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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 May 1871, p. 4

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_.__.__.:... .CANADIAN STATESMAN,BOWMAN VILLE, THURSDAY, MAY_11, .1871. _ __ -;:. _ _ _, -~·""TMTM -· ..., f' EUREKA" Early Rec ipt The Osborn. ~OTHING .NEW! ·1s11. I IlONJVION<}ERY. 1811. THE SUil$CRIBER rs NOW RECEIVING A Large and Varied Assortment, SUITED TO THE SEASON, .. 0 ]j' JOrIN JMc :LEOD, OF HARDWARE, IRON, WINDOW GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, I MPORTER and ELECTRO-PLATE SILY.ER:WARE . Manufacturer of all kinds of Tinware, EMBRACING A VERY FINE SELECTION OF .WHAT IS New and Fashionable, . , 'J'RY J'l' STAPLE IN FANCY AND DRY GOODS AND TRIMMINGS. CHEAP GOODS DRY .AND DEALE R IN Stoves, .Carriage Hardware, Bel'.t Stuff, and IIubs. JUST RECEIVED A L AR GF. ASSORTMENT OF 1 OF STAPLE EVERY DAY GOODS IS AS USUAL· T HIS STOCK 'A. 1, AND BEING IMPORTED BY HIMSELF TR Y IT GOODS I AT Spades~Ga1·(len, DIRECT from the British Markets WII,L BE .SOLD A l' Drawi ng· and Ditcltinll,',Cornfah Shovels, Rakes, Scythes, l~orl·s , and an k :i.nds oC G~n·den and Fa1·1ning· Tools . . ' I ~ PRICES SO PALPABLY CHEAP _m -~· ;to commend them to close buyers, who are ~espectfully FOR Spec~al atten1ion The Building Trade. INVITED· TO CALL AND JUDGE .FOR THEMSELVES. 1 GLASGOW Rowma nville, April, 1871. HOUSE, TUY I'P SPRING 1871. now been tes ted beyond ull q_llcst.ion a nd the verdict of t he public is that to-day F. F. McArthur's. T HIS CELEBRA TED MACHINE to this Une-Nails, L <>cks, Hinges , Glass, Sash, Putty, Paints, Oils, THOMAS PATERSON. V wrn'i,~l;,es, E a;ve T ro1ighs, Wr~ndotv a/tul f'ict-1rre Cords and Tassels, and E·N',rything else re q1t·i1 tcd: and Outt in, 01w p lace, thtt-s presenti:ng greater i ndttwe·m ents t o the btiye.r tluvn u.ny other f foiise in the Trnde, which of itself Speqial Announcement. TRY IT is no sm.;.ll adva,ntage. · - - -:o:--- N -.B.--FEATHERS FOR SALE. It Stands withcmt a Rival. ~ and Domestic · T w eeds 84.!" just arrived. Tweed Suits rnade up in Style, Warra n ted t o l!'"'it, D. FORBES . . m . JN ANNOUNCING THE OPENING. OF TIIE .t. SPLENDID STOCK OF FOREIGN F. F. ll!cA R 1'HUR. Agent f'or Way & \Vellington Building, Bow manville, April 10th, 1371. Patent JVI~ nglc: .TO IIN McLEOD. ·-----'------~---~ SPRING rrRADE ' vould tak e t he opportunity of informing th e pu blic tb at h e is to atten d t o their orders. Ha.vjng received and being~ r eceip t of a v ery good assortmen t o t h e .I HE " EURETr .n .. A" IS A Murdoch Bro's HAVE just received several I t i s the most s ubR tantin,Uj- .built, has t h e fewest working ri arts,. beant.ifnl in design and flnish.Has the best desig-11 of a sutt le, a.n<:J by far the LARGEST ROB B11'-.-s . It is ca.pable of performing a range of ·w or~ hltherlo th ought i mpossible for S ~n·Yiug·_~Iachin cs . for $8.00. -- -·· - --- ···-- AGENCY OF TllE Newest and Most Fashionable Goods, . a nd as h e has deter mine d t o COJ?.duct business on the PliRELY VEGETABLE MEDICINE l J.t'UH THE CURE OF .lln 1'lie111l!o J1.