CA1"4 A DIAN ST'1\TESJVlAN , BC)\JV J\ LANVILLE, Tr-fTJRSDi-\ Y , Ju NE 22, 1871. ·~~"""" A""" Dv ""'w ~~ E~ TO~I~MM-IG~R~t\N"'!"TS~'"~"~....,~~~R..,~ ......... F~J~"!""'r~U'~~~,~<,~~~-""""'c"""')"""""""'F"""""="""'i'°"°"'"""""'~~, ..~~ ,...,,.5~ -·"""c::~,'!"'N~~v ~'TM"'"""""""'"""'I"""""""""c~:: ~ 1"!"'T ~'""""'~-"""" ]:~"'!"!6~=-~N ~~"'"'~TM~S~~::;~~~~ Tm" 1 ~BLE MO~ TREJ \c. nME l\.fade b; He1 lVIaJesty s Justices of the Peace 1'1 t}F U mted Count es of N Oi thumberland and Dmh?m, f10m the 15th clay of :Mai ch to the 13th da,y of Juno, 1871, mclusn e TO \VHOM PAID 0\'""R.B'.l lSAlD JU~l!CN NAT UilE OF '.IIIE CillRGE IF NOT P\ID AND GENERAL IF ~NY OBSERVATION~, 1871 sent to G ol fo1 twent0 <laya ~ J J\foGun e 1 [default of Jal ment of fine Comm1tted to Gaol ot Cobod':tg for tlnrty daya ha Pa1c1 Not Paul too pour ru tl helrlcas Paid 21 aav· " JOHN D ARMOUR Clerk of the Peace, U C N & D SALE --OF- KEEP COOLI I'.l..EEP COOL! JCED COLD DRINKS, FLOU l! ING I~IL L, F OUR Dl\ELLING HUtTSE ,,, FR011: THE FOUNTAIN, WITU' OF Fk\.VORS, during the Sunnne.r n1onths r.t 0 TODS "ED DING CAKES made to order /~.ct of' FRESH-BAKED BISCUIT and a. good SJ'.\:l:J~LL nfftte1 of liB1YBY ".IO;:;ES an I nsolvent as~ortmcnt of C.A.:H::ES, on h and at C 'l'on:s Jmmhent Act o.C 1869, AND AME:YD'.\-11-NTB THERE TO I.L the matter o"' :\'t' 1 P Ltun nenrJ n :r.o,..-n, an Itsolmtit 1 L lh c 1natter of '\"till1ant Hen y Bn.s:seU .. an. I~elveiit It n Booth of llO\\ Ul l.llVdle bnve been RP-. pctnted A s::i1 g nee in thi s matter Creditors are req iesi:.ed to file then· drums b ef'ote me v..1Uun on e uonth I '!HE UNDERSIGNED CHARLES ~2 so rm ~3 00 I 15 Jli ' I lo '1J 0 50 {(} 0 'HS@ I 20 I 20 0 50 0 80 5, 0 60 11; m, 60 0 65 0 50 exchr nge good hom"le a ml lot 1n a t hl'lv1 ng \- llage in l\l ech gan fm as ill fur1n n a1 Bo\ ma1v 1 He f f1n 11sv.{ 1Ll mo1c than louse and ot w I pa.} ue in money Cull immcd1 ate1y iu person or addle"'S I \V }..lJCilOLS Uox "4 Bo\\ mu.nville T HE UNDEl\;,lGNED WTSIIES TO "\\! m H. I owe, n. A.J,.L. B., !Mt B L ~ "\\ t:iollc &c &c \.RRI81ER <I.ND ATTORNEY AT t.01 w Cbant;ery a.u d Insolvent;;y, O:ttlce on Silver Street Bowmnnvllle w :MONEY to lon.n on easy t erms. 0 50 r1J, J 3 !fl) 0 10 !fl) 0 00 'i'l 0 30 (jJ) 0 Ou 1il :Notice. ~ iJ ;ilowmap;~))e 0 14 6~ 10 00 0 35 0 0 ll A LL J>ERSONS I r1iESPASS1NG ON JOHN 1vrcDOUGALL tl e l ropertv lrno"\\ n as the l oulden ){ ll s be proscouteU Bo,, man ville oth June 18"'1 io t