' TRUTHFULNESS AT HOllE is printed and pubhshlild f]"Jer~ Thursday Morning, by the Pl'oprletor WM. R. CLIM IE, at the OFFICE-Post Office Block, KING STREE~ DOWMANVILLE ONT VOL.XVI. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1871. such a fuss? 1871. Spring Goods. 1871. A FACT $0 60 I could not have mained Can you see a.ny signs JOSH BILLL l08 you, had I lo\ tid you ,.,.-ell enough and 0 0 0 0 0 13 75 20 08 02 T HE NEWEST .A.ND MOST FASRIONABLE SPRING GOODS JUST ARRIVED at s_ :S:ILL'S' It was on a.n Englfoh summer day Some six 01 SB"~n ~c rs ago That a po111tsman before his cal.Ju l aced With a. hstlass step and 1510'\.' He ht his pt:pe- tlterc was plenty of time1n his work \\.as nothing ne\\ Just to wakh the s1gnttls and shift the points 'ou sa.y ;,: ou could not h 1vc nHtrned inc :Now 'vheie does the i:;o11y part come1n Do y( u re1nen1ber, Al1u0Z you used to C!J..11 GENTS' SUITS MADE TO ORDER. °"hen tt1e next tr Mn came in 1. iew He lel!.nt gawst the cabin and Stnoked.a\\Af He was used to lounge and "a.it Twelvehoura at n stretch he inust mind thoee point:. New Felt and Straw ·Hats. 1u~ba~~;1 -~ -~~...., .A.nd«lown trains were mo::.tlv 1[\te' .A.. rumbl~a. roar- She is coming nowShe s truer to tune to-day' lirrtdtcil'll· JlS/11' Please call and examme Goods and Prices as Great Bargams will be given for On.sh ___,..._~ ---~~ Dr. s. F. HILL Ile turns-and 11ot fru off bet'\-\ eon the rails ~ ees his youngest boy a..t play' Not fat but too fnr The train I at 1 and And tho child is crawhng there And patting tJ1e ground. "ith crows or de hght- D. STOTT, CHEMIST AND DEALER IN Andnot a :tnoment to "pare llis face was dead v; lute but firm h1~ DRUGGIST, BOW~lIANVILLE. TOW.N HALL BUILDINGS, DRUGS , MEDICINES, AND CHEMICALS, Dye Stuffs, Patent Med1cmes, Perfu1nery, Brushes Combs, Soans, Pi:unts and Oils, Paint Rru.,hes, Coal 0 1!, and Coal Oil Lampe, &c , &c PYYSICIANS PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED AND ALJ, ORDEI S CORRECTLY ANSWERED '1l"C\'i 1 !ll.D., z;:;ff- pkte <Wi.d of the best q1'alif;y Farmers amd Plvysiciarni ft om the Oountvy will jmd our Stock of Medicines com N EWCASTLE .J . Ill. Messrs Northrop&. Ly1non OFFIOE- OPPOSITE 9-Qm I ---------'------------------I BrilllftCOtn be, L. D. s., k!Gth powde1 for sale URGEO'.'< DENTISI SUPERIOR K: Gold Fillings rn.,,erted and 0..11 excellent Otnce in 1'1:t:cCllu1g s block. S J u s T OPENED. '.l'. J. Jones, L. D. S., over F F Ji.fc.Arthur·s store Bowma:a"11lo S URGEON DENTIST OFFICE l{1ug SLicct ~~~~~~~~--~~~~- Markus Mayer HATS, CA P -S, for &c., OF E'\ ElW DESCRIPTION, WHICH HE WILL SELL CASH. CALL EAllLY AND >OU WILL DE SURE TO BE SUPPLIED HlGll!E~':l' PRICE PA.ID FOR .RA \V FURS. MARKUS MAYER \.. BARGAINS I EAR.,G-AI~S GREAT BARGAINS ARE NOW GIVEN Al' THE , Cheap Corner Store. OPINION you could gel.; PUBLIC :B-, I 'I' T E D has fully iust1fiod the ongmal idea, tnat at the " Corner Store AND \VELL SUITED F. Y. COWLE. Ill!:. H. '.l! nrner, uOTIONEEH WOULD BEG IO inform the nl a.b1tanl:.6 of BO>'l'Tuarn 1111'! and farmers of \Vest Du1 h 11n that he is no v prepa.r ed to att:end to any sales th Lt n1a\ be ent1 ustedto b1m l hn.t ges modc1a1 e 10..1r A J. W. FOWKE, Is 1n to,.,."Il yet al.so a splendiU a~~ortment of Street Ordc1 :i puuc1 n.._ctDy attended to .lfoderate A s. Chcscerfield, Resi<lt nee (Juccn 13 UCTIONEER FOR BOWMAN VILLE nnd Da1linki;on Charge s NEvV SPRING GOODS At unusually, low prices and m great variety. NEW DRESS GOODS, NEW TW EEDS, NEW COATINGS, NEW HATS AND CAPS, NEW BOOTS & SHOES, NF, W PRINTS, 'J'honu1~ ~·onhouse. promptlv attcncle j to A UOTIONEEll, Geueral Agent D uJ1ngto APPR USER AND i Centre Sale s NEW CO'.!:TONS, . NEW LUSTRES, NEW FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS, e . ,- t GROCERIES, CROCKERY !I.ND llARDWARE . .A NUMBER OF HOHSES AND WACxONS The highest pnce paid for Wheat, Oats, Earley, Peas, &o. J W FOWKE UNDERSIGNED HA YING ~Ono Fa1m of 70 acres, 3 nules East of Osha,va , 50 acres, 1 mile North of be~11 1npo1nted a cut for thel-'ro"1nc al Pel' Harinony , 108 acres, in Snowdon 126 acres, in Letterworth , and son1e village lots R nldrn g and !jav111g s R 101ety of Toior to is prepared to negotiate loam; on Heal Esta.t·· in Osha.-w1, wluch ivould be exchanged for other p1operty Also a quantity of frrst 1ecur1tv ou t11e rnoot favourable t.l rm s class Bnck ,J W F 1519 J B FAIRBAIRN T HE ma.neut '· ,, O:ihawa . 6:pril 13 1871 l tf GAR,. 30 tf nook Binding. ] :>ERSONS HA YING BOOKS, MAGA ZlNE~ Pnmphlp,fs or anytu1nl{ n the boo k l nc '~hwh they '\\1sl f.rJ 1 ave bound can havc h eir or i r,, HUed In thp, neatec::t and iuos t r'lnrable st3 lc., an 1 tu the shorte3L notice by lea,1ng thP-m at the 8T.ATF.s:o.1AN office Bung alongyout h lt1~ilg INSURE YOUR LIFE, AND YOUR PROPERTY, Hi THE COMMERCIAL UNION L REED, PRO YIN CJ AL LAND J · Survey Civil eer etc is prepared to ao all ( rders wl1u he ma.v favored A.ddres.~ How1uan'lille ASSURAliOE 0o, of LONDON, ENGL.AND "lth Eu.1.'·n March lath 1871 J;l 0 be - D. Shes·ia & ('o ~ rs. ( CAPITAL FULLY SUESCRIBED. £2 500 000 STERLING HTS FIRSTDL!l.SS BRITISH COMPANY T HberaJ r AGES to the Poll~' Holders in both tl1e Life a.nd Fi:rP. depru. tment s OFFERS SUPERIOR ADYAN I l @=~ lla.tc., low and terms WI1'H ~ SOllfE KNOWLEDG E O NE Qf compound1ng prcferretl H R REID M! MORLAND, W-ATSON & co., Mon-treal, ral .A.gflnts for Canada ' w R CI 11\.!IE. Agent for Dowmanvtlle As the carriage wound up the the eldest of the little group, a lhey are of no use to n1c parently ten ) ears of age, can1e I heres a rush in his ears though the train ' rake then1 Her1)ert and bur i them for,va.rd to r cc1ve the st.Iange1 s e11 ~na, has pas:ied ii Jou wislt to do so and I will hie n1e to \\Jule the little girls Ind shyly belnml the Ile gropes for h e cttnnot see Hove the courage to face a difficulty, Io the place vi:hCJ e tJ1e laughing bab~ crav.: iny old home as a bud -w1tr1 broke1 "ing t1ees and looked on t] rough the ta.ngl :i.d lest it lnck you harder than you bargamed cd 101 gs for the qu1et nest, and a 1nother s rnasses of their curlts ' ' here the man g lml 1 1bs must b fo Diflicult1es, like thieves, often dis p1o t.e ct1 on Ilerbert, do you understand ' Can j ou tell me, n1y little fello,v, "ho But h e hea. 'Sa cry that 1,., onh of fear a2pctt.r at a glance, Have courage to H1s JOY seems too great to besu u1el ' ' e arc separated now for life O";\ IL~ tlns er chanting cot, n,nd " h cth cr the leave a conv1v1al party at the propei- hour For lus d lt} done God saw to ills sonY 111 inteJ ea:ts are mine no longer, and I O\'i ner can accon1n1odate us for the night Thc train lutd not tonched a. hau for doing ~o ho1\ e' t:!l great the sacrifice , lta e c1ushed JOUI re1ne1nbrance fore"f er as 've ha'e tra.-\elled fa1, ~\nd are near J10 and to sta) away from one upon the shghtfron1 my heart ' hotel! clit gro und~ for ob]ecfaon, hotvever great H c1 bc t St Clair "h stied coollv He And He1 be1 t St Olan dropped a gold the templ;at10n to go Ha· e the cour.,,e cce into the cddd s hand, as he leaped to to <lo \Hthont that which you do n ot need, the grnund The boy .repulsed it proudly SEPARATED FOR LIFE h on ever much you ln1y admire it Havo °""1.t h a glow on his young che . . k, and. the cou1 age to speak your mind wl1en 1t LS BY ~IAIUB OLIVEH said necessarv that you should do so, and hold ' The O\l ner ~ nan1e sH ts ClaJ co i and .