· iia n 1. ut.tercd no prohibition, awl Earth is nut inj u1·ed, b u t bcn efit ted , b y them . A ll t h ose beautiful em blmn s which nc1orn t !1e m:i.ny t om bs around w hich we lo ve to ling er , USO! ure us we a re in a v~·orld Of. wu,r11n and lovin g hear ts : the adorning of t l1e sep ulchres of the ·; l o\' cd oues'_ ' allev iates ou1· gr~cf and sooth ci-l the BOWM A NVlLLE FUR K I'l'l:RE . EXPENDIT'CRES A . . _in bono-r of tho dead, Reav-en has GAJ~ ST Cash :f>rinciple , Grea Bargains will ·be given. N.B.-All outstand!ing accounts "re requ,.ted" to be settled uitho1<t delau: DYSPEPSIA, LIVER ,..coMPLAINT, :MANUFA CTURING CO. LOSS OF' APPETI'rE, GEKERAL DiilILTTY, 11!1 sohl at a.bout one-half the Cases and Bales of Staple and Fancy . Dry ,Goods . for the · I }Jrke ot' tllier Jliaehines A Dress town at Fu.rniL ure Manufnctui" Co., i ~ no-w u1 a posiS USUAL, THE BEST STOCK OF tion to tm all onler·s tit as lovr a rate as any denJGoods and the Cheapest Prints in T HE SUBSCRIBER IIAVING BEEN appointed rebil by t he B o~manvillf! ROll'l'. S . llfA= Il\G, DAV!D FORBES. AND ALL DISEASES of THE BLOOD It possess"es the power of Tonin ~ and St.repgth· enin g t.h e Stmnauh,of Exciting th e .l'orpid Li \'er-to Healthy . Action, and of Pnrging Depr a-v ed Humors and B ilious Secr etio n from th_. SystR.m, l\iiost c Uscasc::; h a ve t h e ir oriipn in or are g reat. ly aggrav a ted hy Indigestion, t rOD't ihe sole caw;,. that t,h c Djg-estive Org·a.ns clo not.· perfor1n th· duty_ thnt I~nture hu.s d c::;ignfw1 th em, hence tht uutr1 t.ue11~ is not _ a bstrac.t«il fr01u th e food, and the blood is dep1·i.ved of ·t hu.t n otui.shment it re r Aqnfres of t h e Dige~ti v C Organs. If r ou Feel Du U, Drow~y, D ebilitated aud De11 ponde~t, have frequ ent H e n.dn.ehc, ·1'I outh Tastea .l~adly in th ~ mornrn g, I1·re1:ular, .A ppetitc nnd l~:mgne eo1_1te?-, yo u are. suTfe1·in g from 'I'orpid Livei· or B illmusn ess . In n1uny ca ses of l.iYf'..J" U01nplai nt only a pnrt of L liesc sym pt oms arc ex peri.enccd. A s u rem edy for all - such cases th· E urek a has no eciua.I, as it eft"cct s Perfect Curet eaving the Lhrer Strengthened a nd Healthy, n, er in the co unty. lH~ F. F. McARTHUR'::!, TO OF Spring Trade, and are offering them at ·such low prices that the they cannot fail to suit cloeest buyer. THE PRICE OF OTHER MACHL.'>ES'. DOIKG 'l'HE LIKE WORIC I s equally ut h o1ne on leather as on fin e goods. H as carried off p rizes ,ovc1· the H o vr·e, Siugc1:, L ock1n nn, ·V\rJicclcr er.~ "\Vilson, \Vanze1·, Ray1nond, &-e. tr -ir A Perfect &:::::-~' Machin e Gliaranteed or_no sale. Farm · Property· -.AND- DETACHED RESIDENCES SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF A B ritish H ats, including every style from \ Villla111 down nnd .A.1nerican Iring to N apoleon, ju::;t, arrived a t F. F. McAHTHUR'S. , Gentle men's tYonnded h en.rt.. "lt a lso .cheer$ the b er eaved to k n ow tl1a t, a n tHlU.itional embellish m ent of the grave presents stronger attraction s to ar1 ·est t h e att ention of tho ·Rt:ra ngcx, and cuuscs him to pause and lenrn t h e n a111e of on e who hus shar cl1 so la r gely in the Jov:e- of o thers. We take Ulls method to inform v ou thnt we can fill orders for d ecorating " the b "I'a ves of ileparted fr icm ds, at - lo\v 1i~'11 res, ex ccnLed in the best st yle of '\York!n aut:1hip. NEW SPI-lING GOODS - AT- J:-ISURE YOUR PR OPERT Y [N THE MONunn:NTS, TABLETS, E TC.' OJI.' 