counties or Northumberland a.nU Durham n. D... 'J'ur11c1·, ~inform the mhab1tan ts of Bo,vman\ 1llP and f.anucrs of ~V e HI Dnrha.m that he 1S now p 1epar ~d to a t tend to any salP.s lb lt may be cnt1 usted to hun Chn1gcs 1node1 ate 10 tf .4. UCTIONEER, WOULD BEG 'l'O Mod "'rat.c §. 4)he,.1erfield, UC'l'IONEER FOR BO\HrIANVILL E o..nd Darlinclon H.ef31dence Queen Rl rl:"et Or ders: punctuall)attentled to Charges A 13 A UCTIONEER, APPRAISER .1-:\.... Gen eral ~r:,rent Darhngton Centre proinpth: ai tenfler'l to Sales GAR :io tr Book Binding. Cheap t o Sur VC) Cn il Engw.ee1 etc ii:; IJI c11ared to do al] oIClei-s "\!th "hich b e may be fa"\ ored .Address, Bowmanville P 0 March 15th 1871 J L REED, l'ltoVINOIAL LAND ·--- - - - ----- - -- - -- -- "Tant ctl, A T THE BOWll~.\.NVILLE FURN! l U lt1!< Factor} a few strong young men as npprentice" to tlrn Cane Chair and Cab1net bns1ness .A pply Lo TH01\:1A.S JOIINSTON Man c\ger Wanted, a Student, WITH SOME K~OWLEDGE: O NE of comnC'UlldinZ pr6f"' rred ;_: R P..:?!P J.rl">. Barham-as she was always called- to AN OUTRAGEOUS PROPOSITION ar!opt her child Holds true in all its glory, 1Ye cannot find words suffic1ei:tly strong It would be impossible to conceive the .And love shall aye be monarch, though a '"orld to characterize the scheme introduced last consten1at1on tlns event excited All the When Mr Bell was faavelhng m A..sratio dispute h1s power, cousms, to the fifteenth remove, implored v; eek by the Donn1uon G over1unent to the Russia he had to clatm the hospitality o f Dye Stulfs, Patent Medicmes, Perfumery, Brushe·, Combs, Soaps, Pamts and her to thmk of the unnecessarv burden House of Commons, for the uruon of the Buratoky !Uabs The mrntress o! t he Oils, Pamt Brushes, Coal 011, and Coal Oil Lamps, &c , &c she "as rnfhctmg on herself, but-it' was of BntIBh -Columbia with Canada, and the tent, placmg a large kettle on the fire, ~~..._,.~ no use deta1ls of it are so uutr:..igeous that it is wiped it carc~ully ·with a hou:;e's tail, fit.11 il Then they took to hatmg Effie, especial- almost rmposs1ble to believe that a maJorAUNT BARBARA'S WILL it mth water, and threw in some coarse PYYSICIANS' Pl\ESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED AND ALL ORDERS CORREC'ILY ANSWEHED ly when she grew up to be so beautiful ity of t he members of the House of Com tea and ,, httle sa,!t When this was nea? "Effie, my love, Lady Barnngton mil , nnd accomplished They plotted and plan mons have so far become the servants of boiling point, she tossed th~ tea abuu t be here directly to take you for J our drn e ned to brmg her mto discredit with Aunt Sir John A and Cartier, and so lost to the with a brass ladle until the liquor bec,,nrn I jJ:i1J- Farmer& and Physv:1am from the Country mll Jm.d wr Stock of Medwvn" com m the park She 18 qmte proud to cha- Barham, but to no purpose 'Ihey were 1 mterests and welfare of t he coµntry, as to very brown, and then it was poured olf 1r. l t _, "th b t al , p ,e e Chw o1 e e& qu t."y peronc my pretty niece You should hear nearly frantic with )ealou8 y when tJiey vote for so monstrous a propoSJtton We A BRIDEGROOM SHOT to another vea.el Cleansing the kettle"' lto-w enthusiastic she is about yonr beauty ! heard she " a.s the d eclared h eness and ask our rendeis to read carefully the de before, the woman set it again ~n the fi re, Dark and bloody was the deed 1 She assures me you have caused qurte a about to marry a lord 1 Yet, with all then tails of the scheme, and, after they have m 01der to cy tt pasta of meal and frc·lr fur<:ur in society this season You little ap 1te against her, they ,.,ere not above fully comprehended the enor1n1ty of the mg of horror thrilled throurrh the hearts buttei Upon tlus the tea and some tlnck kno\V ho\v much she adrmrcs you" begging her to use herinfiuencewith Aunt wor1 that the Gov9rnn1ent insist on the of the many witnesses who ~tood Ly and cream were then