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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Aug 1871, p. 3

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ILLE, - THURSDAY~ A1JQUStr "!!!J _.. _ .. __ .. _... _,._ .. ... ... _.. _ _!"~!ri - ~..,,,_ ... _......~ ..... '!""Swz ' 'i 3; 18j1. KnownT E a rly Receipt OF fW ')~ ' ~ Wl.n t ed !w1 \\-c-t: H ~ ew! onvi lltt a.nd O.;huw:t, to lie ru::i,cls uf .\,.J.. ll~mli.ick. Cf"<l<i.I" ud 'J't1rnP...r:tck . ·\..!Jply tf1 001-Gtf. .1on ·....~ l\f .··~.(l_ ' gTHY . oo 4)4-)l) IL\lLltlJAll 'l'l. E>l, A.N":J:) SANGER'S ENGllSH MH~AGtRlf .or TRArnta ANIMALS ! THEIR FIRST SEASON IN AMERICA. Fitted up and brought ont in ll style of 'unprecedentcd · Sj)lcndor and . MagnificBnce. T:.F:C"cl n I~TAH ~·- A1EN'l' or· .;D .\. FFL!.. ASSORTc:oops, .MlLLl.NEI:Y Dress Goods I \'\'nntecl. 0!5hu.\\'U.. T EAl\18 '.l'O DRAW L1;ll!mER FHmI . 1ny )fill:0 in Podo11k, to Uow1Htll 1Yille u1td E:c.:U. r e Ne'\Xr Trcn.ipe o f;s z the Spr~u;; trade, cow-ihd ing of Bon1wl 8, lfal ;;, ! hbbono , .i"eathul'S. -~'1ow ct»~. Laces, &c., \"' hieli &.i1c ott'ers tu the Ju.dies of UownianYille a.nd surr oi1ndiug country, n t lowest :price. Ahlo in Hl.ock, La.dies' Collars and Cuff.'> Braid awl ~n~_lJL'Oidery inaterials; rLnd Gents' 'collars and Cuf~8. r.-.r li'Ol' furthei: riartkulars t·u11uit·e at rnill. ~ A. B. C.A )fl-' fl ELL. Bowman.ville. ].f ar '.lrd~ 1:171. ~0-U'. fill' Braitl \York. AU onter3 JH'Ot'nptly filled. Sto1·e T,1·0 doors ' };a~t of'g liotel. J\faclline R ewtng 11onc to order· also Stamping i DRESS GOODS" I I I SOLE i'Oit BO\'f)i.-\.NVILLE. l STAPLE AGENT · · - -- - - - - - - -·-- --- I Cottage for 1';alt-. thesubsz:ribel'. !iitiJI A head. ~ I I T HE 16-tf, BRICK CO'l"l'Mm ON WELTl"l's..,11~ ucffd!)illll br U!'lldU(.11·!1~·11, .~tali! \~ O llHl lniv-- QOlllEES, - I .J,L'l"G'l'OX Stt·eet, a t I I .1 TE.-\. P 1 1.R'l'IES. 1 ing Shed. .J. A . .Bl':l.L. ·- i ! I' D~Y GOODS! FOR ,l businh~s. _.\pp!~ i.gCl'. us up111·1·ntiee°' lo t h e Caue -Chail' tLnd ·'l'HJi~ BOWi\L\.NTlLLb: FURN I- I }:\..._ 1 'GRE Fa1: tor:r, ~"' few C!ltrong .votu1g rocu, t ""£ to TUO:\L\.-:: .JOH~ H TOX, _\b11" Gt~bint'1 \'i' m1kd, ; B A.LL SUJ:'PKlctS, PUBJ,IC DINKEitS, .' I I 1 \\'EDDlNGoAK.Es, Got up i n 1he best ~lyle and on r easonable t ern1s hy l~ie s11b1>.cdber. '.l'he · whitest, the sweetest and ht'.'ll hf'(~ad flt~liv ef<.'"d daily to cnsto1ners in all pa.rt,. of lh" 1nwn. . l.J-Si F. F. McARTHUR I I . I I HAS . Sto.-e" ! _ 'l'HEn C'bu.l or \\..,. oM: !oitO'f<'!! ? - --- __ _______ :'l._l_;:i'~:-~LETCII~:i::___ l I l : [ ·N PARH)R , W1X: .nrn ~11~!ip1::· COOT\. f.). t l1:!.!1 e1·1 1 ·. O:\L\:::i B .i'i.. S ;.,·1~ '/ ' T. "rnE Spr]ng Fashions _ L·~ashions fo1· this spr-ing, 1871, and is JII t~p! u make Ladies, Dro:: :c-s a.ud l\lnntles I IJ Carpets I Carpets1 SPRING 1871. I SUBSClUBEl~ IU S NOW 'l'HE J.1.lso English Cherricis, BiggKrcaus mul. 1Ielin..,,. at '10 ots.. _<\Jso, ~"'lo ·wet · l;'ln.nt!i iu abundaw:c 1f8ry cl1eup. nov" grow ing· rn 110! b\!tl~. HjtYJ.119.UY"llle, -~Pl'll :.