THE POWER OF APP .ETITE Mr R E H,tle, a tc1nperance lecturer, was t ravelhnJ tn New Ha.r11psh11e '\Vlule '~:11t1ng one da.y in the~ Blt t1ng~roo1n of a hotel for the arrn al of the stage that sl w uld take lum to a. tO'Wll a fe'v miles frotn the railroad, there entered ~\. trembling man, carr;~1nng a. sn1all package of clotlung , go ing UJ:J to 1he bar 1 he said , " Landlord, I tun burning G·1ve ine ,\ glass of gin ' The l;mdlor d turned to the ]Jar, and opened the door Then he pomted to a Iohg hnc: of chalk ina1ks on the inside of the door, and said, coolly, "John, you see the old score·, you can't h ave anOther drop of gm until it is paid off " The poor wretch stood an<l glar ed fierce1) upon the man behmd the bar "La id 1ord 1" he cried, " L andlo1d, Ji ou don't mean that You have got my farm You 11ave got IDJ horses and my ox.en You have got all my t ools Lamllonl I have hrought you to day all I h,L\ e left m the world , this little bundle of clothe· It is not "'orth 1nuch, b ecause the clothes are old, but they ar e :;ll I have Oh, landlord, please give me for these JUSt one glass of g1n1" But the man behmd the bar ",1.s calm and unconcerned "Your old do not want You can h.'live no more un· til the old score is" The Q.runkatd stagg(~red, n.nd it seen1cd as if he would fall Mr Hale turned towardlum anll said, u What \'illl ) ou gn P. n1e for enough to buy tV{O glasses of gin ?" "Give you 1', said the drunkard, " I h"' e nothmg to giYe, eKcept t his little bundle of clothes, I don't belle· e you want it, stranger." "I 5ee fou have on your feet a pretty good pair of boots," said Mr Hale u W11l you give me your boots, for these ten cents?" The drunkard stood engaged for a n1on1 cnt m deep thou ght At last he said "Stranger, if I give yon the boot:;, I rnnst go out into the snow footed, if I give you the hoots, I inust freeze t o death , if I d >not give you the boots, I must bum to death Stranger, it is h arder to burn than it is to freeze So I will you the boots" ..r:.1- LAD went thro11gh a pt"tnh1g m1l1 1ecently II1s rough edges were so th.01oughly 8u1ooihcd th0it his recovei'Y " doubtful. TO 0-WNERS OF Large and Varied Assortmer1 t Farm Property SUITED TO THE SEASON, -AN D- Parlor Albums Friendly Advice! IN FIVE QUARTO VOLU·IES Pncei $9 00 per volume, or To tlie Editor. THE la.test invention m a.dvertlsing :is that of a Hai tford~ patent meilicme nun, who has sheared Ins dog, &nd pamted on tJie a.n1n10..l the name of }us un1~crsn.l CU!e has not gone to LJ lJlJlJIJ1, as '\as reported The latest news f1 on1 J11m states that he was at Txyxyxyxy He Wa.'! m a destitute con LIVIIS GSTONTil .,.OF d1tion, having no changes to note, and no notes to change J N the n1useu111 at Cassel, Gerinany, i~ a library from 500 European trees The back of each rnlnmc ill formed of the bark of a t:ree, the Sldes of the perfect ~ ood, the top of young wood, and the bottom of old When opened, the hook is found to be a box, contan11ng the Howet, seed, fruit and leo;~ es of the tree, either dried 01 imitated in 'vax PLAIN A Goon lloRSE 'I1here is mnch plea.sure and pro.fl t in th e service of a good horse, ;;nd but very ltttle of either m a bad one, no per.:;on from cho1ce " l