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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jun 1871, p. 4

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COURTil\TG UNDER DIFii_ICVl.TT:ES, "' .... ""'""'""'"' ""'""'""""'""""""'""'""""'"!"""' ""'""'"" """' "' """ "" """ "'!""'""""'1"""' .... ,.,,, ...""' ""!......... """'"""'"""":["'"""'"'"" ""'"""""' ""i """'"""'"""'"""'"""'""""" ";:";;' :';":!:'"!'.'""'"""' "'!'""' """'"""'"""'"""'"""" "' "'"""'"""'"""'"""" "' "'"""'"""'"""'"""'"""'"""' ;;;' "=!!"""'"""' ""'-""""'""'""'""" """" ".'M>W j" "'"""" "" ""' ""' !::'J'"J'Z.'1.,,, "' ""':=="""'""" R E CEIVING A. GEJ.\IS OF THOUGHT. a CANADIAN STATESMAN, Large B0\1Vl\ll1\NVILLE, TIIURSDA Y, JUNE 22, 1871. THE srnscRrn11JR rs KOW [ 0[ 1i RI p TI 0 N [ V [RY [ [ S fl and express it, New OJ' E11BRACI C A VERY FIJ\E SELECTIO OF WHAT IS IN FANCY AND DRY GOODS AND TRI}11111NGS A 1, A.ND BEJNG IMPORTED IlY HIMSELF SCl'l'ED TO THE SEASON, VHried TO O"W"NERS OF Assortment, Farm and· Fashionable, L I I NOES SIDE DETACHED RE ' '" -operty - TUil j p ar1 or lN l!Vll PJ1cc, $0 QT rnro oo per A 1 b urns VOLUMES ;o1ume, or "r,"! · l!r1en dly Advice! t/10 - T HIS STOCK OF STAPLE EVRY DAy GOODS IS AS USUA Agricultural Insurance Comany, -A.i:\D- INSURE YOUR PROPERTY IN DIRECT from !\@"" the British Markets, l'RICES SO PALPABLY CHEA P _m U DG E FOR TIIE.YISELY S Save Half Head Ofliae for Your Jvfoney. PLAIN as to co:nnnend the1n to close linyers, who are respectfully INVIT E D TO UALL AND THIS oltl and y, ell estaLhshe<l Company insures notl11nJ bnt I rlll ProperiJ anJ detached Res1denccs1 and lss:ics .Policies at Grea tely Reduced Rates $550,000 Canada, Kmgston GLASGOW Bo-wman'Vlllc, Apnl, 181 TH 01:_AS HOUSE, 00 I)foDRlPTIONOFTllll WORK THE PARLOR i.LBUM l;:, doubtless the lrlO!'.I extensne .ART GArr"FnY e\r pubhqhed, and by tbose -who hnv ex rn1r1ed tbe seve1al portrn 1s cl the wolk it has been 11or ounced Tl e Climax ofBeautJ. Eecb volume cu 1ta1ns 20 full p:-ige C11ro:n:.o L1thog aph H1 011 Colors, 4::> fnll pae Steel Eng1 av1ngc:;i, 40 full page engravrngs on \\ ood and 2li0 paJ"BS of reading matter, desc11plHe of the 1llust1al1ons) the whole making each volume about one 1 a.lf as tluck and !Hnne -..1:1.ed largest D1ct1onary pages, of V ebstei's Each volume IS complctt in 1Lself and w-111 S )Id by Sllb be sold se1 ar t+eJ;, if desired scnpt1on1 On\5 \,..ol II Cont1 r 111s \\ 1hl Am!:'rJCfl.n Animals Vol III Domet cated Buds and Yol 4@,00 pell" Set !L:Gmphte. Sm,-As this is the s easoH of tho year that people are in 'I'o Editm· re a de rs in D<11lington and Boots and Shoes, &e, would it not be a great benefit to vour ity to know the bet pl a c e to purehae. N ume1011 merchants to purchase Is dt ELLIOTT'S ,_ A want of <1n extra supply of Dry Good, ( ! ot hi n g, Grnceries, v:ein· I Is devoted to \Vilr1 American llu<l.s ate otleJu1g apparently great in· due ements, but the best place a PA 'I'EBSON. General St01 e, H.u1p rnN, whern AND 1 Special Ar1nou11cement. 