Brick Cottage l"irst Pri:r.c CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOvV~v1AN V ILLE, THU R SDAY, JUNE 15' 1871. The Osborn. (].ultivators. Summer D rink Known! Early Receipt A_ 11·1 the a tten tion of farm er a t o the one-horse an1l t>vo-horse I1·on Cultivators munufo:ctnr~<l hy b}n1 , ~nd vd1ich h ave for six years obtai ned hr.iL prizes a t , ProvinciH-1 a.iHl Local"s . 'l'hey aJ:e untion htmlly Um Uest iinplcrueot of t11e k ind in use, 1'Vanl ed, n11cl ·w ill ill a very sh o! t time 1nm'e U1uu repay thcilin the efficiency anrl. execllcn oe of their T THE BOWMANVI LI.E FURNI- \vork.cost lI;spection invited. ..f'..- supply of Cul~ iV~ ·r u 1u ·~ Factory, 11 feiv strong young- n:cn, tors n o-..v on ha.nd for t h e spring work, a nd Wlll D.8 appr en tice;; t o th e and Ca.huiet be sold nt lowest rates. business. A pply to 'THO:\f AS JOWSTON, l\fan· IRON H ARROW S age r. of a superior kind, also on hand. F !&1!5tf. OR SALE, ON W ELLING'116·J"' F o1· pa.iLlcular,.;apply Ln Str . T IIE SUBSCRIBER WOULD DIRECT ;n~~1i~;iam. GA fNST EXPENDITURES l' W . PROWEI\, Dress Goods I OF .A ....1... ..... Ul h 'duo1' of t he dead, Heaven has · utte r ed llf.I ))rohibition, a.:n rl l~art.h . is not · il;jnred. but .\Jcuefttt ed, l·y t.l1c1n . ..A.11 th ose beautiful emhl e m;,.; which adorn th e 1nanJ to rnbs ar ound \\hi ch ' vc loYO to linger, ::i~:omre u1:1 we a re ju a w orld of wru·n1 and Jovi u g he<tr ~s ; t h e -a do rninff of the scpuJch.res of the "loved oues alleviates o ur grief nnd s oothes the w olu1ded h eart. I t also ch eers the be-· Wanted Innne(liatd y , BUGGIE S AN D WAGONS DRESS- GOODS. J. HIGGINBOT~AM, FOR .BO\VM.A.N V1LLJ£. STAP A . c onstantly u u h n.n d for Eaic. FEMALE SERVAN T, FOR GEN- lr.q .All kinds of Bl ack smith '\vork done on the ER.A.L work. Apply to 1\-IRS. CunITT, chortest n otice. ~'l. call solicit ed. 15·34Lf. I. "\VEST CO'l"l', llownianvlllc. Bo,ymanvillo, 1\fay 17th, 1S71. !2-tf. SOLE Stoves? Stove!!! ! N PARLOR, llOX AND COOK, El · THElt Coal or "\Voo<l -r hcaper than e ve r . · - I i FAR:::Y.18 fo r SALE· 1_00 AORE~OF GOOD LAND, _ being the South 90 Acr es. a i1d 10,on AGENT DRY GOODS I FOR tion of the st.ran.get, and qaul'f'l:.-f hin1 to pause nnd l earn the 11a.m e of one W"ho has s harod so l argely in the love of others. · l tod to inforn1 you VlP. ht ke this m &.t. tb~t \ve. can Jill 01·d crs for dcOOro.ting the g:i:1 n 'e8 of rl ep:i r ! ed friends, at low figu r es, exec ute d in t he best style of w otk 1nanship. stronger ottractions to arrest tbe a t.t.en- beilishment reaved t o knf)w that a n additional f'mor the grave presents MONUMENTS, TABLETS, ETC., 01" TJIE FINEST QU ..~LITY Ul<' ITALI.AN <f· A!> l l!JRTCAN JJIARBT,E· ~ ANU-- - k - f B · . ;-~ Br!C -s · l"IC .._§ · . .fOliN V\"ILSON ,. OM.AS BASSETT . 1 D arlington , 2} miles from t4e ·1· of Botl'-ma n - 5 IJ10North-east cm·n er of Lot th e 4th con. of UOR SALE, lHAOHlNE-l\'[ADE PRES"ro 'rks. _ I :·>·sED '?thitc Bricks, at t he Os1rn;wa Tile Sh ed ; somo F rlut T1·oos on the preniises, a good \'\.Tell, a ls9 a st of Spring \Vater. fo rtable Dwellins House, goo d Barn, Stable, and· ville. 70 ac1·cs cl, and 30 in \V oods. Uom - F. F. McARTHUR HAS acres clear ed, 70 i n Vl oodo . 'Vell wate1'Btl; also a g ood \.'Y ell. A n e \'\- Fraine Dwelling f:oa· sa.; e . House, vdth Stone Cellar the full size of t he · , _ -· · \ House. a sm a ll Log Ifousc, t'vo Barns, Stable and ~ ·~ r J·T ' GE O'-T YFEL Uow Shed. · Excellen t land, s ituated 3;£- miles 1 HE BRICK UU . - ~"".l.t . from t he T own of Bovnnan ville. 