r etain a Lad ho1se, nlany, ho1vever are n1 po~scss1on of ,uch who need not be Vie tlunk there are fe1v horses so bad but that their con- .AND o" ners, wlnch, there is nothing equal to 'Darley~s Cond1t11)n Powders and Arabian Heave Remedy,' it has ellected astomshmg results in thousands of cases Ren1ember tho name and see that the signature of IIurd & Co , IS on <; p:.:td'-age NorM throp & Lyman, Ne" castle Ont , proprict01s for Canada. Sold by all m edtcme dealers CoNSU:!l!IPTION, so p1evq.lent and so fi).tal, lS dreaded as the great sco11rge of our race, and yet in the formn.t1Ye stages, all pulmonary complamts may be readily controlled by us1ng "BiJan's Puhh.on1c Wafers" They wi.11 r elieve the i" 01-st cough 1n a few 1n111utcs, and have ~i 1uost beneficial influ ence on the bronc1na.l and pulrnonary or~ gans, but they inust be used in tnne P ~tbl i c sp-.a.kers and singers v;ill alf!o derive great He sat down and con11ne11ced to drav. benefit by using them So1 l by all drug the boots from his feet But ]\fr Ha e gists and country dealers Price 25 cents had' no intention of fu1n1slnng hin1 with per box l"SEFUL INFORMATION ~It 18 satd that money fer strong clrrnk Ife \'as n1orely experimenting t o find out how strong the olive 011 achninrnterecl internally 1s an ex. cellent remedy for tl.e gout, and is also beappetite really was There were other lookers on at this neficial in parlysis ,ta d ep1le1x~y, but for strange scene Three or four of ttem said the cure of rheu1nat ism, neu1.ilg1a, colds the man sho uld have Ins gm. T uey furn and cohc, the 1 e1nova.l of pain generally, ished it m liberal 'q uantity He drank all there t s nothing like the "Canadian Pam he could, antl took the rest away The D estroyet·/ ' it 1s the lnost reliable i en1edy stage carne soon after, nnd Mr. IIale :ptu For sale by all Drugg.sts and countiy dealers Puce 25 cents pet bottle sued lus Journey. 'Ihe next n101111ng he he :tr(l that the drunkard s fear had been ren.hzed He ltad left the bar roo1n, neither kno"'W111g nor ea.rang "'here he was going - '" f1en the ..l!Ll_ght mme lns liquor was gone, and he 1Went t <> "1eep m a barn Tbe frost k il!(g {(i11.ffie at undrught and took the unfortttna.te ll'.l11E. .m lus arn1~ The next Canadian Pain Destroyer. monung rthey .fi»::;[nd lum frozel1 to de~ith CJ11> ishauLat Hwte ORNAMENTAL PRINTING EXECUTED IN A ,[4TYLE Srn,-AR this is 1he sea!<lon INSURE YOUR PR OPER TY TN TUE of the year that people are in want of an extra supply of Dry ' I N FAKCY AND DRY GOODS AND TRIMM:tNGS Goods, C Jot h 1 n g, G1 ocerie:> , THIS STOCK 0]' STAPLE EVERY DAY GOODS IS AS USUAL -ANDBoots and SLoes, &c, \\ould it ~ A 1, AND BEING IMPORTED BY HIMSELl" Save Half Your Money. not be a great benefit to ) our British readers in Darlmgton and v1cin· Head Office for Canada, Klllgston. WILL BE SOLD AT ity to know the best place to HIS old and well estabhsbe rl Oom pany ~ PRICES SO PALPABLY CHEAP _m purchase. Numerous m erchant1:1 insures aothtng hut Fa.rm Property and detached Residences, and Iss ies Pollc1e,a at be sold separately, if demed. Sold by Sub- are offeri11g apparently g reat ine.s to commend them to close buyers, who respectfully Greately Reduced