~1t'..1, 11; L ti..nd oest Jesert- Gugl!, '\""ashing-ton, dl-c., _ ClH..E1\'1AN lH.X SUPI' LY PLG~·1 P· 'i'REEB-l llue, fc·r ..... Per9crve~ , ~5 51} ~nt,,;; ct::i. : z..;yrP\1-lt- lcnlru~ ~tten1ion fltt 1ug. . . 1.. pril LI, 1871. ' AS l ' STJAJ, IN LATEST S'J'YLES:'[ pnid to <:uttillg uml I ; US' t .1 ..t\..- c;:---i-;~·-N--c) y l·F 'iHlC MI:;3. A LEX. FLETCHER. 37-tf. ! . ; 1·· Gorn for ,-Sale ·· ' \Yhol.e orC 1~ ach:ed· . I i J IlOWM:\ N VIL LE . vu RNI TU~];J f. Rece1 ved. a Second $u,pply l I OF . - I ---: o: -~- FOR ONE MONTH ! . ~ . ~ lU-'.N LIFAC'Tl:Rl'-'G CO. i J~1Rm . · 'll!d.)m111;zd1. -- · ,~~_tin·. - ---- ~~ I I appointed l'etail ag"ent 1,y ilto Bo-;,,-1nar.ville \ li,'nrniture l\[n.nufuctudn~ Co., is now in a posi· ! ! i.on to :till all orders at a~ lay,· H. rate a$ nny deai· 1 er in the coo.lnty. 1H'6 ROBT: S. MANNrnG. I T Murdoch. Bro's CARPETS \\'ILL BE HAVi.: · just receive.ii Sl"veral ff11: SUBSCRIBER HA.YING B.K.,;N ' rrHE J\fE1IBERS l1F YOLUN'rE.lm I flat, will plea.ri<l bi,tit' hi rnlnf1 1hilt from the !>resent thne,-O:Tiy- 11onsent, 11ltherto ginm b·1· 1u{·. is ubsolutdy \~i ! hUra\Vi1; and anr one found Y'filfl,! coutiuU.h1g Rifle \Jl<.tcli1:e t1ft1~ r tJ..1ii-s 11ut i('e r.q ust be dealt wirh us t 1e lu.'>t- dire<:t.s. .F'. ] L\._Y'.1-.~ES . habit or prat;t.icin:; -with bftll ca1·trirl ge, on the l\i1llti.a. and otherR "ho been ' in t he Fit·st P1·ize _(~1dtivato1·!i. r[lHE sunsmtIBER WOULD DIRECT _ t.ho n,ttcntion Of fal'lllC:!'S , two-horo;e Iron Culttvators manuf~tnrcd by him, , r.nd '\Yhi~:h ]}! for six oOtained first prizcg 1 at Pnn1mc1al and J_,ocal .l!'air,:;. They are Un· I clouQtf! dl~.. n~e b est iinpleme-nr. of the kind in use. I v.·1ll 1n a ve1·y short time more than repay th etr cost, iu the efficiency and excellence or their \""ork. lnHpecdon invited. A supply ot' Cultiva· tors no\'~· on hand f6r the spring work, and will, lJc .3oli1 at lov;est n it ei>. ' an~ to the one-hOl'Se antl - ·-- - -~ - ---- - -- ---- ~-- --- --~~ -- Ilt.rW matnillc, :May 10, 18; L 41-tf. 'I'o Is·u rn . mer s D · :' - "I\ I . , G Q Q d S., I r~ess I A c R I F I c E D 1 Cases and Bales of Htaple and IRON H:UtHOWS I BOUGHT ..t1' 4 AT Fancy Dry Goods for t h~ I rI'he _ Pu.nip Sho]-' WITH RORS} & T,,\'rirn, IB u Gf a superior kind, also on har!d. G n r .F; s. A N D · wA G o N sI ! j Sprrng Trade, and ara offering at present "' orked hy tl1" "'oribEl'. hUAfnesti ot i;l:~c I.and in town- pl.-;nty of' r!\1'"- elH1n.::e 101· a gc,od 11u1n1Hnu"kel' Dvwra.tni.Yille, :.