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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jun 1871, p. 1

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&!!Al\".':t ~ ~ ..... ·f;;rt· ~trf QI, illrnh rn n .$ i~its nrnn l:'! 1 <t r1ntcd n1u1 ol:i..,hcd El ~ l"'i< '!'i!Ul'"1~fa~ 1'!01·n1ing~ b;.; th e P 1op icto1 \VIV,[. R. CLIMIE, ti tho On'!' l!CE-l'ost Ollie e !!Hock, I VOL. XVI. fl I~ l I THE TRAPPERS FATE -.:; ; - -~ 79!W~~__!____4 .i\1ound the tod\_ n1 :l uito th cntr a11ce they swa1n1ed ea.oh st1 iv1ng to )'!I I BOWJVIANVILLE, ONT., TH1JRS1)AY11 ;JlJNl1J 22, 1871. 1871. Spring Goods.· 1871. l _~~w~ ~~!!!~~ · ~~ .BETSEY DESTROYS THE PAPER NEWEST T HE AlU.lVED at <\ND MOST F <\SlIION ,\.BLE SPRING GOODS JlJST SEQl EI TO ~~~~~~~~~=""'~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~=-~=::~="'.' --::--=---- --~,=-~~~=""'~~~="'~= be the first to deal lhe de~d y blow, and ) et they uiet Yi ith no resistance The: for oinost v,: arr1ors paused a.s they passed the angle, and with feelmgs of profound a.stomshmcnt depicted upon their parnted f:tces gazed upon tho unexpected fught that met thetr gaze Upun a ledge of rnck, the diacha.rged nfle still held to hull fac e a.-i when sighting to fire, sat the form. of the trnpper He turned not his head, I n or d d J1c n1ove front the attitude in I which h e 'Hts disco\ ered n,nd \\hen a wa.r rio1 stepped f< rwar d an d hu l lus hand upon his shoulder he saw that t he ril!e that lui,d~tnat 1 1ght t 1n ee "\\i1d uws in hi: tribe, Vias lF·ld rn the grasp ol a dead s_ _;p~ Why Married Persons Live Longest F_ ErILL'S_ Arnl GENTS' SUITS MADE TO ORDER. New Felt and Stra\V Hats. P lease call a1 d cx111 ine Goods n..nd Prices as Gr ertt B uga1bs \Vlll 1.J ... n' en fen Ca8h S. F. :E-IILL D. STOTT, CHEMIST AND Dl!JALElt IN DRUGGIST, TOTVN HALL BTJILDiltGS, BOW21IA NVJLLE. DRUGSl :rvi.EDICINES, AND CI-IEJVIXCALS, Dye Stuffs ra+cnt ~1echc111P~ PeJ.fun1e11' B1·11shcs, Coinhs 8oaps Pants and Oils Pawt Brushe" Co il Oil 'id Coal 01! Lamps, &e, ,\ e py,;,ICIANS PHESORIITJON 8 CAREJ<CLLY (OM!CUNDED AND ALL OlllElb CORRECTLY ANSWB:HE 1J ' the Cou1 try t Sto l of ,~ferli i cs corn wise perfect be1ng and rt requ1re8 ihe ollier 11:1,1£ lo inake thn gs nght rind 1t cannot be expected that m tlus unperfect state he can keep a. strmsht1)ith of rcc1tuclc any ]us n101e th 1n a. boat ' vrlh one o l:ttH H.Hlrn could ~enter of the ln nine c ;i,ses ctti'b Sioux J u s OPENED. I 1 Marku s MEtyer and lua acts - HATS, CA P -S, &c., 1I r Brooklin U d i gives an accoun t of 111 ext raordinary experiment thttt '\ 1\9 s111.. cco:afu1l:;i t11ed ne tr th \-t city fot iauang the co... pse of one· w hu ha l been dro,vned Sorne 1ncn we1 0 d1a0 g1ng tho creek for the b od3 of :t boy tlrO\\ned while bathing, v. hen th ey were approached by t"- o Oafia .. d1ans "ho aaked the I i n iJege of trj rttg rut exp ~rllllon~ It \\ as granted \Vhen they took e nnmher of bottles filled them <nth quick h rr1e, and t1ghtlv corked the1n, and then tl1re'v 1n the water nf:at" where thd body wa.