'l'l-fl~ FINES'l' QU AL I TY Oli' ·-AND- Agricultural -lnsura·nce C _ o _ mpany, -ANU- JTALIAJ\r <f-- A11fERICA ... V l}I..tlB BI.E. ·, SCOTCH ABERpEEN ClUNlTTC, snpTJlicd on sh or t n otice. E verything p m-taining to 'C emeter y ·work ·wur meet i{ ;;~ ~i~hmpt a ttentJon, b y Icavh1g or- BA.TTIN'"G-S · T 'fHE GIJEI,PII HA.ND. AN.U : ~'l'READLE . !UACHINES Save Half Y our Money. Head Office for Canada, Kingston. HI S old a nd well established Com pany insures nothing hut Farm P ro p~r~y a.n J d etacht>d Residences, and Issues Policies ~ l HE CELEBRATED DUNDAS AND Greately Re dnted Rate s .' e. B OC"N S A l1T1, Bowman ville. A. New Railway ProJ ect T ' - - - :o : - - - Jlleaf'hell (}ottons, Bleached Sheetings, are the bes t made, simplest, 1nore d urable a'.nd te1iable than a ny other si.ngle-t.hread mach ine.Larger a.nd work ·witJ1 great ease. '\Vi'.li do all kinds of dome.sti.c sewing in a perfectly satisfac· t ory manner. Has t aken tlrst prize wherever eXhibite d .~ T Ly11,.0ct. -31;d, 1870r - ,... 1'I I:. H. r~. Ro-..v.E, - . DR.AR SIR,-lluvin g used three bottles o.t you:r Yu.luu lJJo medicine in m y fa m ily w ith good e ffec L · I feel s,a_re in reco r0me nding Uic Eureka for gene'.'. . al DPb1li t y, Tnachon oft.lie Liv er J,osr.i of A ppe co1 u· 1 tite_, &c:, ~tlu1-yi11;,rbcen uRed for t he above 1 plnn1L s 111 rny fam1l y. · Yours, respectfully, . ' J ; FtJn.usoN, :ili. E . l\Hnister. l,yn, l\Iay 11th, 1870. 11. E. H fnv !;:, H1R,- I have 'used Eureka for Sick Ileadnche caused by u diSord er ed stomach , an d impor fcci _di~c~Li_on,_ ·"" it h success, when oth er r cn1cd1c' faile4 to a o m e any good, a nd I um satisfied a1J that._ is necessary to conviuce an y per"on of it~ ments woul~ Ue to give it at.ria l, and I cheerfully r cco.m mend it to a ll \vhosc couditiou <le1nand a nyt h in g of this n·o. E . COOK, P rop 'r of Lyn ' Voolcn Factory. ~IR. J:npm·tant to lFaru1crs and tile Public Gc11erally. T Lybstg,r· Cot tons ulwa:ys on hand at F . F. :McA R 1'HU ll'S . A SSE TS .. . .. · : .-· ... .. $550 100 0.00 D e posite.d w ith the F .i nance Minister for s pec ial ben e fit of Canadi a n !Denims, Stt·ipccl Regattas, AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE SP LE NDID INDUCE1fEN'.l'S. ?oli cyhdl d crs,- 011-e r · , , ,, · $GB.DOD ·Chewed Reg·attas, Hessian Tickings, ~ (Jottoa For termS, samples of Se\\o~ing, &c., apply to GU.ELP.lI SEPVJJ.'._·'G ]1-f...4.Clll"l'lfi: ~ T HE CHEAP E S T STO CK See tlrn foll ow ing Certifi cates:Tbis is t o ce r tify 1hat the A g ricultnrul Jns u r ftnc e C om pany havin g d epo sited in th e hands of t he H. e ce.ive r Gen era l of 0 ::>.na.d fl. 1 OF t he · urn of Fi f't v· fou r T h ousa" ~ P iv e Bun· Y' co·r,· Gloves a n d Ho1::1ier y in th e cou n ty at . F . F'. McARTHUR'S. GUJ<;LPH, CANADA. Tickings, F ac t or Y "ottons ...,, . ' ·I SR. & H . O'I!ATIA, Wholesale a gents for the ·Counties of Durha1~1, Ontario and Vict ol·.ia. B!" Spccialin d..uccru.cnts to Lh·c agen ts. J ami ai·y 18th, 1871. lilh~ess &iniugs, e1c., etc, '.'SIGN OF THE BEA VER, KING S'l'. " Bowman vilie, ·.