CAl~ADIAN JIJ'ic~~ Cottagt:. / Fil'st l"1;iw.e~ultivaton1. STATESMAN, BO\A/MA NVIL LE, THURSDAY, JU.L Y i~ 1871. tt t he n,tt ention to t h e one-horse ~nd two,.lH11-se i r ol 1 C ultt~nto;:s n1nnuf~tur~ d b y h_1m, ~ and ·vhich h ave for .srx: y ears obta1 n ~d 111-sL prrnes - a t Provincial nnd Loca.l .l!'nh·s. They u n i undou bterlly the b est itup lem ent of Oie kind jn u se, l.Vanted, and w ill m a ver y shor t ti mr. than repay cost in t he efficien cy and excellen ce of tho!r ,\ 'l' 'fHE BOW.lli ANVLCLE FURNI- f.lieir work. T~sp ec tion invited . A supply of C ultiva .L:l... 'l'UUE F a ctory, a fo·v s~ron g ymu 1g n ieJt, tors no \Y on h a.nd for t he spring 'vork, a nd Yt'ill as a pprentlces to the·Clulir and Cabinet business . .Apply to 'l'llO!tf.A.S JOH NST ON , l\iau~ bo sold at lowest r ates. ~er~ F Street.. Ji~o.r particulars 11 pply tg 16-35tf i.v. PRO \:YEH , . OR SALE, Olj" \Y:SL L TN GTO::-<" ' r1 1HE SUBSCRIBER WOULD DIRECT Best Summer Dri nk Known I Dress Goods I ' r~~~~~~~--=~· Pre}>'J.rcd from the origina l receipt, by the Osborn.. OF T he IN CANADA. 'l' llE U.\.MIJ.TON BElfAST G ING ER ALE,, und~rsi gncd only, u.t. Ui~ IRON HARRQWS GINGER ALE & Sl!DA WATER fACTORY, !IE!WIVA!t !! !_ !iL WEEK~Y ,.TIMES' Contnin s n~ !~e.IJ.SO Amoun~ ?! Wit ;, .. Good l"am i llf Readin g- of of fL su perior ltind, also , on hand. Wanted inunetliately, BUG GI E S AND "WAGON S .A constantly on hand for sale . i'fi'J~ An khuls of B l11cksmith ·woi:k done on the ERAJ , 'vork. ;\pply to shortest notice, _ '\. c n ll solicit ed, l\I RS. CUDITT, 15-3i t.f. I . "\VES'fCOTT, BoWmanville, I;lowmanville, l\Iay 17th, 1871. 42-tf. DRESS G-OODS. ~ 3 GREAT ST,- .J"Al·Dl:S Nor~ gemtinc unltlss "V'll-Cd, S'I'REE!', . FEi\(\ LE SERVANT, FOR GEN- lrv>UU.L4JPC4-<Ah-td~rr-&-~ , J . HIGGINBOTHAM, . FOH BU WM.ANVILLE. STAP .Ttite··esti1·.g ki1l<l, amd is one of the·Best amd 1)fost l lc.liable lv~cwspaperspubl·i;; hid 'in T V esle1 'n CariU.da,. Stoves ! S toves ! FARl\1:8 for SALE· 1 tlie 4th cou. of IDarling tJ 1e N m-l.l 1-ea 8t corn e r o r Lot 9, i 1 ton, 2i ruilea frou1 lhc T o wn of B o wJ nan- SOLE AG'ENT DRY I N P:ARLOR, T -·rH1~lt Coal or \Vooc1._ ~ hea1mr U1a n eyer . OMAS BAS~E1.'T. ·- -- -- - - -- - - - - BOX AND COOK, E l- ] _ 00 GOODS ·T FOR In addltio~ to carefully ·written cditOrio..;s on t he leading political a.n<l social eyents ot.tJ1e d a y. t he , 'fnn:s will be fuund to contain valua ble sclectci{' articles m. tlie BdLi8l1, Ct-11111.ilinn a nrl 1\ m m·ict1:b. Jonrtn-tl~fornring a cond se a rul plensing opilon c of tl1eNE\VS OF TI.YE "-"J<~ET{ · . being t h e Snn lh oo Acnis, and I O 01~ ACRE S OF GOOD LAND P nrUeula.r a ttention is pa id to Politicfl, British and F oreign News, Canadian News, Am eri c~n Com 1ncrc i a l, lTacetire, &c. Ncws,Loonl tuatters,1\1al'kets, Para~rapl1 s, Poctn'. · Cottag e Cot· S ale . --:., HE. .BRlCK COTTAGE ON WELing Shed. 16-tf. Cun1fortable D'"·ellin g H ouse, good Barn, Stable, a n d Sherl ; som e :F'ruit Trees on t he premises, a good ville. 70 a cres cleared, it.n il iltl in. "\Voothi. F. F. McARTHUR HAS \Vcll, also n. s trcnm of Spring ' Ya t er. l\fARKE'l'S.;-P erhaps n o dopn1·t n1cnt of n: ·~6w6 - ' paper is of m or e ilnportance t.o t he ll'ru· n.n d S tor e·.k ecper Ih a n CQpim18 Ma1·ket H e ports, " 'J11ch are r el iable fnr their in.1partial correctn ess. 'l'hc Conduct o rs of t h e 'fn,nu,i-,vill give specia l ntt <mLiou ·1;0 th is d eparL 11u>11t of the .lournjl\, aind gnthct' t h e rctlu·ns fro n1 all the princiJiµl ,::J)oints of 'l'ele· and )fail, up to the hourof:pLibHcutlo.ti, f'or theirl.forma.t ion of their Subscribers. Connnerc iti. ' It1tellis-en?e like""ise forn1s a leading feature h:i the \V£EKLY '11IMES, . ~rap]) LINGTON Street, at 1)1·ese nt occupied by d!be snbacribor. Good Garden, Stable and Driv----·-----,-~- -- House, w ith S tone Cellar the i'ull !