1'or t'u rt.her LIN G'l'ON St.r eet t, n.t p ref'.ent occup!cd }:>Y J ~trr icnlars appl ~r to t h e p r o prietor . ~'Ff()1\f AS the subscriber. Hood t>a r den , Stable a n d Dr1Y- V VELDON , T<~ H i p o P . O., or L o JA'.MES "\VELl n g Sh ed. DON, Lot No. 13, in the ! con. of t he ab ove 16-tf. J . .A . BET,T ,. Township. 16-39-3m. Cott.age ' l~O A LSO 200· ACRES. BEING J,OT NO. 1-ll.. 12, in the 5th con . or' t h e above To-..vnehiP, Carpets T Carpet~1 pertaining to Cemeter y \\'t)rk w ill meet with prompL a~tention , by lca."\-"ing orders wiL h C. BOUNS,\.LL, n 11wmanville. SCOTCH AJlERDE E N GRANITE. su pplied on shmt not ice. E verything T ,- SPRING 1871. . ' ---:o:--- . HIS CELEBRAT E D MACHINE -.:·~TILLIAM: OFF~]H.S an B a nk. .Apply to 'a _ il, 11. MA CDOUGALL, ~'\.gent. ~ sa le T hi1·ty HvmrJred T ho-nsa,nrl P lant oftliffp,ren t. s ort_s,includingTom atoes,Cauliflu\n·t Dovnnanville, March 16, 1871. 33-tf. Earl;~ and Late Cab~a. quantity than --- - ·-- · -=~-----·---- ---- en.n uc fulU1d in any .five of t 1~ lw:gcst Pla~1t GardetJ.s in t h e Dominion. For yea1's pa'3t n0t having been able to su pph· one half the deman-1 few iny p lants--'and th o denuuul from \\lhitby , 0:3ha wa., auU E ast "\VJU.tby in crea':ling-I have OOLE:i\iAN CAN SUPPLY PJ,lJJ\1 pl !lllteJ. n101·e ground in Bowm nn villc, n11:1 have . e TREES l llue, for I·e rserves, 25 <'c· n ts; also procu red land in Oshawa .for a plant Garend best desert-Gage, 1i'Vashi11gl011, &·c., fiG cJ,;. . ; den, on \VU1iam street, secon d lot north- of t it Riso .B.'ngli sh Cher ries, Big-µ:a.rea119 a.n d Hearts, 0!'l.hineit_ 1"nct orv, wheTe a n y of 1n y f ri ends li.vi11 ~ at 2.'i ct;;i., A hm, Flo-\1,·er Plan ts h1 abundance on Urn Wt~l'L sil'i.e of Darlingtou anll goin~ t.o ver y cht1a.p, uow growing in hot beds. <Mrn. \va can lJp, Hupplied, or u t t.he 1:;1,01·H of birn39-Lf. · B owmnnvillc, .Apr il '.fu't.h, 1871. son B ros. hr that village; or in Bowma.nvHlc fit the stores of Bros., J. Milne, P . \\ Consaul, T . E. Simpson, or at my t"eaidence. · Wanted. lJ owmanville, May 17th, 1871 -, 4.2-3w. PREMISES AT P R ESENT OCT.HE CUPIED as a n o ffice of t h e Hoyal Canaili· · 'lfo f ,ct. Just Received F:lants for -Sale. a PETHIOK F Olt Sec;nd \FOR Supply OF T now been teated be:ronil aJI q uestion and the I Iverdict of the public is tlia t to-clay It Stands uiUumt a Hi.val "E U R I-i: KA" " " .u ,\n.r. ONE MONTH1 --· CARPETS "WILL BE Mur'd och Br o's HAVE just received several P I t is the 1nost substo.ntin.lly built , h ns th e fewest working ·p arts; bcautiful in d esigit ,' and. 'f\ uli;;h.=- ·~ · Ila" tlie best d esign of ii outtlc, nnd by fa.i· Lhe I , A RGE~T HOB:B[NS. I t is c npo.blc of IK:rfor1n-1 lug a range of w ork hithe rto thongbt i n1p ossible for Se·\·ingfJ.Inchincs. Jny ~fills iu P odonk, to Bo·w1nanvillc and O sha wa. For furthe1· particulars e n r1uirc at m ill. -'. B . CA:YIPBELL . Bowmali.villc, J.fay itr<l, 1871. 40-tf. T EAMS TO DRAW LUMBER FIWM Summer Dress BOUGH T AT ,A s A c R I F I c E D =~ Cases and .Bales of Staple and Is sold at about onc-ba ffU~c ~Jjlff-; price of thie r lliac bincs wanterl bct;ween Ncwto nv illc and Oshaw a , \,i, b e 111ade of .Ash, Hetnlock, Cedar CE LEBRATED P ER~'E Crl'Ji} l l nnd 'l'a.mar A pply to . Spect.-ich~s and Eye Glai;;ses rna.nufacturm1 16-20tf. _ _ ··-- -· -- __ JO!IN ~~Ml_iJ _R _T_R _Y_._ by L AZARUS &: MORRIS, and for w hich h avo the sole agency, arc galn ing golllen c pinionJI' fron1 a.llthose-..vho haYC tric< I f y ou ·want. t ·. p reserye your sight to c:xtr01ne oid·i~c. lIBe t h os 0 i-u ntl.110 oth ers. - .AARON BUCKLTi:U, ag<·nt fp' BowmanY-i.JJe a nd vicinity. 1-mn oo 000 <W' ' - 'l'ies Wa n tc ~t Goods, Fancy Dry I ~Goods for the THE PRICE OF OTHER M ACHI NES DOI:<G '1'H.Fl LIKE VVOR IC I s c qu~lly fit ho111c on lea ther as pn fin e goods. Has carried oft' prizes ove r the Ho""E \ S!n ger, Lockn1a.n , ' Vh eeler cf: \Vilson, \Vanzer , Haymond , &.