\{u;y 25, i::·':'L « 01.l· J l-'01>ses:sion gi\·en immcdin.t.elY. sllo,r~est nDtiC(' . · 00.nstan~!r on Lanll fo1· saJe. 1 AJl kinds of B lacksmith work done on . the l .l. c-all 9?liclteJ. McCL:UNG BROTHERS. I them at such low prices that ; 11\;', T 011· 15-31t f. 1. \\'E::lTCO'f'l', Bilwmu.avi!le, K ·slLVKR. .Joh·uis not <\.ir if'rn1uP1·ize . D1·11!n. ~10S'i 1 1 10.rt , . "l..I I 4 F', \l-~~ ~1:8 _ for S AL-E· the m woiild uu b lM vvithmy t1)CfTI f1 1 r l ~< any tlme1 !:illclT co8t. 'l'h~ 1rnder8i ~".ietl }1rn~, !'.ei; ur t'd"' the Y,ight for Rnw1rn1 n \'ille, Barlinglm1, C;.i L 't\\Tig ht, o(C\)Ok, -P:o..rlo t·nJHi. J3,):,.,: 8toYc',;, cmut11nt:\' .::; n end cconorr,ical Dl'Ull1 ia use, and ·will db· / t.U~utc morc·hGu.t, opcnpy less l'f!Olll, w1d anS'r\Cl' :l.11 purpose bectet· than n.ny ot.l1cr. BY its u.q~ a houso 0ll.n oe n1uch better heated \Yitf'l. vnr; stove 1 1han 1;_nder the old ~Ys l en1 V.'hh two \"l:t" three 1 ~k1Yes-thnr.i m<:re (h iin paying; f11r lt s.-;J f in one I :oic1t~on by a sa1rng of wood, ~Vl \"'l"ho ha\·e 1ri0d I T lIIS lS TIJE J~FFICil~I>-- T being t hei Boutl1 90 Aet·es, and 10 on I tbe );ortb-<:· cornet· uf L oL 9, in the 4th .::ou. of D~L.rlington, ti lU ilCs from t,h"' 'fowu of Ilo...,·man1'ill~. 70 r>,ere:; clcured, and 30 iu \¥ oods. Von1- 1 I ~,?i'table ll'\l.·e.l~ing House, g:-ood Barn, S l!~hlc, !ind :ihecl ; .-_;or11:~ Ii rnlt 'frees-on the pre111isea a r.rood 1 j \V('[J,a1..,o,1xtre1trnofSpring\\:11ter. ' '" 1 . l :?, in the 5th con. of the 11bovc 'l'ownship 1 130 1i. r rHH 1 ;lt! . ';'(1 ill \Voods. \Vell WK.tere:l; o ~t. good \Vell. _-\ ne-..v l"l-ame Dweilllig r Hotni ~, with Stou e Cellar the fnll oizc ot t he lfousc. a small J.Jng·J{ouse, t\YO Barns Stable and Co·Y i:;hctl. J<:::xcel!t:! nt la1Ht. sicuatCd 3~ 1nile& 1 :'ron~ tl.i:e 'l 0\¥U ot Rowrnallville, For further I pp.rticulnrs up:plf to the nrop r.letor 'l'HO:Z...f.AS Vi7}~LDO~{ Tc1upo P. 0., ~oI· to JA~l~]S \VELDOX, Lot So . 1:::, . in tlu: hh 1·11n, of the o.boye Amms oFaoon LAND; Great Bargains/ · ._ l i . -E. i :a:.. -~.ti.-R . 1'1.i-- s" I - j they ean1iot fail to suit tl.u; cloeest buyer. · A mo 200 ACRES, BEING LOT NO. !i Ali /1 WILL SELL 'I'ITEJI NEW SHUTTLE . OR LocK-STITCH SEvVING MACHINES, . I FOR FAJ\ULY USE A:ND LIGHT lVfANUFACTUR l~G II "-" ..:"' ! :.:::- · c " ear"k:e anrl )fr,,n\ crs, aud h· JJ!.'C!·<"tl'('Ll lo lill ail ! ortlet'3 on rhc shcH·tcst D·?tk·c . _\. i'a11 r.;;r101·l 11wnt hand. . 16-16 ~ ' f ', 'l' . HO SHI~. nrn LOCE:l\L\N a· "' ;' = = ........... = c:-? , I c r~r· ~1 E.. A p F, R _ . _ t'.':I ~ DleaC'laed c: ottmu~, T. ~ H 1'owns!dp~ __ ---- -~--·----~~3-"':__ I . c thanl any in 'l'cwu. Q H tTi ~· ·Dt'ninu., SEWIJfC+ -M: AC .HINE Io XO \\' 'i.'1l..!l: ~ co · >-3 " -;I. r.ltain;~d. thl'V·lg"h-iis ~ lwr·..:-n~ gov~ qufilith·"· 'lt1ese qua11ties uro ai1nJ1uclt.y, durab1In.y, e lP~a.u c<;:, act;;.pu·.l?