-iize nf th o 1.Honse a small Log Houoe, tV\·o Barns, Stable a nd W a n t etl · I co·w Shed. Excellent laud, :-;ituatetl. 3i m..iles fron.1 the 'l 'o' Yn of · Bo:)Vlll1111villo. ,For fru.·t1wr A' '!S TO DRA"' LUll'rnER ~' OM pllJ'ticu lnrs a.])ply to ehc proprictor, .THOMA S -"' 1 LD ~· .n. \.VELDON, rJ empo P. 0., or to J .A.iv1E S W ELTE .u m y :r.-iills in Podonl{, t o llowmti.nville a nd DON , .Lot N o. 13, in t he c on . of t h e a bove es.ha·w a. Tow n sl>-1p, 16-39-3ln. For further J' enquire .<i.t mill. · A. B. C.A.MJ >DJt;LT,, 'Bowmanville, Jrfay 3L>d, 1871. 40-lf. 1 J . .A. BELL. 130" cleared, 70 ill 'Vood s. - ~Nell watered ; afao a good · "\Yell. A 11 e\'i· Fran1e D ·w elling LSO 200 ACRES, BEING LOT NO. Aa cres 12. in the 5th con.·of the above 'l'o,vnship, Carpets I S P R I N G . I 8 7 1. T"~nll_ot Subscription - ~ $1.00 a Y ear, T4i ~ll Bank: J, ct. of I Ca nad 1 ~ Just Received T HIS CELE BRAT ED MA CHINE It Stands uithcmt a RI-val PAYABLE IN ADVA NCE. CLUBS n1ay be,fdrm~.a.t nny pc rlod of tlte J'('at' ' by S T X or 1nor e Subsc.rl hi:!'t-s as5ocintinu; togOth et' a nd re mitting the Cash in A."dvanco. TRRM S ; now been testec.\ beyond R.11 q_ne1:1Uon and the of tht1 public is that to-tla.y a T ' HE PREMISES AT PRESE1'"1' OC- .cui:imn R.S an otllcc A.pp]) ~o , ' -- . , ' · · the .J=toyal . ,.. .A.. If. lVI;\CDOUG .ALL , Agent. Dow1ut..nville, Mai·cb 10, 1871. 33-tf. _.nt_ _ __ _ __ · Secop.d (F 0 Supply ·. OF . . l R ON~E ' MONTH Murdoch ' , ---:o:- - - I l.Jc r e comn1cnded. Six Copies for One Year - · · . - .; :. $5 oo·, Thus £1,llowiug n. copy FHEE to the g e tter u 1i of u. club .of F_ I VE. A llt..tle (l~ett.ioil ohly Js necoosn.ry to sccµ r e a cl::i,b of Jl'J "\'"E. ':l1h e 'l'1:1.11!:6 is no\·;; -..v:idel:t kno wn· niitl ge1w1·~d.Iy n1i1.a·t'lcit1.0!d; and can conii.dentially · , ,· Fruit Trvcl!I 'J:or Sa!c. T HE CELEBRATED PERFECTED Spect~cles It fa th@ n10.ilt built; i1;~ tho ftr"·cst ·t tar"Com"'!unk~"li_ons ~o, be~q,!WJ.~ecilJo th e Pi;o , . .' . . prlctot ni:i urtd e r . ~4..ll letters must bo Post.-pa1d , 11arts, bcttutttul in dc1nK"u ancl fiul~h. - ~htbstJ:ti.)Jt!.otu:i tn a~.- h~ r l'!rnitted bypoat , a.nd jf t ho llru1 the beit doslgn of A suttle, and by far the 'lett er be regist.e.teit , will be at our QWh risk.-' LAflGES'l' HO:SB1NS. It is capable cf :pQ rfqrru- .Ad cl resa ' Ing a ran119 of work hltllorto thought linpOiiliblo C. R _STE WA1t'.t & Co. , fQ r~avring[Machln&e. · , r-0 priotQrs, H.:unilton , ~fay, 1871. a nd Eye Gll!Socs m~nufoctmca · TREES-Blue, fot Pcrscrvcs. 25 cents; b y L.A.Z.ARUS &.· MOI~H.IS , a nd f or which ond beat deser t-Gage, '\Vnsh.ingten; &c., U (J cts . ; have the sole a gency, are g ?Jning fiold ~n Opiliton 11 also ~nglish Chc rr!cs, _ B1~iare.:n~s u nd H oarta, fron1 a Uthose ,vho haYc tricdit . Tf y ou ·w ant t at 2o cts. .Also, l:! Jo"er r lants in abund,ancc , · 1 ..... t 'd~' 'I very ch eap... now gr:owing in h ot beds. , , p.rmoe r ve your s1gllt to e.x. reme OJ. 11...,e, use " 1es .Bowmanville, April 26th , 1871. 39-tf. ! an ~ i10 oi h el'S.. A..,\.~ ON B UCKL~R. agen t f N 1 Bow1nanYillc o.nd v icinity. · 1-mn P COLEMAN C_ >lN SUP.PLY PLUM CARPETS" " W ILL ·, BE-1.iN :~ HAVE just received seve'r al . P _ Corn for Sale, Whole or C rac ked· I . Summer Dress R OUG HT .A T A. s A c R .I F .