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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jun 1871, p. 3

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· ' f Ba·ick C a.Hage Ffrst Prize CANADIAN STATESMAN, BO vVMAl,r\lIL LE, THU R SDAY, JUNE 29 ' 1871. The Osborn. Culiivators. Best Sumn1er Drink KnownT Early Receipt Dress Goods T OF The Oh eap est Vfeekly I N C_\NAD"L 'l' llE H ~\.M F Str eet. 16·35tf. OR SALE , ON WELLINGT ON F p l~, to ... W. PROWER . - 'l'UR E li'a.ctory, n. fl:nv st rong YOUD !?' n1en, 8 8 a i·entices to t h e Cane-Chau and Uabinet bu s1ggss. A pply t o '1'1101\iA.S JOHN 8'l 'ON, ~fan~ AT -w-z:r ~n ·e..-1J ,.,,, ,..,._ I u, THE BO,VI\1 ~}T \TILLE FURN!- I the att ention of fo.r 1 ners t o the one~horse ~d 1wu-ho 1 -st~ Iron Cultivators rnanufnctured by h_ uu, and vdilch h ave for six yc al'i> o btained:flr1'L pr1zes al Pl'f1vincial nnd Los_al Fai.J.'S. They ~-e uud01._b1,e rlly the b est in1plH1neµ t of the ki11d muse, and will inn. v ery short dine more 1hlln rCPC:Y thr-ir cost in the cfticwru·1e uud excelleuce of t~1ou 'k I 'spect'on 1n vited A. su p ply of Cult1va v,ror · 11 · · ', · · · ·k d ill t or s 11ow on hand fo1 the spring "01 , an W be sold at 1owcst ra_;es. r T HE SUBSCRIBElt WOULD DIRECT I J,TON j J .WEEKLY TIMES Contains an I mn1cnse .A.mount of " """· of n supe rior kind, also on hund. IRON HARRO\'i S AN D Wanted I11i:u nediately, B i:; G G-I E S WAG0 N S DRESS GOODS. J: HIGGINBOTHAM, SOLE AGENT FOR BOWJ\IANVILLE. STAP Good Jilarnily Reat~Viig ~f an l nlerestiu{} llQ kind, and 1".R one of the Best c11ud ftfost ~ ~ R elti able llmc~p~rrpers pnbli.shcd in e ~ JVedn'rt Canada. I constnntJy on hand for sale. A. FEJ WALE SERVANT, l<'Olt GE:N- ,'i:ff' All kinds of Blacksmith " 'ork done on Lbe ~ EI-tAL ' vork. Apply to shortest notLce. A c n.11 t">ulicitcd.. M RS. CV B lT'l', 15-3itf. I . ' VESTCO'l"l', Dowmanville. Bowmanville, Ni a1 17th , 1871. 42· t.f. Stoves '._Stove"! BOX AND I N P ARLOR,¥lovc1~ Tl-IER Cool or & IF AR:Y.18 hm.1. pru· thun ever. Ol\L1 S B...:l.SSETT. COOK, El·: 100 A for SA.LE· DRY GOODS I FOR Cottage f"o1· Sale. ,-~ LING'l'O~ Street a.t r,1·esent occupied by .LSO 200 ACRES, BEING LOT NO. ~-.....:·the subscriber. Good i'..+o.rclen, Stahle and DtiY· 12, in the 6th con. of the above Townsl:Jp, .~,.,.... ing Slled. 130acrcs c1cared,70 in "\VoOOs. ' .Yell wtt~retl; J. A . BE LJ..1 , a1so a good "\Veil. A new Fn1n1e D"?i'elling 16-tf. - - - - -- -- - - -- - -- -· Ilouse, with Stone CeJiar t he full size of the Hous el a sma.Ll J..1og H o u He, t wo Bai-ns, Stable and To J,ct. Co' v ~hed. Excellent huul, situated 3f nilles from t h e Town of Bowmanville. }<'or furth er apply to the proprietort 'l'JIOMAS HE PREMISES AT PRESENT OC- llJltticulurs \~EI~DO~ - Tempo P. 0., or to JA.l'.iES 'VRLCUPl11D a ~ an office of 1 .h1~ Roya.I Ca.n adi- DON, Lot 'k o. 13, in the 1th con. of Ute above An Bank. Apply to Township. · 16·39·31u. A. H. MACDOUGALL, A g ent. T HE BRICK COTTAGE ON WEL- lJeiJig thr, South 00 .Acres and 10 o~ the North-east COL'nP.r of I~ot 9, 111 the 4.ih con. of llarlin~on , 2! 