Rates scription, Only, INVITED TO ~CALL AND UDGE FOR THEM SEL V Yol I Is devoted to Wild American Birds ducem ents, but the best place ASSETS ... $5rJO,OOO 00 Vol, II Continue V\.,.1 ld A._me nca.n An1m11 ls Depos1ted with the Finance MinisVol III Am erican Dome!t1c~ted Birds and to purchase i" at ELLIOTT'S GLASGOW HOUSE, te1 fur pecial bene fit of Canadian Animal!! General Store, HAMPTON, where TH01'.1:AS PATERSON. Bowmanv1lle, April, 18il .. Pohcyholdcrs, over ·· ~. $68 000 Vol JV F ore1gn Buds and An1mnls a g1eat vauety is always k ept Vol V Fishes, Reptiles and Insects See th· followin g Oerttfiratcs This work will at on ce counnend 1 t~el f to in stock, at r easonabl e price:'!. 1 Tb1s IS to certify tbnt the .i:'\.gr1cu tnral Jn~ the cult1vn.ted American people, and no lisnra.nce Company having depos ited in the b1ary w1il 1 hereafter, be complete w1thM Elliott's clothing is as stylish hands of the Receiver Gene1al or O~nada, ~ut th is add 1t1on to its treasureS 1 w hi le ns ~-~ the sum of F}fty.four 'l'housa Rcl P nre Hunas any; his assortment of cloths dred, in United States boi.1'1s, as re- parlor amu sement 1 t is unequalled bv American publications ~ quired b,Y. the Act of OanadR 31 Vic cha is very co mplete; Ladie s' dress 48i sec 22, 1s here by li ce nsed to carry on Agents Wanted. goods---a verv t he business 1n Cnnada of Fire Insurance . fashionable lot·, N ANNOUKCING THE OPENING OF THE We will give agcnte: very 111:.era.1 terms for Dated at the City of Ottawa, the 2nd dsy sellrng the above described pubhcat1ons, and Elhoft's groceries are of the of Jone, 1870 Depos1t1ncreased,e111cedatcofaboi; c ce1 hflcate wish to a1lpo1n ~ an Agent 1n every town 1n very btst desc1 ipt10n, and low the United States and Bntiah Provinces to over $68 000 Expenen ced book agents 11nd all other per· JoHN LANGTON, fo r Mir ister of F1nanct! in piice,-·-he rnlls c mrnnts a would take the opportun1tJ ofinforn11ng tbe public that h e u1 prepared lo attend to their orders 'Ihrn 1s to ce_rt1fy t hat I have been acqua1Dt- s:o11s of respectability should apply at once Having received and bcing 1n receipt ot n. 'ety good asso1tn1ent of the Any Y C' 1 . ng Man, or Young Lady, can, by de~ ed with the Officer::; a.nd Manager3 of tl1e 5c, per lb- and upward s, raisins Agncnltu1al Insura.nce Compa.ny for m11ny voting short time during the day or evenNewest and Most Fashionable Goods ing, f\ complete set of expense, f1ee at lOc-. and upw aids, h is tea is 1, and also with the. business operations l of the C ompnny, a nd have no hesilati0n 1n 01, 1f preferred, we will allow large Comm1snot surpafised. If you are in and aa he has deterfilined to conduct business on the recommending 1t as a perfectly safe and 10 s1on In Cash We have prep:ired a most ben.utiru1 e Con1[HlDJ,an<l 1ts Officers as cornpe. Principle, Great Bargains -w-ill be given. teot and hono1 tble bus1nes::1 men, a nd as 1t Speflirncn Book Cor Agenh, con- want ot a firSt·class Sewing insures nothmg but Fn rrn Prop e1ty and d.-.- tRn11ng O o( the Oil Cbromol!I, 10 Steel En- Machrne, EIJ10H's is the place NB -AU oul.itandi119 """'""'ts aTe requested l-0 be aettkd v.