\.pril l ;J, 1871. ALSO Large Stock OF I~ - j I MARKET BUILDINGS, I T. DA..RI,ING'l'ON, EALER IN D PORTll;D GROCElUES, CHOICE TEAS, PROVISIONS & . 1 · BOWJ\.fANVILLE· DOMES'l'IO AND rnr- Proclainr; Q ·hc G ~ ad 'l 'id i ng;>! d ro;tl D ol! a ra, i ~ Un ite d S tate s ] Jo ,1?.s,."" r e- · T IH'l' 'TIIE cmEAT SH . OSHON .EE.S v t h e Act of On.n nda. J l 1 ic .. ch a. .1, d ,,. · th t: . , q uired b · I First Prize {' a1IH.vators . . 1 , ]' ' . ,, prn e11y,a.n - I11 s, or . . . e _.,1n1ncn t I 1ulia11 ' t 1 48, sec. 22, lS 1ere oy rne nse~-· .a ca rry on 1llfetZ.'.Cl'.np., Do ctor Jn8ophu'l, of th" n.n,L P ORTER w o u LD MO ST RESFECTFULLY ANNOUKOE TO THE 1T HE SUBSCRIBER l'vouLD DIRE CT th e b usiness i n Cnn nda. ofF ll'e I nsu ra n ce J'Grcu.~ T.ribeofShoshonees , Colnrn~ia., _ iS ... l' inhabitants Bo;vrnan ville and sun·o undmg YJCillity, t h at he h as 110 \ V OIJ h a u d t h e follo-.;VJng th e atten tion of furrn ers to t l1e one-hor,:;e a nd Da ted at t he Uif J' of Ottaw:\ 1 the 2 nll dPy i.vor k1ng the n to::;t m arvclm1R R.Tl£l ast o~1sh1ng . _ _ twb-L.or se Iron Cult.lvators manufactu red b y h hn , Never 111 Hu· new and cmn p le t{) stocl-.. of · Cu.res the \V 01·ld <':Ver hen.r d of. of J une, 1870 . / ofCo..nn,dian Medical H istorv h W:l such S teel and Ga~1g Plrtws B·i,nqle c oul lJotdJl~ CutM ·vators, Oook, Parlor, an.d B ox Stoves, a wl w h ich l_iavf: for six yenrS,obta.incd:first. p rizes · 1 snccesr; a ttend ed the int.rodw.;Uun o( a ny. med I· . '. l , l v- "'"·'. l . ' J.") . 'O·utt,ers, '· . I 1·on .L' 7i' i'. . at Provincrn.J lUl'd J..ocul Fairs. 'rh{~y are unDPposit in.crcnsecl,si ncc dat e pf abov e ccrt1t~cate, e.;ine here tofoi·e. .Lf g ttcu .tiirct · ..L' 'lt1 ,iaces, :OO ers, .noor, encTng, a:c, doubtqdl}' t .h c Lest i1np1ement of i::he kind iii u se · . £0 over $GB,GOO . ~ \V H ·y '? N B _ OL D I R ON TA K E N I N E X CH A N GE aw l w111 m. a very sh_ort tim e in ore th.'n eepa s-. · -· ·· ~ . :.· t.herr cost, l n t.h e effimeney a n cl cxoe11encc of their ,J(rtt N LAt-"CT ON,- fo·rM i ~ ister ofF~i-nn-n ee . _ ·work. I nspection invitotl. A supply Of Cult ivn·· · "f · h I l , b · t STMVT,Yheca11!'!et.henmn c;-oas\rnlu11blc uctivP T-VILLIA11f POR 1'ER, Iron Founder. Th~ s 15 to cer:.1 Y t al ia \ e eeo acq ll !llO · n1 c'1!cirra1 YE:1 ~etabJc iugrc<licntLi, (sorne of which t ors n o\·; on liu11U fol- L he sprin g \V o:rl\:, and will ed wi th the Ofil ccrs nnd }l '.tnagcrs of t~ ~ ·we will mention , ~ucll a~ t.he J}":xirfLcts of Vi'"ild Le ::;uld at lowe;::it r ates, 16 32tf. Boi.vmanville, Ii:.iug Street East, Iviurch Stli, 1871. A gricnltu.r al Insuran ce Company i or many Cher1·y B(l.rk1 P odophylhnn, {nnipet.t. Quu.s;;ia . InON H ARRO\'ITS .. t· " I Snrn.rt wccd, Dund 0lio11, Hyost:).H.1.uua 1 vo mpou n d · I tl b , · " yenrs, an d n1so irlt 1 ie pess . ?PC~ a .1o ns bx.trant of Colocyn~h , Jala p, 8ocotrlne Aloes, of a superior kiud, also on hand. of . t h e C om pany 1 an d htl \'0 no hes1tat10n in qapsi0nni,, &.c., &c. ,J which ente1 i ntothc cumpoBU GG IES A ND WAGONS rccommendiug it ns a perfectl y safo and rP.