· · CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THU-RS.DAY, JUNE 29, 1871. THE best inutat ion of r anJ hair now in the ma1ket 1s that 1nade fr urn hnenthread .A :New J crsey n1a.n lS the patentee and i :.t.....,{Oll JlifP J1101 y s wull, only manufacturer m the country, and he I., one of u chm old forest, Tha.t seemeth best ot all, makes black ]men switches between which Nat for its gnarled on.ks olden, and the genuine it I~ ahuo~t nnpossible tu Da1 k v. 1th tl1e nustlctoe , detect a difference The price he receives Not for the' 1olet s go1clcn Tha.t sprinkle th e 'ale belo v ia thr ee dolla1s a pound Not for the milk ¥ih1te li1h es IN11 0RMATio:s- from Callao, Peru, reTho.t lean fro1n the flagrant bedge po1 ts t hat tlieie had been ·m attempt at a Coquetting all day "1th the sunbeams, And stealing t hen golden edge, revolution in th at city, and efforts v; ere Not for the vllieR 011 tb s nplnnd, 1 n1atle to c~lpture two of the la~est iron"Vhere t he bught, r etl bet nes 1 e:,iL , 1 :Nor the pinks, nor tho pale sweet con 01l1p clads of the navy The conspiracy "Was dIScov o1 ed and a. party of thirteen persons Tt seetncth to m o t ho best in tt.tte111pt111g -to escape, Look r efuge on J oncc l md a little brot.he1, the Urutod States stcruner Onward, but "\V1th eyes that were dark and dePpIn the lap o! that olden forest ,.,.eie subsequently sur1ende1 ed to the auH e he.th 1n p eace asleep thorities Ligh t a1:1 the do.,\n of the ll11stle, IlY a vote of forty-four to seventeen, the Free as the \\ inds that blo" , 1Ve roved there the beau.t1fnl ~um111ers, ,.. Prmntive ll1ethod1at Conference has de'l'he swnmers of long ,tgo , clared that it deems lliethod1st umon at But his feet on the hills grc"t wear~. present in1p1aotica.ble A motion refer. .A,nd one of thD autumn eves, nng the question to the qun.rterly boards I ma.de fo.r n1y little hrol her .A. bed ofthe )ellow lea'ies. and re appointing the union cornnnttee, at the s,une tnne d eclaring th:r.t they could not accept a. basis of union \Vh1ch did not allow equal lay and clerical representation 111 all 00111 ts, \\as re1ected Pu EM. TO O'WNERS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Large and Varied Assortment Farm Property Pa-rlor Albums ! Friendly· Ad vice! JN FIVE QUARTO VOLUMES ) THE SUBSCRIIlER IS NOW RECEIVING A I SUITED TO THE SEASON, -AND- :EMBRACING A VERY FINE SELECTIO~ OF WHAT IS P11ce) $9 00 per vohnne 1 or To the E ditor. New and Fashionable, lOF IN FANCY AND DRY GOODS AND TRIMMINGS THIS STOCK OF STAPLE EVERY DAY GOODS IS AS USUA T ,Ill A. 1, AND BEING IMPORTED BY HIMSELF ..1..-.i DIRECT from the British Markets, W· WILL BE SOLD AT [!~e- PRICES SO PALPABLY CHEAP _m UDGE FOR THEMSEL VS PLAIN as to conunend them t o close buyel'l!!, who are respect£ully INVITED TO' CALL AND GLASGOW Bowmanvillo, April, 1871 HOUSE, TFI.OMAS PATERSON . .. ;\.ND ?pecial Announcement. D. F 0 RB ES N ANNOUNCING THE OPENING OF THE Tho Kilbourn City (Wis ) Mi11or of the 6th says "For the past three weeks pigeons ha' e been flying in flockH "'h1ch u0 man could ntunbe1 On S aturday, Ap11l 22nd, for aboYe two hours befoit; rnghtfall, they fle\\ in one contmuous :flock fro1n south to no1th, da1 t en1ng the air and as tomshmg the people by the sound of their wings, and could be