poured, the ladle put i5 "Yef!, I d,o, aunty She flatters me till Barbn.ra forthc 1r benefit Dom1n1on urH.lerttking, say if Messrs saw a young a.nd happy br1degroon; shot to requunt1on, and, after a tune, the whole I am 1veary of heanng my own perfec Effie was very sweet-tempered, and \Valsh and La,\son, who voted for the down, and 'Wlthout any app::>.rent cause, by taken off the foe and set wnde to cool t1ons sounded rn my ears, espcc1ally as I n ever r esented the bitter tlungs they said measure, do n "ot dcserv{\ the most severe t he hand of the sneaking a&sass1n Half pmt "ooden mugs "ere handed r ound, A merry and Joyous company had as do not think her ladJslup s111cere I must of h er but bore with h er aunt's caprices, conde1nnation at the hands of their conand the tea ladl~d 1iito them, o. tea forrn be more than human to be the perfect be- and ga; e her all the lovmg cate of a shtuents A calm rcflect10n on the mat sembled last e> erung m the parlor of tho lhg meat and rlnnk, and satWymg b ot n mg she "ould have me thmk myself I daughter tor-if rt ts possible for a person to reflect St Nicholas Hotel to do honor to the hunger and t 1urst Howe' er made, t oo A.S JUST OPENED OUT A WELL SEJ:iECTED STOCK OF feel sure she is a false hearted '\'io1nan ·; This brings us to the mon1entous day of calnlly on such a. scheme-is eno11gh to iuuon of two lonng hearts-the marriage is a blessed mvcnt10n foi the "eary t ra,-el"Well, Effie, I tlunk I agree with you the ball Effie WM iust dressed, when her ralSo the mdignatwn of eve1y well-wisher of Mr J C Foster, of Bo-. !mg Green, ler -Oham);ers Journa' K , to MtSs Rose Bird, of tins er ty I cannot say I much hkc her ladysh ip, she aunt 8 maid rushed to h er, implornig her of the Do1mn1on agamst the men who is far too "orldly to suit 1ny taste .. She to cp1ne 111 haste to her mistress, as she voted to sn.ddle the count ry with a burden Father Donnelly had Just performed the marriage ceremony The brido was u1 a KEEPING POULTRY fu ORCHARD S seems :nnce... e enough u1 her devot1on to feared she was ill it can never carry OF EYFJRY DESCRIPTION, WHICH HE WILL :ftLL Ycs, it ,, as too true Aunt Ba.rba.ra was Now for the details of tln~ Vi onderful pailor attended by a bevy of beauties and h er son, ho VI ever, and ulso lll 'Wtslung ) ou A writer in nu exchange says the pu1;1..o.. to be lus wife I confess, Effie, you wot~~ fot nd to be u1 a .fit, fro1n 'vhich she never scheme In the first place, t he population men-y young maidens 'lhe proud bride Ima )'et to learn the full adrnntag-es c t groom had JU.·t passed out to the saloon to gmtify my dearest "ish if th 113 should take ralhod, and before mormng she was a of British Columbta lS My 60,000, and keeping poultry Few seem to ·PI\l e<tute pla.ce I nm not hkely to live long, and it corpse this includes \vh1tee, Ind1a~s , and Chinese, recerl: e the pledges and congrat ulations of what they ma~ do among trees m , an o= hrs fr1ends '?ihen there entered an urunv1would be a great comfort to me to know All'the cousms fi~ckecl to her funeral, the white population bemg only about 15,chrud of a quarter of an aero, where t hey you were safely married But not even eac h ItopLng h c or s h e was iemeF berecl m 000 I n 01 d er t o m duce tlns sma11 n t un- ted guest, a ]\fr Thomas Snuth, of Inde may be k&pt by a picket feuee four or five to see you my lady would I urge tins alli the will be1 of people to umte their fortunes with pendencc, who at once accosted Foster A feet hrgh, putting m say 125 fow Is, an d CALL EARLY AND YOU WILL BE SURE TO DE SUPPLIED Ye1y few v;o1ds passed between then1 _,\ ance, if I did not b elieve Lord Charles to On their"assembling m the hbrarv after those of Canada, John A , Cartier & Co , It will arnrd the an bystander heard the folio\\ mg convcrsa- obsei vc the result be all that is noble and t rue " the funeral, the lawyer m,·de the startlrng pto]JOse to pay them annually