~ I c E D ~ "EUREKA" h sold at about ' oncah11l:fthe ' _ p ril'c of tl1ier lflaehineM Casel! and Bales of Staplej:and J ohn l'llcDougaH .. Another ---- - IG-39-tf. ---~------- Goods, F ancy Dry -~ Goods :for :J'HE PHI QE OF OTHE R MACHINES DOING Tl!JC Lll'-E '\r0 1U{. I s eQ:Ually a.t h ome on le ath Br as on tlno goods. Jlt!. 1:1 cn.rried off p r l~ee 01·er l..he How e, Singer, Lockn u1n , "\V h eeltn· &\Y"il son, Wanzer, H aymond, <.tc. £ir .A. P~rft.:ct Machine Gua ranteed or no aale. ~A..rri val AT Spring Trade, and are offering of very choic& ttOUSt and ~Effill rm PlMHS , 1'Jt·s. c. l i's lili ! Bi·rn e~·r · llow-munville, 11-f< tY the 25th, 18il . lVfc CLUNG J:3ROT HERS. 1 FOR SALE ~'\.T · To Let. · ' The P um p , ~ribm"~ Pos3e~sion i , -'I". K \ LER I N DoMEs'l'w AND l .1\:1· P OP.TED ' Barga in CHOICE TEAS1 FRUI'l':..;, . I them at" · tmch low ,pnces !hat - they c.annot fail to suit the AND 'll'HE GUEJ, Pll HAND 'TREADJ,f: : '. !UACUINES J.l AH.L j1 D S hop ' 1GROOERIES, . .4.ND JVLL,£ SELL 1'H EN: -; - cloeest buyer· . MC t h o best m ade,7 "&(mpleet., more durable a ud rellable than any other· slngle-UirM.11 :rnacblne.Lnrger and "\VOrk wi th groat ea~ . "\Vill d o a il kimls of Uomestic se wi ng in a porfcctly £1.atisfac· tory ma.nner. Ilns .!_a~en fl.rat prh:e ·wluJ:rever cxllilJiteei , ~ ~;;q j:rj .tL UIJ, WITil H ORSE-POWER & LATB"E, · at present worked by the :stih· given inuncdinteJy, Onl v buaiue"':'s of the ki nd in t own- plt;nty of custom--rare ch Rnce far· a g ood purripm u.ker.. . E L sr1;v-ER·: Dowmanvlllc, ].fay 25, l,SiJ. .J.3-t -~--· -------------- - 'l'H B LOCK}1A1' IS N OW 1'IlE .. I PROVIS_IONS, &c., CROCKERY AND GLASSWAll l· :. ! Bo·wntnn.v illc, .Ont. - - - - - - -- B!e arhed CoUon!!i, ,j 37"-tt C H EAPER than any in . Town. T Bteacbed Sh~etin!il· !ll, I - SEWING MAC H INE1 LEADING MACHINE · I N THE D OMINI ON OF a.A.NADA. IB 11', ' D .A .ILY L l:K J£ - TO- A CHOICE COLtECTION OF EB. -~ 0 ..0 .Ll ..i::. -.: _: T T i; s 'T1 HOUS'l£ & BED·DIN:G PLANTS. j Deni1ns, AGEN'i's WANTED EVE1n"lvHER~ SPJJENDID IND UCKMEN 'i'S: "l'hcso qualitie~ a rc l! hciiy, rhu-a bihh-, ~nnce, adaptnbility , b esia.cs [1 Scor c 1n0 1.·c Of cqn.:i.l ,,, · , -'iJ'tipoi·tauce.. Fm.· tull par ti(;nlal's o.ddre3s t o th9 I 7 ~ 'ff-l;E SUPERB )rE' V L A.ICE )Ianufacturcri;, . ill._ State Cabin Steam er n'1ITS PROUD P OSITION IT IL\$ ..I. attained t hrou g h its·inherent good qu alities . clc -1 ' . : ~· 1 lT PPltR "SIGN OF THE l3EAYER, KING ST. " 13owmnn v ille, !'>'fay 2\ 1371; D. STOTT"S l )RUG 'STORE. ' Checked Regatta!!!, w1L~UN, Bow:iu:;-, ec:co., It. & H. O'IL\.R..1. , ·. ..A.gents for Durhau 1 a.ud Victoria. , C'a.1".!.-ying U n ited St ~tt~ s a.nd Canu..dfa..n Mu,ils nn d ..i!....Xprui::s, - Huin dton, Out m '"'o. NOR S1 1 l" /0 A I ~ . .1.'\'...l. . i:-; .l.:"4 ' l\.T h3J"" New supplies received during the season. make selections. Joint·$ Hot rl.n· , D1·a11111 . 11 Ft·§ t· Pr ~z~~ EF~ ,I OIENT · ·· th._e1r ws~. > T~ L? n1,i.ar1"SJ3:c9-· h a.a. sccl:.1·e~~·~. ,t . h0 1;{.ig~~ fnr Bo-\\ -::1r:n11Le, .LLrli:i~ton, Ci-tll \\l lg:~t. Cla.1!;:c .t;.nd :Jio.n, crs, u.nd is prepared t o fill ,ill ol'tler"l on 1 he shnrt es~ no tice. .A full ~s .:i ortmeui, td Cvok, rarl o1· and liox Stoves, constu1~tly ou htwld_ a nd econon11cal D r11n1 i n use, an rl. v.i11 d ismore h eat. ocr.;upy less roo111, a.lltl answer &it p urpose bett e r tha n any other, ;By it:,s m;e a hnuse c an ~ much bc:_ttcr v.·1t~1 one f<tovo thtt.1: .11nder ~ he old .s~ ste~1 'nth . t :\ a or. t h rTP z;to \'e!!~l ~ ~ 1 s ;nc;ire.. tha~ paying for. itself .~n qne fiiCn.son bs a ts a. vn1g of_ v. ood. A ll ~\ ho hf',· c ~ricd tho~ YYonlrl noJ, be w ithC!ut thcu.i for Illa.l).Y tim es T HIS ~utc · I S TT-fE l\-10 ST - ' 1 I !.cave.<; P r,rt TiojJ~ ;veru "!'