t - ~-- - -- - - ~---- -- - - died recently in Conneaut, OlUo, in ~ ~ ' · SAM"CEL IluoK, an ecct:ntriq character, "" ' BOWMA N VILLE, THURSpA Y, ,J ULY THE SUBSCRIBER IS NOW RECEIVING A '°I Large and V a ried Stfl'l'ED 13~ 1871. Albums F riendly Advice! lli FIVE QUARTO VOLUMES 85th year. More than 60 yeor-s ago he hich so afwas Jiited by a young woman, W fected him that he retired fr§m society and Jived alone until the day 6f his decease. In public he donned ma.n's habiliments ; but under his own roof he wore feminine attire, declared he was Mrs. Buck, and always spoke of himself and desired t" be !3poken of as n. wo1nan. Tm,; bill for the nbolition of university tests in England has at last becon1e a law. " 'l1he universities have now," says the 1Ypectatu1, "for the first time, become truly nationol-all lay students; of whatever religious cree<.l, being oii. .equal terme, Assortment -AND- '1'0 THE SEASON, Pncc, $0 00 per vo) ume, or Tu the E'ditor. though the prizes held out to men willing to take holy orders are still far too numerous, and the great mischief to the universities. It has been a long and tedious atr11ggle, and the Church would have gained a very different position by this time in the nation if she had accepted this just a.nd sound 1neasure-tWcnty years sooner." Tiie ord custom virtually excluded from the universities those "ho could not con ocientionsly subscribe to the Thirty-nino Articles of the Established Church. W fiyw11,1,You SuF.l!~ER.-The "Canadian Pain Destrover ., instantly and permanently reffioves ~ll pain from the systen1, ;:tJ1d is dceidedly thej:>est medicine known for the cure of rheun1atis1n, pleurisy, neuralgia, ticduuloureux, toothache, cholic, burns, frost bites, &c., and is so cheap that all can afford to buy it. Sold b.y all Medicine Dealers. Is your tliroat sore, or are you annoyecl by a constant cough1 If so, ,use prom~tly "Ilryan's Pulmonic Wafers. Thcyreheve , the air pasl!i\ges of phleg_ m o~ mucous,_!'nd allay inflamation, and no safer remedy ~an be had for coughs, colds, or any complaint of the throat and lungs, and if taken in thne their efficacy '~ill soon be proved. Sold by all Dri'rggists and-country dealers. Price 25 cents per box. "WHY will people keep four or five illlooking sickly horses to tlo the work that one good horse might perform! If the horse hns the heaves, is broken winded, has a coug11 or cold, or his ·wind in any way affected· if his appetite is bad, or his digeshn.s a 1ough skin or is hide bound, we would in all cases recom· mend the use of 'Da1ley's Condition Powtive org~ns clcranged, ders and Arabian Heave Remedy' -it never fails to benefit and almost always rcmovea the disease ; it is from anything that can injure, and n1ay be usec.l '~t all tim~s with safety. Try it and you will be satisfied. Remember the name, and see that signature of Hurd & Co., is on each package. N orthorp & J,ynmn, N ewcaGtle, Ont., proprietors