about halfnoyance n1 the garden, of which ao 1nany HIGHE"T PRICE PA.ID !o'Olt RA. \1' FURS. ~ t1on, the 1ncan1ng whereof is still shorud Effie k1ssed her aun t, and tl1en left h er, announcement that no w ill was to be a million dollars, or, in other words, near con1pla1n, \\ hlle they will -work among t h e ed tn iii:yotery Foster 'vri.s standing at the to prepare herself for Lad; Barnngton found He had taken cha1ge of every ly $10 a head fo1 every man, woman and trees, doing JUSt "\vhat 1$ needed , keeping comer of the bat, when Smith said MARKUS MAYER I she rP-ad1ed lier ro~m she 11alf sighed J thing unmcdiatcly .. afte1 Mrs Graham'9 child in the t err1tor:y, counting Indians the ground well cultivated, and de,troy"You do not niean it?" ~carcely Ln l1erself die~ she da1e own tht!' death, nnd had !'o(ea1ched carefully, but I and Chinese which lS not done in count ing cve1ytlung that can iu3ure the fru ..t "I do' fact that ·mother neld a far l11ghe1 place ill could find n o will of any kmd mg the populat10n of the other Provmces r trees, in the shape of bugs, wor1ns, or " Then prepare yourself " h er love tha.n did Lord Charles B~lrrmg The iesult was, the h eu-at law, Effie's I11 ietnrn for this the Don11n1on wo tlJ. re other rnsects 1 lay a 11.rge number of eggs, At the san1e tune he produced a navy ton Alone as she was, her cheeks flushed b1ttereat ~11emy clanned the property and ce1ve p1obably $250,000, or about half which aie a cash article, to say noth u 1 g of revolter, and fued into Foster with sh:unc as she f elt she was gn·1ng he1 demred Effie to gn·e up possession of e1 e "l1at she pays One "\\ o:uld think thIB was Turning around, without a. word of ex the cluckcns, whrch will pay for rarn.ng at Io,e, unsought, to one, too, 1\ho for eon1e IJtlung that belonged to his relative quite concession enough to please any ord~ the present tune I lrnvc tried it and tune past had evidently avo1ded h ei soEffie was seated lu her old Jnnses' cot- inary people But concession does not planation, the. assassin walked out of tho know it IB so I ha' e about 100 fo wls saloon, puttlllg up Jus pistol as he walked ciety True, Ronald l\'Ia.rkhan1 was poor tage,whnher B-he had gone forshelteL She stop her e The violation of the pi1nciple which ha' e vrorked adrn1rably among n1y N RETURNING THANKS TO THEIR NUMEROUS CUSTOMERS AND - a strugglmg barnstei , whose bnefs were Juel that momma answer ed an a-vertise of representation by pop11lat1011 m the case coolly across the sti eet past the Court trees, keep111g the ground m good con Turnmg bet ween the Maiket the public generallv, foi past favors \Vould iespcct!ully 111\ ite attention to their present stock of few, but Effie felt a strange, tumultu ous IIIent in the Ttn~ for the situation of go of J\fa1 itoba last year lids borne its fruits, Hou'e d1tion, keeping off the msects, and p.ro feeling near her heart ·w henever he f\ as vernes~ aH<l the Biitish Oulun1b1ans insist that the House and the Court IIousc, he mounted motrng the growth of the orchrud I am present, O"\ en though he never noticed ]ler L'1d:y· Barrington had W!tttcn once to Oonfeder..\.t1on ..A.ct shn.11 be v10Jated fur }us ho1se, and fled out intr1 the darkness of satisfied that we ha'e .} et to learn the full the 1nght, unmolested The bridegroom Ifow different fro1 n the ca.lmncss \v1th her, 111 erely a <.:old letter of condolence, but tl1e1r benefit also, and the Goverrunent Ilavmg la.tcly added considerably thereto tl1at they may thereb3 be enabled to supply nll po.rties benefit which may be derived from the "Who mny please to favor them i.vit h a coll Eff G1eat u1ducements held out to winch she received the undisguised adula made no mention of an'\) further inter- ask the H ouse to consent to their ha\ 1ng staggered backwa1d as he received the those purchasing n.t thcll' cstabhsluuent " proper n1anagement of fowls, and it 18 shot, and fell upon a window bench