. fn"l'llin:J fu r R schester . a t9 o"cluckonnn-; rn l ofO rnn d'l'runkHuil· 1-va.y -TJ:ni.ns f1·0111 East nnJ "\Yest. ·] 8]:,;, - Call and 'I Cotton Ti~ldng·s,~ ~ DON'T FAIL TO CALL. Hi-41 ' Fatcfory ICottomili, · . :;JE[.. . -·A---R. 1'l.C ~)tt·ess ;1l~iuillg~, etc., eti. ; ! :Hessian '.l' icki11g·s, Jl"'o r tern1s, s111t1pI'i;Sor newit~&:o~c\.j:,pl;r to <;; dELI"I-I SEJ-VJ1\IG J-,I..4CHJ;..YE C0' 1~ ffiHE " E UREKA" I lS A ,;:::;.,.,,,,,;...::;.;; f .;;.:;,;; .-" GUELPH, CANADA. P URELY VEGE'r ADLE l\IEDIClNE ! .lo'OR '.rlIE CURE OF ur It. &': U. O'J£AR A, \-Vhole 'Htle agents for DYSPEPSIA, s·- ,. --- the Counties o!Dorhn.m, Ontario und :.Viutoria. Special inducen1e u ta to Livo tigcnts . Jani.mry 18th, 1871. ·. LIYER COJ\fPL ,H N'l'. GE!\'ERAT!. LOSS OF ~\rPE'l'ITE, JillllLl'l'Y, A N D ALL DI SEA SES of THE BLOOD, I t posses;:;es th e po,v:er of Toniv..g and Strcn g1h eni11gt.he Stor..oach ,of E xciti ng tho 'l'or pkl l .t,·er to a y ..o\clio n , aud of P nl'gin gour. a ll TJc:prft,v ~ t~d Iln1nors nncl B ilious Secre l 1 o n f rm.u tha Systcrn. · 1. Moat diseases have their ori~in in, or arc g!' nggrnvated by l ud.igestion, fr"v.ttt t h e ool o ea u sfl thnt th e D igestive Org-ans do not p crforin ihP. dut y t hat nnt1u·c h as O.esigned them, h on co lJt(} nu trimen t is n ot a hstra c!Rd froin the food, nnd the blood is depriv ed o f l hal, nourishnient it re rcc.iuiris of t he Digestive Orgtu is. . ... If you Il'eel Dull, Dro-n·r;yt Delli!itnted tui d Des pondcnt, h ave f requent Ifcudu.chC, J\..ff1uLb 'L'ash~a Badly 111 tJ1 e mo1·nmg, In·egnlar, . A ppcti)o n n d Tong1.Ic coated, you suffering from ' l'orpid LiYCJ' or B illoiu sness. Jn _ uutl)Y eases of~ L iVCJ' Co1n phd11t onl y a ym'.rt of _ t hesc syn11'.it o1n s 1l.r e ex . pm·ie uce cl . J1s a remedy for nil suc h cases t . ~ Eurek11 l u1s no eq uH.1, a.."l it. t': ffccts P e1·feet (;11 ·F:, e.--ivi:n:;:; the Liver Strcn,KLhe ne-d a nd IIealfJJ ; L · l~d u,.1', Lccive.~ Prn·l of Rochc."'l'tC1· (Ohariott) l6-l S F. T. IIO S~l L""'f. L \TE S T FASH ION~ . eyery·cvcni.nga.L Pr o'clock, (excep t Satiu-days, \Vhcn sJie kan~5 nt 2 o clock, 1(. l'..:1., fur Brigh ton). This is th~ favori to sununcr ro ute fr oill Toront o t o Rur.;hesl ,t~ r. i i.l ba.ny, &c. T h e ch e:i.pest and qui.ckcst r Ontc from porn ts J:;ast of Port H op e on ti ~~ Gr und '.I;run k, t o 11.[1 d 1ester, H;:ffnlo, &c. ) Ihc fa vol·1tc r ou te to A. vu11 and Clifton Si)1·i n g !'! . _ Passen gers and frCi..ll t t riJ·e car~ al .,n',,.. i::.{de ~1 t-~1 m er a~ ·HoChe.ster J~u.:ncli;g~ ' ~ u c; " ~ 011 1tec L~on 1n n,de. a t Qobonxg anti J'flrt H o .re w 1lh H oyal L 1n c ..;:t euiner 8 fruu 1 i:rl1iuilton nnd 11fontrc.~!. ·- " ' . Th e N o1 ·s 0mn,n v.riU cnll at t h e Port Of JJar ltn;;t on every \ \rgD:'l"ESD<\Y ).~OHKlKC l s h oU.ld s11fti6ivut fr eiglit o.ft'cr . Adcll·c-s·s, R. C, C AH.T IEH, 37-t f P ort, Hope, Ont. N E1iv SHuTTLE oR Locrr-S~rTcH: SE_ W I NG J'v_ I° A O I-I INES, .FAMILY USE AND LI GII T MANUFAGTUlUNG ~ izj izj H ~ ··General Sewing-Machine Agency, .. ' .ALSO MARKET B UJl,DlNGS, ANJJ EOBCAYGEON 'R · ~~~~- -~~~~ 0 H Large Stock BOvVM .t\.NVILLE OF CAN BE BUILT . Mrs . J. C. 'P ollard H AS Rl<:<.'Ei.noD A F ULL ASSORTM~ LL l NE~Y GOO D S, .\fli.:NT or' '\V itbo ut .Hai!!ia _ 1 g the· Taxes, DY C.A.LLIKG .A.T ""3 ~ Cbr the S pi·ing trade, con,;b i l;.,.: of BonndH. H:1 t r1, , · ~iblmm;;, Feather~ li'lo,;- c;;:., '""c',"· &{'.,which s he offers lo 1hP. Ja('.ties of l3 0\l.'.!1i : ~ · : \ tl!o a n d su1·- l.'OUJlding cciuutr'J, i:1t lowest prlOO. _ .Also in stock, Lntlie:;· Collars an d Culi'>J. llr I and K1nbroide ry m.atel'ials ; a nd Cents' Co lltu·s l · i· l\'fachin e se\.