s~en for 1ulles in ex t ent And they have still contmucd to como, althongll uot in so grea.t ntunbers Hardly a tram ai~ned that does not bung hunters and tvLppers. Hotels are full, coopers are busy 1naking barrels, and men, women and ch.tldien are active in packing the birds or fillmg the bairels They are ·hipped to all tho places on the railroad, and to Milwaukee, Clucago, St Louis, C111c1nnat1, Pluladelph1a, Ne'v York, and Boston, bcmg picked and packed m we for the n1ost distant points On no express tiams 18 it pomble to take the l,trge atnount offered, n.nd a.1rangen1ents are made to forward them on the nnd1ucrht train going east From t en to thi'.;ty thousand birds are forn arded daily, most of which h~ve to be picked after the arrival of the ticuns at night, u1 nm.ny 1nata.nces the work of pwkiug and packmg being confann ed all nigh t Til-YO V £R:t SEJS:SIBLE.-Horse dealers y.. ho ate supposed to kno'v what effects thell' m terest, purchase " Darlcy's Condition PowdcrB and .Arabian Heave Remedy" by tho dozen and feed it to then horses for the purpose of improving their eondition, which it always doos-others should pro fit by their ' example. . R emember the nam e, and sec that the Sign..tttUe of Hurd & Co , is on each package. No1throp & Lyuia.11, N e\vcastle, Ont , proprietors for Cana.du. Sold hy all med1eme de alers. ItIGHT .AND WRONG -It is wrong to je~t Wlt h your v;ife upon n, subject in which there i!) danger of \\ ound1ng her feeling11 1 and it is \VJ ong to -speak of great virtues in a.nothel 1nan's ·wife, to r enund JOUrown of fault , bt1t it is not w1ong after trying the "Ca.n<uhan Pajn Destroyer" and feehng i ts wondeiful effects, to 1ecym1nend it to your neir{ebors, for the GUie of iheu1nafasn1, n eur algia, crainps, chohc, 1..\i;c, , it has no eqtial F or sn.le by Di uggists and cuunhy dealers Pr1co tY.. euty nve cenhi p er bottle. A FTER Yi:.tl, pe8t1lence and 1nten1perance,--colds lca.ds to the ~'l."'eatest deatruction of h'\1111an hfe, n1a111ly, becavse it 18 considered by many to be of no consequence and h ence systen1a.t1cally neglected, until a simple, Clnable d1aease, IB converted into a. fn.tn.l pulmonary one E"Fcryone houbled "ith wha t is called a shght cold or cough, should 11nn1edtate]y u.,,,e Bryan°s Puhnoi1ic Vi ,,fem- they aJ reo llTltat1on at once, and exert a n.1ost benf'fic1al influence on all t he B1 onclua.landpnlmon3J'yo1gans. Sold by all Drnggisls and country dealers Price 25 cts per box ORNAMENTAL SPRING TRADE would take the opportunitv of infornnog the p1lblic that he is prepared to atleud to their ordeJs Hn.ving received ag d bcing m receipt of·o. very good aS80rtment of the Newest and Most Fashionable Goods and as he has determined to conduct hmineM on the Cash Principle· Great Bargains will be given. NB -All outsland<ng accoimt.. cire requuted to be uttled mthout d<lay. DAVID FORBES. PRINTING NE'V SPRING GOODS - AT- B A T T I N""G-ST EXECUTED IN A S'l'YL'!i: New Railway Project I --- 0 --~ villi· Dee I 870 Sm,-As this is the season of the year that people are in want of a n extra supply of Dry Goods, C I o thing, Groceries, Bo'-lts and Shoes, &c , would it Save Half Your Money. not be a great benefit to your 40 full page engra v1ngs on wood 11 nd 260 pages of rending matter, descriptive of lhe readers in Dar] ington and vicin · Head Office for Canada, Kingston. 