Medi PICTURES L 0 0 KING GLASSES FRAMED TO ORDER tion of his lordship' course bet ween them She merely said three representatives in the Senate and cal attendance was soon u Jon the scene q mte possible that the method I have sug 1 , ' ' VVhilst Effie and h er auni; were discus she and !tr son intended to reside for six m the House of Commons If thrs ·nd ti d d d ' and 1n e'\cry style Samples ot: tho d1ffcrentk1uds ofmoldmgs cnn be l!!een at the wnrcrooms sing Lady Barringt on und her son thei.: 1n t l d .,., ie "Ollll e tnan "\\as carr1c up gested may offer the best "ay of g~ttmg ___ ' " some ime anoa 1 business of giving 1neiubers of Parlian1cnt stall's IIis cries Wtire continuous Hrs your apple orcAArds into lteru1ng condition '!'hey wou1d u.hm beg iu annowwe that ha1ring purchased a thell' turn tvere the topic of con-\ ersation I Effie "as ve1y sad as she sat th1nk1ng of for constituencies one tenth the size of only exclan1at1ons being, "Tom SIIllth, again t3 p ~ lI1 one of the lnxnr10us mans10us l!l Gros her loss, for she had smcerely loved her those in this Prov1nco, as has been done I w lY dill you murder 111e2 t "Oh, why vcnor .1.\unt Barbara She was gr ieved, too , that n1 Mamtoba, and 18 now proposed m Er1 '!hey will be read} at all times to attend to I.f'unernl.s, on short notice antl reasonable terms " y Square 1 t ll f Effi L I have yon shot rne down upon, Uus, iny WHAT GIRLS SHOULD DRINK ou are go ng O ca or e es ie, all her aunt's precious cunositics, "\\ luch t1sh Colurnb1a, is continued a.s fast as new "edd1ng night~" "I, 'vho was your best COFFINS KEPT ON HAND AND MADE TO ORDER AT I suppose," said Lord Charles, as h e wa.s she had so much delighted m, were to be Proi;mccs are car"\ eel out of the North Dr D10 Le"' is, in his book, " Our fI1end, and loved yolt 1 Oh .. 'l'om, Vi hJ Tile New Domi11io11 Retail Furnitu1·e Wareroo111 about to attPnd his lady mother to her sold eat, Ontario, though possess1ng n101 e Gnls/' saJ s "-I am astonished th1Jit a ' car11age 1 w luch had been JUat announce'! The n ew heir termed them 118 ele~s fa ash) than one half the popn1ation and wealth have you murde1ed ruel · young wonian '"ho is anibitious oi a cl~ar, ,.., A hasty exammat10n of the w 01rnd, by "I shall rueet you m the and declared he would not ha· e them lum- of the Do1nuu on, will soon be buried be1 by a servant Drs l'I1lhgan, raJlor, and other surgeons, fine skm, should drmk tea lt IB a great KING STREET EAST, 0.Pposite J W Fo" ke's Sto~e. -park, and be ready to have my piomenatle bermg up his house neath this rotten borough system, and re "hose names we were w1able tolearn,show enemy to farr co1nplexrons Wme, coffee .August 24 I8i0 ~ · wrth my most bewitching fu:mcee " How Effie wIBhed she hnd moMy, that d aced to the pos1t10n of a cyplre1 rn the :>nd cocoa may be used without tmgmg the -----~-------~-------'--------~---~--' Scaicely that }et, Charles Pray do she nnght bu> them, ancl thus pre>ent government While Ontario has only one that the bu!Iet passed th10ugh the right skin but a! sooon as tea druiking beco1 nes 1 hand, and had entered the abdomen near be cautious, 1n~ dear boy, we are not cer- theni fiom falhng into strangers hn.nds' representative for every 20,000 people, a regular habit the eye of tl1e d1scr1mma the grom, and had glancedobhquelydown ' tam the old lady has reall7 made lier will .Tust then she heard a voice ·peakmg to Br1t11)h Columbia is to have one for cvc1y ting observe1 dotects it in the skin Tea ward, lodgmg about three rnches from 111 her favor, I shall tr:> and find out tlus her old nurse, in the outer roorn It \VaB 2,500 ' Here is hberahty for you aga1n, co1npron11.SeS the co1nplex1on, probably 1nornmg, I an1 going earher than usual, a sound wluch llt.tde her heart bound, and and hbernhty \11tl1 winch the people for "here it had entered The opm10n of the by derangmg the hver Weak t ea or cofthat I may have a private tete-a-tete