for Canada. Sold by all Mffiwfoe dealers. ' Sm,-As this is the season ESCRIPTION OF TlIE WORK. THE of the year that people a re in INSURE YOUR PROPERTY IN TlIE , PAnr..on ALllUM is doubtless the most f extensive .AnT G.nrERY ever published, and want O au extra supply of Dry IN FANCY AND DRY GOODS AND TRIMMING S. by those 'vho have examined the aeveral Good ( I th · G · portions of the work, it has been rronounced s, 0 1n g, rocer1es, STAP HIS STOCK OF-STAPLE EVERY DAY GOODS IS AS USUAL "The Climax ofB·auty,' Eech Tolumecon- Boots and Shoes &c would it -ANDtains 20 full page Chroma Lithographs in ' ' A. 1, AND BEIXG Il\<IPORTED BY HIMSELF , Oil Colors, 40 full page Steel Engravrngs, not be !l great benefit to your Save Half Your Money. 4 0 foll page engravrngs on wood and 260 d . · D i· t d - · DIRECT from the British Markets, pag'es of reading matter, descriptive of the I rea e1s !Jl ar mg on an v1cmHead Office for Canada, Kingston. illustrations, t he who!~ making each vol~ime ity to know the best pla t WILL BE SOLD .AT ahou t one half as thick and same sized ce 0 DRY GOODS I HIS old and well established Company pages, of Websters l~rgest Dictionary. i purchase. Numerous merchants ~ PIUCES SO PA.LP ABLY CHEAP _m insures iJothing but Farm Property and Each volumo is co1nplete in itself and will . detached Residences, and Iasues Policies at be sold separately, if desired. Sold by Sub- are offerrng apparently g reat inas to commend them to close bnyers, who are re~pectfnlly Grea tely Reduced Rates. scriptwn, Only . ducements b t th b I INVITED TO ~CALL A.ND UDGE FOR THEM EE I."\ Vol. I ls devoted to Wild American llirds. ' U e est p ace .AHSETS ··.· . ... ·. ..·. $550,000.00 Vol. II Contains Wild American Animals. to purchase is at ELLIOTT'S JOR Deposi ted with the Financl.' Minis~ GLASGOW HOUSE, Yol. IIJ American Domestic.ited Birds and G lS H ter for epecial benehl of Canadian · An imals. :renera tore, AMPTON, where THOMAS PATERSON. Vol. IV l ' oroign Blrils and Animals. a great var. t . l k ep -t Dowmanl1lle, April, 1871. ?olicyholders. over · ., ··· $68000 Vol. y Fishes, Ucptiles and Insects. le Y IS a ways See the following Certificates :This work will at once commend itself to in stock, at reasonable p rices. This is to cer tify lhot the .Agricultural Jn- the cultivated .Ameiican people, and no Ji- Ell' tt' I th ' · sumnce Company having depoSJted in the brary .will, .h.ereaftcr., be comnlete _with10 S c_ 0 rng IS as stylish I hands of ihc Rec:eiver General of Canada, l! dd · S P, R I N G 1 8 7 1. RIS OELEBRATED MAOHINE the eum of Fiftv-four Thousa12~ Pjve Hun- out t is a rtton to ltS trensnre·; while b~y· as any; his assortment of cloth~ .: }l&rlor e.musemeat it is · unequR11cd ... now been teated beyond all quesU.on a.ad ihe. dred Dollars, in United States ho.ids,"" re- American publications. I is verv complete,· Lad1"es' dre "'~ "~ ' ~'-,· ,.erdlot <il lh· publlo l· t.ll~i to-cll·T quired by the Act of Canada, 31 Vic., cha. J ~ 148, sec, 22, is hereby licensed to carry on Agents 'ft-anted. 