\·ing done to order ; afo o Sb:tn1~1 li1;; for " Braill 'Vork. A.11 orders pr 01up tl~· fillcll . Stor o T v;o dool's JG a st of 1Icnderson 's Hotel. an cl C11tfs. · I I -I I ., i Jl.n l'l.!(emcri am . EXPE"DITURES Still A h ead. s omEES, TE:A I> ARTIES, HALL SUP PERS, P UBLIC DINNERS, WEDDING CAKES, Got up in the b est sty le atnd on r ea sonable t erms 1 . b}· the subscrib er. Tl1c_ w h itest, the swed,P ~~ and best bre ad dcliYcrcd daily t o custon1ers in ' a.J. l pa.rte of the tow n . 15-3-1 ......... ~in h on or of t he dca tl, Hea ve n Jrns nt~>Cl"er1 no prolubit ion, and E arth is not injurell, but b e neft.t ~ed , by them. : _,~,JI tJ1osc b ean11f nl e u 1ble rn s -·w hi ch - a d oTn t h e DJ.any t orr1h s aroo n n. which \Ye loYe t o hnger, a ssure us .vc ar<:> in ri, >vorl c l of v. :tr:m a.lld lo'V-:ing hca1ts; t h P ad Pn 1in *" of em 8epulchrcs of the "love d one~· al:cviates Oll l' gl'ief :;:oothcs the 1..-ou1H ]c tl ·h eo..rt. It o,Jso ch e er s ti.le be. r eaycd lo k nrrw thnt an addition al em· beUisl11ne11t ·of ilJ6 graYe preseitt s Rtrongcr att r actioos t o nl"n st. th e attcn t iu11 of the stta ngc1';ar..d. cct it:-;Ht-> h irn I D >anse a nd learn 'the 11a n1c of one w110 urn shared so largely i n the love _ of o tJ1ers. Vi'e Lak e t h is m <i'tbod t o in f'o r m vou th nt we can fill ol'ders for clccora.t ing'tlic grny cs of depa.T!.ed ftiends, a t lo"v rtgu.rcs, c:xccuted iu !h e best style .0f - 11'.. GAINST Anderson & Co's1 NE G E .N 'I.' L E M E N 'S lJEAR Srn, - J L a vin:; u sed thre e bottlcG o r '.\" (11· VU]Ua ble medicine in Iii )"" fa1nily_with good effect, I fee) safe in recon1mcrn:Ung t.h e Jtureka for gcuoal D~hilit.y, I na ction of llm T.iver, Loss of Appo Ute, &c ., it having been used for U1u nboYe corn · dJn_ i nts in m r fa mily . Yours rc.spcctfully, J. FUHUBON, 1\.1. E. :i\'linistc:r. :M:n. ![. E. R O,VE, Ly n, Oct. 3rd , 1870 · .. -1 .Boot & Shoe Store. HAJJI 'l'AN 'l 'S of Bo·vinan villc and slU-r o unding co unt ry" that· "\Y e are 110,v selling B oots nn<l. Shorn~ at P r ices that cci.nnot fnil to please, a ntl fro m the variecl assOr tn1ent t he most fas tidious m a y be suited. · "Lo c nrum l\IOST SIMPLE MACHINE I N THE Ji-LA .RICET...:_ONLY ABO UT ONE KMAN" l ·w o1·k1nanship . - l'I I OKTJlrIEN_TS, 1'AB LETS, ETC.: 0 11" 'l'BE D'I:N"ES'.r ·QUALl1'Y OF' I1'ALIA.l\~ & .AMERIQA-71/ , ]"ff.A RBLE" ~-~ :NJ) - -1. J1"01JR'l'H Ll1e parts in its c onstiruction t11ni is in tith er :M:nehines, th cl'Cfore oul;v ON E -FOU R TH a s liab)c t o get out of orde r. I t is D u ra ble in all its pa.r ts; and everv m ot.ion positiVC , l t has the un· der or four inot ion fc ed - 1'he best in ttse, a.nd 1vill pass l'rom t he filles.t l\iuslin Lo tbe.cOars cst of 1voi·k withou t ch auge of eit h er TENSION or S'l' l'rC H. I t ll1akes tlie Genuin e SHU7 '.TL}J) 01· LOCI( ST11'CJ-I, alike on bot h sides, so fa m ous for it s St?·ength, Bea'lf.l y or D urability unll "'iVILL NO·r R IP It r uns ra.pidl~· tuul .m es e. Short S traig ht .N eedle, ·whlc h iG easil y a clj uste<l. int o place antl 11ot near sO lla b1e to D r e:nk. f t is .Wgh ly orna 1nented, equal t o an y of the hi gh pric e ){a.chines. It ·vill F:µ,IN"GE, By strict 'au.enti..on to "business a shnrc of your patronage is solicited. JtE D on't fti il to cnll. WE REG TO INFORM THE IN- FURNISHNIGS cauised b y a -disor dered st.ornach, and j mp~r fect. digestio,1 · ""ith· su ccess., When other re 111 e d:i:~c.c 1 fail ed t o < om~ nn y gooa , and I RID satisfied cul that. is,n9Cesso.ry to qonvince any pc r 8on of itR m crltS ~\'...Olll d ]Je to wve it a trial, a n d I choerfulJ ~ l'CC0 JJJ ll\f5n d i~, 1 ,o ail ·w hose condition dema1ld u.uyt of tbi~ 11a.turc. :\fn. i-r. E . Ro,vF., S1n,- I J1nY e used Rureka. for Sfok LyJl, l\!ay 11th, 1870: Rea d ach1:c1~ f - E . Co&ic· P~~p'r oJ.1,y p " tc)ule n Ji"act or)·, .Tweeds, etc.,-etc. HEM,' :FELL, TUCK, COHD, BIND, FRILL, GATHER, QUILT, BRAID ur anything that any other Machine will do. IT I S JUST THE MACHINE FOH F or sa Jc rctuil uutl wlwle ~a10 by a ll tlr.u ggisf..