1oiles f.ron1 the T o,vn of llo,YTnanville. 10 a.c1·es cle a1·ed, and SO in Woods. Comfortable D,vellinS" House, good Ba rn. Stab1c, and Shed; omme Frwt Trees on the rremi::1es, a brood "\Vell, also a stream of Spring" atet". ACRESClF GOOD LAND F. F. McARTHUR Carpets I Carpetsi HAS Iu tt.dditiou to crrefully writ t<'n <edi t 0Ti,1fa on th~ 1e adiug poli tk a.1 r~nd socia.1 <'VBPl.s of l h ti day, t he '1'1;.JES will be found to con vnluahlc selected articles ft·ou1 the llritis h, Cn.nad ia:1 mitl A m ~rican ~ Jom·, tor:uin q a. co.-.c ·:.;f <J.Iul plt·a.. 'iu1g· ep1lorn e ~ f;" of the NE \ VS Ult' '1'111~ \VEEK. ;; t; r l-'ar ticuJ<u· a tle!1lio11 i':1 paid to PolHicf'l, BL'itieh .. " and For eign NP\\'.;, CJa1::a.din.u Ne·"·..::, Jl11 1 ol·icau ~ ~ Ne-...Ys.Local n i,i 1 !..ei-"',J,'[aJ:kc t s,Pm'c1g1aphr:.,P c e trr,' ~ C-011 dne1duJ, Fnt e l ire , &c. ~ J\'f u -:.KETS.-Ped 1a. ps no d cpar+,rr>.cnt of a Nc \\1S.., pJJ:per i's of mm·c 1mp11rLuncc to tJ1c ].'u rru cr nnd ;. SL<11 e·lu~e1ier_· tlrn n c<1p ious Mu.Tkct H eports, , \·]1i· :U ~ are i·eliab c for t11d.1· impll.rd a l corrcct ncs::;. T h e Cond11ctors of U1f' 'f'n nts w Hl give s p ecia l a.ttenLwu to this dC'pul'LLnl' n t of the .Jo ur nal, and g a 1hcr the r cuu·ns f 1 OJH all tlJe prin:'.:ip .'.l l point;:; of Tole· g 1·up;i. and Ma.i:, n;.-. t o tcl'.l.o h on1·of publication, for t,hc int'onnation of t h eir Subscribers. Comm e rd-'1.; Intcllii:;'encc JL(C\Yisc forn1s a leadrng feature in to+- "' i S'" --- = ! = t he "\VEEKLY '!'IMEIJ. SPRING 1871. Subscr iption - -· $1.00 a Y ear, .A.DVA..~CE. T Ilowma.nville, l\1arch 16, 1871. 33-tf. F1·uit T1·0 es :for Sale. Also Biggareaus a n d Hearts , at 25 cts. Also, li'lo,ver PJ.ants in abun dance verr che ap , now gi'o\ ving iu h o t beds. Bo, v1nauvillo, A pril 26t h, I 8il. 39-tf. COLE MAN CAN SUPPLY PLUl\f P e for P Crse1 ves, 2-5 cents ; fl.nd best "'.:Va shin gton, &·c., 50 cts. ; dcf.lert-H~ge , En~lf;:ih Cher.r1PH, 'n{..EE~-Hlue, Just Received a Second Supply OF ---:o:- - - FOR MONTH CARPETS VflLL BE~ · uow· bren tested b sy oml all q11estipn and tho Cr.rns inn.Y be fo:rmod nl a:tn·~ JWJ·inrl of the vea1· verdict of the public is thnt to-day b~ SIX or 1rio1·c ~'nbscn be rs a\·.:m inling l,o8'e.ther and r crnittiug the Cn:ih m Adv"ance. TE R1't S: S b:: Copi es for One Ycn.r - - - - - - - ~5 00 'l'hus allo:vin g a copy 1" HEE t o the get ter u p of a It $ lauds "\vitbcut a Rival club of F I\'YE. A little exertion only is necessary· to secure a club of li'I '\-' l!.:. T HIS CEJ,EBRA'l'ED MACHINE P .AYABLE I N Murdocl1 Bro's HA VE just received several T PERFEO'l'~;11 - S11Gctacles and Eye G1asscs manu.facturclf EAMS TO DRAW LUMBER FROM by LAZARCS &.