1 goods -·-a very' fashionable lot,· the business in Ca na da of Fire Insu1ance I N ANNOUNCING THE OPENING OF THE Dated at the Ci ty of Ottawa the 2nd d·y >:e will give agents very libe~al ~etms fo r' Elliott's groceries are f th of June, 1870. se.lhng the above <lescnbed pubheahons, a1~d 0 e ---:o:--. ' . to appomt ... t" n:lliitand· withemt .a RiY al Dcpo6't mcrcascd,su1cedntcofnbo1ccertificntc, I WlSh th United St an t s agent d BlD t·every h · p town . Jn very b~ LS t ( Iescnp 1011, an d I ow to o·er ~ G8.000. e . a. c nn is ruv1aces. . · SP~RING \ JonN LA~GTON, for .M11:istc1 of Finance. Expenenced book agents and all other per- Ill pr1ce,·--he sells Cllrra nts a would take the opportunity of informing the pt.Rillc that be is prepared to nttend to their orders. '£liis H to cerL1fy that I hnve been acquaint- sons of res1lectnb1hty should appJy at once. r:. lb d · , Having recen~ed and being ln 1 ecc1pt af'a v eT"y- i;oorl .i.ssortnient of tho ed with tke 00ilicers and Managers of the Any Yr; ng Man, or Yoi:ng L ady can, by de- DC, per · an upwards, ra ISlllS Agr icult.ural In surance Cor~pany for ro.any yot1ng ·short t ime during the day or ~ .. en- at 10c. and Up\vards his t . I n h the most substc.ntiall;y built, has the !ewes\ Newest and MQst Fashionabie Goods .Jears, and also Wlth th~ business 0perat10llS Ing~ Se('ti.re a Comple.te set, f1ee of cxpen~e, ' ' ea 18 workilli: part·, beautiful 1n d.estp and finl.iih.of the Company, and have no hesitation rn or, if.pieferred, we will nllow large Commis- not surpaRsed. If you are in and aH&he haa (}etenni.neJ. to conduct bu~111us on the Ha.!!I th· best design of a. l'!uttlc, e.nd by t&r tho recommending it as a perfectly safe and re. sion in Cash. . · LA..n.GES'.r I-tOBB1NS. It ts oopn.blo o:f pcrform.. We - have prcporcd · most beautiful want of a first-class Sewing Company, and its Officers as compeiDil' a n.np ot work hithorto thought lm.pout.bl· Cai!!h Principle,_ Great Bargains will be given. liable tent and honornble hus ine<a ll,lcn. and as it Specimen BoolL Cor Agents, con- ,.,i- l . Ell. ' · I , ft>r:S·ilin11!Jlkohl.D ... insures nothing but Farm" Propcr'ty and d«- taini~ig 5 of the _0il Chroma·,_ 10 Steol En- lVlaC une, , Iott S IS the place N.B.-.All ottt.tanding accottnts are requested to be .ettled without delay. tacbed Dm·lllngs, and has ~530,000 Assets. gravmgs, 10 .w.ood E?graYJ?gs and. 50 to bu -- OU can et a Loc k I consider it responsible beyo nd any con tin pages of descriptive rcad1ng be.1ng selections Y Y g man 1 DAVID FORBES. g HAVE j111t receiTed 1eYeral cney. · from each 'IOlume, :og;ther wi: h blank pa- Wanzer or any otl er k1.nd t spe('1Jllen3 of binding, &c) &c. ' J ' a D . D. CAL V IN, l\L P. P per, O S . B · b ) r. ' 11 1old at about one-halCtlte ur pecimen ool, has cost i" quite or e 0\Y