<1 N OH1'IlROP & LYMAN, N c1ycnstle, Ont. J. WJXER &.Co., lla111ilt on. Il. H. I\'ll l'CJIEL, Londou. ALEX. F LETCHER. SCOTCH AJJl,l: RD ~EN GH.A.l';ITE, suppliccl on short not ice. R\.-'flryth:ing per taining t o Cen1c tcry . :cw c rk .._,ill m eet ·with p_rompt a tt ention, by lc.:!.d ug , orde1 ·s with C. B OU NSALL, . llo-.;v in anyjllc. STAND, TWO DOORS WEST OF MURDOCH BROTHERS. K ing S t., llov;nuinv April 20, 1871. AJS"DEHS ON & CO. H-tf, PRIVATE FAMILIES, NIILLINERS; DRESS-MAKERS to others, w hich ·"TI-·e cannot explain ]1 ei~ but 1.vill l ie pleased to for ,vard Circulars and Sam ples of work e v er y wher e o n-application. DIScOUNT TO CLEitG Yl\i EN. : TAILORS, AllD FARMERS. · . . ' I§.'~ There are many !Joints of e:irnellence about the Machine, Superior JP'ff"· MACJII NEH F ULLY WARRA NTED,~ INSPECTION INVITED. 1 Spring Fashi on.s t--0 make J.Jadies, D1·esses uud l\fa11 Lle:; ~ ,.-,HF. suBscru BER.rus Now THE <.J. Fash ions for th fa K pnng, 1871, and1s prep~r ed 'AS usi:;~u, I N LATEST STYLE8. ' I 1 P hoto graphs l ..._ "' · · __ . Edwir1 I--Ior.sey, ~~ }fo AGENT wanted in Bowmanville, and in e~;ery other Town where J. C. TODD, General Ageut. JJIURD«;J~H BROS, we h a ve no t go t one nlrca.dy e stablished. Larger irnducemeu ts t h nn uny oth er company. FITTED the Gal!ery Iat"~ly r.ff Pa1-ticular atteiltion paid to cutlmg a.rul occupie d by l\iir. li. 'l'a1t, is 11ow pT'cpare<l to take :fit t ing. 2vIHS. ALEX. FLETCHER \ PH 0 1'0GRJ.I'l1S IN ALT, STYL"R'l - A P.r11 12, JSil. 3i·t f. . ..L~D TH E SUBSCRIBER HAVING 11nd imp rov ccl A'l' nY- DE Al ,Jm IN 7 Rossin Hoiise Block, Tp ;·onto, On l, 16-41 MILLINERY P1·oclain1 the Glad 1.'itliug·s! _ Itemed v a nd Pills, of the ~iu fn ent Indi"-n Jl;fedi.ctn e .111'(1.n Doctor T.1~wis .Jose.1)hus · cf th{.\ Great 'l'riUe of Shoshonees, Briti sh Colulnhi{l..' Js w od tln.g the n1oat 1nol'vclon:1 and ' nstouish ing Cu l-es t h o '\V-or ld ever hoord of. N e,ver lii thf' annals of Canadian l\l C<licn.l Hi:;:;tory hns s uclt success a t tended th e 1ntrottuetion or any m cdl · cine h ere tofore.· rrHA'l' THE GR.EA'l' SH08B O'.N'EE8 ...¢\...G EN C Y O F THE LOW EST rRIC l!;s . Pict ures mat;le in all }:inds of w eat her. HARDWARE, C"CTLERY, NAILS, · rRON, STEL .AND ALL KI~DS 0~' 1871. " IIlON~rONGERY. 1871. SHOW Ro:o:M. BO WMANYII, L E SA T ISFAC 'rI ON G lJA RA NTE E l'. A call rf:sp~ctru ll y solicilcct . G2'll2:cy- - Col'n cr 01 Jr:ing and D i ~>ision Strec~ls, ei i Ira nee oDposit e ·Mr. TrelQ-von's shoe store. · F A I~ MING JOHN ·J\crcLEOD, I MPORTER 01" HARDWARE, IRO N, WI NDOW GLASS," PAI NTS,- OILS, Murdoch Manufacturer,of all k inds of Tinware, B~~·i'R,~1:~~1Jf!t~~r1~.t~R!Es a ndEL1i:C'l'HO-PLAT E SI LVER,VAnE. .A X D D~ .A.Ll~l WHY7 . Si l\iPLY because t.hc nuu1croua Yalua.ble achn1 mcclicina.l .ve&'eta.01.e ingredients, (.so1no of , ,·hicb; 've "\\'ill me n t.1on ;·S111;h a.<;; t,he Kxtmcts l ·f \Vild Ch er1·y B;trk, ' Podoph:1 ·]Jum 1 J un iper ·~Quaijsi.3. Sma1-tweed, Dandelion, H yosr-yam tls, b-Oi npouud Extract of Colocynth, Jala p. HocOtriuc .A Ioes C11:psicu m &c.,.&f?.,) \\'h icl~ c: nt~I intothc cotiipo: s1tion oft 1 ie com b1nod 1ncchcrue ,· are :-ou ch a nd so h ar1nonio11sly classified anct. sQnipmm d ed it is n1ude tbe 1nost. sea1·ching cu1·ari ve ' in t he known w orld, unll ca.nn ot help l1ut . a c t on th ('! svHL11m in 1~ YeJ'"Y sn,th;f,tcLvrr fi n d. dcoira\..Jle man . 