} oui to l6Uti when it lS better you should 1 She stood under the \..,.1110-ws Her hair, he is my fa cher but though I tho.nk 0 cu be silent Have the courage to speak to \Vhose strange, dusky purplish tmge re for your gift, I do not WUJh a reward for f\ poo1 fuend in a seedv coat, even m t11a minded of \Voodland violet.::;, frn.gi ant with " A.nd so, Alice, an1 I to understand merelv repIYJng to a simple question ' strel t tnd wh en a rich one is n1gh The the breatn of tne su1ntrtet even, Eltra3ed that it JS yonr 1ns11 that we should part? Herbert St Clair snuled as he looked from its silken cove1111gs and roam~d at effu1 t is less than many people take it to And yon are repentm.g that you e1 et sceacltly rnto the child s face for he liken be, and the act 1s worthy of a kmg Have will o\ e1 the slender shoulders ba1 cly loved n1e7 ed his m i.nner t o that of one long since .._l81ble through the delicate blue t "'x llu1 e of the co ir tgc to adnut that) ou have been fled f10m )um but, Just then th 0 gentle her evening cl1 ess 111 tha W1 ong and j 0u "ill rc1n o"\ e the 1 ~ aljhed <jcn .::; of man of the house a.ptv:'n.1 ed, and t 1e tra,in Over towards the t ~u m ountains h e1 fact Hl the nuncl of others, putting a dt...... tntned her e) es of thought was rndel) broken They were gaze-wandered continually, as though h :ilf s1rable rmptesuon 111 t11 e place of nun n1ade welcome, and after a costly tea in wishing to believe -tlrat then g 10rantic p10 fa.vortb1e one Ha.ve the conraae to ad~ the little hhrary Mr Clayton b1ou,,;ht for portions cont1rtsted well 1'ith the re~tless here to the first rcsoJutron wher; you oan ward Ins wife and ht'le girls and qmetly unnatural bur.rlen vtluch '"'as a.t th tt xno not ch ~nge Jt for a oettcr, and to abandon am! proudly introduced them to his guests mcnt rcstmg hea'1'1l;; un he1 soul, vlnll.;l tt tt the eleventh hour upon con\ 1ction He1bert St Clair starcod Smely, he her hnud feet" ere u 1consc1ously car ving Have thB courage to Ct1tthe most ag c ~h1e was no lrn1ger rrustaken F > r 111 the beau out the n1tiuls of hun whose near !1p \ qua1ntance you possess, 'vhen h e c Ji tifnl woman of thirt~ yea s he beheld one proach the blush upon her cheekbetra} ed \ inces you th tt h e lacks pr1nc1ple "A He looked ul who w a::i on~e Allee I ee " And so, Alice, I h n e met you JUSt as fuend should bear w1t)1 a friends mfir!Ul vain for the f!1ttrng bluslte, with which she you ·equested me to, though my heart has Ac ~~o- of sho.tpers a1 e pract1cu1g a no" ties ' ~not vices' s~ cct perfume around their "hule hfe used to greet hun for now only a. pohte I been sadly pained by ) our unkind refusal dodge 111 the E a.st 'I hey JO n.ronncl by Now, go, Herbert and though ~ ou will bow of the head and a gentle shake of the twos a1hl upon a1~Jv1ng at a house oncgoe<= Tell ine, ha' e you not relented and do PROVERBS SOilletime find one \\ho \\ill beco1ue your hand was h is, then she went q111et1y over in and offers for sale a piece of cloth at a yon not cherrnlt one spark of love for hun coinp::u11on yo u "ill find none more ten to hei fond husband s side, and He1 bert H ere is a rnluahle bunch of proverbs very low pnce If he sells the goods who 1ould ha\e nuc!e JOUI 3ouig life der than I ho. 1 e been s~ Ola I \\as