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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jun 1871, p. 3

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CANADI;-\N STA"fESMAN, BO v'I M !-\ l\f VILLE , ~ '"I'H-U I=tS I3 ::_!\ '_{ 1 t he attention of farn:ier:.,i t n the one -hor~e antl Cultivator!,! n1auufo.chu-ed by him. and vi'hich for F.>lX yP...<ll'S obtainei:l flri't prize~ , Rt l-'roYinc ii-t1 and Local Fairl:'l. 'fhe~' a r e uu'"~ aia~ed, doubted I( the best impleine.ut of the kin d l!l use, ~ Tl" .....,,T ~ a11r1 w ill in a very short time more than repf.l:y T 'rHE nom,'.LJ.~N'"VILL~ _l· Ufili I- their eosl, in the cfiicicncy and exccll~·H.:C of their ' l'lJH.i<j Factory, a few· strong youn$' men, work. Insp ection 1n.:vitcd. A supply of Cultivnu.s a 1)pr1·1nu·{·:; to th e· < Lnd Cu.binot tor,_ uow on hand for the spring work, and will business. Apply to Tl:!0..:. '\1 M~ J O.HNi::!TON, Man· be sold at lowest r:i.tes. ~ 1 agcc, IRON HARROWS of a superior kincl, aleo on 1utnd. 1871. i F OR SALE, 1!>35tf. O)T IVELLIU GTON 8trcct. Forpa.rticulars apply L g W. PltoWFR . two~ho r s e Iron T HE S1JBSCRIBER WOULD DIRECT -Dress Goods I Prep:'\:"GJ :·cm the orl ,~ma! ~ei pt,, I by t be tmd,rsignOO only,at the j TJIE ll..1.MILTON A OF ·. j\iVEEKLY TIMES' Contains an In1mense A1nount o! TV'0sf e1;-1, Oanrid'l. · I !- .\ B-",µ~-..i""' !J ~!!f' I!. fu )Pr a ·; ii". -" - - !l..'1.-Cl..!!;;I~ GINGER ALE & Sil DA WATE~ fMffOR't, j Wanted l1nn~caiatdy, J\1.PS . BUGGIES AND WAGONS DR_ E SS GOODS. l':lon~ 23 Gll:t!E..\'r ST· .J'Al'f:IE9 S'.l'REE!'. geT..u1ne unless stgned1 A FEl\IALE SERYAN'l', FO.R H EUAL ;vork. .Apply to Do\Vill[LnVille, ~f:tr GE~ CVBlT'l', 17th, 1871, ·- - ---- - - - - - - - - - - constnntlj on hand for sale. I'~~~ All kinrls of Blacksn1ith work flone on th e slwrtcst notice. A... call solicited. 42-tf. 13-3ltf. I. \Y .E8'l'l'OTJ', n own1a n ville . If? ,u~<1ti--GOAA'-,l»dccu o J. HIGGINBOTHAM, SOLE AGENT FOR ROWM.ANVILLE. BTAP Good l!'amily .Readi.,ny of an Inf.e re~f.i1uj CJ~ kind, and is one of t.~ e- Best (.£nd lrl o.'Jt -=3 ~ I Beliable .lVeiliSpaP,'3rs ;_;ublishccl in I .. ., .: ::' ~ ,.. ~ Q :: , ;' ~ Stoves! !Stoves ! 'l'HER Con.l or Woof~ --- AND COOK, E lI N PARLOR, BOX e 100 hen.per than CYCr. O l'.1 AS B . .'\.SSE'l "l', - -------~----- FAR:::Y LB for SALE· ACRES OF GOOD LAND, DRY GOODS I FOR Cottage for §ale. j_j- 'Cl' COT'I'.'-1. ·'GE ON '"ET 1 Bl' -1 1.1..l )... n 1 TIIE tug Shed, 16-tf, J . ..:'\.... il.DLL. being t he South 00 Acres, and 10 on tl1e North -eus t col'ner of L ot 9, in the 1th con. ot Darlington , 2f miles from the 'l 'o·vn of Bow1nan· Ylilc . iO ac1es clear ed, and:)() in \.Voods. Co1nfortablc D\Yelling House, good ll3.l'll, 8tablo, a.nd Shed : somo Frult 'l'ree.s 01.\ the rr+>mhm. ..,, a good \V ol!, also a strean1 of Sprin~ '~ ater. .. ~ :: - " ~ ~ F. F. McARTHUR HAS t:' ~ S. ': ~ the sub.scriber. U-oocl Ga1·den, Stable und Driv~----------------·- LIKG-1'0N Stl.'eet, at present occupied by To lLet. CUPll!:l> as a n ofilc o of th e H oyal Ut>~n ~.l i - \v=ELJJO N . Trnnpo 1-'. 