11< ·1-. Xo ma tter ,~-hat }'011r ~1JJmon t. ma~r '-tie, or j Jf how lon g stunding, lt w 1ll find rh e Gl;10t a n d a stonish r ou b~· th o l i;i,pld Jnunnel' in " "luoh yoµ . TOOK 'l'llE FIRS'l' PRIZI~ are r estftrcd io.:.t>erfocJ; hc8lt h ;-i 11t1 full y;igor. Th is l\:1cdicine is pleasant a nd 8~i:'fe tO tnkc nntl is "\Vn.r ra n ted .-·and may positively he r elied \i poLJ to make a permanen t cure"'nf all dise11Hes of th., Th roat, Lun gs ,· J~iver.;· Kidne~-s DigesLl.v e Orgau.&. AT Tl!E &:c., &:c., a s we ll :~s t!crofn.1<~ . the various S kirt D iseaSflS, 1J uu1ot s , a:n<l 1tll diseases ari ~ ing fr ou1 Tmpuri ty of the Blood, ' the 'l'hin i Staw-· of Cu n ~un1 ption. F urther iH fornrn tion, w i t.J i f nJI directions tor using th e Q1 cut 81.toshonees H en1etl ,~ ! un d Pills, und conta ining tet;limmnal<:> a.ud Ce rtj ~ ficates of Ctu·e1:1, c a n be obtaii1 c d by securuH; thf'I 'l'reatise,~the Hand·hook>i or tj1c 1\lm anac a nd CircuJtu·s fi mn u,11y r Bspce tnblc D i-'t1;.. '"',. 1;"isL ta t h e J~~t held at Tor-onto, over t he ni ost renowne1I J >omi.nion ·-frt~e~ I.~ricc of R,eniel111 in larae. lriat .!Jot tlc."> I.DO. Sewing Mttcl r in~s in the world, among ' which ills p er Box Zi:i ccnl:J~ were tJ1e ee1ebrated l l owc, 'Vhoolcr &~ "\V;:C:;n, TOOL S , appointed ·r et ail agent by the B o wn mn v1lle Furnitur e )\fanu far:t ur111g Co., is no1v in t:. p o .:fi~ ti oil t.o fill all orders at a.S lo\Y a rate ns u.ny deal- 1 tn· in th e county. H OB'!'. S. 2vU.N NING. 11·26 T HE SUBSCRIBER H AYING BRlilN ~(· I ,j EDWIN J. F LE 'l'OH EH, .April 2ijth, 1871. 16-:J!J-tr CRADLES, SCYTHES, FORKS, HOES, RA.Im ~. .Plants fo r Sale, llOT BED &, COJ,D BED PLANTS. NEW TIN SI-IOP IX P ritr.H Oxha rt, Prcn1iu1n F lat Dutch, Am en~ an b y .Joh n A llen , corner of, · · i lupro»ec l Savoy, R ed Drwn h enq, la rge. f! 1r JlH~k K ri>a AKD DIVISIO N STRE ETS .. l ' as tie ling. My Cn.bbng·o t ook th e Fu-1St P n zc at Llrn lnst Provip.cia.l l fair. Bnwn 1n.n v ille, ,.,.·11ore h e 1yill l~eep consL anlJy on ' T in, Sheet .Iron and Copper T :Vare made t"' 1 .. ll:icrnl a weU sol ec teclstockof stoves, Jap~ d d' t 7 l ll 1· . · .:1 ·.;.;: ' c: : ~·' attention · t o t h' l' "' T ·z r ! CA ULIFLOWER unDed, pres~od a, nd 'l'inwnre, or· . er an 1WP_ on ru:uu ; a 1r.vru1.B oJ OJ· JVpec·wu. ts 'lne-~J.l a1 .~, 11oc .:s, M'i ll, Oross-Cu,t and B and SavJ s; &ales Platforni OAid Or n1m:te1·; B o;ing 1Yfachi1 ne'i; CABBAGE. 1Vagon Mafe;'ial, i1 'u:lud ing S1na1·t's P a ... ' IAS MUCH P LEASURE IN INtent Sclf-Oiiilng seaniless 'Wagon.Sksins; FO R MING t he inh a bitants ofilov.'llla.nvillc · 1~ARLY YORK, AND WINNING, P aints, Uil.s, Glass, Sta,,; ~ and a nd su rroundilig country L lrnt h e. ha s "Open ed ~ ~· r AD 'I', T.11.l.o 1\-ra.r blohcad; IVIammoth, T Mvu:are S l one 1'. fmm n. nrun1 hcr,d , Robinson 's Cilln n:p1on ol,L a. Ne\\' 'l'm 8hop in the store Ia l -t-~1 1,; occu pied J w . l .rn Bo w111AN'v 1LLE. &c., & e.; Stoves, Carriage H ardware, Bent Stuff; Spokes and· Hubs, '·' ,., ' J U ST RECE!V.ffiV ..A . L ARGE .ASSORT1\1E!\1' OF , STOCK OFjlUILLlN ERY ' GOODS · IS NOW G. REED Spmles ~ G al'tlen, D,rawi ng ant! Ditching,Coi'nish Shovels, Rakes, Scyt h e o;, l<'orks, :nail a:U lri11ds o C Garden. and F a ~.m.i1P. g· ·,;·oo!s . f c 0 p L -E E Pi·o'-tiucia! Exhibition cI:rEAP l ( ;H EAPEST. The Bl.1ilding Trade. - WITH > "LL _l'}f:E: Latest Novelties of th9 ·Season, .