< MORRIS, lllld for >Yhich m y 1\-Iills in Podonk, t o B o'tYma nville nnd have ti1e sole agcu<:y, are gaiuing g ol rlen opinion# f1 ·0111 aU those > vho have tried it. l fyou want t O~~:f~i-ther pa.1 UctUars enquire at n1Ul. ' presE;r ve lrour sight to extromo old 6.'ge. use thee. A . B. CA. M.:P:UELL. Dowman v ille , Ma.y 3rd, 1871. !10-tf. and n o others. A-11 R ON H UCKJ.,l1~R. agent fr·1 IlO\.YIH O.llYille and yicini ty. l ·lllO Wanted . THE CELEBRATED It i8 \h e most s ub stantially buil t, h as Urn fe"\ 'Yorking 11arls, be:.tut i!u1 in d esi:;u nuU :fin ish.line the best design of a suttle, and by far th e L.AP~GEf3'r ,ROBB1NS. It is capable of perfor111lug a range of \York hitherto thoug'ht impoasible. for!Sowing~Tulachb::..rJ.s. . .. -· nnd gencruJ Jy appreciat ed , a utl c,LH eo:niid c n tiully be re:com111eucled. '1'110 'l'D:LFS ia D OW widely ]Ol0\V11 ~Conun:lu ications t o l:>c D.(ldr issCd to tho P ro .. priet,0.1.· as u11de1·. A ll letters must be P<l. bubscl'ipt ion s lll..9.Y be renlltt ed b y p ost, and if t11e letlcr be registered , ·w ill be at our own risk..A.ddrcss C. J:J . STE\'l.Ait'P & Co., Pro_prle tm-s, · f! nn1ilton, 1.fay, 1871. ! oo (l<o·n, ~ ' J R A ILROAD T I ES, 'lJ7 ·wa u ted bet ween N c v.-t<.m ville nnd Osha wa, t o he 1nade,0f _, ller.o..lock, Cedar and '£a.1nariu; k. A ppl y to ~ rn 20tf. .JOHN l\iuMURTRY. · Summer Dress -BOUGII1' AT A s A c R I F I c E D "EUREKA" Is sollll at about mrn ~ha lt'tbe =y~"'IJ'f1 ~~);,, Cases and Bales of Staple _ and price of tliier Jliaehine~· I ------ .' ·- -------- ------- Goods, Fancy Dry Goods for the T HE PRTCF. 01.? OTIJF:R." 1\1' ·\ClilNES DOING T H I~ J,Il{F, '\YOH.IC TB equu11y at 110rne Gn leutltei· as on fine goodo. Has t;a11ied off prizes ove r the Hovfc, Slnger, Lock1nan, " '11cclor & 'Yilson, VYau_:.:cr, . : J.aymond, &c. :at" .i\.. P erfect :P.:Iach inc-Gua ra.nteed or no saJo. .AT Spring Trade, and are offering ,u ,\ 11.L Corn for Sale, Whole or Crack e d· J ohn N.l!cD a ug·all. JG-39-tf. I\lfcCLUNG Bf{ OTHERS. them at such low pnces that ,I.] ,\ 1I.L Bull, L N'l' OF will the 1n·c1uisos o f lot 3:1, Gth concession of"Du.rlingl ou, du1·111g the season of1871. '1'.fi..::Itl\-1:3 :- Fn.r C1:t111:1.dh.1...n or Grade C ov-:s , $ 2.00; for 'l'horoug h-Urc d C o·ws, t)5.00 for the sen,gon, to b e paid a t the t i!nc of scxvico. Dailington. 1\'.I:ay 1, 1371. DURHAM 'I HE" 'i'HOIWUGH-BRED co A1'l:Li , Serve on t ne proprietor, Great Bargain I" - - - - - c ' - -D POR'l'ED EALER IN DOMESTIC AN]) JMCHOICE TEAR, .FR CTI'l'S, PROVISIONS, &c., CROCKl<:RY A:<!D GLASSWAI?.F. Bo-..1n1ru1villc, Ont. B!·if ---'-- they· cannot fail to suit the A l"J_ D ,I I cloeest buyer. AND WILL SELL THEM , Another ,.,' -\rriva l o _f 1--·· th e best nH~de,rsirn plcst, 1nore d n ra..b1e an_ d r cli ab11:' than auy other single thread roachine.