left to thmk 011 what might Bon owed garm~nts seldom tit well there his p iJ enters the house very soon httpp' 1 !1.hce speak to n c hiv e been Haste often tnps up its 01rn heels after, and asks the 1nmatcs '~ hether a n1an "He1bei t \i e ha'\ e 111deed llLet here to Clair t o ]u:s sr..n<>t 3 l\.J a he a.roused lumself H ortense I ctired eai l ~ , and the httle Men often blush to hear what they are mgbt under the boughs of Olll fnendly ft om the re 1""V m to wlnch he hacl fallen ones \Vent also to the r v;:ist and liH' Abee !ta.' sold them any cloth Vt lien the cloth not a.shau1etl to do 'villows and even no~ n1y h eart goes on t J I"t i 1 t11ue o Sode the enc '\\hose heart ho busied herself with clearmg tho little is shown to the second coiner he instantly What IS not needed Is dear a t any to:you1nallthcrnllnc::isoi. a yo1111~ gnls h d ,i; on , vet +hro:-.n n. 1 ay ?.S useless round t able for t he evcmng light Herbert clanns it, Ba) ing tha.t it has been stolen price ador\.tion, yet, v;Jule l 1uost trn tl fallv &! ) v:t.nish r. o n his aze So he left the old St Clan stole to he1 sHle, and ere sh e 'vas from h1m, a.nd the purchnscrs, to ~n 01d !Ie who buys too n1any SUL)erflu1t1es Jnay " ser., that I love you I can n e'1 er becon1e \\illo" b u t so nehow, his conscience '\ as a~are 1 he ha.d ca.ught her hand fh inly, as being unphcated 1n any troublti, of course be o bhged to sell lus necessaries surrender the cloth and lose "hat thcv your wife Dr ll)t turn !(0 coJdl\ awn.y, hi t1bed }p, t 11eflittm 0 ot n. tear~1l face m days of old A fool geneially loses }11s est tte bcfo1 e ha\ e pa.id for 1t fo1 1t is tho la t tune that 1ve shall e> ei 1 ist h s nind s cy"" and he looked haL k as "Alicer cruel A.lice' I am so wretcl1ed, he finds hio folly meet l ll the rel d1on t ha.t '"e 110"\V bear to if h:i.lf expect1 ig h er l +nrn But she had Alice, that surely, you will ptt.} u1e, and Miss DE H HoBIORTS a. A man that l10ards lus riches and enJOj e each other Soine one n1ore fair, inure .i- 1 1 1 1ersclf f10111 hun aud thej were scpa f,J]_Ve me the lo'V e I once r efused ..,.. h en a hool te~chc1, twenty-two yen.1 s of age thenf·not 18 hk e an ass th it ca1r1es go1d bel\itchmg, aTJ.d 1 nore glorious than lthce i ed for hf'l 'neath the willow I run so l onely, t11at if hung hers If last week because (_f her love an 1 eats thistles Lee 'v1ll so1netnne c1oss your path and f H c1be1t St Clau 'li a.lked ho1ne under you will only tell me that you love me, we for one of her boy pupils, a lad not four Towers nJe 1ne usured by th e.1r shadows 1 w1ll l111k her fate '\ ith votus But 1 oi e tl c 11gh t of the pahng inoon, and, as he will hie to another land, and-" te"n On the!<' 01 en1ng before her <l,eath tnd g1eat n1en by then lununa.tors will De found more tender than I hava strove t o v. h1stle c:l.rele~sly, h e fon 1 <l that "Silence' she went t th~ hn) s hou1;e and calhn0 That rnan 'vho KUO\\S the v.o l l \\Ill b"en, Herbert To jOU I ha'e gnen u.ll he d1d not feel quite at e::i.se with luruseJf !I.lice Chy ton's eye flashed, as sheproud 111111 to the gate sud " Ned, you will n ve1 1 e b ls11fi I, rtnd that man who k nov. s the fr eshness of my g nlhood, and it would Something la j h eav1ly on hrs BJiILtt till, ly ·waved lt1n1 away ne-ver see n1e again '~hen you grow to hnnself will ne'\ er be nnpudent not be wrong for n1e to say that I 'vonld suddenly he found hrmself looking b ack " Silence 1 I can ne\ er kiss the hand be a n1a 1 and mart\, tell youi wife about Succe3s rides on every hour-grapp)e it, lay