manu1ac!urers' prices We-have examined in t o the condition and largely, and we do not w ish to send lt to Ca11es and Bales of Staple and stamliog of the Agricnlturnl Insurance persons who do not intend to act as agents, Ell10tt has lately addetlc an ttsp1°iC'e oC thier lllaehines Company, und do fully concur with Mr, Ca:- but to any one who _ will mttke an effort to ·t , f l . en in recommending it to the l!' .nme1s ot t!JIS procnre subscribers to the \Vo1k) we v.111 SOl 1ne1it 0 c ocllS to his stock, Province, as one perfec tly sofo and roliab ic send Ll·e Specimen Book, p1cpaid, on 1eceipt which he sells rem k bl in which to ins uze theh propelly. of 40 cents to COYer posto.ge. Enclof!e stump ar a y Fancy Dry ;_Goods for the for ieply and addre§o cheap, and warrants them . H1t THE PRICE OF OTHER MACHINES DOING J. C . CLAlUt, Da.nke1, THE LIKE '\\-.,.ORK. Ia equall~ at hon1e on J CaitRD'J.' II EH.S & Co. AMERICAN PUBLISHIXG Co., acts also . a ~agent for most of k..athor as on fine good;, , HaJ carried off prizes GEO. A K1RK ? A'IlUCK1 }of, 1\ Spring Trade, and are offering over the Howe, Smger. Lock.man, '\Yheelei' d: B. ii!, J.lRJ'l'TO;I, -- nu'fL.\ND Vr. the leading Newspapers. Those 'Vilson, 'Ve.nv.er, Ra)inond, etc. 6,ifJ" A Perfect '\Ve \Vou1d refer you to the fo1low ing gen PUOS...-EC'l'US t'OR f >,7J. n want should give him a call J Ma.olune Guaranteed or no sale,· .,;i den1en, 1n l'egtud to t be respons1bihty of the EATTI- ~G-S · 1 Comp a uv .-D Fisher, Bliq Cashiflr of the at once. All kinds of farm pro; them at;:such low prices that Ontaii11. Pa.nk , Jn'o. ];1cLPod l\f P, P, J, 8 THE LADY'S FRIEND. duce taken in exchange. 'AcFairba11i.. Esq. Postmaster J. B, Farewell Esq, Barne:ter. THE GUELPll IU.NO countio: due on 1st .April and l:st Agent for Cohourg aud Yic1nity, they cannot fail to 11uit the Oetober. WILLIAM T. FISH . A.ND--:'""TREADLE; ·MJWIIINES W. R CLDIIE, Local .Agent nt Bowman Yours, &c., " il1~ EMBRACING A VERY FIN1£ SJ!;L.1£U'l'ION OF WHAT IS ew and Fashionable, DETACHED RESIDENCES. 40,00 pe1· toiet Complete. D T Agricultural Insurance Company, 1 £" T T Special Announcement. D. F 0 RB E 8 1 TRADE .... ri - t Murdoch Bro's I 1 ":"! · · NEW SPRING GOODS 1 T 1 1 1 e_ w Project I cloeest buyer. I Dee 1870 FRIKNDLY ADVISER. a.:te lhe best ms.do, simplest., mo1e durable n.nd r0lh1ble than n.ny other s111glc.thrcad machine.- DleaC'hed Clottous, Larger and work wil;h great 006C. '\\'"ill do all kinds of dome!t1c sewing in a. perfectly sai.lsfac· \ory lllllnner. Has taken fl.r11t prizo w.herov& =~..2:l ~ ex1ub1todllll Bleac;hed Sheetingl!l7 ' Deni1n1o, : AGENTS WAN'.1.'ED EVERYWHERE SPLENDID INDCCEMENTS, Striped Regattas, Checked Jltgllttas 1 Hell!lian Tfokings, WILLIAM PORT.ER, Iion 1 -I .. ;MARKET BUILDINGS,J N E -w- C~ AT THE :o,, O D s f1:iJi" THE LOCAL DEPARTMENT Of'firn U;.z E'l'TF. w1l' co1111 n"e n foll rec ord vf e\crr e \ent of HUJJ0 r ta11c e o c {;ur rrn; Jn tlrn e lt } Lti;:nl rnl( J!i ge1ce ~JHJ llll,j; N e w,, lfrpor1s o f.l\Iee u 11'g~) etc. Pf' pared b\ (:,t'Hlk IIH )l \\ ell ;; i...11 ell m lh e vaneu-. deparlH ent,, Large For Sa1e bv ull Druggi::its a111l J1P. 1lPrs in G-OLDE~ *- - LI 0 ::tSr _ H1gginbotham, D. Stot t. 