0., ot· to JA MES \¥.J£Lan Hank· .A.pply to DON, Lot N o. lJ, in th e 4th con. of the above A. l{. 1\'lACDOUGALL, AgP·tl. To-w n ship. 16....-=:n-3m. Bo wma,uyllle, Iv!ur ..-ih lG, T HE PREMISES A'.t PltR;;EN Urn. " .,., , , .,.., .,., f"!'1 .t OC- 12, in the 5th con. of the above 'l'o\\nship, 1 130 acHl8 clCft l e d, 70 iu "vYomb. "\\Tpll w.ite rr;id ; 1 also a good \.-V ell. A ue\Y F1·a1ne D-..vclhng I, ·w ith Stone Cellar the full sb::c of the I House,. a sn1all Log Honse, t-wo Bo:rns, Stable artd 1 C\rw clhe..i. E x cellent land, sit uated 3f ntiles fro1n the 1'ow11 of B o-wmunville. l!'or ful·t her .,,.ri lcuJ ars nppJ;- j ..... ~ M ~ · ... 1 I SO .1 .J· JOO .AOREC, BEING J__10T NO. Carpets I Carpets1: SPRING 1871. Ill adi1 1tion l o <dX""uH;, "' rittcn on tb6 lcad.h1g;po\it1{;<1l il'u1 ,;1H,i d ,..-,,;p,nts oftht~ dny. the 'fnrES \\ 1li be f1Hn11l 10 {"·itLttln valuable sclccte1l uri i('!CS fro11 1 the J3.1lJ.Sh, ( '11ua.dmnund .A.mcric1lll :;?, J onrua}\ for1uin~ a '.:'lltiG~sJ:! mtrl Dlca.sing epitou10 ~ of tl.c NE\.VS OF T HE VVJGEJ{, , ,,;- r Particul ar attention is pnid tti Politlc~. British. ~ and i~oi.:eign N c:ws, Can;:i,d1iin rr c ws. Ame1 ican lll!l News, J.Jocalrnn:tt ers, IHarkoti',Pa1-.1;,,'1.i1phs,Po<:try 1 :..'. Co1nrnerdu.l, l"u.cetire. &;c. 1\1,\ 1uo~Ts.- n o depn.r tn1cnt of a New~ po.por is of morP. unprn·tan ce t.n the Farn1er tlnfl :Stm e-keeper th a n copious l\.!arket Repoi.:l8, ~vhl<.!ft ~ ztre reli able f or t hc1r im p aTtfal r:orl·ectne-=s. 'l'lt " ~ I Conductors of l hP T nrER ·\ill gne s 11edal atter1'j tion to tlJis dc pu.1 luwnt of t he Jou1·naJ. a11d gath .,V the rctl U'l1 S froni. all the pnucrpal r oints of 1't!1!:!~ '~tatih n. nd : Mu.il_, up t,· the hour of iiublication. for I tho inforuui.tion of their Subsc1ibers . Conunerciai. lnteli1t;"enco likewise fonns a lcncllng f~ntw·e ill 0 the ,V.KEl{LY '!'IME S. Subscription tto\V Ileen tested beyond all question and tho verdict of ~ho pubue fa tha.t W-d1r.r - $1.00"a Year, to the proprietor 'l'HOMAS T RIS CELEBRA'l'lm MACHINE P-i.Y.\..l3LE I N AD VAN CE. 33 tf. ,__ __ =--- - ~-----------~ Fruit 'l!'B·ee1l :fin· tlaie. P .COLEMAN CA~ SUPPLY l'.LUM ~5 &nd 1Je'3t de'>er!,-Uage, \Yasb rn;5LO· t, &·c., 5U ct~.; ll.1so Engli:-ui. Ullerr10::;, Bigg:lii'Cll lt::> an·] Hom~"'. ut 25 ct::i. ..c\.lso, li'lo1ver l-'Jo.ut::o in!d..1.w'l" very cheap, no\.Y g r 01ving iu hot be ..Ls. Bo"'llHUlVille, April :Wtll, 18il. e '.rllEk:S-Blnc, f ol' Per:>C.!'\' e'3, cents, Just Received a Second - Supply OJ<' · - - -:o:--- CJ,U Hg may he form e d at any p oriod of the year by S lX or m m·P. fh1hH m iberH assrn fattin g t ogether' .ual 1omitti nr; the 'Cash .u1 At.l \::u1cc. TE RMS : It~Stands FOR MONTH CARPETS 'WILL BE] -uviUumt a Rind THE CELEBRATED PERFEOTIW Spectacles and Eye Classes 111a.nufo.ctu r oJ EAMS TO DRAW LUl\IDER FUOM by LAZl i. R US cf: :P..IORRIS, uud for ·w hich my l\'I1U ~ ia P:..: clonk, t o H::>"\V'.nm1Yillc and h a ve the sole a gency, arc gaining golden opin.ionP Osh~wa . froru all t hose v.