·o. W- A P erfect. 6,'=1; }..1:nchj ne Guaranteed or: no sale. A 'l' Spring Trade, _and are offering RA I LROAD T I ES, THE McCLUNG BROTHERS. them at such low prices that they 'cannot fail to [suit the Corn fo r S a 1e, r 0 Who lo a c k e cl ( .Tobu JUcDou gan. BnJl COUN'l' OF A.TH..\, w ill serve on ,prem i;:;e.9 nf t he proprietor, lot3i, 6th concession o f Jla.rli n).(ton, d uring the season of 1871. 'l'F.RMS:- F or Cairn,d ian 01· Grade Cows, $2.,00; t or Thorough -bre.d Co,vs, ~5.00 for the season, to bcp~id atthetiinc ofsc1·v ice. """"~I. LEASK. 1 Great Bargain 1 AND W ILL SELL T HEM .... THE GUELPH IU.ND .-l!VD,: ~TREA.DLE llU.CIIIN"ES T ' HE THOROl; GH-BRED DUHHAM cloeest · bnyer. the THE " EUREKA" rs A PURELY VEGETABLE MEDICINE I b"OR T UE CURB 0 11' Ontario Bank. DIVIDEND NO. 28. I [ Darlington, 1.fay 1, 1871. 10-!l:w. th~ .. Dle::daed f<otttms, - C H EA p E R An ot er A,_r r iva 1 of this for current half - ;r,B ·c 1 [ Tnh ni 1 c;.; I'. ol ·MTS I f1~;,~~.~~: ~:if ~:~:;:b~ed~~:~~:dh=~~ ;::~~ l-1. .L · NOTlOE is h ereby givcn,_jJu1t a dividend_of Four pe:centupon-tl1e Capital stock Inst1tut1on , .Jt.. T A CHOICE COLLECTION OF JileaCllctl Sheetings, Deuirns, arc the be~t made , sin1ple~t, more c1ur ab1e a nd .reliabl e than a.n y oth er single-thread n1 nch in e.I~r a.nd work wi th g reat ease. Will iio a.Jl kin~ of domestic sew ing in a Perfe ctly sat illfactor y m a nner. Has t a.ken first prize \Vher evcr _ cxl1ibi ted.~J DYSP EP SI A, I.IVER COMPLAINT. - LOSS Oil APl"J~T: T :-:, GENEIU i. DJBILITY, AND ALL DISEASES nj THE·BLOOD. It p os15c?-8f!S th o po w er or Toning a.nd Stren gt11imingl heS to n1a t.:h ,of ~~xdl i11g f,bf\ 'l'orpid ] ,i\·er to . anu .uu IW -r HOUSE FOR SALE AT n owmani:ille. ]i.'h iy th e 25th. 1871. l\11, , JU1·s. C, Dollnis ali '>i iliilU n eu·y aft er THURSD_ \Y, the fu·st day of JUNE n ext. The transfer books will· be closed fron1 the 16th to the 31st day of May; b_oth. days in clusive. Lfa Bmucheson an,d AGENTS WAN'l'EJ) EVE RYWHERE SPLENDID INDUCEl\ffiN'l'S, TO, Let. The Pump S h o p· WITH HORSE-POWER & L A'l'FfE, - MONDAY, the F IFTH DAY OF J UNE NEXT, conu;nenci11 g 8.t the h our of 12 Gener al inect.111g of t he sto{.;kh ulders, for the Election of Directors, ";i!l be held at thefr· Ranking Hou se in Bov.rma.nville un "SIGJ:~ OF THE BE.A VER, K I NG S'l'.,, Bowtna u ville, May 25, 1871. 1'Iot.1ce is given, t hat t h e _ A. n 11ual I than any in Town. I-IOUSE & BEDDING PLANrrs F OR SALE AT C heck e d UegaH:ii<, . D. , STOl~T'S DRlJG S1'0RE~ Hessian 'l'icldngs, o'clock, noon, precisely. Notice is furth er given, that J:i.t, su ch " a\;' present worked hy tho ~ulJ.. Gener al Annual l\-1ecting f.h e propriety of s c1 'iber. Possession giyen im1nediatcly . Oulv i1lcrf': nBiug .the Ca:pital st.ock_of the Bank, business of the kind in to>vn-plen! y of custom-· und c::r tha authority of t he ~\ct pa ~ s cd nt ral"(! oha.nce for a good JHWl pm a.ker. th-3 la::.:t t: ession of th e D cn.n inion }.. 11.rliaE. SILVER. - men"t, int.itriletl "Ari Act reL,ting-t o Dmiks Dowm a nYillc, 11-'fay 2.3 , 1371. 43~t . & B01nk ing," will be taken inf,o consider--'-~------,-----,-.,,------ f%J;'I" New supplies received during the season. make selections. Ed ' T..I · W l J!l. . ·· .i."l0·f'.S8 Y · Dh:A.LBH, I N y~:; .. l!I . Jar .. Call and ()otton 'l'ie,Jiings, 16-41 ~ DON'T FAI L TO CALL. FactoI"y CoU.ons,_ air lh·c1>s I~ inings, -@:tc., et~.~ ~-1R. , ·' · -· .So1netbin ~ !\fen'. atiun. T n ppoiutcd f:'ULE AUEN"11 in \\' h ltby i\11 rt Do .vn1a nvm c for the sale or tLe cel ebr ated HE UNDER SI GNED HAS BEF,N ' H ARDWARE , By order of the Boar<l, CUTLERY, D . F ISHER, NAILS, Cashier. 