- very choiro HOUSE and B EOUrnGPLANTS , ~~on ~.A iiE A CHOICE COI.LECTION O:F Gl_ e:.d1ed. Cotton."', jl.._T l'lln.C,Batuo§a U'§ !'lli.Ui.uery,,,ille, l\ia y tt1e 25th, 1871. JJ.t f. CHEAPER I than any in TOw11. Bleache(l Slaeetings, .Larger u.nd work ·w ith g rout case. \Vill do an kinda ofdon1cstk1 sc\'ih1g in a perfect\)' sati~fac tor:r manner. H M t.ak ep. firxt prize ,,·h crevcr exl~ib itc tl. ,T,J t..XU,L · ~ D AI LY L INE -TO- To Let. 'I:'he P _ urnp Shop, "\\7 0 0 .H J1-.A'11 J=fT~ , :B~ S T E B. HOUSE & BEDDING PLANTS D. ff]';~·· 1 · Deninas, AGENTS WANTED l<;VERYWHERE SPLE::S DID INDCC'E£.f EN'l1 8 . ITH H ORSE-PO,VEJJt t% scriber . Posse.~? !0 11 giYen inu r.t·U iu.tdy. Onlv blls1ncss of th(:' ki.lld i n t:uwn- plr::n t.y of customran~ cha ncu fo r a :~ood p umpmu.kcr. at present ·worked hy thn 'mlJ.. K SH.VER. _,_ V " SIGN OF 'l'H E BEAV EH,, KING ST." STor~r 's. DilUG Ii'AIL TO CALL. 16-41 ....... ~ ChcdH:d Uegattas, ra1 HE ~ .~ State Cv..O'..n Stc:u nor SUPERB NE \V L.ttICE U)!.PltR l Call and ' I P URELY VlWETABLR MEDICI :NE.! - - -- -- --··· . - --- -- I i":'.'rv · 13 ·' · fo>.:~ :rrn1c tl!: i!.! !!. c.. .l 'i ~ !';\f f-"1"", · I I 1 N 0 It 8 E }~..X:!ll'C::lS, l\:L 1t-. N~ , ' . New supplies received during the season. fl'.~-~ DO~ 'T ~----. t:otton, Tickin;;·s,, ICoUons, lh·ess 1Lining-s, etc., ei.:;. - · t'a~ory Carry i11 g Unj ted' Stn.t-"~ }lnd Cini ~lditi. n 1'i£t11s a n d ' ,\,, make sdections. ~n. &: H. O'HAR A, Who'ksalo agr-mtoi for t.he Counties of Durhmn, OuL1.aio o.nd Victoria. fl3'r Spcciai inducements to LlVc o.gcUtS. ~Janmt rJ~I8ili;--1871. ~- l'OR TIIffi Ct',.RE I · O b~ DYSPEPSIA, LI'V" ER COlVlPT..1AI~'J I.OBS OF ~\PFETlTE. GI~NJI: R ,\ T. T iTHITTT:\, BE~ '.\· appoin 1e1l ::-0 T11'~ AGENT in V{h ilUy li.lll" llo~"-manvHl e 10.t t he sale of the celebr ated r:r HE UNDRRSTG·NED I:I -~S l .ca:vc:J Par l . tI'o11c cv~."'111rfo1· 1ti.11tt ~(01· , R sclicstcr R.. l\,1l: S ' L ocK-STITCH ;JND .ALL DISE ASES of l'ITE BLOOD. I t posse 8 Se~ the pn wcr of T ouing :-i nd StrC"ng llt· ehingU1e S tou1ad1,of F::-.citing- t11e Torpid Li \'er LO a H en lthy ...iction, flm'I of P L1rgin~ nut u11 De prav ~ cd H un1or s 11nd Bilious Sec:·c.tmn fro1H thn Syatcm . l\1ost disen scs ha.v,.. th -;h' origin i n, or £>,r e great,.. Jy a ggra vated. by 11 di g~sticn, iro1u the sole causo thn.t tll c Digestive 01·~ttns do not pcrforn1 t h e a ut y tha t nature h as dc.,,.igned tl1en1, h rho nuL rimen t is n ot-a bsb:acted 1ronl t11e food, a n d lhe bl() od is (leprived oftbat nourish rnei:t it n~ r eq uh-es of tlie Dib-re .~tiv e Orga n ,:;, If y'ou F cl'l Dnil, DroVl'5Y, J leh1litated and D t! ~ ponclcut , have Ii·1°!' uPnt HeaUH : Jw, :\fo11l h 'J'r.stcs Badly in the i11o rni1ig, I r re1-i:ula r, .t\ ppelHe a n d Toug-J.c co11tcd;"'"yon C..HJ s1lffcnng fr:-':ll 'l'crpid Liver or Bill o~u:::i..c$S. In n .any c.::tscs of Lh er COJn only a. IJ ['.rt ot th czc qymp toms O.l'C ex . per1cuced. such<> f q 1'meka has n o eqna l, it eifocts P er fect Cn "" caving the Liver Strc1:gth ene(l and llea lthy_ at'Jo'clolJk1 Qhv.n'i>'!.tlOfGrJ.nd' l'rnnkHa.ilv:ay 'l'rain3 fi_·on1 x1d ,i~cst. ~;atu:r- · A.1' ·U'ivf.