_tltt~, be-ail t:s ll s.:oH! nl,)\'e of·~ qind nbportamr:. 1·_;,.a· tnll partic:ul.:tf"S ad.<ll»o· ·~·~ r.::. tl,r; I\lau ilf11<.~tnn:1·e, l,E AD.iNG MACIIINb~ J.Y_JY;UJ JJOMJX I 0-:0.r Ofi' l'A N.d DA . rruns .PROD]) POS1'n ON" T'I' ,JIA8 > ~ ~ KING8T." I Ctu·dad ltt>g1tl~a~ , Ill t-s;,;ia u Ti£.khug'i, :ii ,-."l H \\-ILSO!'-;", HO'ir:H.:::~.:S'; & Ca. , . - 'i'. DA HJ,~I\G'J' 0 1"\. I ¥· Hamilton. Ot1.k1rio, &: ,J1 ·. 0'H.tRA , 4\ gen~s fm· Dt,d1h.m and Viet oi·!a. ·1. j ~)b:J.LKR IN P!!H l'.filU · ' GRO.C lilRIES,. J)OM.1i:STW A"' J; ·... . . IY· f.- _~ ,"'~~: I . i ., . I --~-;,.---~ .. ___ --.,- -. 1-1 ! 4 'ntfuh 'l'it'laiu~<1, "" .H " l<'at'ti·i" '-- ~ . iia-~~·,-;,~iii-:.i i~ i 01t I1~ th~"- 1s6 -{i:___ .['IF'olvcHt. U2 ~IOST 811\IPLE l\U.OHINE Ilj THE MARKR'l'-- ONLY ABOUT ONE ] 'OURTH Urn pu.ftain its construction that is tn ocher l\1aohliies, tiw.i·tdori-! only ONE- lt'OUR~1' ll as liable to get ';>uL of orde~. It is Durable In all it~ parts. and e\'"ei·y rnot_ion' pus1tive. I t has ·the nn· J der or .four 111otJ011 !eed-:7 h~ i-11- 'Use, and will pass_from t.he finest l\tualin t.o the coarsest of work / witbOut ch11uge of either TENSION or STITOif. It makefl the Genuine SHUT1'L R nr LOUK . STI'l'OH, alike on. b9th sides, so ftim?us fo.f its St1 -ength, B eaut·y 01· Dwrabllity and '\TILL NOT RIP. It runs rapidly and u.»es a Short Straight N e edle, which is easily adjusted into place and not near so · 1iable tobl'eak.. It ls hlghly orn&mented, equal to uny -of tbe high :pri00 IHnchines. It -will FRINGE, . CifOTC· _ E TE.A: S> rrHE rnr1Uc1 o;' TL>\'/. JJR XRY. "n!JOWN , 1(n1 J.'P. Ul 'l's;· PHO n sro:~rn, &c., IJ I l LE l l IN 0SAy B0 .WM A1.1 l'I 7 , · named Insolvent, are uotifli·<l Lo mm~t at my oftlce, Klnrstre,;t, in BO>vnwJ1Yillr, on 'l"Ul·.;;- I DA\' 'l'.l;:ll:G 8th DAY OF ·:~trGUS T. 1871, i i t ~P n o'clOck. .in the fort<noon, tor tlte ex1nninntion o; l the Insolvent and fot· the orderi ng of th6 nfrafr::-> oi ~heci;tute geTI.ernlly. · · T HE OREDITOI~S OF 'i'HE 1~ BOVE Bowma nvill~, CROCKERY AND OLA SS \\' ARN. 'Ont. . · . · . .. . ~~D~ BOB . CAY . . GEON 1 I ! 1 DAILY LI!fE - '!'O- R R. ~i\. 1 L 'V Y_ ·· ··. - IHEM, FELL, TUCK, CORD; BIND,. FRILL, GATHER, QUILT, BRAID or anything that any other Machine will do. i · IT IS JUST THK :>IA CHINE FOR l I 1 · · , · CHAft LES H. D. BOOTI-f, ·· · Offioiol 1871. itS>=Ji~1ee. Ilo \Vlll:lH\'ill~ .