~thout delay. tncbed Dwelhngs, a.nd bns $530 000 Asa etB gravn1gs1 10 \Vo od Engray1ngs and 50 I consider i t responsible beyond any contiu pages of descr1pt1ve reading, be mg selection s to buy--you can get a Lockman, DAVID FORBES. gene) from 1olume, toge ther v.1th blank pAWanzer, or H I!Y otl1er kind, at per, !!lpec1menJ of b1nd1ng, &:c 1 ~c. Our Specimen Book ha~ cost u::i qu ite or below manufacturers' p1ices. We bnye Pxrtm1ned 1utu the condition and la1gcl,r, aud we do not w1sh to send it to persons who do nqt intend to act as ngents, 9taud1ng: ot the Agr culLLI.ral Insurance Elliott has lately added an asCompaay, and do filly concur '" 1th Mi, Oe - but to on e who 1'111 malH~i an effort to procure sub~cribers to the \Yo1k, we will sortment of clocks to his s tock en in rccommend1ng 1" to the J'nrme1s ut th is ' Provi nce, a.s on~ petfectly safe and reha.bJe send the Specimen 13ook 1 p1 epn1d, on receipt s e 11 s rem a rkably of 40 cents to cover postage Enclowe stamp which he 1n wbich to insure theu propetty foi 1 eply and address cheap, and warran ts them . He -ATJ 0 CLARK, Bnnk C' r AMERICAN PUBLISHING Oo, J VA RRUTHR:JtB & Co acts also as agent for most of GEO A Kin KP A rn1cu:> M~ P . RUTT AND V1 B !f IlRl l TON the leading Newspapers. Thoss \Ve woultl refer you to the follow1 ng gen PltO Slt'ECTU~ l"OR i ..,71 , :i w ant should give htm a call 'lcmen, 1n regnrtl to the respons1 b11Ity of thi> EATTI~GaS! Oompanv -D Fisher, E~q C[l,sh1er of the at once. fill kmdsoffa1m proOota11G. Pank' Jno McLf'od, J\f r p J B THE LAD:Y-'8 FRll.ND. d nee taken in exchnnge. AcFa1rbfLllL. Esq, Po stmus tc 1, J E Fttrewell Esq , Ball I'lter count::; due on Ist .April and 1st Agent for Oobourg a.nd v1c101ty October. WILLI ;\!.! T FISH W. R OLIUIE Loca l Ag ent nt Bowman Yours, -&c., v 11la EMBRACING A VERY FINE SELECTION OF WHAT IS New and Fashionable, DIRECT from- the DETACHED RESIDENCES. 40,00 pe1· Set Complete. D Agricultural Insurance Com~any, Markets, T ESCRIPTION OF THE WORK THE PARLOR Arnuu 1 s doubtless the moe:t exLen~nve ART GALLERY ever published, and by those "ho ba:ve examined the several portions of the wo k, it has been pronoun ced "The Chmax of Beauty ' Eecb volume conbuns .,0 full page Chromo Lithographs , in Q1l Colors, 40 full page S teel Engravings, 40 fu11 uage engravings on wood and 260 pages of read1ng matte", descr1pti-ve of the tllnstrn.t1on s1 the whole making each vclume about one half as thick, 11.nd same sized pages, of Webstec's largest Dictionary Eac h volume is complete i n its el f and will Special Announcement. / ,l - D. F 0 RB ES 1 1 SPRING TRADE 1 NEW SPI1ING GOODS 1 1 I New Project I 1 1 --- o--I111tortant to Fa1·mers and t11e PuJ>lic c;;enerally. Dee 1870 l·'llIENDLY ADVI SER, D ecember 14, 1870 SECOND TO ENLARGEMEN T OF NO "l-XTlfI. PORTER WOULD MOST RESPEC'l'FULLY ANNOUNCE TO THE l'l' inha b1ta.nts of Bo" man' Jlle and sunoundmg ' Je1n1ty, fhat 11e has now on hnnd the follow m g new and co mplet e :stock of THEWAtr.1iJE JF GOOD ROADS It is an o'l.Z and tine, though trite, say e\ l'.!IJ body's bUSUlCSS 18110 bod-.. 