~ su1 t:10s.ed tu be In about an hou:r one of the bottles burst qiute a report, ~nd in a short t1n1e afterwards the bodi; rose to thA r.urfacA The Canad1ans could n ot !i:Xphwn, but saul that when a. lJottle so prepa1 P-d float s directly over a. corpse it will burst and the body '"11 l~se '1'110 T Hon t ells this st >rJi as a fact If true, thr p ro <.:OS;:. inchcated will save 1tn 1m n1 ei ise nn:~o 111t of J bor and expe11se 111 such OF EV:::;RY DEf'CRIP TT01'", WHICH HE WILL <"FIL CHEAP for CAJI 11@EA~h!Y CASH. '"D 'i OU WU! DC.. SUHE 10 DE S UI PLIED IJl.iiG Nl!JJ>;·,'l' !.l."!-!UCE p ,ft.J!ID l'l.'®R i:t ~ \'1,7 JFID!l!~. ~ M ll~KUS l\H:ER BARGAINSr BA::RG-AI~S GREA'l' B \ RGA TNS \RF, NOW GI vE1' AT r HE Corr1er PUBLIC has rully JUSfafied the or1~in;ci,,l Store. you could get TTrn first Odd F elk w- ~dam OPINION ON one dro\\ned-He left a large circle, lm<l h >ppme·S-Look m th~ idea, that at the ' Corner Store WHEN 1s a grocer hke a lugh1vaJ n1an1 "hon he bes u1 "e1ght FI'I"]:'ED AND WELL S1JITED F. COWLE. A DOOMA lS defined as an opnuon laid do,vn with a sna-..l of !he 1 le st INSURE YOUR l_.IFE, AND YOUR PROPERTY, I N THE A l luladelph " Jhm ad' ertJSes for " large hoy to fue under a boiler NArURE n. is !JJre ~ baby is There is alw ay· a sq1:,aJ.1 :titer its face is W tt!ihed A DANDY on shore but 1 d 1sg11sting toman y'1 swell of -the ~ea s1chen~ everybody \1 HY 1s ft ca111on ter a 1ways ugher than other Illt; H J 13eea.USe he 18 a deal pla1ner -n e seek rcdrer::s for when we I nJWI u::; "here do we iind 'm'i!w!!n :rn §t<i:J>nlwm;e. Gen e1 :tJ Agent Da:dmgt.on (;"' be promptly attcn 1c l to A UC l'IONEER ArrRAISER Al'<D Sales COMTvIERCIAL UNION 4-SSLBAYCE Co of LONDO!§, EN'(TLA"ND CAPITAL FULLY SUBSCRIBED. £2 500 000 S1ERLJNG T AGES to the liberal JOU h ave n1 e Sa.raJ11 <;tatrl a. young n1an to n. n1ocleal gitl "No, but JOU 1l ,, J h; n1e if you will" T HlS FIRST CI ASS BRU 18H COHP;cNY Polt~v OFFFRS SUP:ERIOR ADVAN Rates lo'v and tenns Holdc s in both the Life and l!"re depa1 tment J'<:IORLAND, \P~ WATS ON & CO., ~'.!ontrcal, A FOND 1...-ife thrcv; a. bottle of hair r e ne\\ er a t lu~r h us J u1d s hea I at wluch h e We must part-the d~ e la LIKE G<"ncl'al CI..Il\fIE Agent for Bown1run 1lle .Agent~ fo1 Canada J. w. an cl the tree we should b 0 constantly FOWKE ; One notion of Caleb s pasou sc Ts .rrath(rlUJ3h and dun I if it comes con' cn101 t, you {1 c hm ge a. i;vord \nth h m It don t qu1t0 to reason nd for go pcl 1t gr'O\"\ rng outw trd to\\ ard n1en, and up· the ward to\\ ard God the I sm town yet n so a splcnilid assortment of "",sh 'l n.I!l fuencl that hnles I1on1 our faul ts ts of less se1v1ce to ns thn.n the enemy that upbr . , rds us \Vlth thein NE"T SPRING GOODS At unusually low prices and m great variety C01 rONS NEW DRESS GOODS, NEW NE','; LUSTRES, ~EW lights up t ho IIATS A1\D C \PS, Tvv EEDS, COAIINUS, NEV. BOOTS & SHOES, THE \V1111ung pust of the race of life is a slao uf wlute or gi:a.y stone standing out fiorn that turf where the1e is no rnore ]Ok :-mw .FIELD A.ND GARDEN SEEDS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY .AND HIBDWARE, A NUJHBER OF IIORSEI' AND W <\.GON S eyll1g ~N exchauge iuentions a case beyond the 0.1.clinarJ occulsts ]t 1s thn.t of a ' oung lady" ho instead of a cbmn1011 pupil had a. college student in h er 'e A YOUNG 'W oml.n oftprov1denc e s said t o O NR WITH SOME KNOWLEDGE Ii It RllJP, M ]) of comp ou lding r Itden ed be one of the best bl 1Cksnuths m that city. She wm J,s Slllc by side "1th her father in lu a. .sho.._)

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