1 E sy to 1-1 of ff those cf 0r mra.ncr volunt::i1·1ly ORNAMENTAL ISP:RING TRADE l N J D. F 0 RB ES ANNO-CNCING TIIE OPENIXG OF THE opportumt:1 of 1nform1 1 the public that be 1s 1p·eparcd to attend to their and bcmg in rcce1p"- of n c1_, gcod a...,sortn cnt oft11c tn stoek, at reaso1Jable prices. Ell10tt' clothmg is as stvlish as any; !us al'surtment of c oths is very c o mple t e ; Ld'lies' dress great ·a nety Id <tl ways kept l Ellwtt's goods-- a very fa'hJOnable lot; groceries m p1ice,---he w oul take the Havmg recened d onlern dJe of the very best deu Iii)tion, and low sells ctnrants a and cs ho hns dE1tern11ned to conauct business on the Cash Prinq1ple GrPat Bargains vvill be NB -All outstnndtng accownt are 5c, per lb. and up\"1 aids, raits in s at lOc. c.11d uowanb, tea is not surpaF sed. If 'ou are in ot a fir+elas Sewing his DAVID FORBES. PRINTING NEW SPRING GOODS -\TJ J C Ct.ARrr, Bank0r, 0.AnRUTEEns & Co ; or below .manufactu1e1s' p11ces I Ell10tt has ldtely added an as . .i\'Iaeh1Pe, Elliott's iR the place' to buy -- :, oa ea n f!;C ta Lockman, vVa·i:tcr, 01 .i117 Ptl1er kind, at s01tmont of cluck0 to his stock, which h e sells rcmn'kably cheap, and wan<>nts them. n p Hrr1 LA:YD YT EXEOUT'.E:D IN J.llft t LE I IEA TIG-S w. R c J rnrn, v1Jlr He acts a!::;o as agent for most of the le,·drng N ew,pape1 s. Those want shollld g" e lum a call at once. A 11 kinda of faun pro conut;: due on rn d nee taken October. Lop·' New Railway P1rjoject I SECOND Ac l<t r1pul aud ht exdi.rnge. Dec 1870 l'llIRNDI,Y ADVISER. Dc"mbd 11 1870 You.s,, TO NO · 0 I E N E 1 .. tlN THE GOOD AT l'HB G-OLDJ3J D 0 lVI I N I 0 N, LIO- AT THE Spring Importations. .1-1ATESMAN H PRINTING E$TABLISfIMENT. · \lVM. McMRTRY AS REcEn ED A L}.Rfrn POic'ION OF HIS Sp ri n g St o c k Dress Goods, of Dry Go o ds, of which he would call spec1u.l attention to the !vllow1ng hnes CA UT I 0 N. -All ge11111ne hns the name "Per1ni:sn S1:rnp," (Nol' "Pi!r1nian Bark," blov;n in the glass A 32 page puruplllet nti free .1 l' UrnRM"ORE Proprietor 86 Doy Si;; New York Sol<l by all lJrnggists ) NEW TYPE, Prints, Millinery, Cloths, OILS, PlLINTS COLORS. VARNTSIIBS, \D ena Y\. HITELE... !':ff At tho vc1 lowest unco' NEW PRESSES. I AN lcSSOR'LMEXT OF C'. , Para SO 1 ;:::i II B Countr'T Storehecners Eupphec.l on ad Aantageous t<>1m Bees ! Bees HORSE AND CA'f'ILE MEDICINES l! Hats, Bonnets, Flowers, N01' TO BE EXCELLED IN 1l:llS PART O.F' THE DOMINION 1' UY. S1'1LE, QCiLlTY, AJ:iD PRICES. BY MAIL ATTENDED FIRST CJ,A3iS JVIU,[,J.NER always in Attendance. LOWEST STOTT, PRICES· W. R. OLIMW, Weekly Arrivals of New Dthe111, ller Goods. I Try .... UTOHER'S LIGH TE N I NG FLY 1h1cher s Dead Snot for Bell Ungs K nd 6leflp in peace.. 41 lrn

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