~ SlLio11 of_tne coniU ii:-~d medicine, l!-l'C s uc h a.1 nd s,o eonst.a:n tly on .hand for sale. · bl 0 - · ,T n d 1 ts Offi ce rs as com nc : ~arm oniously clas::;1 f1 ed a n d , cmnpountf_ed, _ t n v.t 1t 1 4\lt e on1 pa u~ 1 ~1 · , is m a de tho 1nost scarclung ctu·ative n 1 th e 1tir" ..A.11 k inds of lllacksmit.h , work· don" o on tha te nt and bonorab.l c bnstr:e ss m en ; nnd ns Jt k.uo>vn worl d, a:na caunot lielp hut ftel on t he sl1o"rtest n ot ice. A call eolii:'.ited. iDs ures noth i n 0 rr Lu t Fa n n Property and dl~ 4 sy~t ern).n a very t)aLisfacLory .arid desirable 1na1115-3:1tf. I . °"""EST COTT, BoW'I!la n v illc. ... dI <c so 000 A t ner. Kornatt,er wh n.tyorit a.1lment n1a.y be or 11· tached D wt'I. J.ngs , a i! ins ..,o ' s~e. s. of how long standing, it ~ill find tho Spot 'and I con side r i t rcs p-o ns 1ble be)'<>n ll a uy c on t!r. aslouit;h you by· the nipid m.anner in wh ich y0;u · Q.'1.'e restored to perfect h ealtQ a n d~ vigor. gen cy · · ._ I 'l\J,::"' 1\.fcdicine is p leasan t anf1 i:-:a fo to tl'.J>:o. anO. L I.J, ~I..- p. p. i~ ){ar.'::"ltnted, ~n(: ::~~-:- po;;itiY<!,~Y}],? J'Clic1l U pori D. D . A_ ~ · · d · l d' .· . d to n. perm1l-t:teuLcureof a.11 w~~~.Rcs of, th(' ~ e h e:trim1 ne i n ~ o 1 ie c on ttJo n 1tn Th r"Oat., Lungs, Liver, Kidncy8, Digestive Organ" standi ng of th e Agr1 c 11l t.~Hal In su rance &~ .· &c., as well as Scroful~· tho va!'i9m~ .:::;kj" To the E ditai·. C om pany "nd d o full y con c nr w i t h Mr , C11,:~ D 1Re11s~.s, }[u.i - nors, and all a 1s~asns a r1si_ng ~rorr· · · · ' a· · ·I F . . . · l 111p unt.y, of tlle B lood, C.."'i'."cept1ng the. T hu·d e n in recom m~ n ing i t to·· I~ _ .k u rne1s ~~ t!ns of Con~ llmption . }'urtJ 1cl'iuforiuution, with f ill l P rovince, a s o ne pe1·fect ly safo a n d r e ~: ah i c c1ir~0ti onR /'or using t11eGreat ~h o,:;11onees R emedy in which to insure t beir p r opert y . and P ills, r.nd contfilning te~tim o nials n.nd_ Ccrti· jAT THE flcaies of Cures, cn.u lie obttw.nct1 by secnTing t hP 'freatise. the Hand-book, or the _.4,,.Jn1anan n.n(! J.C . C r.Anrr , Ba nk('r; Circular.=; from a nx r espectable · Druggist in th" J. CA!lHU I'BEHS & Co. Dorn.ini on-free. _ _ _ Price of Il~1iv:dy 1'.n lCt..1··i;e 1-'-int . Bo ttlc.9 1.00. n Grocerie~, G ~o. A. Km rrP A1'p1cK 1'1f. P. Pills p e1· Box 25 rr nts. · - For s.'l.le retail unil. wholesale by all druggist·· ' KO.Rl'HIWP & LYJ\!AN, N ewCustle, Ont. J. W Th T ER & Co ., IIamilton. B . H. MITCHEL, London. -_ °' · !' or a I' .' . . 1 8 7 1 a v ,Friendly Advice! "' N GOODS LIO~ < " . IL :\f: B.ttlT 'l' ON. '.Ve w o u ld r efer y~u to the fol lowing gen · , ,lemen, in r egnr r1 t.o the :re spoosibi!it.y of th e "Lo · ' _ c.' , FRlTITS · CotnpanY :-D. Fisher, Esq., Cashif:r of th e ' Q;ntnri· J'a nk ; Jno. a!CLeod, M. P. P., J, fl GL \SSVV ARE A · SONG ECHQJFIFTY . . G-OLDEJST ,:\_ N EW SCH901 : DOLLARS -------~- CK MAN" CROCKERY AND .,;- ·" F a ir bail L , Esq.i P ostm~aster; J. E . F a rewell kins. Pl'ice, $·7 59 p er F 0 R $ 3 . Es q. , Barriste r. d ozen. Contains over SU B SCR I B ER S Agent for Cob o urg end v~cinity, 'l'wo hrmdr ed ne:w' apd 'tO PRTERS 1:IcSICAL \YIL L_ I AJ\I T. F JSII. ...L B ook, by II. s. Per- \VO.aTH OF MLSIC Bo·wl?