·ho haye tried it. If you want t 1"or ful'Lhcr partic ulars cnqnltc ut mill. A. B. UAJYIPHELL. prese rve your $ight to e~trem e old age, use t h e.a: Bowwunville, :l\1a.J· 3rcl, 1871. 10-tf, and no ot hers · .AARON TIUCKLF.R, agent ((11 '.l'ies "lVa!:stcd. [ no-.vm.u,nvillc t>~nd vicinity. 1-m B T It is the n1ost substll.ntiWly built., ha~ the fe,\est working pu.rts b eat1tiful b i d('fugu arnl finish.' . II;;.s thu he~t design of a. suttle, and by far the I.ARG-I~S l' ROB.Bi.NS. I t is capable of vo1ior1ning A raitgt\ ot work h!therto thought irupoi;;sible for,Sew1nf;_Ma.chines. S ixCopicsforOncYcar - - ~ - - · - $500 Thus ::t-llO\\. in$ a copy YBEE to t h e getter up o( a r~lub of FIVE. _"1._ lidl e ex Prt.inn o nlv :'1 nPCO""arv to secure l\ club of FI'VE. Tht") 'l'I~iEA IH now w·irle lv k nown and gencrii.lly aJ)Pl'eciutc<l, a11dcan co1lrlllc11tially be recommended. - "" _ , . f!:i!'"Cm111111mications to be addressed to tho Prop7'l etor as under. All letr-ers nn1st be..Poi:;t.-po.1d. Snbs..:1iptions Jntt,y l,P. rP.mi~led by post, 11 n d if the / let.ter be 1·egisl?. tutlt ~Hll he <-~L our own risk.Addr ess C E STEV/ · n 'T &· C · __,. '~ A tc 0. 1 1Ia1nilton, 1\fay., 1871. Pruprietor8' 20 000 ' I:.AlLROAD TIES,' ·1·0.ntcd 1)ch·· ecn Xc~1 to1n . .ik -- i s A c R I F I c E D ~ I Cases I HAVE -I just received several Goods for the and Bales of Staple . and h sold at about mac-half the .price ot" fllieu J'fiaebines " EUR EKA" aud Osllawa, to b6 IllA1dC of Ash.1-lcmlock, Cc~lar e..nd '.rau1araclt. Apply to 16-~tf. JOll~ 1fu:J1URTRY. · -~------- -- --~ Fancy Dry AT Spring Trade, and are offering BOUGIIP AT A Corn for Sale, Whole or C1'a0ked· J 1G..J9-!.f. THE PRH lE 01' OTHER MACIUNES: DOING THE LIKE WORK. Is equally at home on leathe r a.::s on fine g oods. llas carried off prLZcs o n~ c the Howe, Sin ger, Lock1nan, \\"heeler &: l.'Vililon, 'Vanzer, Ra.ym..ond, &:c. IF A Perfect ~"~ Machine Guarant eed or no sale. c! s. 2~ ll.l!ci9o1ltta·<l-il .. DURHAM BROTHERS. them, a(:such low pnces that the>' cannot .Bnll, C 0 [T::\'l' OJ:~ ..:\.TIL'i., -wJl serve on the ult.he pronrtotor 1 lot 31, lith cunc~s~iun I c:i4D:J.d1ugton. dulirig the .sea::!on ol' 1871. 'l'EHl\-t:::i:-ltor C'f:.uad1an or Or11de Co w ii, $2.00; l11r TJ_.0rough. 1> reu lJ.J \YS, $5.0U lor Lhe b"a ,,rn, td beikuda.ttnotnnc orse1· ·' 1ce. vrM. ! -OE' LEn J. \. L\J prf':nJRf'S T HE TH0ROUGH-l3RED Dv.rlington , l\[iL,Y 1, 18(1. ~---- - fail to suit the. IA.No , . 'I'READUO: '. JJ1.u:1u:~ms nro th~ TlliE GUELPH 11..f.ND I '.i·~ " D0'1"'l" .:..t .!:'..·:.>mTn ... .:. v -' ~.i.' l ""D l'I 1· , cloeest buyer. A.ND WILL SELL THEM best madc.~rshnplzst, moro dural)la and .LI _,\_~J, 4-U lw. - .._)O ll l'.KU . --- - - - - - - - -- - of \C!'Y choice JilOO EP~lE S, ~=~ Anoth_er ...