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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 May 1871, p. 1

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. LL!!±! ([: cltrnhrnn ~fates11rnn s u nte l anr'l 1 ublisl e 1 1 E~ery l'hin·!ula! JVlorm111i; , by the Prop1 etor at the vVM. R. cr__.IMIE, OFFICE-Post :KING STREET omce BlocJI ON T ' BO WMANVILLE · VOL.XVI. BOWl\IANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, l\fAY 11, 1871. Still Ahead. SOIREES TEA PARTIES, NO. 41. tnd simple solution to the n1ost alarnung and myster10us a_ppantion 1871. Spring Goods. 1871. RATES OF ADVERTISI NG COMING UP AND COMING DOWN rnD MOST F,\.SHIONABLE SPRING GOODS JUST BALL SUPPJ!:ltS PUBLIC DINNERS, s_ }l&'r- :S:ILL'S_ LAI'ESl GENTS' SUITS MADE TO ORDER. New Felt and Straw Hats. Please call and examme Goods and Pl~ces as Great Bargains will be given for Cash Mrs. J C Pollard H AS RECEIVED A FULL ASSORT l\'IEN'I' of 8 . F . :E-I I L L MILLINERY GOODS crowmng horror was th1, throngh this per fectly forme<l and apparently solid figure I d1stmctly saw the staircase wmdow the opposite wall the taint light comrng from outside- all as plamlv vmble as if it stood between them and me ancl yDt there was a woman tall broad cnvclopecl m a tluck co>crmg and placed m a position which ought to ha' e screened "'et) tlung bey oncl herself from Ytew She stood on the top sbur covered with a stocking but no shoe put forward as if about to touch the lowei step and I noticed w1 h a Sickly shuddei that as the fiie stmed and iene1'ed leap ed up m r ampant llames the figme be came ngitated moved its foot now up now down swa) ed a htt!e from side to side LADIES CHIT CHAT lady m Tene H mte aged 29 has JUSt 1na1ned her fourth husband Son1e cntc1p11s1ng yo u g 1 an has in vented a pocket in the sleeves of gelltle1ncn s o' ercoats so tl at a la ]y ca.n slip her hand 1n 1-;hen she takes a ge1 tlerfian s arm and "e dispensed with the fire m our m case he1 liand slioul<l h 'l I en to be cold That mght-0 ders '-we l{ oked a.nd 'vatcherl 111 Vant not a trace of the figur e 'vas to be seen I t\as iuore puzzled than ff\ er As time went on and our special '1s1to1 "\Va~ still inv s hl e we co1 giatnlated our sel~e3 on 1 erg rul of such an unwelcon1e 'vho re MaryE who has D. CHEMIST STO~ -, AND DEAIER IN DRUGGIST, TOJVN HALL BUILDINGS, BOWMANVILLE. DRUGS I MEDICINES, AND CHEMICALS, D\ e Stuffs Patent Med1cmcs Perfumery Brushes Combs Soaps Pamts and Oils Pamt Br 18hcs Coal Oil and Coal Oil Lamps &c &c PYYSICIAN· PRESCRIPTIONS OAREFl:LLY COMPOU';DED AND .ALL ORDERS COUREO!L 1 .ii.NS" ERED Ji&" }I arnw1 s and Physicians from the Gown try wiU pnd om Stock of .iifeduvnes com plete and of the best qttahty J u s OPENED Markus Mayer HAS JUST OPENED OUT A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF HATS, CAPS, &c., 01 EVERY DESCRIPTION ViHICH HE WILL SELL wav to go tlat tl e arms worked ts if claspmg their bu"deu tfgl ter a1 d still thro 1gh it all came the liglt from the wmdow and the outlme cf tl e opposite 0 r lives are full of chance ft d change wall and still I stood sta:rn1g m silent ter \..nd change you know ts never sure Jor believmg disbelieving How could I And t we1 c a doctrine new and strange believe the exploded folly of spmts de T hat p laces high are most Sf!C ue parted commg back tu haunt the spot And t1 ough the fickle god may smile And v. 1eld the sceptre and the crown " h ere they h ad suffered and been re "l1s on) fora l ttle ~h1leleased? And