-~nville , Ont. 37-tf ')'HE LOCKMAN Tweeds, etc., etc .. SEWING MACHINE Spring Fasl1ioris , ·-. IS N OW THE LEADING MACH , INE IN THE DOMINION OF OANADA. INSPEf)TION -INVITEJ?. - These qu\.litles are 9iu1plioity, durab il ity, ele · 1;5ance, adnp to.bility, besides a score. m o re ofequa.I im portance. Fo1· full particulars address to the. 1\ianufac:turen;, WILSON, BOWMAN. & Co., · - Ha1uilton, On tario. IIIS PROUD POSITION IT HAS T _ attained through its i.nh erent g ood qualities. bm~u t iful Song;;; DueLs,'l'HT"Y arc getting etc., b y 'Vill S. H ay s, their Ji.fusio f?r lcss than I hvo cent s a p10cc. Those Wc~Rter, Thomas, .etc~ who have not; seen this Every Lhingisnevl', fr~sh lVI u s iced llf ugu;d n e a n cl spar kling. Conten ts sho-~tl d send 30 ccnil:I for . a sa.n1pl c copy. The --andspecuuon pagessen tru nsic i s b y H ays, TIIE SUBSCltIBER. HAS NOW TIIE fr ee. Sample copies Thom u.s, Kinkel, - P ers~ Fashion s for this sprin g , 18i1, Q.Ud is prcµar·ed m ailed fre e of post a,ge ley awl otho::.· popula1· 1 to make Ladie· , Dresses a n d l\font!es · to teachers fo1· £5 cents. ~Titers. "Afl .U$UAJ;, IN LATE ST_ STYLES." ~ -'Iwu l>ack . n umbers . ff3J" rarticulai· u.ttcution p aid t o c_u t~ing ~nd Lib era] ter ms fo r iutxo- for 40.~nts . Four b'ack fining . · · c1u ction, .iw11bers for 76 cents. :\il \ S, ALEX. F L ETCHER. , Ad <lrces , S7~tf, ~pril 12, 1 871 . W . R. CLJM!Jl , L ocal Agent a t Bowman \·ille!. Dec 18 70 I J. L . P JJ;Tl!JRS, 5[J9 Broadway, Jlett' .l.,..ork_ Spring Importations. MURDOCH BROS. R. & H . O'HAR A, ·1-- ·- AgcnJ:s for Durham and ·v·ictoria. NEW TIN SHOP . IN BOWMANVI LLE. llloney tt> L oan1. M+LT~INERY -- · 1::x1 rn/ SH·O W RO·OThi. THE CELEBRATED PERFECTED 'l '.Y y ear s , Lo be re pai d in in::o talmcnis to suit .! borro'\Yers, \-Vho l'U ' e allo,vcd to innk e such payru cnts, in addition to instalments, as t..1iey m ny find conv.enieo t., uui..y be ob tained f1v1n t.h c Canad.a P er111anent Buildin g and Saying Society, br applyi ng to FAilE, VF,LJ::., McGEE & Il.l:-rrr~E DGE. MUCH ..P LEAHUl{E . I N IK- . ~]_ ll'OH b-1ING the-inhabitants O f Bown1affirillc __. ..,,.. Soliciloi ~.. Rown:ianvillP- . and i:;nrroun din~ counCry thn.t he has ope~cd fl2J" Privnte funds to lon.n. ~ - . 6ltf out a Ne'\v 'l'in Shop in the slorc lately oecupwd by J ohn A llen, ? O r ner of · L OAJ'.IS FOR FROM ONE '1'0 TWEN- w. G. REED, vv. H _ AS RE CET:CED A LAii GE PORTION. OF HIS . ( KING AND DI VIS ION STREETS, Bovnnanvillc, v.·hc>,re h e ·w ill k eep constantly on h a nd n. ·w ell selected stock of !:it o ves, J apanned , p1·csscd an d p la in 'rin ware, Spcctacies and Eye Glasses m a nu factured i,vhich h e ·will sell by LAZARUS &· MORRIS,\ and for which I h av e the sole agency, gUhrlng golden opinions from all those who Lave td ed,it. li you ' vru.1t to Spooial..,'1.ttention paid to preserve your sigh t to ex treille old·S:ge; use these an d no other s. A.ARO N B U eKLER, agent for E AVET' RO U l'l'Hl ~G AN D J O BB ING. Bowmanvill4(..and vicinitY. 