(-\_i' 'n- ~, ' PE-r\T ~ , ..... ... -" V.i..l .L' ...., . · 'J'hese P eu B ar e 1.lO Yi' r.1inost c:s:clJs. \-cl}' in use ir. n.U t.h e < l :w e,t·11111cn t D cpc11t:mcnts, Bunks, ::3chon\s, a rn.l Co11uncrc1n.l Han;,cs throu;:;hont tl1c Donun ion. '£ h ey ru·e 'va.n~~nted uOa -corr os1ve ttl<C c!lch pe.n as dur able i..:c;. eight o:rdinnl"yst r: "'i penft Sa..m pMs GRA'l'J:S. $~ i_)er Uro8s. :l3- 3w. Y E. LLO' \' - LEES & QUI CK . " Of ,t! _ \_ rn, ~~'.j v ., ..,, _ ...... . I l?cturnin {l, L eave,'! P o1 l of llr:c/,c1. d&1' cYc1~ v evening nt !) o'clo ~k , 'except NE\V BOllCAYGEOM SHUTT LE OR (Cltarlotl) sEwI NG IN - TR.!£ LOCKMAJ'f IS NO'\V 'l'HE rt[ ll. c H I N E n_i;~~~T~\~;~~f1.ll cr.L frc:g'llt offer. 37-tf u nys, when she lc<:1.vo!:l 11t 2 o'c[ock p 1\-1 rur 13-.:c.,.11ton ' ' · ., ~ ."". ,, . , 'fli L<> is tlto favorite sum.mer rontc ft· on1 T or on· tn t o ltuch.cstCJ-, .A-Iban;r, &c. 'l'hc chca12~st and q ·iic'test route from points J.i:ast of Port -H ope on [,he Gr and T r u11l"-, t o R t){' hes.ter, Buffalo &c. Thc fo.Yo1·1 terouteto_ A von 11ndCUft-or;Spri ngs. Pa ~ scngers a nd frC"y;h t. take cars alon~ sid.c si c.a.me1 · a t Roc bcst 2.· La.11ding . - ~ Cnnn::..ct;lon 1 n at1e at CobolU'g a n d Pi~ · I JJqpc . 1 \" th H oyal lllnil L :ne >'Jtcuincrs f:roni l!c-!uilton I nn ;:·vi;1·y '¥.ri:ux-~,sn,,y :t.rOHNt:·n:-, s!.:.oll~d 'l'\:f A 0 I T INES, FAMILY USE AND LIGHT M.ANUFACTURING. ALSO R . _A_ I L w tzj Crj H A y I r· '-=.I 0 CAN IlE BUILT Large Stock ' . \-XTl\. ·f 'ANVILLE Bo "'n· .n_._ . 0 11 . I i \dl1 call at the Port or D Grlin{J· :suftici----- H t;rl I LEADING MACHTKE Addr<.':33, Il . C, c,l.n'1'IEH1 Pott f fopf', Ont. ------- - ~~ - ~. " -Hbom'. Raisirmg· the 'l.'axcs, lll!DY CALLING AT H 2: as - - - L yn, Oct. 3:·t1, l S'iO 1\Trt J-{, E. Rovn<:, Dll:AR S1R, -lia--.· i,1~ used Lh1·e3 Lot1?eH ot yo1 1 valuable lr!Cdicinc in n1y fruniiy \Yith ·g ood e1-r0ct.. I feel safe in r ccommc1uhng t he E uH ka for gcncn.l Dcbilitv, I naction of the Liv··1-. L oss of .A pp0 for. Sale. I !OT BED & COLD BED PLANTS. ~{~ :\ T-\,T,1'.~ 1 .J H '!' A. D An de rs on & C.o' s1 N E "V I 1 ti te1 &c .. it h a.1in,!? been used for C1c above co111· llla.rnts in iny Ianuly. Youno. r eRpectfuJ ly, J. F UH.USON, JH. E. 1\iU.r.i ster. L -i.. n, J;Iav 11th, 1870. GE N'I' L E J'U: EN 'f'i! j 1 y·o1::;, l{, A_ 1-TD \VI~~I.?:<I G- TI. &. H. O'}IARA, .John's llot .IIDrann. 'l' La ta l'!h~r blollaut1 ; Tuirunmoth, St on e 1 \.fasou, f>1·1.inhc rrdJ Uobinson's (Jh a,mpion l'dze Cx1.l.11·1., Preu.1· 1111 F'la.t. llutch , )\morw an ~;npro ·,;~d Sn.voy, Red DnlUJh, larg1~ for pi ckl ing . My Cabbage took the First Prize at the ~h· lf"nrtu i"b·~ ze l.tst .!'ro-vin cial ..f 'air. Boot & Shoe Store. FURNISI-INIGS " L Q C K }\Ir f.J... A N / ll CAULIFLOWER. reco11un mul H to all w h oio;e co-.