1llustraL10Ds, the 'vhole making each vGl nme abou t one half as tlnck and stun e si zed ity to know the best place to HIS ol d and well established Company pA.ges, of ¥lebster's largest D1ct1onarv insures ootb1ng hut Farm Property and Each volume is complete 10 it self and v. 1~11 purehase. Numero us merchants detached Res1dencea, and Issues l"ohcies at be sold separately, if des1red. Sold by Sub~ are offenug apparently g reat inGrea tely Reduced Rates scl1pt1on Only fiest place Vol I Is devoted to 'V1Jd .American B1rdil. ducements, b11t the -·.,., ASSETS .. ........... $550,000 oo Vol. II Contains Wild ~.\_m er1cf\n Animals to purchase is at ELLI OTT'S Deposited with the F1nancu 1fiuisVol III American Domeat1ca.ted Birds end tcr for spcc111l benefit of Canadian Animo,ls General Store, HAMPTON, where ' rol IV Foreign Birds and An imals Policyholders, oTcr · ·· ~ · · $68 008 Vol V Fishes, Reptiles aud Insects a g1 eat variety is always 0J'~ See the follow1ng Cert!Hce.tcs This work will at once commend 1t self to in stock, at reasonable prices. 'fh1s 11 'to certify that the Agricultural Jnthe cultivated Amcncau people, antl. no lieurM.ncc Company having d eposited in tbe brary wi I, hereafte r, be comple te w1 th- Elliott's clothing is as stylish hands of the Receiver General of C~ nada, tbo !nm of I<,1fty~four Thousaul,i P 1ve Hun- DUt this a.dd1t1on to its treasures, w hile as as any; his assortment of cloths amusement it l..S uneqaal1ed by dred Dollars, 1n United States houris, .a..9 re- parlor Amer1cn.n publ 1cahons. qnired by the Act of Canada, 31 Y1c, cha is very complete; Ladies' dress 48, sec 22, is.. hereby J, censed to ca rry on Agents Wanted. goods- a very fashiona ble lot; the business 1n CRna da of Fire Insurance \Ve will give agents very hternl terms for Dated at the C ity of Otta.wt\., the 2nd dlfy selling the abo ve desc ribed pu bhca. t1o ns, (\nd Elliott's grocel!es are of the of June ll:l70 . wish to avpo1nt nn agent in every town 1n Depo~nt ll1c1c::;.scd,smce date of abo' e certifi cate, the United States aud Bu t1sh Prc. v1nces very bt:st dcfcript1011, and low to O\ el $68 000 E x:p enenced boo k age nts and all other per .. in price,-·-hc sells currnnt11 a JoHN LA?> GTO?i, for M1 r 1stc1 of F inance sons of rcspccta.b1hty should apply a t once 'I h1s is to certify that I have been a cqnarnt- Any Yr~ ng :Man, or Young La dy, can, by decd w ith the Officers and .M anagers ot the voting ·short time duri ng the day or even- 5c, per lb. and upwards, raisins Agr1cultu1al I nsurance Company for many ing, seture a complete set, f1ee of espe nae, at lOc. and upwards, his tea is yenrs, nnd also wi th the business operations or, if prefcrrcdi we will allow large Com m1sof tbc Company, and have no bes1tat1on in s1on in Cash not surpa<sed. If ) ou are in recomm.cndrng 1t as a perfe ctly safe and rfl 'Ve have prcpi.1.red I\ most be iutiful want ot a fiJ st-class Se wing hable C on1pnny and its Officers as compe· SpccJn1en Boo li. f'or A.ge11ts, content and hono rnble bnsm ess men ; an d as 1t ta1 n1ng 5 of the 011 Chro mo'1, 10 Steel En- Machme, Ellio tt's is the place insures nothing but Farm Property and dr.