wit h her 11 hole frame qmver with a delightful whose benefit it is conceded should be s~t surgeons was that the wo.und '\'las danger fee ma.y be used occasionally, in mode1ate ous, but not necessrnily LLta.l Mrs Graham before :Effie appears The tremor Yes, it was Ronald's·01cel What isfied The wo1 st1s yet to come, ho"\\ ever, quant1t1cs, without not1cca.ble harm, but I IN THE The scene n1 the parlor '"as beyond do girl lS all >ery 11ell a.s regards beauty, but could he want! and ~ e ask the realler to take a long adv1se all young 1vou1en w"110 would prew scr1pt10n The frur and elegantly attired you oould not n1arry he1 unless she pos She soon kne1v breath before gomg further 'lhe Dommserve a soft, clear skin and quiet ·ner:vea, bride stricken do" n 111 her grief and J:i.or sesaed a fortune I do not~ '\\).Sh to reRonald had come to ask Effie 1on Governinent hn.s actually consented to to a> 01d all drmks but cold water It 1s ror 1 \Vas surrounded by her hndesmauls proach you, Charles, but your extiav& bmld from Canada to the Pacific, withill and rel.Lt1\'e8 Her e and there v.ere farr an exce1lent plan to d11nk one or twe gance has s:tdly cnppled me No f9rtune ASSURANCE Co , of LONDON, ENGLAND Though he could not give her the luxu- ten J ears, a railway th 1t 'v1ll cost, at the gITlB_, lying prostrate and insensible fro1n glaHse· of cold \\ ater on lyrng down at could long stand the constant calls made night and on r1s1ng rn the monung If r1es she had been accusto1ned to, his prac- lotvest calculation, one h11Jrtdred nallionl:i of upon 1 t by your debts You 1nust marry t1ce ,i;as no,-; sufficient to enable him to dollan; ! Think for a moment of the cnor fright Sohs nnd "luspers were the only you ha· e good teeth, and can help tliofoo<l 1 sounds to be heard _-'\.11 "\\as sadness and for money, remember into your sto1na.ch without us1ng an5 fluid, live 111 con1fort m1ty of t}us SUlll Tiut V.: hile this 18 the gnef, whe1e JOY and glee had reigned su "So I intende<l. to, iny dear mother I He told her how long he had loi. ed her, lowest sun1 that it is cstin1ate(] to cost, it except the sah \a, it ""ill, in the long run, am not ambitious enough to try love m a but dared not seek h er "\vhile she "\Vas is shown that ii coust1ucted on the 3a:u1e p1 en1c not tvi enty mmutcs before -Kan- contnbut.e much to your hea).th S«s City Du.lfotvn cottage, pretty as 1t sounds 111 theo1y "ea.lthy, lest he should be suspected of be- tern1s a.s the A. 1uei1ca11 Pacific road, it Fortunately, Effie will h:i.."\ e a good large rng a fortune hunter Then he had heard \Vonld co.st one hnndred and eighty seven A THOUSA....~D BoYs "'~ANTED -There are HOW A TRAIN CAME TO " BE sum of 1noney, and the11 she 1s a beauty that she wn.s, or about to be, engaged to I unllions of dolla1s, and l\.lr Cartwright a al v; ays boys enough m the 1narket, but STOPPED into the bargain " I..JOrd Charles Darrmgton, and he knew he Conservativ e members of the House, gave some of them arc of very httle use The Vl e must suppose Lady Barrington's must learn to t1unk of h er as a prize be- figures during the debat e to show that the The followrng car scene was taken fro1n kind that are al\\ ays ~anted aro p1'Iva.te chCl.t with l\irs Graham v. as satis vond his r each He1 change of fortune cost 1\ ould b e' tw·o hund1 ed and t}nrty six the notes of a Jolly conductor on th~ Cen MORLAND, WA'.l.'SON CO., 1 st, honest, 2nd, pure, 3rd, mtelbgeut, fa ctory, fot she "as in quite a playful had given him courage, and 'he nov; im- m1lhonsofdollar3-$236,000,000 I! 1 And tral R.:1.1lroad -"Is this Palentine Br1dge" 4th, ntdustiious, 5th, active, 6th, obe. General .A.gent~ for Canada mood when Effie JOmed her She tapped plornd her to hsten to h10 smt Mr Flommg, the chiel engmeer of the mqurrcd a sleepy pa.