-1 d H.10n de.mand an~ thing of this rn; Lu re. JIJ. Cu oK, rrop'r 'of L yn , ,.,..oolen Fact ory. Mn. H . E. llowE, · . S1a,- I h ave usecl Elu·eka for Sick l i ca cln.cht·,. caused IJy a disordered s1 omnch, an d uuperfe<: t d ig esti011 t. '\\ith succ<:ss, i.vhen ot h er ren1edic~ f1til cd to ao me n.ny s oc.d, and l aJn sathst!cd an th ut is nec..:escal'y t o convluco a ny person of ilr11 iww1 t.s would b e to g;.V6 it a t tia.1, and! cheeri'u1Jy T'-we eds, etc., etc. ILond J. -.;VrNE ll &Co., II aniilton. o11, I For sale ret.1il and wholesaJo by a ll tln1ggist.q NORTHROP & LYl\fA li", New ea.<it.le, Ont. B.H.~iITCHEL, -, INSPECTION INVITED. ~ Thero are many po; nts of exa2llence about t he Machine, Ruperior jll@- MI'S . ~ J. C. Pollar d GOODS, · to o~h cn-s, Vl'J '1('h ·we ca nnl'.! t c~phun h cl'c, l11!t w ill b e plc<\Scd _to fm">h!1·J Cfrcnla rs and Sam:riles of WO!' K cvc1·y 1\hcrc on a.pplica h 0n. DI:-:lCOCN'l' 'l'O CLERGY l\iJi N . ll!lACHl N ES F ULLY WA. RR AN TED. ~ H AS RECEIV .l!:D A l!'U.L.L ASSORTMEN'J' of MI LL I N ERY Edwin T HE , Horsey. ~ A GENT wanted in Bowma.nvillc, and in every other :rown we h not got one all·eady cstablis..hed. L3J.· g cr ir.duceincnts l1 rnJ1 a?1y other compa ny. where IUUUDOCH JllRO§. for the Spring trade, cont\i,stin g of B onneLs, }IntR, - --· . ~ibbon s , lf e at,hers, ll'!o~·c1·s, L DCl:l:l! &c .. whit;JI SUBSCRIBE R I'iAv~ING Jl] ~ . . :iJ1e o!Tei.·s t'o t he l.-u!·es of Bov..-nw..nY11li.; nncl sur· , ,.. . , 1 · ~. r6un Jjng cu ,ii1tn nt lo 'W QSt J>ri " " ....')I lE:P}'.,J.Jd 1mp10Ye d the Gallery latt;1 ; ·""'".D-"" ·' . ~ -___ I v,_ c1.i1Ht~d.J2,x ' " l / l'n.1J;,_-1s._n,ow nl'cp&.red to talH· "- ~ii. hD in sto0k, Ladles' ColfoJ·s ruid C:'u1To:"' B rrrnrr ""' · " ~ jl.nd ~moroidery llU>.te::.ia.!s; u:n.d Gents' CoU<n·::1' 1)1:1 U1.'0G1l.Al)T.:J"(;' Jl' d LI· Q T yr, J'"' and OuJ fis. . .._,_JJ ~ " .1 " l\1a ch.i nc sen ~11 ·.; d:111c to order~ !.t.lso St:llnping AND AT for Braid "\Yor k. AU orders p!'O/Hftly :tllled. Store Two do or ~ Ea.:;Lof J:If·ntlr~i°l'io n's ffotcl.. LOWE S'P PR IC ~ i:!. h · D EA;LEli IN No. 7 R~ssi n Hoi&Sc Bluek, 1'oron lo, Ont. J. q,. TODD, General Agca t. 16-41 J\.fILLINERY, HARDW,\RE, CUTLERY, NA rJ,S, IRON, STEL, A ~D 1871. I RClN1VIONGEllY. 1871. SIIOW . ! {O'OM. Murdoch Bros. Sewing OF the und their St.i.H soIB.EES, ADu~ ad . Pict ures n1nclc in all 1.::in ds of" entber~ SATISF A CTION G U AR.AN'T.!i:.1£1'. \ A. call rf:s:pec~fuily sol td~etl. Ga.J le.ry-Corner 01 ED WIN J. F LE'J'0IlEJ{, Ho1vmanv ill e, April 2Gth, 1871. .