- gravin gs , 10 "\X, ood Eng1a.v1nga and 50 tn.ched Dwellings, and bns $5 36 000 Assets gages of desc11pt1ve readi ng, being select io ns to buy--you can get a Lockman, T eons1c1f'r it re spo ns ible bf'JiOnd any coutin from each volume, t ogether " 1Lh blank p:t-1 Wa11zc1, or any other kind, at genC'.f per, sp ec 1 r.1c n~ of h1nd1ng, &:c, & i.: 01 r Speci me n Book has cos t 1H1 qu i te or below manufacturers' prices. Wt have cx:.1.m 1nc d in to the condition and li.lrge l:i; , nud we do not ?.1sh to send it to stand1ag of the Agri culnual ln su 1ant e persons wh o do no t intend t o act as Agents , El l1ott has lately adde d an as· but to nuy on e who will m a ke an eflo1 t to Cornpnn.}, an d do f1ill) co ncu r "1th M1, Ctt sortment of clocks to his stock, en 1n r(' commenJ1n g it to tb e Fn.1mers oftlus proc u1e subscribers to the Vfo1 k, we will send the Specimen BotJk, prepa1rl, on receipt Pro\ 1uce, as one peifec t l y snfe and rehab1e sells remarkably of 40 cents to cover postage. Enclose stamp which he m "h1 ch lo u1s1ue tb ~n ptoperty. for reply and adrl1css cheap, and warrants the m. He J C CLARK, Ban1cer At!F:R!CAN PUBLISIII NG Co, acts also as agent for most of J CA11RUtHERS & Co R UTL \.ND VT. GE() .a Ku:Kl'ArIUuK, 11f. P . theleadrng Newspdpers. Thostt BM B ll l'J. lON n want ll h ould give him a call 'Ve " ·onld it foi )OU to th e folloTilng gen· lPRtOSi'ECTU:S l:'OR 1..leruen 1 10 1egn1 d to the 1e~pon s 1 b1lny of the at on ce. 1\ll kindRof fa 1m pw· CompBO\ -D Fi,, ber, R~q ' cu ~hir.r of the LADY'S FRIEND. duce taken m exchange. Ac · Ontan11 Y~nk Jno ~l cL P o d , M P , J>, J B Fa1rbaiu. Esq, P usLmas ter 1 J E . farew ell count:; dne on 1st .April nnd lsi Esq , Btir11ste r Age pt fvr Cobourg JHlfl \JC n1tv, October. \\llll\l!T FISH 'V' R CL L\i! E, I i . : ii A gent nt Bo\'\ man Yours, &c., INSURE YOUR PROPERTY IN THE DETACHED RESIDENCES 40,00 p er Set Complcf c . D Agricultural Insurance Company, -A~D- ESCRIPTION OF THE WO ilK. THE PARL OR ALBUM IS doubtless the most extensive ..4.r.T GAL I ERY e ver pnbli~hed 1 and by those who ha\ e e.xannncd t he severa l portions of the \Vo1k 1 1t bas been pronounced " 'rim Clim ax of Daauty " Ee ch vol um e contains 20 full page Cbrorno Lithograph~, 1n Oil Colors, 4.0 full page S tee l Eng1a , 1ngs, T 1 1 7 1 to l'ar1ners :tnd the Public tlcne1·aUy Fll.IENDJ,Y ADVISER. D ccen1 ber 14, 1870 SECOND TO ENLARGEMENT OF fam1hes , co1npns1ng ttvelve indt'\i id !JD T f-IE <t..W Qf .U.11t<H>Bl, h w e made a big u11derb>ki<l$.1t bemg less than elm mg m wag- 11>1"® all tho way tr; lted River 'l'he Ban ' "" &8\)!S the p:i.rty CO!l$lsted of Thomas Bo@th, his w1fe1 :four sons A;nd t\vo <laugh 1v1fe nll:i.d t"lVO y ouni; 4C'hildron They hafl two" ,iggona--double f' :n:.:Hlian Pain Dcstl"oye1·. and smgle-wi th "'111'"' co, cr, both ~ell S A FAMILY 111EDICINR, IT IS w111 aud fno1abh ltno" n, relic' fng thous 'lo·de<J, besides l ite faniily, "1th form. mg a:rnl-. f1 0 111 p1:1.io.1u the 11nplam:¢1Hs anll household gootls Both S1,(lr, B1uk and l:Iecul 1 Cov,glis-, f!!flil5r S n e partres iww lughJy respected residents of Thi oaf., Sp1ains, B't-1l1.Se~, (,"~mr&J'Y.f ui the south~"' part, of the 'l'v'YJJ~)np of\\ !'1the St.nnach, Ohvle1a . .