's -,~ ·~:::ilus ts '\8IY true in respect tu ~~1~t:ey 1~ ls u1 almost all l ocahtte s under t&1d'al'lt)' syste rlll! at present m vogue ~e'v us <t3 locn.hty whe1e the roads are \':\\ ~ll 3-nd well kept, and we 'v1ll sho\\ \ ;)"Ut'i ta tl1TRJ.Ug ancl 1ntelh gent c inrr1un1ty 'JIIJ1at go<1>~ r oads add 'ery much to the valu:e of t.1.10 r eal est ate a.round the1n, lJiot orll~ :a well known fact iu the exper:teiwe dl any one who has ever been on the rf.!lRl.rah for a farrr1 or <l'Yi ell1ng place , but the;v ;ha,ve for aaes been co!ls dcred as the .:clnili tust of tl~e sta,te of c1vih:r.at1011 in W.htcl1 peoples and nations have existed 'We estimate the mtelligence of the ancient ID<mans Jnghly, from the fact that they imade roads, upwards of two thousand years ago, which ser ve the purposes of the .European nat io11s whtch use theni to-day "These 1oads were one g1ea.t agent in br1ng1ng to a state of en ihzat1on our ancient ancestors, v. ho a.t that tune dressed pr1n cipall) 111 blue pan1t i n the sumn1e1, and i1h1vcred in v.n1ter, ·w ith the shelter of n. sheepskin around their 101ns It is a matter of surprise that wlule nationally we, too, are lmprov1ng oui: pubb.c doma.10, and bru1ging unrler civ1liz111~ influences our wild races, by a'SSiStLng in the building of such a system of ro:tds ~is has never befo1 e been drea1nt of, we allow our country roads to be almost unfit for tra' el, hy neglect or ?badly apphed efforts If we were to ,1pp\y the test of roads (to say notlung of school-houses) to many districts th·t ,Te know, "e should mfer that they were pretty well behmd m the " march of 1n1prove1nent," and had o. pretty Jong road to travel bef01 e they got abreast of the present order of things 1ng, "W~ Steel and Gang Plou;s, Single and Double C1l7.tiiato1 s, Cook, Pai l-0 , and Bo-x. :Ag1 tcHltu.1 ai Ji1v11'1J..(«A ~, Cnoh:r ~, Root Cutte1'1 , I1on Fc1ic.1ng, &c N · B - 0 L D I H 0 N '1' 1A K E N I K 1£ X C H A N G E IHLLIAM P ORTBl~, lion Eounder 0 F }-, I c Bowmnnv11lc, K1u$ Street 1871 16 321! E 1 7 1 .. ~~ IN THE E OODS LIO~Uf PHn G ... ~i;;T"'El:s'ie)IulJ and n !ull es :S1ecrn.t De~pu l u h., s f10 rr a I 1 <.11l1!i ( f !he JJ01 ltlWll THE TELEGRAPH NEWS D 0 MIN I 0 N,, .Pu·Jcy's A1·abian Oil. FOR HORSESAND CATTLE. THJS vo.luo.ble pr1 parat101· combines all the 1nedic1nnl '1rtue of l;]Jn8e articles v; hich long expencnc~ has proved to poc.:.scss the n1ost safe and efficient :properL1es fo1 the cUl'e of Flesh "'rounds BruI.Ses, Ga.lls of nll kinds, Cracked IIeels Ru1g Bone Spavin, Un.llous, l 1s tula, Sweeney, External Poisons, Scratcl1 es or Grease, St.1 a n1s, 'L11mene"'S, M ange, ~,utlows, Corns, Saud Cracks, Foundered Feet, Horn Dis temper, Swe~ and many othel" diseases A KEVER--FAI LING REMEDY - .AT THE tvhich horses anc:f cattle are subJect to. Thu~ celebrated Liniment has been used for many ~ears, and, its curative properties thoroughly tested, and is con( eded to bo tho chcapRSt und most reliable remedy for all· nnl l ou1pla1nts ever offered to the pubho-it never fails when timely used and talthtully a]J To be had of o.U Dr.1ggrnts nnd Countrv lifer'. chants throughout the Dominion P rice 25 cents per bottle plied Spring Importations. iTATESMAN Bowma.nvillc, Ontario Northop &- L) man, Newcagtle, Ontaiio, Pro. prietors for Cunada Solu b y J HlGGINll01'HA.M a.nd D STOTT · CURIOUS Caors1tN GERMA:NY -A cor- --- - - The G1·eat Fc1malc Rcn1cdy. JOB MOSES' PERIODIC ,\.L PILLS VVM. McMRTRY HAS RECEIVED A L ARGE PORTION OF HIS NTING ESTABLISHMENT. respondent wr1t1ng fro1n N1ucmberg says forest trees me so extens1' ely ra1sed 111 Germany that they are one of the most co1nmon crops of that countcy The trees are planted In rov.:s a.s stralght as those of a cornfield H e says "Th er c is scarcel.) any 1vouc.l a., all in Germany but "·hut is thus cnltn atcd The land is m many !