'lYholcsalc ..1\..gcnts,N ort.hop & L) n1an, :N ev,rcastle. Meclic1nc. Agents 101· Bow111 anvil.lc.- 1.1css18 .l. CIU-OlllliC Dhea:<es. following diseases .J!;pilepsv, 01 falh n~:r Fits. in their wo1st form, Oonsuciption, 1n it;:i val1ous stages (with ui . ·T.'s remed1es CC'llRlltnplinn 1s no longoe1· an m cu rable 1hsta..'>c); Brouuh1t1s, Catarrh, J\sthma, Gra'\cl D1ops}, Gcuc:ral Dropsy, &c, patients who have been tapped seYeraltrmes are c1u·ablc EY~ R ,ELECTIC PHYSICIAN, D W o·1ld respectfully state that he is now treating successfully the JA~IES New subscnb 21s for 1871. who send en tLf;'it 11 <J·1P8 by i he first of No vemb er t:o:._ d I rcceilc thcNo,embe1 .11'd December 11umo~1s in ndd1tion 1 n ak1ng f ourteen inonths in all Ar.d those sending t hen· n ames by the fiuit of Decen1Ler, sh a ll rece1re the m11gnificant Decembct holida5 number 1n t:.king thir!een months in nll. '!'ens of thouwud of new subsc1ibera should tnke o.dvantagcs of this b N I i era1 Ouer. 1 untlerDr.James'treatment; disensos of the Our it:rmi; L uc 1bc .same ~3 1ha1 our aml pop.u l!l r-llper1 the Sa111 rrlav LHm111g Posl-m order 1ha.11he cllubs mn\ ht' mu'd~ up oftlit: 'uptr trnU maga.zme conJ <111111} when so de"1red- nnd a.re o* tollo\\il: Ouecop,,aml 1he prnmmm t!r.gro.,mg, - $251J TERMS-ALWAYS IN ADYAXCE . AND EAH, CL VB S · :..Ei.... THIS valuable l)rcpnratfon combines nil r'the tttt1edicinal i. n tue of t hose articles 'vhich long ~e'JJ)Bncncfl h.ig prcrt'cd to possess the most sa.fe ·iand efficient :properties for the cul'e of Flesh .,.V.'otllltis, Sprtuns Un$~. Galls of nll kinds, ' Crncked Hcols, iting Borte._Spnvln, Callous, l"ls"' tllla, Swecneiy, Exte1'Irn.l .Po1sons, Sorat.c!J.es or r.Gron.se, Strains, T.Mn1cncsa, :1\fange, '\Vb1tlo""!'s, ·Corns, Sand Cracks, Foundered 'Feet. Ho':'n Dis· ttemper Swn11in_gll and many other diseases ~which horses nnrt c.a.ttle are snl:Uect to. This celebrated Liniment has been used for -manv y-c1us and, it;;\ cutativo propcrtice 1thorOughly iesteO, nfld i! conceded to be the chtmpost nnd most reliable remOOy for all eiter· nnl complaint!'! f'Ver offered to the pnb1ic--it :never fails when timely :used and fatthfully ap To be had of all Drng~st" and ..,Country Mer chants throughout the Uoruinlon.\ Price 25 oeDja ])er bottle. phed. ·~.l 'NEVER- -P'AILING REMEDY.- "LOCKMAN" F UR N I $ H N IGS Tweeds ' etcJ·' etc·' INSPECTION INVITED. Spring Importations. WM. McMRTRY prf.1~~'?or1·a~:.n, Newcastle, Ontario,!"'"' Sold hy .T. HIGGINBOT fl.AM cand D. STOTT Bo,\manvillc, Ontnr10. lttURDOCJH BROS. flAS RECEIVED A. LARGE PORTION OJ!' HIS MILLINERY: Stock of Dry Goods, of whwh he would call ·pecial attcl.ltwn to the fQ}lowing Jines :- CHEMIST A N D DRT:"GUIST, tiOll ed Chemu .i ls. Also,.. .',1..,..,J->ple cn.rcfulty·-s:c!Ccfl.'