down my hfe for you long1n o- to"ards the httle brown c1t un .. that ouce s1note me 111 scorn No I wo11ld tho woman old enough to be vuur mother ·nd you may wrn but without a grnpple And H erbert St Clair, as lie stoOL' by the lull J wlnlc his fuigers patted the little sooner die 1\ ho died on your account Th1u1 saying 1t mll never go with yon her side, felt the assert1 Jll \ e1ified b~ the 1 Jl1 of lettflis she l1ad handed lu n v ery ' 1fy cla1 hng' My brave 'v1fe!' she clasped the obJtict of her strange pas Wo·k is he we· p n of hen ,~nd he who deep, searching brown eyes raised t o 111::1 tende..Jy for no d oubt but ,vhn.t h er hps And then Herbert St OJ.air became a s101 to her boao1n and wa.s n ever seen ahve lacks the" eapon will never trntn1ph so beseechingly aud the t1Jn1<l mouth lI~d press"'d tl1e1n m3.ny times n.nd he had witness of a loVi ng embrace behi; een hus again It"' a"I a. saj lng of Socrates tnat e' ery trernblmg neath the b1tttir bu1den she en JU St 1" akcnerl t:"J the co11J1c1ousness that he band and wife, and hcnrd the \\ ords, luau had need of a fa1thful friend and a deavored to bear so uncomplauungly lovec' ~ h cc Jee better than gold better "·y·0111 Jo, e has mMlc 1ne h eart whole, TNN thon au tl dollars a nunute 1s a good bitter cnen1y-the one to advise, the pther "1\..hce, little da.rhng, I "l\OUld tnat I than life itself salary fur :l. u1an, lnd that mannotapiune to shO\\ hin1 ]us faults Edwa cl, with 11 blanched cheek could persuade you to n.ba.n<lon yo11r fore Bull it would never do to ca.ll h~r Jua Ihe guests lert early the n ext m nn1ng, muusteJ nor an emperor, but sunply u bod111gs, for the\ aieuseless- tha.tI know bn Je for the 1u h -born must ,ved ,\1tJ1 and, after the1r departure, "\\as found a horse JO ke; J: et that is whnt Wells re One week ago I asked :I ou for 'our l" e the lugh born, and his lady mothc1 had al sum of fifty dollars, presented to the ce1 ved on Wodnesd iy last He rode Baron and it was . rcfusecl ine, but, meanwhile, I rea lly chosen n. wife for hnn-a cousin eldest son of Alice Clavton, while \nth Rothscln kl s colt for the- Derby at Epsom, " 'HEN is ~ctter n1o~t liable tu escape 1fear that ;} ou are laboring nnd er a. 1n1 take, nUJ.ny yea1 s lus senior, but one who re tears of 3oyn1 h~r ey es, the 1nother s~ud -- and \\on it w·hc1 eupon the Baron, oi: er " hen it is only h ilf tile w1nch I will endeavo1 to correct 'Yo l are velled 11 gold, and Jewelry n.nd strn:e to "Thank God' not for all hiagold "onld Joyed at ln11 ~uccess (for it has been his young and affectionate, but did you ne' er forget Abee Lee fo1, 1vcro they not no'v I be his for He in ]us fat seeing w1sdo1n, darhng a.1nL1tion, ne'er hlt herto gratified THE Jntox1cation o_f anger, like tliat of clrea:in that our positions 1n the world,v-e1e sepJ.ra.ted for life? separated us for a bfe tune 1 to wm the Blue Ribbon of t he 'lurf,) pre the wape sho,~s us to others, but hides us totally different! That I wns rich, and Alieo Lee ~ cnt back tv the old farm sented the rider with the sta.kes, an1onnt fron1 ourselves you--' h ouse that n1!,ht, with t na111eless terror THR Pope has JUSt Bent s1xty thousand ing to s x thousand pounds ste1h11g or '~ Poor Do not hes1ta.te ove1 the Iii a han of a dog is good for Ius bite, in her heart, and a cheek pn.1e as nuu ble francs inc tsh to the thstrcoctied Pu1s1ans o'er $32 000 As the iace occupies a h t that expla111s v. hy sulphur, which cornea Herhert, for I consider po' e1 ty to *** *7-"*** *** tle o'er t,\ o and three quart er minutcs, it fro1n