>laces so poor that lt cannot b e tilled evci:y year , so tha.t by t aking a nun1ber of to raise a crop of trees the occupants eile<.;t the double 1:1urposc of supplying t he111 selves "itll wood and of getting, at the end of that tune, fallo,J. g1ound aguli 0.1e ca 1 sec pin .. t ee fields of all ages, some with httlc trees of one or two years gro"th, and others with la1ge ones ready for t he axe " The fanners of N 01 thern Bayar1a. go extensively into th e fish-ra1s Ing, collecting the iYater from marishy places and clramed land mto fish ponds Mriny farnie1s 1n tlus w-a.y reahze as innch ' fro~11 then water:i as then land c1op Those of ou1 farn1ers who are troubled l\ith an cxces~ of '"'nt01: 1n1gl1t turn it to ac~ount hy taking a lnnt from theu Germn,n brethren Spring of \\ h ·ch he would call special atten t10n to the folio" mg hneo B sorted CHEMIST \ND DRUGGIST, EGS RESPECTFULL Y TO AN- NO'C !\CE that he h as rooe1 ved a "ell aH s tock of Gcnmne Dn1~ atl(l Pu1e English Chc1oicals Also a. splend1a stook of the rnost carefully selected DYB STUFFS· Dress Goods, TOB MOS E S, ~ E "I;\ YOTik SOLE PhOl RIETOB wluoh cn.nnot be mup~sed for excellency of qnnhty An as801tn1cnt of Aniline Dves kept constantly on hand, togetho.. with a choice se Iection of DRUGS, CHEMIC A.L.'3 NEW TYPE, $1 (:0 n.nd 12.!- cenl s for postage, enclosed to No1th1 op & L~rn an Ne"cast1c Ont, general agents fo r tJie Dun unmn "'"Ill insure a. bottle, containing ovei: 5{l pilb, b~ return niail. Prin.ts, Millinery, Cloths, Parasols, P . A. l.1£N'I i\IIEDI CJ!\ES, BRUSHES, COl\IBS, SHOULDER BR <l.CES, SUPPO!tl'ERS, &c' &c. OILS, P.AINTS COLORS, V Jr§ 1 Bowmanville, Sept 5t.h, 1870. ~R NISHE', I O:r;:rARIO B4.NK ?..1c :;rs Hr & II 0 II ARA, General Agents, Bowrawn1IIc Bo,vmanv1lle Out Sold by f HIGGINBOTHAM and D STOTT, l.110 -~ -~ and WIDTELEAD At the ver:v loweHL1111ces HOR~E 1 l lanhood : How J,ost, How Rcsto1«·c1. ~------~-~~- - - AND NEW PRESSES. AN ASSORTMENT OF Rccis ! Recs!! Bees ! ! ! Hats, Bonnets, Flowers, Feathers, &c., N 0 1' TO BE EXCELLTW IN TllIS PA RT OJJ' THE DOMINION JJ'OR STYLE, QUA LITY, .AND PRICES F Ol't S'..LE, BYE nca1 l{amp"'on B I1ALI1N AND HYBRID BEES, s_plcnd1ll At a re:'luced pnoe QUEENS, condition a 1111 conta.un ug YOtYNfr -wJnch is the great sec1ct of successful haTrn~ h een \\ lil a Boe c 11! u1c .Apnl Sth 1871 J SIMPSON THOMPSON ESQ. DIBECTOR OF 1HR RO~AL C AN A DIAN D.Al>l""K I'onONTO, Ma.roh 15th, 1870 .. BY MAIL PROMPTLY TO. R &H OHAR<,- ATTENDED LOvV.EST W. R. CLIMIE, l'BOl'RIBTOR. PR ICES A.d lH s,,, tlu~m, 1 H UTCHER'S LTG H TEKIC'!G FLY D K ille Dut cher Dend Shot for Bed Bugs 41 l m weekly Arrivals of New . Goods. 'Iry and sleep in J)eacc R & H J , L PETERS,5VV B1oadway New Y ork ·