·senger as the tram dtent, 7th, steadJ, 8th, obhgmg, 9th, po'\V R OLIMIE Agent for Bow1hnnville 1 her on the cheek and declared that she Ronald had so1ne difficulty in ove1co1n Intercolonial, estimates thn.t it will cost halted at a station a little east of that J lite 10th neat grew more Jo, ely every day ing Effie's scruples, but w"l1en he fonncl $8,000,000 per annum to work the road place "No/' replied the conductor, "ho ' ' th d fi t t Fully one ousan rs ra e pla.ees are Charlea, she said, "as deape1ately m she, too, had lo\ed him, he s wept a\vayall after it IB built I The next question lB, happened to be passwg JUSt then On ,1 db h t open for a lo iousan oys w o come up o love , and she hoped Effie would not the 1mpeduncnts m tJ1el.l' way, "\v1th such hov; does the Government propose to pay "ent the tram, and when the next station d E h ho t 1 t t tho standar · ac y C..'Lil su1 us as e pro' e ha.rd hearted, but promrne to gn e energy, that Effie was obliged to yield fm the buildrng of the road i Well, simply "as reached, the same mqrusitive passenk d f b 1 ld f to the m o usme5s ie won pre er as her beautiful self a" ay to hnn mthout too . .4..s he would not hear of her going out 1n tins way J3y a grant of sixty font ger starterl up and mqmred a little louder l d k d f long a delay "" The p a<ies arc rco y rn e' ery m o ooas a governess, they -were Inarried aln1ost Jilllhons of acres of land a "liberal n1oney t h an b efore "Is this p a1ent 1ne B r1 dge' Then she "ent on to talk of the fag uly 11nmed1a.tely subsidy" Sir }-,rancl~ H111ck! thinks the "No," shouted the conductor, with a ht cupation Jewels, which were to be reset, and ended L---t-f--b--~.,-.-b-11--,-n-th _ e _B ·nk "Why, Ronald," cried Effie, "" she en- latter might be a millwn and a half per tie harshness m his manner On dashed OOK OU or ogus "" i s 0 by saymg the tram and soon halted at station No 3 tered h er own especial aanctum, fitted up annum, and that Canada could pay that GREAT BARG.A.INS ARE NOW GIVEN AT THE ~'But I must leave all this for Charles of Montreal Photographed bills of that to settle No doubt, at our ball to mor by Ronald in their ne'" ho1ne, ' this cab1~ Wl.thout an increase of taxation But the "Is this Palentme Bridge ?" ca1ne with den.ommatlon .have been passed Ill Galt certam emphasis from the same inq1ua1 ro,v, he will find an opportumty to plead net nnd all those cur:tos1t1es belonged to thing docs not stop here even Sir George A SHBE:'\VD confectioner has taught hi~ n1v dear Aunt Barbara I" E Cartier vrant!'I Cai1ada to pay the Br1t- t1ve seat " Now, see here," said the conh1s cauie " ~ Effie felt she was powerless to resist her "And "ere bought by me for you, my tsh Columbians $100,000 a year for relin- ductor, "if you Wiii keep qmet, I Wiii tell parrot to say "pretty creature" to every fate Certainly, Lady Barrmgton seemed love I knew you would be sorry for qmshmg the la.nds along tho route, but you when Pa.lent1no Bridge is reached~" lady "\vho enters ~e shop). and his business to take it for granted that Effie "i'iOnldcon them to pass into a lnoker's hajids" expects that Ontario, as 600 or 700 miles With this assurance the sleepy and rather is rapidly mcreasmg «How good of you, Ronald 1 It "as , olthe road >rnuld pass through that Pro- troublesome passenger quietly settled down sent True, her ran k wou Id b e far Iugh er for an undisturbed nap Palentme Bridge than any to which she could have a.spired such a trouble to me to thmk I could not 'mce, will give her fond free 1 We hnve abo,e stated, m a.s concise a w-as reached at length, and the cars made Then, too, E ffi e waa not perf ect Sh a f eIt buy th em I shall prize them all doubly flattered at the eclat such a marriage now- for my aunes sake) and as being form as possible, the propos1tion of the therr usual halt, but it was not until they would give h er, and s h e rath er I i k e d b e- Your gift, my dear husband How pleased Government, and wh10h the Hrnse of were in motion agam that the conductor ··~ to have them'" and Effie lovmgly