0N'rARIO TI.A .NR',. COLGATES ALUl\HNUM PENS. The1:1e P en s .'.ll"f': n <l W a lm ost exclusively iu mm in all the Govet'lltnen t:: Departm ents, Banks, Schuol>i, a.nrt ()ommerd!:!.l llo u.-;cs tht·ougbout the D o1nin ion. ;rhc y arc wnrr::i.nted non-corro.:;;ive, and Down1anville, 22ud April,1871. L I . IR ON, S HUTTLE OR J\fA O .HIN E FOR FA1\1ILY USE AND LIGHT MANU FACTURING. 1-rj 1-rj H N EV\J _ t~d l-TrnnOrti a ntl Bilious Seer~tinn frorn th A 3 ) stcm. ... Jlilost diBcn~cs h llYC their origin in . or on: · Zl'<'nt· ly aggra\:D.;te<l by Indigestion, from the so.i t; i:« 1l·- ·1 hnt t.he D1ge1:;;th·e Qr gans do. not p_ crform t h " duty t11at. natur e desi~··.ned them, h ence t Ii~ nntrimi;mt. is n o t abstr aeted from the food, a nd th e bloud is <leprivcd or that nonrishm Fmt it r r F or t £?rms, sa m ples of se" ·ing, &c., a pply to re Quin::s ot' the Digestive Org-a.n s. -Ifvou. Feel Dull. Dro-WSy, DelJilita t.eil a nd D es G U ELPI-f SE1 ~r,f_NG Jf.f ACiff .1\'E CO'Y, pondcnt, have f1·equent Headach e, Mouth Ta stes GUELPH, .CANAD.A. Badly in the morning, Irrcgulnr, .A p petitc and Tongu e coated, you are su ttering fl"-on1 T orpid Liver or .l:Hlloiusness. I n mg. n:r cases of J..fvf'. r 0o~plai nt ouly a part of t h ose. sympt om s A.Te e:x · per1eni.;cd . .As a r emedy fo1' a ll Sl)Ch f' ll !'.ie!~ 1. ., ( j.i ""l· . A:¥R . & JI. o·HAR A't '\VhoJcsal e a gen ts for F. urek<.t Jm,s n<'.l equal, e.s it efft ~d;s eaving tlrn Liv~1· Streng th i:rrnil an1l H e althy. t he Com1ties of Durhan;: Ontnrio and V ictoria. Special induce m en ts t o L ive Rf,' Dllts. Lyu, Oct. 3rd, IRi() )IR. H. E . R OWE, -· Janu ~ry_ 18t~ , 1871. Dn:11..n S1r.~·...:--rrav±hi used tb:rec bottles ot yo,, 1.rn.luable 1nedlci nc- i;n rn--:- fan1Ur v:dth good effect, [ fP:el >'n :'"'e in i·e<.:Oll) rn uud ing t he li.nre ka for g en e· a.1 Debi ti!,\', lnnetion ufthe Li v (~ J', Lo;;:<of ..'.\ ppe tite. &c., it h been used for the cow· dluints in 1ny fnuul~"· · a H r:alll1 r A. c l ion, a n'l nfP u.rglngoliLa;J TJepC'!l v PerfecL General Sewln[ Mac~ine Agency, MAllKET BUILDINGS, ALSO Your s respectfu!:y, J. FlJ11UflON, J'l.f. E . M~n istcr. M A!>."D ALL IrIX DS OF FARM ING TOOLS. CRADLES, SCYTHES,_ FORKS, HOER, RAKl!:s. &<·., &.c.; e ach pen a s duru,ble o,s eight ordinfll:'YS~·· d penR. .Samples Gn.A.'l'l6. ~2 p er Gross. ·1~-3vr. _ YEIJLOVi'LEES & QUICIL 0 Large Stock BOvV:lV.f~..\..NVILE H ~!R. H. E . Ro\\·r::, · S m,--I hnvc u.scd Enr <:ka for Sick -Ilcadnch i..-, onu1:.1ed by a disord ered st.o:mo f)ll, ii.nd irn. pcrfec ~ digei:>ti oni. with snc{;eos, w h en other r~nl e<He, fail'ed t.o ao me anr g9od. a.nd I a.m satisfied n.JJ th a.t is n ecesfmry t.o con \d n ce a ny peTROn of itM u1erits w ou ld be to giv(~ i L a lri<.Ll, and I c heerful]} rccom nicnd. it to a 11 v.·hose conditinn de1nand anyth ing of this i..atu1·c. · L yn, 1\-I ay 11th, 1870. THE LOCKMAN ·z M - E. Coorr, Prup'r of Lyn "\Voolcn Factory, F or sale r a nd 'vholesalc by all druggist.· NOH THROP & LY:\IAN, ~ 1' ewcn.s1le, Ont. J . '\VTN.ER&Co .,Huu1ilt on. B.H.MITCHEL,. [,ondon . SEWING IS SOW 'l'fill -~ LEALll.'<f:l MACHINE IN THE D OJJ1~,.-l ijc\' OF CAN.A DA. l'ROUD .f'U B !T~O N I T HAS ntt.ained throrigh it" int '. f'iCI ·: :.{'fiocl qualities. Th ese qn a litie s. a l'a o;i.m!}IJC1l.I', d11 ~·:Lb i lit,y, e h: ·,.. g-a. nce , a dapt tthility, L e.."{itle::itt sl:Ol't l n a re uf cq uul i mportan ce. :b'or full pa r ticulars adtlrc<0s to t he Manufo.cturcrs, V'lILS0N, BOV{ l\iAN, & Co., · Hamilton, On t..· uio. R. & II. O ..H A RA , Agent,~ for Durham and Victoria . T HIS k[ill, Oross-0.d a-n<l H a.nd Saws ; SealesF l.atf o>m amd !Joiwitcr ; Bo;ing IJ[acMnc.