~lu1bu.s Dysentery, BuvJel Compknnt~, Bui 1LS, lilru:e S~atds, F1 o~t Bifo1' c! c 'lrilE'l:abac/C.J1l<'hs 6£ Par11~ 'vere i:nadc u se ~ o of by the 1 1,Ds~enta as a 1n~ns uf safe pOJll 'll..11.ll.lQAtiOll ·bet\' een certain oi the v.cmtlymgfa1~· >rnd the city .ru's, Henry Roq, hu;; NO A new and complete stock of "'l'XTM. l'Oll'lEit WOULD MOST UESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE TO THE l f 1nlu1.b1tant:'f of Bo" m an'\'1llc a nd surrounding' 101nlty, that he has no·· on ha nd the follo" ing Steel and Gttny Plows, Sut{flc a~id Douhle C;;_lti i'flto1s, Cool,, Patlo1, arrxl Box Stoves .Ag1 iciilt-1u al .ll'wrnac.es, Coole->s, Boot C~dtcr'if, l ion J1c,1c1mg, d c N.B.-OLD IRON TAKEN IN EXCHA::\fGE. WILLIA!>! POR1'ER, Iron Fuimdei F F I c Bo'"mn.nv1lle, King Street East, ~Inrch 8th, 18i1 lti 32tf E 1 N E 8 7 1 GOODS AT THE lIN THE G-OLDEN"" A OOThllflli!i!'(>N rrnNT of the J ourrw! of Agru:«l&vro 'States that the lea\ es of t h e co1nmcn ba..<;.ket 'v1llo'v (~altx nif1rcc, Mar osl""11) ma.Ire an ~xcellent ye""t- if treated :an the sa111e "'~Y :as is usual ·~ Jth hops ""The a1scov.a11y,_" he sai~, \Vas tna.tle ui n1y ifa.mily last 15u111mer, a.ud, after a thorottgh trial, I wa;a conv iuce<l .that nothing IB equal to.it, as it r: 1se.s rn: t mh qn1cke1 .than hqps-1u haJf tth e 1 tin1e~1n1pa.rts none '()f tho h'flp flavo;r .so(d.tsagresa.ble to some , and, m ,fa.ct, m"kes bette'l' bread every way m11e thing u <WnlJ \WQrthy the a.tten0 D 0 MIN I 0 N, Jllurley's Arabian Oil. JWl > HORSES AND CA1TLE. THIS va.lno. blo pTeparauon cornbines all the n1ecl wuvl.l 'irtue of those artioles "Juell long cxpl!r1ence has proved to possess the lnost sa fe a.ntl efficient properties for the CUl'e of Flci;h ' -- A NEVER -FAILING REMEDY.- "tH>n df every gtied jl'z~-e-w1fe , a.ud, lest .beme should heeitnse u1 consequence of lft1t kn" v.11ng the 1nef!lic.'t.l properties of t he willow m qnestion,, K 1nll add tllitt 1t is a be~thfnl to1uc, f11cnu which no ha!J.n can lM'"111bly n:msc. tonipcr, S'\ellin gs and mnny other c11sease1' wluch horses and cattle are subJel I to Tins celebrated Liniment has been used for '\Voun<li'!, Spiau1s Brumcs Ga ls of nil kinds, Cracked IJcels, R1ug Bonel.-.'.Spa;\i1n, Gallons, Fis tula t:;w eeney, External yoisons, Scru.tches or Grease Strains, Lameness ?t'Iange '\V"Jutlow·~. Corns, Snnd C1.1cks, Funndmed Feet, liorn D1;:; AT THE phed. many vears, and, its cur:ttn o properties thonJng1tlJ tested, and is conceded to be the cheapest iind most rcliublo ren1Cdy for all rotter nal comJ1la.lnts ever offered to the public-it ne\"Cr fails \'ilien timely used and faithfully ap Spring Importations. ~TATESMAN Sold in Do,vn1.o.11v1Uc by J l-T1gg1n b ot.hr1.1n and Chronicle says: ;'The Yankec potato bug D Slolt, and allrncd.imne tlcule1-s meets w1tb an enerny in Canada. l per ceive th.ere are 1nany people tvho suppose 1'he G1·eat f'eniale Rcmed~·· the .s1na.1l Cauad1an cucuu1ber fly t o be t h e JOB :M:OSES' PERJODICAL PILLS. Ya.nl-"'@e bug not fully grown, but tins is not t11e ca&e Those sn1al1 flies are de~ H IS INV ALU ABLE MEDICINE IS stroying the Colorado potato bug by fight 1mfa1ling in the cure of all those painful and dangerous diseases to w1nch the female consti mg bhem <tnd eatmg thetT eggs The Yan- tut on is subJcct It mode1ates all excess and re· moves all obshnc tion~, a nd a speed; cu1emay be kee