1-rnu. F OR SALE , ON WELL I ::'l.GT'O N S t.res t . ]for jja l-ticuiu.i:s UJ>JJly IAJ . lll-35tr. W . PROWER. Spring Stock of Dry Goods,, of w],icl1 he would call spcci'll at tention to the following lines:- · r Murdoch Bros. TO INFORM THE LADIES B EG the T6wn n.nd Country, that. their OF Sewing Machiri:e TOOK THE 'FIRST PRIZE . STOCK OF .:MILLINERY GOODS IS NOW AT THE 0 M P L ,E . T E ! WJTH AI,L ·rHE Provincial Exhibition! Just held at Toronto, - over the n1ost reno,vncd - . .. ~ .,. R ags, \.Yo ol-pit;kin gs, Co?Pet", F eathers and H o1·selm1r .. fl2if' Great induce1neu ts held out to p ed]P.rsN. B.-Farmer s '\Yant ing Jviilk P ails or I"a ns .J. HI G G Jl. N l!l 0 '.I' 1.0 A lfll wo uld do -well to can ancl exaiuinc iny stock h~ CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, fore p11rchasing elsew here. A sh are of Public pat,ronage respec tfully solicited .. _ . -~ E<; H · R,E8P £cr :rF·oLLY r 110 - ".A.NHE SUBSCRIBER HAVIKG RE.· ,V, G.REED. NOTTNCE rl1:1.t h e lws Tfl('klivO rl a ·we11 - a s FITTED 8.nd hnproved the GaJl ery lately 32-tf. B owm~.iP;cill c, March..Sth, 1871. sorted stock of Genuine Dru~ an d Pure E nglish occupied by 1\-I r. H. Tait, is n ow lll' to CU.crrLii.;alli. Also, a ::;plendia. toluek of the m ost carefullY: selected PHOTOGJ!A PHS IN A LJ, STYL E S, to. . g Highest p rice pa id fo r Hides, Sh eepskins. Ital'~'. On l crs fro1 u the eountry p romptly, a ttcn c l ccl Photographs T T B Dress Goods, ·Prints, . I Millinery, Cloths, Parasols, ·-_.' Latest Novelties of.the Season, ' . DYR STU FF S ! A~ ASSORTYIE1'T OF Se,ving Machin. e s i~ the ~\'tol'ld, a mong ' vhich 1 ;.h c pru:tnersbip hitherto ~.xisti11g l?et?.reen P ictures n1adc in all k inds of weath er. t h e uni.lersigned, as Merchants, in th e V1Du.~ of e tl H o\.vc, W h eeler &: '~iLc;On, '\;er e the cele braL Allo"I> UN DER TIIE MAN°AGF.l\lE Nl' OF ' 'I'. Is··ll'A . OT ION G L TA.R A.N TEED. Enni::;killcn -..vRs dh;:sOl ved by nn~tu~.1. ~,onsent..on Sl i. .1.' Mon d a -V, ~i'a.rch 27th , 1871. _ All lrn.bil.1ti~ of. the &c. This i1::1 Ollly a confirmation of t h e venUCt A... call respectfully solicited ._ GlllJevy-Corner of tlrrn wfll be liquidated by J.\tl r. R olle.r t ~utclu~on, previously rendered by th e Great Canadian King and Division ::ltree t.s, entrance opposite Mr. ttnc1 all debts due the .O.r1n are to he p md to lnm. 1'1ISS ~IcTA..VISll, Public, fmd.proves concll1:,,ively the S U PERIORITY Ti·eleven's shoe store. ROBERT rr 1;·'.l'OHISO)J". ilHU SEIES, COMBS, 1 DARNEY lVI. BHJS HI N. RJIOUI~l }~;f{ -BflACES, OF' 1'fm ~'-LiJOKll.fl4.l'i': O.YEJ~ A.Li o,iHEits EDWIN J': FLETCHER. Eilniskillcn . Apr il j , 1871. SUP POR'l 'ERS, &u., &c , ' 'vho will fill all orders prompUy. 16-3D-tf. g R. &: II. O ~ IIAHA, V\-.,.h oieM.lo a nd Retail Bo>viuanville, April 26~,h , 1871. '\V it,h r efer ence to t i19 o..bove, '.,he un4er.3 igned OILS, Agents. -~lso, agents for Guelph Sewing Ma~ wo uld r espcctfnJly announce to t h e pubJJ.c that ~e PAIKTS, ' vill con lill ue t bc ·busi n ess of the i:t1Jo:re ftrn1. 