\LL i:t:rnDS 01" IvicLEOD, I lVIPOR'l'ER OF H ARDWARE, 1 ru:id E 1..1EC'!.'RO·PL A'l' l~ S I LYF.R '\'.ARE. TEA P AR'l'lES, l1 A.LL SUPP ER S, K ing u.11d Division S kcA t ::i. e ntt·a n c;e o nposite 1\1r. '1'relcven 's sh oe store. F AH,MING TOOLS, CRADLES, SCYTHES, FORKS, HOES, &c., &c.; ~fil l, IRON, WINDOW GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, PUBLIC DINNERS, WEDDING OAKE S, Got u p in the b05t style and on reasonalJle tern1s by t he snbscTibm·. The wh1test, - the · ::;wcetest and b est b read delivered (laily to em;to mcrs m a ll p a r ts of the to..,vn. 15-3! NEW 'lilN SHOP IN B OWl\'lAN:VILLE. Manufacturer of all kin ds of Tinware, B EG 1'own TO INFORM THE. LADIES Country, that i . A.ND DEALER I N Stoves, Carriage Hardware, Bent Stuff, Spokes and Hubs. J UST RECEIVED .A L Aitbrt: A$SORTJ\IBN '1' OF - STOCK OF ) WTLUNERY GOODS JS X O'.V 'l'OUl' .. TU E lfHlST PR iZ E ALEX. F LETCHER, w. G. REED, Oross-01d wnd I/ and Saws; Seale,, - Spring Fashions T HE SUBSCRIBER HAS NOW TH E to ~1AS MUCH l'LEASUEE JN IN1 FORMING t hcinha bitan tE! of B o wHianville an d S1.ll"l'o undin"' co nntry tllat he hB..3 op en ed out a N e \v 'l ' ln ~op in the store lately occupied Fa.shions fol' tbis springt 1871, and is prepared b y John A llen, w rner of make Ladies; Di:e.-;:se1:> a n a ~fantles h Tl'TG A N D DIVISION STREETS Platj{nYn an d Cot<.ntr:r; Bu;'i1~ .llfachine'): J17ago1i L'l-iatC'r ial, ':1idilcling S1nart's Pa.· tent /:!elf-Oiling seanilc8.~ l'Jagonb'keiris: 1\.tints, Oils, Gla.<i!J, S toveJJ cnvJ, Ti,nv;are SJ)adcs-Garden, D1·awilll g· a nd Ditching,Cornis h §ho-.i'el s, .Rakes, Scythe§, ~'01·i£ s, :nHl aH kinds o:f Garden c and 1Pa1·iniing Tools. fAT THE 0 Jl:I . P L E WITH .>'LL rRR 'J:.' I Provincial E xhrbitio n ! Jus t helil uL 'T'oronto, ovcl" the n1ost renown ed Sewing Machines in the "orlU, auwn g wliieh were the celebrated 11:0,vc, \'iThceler &· VV.i::.:::11, CHEAP as the CHEAPEST. Th.e Building Trade. 'AS J:;SUAL TN LATES1' STYLES.' Ho\vm a nvHle, ·w here he will keep constantly on Tin, Slmet-Iron cMid Ovpper fVa1'e made fl' 1 . · _ . , . ~ . , . . hmul a \\. ell selected stoclc of stov es Ju.p· or~e1· and keP_t O?i. hand; aU lcincls of tToJ· attent1 1on to this line--i;a;, Loc1 ,'S, Hinges, Glas8, Sash, I )utty, Paints, Oils: a n n ed , p r es:sed and pl ain Tinwafe KEParticular a1.IP1. t,ion paid to cuttm g and whicl1 he '"ill sell ' bnuJ dune 'with ... "Verdne-0s.and D e..p :ilch. Varnishes Eave Tronghs Y'Vindoio aJtcl Pic ture Cords and T ctssel3 ancl fitting. Special attention ffVv"' toTT Cheese Fae,,. ' .. · g ts:: z req'1.11M·e ' · d , and t'nat 1i>t · CYnep lace, , . ' ' MUS. ALEX. FLETCHER. "OliEA-P AS T il E CHEAP ES1'." rr ..&'Verythiri Ji·u,sprcsenhng to ry apparcit i!-8, S1U ] _ Apd1 J.Q, 1871. i a,s r ats, ..a eat-. Si-If. S peci!.tl a ttent ion _paid t o ers, M ilk P ans, &c. , &c. greater indu::eme-;its to the buyer than any other Latest Novelties of the Season, A~D UND£'R 'l'llE :UAK.AGEME~T 01" I.CV. '&9. 'l'his is only n. con :firn111tion of U1c Yer dic t lU I S ·S who will fill all orll01'8 promptly. AGl-3JNOY 01~ 'l'HE E AVETROU G Hf N G AN D JOBBIN·G ALL ·woRK WAitRANTED 'I'(, BE A.1.