h11g gats tl1e potato stem off c\o'e to 1 ~ li ~ d 011, the grollnd, \Vhilst the Ca.n;ulian fl y on1Ye&UJ the lea'\ es aud h' es on the eggs lv,1d by the Y3.okae bug, and appea1s to get fat on them, as I notice they are gettmg ver y plentif\;_L I hope our Oanad1an fly niay prove a 1natch for t hf·n1, and cause th P.JU to regret their Journey h ere I noticed one to--day who appeared to ha\ e tears in h s eycg, whilst four of our httle flies \Vore eatmg !us legs ofi A CORRF.Sr'ONDENT of the Ingersoll 'lo be had of a.ll Druggists and C <Jn niry J.fet chant "' throughout the Donmuon Pnce 25 cent .. per bottle Noithop &.- Lyman, N'e\'fcastlo, Ontario Pro 1n J,etoxs for Canada VVM. McMRTRY HAS-RECEIVED A LARGE PORTION OF HIS PitINTING ESTABLISHl'rIENT. T Spring Stock of pry Goods, of whlch he w~nld c.<11 ·pecial attent10n to the folio\\ mg hae· . - CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, EGS HESPECTFULLY TO AN B };0l:NCE that b e has rcccncd a as H01ted stock of Geumne Drugs and Pmc English "ell Ht The Cclcbrafofl R1·adbur!I' w.· ID ·t .... -aano ...... 0'1 e. -- _UJi'~ruv ian'--t!i)'ru1)," {'NOT ChemH d.lt1 carefnJl; lected .Also, a splendid stock of the most CAU:flON.-.A.llgennfnehuth4'1Da.JDQ "Per uTian Ba:rk,") blown 1n the gla.ss A 32-pat(e pamphlet; ll"lli free J p DIN SMOUlll, Propnetor, 86 Doy St f New York Sold by all Drugg u1ts DYE STUFFS · Dress Goods, NEW TYPE, which cannot be surpnssecl for excellency of qualiLy An assortment of ;\.niline Dyes kept constantly on hand, together with a chmce Be lee lion of DRU OS, 4 .:A $IENDISH n1urdcr was perpetrated ~~tchfield, u1 .ron MOSES, Nin\ YORK, SOLbt P ROF.H.l;ts;TOR Oluo, by " discorded JO\ er named John H Hunter. The n1urdere1, wlule b'\tng 111 M1ch1gan, becatnee11a mo111ed of Miss Chloe Gorgett A little more than one year ago the young lady returned to R1chficld, k ecp1ng ti p n. corrcspo·1de nce ~1 th Hunter. Recently he waa tnformed that a urnon wifl1 Miss Gargett 'i\ ould b e 1mpossihle, and h e swore either to marry o n1urder h er L ast \\eek h e vunted Richfield, calling n.t tho tcs1dence of the girl Upon bemg told by the father that h e could not see hrs daughter Hunte1 d1ew a. revolver and fi1 ed a bullet into the old g entlen1an's head He then rushed into the hous e, s1lot 1ii1s Gargett, killing her instantly, and upon bemg seized by ·' brother of Chloe, also shot hnn, infhctrng a wound in the head In the mean tnne Miss Ga.rgett fled up stairs fo r safety, es <lapmg by loapmg from a second story w:1ndow .l.nd taking r efuge 1.tl a. n eighbor's honse, There is but httle hope of the 1ecovcry of either father or son The n1urd~rer "as acrested. and 121 cents for postage, enclosed to Northrop &. LymaD, Ne" castle, Out., gei:ae1al agents for the Dun111non, will 1nsuH~ a. bottle, containing ovP.r 5[) pilh1, b} ret u1n mH.J.l Sold h' T JJ111GI~ROTHAM anrl D STOTT Bowman>ille, Ontario $ 1 00 Prints, Millinery, Cloths, Parasols, AN ASSORTMENT OF CHEMICAL~, PATE1'T MEDICINES, BRUSHES COMBS, SHOULDER BliACES, S U PPOR1EH~, &c, &c. OILS, PAI1'1 S, { Bowm{J,J:!vllle, t3ept 5th, 1870 0NT.AR~O BA:N K, , - -------- - - - l'rlanhuod: How J.ost, Dow Redo red. - - - - HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINES Messrs R & H 0 HARA, G&ieral Agents, Bowmauv1 lle