..d RESPECTFULLY B NOLTNCE thut he stock EGS of hu~ 1 e1P1\ecl .1 Geuwne 1i:di~und Pu1e TO AK- tock of the,,.uw '"ell as Ellgbsh DYE ST1JFFSI le~tion qu.thty. An assortnwnt of .Aniline Dyes kept constanl1y on hand, together \\Ith a. choice seof whicI1 cannot be surpassed for excellency of Murdoch Bros. Sewing Machine OF DRl:GS, p ,r in.ts, Millinery, / C1oths, Parasols, AN ASSORT.lllE N'l' OF' Cl!EIHICALS, PATENT J\IEDICINES. BHUSHES, COMBS, SHOCLDER-BR.ACF.S, St::PPOil'IERS, &c, &c. OILS, P_!..lN 'lS, COLOR S, "\.,. ~\ RNTSH E8', Zff At the Yer~ TOOil 'I'HE FIRST PRIZE IS NOW ~Bo\\ i11a1u illc, Sept. 5 Lh, 1870 ( ON1\RTOH\r<.K, Mcssts. R. & H . O'IIAH <\., M.anltood Row J,ost, Dow f A'l' THE und Y1 . . HI'l'ELEJ.. D l o,vest price-. General .A g ents, Rov. inan\ 11le : ~- Re!!tOl'ed. 'c o MPLETE !Provincial Exltillition ? Jui!it held at Toronto, over tho most reno"·ned Sewing Machlncs 111 the \Vorld, among wl11ch Were the celebrated llo\V'C, "".,.heeh'r & W lXGn, cf;c. This is onlj a eon:firmahon of the ver~ict previously reml~red by the Great l anadian Aantugcous tcl'lnS IIORl"E AND CATTLE l\fEDI\JINES. N. B. -Coun t.1. ~1 3 tcrckccn er .. :supplied on adr :Bee" ! Hc eis?: Bees ! ! ! SALE, IJY E. Il. CRYDERl\L\N, ] -,,OR ucal' Hamptu:n, Latest Novelties of the Season, AND t.: NDHR '1'1111: M..lN.l.Gl!:MEN'T 01') Hats, Bonnets, Flowers, Feathers, &c., ' NOT TO BE EXCELLE D TN TTITH PART OJi' TTTE DOMINION Ji'OR S'l' YLH, QUALITY, ANTJ PRICE S. IT-1.LIAN AND HYBRID BEES, n:c.T A v Is H ' Public, and proves conclu.sivel,Y the SUPERIORITY OF rHE. "LOCK.l\£A1\"" OVER ALL OTHERS. 37-tf. who will fll.l all orders promptlr. This lB a new bra.nc:h of the.Ir bueinees and the Stock w1ll bo Co\\l'a tarR. & H. O'HARA, Vv hole,.,ale Rn<l. Iletn.il .A.gents. Also, agents for Guelph Stn\1ng J\ifa· chine Co., Grover ct· Baker , Smger, Howe n.nd \Villiams' Machines. \Ve have nlso on hand a a full stock of the J,,l'TTLE \V .A.NZER ]..Iachtnes. Persons not sati.sflcd "ith one l\fachine can ex· Lost. I FIRST CLASS llllLLil\'ER aJwaylll in I Attendanc~. ~ tvicent~-third of April, a smallCoJlcy bitch, of I a b'T'ey color 'v1th shrggy h a n· ; .tnswc1'S to the name nt ('u1n. Any p mHon g n 1ng 1nform11tion FROM iY. 'IIlOMrSON ESQ., DIRECTOR 0]' 'lllli ROYAL CANADIAN BA)lIT. 'rono~10, lliarch 15th, 1870. I Address. OTRA.YJ£D ORS'l'OLEN, ABOUT THE l\iE6SRS. R. & H. O'H \.R \,- I LO\VEST PRICES thal 'A-Ill lead to h e1 reeovep; \Vill be Hmtably re "arded. WILLIAM BORLA.ND. · x CftE.A.P .A.ND GOOD. change for any other inside of LhrrLy ila)- :5. .... Hemember R & H. O Jlara s is the SEaVH'itl J\.!.t· CHINE DErOT, l{illcr. Dead Try them, a.nd sleep in peace. Weekly Arrivals of New Goods. D Dutch e1's UTCHER'S LIGH T ENING FLY Shot fo1 Bed Bug;,. 41 lm. J. L . I'.ETERl:i.59:1 B1undiwu, Xcw 1"011·· l"'