1n, ch ine Co. f Grover · & Dakcl', SingCr , H;o we a.nd CQLORS, th e 'olil st.a nd wher chc bopesto r ecelve _a c o~ This is a ne'v branch of t heir business antl the VARNISH ES, Liu uation of t. l1e libcra.1 patro~a.gee:xtended ~o t he \ Vffiia;m_;. ~l~cl11n~. ' ~r~)1a;e also on hand a Stock 'vill Uc found flim ln th e past, .n : n rl for. ,wluuh su1ccro ~;fi a,nks o,nd -W~ H IT F. LF.A D · a f rill ,'3t0clfof ti'ie LITTLE ' :VAKZER Machines. are. returned. 'l:'he stock w ill be , k ept fully _ a sW .At the very lo·vest p rices. sorted in eve:ry dep ortn1ont, and every aLL entwn P er s ons not sati sfierl \\ith one l\f:J~l1in c ca n ex~ 0 01 " I~ fL 1-{'. c 'Will Uc given to th e "'W·anks of customers. A call CHE.AI' AND GOOD. HORH.K AND CATTL;E MEDICINES. Js solicit ed. change for any oth~r irn;;iile of thirty tjays. · - .., ...,._ -V ,... ITOBER'l' HUTCHISON. N. "B.-Cou ntr y StorcJ{eeper s S up plied on admember R. ~ H. o ·H a ra's tile SEWll'<G ~1A: Johll II. Yantageou s ter1ns. &H f . E nniskill en , A.:pril G, 1871. .. LOWEST PlUCES . N O'l'ICEIS HEH.EBY GIVEN, .THA 'l' which can n ot be surpassed for ex cellency of quaJ~ty . . An n.ssortment of. An ilin e Dyes k e-pt conSLau Uy on ho,nd , together w"it h a choice se~ lcct.ion of Dll.LGS, CJIE1\1ICAL8, PA TJ<;NT MEDICINJ<JS, Srn,-As this is the season of the year that people in want of an extra supply of Dry Goods, ..C: lot hi g, Ro.ots ~J1d Shoes, &c , would it not be a great benefiL to you:r readers in Darlington and vicin· ity to know the best place to pur('.hase. N 1anerous merchant!> are offering apparently great in· ducements, but the _ pl ace S to purchase is at EL:LIOTT': General Store, HAMPTON, where a great variety is always kept in stock, at reasonable prices. Elliott's clothing is as stylish as any; bi§ a(scirtment ofc;.lotlls is very complete ; Ladies' dress goods---a very fashionable lot; Elliott's groceries are of the very best <lNcription, and low i1i,---}!e sells currants at 5c, per lb. aml npwards ,.raisins at IOc. and upwards; bis tea is not snrpaf,sed. If _you are in want ot a first-class Sewing Machine, Elliott's is the place to buy-·you can get a Lockm an~~ 'Vanzer, ,or any other kind, at or below manufacturers' prices. Elliott has lately added an a ssortment of cl oc k.~ to his stock, which he s el Is remrnkably cheap, a11<l warrants them. He acts also as agent for most of the leading Ne wsp~pers . Those n want should give him a call at once. All kinds of farm prodiice taken in exchange. Ac· counts due on 1st April and 1st October. Yours,_ &c., are Hats, B.onnets, Flowers, Feathers, &c., N O'l' 'fO J~E EXCELLED IN TH IS I' ART OJi' THE DOMIN ION Ji'OR ST YLE, QUAL1'/' Y, AND PRICES. FRIENDLY 'ADVISE R. December 14, 1870. FOR sell a qu~ntit~' of CEDAR POSTS and R,,;\.ILS. CheapTorCASH. Enq uire attheSta t e&1nan office. J AMES VEALE. Bow manvil le, March 30, 18il. 3ti-ln1. - ' T HE SUBSCRIBFiR- WISHES TO A FIRST CJ,ASS !l[ID,r;JJNER alway~ in At.tendancc. Corn for Sale, le is Ue-1 "'\Vl-i a , c e cl LOWEST Stoves! Stoves.! lUcDouga Weekly Arrivals New - Go 0 ·dS · : I N PARLOR,: BOX AND COOK, El. THE R Coal or \.Vood, (!h eapcr than ever. 'l'HO~iA 8 BASSJ>'L"l', CHINE DEPOT. 16·39-'!:f. ·. · · · · "':).l-o :;._ "'" .... _._,.

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