\ND U NDER THE :MANA(, EMEN1" OF EAHJ_,Y --Ilal f P a ris or Demi dnr. LATE, · J ,u Normo;1d ;;;;hort 8ternrncc1, 'f h e ltalian Gian t, th e A u tumnal-Hia.nL. " QIIE _,,l ; TJ AS THE C.):1..E_4.P BS'l.,." Special a ttention 1xtid to -..vhich he \ Vil! sell bSi n g ~,oili,e 1 ;·,i,tlti, .lliea~nesstanC d,.., Des1:t.cli.. P£-Cia a.1i-t:'n ion giten o ,,wese .L'ac.. t ory appa.r~tt~.J, si1,ch as f ...ats, H eat.. ers, M iU.: Pan.s, , &c. , &c. B - i n~1es, Glo,.ss, S ash, P1df;y, Paints, , Oils. TT~J~;i,i,qlJC:., ' E ave '1.'rouglM, "JTTindow wnd Cords and :Pa.ssel.s and , " . · . . . , Evcr y tltiriy else. requi red, aJicl tlv. d i n one p~ace, thw ntt1ig ~ greater ind ucernents to the &uyer than any other House in th-0 T rad.c, ichiChof .;/,self ' TO MA 'rOES. 'l'hc Gevera! Gran t, the Feo-oo, th c. Alger , the UTeu t...CLfhua.h~a. Oran gcfi cfd1 111;'.lm m:oth 911~s1m·, 1-...ey s Pl"ohfich thc Cooks ~.'l vm· . to, Ea.1Jy York , Dr:.· nvf Scoto , La.rge Hcd, Boston 1'-ifarker., the Celebra t ed 'l'rophy, A lso a Yariety of Ct~l ery , Pepper, ancl Flower ) ']ants. TJrnse 11lanl3 will all be l'0fl.dy in their season. To be had at Mr. l tiirginb oth a n1's, sonl c of the k .ad:ng Gr occ1·y St oTcS , a n d u,t the S n l'":'C'--:ber's l l csidcncc. i'\'I IS S - IU c TA.VIS B _, 'vho will till a ll ordor s 1 1rompt tr. l\A V ETltO UG III NG AN D JOBBING W' Or<lers from the country prom1iUy attended to. ALL WORK WARRANTED 1'(J BE A. 1.- IP you DON 'T BE LIEVE l'J · ' . . LOA.KS F OR FROM ONE TO TWEN . ubllc, ·nnd pro ves con ci llSiv ely ~he S U1'.F:~Iuo1n'l'Y TY years t o h f! t·epmrl in instaJm~nts to Slti. t I.P OF~ T ,,,OOif .,J J fA 1 V" 02-~ER -tiOl'l'OWe rR, who pa ~. TlTll:. " ALL OTIIERl'-1. fl.l"P, I preTiously [ &c. is olily a c onfirmation of the v~rdict ~ r e nde r ed by the Great Cannc linn MOll:e')~ to Loa11. is no·7natt"i:i4vc m,tage. \- HARVJ£Y DR.AP J<:H . l ~.owrn .1r v il l<:' , 1\fa.. ;o' 11, 18(1. 41-t:. t.St" mg~eSL price paid fo r Ilides, Shccpsldns, V VooI-JJickings, Coppe r, Feuthcr& a.nd Iloi·schair. :ar· Gre::i.t inducemen ts h eld cut Lo pcdlcr e. I\ . B.-Fru·n1ers \Yantin g 1iilk Pail s or !-'a n s PEDL 4RS. Rem ember my1:f otto : Srnn.ll pro!lt Agen t for "\Vay & Do"lli11in;;·'s w o1ilrl r:lo ;·,;ell t o ca ll aJJ. d examine nn t- 1.<lck be- 1 q.nd qu1ck retnrnf-1. 1 rh<1 hlgbcst n1·ice pa id tnr l'm·e JHtrohm~i n g c lse,vlior e . .A sharC of P ublic 1 liides , Sh Ccp Skin!';, 'V"ool .Pickhigs, RagE , old: p:11ron:<;:rc rc"pectJully so1icired. , I Coppor, Brass, Fra1h~n,, horse l, &c. r \-'/ . C. REED , ( ElJ\VlN ' H OH.SE Y. . . . Ji<.n \'l.n:.nivHle. :VIoi..vch Slh, 187l. ;12 tf, Bo wmnnvillc, :Ilila.'-· 1l, 187 1. ,U t "\V elltngton Bwld1ng, Bo"\.-\o-n1a1n1ll e, A. p1 ~l lDth, 1871 · GI vE ]\'[ E - A T R I A l . rr1cnt.s, in tH. '!dition to 41at,i.;, as they f!.1<i..\· Si."f' P...· & II. O 'l~.A.RA. , \Vholcsalo a nd :find con venie nt, m ay lie obta rnt:'tl from the Ca . Agents. · AiaO; a.gen ts for Guelph se,ving l\fa- ~~ P:i~f~gar:nt JJni.lding v.n<l. & u ' ing Society, " JtA.ftE \VELL. 11r~g~~~. 11~.J~i~~~Ne. " ;t:ff"Pd -vate fo ii=tlH 1 .o h w 1o. _ - (H t allo\.\"ed 10' m a.k e s u c h N .B.--FEATIIERS FOR ,TOI --I N SALE. 'j ~1:cT... T~OD . . I Patent Mangle. Tbil~ is a. n ew branch of t hl,ir b1i·ineM a nd the I chine Co., Grover &· Buke r , Si.ngar, II01vc a nd Stock will be found :\Villia1na' 1\fachin es. \Ve h ave on hand a a full st-Ock o! the LITTLE ,~.,. ANZE Lt Mnchinea. C HEAP AND GOOD . Ec~·.mnnt"ille, April 2-0lJi, 1871 . ~ :Jll-tf. l Persons not satisfie d w ith one l.Iac11inc can exchnuge for a.ny other ins.itl.c of thirty day!'!. Re- Bricks! Dt·icks ? · ES,, member ;R.& H. OHams i s the SE\VING MA~ FOR S EDSALE, , ,, 1 .1 l\tAOHINE-MADEPR t. t i h . · B · 1 11 c r1c cs, n . w 0 s aw·a. 'fllO' CHJ!'l-Jr. DEPOT. '"\Yo1'ks. JOI-IN "\VI LS ON . " · : t