Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 May 1871, p. 4

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S1:' AT'ESMAl'I, BOWl\1 ANVlLLE, THURSDAY, J\1A'Y 25 1bi 1. ' To o vvN ~ R s o:F I and V aried Assortrnent Far rn St;ITED TO THE SEASON, I ' Property - AI DI I JTriendly Advice! Srn,-J. s ttus I::; 1he season of t be } rnr that people are in want of an exti a supply of Dry Go<el s, L ! <' t h Ing, Groceries. Boots and Shols, &c, \\ould it not bed g1eat heneLt to ) our r<'aders 111 D"r'rngton a nd v1c1n· 1ty to know the best place t o pm< ha~e. l\"urnernns m e1chan ts are ollem g ~pparcritly great in' duccn,ents, L1 .t the De st plare 1 ElliBRACING A VERY FTNF. SF.LECTTO~ ' OF WHAT I8 IN ew and Fashio'nable,OF IN FANCY AND DRY GOODS AND TRIMMINGS DETACHED RESIDENCES INSURE YOUR PROPER1 YIN THE T PLAIN HIS STOCK OF STAPLE EVERY DAY GOODS IS AS USUAL A 1, ,\J'\D BEING TiWPOI{TED BY HllliSELF I Agricultural Insurance ~om~any, - i~D- - DIRECT from the British Markets. @'PRICES SO PALPABLY CHEAP _ID as to con1me11d them to ~lose Saze Hal/ Your J11011ey Head Office for Canada, buyers, who are respectfully ro CALL AND JUDGE FOR TIIE.MSEL VES ~<\...TEBSON. ~ GLASGOW llown1anv1lle April, l1:i7l HOUSE, I to t purch ,, se l~ dt E L'},IOT1'S T:E-IO:l\fAS P .A.ND Special Announcement. 1). F 0 RB ES JN ANNOUNcn;-G THE OPENING OF THE Ge11e nl St01 e, ~AMP 1 oN, \; he1e great Yal!e!J IS alW a ) S kep t stock, at 1casonablp !< ,lltott's de th111g is stylish a~ any; hi s a<sm tm er.t of cloths cl ORNAMENTAL SPcRING TR,ADE '~ould groc~rJeo are vvy br s t d e ECr1ption, and low take the opportl' n1ty of 1nfornung the pubn" that he is p1epared tb atte1 d Ha' 1ng r eceived and being in iece pt of a. vc13 gocd assortment of the t,~, lhe1r orilers ill pnce,- -lw fel ls c n rrnnts at Newest and Most Fashionable Goods, and as he has determmed to conduct bu<>1ness on the .'it, pe1 lb a nd UjJ\\ aids, ra1:;ins at lOc. and up\' aids, h is tea JS not smpa':scd. If } OU are rn Cash Principle Great Bargains vvill be given . NB - ...4.ll ouil:>truuhrig ac(;(noits a1 e r equcsfr,J. to be ~etiled imthout delay D .t\_ VID FO REES. SPlllNG GOODS IY FIVE llU~1t10 YOL"C}!ES Poer, $D 00 per '01ume 1 or 46,GO }ICl" ~et Ccm1Jletc. w.iJJt o1 a fi 1-t-class Sewrng !\fachtnt', F 1!10tt's is t he place to bu} --you urn i;ct a Lockman, Wa u ze1 , 01 any oth er krnd, a t , J! b~ low m fl nufaclure1 s' pi ices. Elliott ha:s lately added an assortment of clock 0 to h is stock, w h1eh he s el Is remarkably cheap, and warrants them. He acts alsu as agent for most of 1heleadtog Newspaper s. Those EA EXECUTED IN .A. STYLE TI I w.wt ::;hould giYa lu m a call .ill kmd' of fa rm pr(ldnc e ta ken m exchang e. Ac l couut:; due on 1st .A p1i l and 1st Railway Project I Jnpo1·tant to Fru·mcr!S antl tbe Public ti:cnc1·aJ1y Yours, &c., FRIENDLY ADVISE R. mber 14, 1870 ENLliRG EME~j T OF NO F I c E 1 1 N IN THE E \V G ,\T THE OOD G-OLDEl:'[ D 0 MIN I 0 N, LION""_ · .A.T THE Spring Importations. ~TATESMAN . WM. McMRTRY HAS RECEIVED A LARGE PORTION OF HIS PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. Spring Stock of Dry of winch he would call special atteuhou to the followmg lines , - Dress GoodsJ Prints, Millinery, OILS Cloths, Parasols, NEW PRESSES. AN ASi:lORTlliENr OF' fr:.,iJ .A.t tl e VCI} lowc«t prices IIORSE A:>TD CATTLE MEDICINES Hats, Bonnets, Flowers, Feathers, &c., NOT TO TJE EXCELLED IN THTS PART OF THE DOMINION FOR STYLE, QUA LITY, .Al\D PRICES ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. JtiJ Particu1-<tr fitting .A .pril 12 1871 37-tf A. FIRST CI.. ASS NUi.. LJNER alway\'! in Attendance. Bees ! He es!! Dees ! ! ! CRYDERMAN, LOWEsr_r PROPR1ETOR. PRICES · Weekly Arrivals of New Goods.

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