·T-.;, 2.Sth, Neuin_ g I'IP. :1 c11ine l~h:i llengc. - 5'1-2in. ~-- --------- - -I R . () -0 :HE 8'J'11~ f PRIVATE FAMILIES, J \HLLINERS, DRESScl\fAKERS, / · . TAILORS, ;rnir F AR:ltfERS. to others, which we ce.nnot explain here, butwlll be pleas.ed to forward Cil'cul11r3 aucl Sampleii c.f ·work every \1·here on Dl~COUN'l' TO CJ,,J:atG i'Il'IEN. . j!i!iT- 1\IACHINEB PULE Y JV.4.11RANTR1.!.11i"'- Large Stock 0 F - \Vitlumt Raisifag· the 'l'axe!!ll, W Them are many points of excelleiice· about the · !VIachine, Superior ~ AGENT wanted in BowmariviUe, and in e\·ery other Town BF.ING ENGAGED ~'Ol:J~ lI1 U~ e· ~Tnitefl·o selling the I lllOSt celebrated l\fndunm:1, ran!(.ng in price fron1 $6& to $11i0, I a.u~ satisfied lhaf ~n i1tnb"e a11d quality of. \\"ork th.c ·· Lockman " j;,; u ot sorpnsf:ctl by a. nyoftllem: undl.hercby r.;;peat my · chn.llengo ! nr rear, to rnn n aga in ~ t u.ny macl1i11e of :its ! pdce 1nade in Ontntlo . I . s_.\,:\Ie EL s1r.A LL, " Lockman " for H. & H. O'l.L\ RA. _Bow"'".'"ill'.':_""l? i5t~-~5~: cc-·---.:._ ~·2:'.f. AFTE~ n1onth~ I 1111m . I j Can nng l n i.1ed S L a te>i .intl C\1.n!itlian l\Ia lis and T ( xpress, I An · d e r s 0 n· & Co's . I N 0 R S E J\:I :._,\_ N· . , . , ' N l.-1 -'\-V SUPERB NEW r ,AKE urrkR Sluie Cabin Steamer 1 llY 0.A.LLING .l.1' w!wi·e G F. N 'I' LE MF. N ·!iii w e have not got one :tlreo.dlr established. Lnrger inducerne.nts than any other con1pany. · · · J. C. TODD, General Agent.. No. 7 Ros.<in H ouse Blo('k, Toronto, Ont. 16-41 · -~---~ I I j - - -- ------------------- K Er.~t!: ~~o~I; l_~ I j JCED 00LD DRI N K ~, l:'ROlVl THE FOUN~rAIN, \l/T'flf A VAIUETY OJi' FLAVORS, during the Sun1nl er montha. At9uclock,onar1·lvo.lofC1"i1nd1ru1ikRa1l" :.:iy '1'1·ainR front East and 'Vest. li'et1n- n.n{I, Le~H·r:s Po1l ot' Rochester bCharlotr ) e\ ery CY0111ng at 9 o cloek, (exeept ·.mtur· c1ay-;, 'j"Lenshf: 1.ea v~~u.t2 o'cloc1:, _ Bi. ighton), . . . . . · .~L . fui M11s is the IaYorite s ummer route fron1 Toron1 10 !·n Rochester, .A.lhauy, &c. The ohcupcst and · 1~tnckPHt route frou1 p_ oint:,1 Eai'!t of Port Hope 011 1 1 .l/~ G1·!inrl 'J:'.rnnk, to Roclu~ ster, llutl'nlo, &c. . , £he fa \·or1tc route to A vu11 and Clift.on Springe. Passenger~ and frcig11t t·akc caTs a long side s l~~~.f;~J0~01~~ie;~O:t ~ib~~fg. a~d Port I.lope with Hoyal _v!a 11-Line Htean1ers fro in f{Rmilton aud l\'Iontrcal. · · The Norse_man wi JI ca.!! a\ the Port of Dading· ~~/1~ ?i~r~1~t'~~~r~·Esn .\ Y r.tuP~i:xc:, should 8 uffici.Acldre33, I!, C, C_.\UTIF.!R. 1.earCR1;ortHopeern·uJJforni"u/or R·chest;,. I Boot & Shoe Store"I · _ -- 1871. IIlONMONGER.Y. 1871. URNI~HNIGS 1 '"(TE _ BEG TO l~.FOR~1 THE INr· 1' HAHI'l'l..:NTS of Bowma1rville o.nd sui·l'Ollnding country Lhnt we a re now selling .Boots and Shoes at Prices t hat cannot fail to please, and from the vnricd assortment the most fa~tkUoua 1rray be ::u1ited. JOI-IN OF HARDWARE, IRON, WINDOW GLASS, PAIN1'S, OII..S, I MPORTER l:LEC'rno ,1-'1,,· I M~lnufacturer of all kinds of Tinware, .. 