Commons was told could not be altered ill thought of his pronnse to warn his sohm mg t he obJcct of envy to so many of h er I ~" one s111gle item, but that as the agreement taus passenger of his arrival at his supyoung compamonR She also liked Lord touched them one after the other has fully JUStified the original idea, that at the " Corner Store " you could get Charles >ery much She could not help "I remember this dear old box, Ronald, Vi'lth British Colunb1a Wd.S in the nature of posed place of destination Ring, rrngt It ha.a a false bottom to it I a treat;, it muat be adopted or IeJected went the bell, and down went the brakesJ 1t, he was so courteous in his n1anner, and as a child The members might dis and the conductor rushed t q_ J enkms and she behaved really loved her Besides wonder if I can find the sprmg 1 T~ ere, I Just as it-wa.s which, he w:.Sa perfect Adams-the hand- have done it 1" As she touched a small cuss the matter all they pleased, but they seized hold of ]us shoulders, telling him this was " Palentme Bridge " Jenkins :tamest man of his day And how pleased 1 ·tud, the bottom opened, dIBclosmg, at the ehould not mak e one smgle alteration hsr dear, kind .Aiint B~rb&n would be' sa...'lle fu:Ile a folded J>atc!uoent-tlrA W·t Thw po5'ltlo;p alone Eh 0 ulcl hsve beer sul!i st41rted up, rubbed his eyoe, as if ill no For stlll the same old story MEDICIN'ES, AND CHEMICALS, for full cons1derat10n and the preparatwn of estimates of the cost of the 10ad They were bound to be umted mth British Columbia at all hazards , no matter what it costs, they were bound that the Dommion should extend its borders to the Pacific , they seem to have forgotten altogether the fable of the toad and the ox If British Columbia w1shca to come into the union let it do so on equal terms with other por hons of tke Domnuon The country has had sad experience enough ill regard to th· admimstration of Mamtoba, mthout causing a repet1tLon of d1flicult1es What Canada 1s asked to do by J olm A Cartier & Co, IB perfectll"outrageous, and the me1nbera from Ontario who "\oted in favor of it may rest assured that their constituents 11ill not forget it whe11 the day of reckomng comes -Norfolk Rcjo>¥n er The Clruiaman puts hts tea rn a cup, poura hot water upon 1t, and drmks t he infusion off the leav9B , he never dr e"..inil of spo1hng the flu.' oi with sugar or cr co...rn The Japaneso tntmates the leaves before putting them ma pot In Mororoo they put green tea, a little tansy and " g-rea. deal of sugar 1n a teapot, and fill it u r1 with b01hng water In Bokhara ~; eq n1an car11es- a small bag of tea about h lJ!J, a certam quantity of "h'lch he hands over to the booth-keeper he patronizes, ~ l.o concocts the beverage for hrm The Bo1, har10t finds 1t as difficult to paas a b. booth as our dram-drmkcra do to go by ~ gm-palace IlIB breakf~ beverag;o , , Sch1ttchi, thn.t is, tea, fl.avorea with mik, cream, or mutton-fat, in which bread d soaked Durmg the daytime sugru-1~,g green tea is drank 'W ith the &ccoH:...<p a-.... n:i.ent of cakes and flour and n1utton a LJ.e!; It lS considered an inexcusable breach u~ mannero to cool the hot cup of tea .n t h the breath , but the difficulty is o.-crcoma b.1 supporting the rrght elbow ill th e left hand and gn ing a circular movement tp to the cup IIow long tho tea takes to draw IB calculated to a second J and wh e J the cn.n 13 en1pfaeJ., it i3 passed round a mong the company for each tea drmk er to take up !IS many lea> es as can be held be tween the thumb and finge1-the 1eave ; bemg esteemed an ~speci~l damty --------· J u s T OPENED. Markus Mayer CAPS, c H &c., s H. CH EAP for A I !s TO THE PUBLIC. WALTER WIGG & Son, I I L E N D I D N -:\V I--1 E A R S E, "r 0 S H A W A· I N SU RE Y 0 U R L I FE AND YOUR PROPERTY, COMMERCIAL U N J 0 N FULLY ,S UBSCRIBED. £2 500 000 STERLING BARGAINS I ... Q Corner Store: I PUBLIC OPINION j t FI'I'TED AND WELL F. Y. COWLE.