yet how disbelieve my own Thc 1 B goes up anU :i. cum s duwn e;eSight? The °"orld fo r Jot n.nd me my :f:ncnd At length m 0 s ster fr rr th e other end Ilnth somcth ng more than pm: nds a d of the 1oon1 eel a.t 1ny silence and pence Then let me} uml 1:5 recommend the still or en door turned s ddenly round Ali tle use of common sense s a1 ed at n1J fixed l a.r d fa ce of terr or Thus lav all pride of p ace aside and excl 1med Is anythmg th o matter? And have a care on v.;hom you frown For f'ea w1ll see him go ng p What are yo 1 lookmg at/ "\Vhen) on a1e corrnng do :vn The sound of her voice was an n:n.n1ense "T'ehef to me rt roused n1y paralysed senses Still kccpmg my eyes fix ed on the appantwn I sa:td qmetly Come here a moment don t be fnghtened there THE APPARI'IION OR A MYSTERY is son1ctl11ng strange 1 tl e s+aus EXPLAINED She came; hurriedly r it m spite of my cautwn gave a ny < f terror as she For many vears n1v fan11ly lived m one caught sight of the figure Good heav of the northern suburbs of London ' l 1t c:>n 1t lei she "h1spered duced at last to two members a sister and Don t mo· e I said we must" atch it You rememl er what the "" eeper told u s about the green grocers "ife1 Silent and slnvermg we stood exchang mg now and then a frightened wlusper H11d anyone toll me beforehand that I should see such a figu1 e and mqu1red how I "ould ~ct unde1 the c cum stances I should ha e said 1 walk straight 'I did now I great between it and me a d had no wish whatever to lessen it For a long time we watched ancl the only change m the figure was one and an other of the inovoincnts I men t10ned Mcantnne the fire I urned low CHEAP for CASH. mtruder and decided it to ha\e been the chance reflection of some obJect outside But now the frost returned agam and agam the fire m our room was lighted and castmg a glance up the stairs as I pm pared to close the cloor my e; es fell on the mysterious figure standmg as before on th top step movmg her foot up and <lawn graspmg the burden that she heir! now fiimh now loosely m her ar ns di latmg and agitatccl when the fne Llizel still as death when Jhe flames Jell low I This re appearance" as more starth g th 111 I cared to acknowledge eHn to myself My sister nnd cousm grew ner~ u is ~ d d I we could not convmce either onrseh es or each other tlrnt the phantom had a na tural orrgu I t "'ould b e 11nposs1ble to cn111nr. a.te the efforts 1ve made to d1l:)covcr the cause of it Every failure found our SJ mts a !tttle more shaken and our mmds a little less skeptical as t o ghoots and their doing~ ' ' e grew accustomed to sco the shadow; thmg- on the stairs and no 101 gei started at the sight of it but the super s!Jt10us element m us became strong and aetne and we were ready to behove al most anythmg One mght wlnle takmg my usual look of mmglcd cunosity and t error I observed that the figure had undergone a change one arm appeared to hang helplessly down by her side As I was about to call atten ti on to this new pl enomenon I heard my sister say "\ hy who has been tearmg the blmdl I turned r rn 1 qmcklJ '\ere fninrnhed with roll~r 0 STA.RTLING l.NJt 01-tMA.TIO:N" In her ivork on Physical Geo.;raphy Mrs So1ne1v1lle n1akes the startling a.n .nouncc1nent that an1 nig d1rk haired '\VO men the p1obab1hb, f nar1 age 1s 1n ch rect propm t1 n to ti e darkness of the hau Thanks ~frs S rr er~1lle fo,.. LihB inforn.1 atwn It furmsl s one with an easy key to calculation The w 01nan Ti ho has al ready had t1iree h isl ands and s on her way to a fom th w 11 nat irally be expected to have han uns1 eak cL!y black Iu hei who is contented ' ith OljC hush nd rn 1t11 mon1al n1 ode1at1on will be expressed in tre!ioes of· blu e black orcler wlule per I etual sp1rnsterhood "ill sc1nhliate 11 a head of brillunt tow It is a g e:.t thmg t sc1ent1fic facts on one ::i s ~e 111 prnstwns of tlus kmd CALL EAl LY .ii.ND !OU )HLL BE SU R E ~0 RE SUPPLIED l\IARKT ;o M A.1' ER BARGAINS I , GREAT B,\.RGAI!