1 of yo_ ur j pn.tronage 19 ;:;o,:w1tcd. i:'-ir Don 1, .td-11 to i!all. I By strict .nttc~ti.on to b~sl~1e~s. a,,s'.1are u ud .t..'l'l': SD ,'{ER'V..A.RE. · : 'L.,V\·eeds, etc., etc. ' STAND, TWO DOORS WEST OF I MYRDOCH BROTHERS. . · I ; AND DEALJ£~l JN 37-lf :1t C~. '1'on's. p h ----~:t l~-~~~~·o_nt Q to. g r a p }")S Stoves, Carriage Hardware, Bent Stuft; Spoke( aud Huba. ;ms1· RECHVED A LARGE ASSORTMEN1' 0}' ANDERSON j,\'. King St. . Howr,un¥ ' \.]>l'il 29, 1g;1. co. H-tf. I i INSPECTION INVITED. 1 WKIJDlNG CAKES 111.atle to cird;.,·r . . ~ce:~~p1cd by 1\fr, H. T~it, ia now prcpn.rcd lo tak 11 T HE ~ITTED SUBSCRIBE!t HAVING 1~\- --'--,, -~-· ._--~- -· · -------1 antl improved the Gallei·y 111.tely I I Spades=Ga1·den, Dra'\ving and.Ditd1ing·,Co1·nish Shoveh, ! Ral.a·s, S('.ythei!i, 1"01·ks, and ;tll kimb ot" Garden j li'RICSJJ~JJA ,f(JiJD · Bl'liCUl'l' . ". an..l.a. good· &'iSOJ': t:-1~e11t, of rBoToaRAPHs Ix Au AND ~1' s'fn, lti~ -Ed . ·. .' y w1.n H o:rsey. 1 ~ I The a;:~~:ii ~; 11 0 ;·rade. .j__ ·_ .'_ -- -~~R--~,~~~-~~to~ J\fILT,INERY f;E ALli:.U L" . , s:i.w:A:i..;r;.. ,¢.(!t..:l~:Els., , · ·ourlrn.ncl HARD\l'AJ&t:, Pil~lnt·es madCin R.ll kinda of ~..-eatht~f * .: 0 or.rLll{{Y, SA1'JSl<'A OT ION GUARAN'l'Kl>JI". .. Ne.ILS, tturl L0 w Es ·r -1, R.J c le". Special atlentivn .io thjs lb1~ -}lai1s, Loeks , Hinges, Gla se, Sash, .Putty 1 l'airn:!s, Oil$, Varaishe::r, Eai1 e. Trough.s, JfTinclo ia P·ict-are Cords .and Tcu3el.t, C111d Ever yt{ti:ny else · requiTedt ·tr:nd that i ·1i one plac~, thus7)1·e;enli11f, grecrte-J· ind:ure1ne.11 ts to the bnyer tl1a.n a1iy otli~:r- · . House -in- th~ Tn1cle 1 i1ihic71 <1 ii3elf is no s1na.ll a<lvantage. at (!, Ton's· - A ca.11 .reepectfully solicited. Gallery--Curner 01 Division S trt:.-r:ts. i:ntr.'.l.nco OlJDU1'!He ?\i r. '1'1-eleven'13 shoe s tOre. · 8TEL. I EDWIN J. F'~iETCHEH. llJ..3!!-u Jn the 'Jnaf.ter tif. ._ HJJ',NR Y JJWSh:S. . · · cf:n Ineoli·;;;d. I I by v irtue of the vested in mens .<\.s~ignee ot: the Jt~st.a.t~ and effects of the abov e named J;nso~ve9t, ::i.nd 'under the Pi·oyisions of the Insolvent .Act or 1869. I shall oifer for sale by Public .Aue tion, at my office in the 'l 'ow n ot Bo\\. uu1Rville in the County of Durham, at the hou1· u! One o'clock .m the a.t'ternoo1~ on 'J'hursday the thlrl,y-tlr81.;, dtJ.y of .A 1~gust 1 · .,:\..- 1)... 1871, all the C::!· t.3tc, light, title, interest. uud -equity of redemptiou of the said Insolvent, aud of mo the u.nderaignod, as suoh Assignee, in and .to, nil and si ngular, On~ .Acre a nd n pa.rt of the Not'th-East part of Lot N umber Eleven. in the fl~irst Concessldn of tbe Township of D{lrlingtnn no'V forming pa.rt of the 'l'own of .Bo,vmauville-~ t)n e parcel t1lereof descrlbed as follov..s: Com· men9ng on the, wesL side of Liberty Stl'ect. at the North·East Au~'le of- the said parcel