-l\_rri val (. CH OICE TEAS, ,_1': R UI'l'S, HOUSt an.a ~tDDING FOR S L \LE ..(..'l' i1lPJHS. ±.::: tf. PROVISIONS, &c., CROCKERY AJ:-TD - -1 lfUcr::l'hcd Cotton!>, rcl:ahle tJ1an any other single-thread macbine.L1rger nuU work wit h b'l'ea.t ease.. V\T11l do all kinds of domestic se\')'illg iu a. perfec tly satisfactory manner. IIas .taken first prizo 'rhorevt:1· - - - - - - - --· exhibit ed 1'.h -s,{), Bmm ~ :!!lil' ;,i iU iHh3-Cil"Jl' Ho\YlmHl\ iilt', l'tiay the 1'.ith, lS71. G:l =<.AES\:VAR I~. 3i-tl CHEAPER1 OF than any in Town. Bie.achc(l §ltccting·i!l, ,t,r ;\ )J,T, To Let. · The Pu mp Shop · '\iVITR ecribcr. RORSE-PO \VJ~R. DAILY LIK E - TO-- I-{ 0 CHE S TE R . HOUSE & BEDDING -PLANTS FOR SA.LE ~4..T ~ Stl'iped Regattas, AGENTS WANTED ' EYERYWHER! SPLE1'"DID INDUCEMENTS. j' I 8.'i T~A 'l1 t--r11.!, at present worked hy tlw Possc~1;o n '!l!b- . gi v·cn j m1 n cdint clv. Onir b\l lillecl3 of the k1ntl 11\ to wn-pJonty uf (HlStoru'-'..J.::ll:O chance for a good purnp in.tKcr. "SlGN OF THE BEA VER, KING ST .. , . IlO\\ man" i1le 1 May 25, 1871. D. STOI'1"S DRUG frj] · -- Sri-'ORE. For tcr1rnJ. sa1uples of se,..,.ing, &c., apply to ...- ~ "-....._ GUELPHSEWIN GJlfACHINE<:!,O'.Y, - "THE "EUREKA" · J -~--·--- :e:cssian Tidii~!g·s , - ~ GUELPH. CANAD.A. IS A PURELY VEGETABLE MEDICINE I ll'OP. 'fl-TI!: :rn. SILVER Bo-wma.J.n 1llc 1 JI.fay 25, 18~1. New supplies recc1ivt:d dmfog the season. - Call an d 'i il',o tt OU .,.,. ~-· -- . "ICH:Hligs, make selections. ffff' DOS'T FAIL TO CALb. : 16-41 · &<'ac~ory ~i11r 4-JrR. &·If. O'I{..c\RA, '\VholPsale ag0«is for the Counties of Durhn.m. Ontario and Victoria. Jr§ Special inducements to Live agents. ~ Cottom:i, January Cllt!.. or DYSPEPSIA., LOSS OF Lf\TEI;, CO!l-:IPIJAIN;l 18th, ld71. .~rr-'F. Tl'!'F, UE:\1;;1t:;,L, DII:ILI'l'Y, ~·~3 - n ,, ~ ~.±-:§ ~~ "l'a ' Rr ...L."t:V..&l. AND BOJlCAYOEON S HUTTLE -- 9 . l l_, .~.?'?~z-SrrrcH SEWING n!fA C I-I INES, :FAMILY USE A.ND LIGHT MANUFACTURING. s 5" ~ AND ALL DISE-1f}5:S-"f THE BLOOD. General Sewing Machine Agency, ALSO l<IARKET BUILDINGS, R THE LOCK~IA:::r ILW A C-L'-' DE m:Ivr '.!'axe ~, Large Stock BO\.VJY.IANVJ LLE OF SEWI NC+ Il'I AC HINE I S :\OVt" TI! E \W ialwut liaising· th e I t posscs1cs th e po--...~ei' uf 'l'olliI'g a r,d Strent:rt b~ cnm gthc Stotnllch,of ELc iti11g tile '1'orpid T __,i-, er lB a lfea lth~· Action , iin d of Purging out a!l Peprav ell II11mors a.n.d Dilivus Secretion from tlu.J Sy st em. 11ost dis<'a ses have their 01'4,>in in, or a 1'C ~'1·e::-L1· i.- aggrava.led hy 1 ndigestion, l'ron1 lho sole cauSt' t1 u:1.t the D1gel:3t:i \'e 01g-anr> do not perfoiru the duty that 11atu1~ 11 .-i.~ ilf'r·1~ned Llie1n, hence th<' nutlilnc nt i s notal>s t11 tt lt~l fr.on l tbe food, nnd tl1e bJocd is dep:·ivea of thuL 1w111·1~1-,1n cnt jt re 1c_y ull es o r the Dig estive Oiga,us. If you].,cel ]Juli, D10'""3Y, Dcbilitatedanll DC!