<: 1¥ag&n.1J[aterial, i·ndudimg's P a .. te1it Sdf-Oiling searn)e,<;,'f 1 1 1agon ::fkei1i,s: >z tJ ~ OF D E ALER IN DOMESTIC A.N D Jil; . POR TED Paints, Oils, Gkf..SS, Sto'l:es a.1u:l J.'in'ware I 1::::1 q GEN'I' LE:JU: EN'S GI!.OCERIES, OH OIOKTEAS, ·- · FRUI'l'i':. CHEAP as_the CHEAPEST. 1'-in., S!teet-Ir on and Copper TVcire m ade '4" >t::I order and kept on hand; all 1c,ind8 of Jo'J· bing done 'With Neatne,'i. 'i and .[Jesp a.lch.. r .. "Lo FURNI!=)FIINGS CK MAN" / P ROVTSTONS, &c., CROCKERY AND .John's H ot ~ i !" ;;'> >1tMP11·ize GLASSWARK DruJD. p::I r ;nIIE MOST Sil\iPLE :MACHINE TN THE MARKET-ONLY ABOUT OKE ..I.. FOU RTH the -part.s in its construction tho.tis in other ::\ ines, t-h erefo1·e only ONE-FO URT}I Special attention g-i·ven tu Chr:ese Jj'(J.(tory appaffa l 'w~ , siu:}i as V a.ts, Heat,. ers, M;ilk Pa'n..s, &:c., <Xe. T HIS JS · THE MOST EFFICIE NT and economical use, and wi.ll disa n~:wer Tio'.YTna.nYill e, Ont. 37-tf . K WARR.C.L.l.\ A l\1TED ALL '"OR \ '\' · ' BE A 1 - I F y on DON'T IlELIEVE tri bu te more heal, occ1111y less roo1n, and 1 t h an uiidcr the ol d srste1u ·with tvi:o or tb.:·ee s t o ves --thus n:wre than paying for itself in one sea.son by a. sa.ving of wood. All -..vho have tr ied th e1n would not he--..vi1i1o u t t h e1u for lLUlil,\' lim eH t h e i:r cost. ']']le nnrlersignerl h as secured the R ight for Bownn1nvillc, D11t'.li ngt on , Car twrigh t,, Clarke u.nd l\Ianvci:s, und is prcparecl to fill all ord er ;i on the shortest n otice. ..A.. full o,ssortrn ent of Cook, Parlor and Box Sto\·es; constantly on l' aal. 10-18 F. 'f. HOSHTN.- ~~!~rg~~l~e~~~~~~hb~t~~~)ig,~lceJ. wRK o~~ ~{~e\ ~ D A I LY L I N H -TO- .ns lia ble t o get out. of order. I t is Durable in au its parts. and every n iotion posiL ive, It. has the un~ der or four motion feed- T he best i-n use, an d ·will pass fron1 theflnestMi.tslin to the ooa rseKt of,vpf k 'I'( 1 wit hout cha nge of eit h er TENSIO N or .S'rTT liH. It. m a kes t.he Genuine S HUTT L R or LUCK · STI1'Clf, alike on bot h sirles, so famo us for its S trcn11lh, Beauty or Du.1·abUity and WILL NOT RIP. ]1_1 ' I t runs rapidly arul 11 se~- a ::=;tiort Stra.igh t Needle; which is easily adj usted into pl nc c and not near so 1ia hle t;n break. I t fa highl y ornamente d, equal to any uf U 1e hi gh price 11a ohlncs, It will FRINGE. Proclain 1 t.he Glad 'l'idings? r_rw-eeds, etC'., e tc. ~'Iedici11,e. Ala n;., Doctor J~e"\\"iS J oseph us, of thc:i Grea~ Tribe of ::;hoshonces, Bl'itish (~oh~m bin,, j~ T H AT 'l'HE GitEAT SIIOSHONEES edy a nd Pills, of the En1inent Indian GIV E ME A TR I A I . HEM, FELL, TUCK, CORD; BIND, FI·ULL, GATHER, @"' A liberal discount offered k P EDLAUS. RemenlbermyMott o: Smallprofit u. nd quick r etur11 \l, , The highest price 1o:r Hides, Sh eep Skin~, V;r9ol Pickings, P~ags, olt' Coppoi·, Brass, l f'eathers, hors(~ Jiafr. &c. EDWIN H ORSEY. Bowmanville, ~Iay 11, 1871. 41-t1 R. 0 C H E S 'T TG B. QUILT, BR.AID or 'anything that any otber Machine will do. IT IS J UST THE 1UCHIN!~ worlung t h o rno8t m an·elous und as touishin Jl Cures the \.\Torld ever heard of. N ever in thfl an nals of Ca 11adian ) lfe<lical Jl istory J1aa such ~j~~~h:i~l!;}~~:.d thc ·intr od ucti on of any. n 1edJ· F OR PRIVATE FAMI LIES, MILLINERS, DRESS-MAKERS, ~ t.o ot-hers, which w e cann ot ex-pl1Lin here, h11t -..viii ho plMsed to for> varc1. Circu1ars 3.n d Samples of work ev erywhere on a pQli cation . D I SCOLNT 'J'O f.lL:E:RGY1'.1EN. , · foJJJ"' MAOHINES ° FTff, r,y WARRANTED. ~ INSPECTION INVITED. W H Y? SI].fPLY because the 11unH1roua Vnlnable actlvfi tncdicinul ve~e table iug1·rnlient,s, (soi.Uc of which we -..vill n~·onuo~l_,. such as the F.xtracts V\'ikl Cherry BoJ:k, Yodo_l)b.yllun1, .T uniper, Quru:isia., S,mart"\Yeed, .p.1.ndellon , fI;~·oscya11 111s, ~ompoUlld t:xt r:;ct of Colocynt11, ~ a-1a.p, S ocot.nne .A.Joc:"si, L.ap s1c1u n, &c., &9.,) w lu ch ~ntor intuLh e compe>.