of land and distant. frutn tue :\orth-East Corner of lot Ele\'en One Chain and 8i x links} then SoutJ1 E:ovcnty-fou-c·dcgrccs 'yest t.1l' u·cha1ns and My Jinks, thence S-Outh s1:x:t<:en tlegrees East one chain, t!ience North .se\rcuty-!0111· degrees :F;ast Mvo cha.1nfl and ftrty links, thence No1th s ixteen degrees 'Vest orre_c.;hain to thel_?inccofbe~inning. _ '\.nother i:iarcel t11ere9f descnbed as 10110,'(i'i: Cornmenc1ng on the 'test '3.ide or' Liberty Street at the North· angle of said _ parcel of lantl distant fron1 theNorth-.East corner of Lot Elcvc~ four chains ,and six'ili I.he.nee Bouth SeYcntyfour dcgr~cs '\Vest five c m.ins, 1hence Suut.h six· teCµdcgrc9s~ast0nC0hai.nund Heventv -ft\·e links R l is . . 'n _._:,ng. \Vill appt>:'tT ; n Exhibiton. Bowi..1::1.nvHle, ..4..pril !!Qth, 1871. NEW TIN SHOP IN BOWMANVI:LLE, F ARl\fI NG T 0 OT,,S. N .B.--FEATHERS FOR SALE. .IDAY, Po~\'Cl' GIVEN, THAT I .· BOWMANV' ILLE1 PR· N O'l'IOE .IS HEREifr . A.UG~TTST U 18TH, 1871. ·.J w. llAS I G. REED, CRADLES, . SOY'l'HliS, FORKS, . A&".e nt f'or -Way .& ·oownini,r's Patent lUani;·le. JfOES, u_· M urdocl1 Bros. [ Osnawa; August ] 7; Port H_ope, A Hf[Uflt 19. '-' I J [ ·-AJ-i'TJ-'BNr - . - .. :J., _ · ..__) O N NIC~HT. by John .-Ulen_, cp:rner of &c., &c.;FORMING the inhabitants of Bowmanville nnd surrounding conntrv thu.t he ha.a ouened out a Nc'v Tiii 8hop in tlie 6tore 1ntely occupied 1\Iill,_Oro,.-Cut and Hand Sawa; MUCH PLEASURE JN JN. .TO:f-IN J\1:cT . . EOD. I EG TO INF'ORM THE LADIEB OF B lhe'l,ownandCountry, th&ttbelr I _w._..;.,WI_;·c. ;n_ Q'l;_.o ~ "' -:e_ .. d_ln_i:_.B_o,_·_m _·_n_vi_·1_1e_,_A_v _· _·u_1_o_ th _,_ 1s _1_ 1._ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ l"OR ,. GOOD A 1"0 C:UEAP RAKJl:I~; STOUK OF 1III,T,INERY GOODS h ING AND DIVISION STREE TS Howmanville, whero he \Yill koop on hand a ovell selec.t ed stocl.: of stoves. J'apannc-d, prem1ed and plain 'J'iDwnrc '"'liic:h 11e 'viTI sell ' &aleo-1 GROCE:(;UES, l'latfor'!' and Comite1'; Bo;ing "lfw;hin": TVagon ll-fatericd, inchuUng S·mart':i P(I.~ I I8 NOW · t j t In t ho Gr:md p;·oces~ion wi ll be a1\,bJ '" .i-J... le11lS.l;:OilimgseamlesowagonSkeiois : Pa-i11. t8 1 Oils, Gl.a.<r.:;, St<>Vts au.Fl I I FRUIT 'I PR.OVISIONS, ... 0 1\1. PL nrn ' HE "I_-1' D _ u o.1~r~; ~ . __[_ n11'1'"7i:N jj,J_.__ EL~liJl">IIA. NTS . Tiwv;are " UHHAP AS THE CHEAPll'S1'." . THE CELEBRATED PERFEOTl!JH Spectncles and Eye Glasses mnnuf1Wturo.l by LAZAilUS £· l\!Ol\IUS, nnd for which have the"Sole agency, are g_aininggolden oplrJon· CHEAP as the · CHEA.PF.ST. orderr and kept vVho lmve just arrived in America, and will appear harnesseti' to the great Special attention paid to - - ·F. A. VET RO U G II IN G -~ ~ D J 0 ll BING T·in, Sheet-I1'on and Ooppe1· 1f"'are '"lnarle Ill CIGARS to. W Orders from t he e onHl1·y p1·omptly attended ' Q·_l.7.R,N' _rA "C .AR OI' J.UG .'