~ ponUent, Jiavu frequent lleadac:hc, 1tfouth 'l'nstes Ba c Uy 111 the mol'l 1ng, ilregnla.1·, . A.ppetitc and , Tongue coated, \ou :,rp su1feling f:iom Torpid Jl~i\ 01 · or Billmn.t.lH:-ss . I·1 many c,~scs of J.Jlver Co1!1pla1nt only a. iinrt of t11ese ;J 1.t11l o ms A-r e ex~ per.tenced. ..:~s a. ren1cdy for all sud1 CLtSCH t . ., Eureka has no equal, iu: :it ('ifccts Pe1fect D·1 .-~,. eavini; tho L1.-er Stlengthened and 1Icn1tby. 1 LY l'l.l lY. CALLINQ AT & Co's NE ---·. tJ q H H 'v ~ - GEN'I'LEl.'l:CEN'S Boot &'Shoe Store. a~irl econon:ac al Di.·nfr; ln use, nnd _-will dfa: irJ1 utc 111orc heat, oc cupy .css roon1, a.n,~ ui.sw c1 all purp()SC better th11.n nn v ot her. lly its use a h'Juse cun be ui-uch better11eated with enc stove thiil'I. nn.dcr the old s ys tem with two or th1·cc eto'7cs-thus n1oro tha n paying for itself in 'one ~!t'MOE. by asa..-mgofwooct. Allwhohayet.!'ied 'th.nm 'Would not be witho ut t he rn for n1any tin1es " t .hnir<·ost. 'fh'"l Ullller s :g-ncll 11;.:.; ~t·cu1 1·r1 the Rigl1t fo1· Bowman ville, Dal'lington, C11rt \~ nglil. C.arke and 1\fn.nvcrs, and is prc:pn.rcd to fill ,i,ll (H'ders on the sho1·teF,t notic0. .a. full asso1 Lmcnt of Cook, Parlor and Dox S L OY£;S, ccast,u:_~ly on ,, . p.. ~ Lyn, Oct. 3rd, 1870 ?.I'R. H. E. H.O, YI".. DEAn SJR,- .Ha\' lng- usP.d three bott les ot y 01· valuable rocd fo1nr. rn n1y f,1111ily w1Lll good etrcct I ft."el safe in recomn1end1J1g I he li~u r eka for gene! al Dcbilitr, Inaction of the Ll~er, Loss Of ..\ppe hle, &c., 1t bav ing been used for the abo\ c c om· dlaillts in lny t'amily. Your::i r e~pectfnHy, .T. FUKL SON,){. E. Minlstcr. 1.-fP.. 11. ~ r ~ T C....rl UI,IFLO"'~VEl~ . HIS JS ~IIE lVIOST EFl"ICIE~~T · E.\H.L"\:-,~Half p~ 1;· o-r Dcmidm·. LATE the!ll::ll::i l W ' i ""' No rn w u ll Sbort Stcnuncd, 'l'be ! talian Gia{1t Gi:...nt TO M -4.TOES. · hmHL 16·U~ LL~-T I~S~r, FAS 1-I [OKS. F . T . IIO .... nr.:-::-. I sea[;Oll. 'rh G . G1 . t thl1~ th 'l l ',. 0 :~neI ~l1 , an: :: ,ei;co. rc _i~or, t.1e ~ 'r,t ::i.l ,..L-ifhuu?ti,~, Urn.-no~~eid, MC1.n1n1?til 91us· putrouage issulicited. !IB'Don'tfailtocall. tc.J.,_:\..c>.s_ Prohf!c, Uie \,ooks :i!nvonte,~l!.:~rJy ~\ 0 ,,1k: 1; 1 ~ .vf S~9~c!1.: ~argt~ Rcr~, Boston ...UarKet, STAND, TWO DOORS WEST '·1c: Cel...,b ... £ n?d 1 101)fl.J · _ 1 .A1 80 a ·vu,r1 ety of C0le2-y, Pc11pcr, and Flower MURDOCH BROTHERS. l 'l 1111 ~ . 'l'hese plan ts will all b0 ready in th eir 1 rounding country that we are :UO\Y selling .l!' U U I:.'1'11 th e parts in its construction tl1at ~ !'.i in other Ma.chin es, t h P.refore only Oi\if.:.FOURTII I liabJo to get. nut of order. It is Dunt.Ole in all it,; parts, and eve ry motion p ositi ve. It has the vnB oots and Shoes a t Prices thnt cannot fail to as rifu oM onr rrw tiou fee d-The best in 'lt.Se, a.ud will paS8 fL·01n the f:lnestMuSlm to t h e coarsest of work pleasG, and from thc ( va.ricd assortment the most w1thnul, eh.-i,nge of either 11ENSION or STITCH. It. makes the Genuin e SIIUT'l'LE m· LOOl( fastidious may be suited. STI T CII, alike on bot h s1dcs, so ta.mous for it!'. Btrcnqth . 