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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jul 1871, p. 1

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... iiftt <!Lamtbran ~fatc zman I JS prmtc 1 aJ d publishecl Ever~ 'I'bu1·sday Jlliornau;, by the P -01 r ctor WM. l~. CLIJ\:fIE, at the i Cour ON says some of the .£1achon 11 cu1 e ley 111usli be ri.t a. premnnn, for there IS i 1or e than a hundred scents u1 a de' 1 orthol 1t OFFICE-Post Office tJlo< k I \er (au 0 ht hB l1lde carry1 1g 111 a-' bflck Jog that he lurnself could not hfv a.nd he concluded not to VOL.XVI .. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1871. NO. 49. marry m that family tt a. Dublin the atre 1871. Spring Goods. 1871. -· $0 50 THE BOY AND THE BROOK SPRING GOODS JUST Downf1on1 von d~ountain height The brooklet flowsthroughthev U igestrcot .Abo) comes fuith to wash h s hnn(ls 'Vaslung yes,vasl ing thcrchestands In the water c ool an l s \'icct 0 13 0 75 0 20 r:rRE NEWEST .ARRlVED at AND l\IOST FASHIONABT,E 0 08 0 02 s_ :::a:ILL'S. GENTS' SUITS MADE TO ORDER. New Felt and Straw Hats. µ- Please call and cxamme Goods and Pnces as Great will he gn en for Cash s. F. STO~T, ITI LL Brook to "hat fo 1nte.u1 dost thou go1 O my brooklet cool and 8"\\ eet 1 Igo to that founta n at v.hose b.1'ink The ma d that loves thee comes to dt1nk And, whenever she looks t herem I11se to meet her andk1ssher chin A 11 my Jo} fthcn complete CHEMIST AND DE<l.LFH IN DRUGGIST, TOWN HALL BUILDINGS, BOW211ANVILLE. MEDICINES, AND CHEMICALS, Dye Stuffs Patent :Medicmcs Pcifumer:1 Brnshes Combs Soaps Pam ts and Oils, Pamt Brushes Coal Oil, and Coal 011 Lamps &c , &c JOHN LYNCH S DE:BT DY ALTON CL\DE CHAPTER I shone out like trie<l gold m the tune of ad ver~e fortune John the scem111glJ cold and undemonstrative "hose ret11u1g '\ll" tues had 11e1 er been (ull~ known or ap prec1ated and who I a:i never gn.+en his f:i.ther an hours b:ouble or concern since !us boJ hood it was to hun that the old nui.n was glad to turn for comfort and snp port "hen all else had failed 'I he strrnt est honoI m pecuniary transactions had been through life, one of his matked tra.1ts, coupled with a sen~atn e pride of mrlcpendcnc 0 that the slightest touch could v;ound He wa' alrriost tnnrh1d on t11at sub1cct and C..'tincd the si\n1e sprr1t to lus gra\ e Through all ]us s1c1 ncr.i.s when earthly things were faclmg fiom hun the b nden of his debts pressed hea> ily- 1t was the the1ne of ahnost the last con'\i e1 sat1on wJuch he held n: ith hrn son 'I cant help it lad I always tried to pay to the uttermost fartlung It is my delt to Dame! Read that troubles me the man who can1e forward '"hen he knew that I was gomg- dowu He has made up his miml to lose the money but- ' 'He shall n t father mterruptecl the young man, mth a tender break 1n Jus I bear your name and the debt shall be renewed m me From this cla) I t 1..Kc it on myself, and, 1f God gives n1e health and strnngth it shnll be I aHl m full A_n cager glca. 11 s11ot from the fachng eyes "Mv boy do you promise tlm! 'Ihe strong 1nan A heart was 1vrung qu1vc11ng in its fit est fib1 es Jli o I will nd beheve l ha< you of contrndict1011 that he "'ould tlno\.\ up the \-.;11d n' 1n th~ nudclle of the mght and contradict the '\Va.tcln ian "Who wa~ en lln1g the ho 1r IT is est1matec\ that o' or a hundred to nent intcnas before tho prorogation of Pa.1luunent to 1nt1c dnf',o n Bill for tho purchase of :1i Roy 11 scat in Ireland " Can :you not see that it ls n1y love In due tune John Lynch was mst·lled "'lnch inakes 1ne s1u1nk fi on1 rnaking :) ou ii the bankers office ln a alt nation of high a sac11fice7 You "Were not born to m trust anil thns the Joung couple were be gn1111ng the world 'v1th very fair prospects for the) ears to come It was the Just re cogn1t1011 and reward "hich should al'i\aya be the cro\m of noble useful hves AY trato1'vho11acl rrns d his aud1 nee to a grnat height by h s lofty soatmg· ex 1,;la11ned I '\ tll no'" close in the beaut1 ful and expressn e hngu<tge of the poet-I forget Jns na1ne-and fi;nget 'vll.nt he srud, too HERE is the p1th1cat sermon ever preach ed Our ingres.