estn l.U~ is good for eruptions d1sgr \.CtJ "h,Lte,cr, yet it v;as for that veri; Thus the weelrn and months rolled on Jects for the churches desh oyed dn11ng w1ll be seen that the fortun i..te riders time reason thn.t I refused "\ ou F1on1 yonder and there ,vas a great br1rl il at the St the i.:iege and fighting in P I JS Muca tnx1ety is felt in 1nany parts of was wo1th about $200 a second lnll the palace of your stately mothe1 Clair mo.ns1011 and people spoke vf the England on account of the lowness of the AN acqua1nta11ce 'vho i~ too £10,vns upon our bumble cot m the valley brule, and told of the lustre and setting of THE N cw York Ti 11es conta111s an ac water supply, ow 111.J to the dry v; eather 1 keep the run of newspn.per talk gives it ..,ount of the discovery of a murrler con1 and I wou d not bring to he1 proud race her dian1 ondR, w ule ~lice Lee fron1 h er " FATHER, won t Jou buy 1ne a. :fish one staJn by a union with he1 onlJ son, little charnber i,.-.,: Lndow, watched with as lus opunon that if the Colorado Con1 nutted se~cn Jt11s ago A deserter, Jt pole 1 said a pious boy " You know the mt s1on ratifies the importation of the and Jt was for tlns that I requested an 111 aching e3 es the stately can rage which s"ems, fI01n th e A1uerican army was JntervH:n\ beneath the old \V1llow Forgn e bore fron1 her view ]uu1 v; ho robbed h er J 01nt High potato bug, p otatoes won t be dnced to re euliQt for the sake of the Bible says, 'spare the rod and spoil the clnld me Herbert, foi thus panung-' check of its bloo1n, aud reduced her hfc worth their salt .A.I ~ USPHER CAL knowledge 18 not thor· 'Good Heai;ens Ahcc, I n ever 111eant l;( ri&l cs of 0 11ef \Ta1nlJ <l1d her 1nothe1 IIA"Lm s well at Gorle11ch has b een o 1ghly dlStnbu ted 1n our school to 1narry you When I asked vou fo1 i-:.tr ive to- cornfoit hei antl her fath er bored through a stratum of rock 85 feet A boy your love, I wanted it to be t he evcrfond, The si:i ile tluck u nder which a furt her deposit of being asked 'Vhat JS nnst ~ vaguely faithful l·\ c of a fnend and s1ste1 I responded, "An u111brella 22 feet of salt has been disco\ ered lying could not take JOU to 1ny palace Q\\f ing, on another bed of rock The total depth A 10 UNG n 1an \vho v.:as caught stram1ng 01 isk ID) tnothers eyes to look u )OH y'ou r eached is 1 ,053 feet !us ·weetheart to his bosom the other mght No no, I meant to le vc yon 11 )OUr val AN old color~d washerwoman who used JUShfies himself on the ground that he has ley liome, and ei.:er be yom most de,oted rest~d tu groan over her tubs found cons'.tln.bon a right to strain lus own honev sla\ e You ha\ e 1n1sunde1 stoo~ fess1on iuphca. rug the tlu ec 1n many n the hope that ' she \Vouk1 soon bc,~h ere Ahce' "WnAT ntakes youi: cows so cross 1" r ob es ""FOn t need ' va.sh1ng, :tnd a poo1 crea cr1n1cs-nn1ong them the murder in ques Pale grew the gu ls b10,v, and the c11m asked an old lady of hei ln1lkma11 " My It does scen1 that God so orders a.~ ture can upset her t ub 3.nd dance un the 1 son tide recedmg left the cheek and neck 'that nl111d er \\111 out- sooner or la- cows cros~ "hat do Jou mean, n1adam 1' bottom of Jt s1n,;1ng gl iry, hullabaloo as w]ntc as nun ble '¥lhy, as ;,; one nnlk is always sour, I forever and forever' "He1 bert, you cannot mean it For thought the cows 111ust be a. 01 o s lot1 ' A L s AIHER G oN -The Cuba<> r ebels HERE is nnothe1 one of those heroes two yearn I have lau·hed my affection The July number c inunences V.,..olume have 1nveni{9d a curious cannon of le tther upon you, an