- 111011 o~ t.h e C0)1 1bn!erl !J1cclic1ne, arc su c h and so Jm.r>..IlO nu~uslr classifi eu an d. c 01np01Uldet1, that i t is n1adc the inost searching c1rra.tiv e i n the kno"·n "'oriel, and cannot h e lµ hnt act on the syst en1 in a YeJ'Y satisfactory- .aud desira ble man~ u er. N o m atter What you r a llrneut, nu1.y be or of h ow long standing, it find 't he · spot 'a nd astoni sh you by L h e :manner hi which rou are rest,ore d to perf~c t health and fulr vigo:r · This 1\' is plea.s an~ .::1.nd safe to· tak1~', and is w nrra.J1ted, and 111ay pos1t.1-vdy be relied upon to ti:lakc a per111anent cure of R,ll ilisea.~s of th 6 'l'hroa t, Lungs, Liver Kidneys Digestive Organs & r.., &c. , a.s ' "ell 1t.s 8crof uJa, the varil)UB Ski:D lJist·a.s es, H m11 ors, a.n<l all diseases a.rising from Ini purit. ~· of the B lood, ex('epting the Third Stng:ft ·1 o~ Co~sumption: F urt11 e1· inforn1atio11, tvith fl.ill d:;_rect~ons 1or us1ng t!1~ G r c·a t ~hoshoneef:I Re1nedy · I and Pills, ~nd conta1n111g t~ ~Hbmonials and Cerl 1~ 1 of l)uros, can be obtaine d by. se~:rnriug tha lr Pat1 ~0. thcHa,nd-book, or t11e 1\lma nao a n d Dil'm!1<'l;~·s fl'mn any respectable D r uggi.s.t in tbA Do1n11uou-free. ~ .f!J"·ice of R¢m~dy l-n lcn·ne I'int Bottle..'f 1.00. TAILORS, AND J<'AHMERS. There are many points of excelJence about the Machine, · Superior l'ltU HDO CH BROS. or T S1HE LATES'l' F ASHI ONS. I ~t aie Cabin!' SUPERB NEW LAK R UPPbR I N BOWMANVILLE. Mrs.J. C. Pollard N 0 RS EM A N, l\i I L L I X E Ry G 0 0 D S I.ea ves P ort Hope et;et'Y .:1!01·-nina, f<n- 1?.8c~.ester ' utVo'clock onarnvoJ of Grand r 1·unk R.a:ilfo r t he Spring tJ:adc, con sisting of BoDllcts, H~t s, : -....·ay Trains from East an1l V'l'cst. Ribbons, 1rea.thBrs, .1~lowers, La.ces &e ., which 1 , , . . . ... she oft;ers to t h e ladies of J3owrµanville and snr- : llen~1:n1 na, ~e<._1:r;es ~01· ~ of . Roch":~c,cr jf'lln~_lott) cou11Lry, at lowest price. I · e-..; erl ~v emtJg at 9 o cfo_cl~ , ( cxc~pt ...,utln u · tokLa<li 'Cll dCffi B 'tl. uu_y s,whenshclc:.iH:::::E'.t2oc[ock, ,n.~d 8:ftltit~oi~"tii'Y 1na~rw3s ~r:nd1 Ge~ls·8 ' cofi~~-s I P. :YL, for Bri ght on). '--,~nd Cnf!s· . I T his, is.the_favorite su mm:r ~~nte from T or on: M'.achrne )11· -..,.-1ng <lone to or der ; also st amping ~ to ! n h ochester , AJbanr, &c; lb~ chcnp s_st and tor 'Vork. _·\ll order s promp tly flJlerl . 1 11 u1ekest. ro ute froru points F.cia.Hl of P ort I :.1.op e on . . 'l , . U11) Gr a.nd T ru11k , t.o Roch csLer , R11fl'alo, & c. .... S~re Two door s E ast of IIenc.erson s Hotel. 1 The favorite route to Avon u.nd ClifJ,fl n Spr inR"S. · · -· l P :issenger s and fr eight take curs a.lung s:iae Still A.bead. stea m er at Landing. Onnnect,iun m a d e at Cohourg an.d Port H o pe 'E_ S, w ith R oyu.l Mail I Sl ea1ners from IIamilton SOIRE a nd 11-'l:ou t:r eul. T h e Norscn1an wi ll call nt thQ P orl of Drn·liny, TEA PARTIES, t on cYcry YVl!;~:N"ESDAY .2\IORi\'TKG, should sufficient freigh t offer. ~'\.ddreEs, R. C, C"""\..U.TIETI, BALL SUPPERS, 37-tf Port llope , Ont. " ~ AGENT wanted in Bowmanville, and in every- otl> er Town where J . 0. 