<4 in ltfe 1s naked and bare our progress 1n life is trouble and catt:J, our eg1ess out of 1t " e knO\\ nft "here h11t, rlomg well here, we shall do wdl there A SOLEMN WARNING Fosters ca1eer atfords a te111blA coin 111tinta.1y npon U1e gro" ing tendcnm: to1m Having a bibc 111toxicatlng drinks rRESCRif'\l'IONS 6°!.REFULLY COMPOUNDED AND ALL ORDERS · coRRECfLY ANSWERED Stoel of 1)[,dicm.., com 'Ihe summer clay hac l died m tranquil boautv like the close of a Chnst·an lrfc and the s\vcet lli1ge111 g t\\'1hght was clo sing m, \\ ith 1ts dew laden ru.r and sky of sof~ pearly tints wn.h gleanuug r11 ples of crnnson and gold, gtv1ng promu~e of a bright to n1or1ow "\T c1y deep an l solc1nn was the hush that p·m adecl one of the of the ' C1t;i of J u s T 'I do father rest satished md let the shadow pass- it belongs to tlus world and should not trouble you nov. 'I l ere tre other debts to thmk of than those of earth ' God bless thee, John' thou wast R. good lad ah~ ays but ID) clue£ care was given to Neel Goel will re" arc\ thee bet te1 than anything I could do forgn o-for gwe me and take my blessing for thyself an<l Alwe Markus Mayer &c., WHlCH HE WILL SELL \\e tlthy and fond ftt her, \\ho \\as \\ilhng ~ 1ntcll gent gentle1nan £101nG ermauy, and liapr v to furmsh him capital he on lns first 'is1t to an An1et1cau church, could h \110 started out1ulife far 111 ad"V"ance had a. cont 11h it1on box v.1 ~h a hole in the of n1ost young n1en tnd pursued a. cttreer top presented to hun ind 'vh1sperecl to of pronun(j ice and usefulness But he I don t get 1nem bape1a, yielded to the allurements of the cup th1't 111tox1cn.tcs aud 11n.ddens, and to-clay he "I:r 1s a sa 1 tno1nent in 1 fe sa1<l C.)"'!Hc, a\~ alts 1n the prison cell the murderer s doo1n In a conunun1cation inadc s nee ' "hen you find that love gl r 00 happi ness are altogethet not \\Orth a good cucl ulSt anccs 'It is a sadder rno1nont still cigar sake: of a.ppc ara:nce n.nd the recc llectIC 11 rephed 111s f11end " when ) ou find thitfi that thev 1ve1 e in a p lbhu squire, the the cigar itself is b::tcl 'oung in an would have .caught h er t) lus heart as he con d not co th....1' h t: content ed hn:nself w1 U1 a preM ntre of h~r h md WilS perhaps 1nore eloqu ent than that words Then they walked back to the h eJ , st ttely hon1e whcif;l lih(j h d i.1.nd when the great hall door had cl figu r e he vrent on his way hkc <nc \\ho has ti1ken a. nc\v lease of I e and hope EAP for cu~ CASH. E H LY A:SD YOU "11 L BE ~uT E ;0 BE SUPPLTRD llf illK US MA YER BARGAINS I E.AR,G-AI~S GRE!l.T DAilGAINS !I.RE NOW GHEN '>.T THE or !>honld he refuse it to t ha Corner Store. ' il1nstiat101 IS PUBLIC OPINION you could get has fully JUStifiod t ho ongmal idea, that at the ' Corner Store FI'I: TED AND WELL SUITED J. S. Chesterfield, VILT_.E ancl Dar) n gton 1-losidcnce Queen Street Ordt>rs puni..:tuaUy attended t o Charg es ~:Ioderate 13 w. FOWKE, ~~eo.rtJnent. - Hf;lre '\\e have p1ctu1esboth portraits and lamlS<Oapes- >11th all tho ficleht0 , clelwacy "' d vigor of photo A 'VAITF.TI 1n a N 6\V Bedford saloon look .. gr avhJ with tl1c absolute periuauaacy of printers ink No longe1 will the picturcR ed in blank ainazernent when a part, of of our fa1e11ds fu..dc f101n o u sight and New Yorkers asked for a wine canl and leave no tr<tce behu1d The practical ap protested J1e knew not wl1at they ineant sa1d one of the part~ nnpatient licn.tions of the ne1v and '" onderful art ' '\ell ly, ' have l on any Dry Sillery! " I thmK not rophed the "Rlt r prompth, but we hM e some cold cabhoge Is In town yet also a splenW-<l of A UCTIONEER FOR '.l'bon1as UCTIONEER t ~· BOWMAN NEW SPRING GOODS At unusually low prices and m