1 3canty 01 · lJwrability und WILL NOT RIP. Il ru11s rapidly and uses a Short ~tra.i gh t NPr 11lc,~ whH'11 is easily adJusted into pla.ce nnd not near so Dy sh·ict attention to business a sh u1e of your t o break. It is highly 01na:menleil, to any of the Ligh price l\Iachines. l t \\ill .t,IlINGE, E BEG TO INFORM THE INw ., . f:rj II.ADITANTS of Bowmenvil!c and sur· THE JIIOS'l' SJ't1IPLE MACHn<E IN TH E MARKET-ONLY ABOUT ONE 'F I URNI~HINGS E nrcka for Slck l ica.dach1·, cnu~ e d by it disorde r ed st omat'h, and hnperfe1 t di;...""estirn1, "°·it:1 success, 'Vh<!ll other rcuiedicJJ fa.Jled to t1Q m e any g-ood, a nd 1 tun satisfied aJJ that is necet<rm1 · t'n Conv1ncc a ny per'!on of it~ 1ncl'its wou14 br: to g1vh 1t a l ri a J, andlchee11'ull) recornmend it to nll. whui;e oow.lilwn demaud a nyt h mg of tl1is nu.lure. E . COOK, }~ . no\-\'!':, Su~ ,-I have used LJn, !lfoy 1111J, 1810, Prup'r of L~.1n '" Woelch Factory. T>veeds, etc.~ etc. Fo;;- sto.lo retail uncl w holesale Uy all clruggisl-"I 1'"cwcastle1 Qnt. .T. \\"TNE T { &.Co . lian1ilton. B. ll. liirrcHE~ London. NORTHROP & LY)UN, HE1f, FELL, TUCK, CORD, BIND, FIULL, GATHER, _INSPE,JTION INVLTED. i~~~(l}in~~.oe01·y StorH·~s.~ ~.~rEa~. . t:'.1e _fi__n," l. 'l'o. be ~ad nt 1\:Ii. JI1gginb1Jthan1's, some of the subscribei·'s .ANDEUSON & King St., Do·wmanville, April 29, 1871. DRA_PER. OF I QUILT, BRAID or anything that any other :Machine will do. I I'I IS JUS'f THE llfACHINE FOR I PRIVATE FAMILIES, MILLINEHS, DRESS-MAKERS, co. I 'fAlLOHS, AND FARMERS. 41-tf. I . f" l' ~ Thero are many pomts o exce 1ence about th e Machine, Superior to others, -..Yb k h we cn.nnot explain her e, but ·;viii be P,loosecl to forward Girc:.ilars u.nd S a mples of \York e1eryv,hcrc on a pplication . 111SCOUN"'!' TO L l.J i<~R.G YJ.iEN. Mrs. J. C. Pollard H AS RECEIVED A F ULL ASSORTMENT of ·w. JPJ'" 1 \1.AUHINES FULLY WARRANTED.-fit:t IlltrllDOCH BROS. where 11-l:JT,I,TNERY GOODS, Phqtographs : r Edwin HARDWARE, CUTLERY, H Or c:-ey .-, c ~AG ENT wantecl in Bowmanville, ancl in every other To'vn v..·c have not got ono already establicih etl. J .ar ger in dncen1ents tha.u any other company. 1 tor t..he Sp1i11g trade cons1 st L ::1g of Bonnets, E"'th, J:.t.i!bl.Jons, Fea~hers. ~lowers, I.<,..ces., & l ., w l11.d1 TIIE SUBSCRIBER HA ·v1N (' Jl'f. ahe otfc1s to the lachcs of Ilowtnanvulc and ::;u1, ,. "" . .. _._ J. 7 .1.:. .YOUD.ding co1mtry, at lowest price. FII rED and 1mpro~red 1 tlic Gallery 111u~ 1, Also·;_n stock, Ladies' Collars and Cuft's, H1·aicl occupied by :Mr. H. Tait, is nov; p1epared lo takf :~1c1~·~.rmdPi;·y rn,.Lie riab; f.:.-e nts C'olms FHOT OG'Ii..:1 .. PHS Ill ..ALl STYLR'1 J. 0. 'l'ODD, General Agent. DEALER L'-' No. 7 Rossin Hou se Bloclc, 16-41 :Th1'.ILLINERY ....-... Machi1le sowing done to 01Jer ; 1-1~::10 S l~Ln oi11 g !or \\. OFk. .All order s prom pt!y filt.e<l. · St~re 'l'v;oo door~ EMt of H eu <lers r.n's liotel. I 1 · LO \YEST p It IC "- '>ND NAILS, IRON, STEL AND ALL KL. "\DS OF' -'- ~ I 'fl 1871. 