d been the rec1_pLent of your V lII , and contains tlurteen pieces of Mu as a substitute for the metal field pieces k1ndnes<:-es You can1e to me 111 your glo s1c, nea.tly bound, thftt \\ onld cost Jnst \vh1ch thev are v.nahle to obtain The ba1 nous beauty, and I drnnk of ti e lndc len roui dolla.rs and fift) cents in sheet fo1111 nectar, unconsc1uus of the sn::i.1e beneath You can get it by tna.il post-pn.ul, by sen d my feet Oh, why hMc I rega1ded JOU mg tlm t, cents to T L Peters 599 Broau · as the persoruficat1on of all that JS good way, 1'1ew York and lo rnlyi Why l1a'e I been so wi!d1 1\'Ius10 can no longer be co s1dered a You lw..1 e been kuid to 1ne, rt is true and luxury, and those voho spend fabulous sums ha.v e called n1e ' your darhng 1uan~ time8, but now no" that I iecall to n1md 111 pwchaamg Sheet IYI11s1c ire simply the past I am a.wr i e h ow sh\.llow your thro,Vlng tluur money a\\ ny If our n1u love was fo1 me -Y ou \ orshiped Ill:\ live Sica! f11ends will take the tiouhle to pro 1111ess and gloried J l iny t11n1chty I~nt cure a copy of Petms M:u.s,cal Monthly, alas t iny hopes h 1ve perished they will see what their \\Iser frien ds are God, it is not too laLe do111g- namely, getting better Music at Herbert St Clair threw a\I ·Y his ci ,a1 one n.nd two cents a piece thn.n t hev a1 e listlessly, and nttem p+ed to take the nands bnymg at th1rty, f01ty, and fitty ~ents whi<:h clasped each othe1 convulsn ely hut Each number of thtS valuable p11bhca+10n ehe r epulsd him scornful!~, and no l l ng conta1n5 thirty s1x pages ot l'Iu~nc, pr111ted his head qmctly, he carelessly threw lam from full r.1ze 1nus1c plates en1h1acing self beside her on the gra.ss Sacred and Seculai bongs, Duets, Chc"Well Alice "hat 1s the use of makmg ruBes, PoTha..1 ' Nalt .... e~ 6lC, m every 1 .. As st:ralgbt to his post he trod, And trusted hIS cluld to God ..A..n<l sJnfte 1 tl e poi!1ts and snved the Of all happy lionseholds, that1s the h~p p1est "here falsehood<· ne1 er thought of A11 peace is broken up when once it ap· pears there 1s a he m the house ~11 com· fort has gone when susp1c1on hna entered - \\hen there must be reserve 1n talk and reservation in behef Anxious pareut11, who at"e a'vare of the pa.ins of snsp1c1on, mll pla.ce general co ifidence u their clul dren and recene whot they say freely, unless there lS stronger reason to d s~1 nst the truth of atP; one If such an occa~ion shonl<l unhappily arise, the~ n111st keep defines a thur~r bred the suspimon fi:on1 spreading as long a,g possible, and avoid d1s,brrac1ng theJr dco.r child wmle there 1s a chance of its cure hy their confidenbml assistance He sho 1ld have their pity and &S'1<luous h elp, 1111 1( he were suffermg under some bodily dt·order If he can be cured he w1ll be<iome gmteful for the treatment If the en deavor fails mean~ must of course be taken to pre' ent Im example from domg harm andthen, I said the fomil:i peace is broken up, because the frum ly coufidence Js gone I fear, f-on1 some cause or-. another, there are hut few large famlh4>ll where every memher is a1togetl1er trnt11 .. fn 1 But l\ here all nre so organized a.nd so trarncd as 1o be "holly reliable m act and wnrcl they are a hght to all eyes and a )OJ to all hearts They are pubhc bone· tits, for the, arc a pomt of general reh ance and they are pnvately blessed with 111 :ind without Without, thcll' hie "' n1ade easy by unn: ersal trust , and 't\ Jth· l11 their home and their hearts they have the sccnnty of rec1titude and the gladness of iunocnuce NO. 48. 0 . ---- 1 0 'T tu ·