great variety OH.APT;B,R JI 1 ~tonho11se. promptly A Gene.raJ Agm barliilgt _o _n _ c_en _1_1_·__ ;;_ a_1es_ atte ndeil to>ER AND TnE persua.sne and hu1ubugg1Jg agents for sclhng hg,__htn1ng rocls are equal to every demand One old !adv told an agent she ha<F no fea" of lightning but she had al -ways been afratd of thunder ' Just so ' he rephed, ' \\e can ineet your case ex actly The square rods are hghtnmg roda and the ro1uu:ls ones thunder rods Of cour~e she i.,, now 'protected .r\ s tLOON Kl!iEPF It of question~b]e NE'V 001 IONS, NEW DRESS GOODS, NEW NEW R. D.:Folcy, Jy attended to rmw PRINTS, r" EEDS, CO~TINGS NEW BOOTS & SHOES L ICENSED 11our Iate1, Jolin I . .) nclt "as in lus home, "he1e no lo\ ed face or kindly voice n.wmted lum It \Vas a thud floor back ~n hon A UCTIONE E B :E OR the IO"\Vnshld f Da1lma_ton Sa,l cs J aig:es mo _ c_ ia _t_e_ _ _ __ NE\\ LUSTRES, esty went to a la1vyer to consult hnn about action of dera 11a~1on lhe NE'\\ FIELD AND G <IBDEN SEEDS GROCERIES, CROCKERY AND H.\.RDW.t.RE A NUMBER OF HOP.SES AND WAGONS no w11tu1g onl\: a sltp of pa.per on ,1']11ch had been hastily scnbblecl m pencil From one 'vl10 holds hunself indebted to John I~ynch Tlns unexpected stroke of good fortune \\as like the sudden uplifting of a burden !tom hts shoulders Tho sequel may be guc;:lscd Not many hou1s later tl1e J ou11g 111""n \\ a ;;; stauchng 111 Di1n1el l{.ead s p n ate office "" a1tlnJ the receipt for the debt p rnl m full 11ot to the cashier but t o th o b mke1 lnmself a tall old mnn with sorb1ng water passed o'er a. plate ready foI the press fol Io" ed by an mk roller, 1>nc\ tho paper then placed on t11e ptcss and r Ul through the rollers at the rate of about suty or sc' en ty an hour 'Ihe fit st prntu~e published by the nc\\ p1 ocess 1va.s an excellent 1 keness of Hemy \\aid Beecher THE latest style at clinncr pa.I ties in N e\v ~ ... Oue Fann of 'TO acres 3 miles East of Osha\va jQ acres 1 mile North of Haimony 108 ac1es m Snowdon 126 acres 1n Letterworth and so1ne 'illage lots m Oshawa wlnoh would be exchanged for othe1 property Alw a quantitv of first class Brick J " F Osha.wa .April 13 1871 INSURE YOUR LIFE, AND YOUR PROPERTY, IN TUE COMMERCIAL ASgURANCE Co of LONDO!'il, E1'.GLA1W CAPITAL FULLY SUBSCRIBED, £2 bOO 000 STERLING s b en so ond of caro.lcss handsome ~ cd l r eferr1ng h un to his stead y rescrv Ca n .... d 3. delde I br otl er '\\] ose s ter li ng tU al bes wa~ a little hoard of which every com silent regIBter of heroic self denutl I did not expect to h "'ar tlns f~om you John Lynch that) ou coulcl bear to give n1 up and dn1de our lti.:es n1 the J ca.rsto come It waa !I.lice who spoke witJi a tremor m her gentle voice and a grreved childish qun er about lle lips They had con10 lo a sudden halt under the trees, and the voung girl \'i as leaning against t11e ra1bng for sun ui! They had not noticed the n1ovcmeI1ts of an elderly gentleman 1Vlthn1 the enclosure I acing slo1vly up and down the \1i alks, and keep1ng thot1.e t \ VO in sight 111 a manner \vh1ch nught hai; e excited suspicion that he " 1s watch111g them I:Ie stopped when they stopped and stood w1th h · b wk to varda them anrl h s be lll bent ------ -· - - - - York 1s a fan placed at lady , plate on one s1de of wluch is printed the bill of f ~re ancl on the other glass e world has been you are paid England, antl 1s about six mile~ long five an la q 1a1 te1 inches in cncnn1f r cn cc nd n 1;.ughs O\ er s1xtJ tons t} TnF. 111 rrBst rope in corr:aplct cd u1 B1rn11ngham, TrrAT funny fcllm· Bi llmgs says '"' 111stlers are getting J utty skarsc ty five ago they \Vc1 e plentJ desrre tc'\v gl t 11ch 01 tew hold offis tuke ell the pucker out of tlns ho test chcrcful arr1u~ r a l A.get h~ :f'&1 R CLll\1lE Agent for Doi\1nanvillc I bn.nker abrnptl) into an 1nne1 r oon1 and after a few second leadmg .\.lice Her 1~ my r ce1p j l

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