1871. Murdoch Bros. Sewing BEGTOINFORllf THELADIES OF the Town ~ml Conn try, that thclr STOCK OF' ~lUILLI};ERY ~ S. § ti ll t~ ~ t{'~ d. Pichires made m a.U kinds of 'vcath0r. S OIREES, TEA r APuTIES, K\LL SUPPERf), PUDLIC DINNERS, VVEDDJNG C1\.IillS, I A co.U resp ect.fully solicited. SATISFACTION GUARANT1!:1£1 ', Ga-llc1-y- Corner 01 l\: 1 ng a ud D1v1s ion StreP.t.s. entrance oupoliiLe ~1 r. Ti clcven·s sho e st ore. FARMING TOOLS, CRADLES, SCYTHES, FOHKS, JO.I-IN 1\t'.LCLEOD, I MPORTER OF RARDWARiiJ, TRON, WINDOW GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, . d S Q f T" k lfi M - anU f ac t urer 0 f a 11 } fl ware, and ELEC"l'RO-PLATE :-311 . Vl~R"?\r_ARE. EDWIN ,T. FLETOHEH. Bowruanville, .April 26th, 1871. Cot up in the best style unrl on rea..;;oue.b:c tcnns, bJ tho subS"cr1bo1·. The \\;bitc:it, the 6'Ncctcst ond hest bread df.':hv et ed dai!y to custon1ers in nll parts of the t own. 15-3! HOES, RAKJ<;i'", [ IN BOWMANYILLK &c., &c.; _,\ 1'~ D DE..::\L ER IN Stoves, Carriage Hardware, Rent Stuff, Spokes and Hubs. JL'ST r,ECEIYED 1. GOODS TOOK TH.E FIRST I"Rl!ZE ALE X. FLETCHER. ~ ing Fashions Spr HE SURSCRIEE R IIAS NO \V THE T tomakeLaen-s. Dre6'esaua l1 !anties , Fashi1m~ 1 w. 8 1h fC'<G G. A~D REED, u1As :rvrucH PLEAsuRE I N rn. DIVISION STREE'l'S ]fill, Cross-011..t and Band SaV;s ,· Seal,e,_.,._ Platform and Counter; Bo;i1""!/ Ma.chi1te.:;; Wagon "fr[a;f,erial, includ:i,11,g /:'3mwrt's Pa. font Self-Oiling seamf£ss ivagonSkeim'<; LAI:VE ASSORTiiIJ:;NT OF IS KOW and s urroundiug country tbat he has cpened out, a New 'rw ~hop in the store lately occupied for this sin·1ng, l Sil, and is prepared liy .John A llen, oorner of FORMING the inhab;'.antsofBownmnville Paints, Oiw, Glass, St1Y<Je8 ai«l Ti.nwaire §pades=Gartlcn, Dr~n»ini,,- ~m:i D H:ching,Cornisb Shovels,' Rakes, Scythes, JFoa·lrn;, and aH killllds o(' Ga1·den c · and Fanni~;g Tools. fATTHE 0 'VITil ~LL T P1·cvin dnl E.diibition ! l'IlE CHifAP as the CHEAPF.ST. The Building Trade. Bowmanville, where hE> ...-rn keep constantly on hand a w ell belected stock of stovt>:-5, .Tai)· anned, pre< ,sed an'l phtin TilnH1.1-e, {t3r Paitic11Jar attention pa-1'1 to cutt;ng- and wh10h hB will soil fitting. ' 1\litS. ALE X. FLEl'CT:IER. "UHEAP A S THE CHEA.PEST." 37-tf. April 12, 1871. Special attention :paid to AS USUA.L IN LA1,EST STYLES.· - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - O F 'l'IlE AG1'.:::NCY BOWMA N VII.LE FURN IT lf !tE M.A.NOFACT.UR1NG CO. lcAVETROUG!IING AN D JOBBING· Tir1;, Sheet-Iron a11d Copper Ware made II' order aiul kept nn hand; a,ll kinds of Jo[>· Sve.cial attenUon to this liAte-llails, Lock~, . f1.irl{les , Glass, Bash, Pt(,tty, Pain.ts, Oils, bin g doue 'l..1Jith l{catness and Despalch. VaniWhe..'