\S ARE NOW GIVEN ,\.T THE arms n.ssurnnce doubly sure I sa1<l Draw the hlmd up for a moment I will tell Jou wl1J afterwards WHAT DO MEN 'VAl"fT 1 Cheap Corner Store. OPINION Corner Store you could get She drew it up a1 d Wlth g10ate1 re!tef and satisfactwrr than I can describe I s v the fig1rre grnauall\ d1sar pe1r coninH::n mg at the feet fimslung at the neck a shadowy head still iemauung I spee hly announced my d1scoverJ a nd after a nu nute s 11r~cstigat1on and 1nuch expe11 mentahz1ng and prp,1ng, 've at last di3 }le moans O\ er ,.,ea.~ ness and i idicules strengtli Ile con dcmnsfasluon theo1 etica.lly autlthe lack of n i white PUBLIC has fully JUstifia d the origmal idea that at the FI'I'TED AND \VELL F. Y. COWLE. TO ·THE PUBLIC. WALTER WIGG & Son, IN RETURNING TH HIKS TO THETR NUMEROUS OfTtiTOMERS AND l'hommi §10~1honse. tllc publi~gene1ally for past fa'i ors: wo 1ld 1espcctfully un tc altent on to theu p sent stock of AND Sales Fu:BN"'ITU-R.,E, Ilaving l dded considerably t hereto that the) ma y thereby be enabled to ~npply all pnities i-vho ma) please to favor them w1tl a. call ta/" G1cat 1nduce1nents held out to those pw c1 asu1g ut theu establishment sinokc chol eel Jier not a hv1ng cri.ter can i ell for the soul went out of 1 er po<r hody and never came back to tell us the reaMn and'I hank ve km lly my la Shocked and drntresse I t the sad ending of Lhe poo1 wor ian tnd anxious to ernape nunute details we abruptly left the Ir sh S-\\ eeper and went our v;, ay I re me nbered the poor green grocers "ife veri "ell an 1 had otton iemail ed that her goos bei1ies \"\ere the driest and "hole somest her ra.spberr1es least mashed her strn" bernes the least supic10us look11 g of a y frmterer smthatdisti~ct Well m t he end we took that very It was then autun111 and there \Ve PIO I URE'8, and in everv stvle LOOKING GLASSE S h~g FRAMED TO ORDER Next J.Y10n111\:> we Vi e1e disposed to laugh at the gnost, as a creat10n of our own fancy n evertheless we grew rathei anxious as n1gl t on l -was cou1ageous enough to go up during the e\ ening nd cast a lnirned glance at the st, rs before I opened our bedrnom door l ut nothm,, "as there and I sped dv· r agom m great glee con1 inced that our eye8 the prev1ou.3 mght had been fog \ o r l But m spite of this when we we t ur late and came to the doo1 to take a last reass uring glance theie was the t hmg agam m piec1sely the sa1ne attitu le inak1ng tl10 san1e move ments :<g tated "hen the fire blazed ur1notionless when it b irned low coHred the entire nature and origm of it practically H e longs for ·ensible wo our spect1e And this was it From the and passes them bv 011 tl e other posit10n f the fir e grate the entire light He worslups samts au! sends them of the !lames fell on the "mdow opposite to comcnts He dispiscs 11 k and wluta the do r ind when the do01 w is open women and mai ·ies them if J e can He tlus hol t w1s aga n r eflected from the I abuses silks and laces and tales the nmto da.zzl ng surface of th e wlnte blmd