'l'ODD, Gcncrnl Agent. we h ave not got one already establish ed. L ar ger il1Uuceu)en ts than any other Company. · H AS RECEIVED A FULL .ASSORTMENT of UnrrY,.,ng United.Stat.cs and Canadhn llfiiilil Express. -- anu w. I J AS G. REED, N o. 7 R ossin H ouse Block, Tnrnnto, _ Ont. MIT.... LINERY '"ill 16-41 II FORl'AJN G the i nhabit ants of Bowmrurvillc a nd stu·rou:nding country tha.t he h as open ed out o. New T in Shop in the st.ore lat ely occupied by J ohn .Allen, corner of M:UOH PLEASlTRE IN IN - 1871. IItON·lVIOr{GERY. :1871.. SH()"V ROOlVI. ~cLEOD, . ' ' KI N G AND DIVISION STREETS Bo,vmanville, ,.,·here h e will keep constantly on hand a ""ell selected stocl:: of stoYes, J ap· a nncd, p resH:e1l and plain Tinware, w h ich h e will imll H ochester "CH EAP AS TIIE OIIEA PE ST." S pecial a t tention to KA. VETROU GIIING AND JOB B IN G. t o. :r;fJ" .Or d ers fron1 t h P- c o1Jni.ry prmnptly att end ed Murdoch Bros. Sewing Macb.ine I MPORTER OF HARDWAR E, JRON, WINDOW GLASS PAINTS ' OILS TO INFORJ\1 THE LADIES OF Manufacturer- of all kinds of Tjnware, B EG the andELECTRO-P LA'r E SIL VERWARE. ' Town anll Country , th a t their AND DEALEl\ IN JOHN I llls per Box.2.» cents. i!l :ndwod : u:'o w I. i d, How .Rc !lto1·ed. ~ Jl:S1' P UBLISHED, ANEW · PUBLIC DINNERS, WEDDING OAKES, t':ot up in the best st:v lc a z~<l. on reasonable t ern1s, b~· the subscriber. The ·whitest, tho s'vcctest o.ucl !;test b read dclive1·ed daily t o . customers in a ll pa.rts of the t o'"·n. 15-Sci Plants for Sale. l.IOT BED& COLD BED PLANTS. CAB B AG E. W f AB,LY YORK, AND WINNING- ALEX . F LETCHER. to m a ke La die 5, Dresses and Jl.fantlcs Spring F a shions T H.E SUBSCRIBER HAS NOW THE 'AS U .~HJ .:'.. L p_ rioo paid for Hides, Sh eepskins Hags, \.\rool-pickings, Copper. Feathers and l lol'.i!eh.. " · .~ Grea t ind ucem enbi hP-lil out to 11ecllers. N . B.-F,nr mcr s wanting Milk P ails Ol' P ans woul d do \Yell to call !.Lntl ~xanlintt my stock be~ fore p urchasing elsewhere. .A share of P ublic patron~e respectfully solicited. W.G. R EED. B owm !\nville, March 8th 1871. 32-tf. 7 ~F IIighest Stoves, Carriage Hardware, Bent Stuff, Spokes and Hub; J UST RECEI"VED A LAHGE A ~ S ORT11'.I E NT , Q F STOCK OF MILLINERY GOODS IS XO"\V Spades=Ga1·den, D1·awi!~g- . and D itching ,Cornisb Shol·els, Rakes, Scythes, ~'orks, :uul aH kin~b of Ga1·den C and i<'arni ing· ·: ·ools. -0 :C l( PLE ~l .L 'I' E ! ~ '..if 8'1 'Al>'J', Late Marble head; M a mmoth , Shone Mason , Drumhead, Rob jnso:fis Cham;iion Pdz~- Oxha:rt, Prem.iu1n Ffa.t. J)utch, A merman j1np1·ov ed Savoy, Red Dru1nhead, large for µic k~ Fashion~ for this spring, 1871, and is prepared ling. lV!y Cab bage took t)io First Prize a t the WITH !"HE Photographs I occupi ed by Mr. Ii. Tait, is n9"'- prepared to take- The Building Trade. line-l1la~ ls, 1 liist Provincial Fair. Latest Novelties of the Season, A~D IN L~ ilTEST STYLES. ' CAULIFLOWE R . taf-Particular: attm1 Ll0n pa.ill to c u tting and E A H.LY, ~tio.J.f Paru.~ or Demid 'IJ.l". LATE,fit ting. 1,a Normand Short Stem111ecl. 'l'helta..lia.n Giant, MRS. AI,EX. FLETCHER . the Autumnal Giant. _ April 1~. 1871. 37-tf. T HE Locks, Hinges, Glass, $a,sh, Pittty, Paints, Oifo, SUBSCRIBER HAVING .0.1<~ Sp ecial attention to this F IT'i'ED a nfi improvqd the Galler y latel7 TTarnishes, Eave T r o·ugh.s, TY""irvdovJ O/ti,d Pietv:t e Cords and Tassel<r, and UNDER 'l~IIF -:_ J'rL'\NAG~MENT OF P HOTOGBAPHS IN ALL S1'Y[,R!I AND AT TO MATOES. Eve-rythVng else. required, wnrl that in one plctce, thtM·prcscnting greCtter im ..du,cenients to the bu·yr:r thwn am;y other House in tlie Tra de, ·which of itself is no snu ill advantage. JU IS S lllcTA.ViSill, I AGJ£ NC Y OF TH E BOWMANV I L L E F U R N I T UR E .A call respect.fully solic ited. Gallery-Cor ner OJ and DiYision Streets. ent rance ovpositc Mr. To be had at }\fr. Higginbot ham's, som e of the King · 1 a p pointed retail agent by the Bo;.-..·mnn Yillc l oading Groce ry Stores, a nd at the Subsc1·iber's Treleven's shoe store. 