>, Eave T roughs, lf~1·ndo11_; and P,ict itre Cords and Tassels, and Sj1edal attentior1; 9:i:en to Cheese Fae~ Etierything else required, and that in one place, thut pre:xnting toryapparatus, stwhas Vats, Heat· greater inducement~ to the.. bu,ye1· than any other ers, Milk Pans, &c., &e. Latest Novelties of the Season, lJinf Bvtttcs A.ND "C::iDli:R 'l'lIE MANAGEMENT QF 1.00. &·c. This is only a confir111at:uu ur the vcnl1ct 111 I S ·S p1cviously lCndered by the Great C.tnculi. 1n lU CT .A. V IS II, Public,anclprovcsconelusivelplwsuPEmomTY LOANS FOR, FRO&i ONE TO TWEN. OF THE" ALL WORK WARRANTED 'l'O BE A.1.-IF you DON 'T BELIEVE l'l' m- Orde rs from the conntry promptly atte nded to. House in the Trade, which of i tselj i~ nu 01 rutll advwntagc. LOCK...1rfA1V" O\ .!<.:&ALL O'l'HERS. T rr.igs, \ .y ool·pwk:ing s, Copper, lfcnthcrs and litn·seh aJ r . ~A liberal discount offerecl t¥ Great indu ccn1onts held out to pedlere. PEDLAP~S. Remember my Motto: SmAllJ?roftt l!E ~UBSCRIU E R H .A.Vll:~O l1ERN N. B .-;--Fai·mors l\'I1l k I-'ails or Pans a nd quiek returns. The highest price paid lOJ' ' b 'J _u wm 1 111 8 \would uo ·w ell to call ancl e-...::iumne rny stock he· a}Jp01ntrit.l lCt~ul agent Y . tt 1? 0 al" , foie p1..n·0ha ::i1ng else,, here. A share of Public H ides, Sheep Skins, Vlool Pickings, lWgs, old Copper, Brass, :t,ca.thers, horse Hall", &c. E'1Jin11n1c !ylanufaet..tu1ng Co, lS ilOW 111 ,J. 1J08:t p n,tro nP,"'O rc.::i icc ~ lull;; solicited. t:ion to fill [!,Jl (11·r1m s a t a.a: }ovo· a rale at; any deai- ::::i , ,.. G RE";'D BDWJN HOUSEY. er1n1heoount;v. .. ~-~ . ,...., .,.... · . x; · 1612 ~J.- \.-., H--'--· '-'"· J3,01v1n;tnville, l\in.rd 1 8L 1i, 1~371. 3:-t!. Bowmunville, ],fay 11, 1371. J.1 tt 1L-<r lli1.tbcst priee paid ior Hides, Sheepskins GIVE M.E A TRIAl tt> N .B.--FEATHERS FOR SALE. Agent .for '\Vay & Dm.~nii!G""' Patent lUangle. find convenient, may. bo ol,Jn.iJH 3d f1·orn the c. ~ Also, agents foi· Guelph Se"iu"' l\fa.· n ltdn. Pe1'nlanent Bulldmg ;1.wl S ai< ing Sodcty . .::. · 1 by a:pplyrng to This is n n e w branch of t h eir busmees and' t h'i'.l chine ~fa.. Crover &: Baker, Smgcr, Ho>ve and FJ~·. RE\-VELL. McGEE & ftU'11LEDGE Stock will be found \V:illiams' l\fuchlnes. ' :Ve have al"'O on hand a. . ~ollcito,.·s, 1-Jow1Uan \rilJ~. ... JWPr rvatc ftwds Lo lo:-.h . 6l ti a full stock ot the LITTLE ) V .\ N ZEH. ll'lo.chines. I r -----------' · ~ who 'vill fill all orders promptly. - a-n.. &.·II. O'HARA, \ YLolesale a nd ltetail n1cnts, in n.~dition t.o llit>la!n1ents, as they ruav 'I'Y yeais_, to h~ r ~pa.1a Ill instalments to :su it b orrovi'Cl'S, 1\-".0.0 an~ ullo \H:·d t o n1al.. (· such 1 _,ay- I At.~nts.. .~ . , I ()HE A p AND G 0 0 D . -· <:< .JOHN J\1:cT.EOD. Bc.wmanvil1e, _l._pr;J 26th, J.871. ~" I ~hango for any iuside oitLiJ:t.3! · · - · Persons nol satisfied \1'itll one lWachine can ex· ] B1wjcli:~ ! n~"i.rli.§ ! tl,iJ's. ne- 1 -· . 1 member H. & H. O'Hara'a ia the Sr:w.I~G l\.fA· 1 F9J~ S.:~!JE, 1\filCIIlNE-lVL\.DE Pl~ESJ . , , I> - , ~ ..~D , , h1 .te Rr,ck-3, at the O::iha\Ya 'l'ile ·CH.r.;l, EPOT, \\lr ~.:.. J Q}IN VVILSO.N

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