V AltNISHES, DE.AR S.lRS,-The piano purchased from you and >I HJTE LE4D some su: montl1s ago, manufactured bv htessrn 8J!" At tbe very lo" est prices. F G Smith & Co , New York, (successprs to W B BrOObUI'J of the san1c city,) for whom you are COLORS, NEW PRESSES. Hats, Bonnets, Flowers, Feathers, &c., NOT TO BE EXCELLED IN THIS PART OJI' THE DOMINION FOR STYLE, QUALITY, AND PRICES. ORDERS BY MA!L PROMPTLY ATrENDED TO. F m mv o:pin1on, and m the opinion of roant N B -Country Storekeepers supplied on all- is cOmpctent Judges, a. fust-cln.ss instrument , .Aantagcou.s terms As far as the work.manslnp is concerned. l t 1:o; egu.a.l to the best Chickering , o.nd is, in mv opt Bees! Bees?? Bees! ! ! nion, superior to the instrun1cnts made by this firm 1n nchness a nd fullness of t-0ne, and lt IB OR SALE, BYE B CRYDERMAN, equal it not super mr, w both these .respects, to near Hampton, the llistrumenb rr1Wl.ufactwcd by ::5todda;rd &. Dunham, or Dunham I may ment10n tha.t I ITALIAN AND HYBRID BICEB, have purchaiserl, for myself and friends, several Pianos ru.anufa.ctu..red by the old firm of Stoddard At a reduced price, ha.,-mg been wintered in a & Dunham, and bav" 1:1till ono of therrs in m) splendid con<l1t.ion, and oonto,llllng YoUNG houso, Yolll's, J Sll\1PSON QU EE N S, which 1s Lhe groot secret of successful Bee cul.tu.re April 8th, 1811, 37 tf __ FROM Gcnerru Agents is g>vlng g1eat satisfaction ; and SONG. EHCQ FIFTY A NE,'\ SCIIOOL DOLLAR 1 s · I j w. THOMPSON ESQ, 'l'O"RON TO, DIR ECTOR OF THE etc, by , .V il! 8 HfL"B tw o cents a rn~ye 'lhose V\Tebst~r, Thomas, etc vtho h.ri.ve not seen tJns E'ery lh1ng1s uew,f1esh Mu sica l l\-Iaga.z1ne do;r.en Contains 0'4:H s 'CBS CRIBERS T" o hundred new and to P .E IERS ~USICAL beautiful !:::lon b>'S Dnets MON'l'HLY are ~ettu1 g ' t.11,el.I' ltiuSJc to... less than k:i 8 n Book by ll S P er Puce, $ 7 50 per F WOR J.'R Qf M USIC 0 R $ 3 Lost. FIRST CLA!!iS DILLINER alway11 in Attendance. third a. grey color '\\ith shaggy b1L.1r, n,nswer~ name of Coby .Any person gtvtp..g information that will lead to her recover) will be smOObly re~ ROYAL CA?\ADTA:S BANK March 16th, 1870 should send 30 cenla for and sparkling Content,, a sample copy ThQ a.nds:pec1n1enpages scn mu ORSTOLEN, ABOUT THE STRAYED twent-.; of April, a small Colley 'b1tch, of to the WILLIAM BORLAND MESSRS R &H OHAR A,- si c 1s by Hay!;I LOWEST PRICES · warded. x GENTLEMEN - I purchased, about ten ) ea.rs free Sa.mJlle cop c::i I h cmtlS, Kinkel, Pesr d tl ago one of Bradburys pianos-the :first eon s1gi{ed to this market, Jt 1s ncknowledged by ma1led free of posta,ge ey, an n iei popu1a.r p1ofesS1onnJs to b~ a re111arko.bly :fine-toned in r. 'i\.r1tera atrument nndl ms.valso ment10n, that hn.ving to teachet~for 65 cents T\\o hack nurnbers bf>:r.n rein0vod several tunes rlun11g thut pen od., Liberal lc1ms for intxo for 40, ent8 Foux back 1t has only rcqui:red tunmg twice _ Yours truly , I w. R. (JLJJIU, · :PJIOPJIUTOJI. Weekly Arrivals of New Goods. Killer Dutcher's Dead Shot for Bed Buge. ry Uiem, and ·lMp i n P$1lCe. 41 lm, UTCHER'S LIGHTENING FLY WILLJA1"J THOMPSON, Firm of Thompson & Bu.rnil :R. & & O'Bal'a., General .Age-nts fM Ontnric. auction · J L PETERS 51p 1 B 1 oadv.w11 1.rew :YQfk ' .. " l Address, num bets for 'lo ue'nts ·