-.:~ ·i. P·l'." Li t.:rr Il!¥"hest price pn fo'r Hides, Sheepskin _ Rags, v\rool-p.ickings, Copper, F'eather~ and Hm·oehair. ·Z".i:r Great inducements held out to pedlers. hand; all kinds or JoJ -_ -J . d . I o-1L ·. r , b1ng o-ne 1-t-·1tt. .J. veatnessand D espatch, · Special attention. given to Chfese -l'ac· 1 foryapparatus,sucl·.1uVat" HeatI ' I I [ /Latest Novelties · . of the Season, A~D tT !Ua.:u 'rH"J; ;:.t:A.N.l& EMF.N 'I' WITH '7.L S from all those "~hoha.'\:e tried it. l{you want ~ AND PIPE , prei::erveyours1ghtt.oextremeolcr6R'e,usethe-. jand no others . .AARON BUCKLF.R. s.g1ent fr" ' OI-'~ ' ALL };a!>terly along the north side of },fr. Smit h 's . ~ropefty five chains 1 1:noxe or less, to Liberr.y , · Stre~.t;, thence uorf.!1 sixteen degrees \Yest two Olu:uns. anll Twenty-ftve links to the phwe uf 't\\:lgin\Ullg. 1nore ·o~less, tollev'dM1".·S~tith'Hpt·11pCrty, thencC T LT E \!\! 'R i.--:l "- 4 'l:XTA __ 'I'liiAM. _" ELr:~PHA - Th.1JT _ CJ l\i - "RAJAH,, . j I . is_ an1ong the. nu1il1:'l er, and \vill lead the I ._ N: B.-Fa.rmera wanting Milk Pails or Pans 'voulddowelltocallandexaminemy stock be· rorepurchasing elscv.-hen:.. A :::;ba:re or t'ublic p:itronagc respe ctfully sol.Jc1tecl , . W. G. REF.D . Bowm~nviile, 1\-Tarc'h Sth.1871. 32-t.f. - -- · - - - - - - - -- · - - - - - - ·- - BEA.1.-IFyouDON'TBELIEVEJ'J' ' ~~~o:;;· ~~~;~~~D Tu:CRYSTA.L (0 TO THE PALACE ' II · , Bo~m~lle onuviciul!y. . l·IDO i 1'11 !ii f , ,. s it( c.'T . A. v I!"' Bl' "' . 1'ER:\!S C4S!j. . OH.\RLICS H. U. BOOTll, ()E' 10-Mf. OtUclnl AssigneG fh:~]VDl~nvlll~, JQ{lC 20th, A. D. 1871. <i7-2m'. · Driyr;m b;r N ati~'e Emit Indian i(eeperi;;- SAI_.jE, ON W ];I-' LIN GTC) N ]-~OR Str.cct. ~For p1ut~m1lars up~ly to . Vi . PROWEil. ' B1·ic.k (Jotta;·e . . PEDL.A.RS. Reruerube1· my!\'fmlo: ~mallproitt and quick returns. · 'l'he hli;c:hest price vNd 1o:r liides, .Sheep Skins-! "\Yool "Pickiqgs, Rage, old Copper,, l'ee:,tn:.~s, l1or.11e H~u:, &::c. . ( , ED,VI:'.II JIORS. E Y.· Bowooorcrillt, llu· 11, ml. !Hf GI v E ME A TR I A I. ONE WA liberal diAconnt offere\l to F. Y. DOOR EAST OF f-;t_ Small Fa.-.m Wanted. UNDERSfGNED WISHES TO i 1 C 0 .,V L E'S, THE ~·1·is . u new · h rancti or their business and the 1~ jl Stock will"" found ltING Sl'., BO,Yl\L\.N \""ILiil·:. SJLVt:'"R R- DOUGLAS U "' ~ , JUI)· 28th, !871. 'j ' exchange good house an_d lot in a thriving IV1llagein lHechi~an fo_1 a smd-11 fnrm near Bov.Iman-ville, if farm lS worth TilOl'C than house and t lloi \Yill pa-y balance in money. Call imn1ectiate1y 1 in 11ereon nr address · ~ 41-tf: '.l';w . cll E _4 p jj 1'{ ]) a o.o D. 39-tf, NTCHOLS,.B~~~J.~nville. I .

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