1'u"nit n r e ManutactnT'in g Co., is now in a. posi- Hesiden ee. ' EDWIN J . l<' LETOHEU. ·iibn to fill a ll order s at as low· a rate as any deal· IB.RVEY DRAPER. er in 1he c·iunt~'· Dowma.nv ille, Apri1 26th, 1871; 16-12 ~I ANNIN G. Bq·w1n tLn v.illc, 1tf ny 11, 1871. 41-tf, 'fhe OP.nel'a l Grant, the Fegee, t hP. .A lgr.r, t h e l;rt$, t Chlli uah ua, Orangefield, l\.I a nnnoLh er. ~ JCey's Proliftch t.he Cook's Favori ~ r E arlY' York , Drawf Scotc , Large Red, B oston .J.Uarkct, the ,Celebratccl Trophy. Also a va...-:ict y of Colc:ry, Pepper, an d E'lower l ' ian!s. :l' hwi plants w ill ?..I I be r ea dy in t helr season . LOWEST PRIOJ<:S. Pictures m a de in all kind~ , ...ho will fill a.11 orders prom ptly. This is. ancW bm~ch·:or their business and the Stock wil l be fonnd of ·weather. S A TISFAO.T ION GUARANTEEl'. N.B.--FEATHERS FOR SALE. Agent .for "\Vay & Editi on of Dn. CULVER~' Ji.; LL's CitLli:BR.-\.'r .JJ:D .li:e.SAY on th e 1·a.d(cal c1w e (w ithout 1nerlicinc~ of S. t~rma t_orrhoea, Se 1nindl 1veakr1.css, lnvo· h1 emrnul Losses, I1npotc111·y, :'t-Iental a nd Physi9al Inct-:,paci ty, In1pcdimenti:> Lo 'Nfa.rria~c. et c. , also Co~sum/'ti on, Epilepsy, anci: } 'i t i;J, in1 AT THE duced by sc lf-rndµ gen ceo:;: sexual extra vagance. a..~-P:l'iee, in a sealed en velope, 011Ir 6 r,ents. 'l'b e ce1cbrate(1 a. uthol', in this adn1ira bl e essa y, cleady tlen1onstru.Les f1 1m1 a. th irty yea rs' successful p1·acticc, that the al:-t.rn1 ing conscQ11 cnet-.S ExhibHion ? of self-abuse 1 nay _be radicnUy ~~ed . ,vitho ut t he da.nger ons use of 1ntcr1rnl m cdic1ne ol." tho a.ppli· cation of tl rn knit'e; poiutiug out u. rn oile of cure at o nce si mple, and ctfectual , by means or "whi ch every sujfcrer, n o matter · " 'hat his conJust held at Tor ont o, o ver the n1ost r en owned dit.luu rnay .. be, may t:Ure himself cheaply, pri~ . vat1y n.nd r acl-icall11. · ... cw1ng Machines in th e world , amon g which u· ·fJlls I.ecture should be in the hancls of were the cel~hrat.ed IIowe,. 'Vheclcr &: ·'\VGi::cn every Y·)11t h and e~·e ry m~ ht the land. . · Sent u nder seal, in a plau1 enveloper to any il-(l · I & c. , I'h1s is only a confirmati on of the verdict drc~ :> , postpaid on receipt of six ceuLs <ir two l~ d d b h lJO'it 8l,unp s. pre\ ious,;i; . ren ere Y t e Gre.<tt Cnnadian ~h; (!·r I h-. Cu.lvcrwelrs " l\.Iarriagc G.uid u, · Public, 'a-nil proyes conolusivcly t he sUPERIORJTY I price ~a cenLs. . - .A.ddress t h e Puhl1sherf'I, oi.· T HE" LOCKilf"AN" OVER ALL OTHERS . CHAS . J .C. J\LTNJ!i, &. CO., tar R ,, II O'H.A. 127 B o"'ory, New York, Post·Offi"'e Box 4,586 1 . · 1:.· · R A, '\-Vholesale a nd R e t a il ]· --------------~---Age nts. _ i\Jso, agents for G ne1ph Sewing l\.Iachlno Co., & Baker. Singer, Howe and TGOU. THE .FJ!~S T PRIZE Prol'incial ;· mHE SUBSCRIBER HAYING BEEN l Dowhing's Paten t lllaugle: JOHN J\'.fcT,EOD. .&\. cllington. Bu.ihling, Ilowm a nvi1le, .April 10th, 1871. CH EAP AND GOOD. I ! - ~tr. W e have n~o on ..h and a 'I LOA NS FOR F R OM ONE TO T"\"VEN . o.,!uJI stock of t he LITTLE W .A.NZ E R J..faehlne s- 1 T Y year s, to hA repaid in h~i:italtn t"'nts to suit , . : . · , b orrowl~rs, ' '"ho ~.rP. allowed it> make such 11ayPersons not satisfl.ed wit h OJJ.C J'l.fachine c.a n ex-- · ments~ i ~ a·1(UU [)a f.o instahn~111.~. as they mny c hange foranv other inside of t hirt R fin~l C\l_!,1' c rn ent, may. be obtcnnetl from t.ho - Ca 1 Y cays.. e.. n ;i. .n. e~·ma)J.eut P.1 u ld1n g o.n c1 Sav::1~·"" y member R. & H . O'Ha.rft.'s is the' S:it,VING .l\f:t,· Dy appl)'1ng tg ~ . . 0 , ' · · l '.ARE 'i \· !i:LL. 1 HcG·E E 8:. RUTLEDGE ClU~E J;IEJ>QT, n bohcitbrs, Eo,vmunrillti. lr-1:" 1 ri vate fun ds t ::t lou.h. 61 t , \Vil!ia~1s' M achines. Grov er · iV.lloney to J",oan. . = £.._ -