on the his heart He gloiilies sr rit and mde op1 os te wall wlnch fonued the curve o' pondenee and gives a er iel thrust at tho the st:>ir and where stood tl e wmdow little vqies that want h he oak. What E\ery me knows that two festooned cur "ould the critical lords desire 1 t i s 111ll gn e to the space Let" eon them TR UE TO THE LAS r the fonn of a hu1nan neck and shoulders here was the fm ndation of the fi gure and the curtams nearmg each other as they ap proached the ground compl eted the illu sion of a long scant) gar nent The phan torn foot Vi a.s nutlung bnt the spn.ce be t1'een tho daik drapery teimmatmg 11 a pomt lhe 1 nrnense width of the fes tlus tooned pait as compared with the ies ga' c that ap1 earancc of bulk about the arms and shoulders and the heatl \Vas caused by the reappearance of the light colored 1'"'11 abo'e the cmtam The will of cot -se 1ose square and Bh 11 eless hence the su1 I os1t10n of a sheet envelopmg the figure \\ e found too th at when the door l;.lamples of the di.ffc1e1 tkinds ofmqldings can lie seen at the "areroon 8 to anno mce tho..t having purchased a lhey · w ould aL"o SPLF_=NDID 'E:bc l'!llcw Do1n11non N Ji.. vV Uet:nJ H J-i_, A RSE, Tl ey 1v11l be rea.dy at all hrnes to ttend to Fw erals on sho t otice and reasonablf'l terms COFFINS KEPT ON HAl'i D AND l\IADE TO ORDER ,\.T I RECtPES -B:&EA.KJ.l'.A.'iT FKITT.1!1RS ·· F111·1111hu·e Opposite J "1 the mom we placed the h ght m drfterent poB1tions we stationed ourselves now a t one romt now at anoth01-111tl out effect the figu1e stood unchangin 0 All th s time we kept the matter to kno'\'i1ng tie foolish feaisof aer vants and ho1\ ~uch 11cpo1t would sprea.d li... e wild fire among orrr f ie ds and scare them away from the ho se It so hap pened thQt JUSt the l a c usm came to pay us a visit and we <leteumned to let hci mto the secret partly to l '"' ent her from seemg th e figure unawares and bomg per haps frightened to death I artly that she might help us with hc1 opmwn and ulvice So the firnt mght of her arrival brought her mto our r n1 and having told the facts and wan e l her aaamst a suclden tr gh t took hei t the d;o1 md pomted out the spec re Though so pre pared ancl utt01ly -ke1 t cal as to n .nytlung ghostly hci tenor ~ ·s so great as to alarm ourse]~es OSHAWA· ICTNG STREET EAST At gt st 2i 1870 INSURE YOUR LIFE, AND YOUR PROPERTY, IN THE One teacup of sweet nulk t !tree eggs a pmch o f salt the same f soda and flour to n ake a thickish batter fry until a light brown so1ve w th s~rup oi 11 elte l coffee sugar SINCE Ch!'eago opened " foun«ling asy lu111 the water in the 11ver is gctt111 0 s) it don t smell bad ~t all Beforn this they used to th1ow bab1e~ in t 11e in er 1-tur oFF the Bing iamton n1urdercr has a clean breast of i t and confes sed that he is msane He thmh it \\Ould be decidedly wrong to 1 ang t I or crazy n1an COMMERCIAL ASSUB 1NOE Go, of L@NDON E:NGLA:ND CAPITAL FULLY SUBSCRIBED, £2 500 ODO STERLING TAO-ES to t he JloJicy Holders m both t1 e Life and} ue departmen t 1 bern.l Ha\ ing proved 01 r chscover es in a n1ost satrnfactory manner we published the mat ter among our fr ends and rnanJ can1e to look at +he ghost ancl see it made aml un made and I have no ck 1,1bt tl at some who read thia w1ll he of M ~t n nnbei nnd be Lr T FTT8 FIRST CLASS BRITISH COMPANY Th'J:ORLAND, WATSON OFFERS SUPERIOl{ ADVAN lO'W' and terms j & CO., l\:£oni;real, General .Agcnttj for Canada l

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