-IF you DON"f BELIEVE J'J' previously r e nder ec::l by tho Grca.t Can adia n P ublic, and prov'es couclusi \ ~ly thes U.PERlORITY to1?" 1 Orders f'l'Onl the countr y pron1ptly attended CEHigh cst prioepoid O or Hid es, Sheepskins Hags, \v·oo1-piclangs, Copper, F cnt h e1·0 a nd I B.omcin the Trade , ,uhich of itself isnos mallcifli·antage. Oli> TIII!: "LOfJ1(2VfA1v' " OY E:r: ALL OTHRRS, l I ~-T~ 01~~8 !01~ FJ:l()~,f. o. FJ!} TO 'l"VEN. .~.ear~, toll~ r 9p_i11d lI'!Stnhnm1t s t o ~u lt 111 < l >ll O\\ ~ I, 8, W1H?[l.rf, {\11.,,.\\ t' o l lo 111,t}._p, 8 UCh lJ'lY ~ BO'rYMAN'VIL LE F U R.NIT UR E ~IA...i.~ U F..ACTURTNG co. j . Jlon~cha i.i-. . _. ~ it':if Great 1ndu t:ements ncld out to pedlers. GIVE ME A TRIA I ~A liberal discount offered t.-. N.B.--FEATI-1ERS FOR SALE. Agent D owbi oi;'s Patent JU:augle. N. B.-FA-nncn; ' vantin g l\filk Pails or Pans PEDI1ARS. Remember my Motto: Small(lroflt £01· Way & \ 'vould do V'l'Cil t o (all .tnrl cxu.nune Uly stock be· and quick_returns. Th~ highest price paid tor Hides, Sheep Skius,. Wool 1-.icldngs, Raga, olit Copper, Brase, Feu.tncr:;, hurseJiair. &c. -t1011 t o .ill~ a ll orders at 11s lotv u ru,t.c a!:1 '!:Luy deal' er in the county, ~ [ .w . {!. -ItEED. EDWIN HORSEY. 'Velling~oxi Building , Bowma.nvllle, .A.prfl u~2t.1 !l:IAXNING. Bovr·:i:nu.nvillc, 11<Lu..:b Br,h , 1871. 32-tf. Bo>Ymo..nvillc, May 11, 1871. il·t! ~ a!1po~n a !:\ent .w Bow rnanv1 ll ~ fore purch asbg clo:r,whcre. A share of Public ~: nrn tllr~ IIIanufactur1ng Co., is now u1 a :pos1- patronago r espectfully :;ulic~ ted H..r ' \VTNG BEEN T HE SUBSCRIBER c retail ,h:-; ! , t d · r 1 JOHN J\1:cT. . EOD. lOtl>, rn;1. · UR. &: 11. O'HA RA., "\Vholcsale and R t ~1 1nents, in at!d111on to instn1Jne::nts , n:.:i th ey iU:iiy . e a, I fin(l conYC1Hl'nt, may be obtaiT1cd fro 1n the ca A gents. A lso, a 0D"ents for Guelph Sc\ving :n,ra- I nada Pe ~·n11na'nt Dnilding v.n rl ;:;a VP' g Society ' · : b y apt!JYl.ll g to -· , .e.l~.ItE\\"F:LL, &i:c0EE & TID 1'LEDGE. This is. a new branch of 'their business and the clunc Co., Gi·o vcr & Daker, Singer, H ow·c and Stock Will be fow1d \-Villian1s' l\<In.chillcs. ' :Ve have a lso on ]ia nd a I W'T'"l f ·· , ~ -. '-'o.icitors, JJov1.'1Uan,.iUe. · · ~ l.1.u;:; ,,o 1o:.u. . _ Ul t a full Btock of the LITTLE \VANZER )fa.chines. ! ... - - - - -·-Persons not sn.tisiled \Vith one J\facllinc can ex· : ~l" iC ~:lf.iJ ! .B4~i-t JiJ~ ! CHEAP AND GOOD. cl1angc fm· auy other 1nsidc of ~11ir-1 y do.ys. Re· 1 - -· 1 l.'lcm ber R. & H. O'Hara.'s iB the SE'W ING JH '..-) S~i.!,.~ : JJ1 ACIIIN'E-.l\J_\ DE P ll.ES .. CJUNE DEPO·_r ~ \ ' ' · 1~·Is·.D ,VLli C 1-i::i..:2:~, at th2 .Q;,h::~-;n.t 'l'i11' Bcvrmaii'Yille, ~~Pri! 26Lh, 1871. ~ ~- . 3!).tf. i F 9!1 1 i · ~· " · J()l-l~ . 1\.- J Lf:Oh

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