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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Aug 1871, p. 4

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3 'IHE SUilSCRIIlEII IS NO\\ l{ECEIVING A ALL THE OLD ::M: .\.INE L \_W8 tSJlXDE ' :Friendly Advice! Ji; t li< TO OWNERS OF 1 A.n net 1n acld1tion to " An act 1 elatu1g to ta' erns u1d sp1r1tu ous hqnors " ,va,..~ pu.s-sed in t he Senate on tlle 1st Just , "1thout dehate or c hssent The bill pm\ tclos th > t pm oh,tsern liquors may ne'i er pay £01 then1 or, 1f they do pay may reco-,, e1 hack tlunr n1uney, 1t having been pu.11..l "w1t.hout co1undcrn.t1on, and aga111st law a.nd equity, and the wife, husband, parent, cluklren, guardian or e1n ploy er of the person purchas111g inay le co' et the money of the hq11e1 in~chant .\ncl ~ all the contracts, ~iles, t1otnsfer-s, g1a.nts, 1nortgages, pledges, attach1nents, hens 01 other secnt1ty in cons1derat1on ct tlie sale of ltquor shall be null and' 01d Leases, ver bul 01 written, of shops and buildings sh"ll nnply that the tenant shall not sell hquo1 s , and in case the lessor is sold on the pr~rrases, he or she shall be deerned to be concerned in the tra.:llic and a party to e\ ery illegal sale-a forced partnership and conti 1ct of ::i. novel cha,racte1 111 n 'vc11 r egulated go"\ernment of free men If a d1nnkn1d does a.n)' da1nage the per B-On who bas sold }uni h<J.uor untl the pe1 l\011 who has lca~e<l. p re1u1ses to the liqno1 dealer heltl rf'spnns1ble for 1t all al,uses "1fe Ol clnldren 1he hqnor de~ler <h lessor shat! pay all the clam nge) and if any hqu or thinker sh all hccome " pa1cpcr 1he same pa111e· shall pay :tll the bdls and support hrn fannly too The select men or three 1axpayers of any to wn may prosecute rtnJ liquor dealer i\ hn shall be reqmrnd by t he Court to rhsclosc, and he shall he h eld for contempt, fined, 1mpr1sonetl, 1.~c ) and 1f the dealc!' re fuse 1o disclose 1t shall be ti!.en p10 conf.,so, and 3udgment shall be r endered ac conlmgly The last seot10n opens the State Tieasury to costs 111 favor of those who prosec11te - N I' H earld 'fttE iollo"\\ 1ng illusti it1011, sa)S P1 ofes sor H enry, of the vibratory mo,ement of matter is atteste<l hy Professor Hoi.eford, of tho Umted States The top of tire !ugh tower wluch conohtutes t he 11nnkcr Hill monument Jnchnes to~ ards the v; est in tho monung and the north at rn1d day, ancl towards the east in the afternoon These nlO\ements ate <l.ue to the expanding 11\ fluenc:e of the 8un as 1t 'vn.,rms, in succes ~non, the different sides of the structure A sumbr hut more marked efiect is pro duced on the dome of the capital at 'Washugton, aa indicated by the appa1ent 1no t 1011 of the bob of a long plumb Jme fasten ed to the under side of the 10of of the 10 unda, and extendmd to the pavement be neath This bob describes daily an elhpsod1al curve, of v;lnch the longer d1a.meter s 4. inches ot 5 1nchefl ln length By molecular actions of tlns kind, T1u1e, the s]o,v but sure destro;} er levels to the ground the loftiest monuments of human pride Dou:uL1 yon, oh man ! 1s woman l'Rll prettier th e foot an d anldo, the easier It gets up stairs A Hong Kong correspondet t of tho Ilos ton l{eufl, telh an 1nterest1n; uLculent He h,td been entrusted wi th packages for J a J onng1nan fron1 ]us f11ends 1n the Un1ted l States, :ind after rnqmry learned that he I nnght probablJ be found m a gam blmg I house He "ent thither, but not seeing I lnn1, d etorn1u1cd to wait 1n the t1on that he nught co111e 111 The place 'vas n. bc<llcm of noises, men gettmg a.ngry 1 over their cards, and frequently cunung to 1 blows N car ]nm sat t '\'l o men- one young, the other forty-dive year s of age j They '~e1e bettnig and chinking in a ter nble 'vay, the clcler one g1...,.1ng utte1ance contmually to the foulest p10famtJ rhe gan1es hnd been finIBhed, the young n1an losing each t1n1e The tlurd gan1e, w rth fro sh bottles of brandy, had JUSt begun, a.ud the ~ olmg man sat lastly baol, m his 1 chair while tho elder shufHed the card 0 The man \\ :ts a. lo11g tune d enln1g the cards and the young man looking carelessly about t he roon1, begnn to hun1 a. tune He began to smg the be autiful !mes of I Cary ! and V a ried Assortment Farm Property I DETACHED-AiESIDENCES JN "'ITRE YOUR PROPERTY IN T HE Parlor, IN FIVE QU A.R TO VOLUMER Pu ce $ 9 00 I et vo! nme , ot SUll'ED '10 THE SEASON Fdll 01 E:MBRAClNG A VERY FINE SJiJJ,ECTION OF WHAT IS '10,GO pci· ~ct il®m11Jeh'. New and Fashionable, OF S m,~ As tlus is the season I 1 I I 1 THIS STOCK OF STAPLE EVERY DAY GOODS l:S AS USUAL I A 1, AND BEING BIPORTED BY IlBH'IELF IN FA NCY AND DRY Goo~s AND TRIMMING;:; Agricultural Insurance Company, - A Nn - I DIRECT I I WII I BE SQf,D 11 from the British Markets, I I@- PlUCES SO P ALPABLY CHE.\.P iW:]I S' Half Yom ' a.e Head Office fot Canada, - 1 11oney Kmgston I PLAIN AN D I as to co :Inuend the1u to do1Je 1uye1"', \Vho ot1 e respectfully HIS old an:1 nell e!>iaUlr..;herl C ompan y JUSll es ootbm g huLFurn tnJ deta cLed Jl,es1dences, u d f:i"' es Pul CH!8 al Gri!ately Rednccd Ilr:te"- T P1or 0 1t~ lN\'JTED TO, CALL .AND HDG~ FOR 1 BE:'lf 1 1 GLASGOW Bo""lna.1n ille .April 1871 HOUSE, rrH0~'1AS TJA'J'EBSOK. Ont' sweetly solemu thought Con)es to i11e o c l and oer , 1 m ne11rer to m~ fi:itl1er s house lhan l'\C e1e1 been bef01e . N earer t he bound ofhfe 1 t he Ir a husband ORNAMENTAL D. S'J~OTT'S low n1 rrn nt s a I ' "-'by, tho one .} on 'e been mngu1g " IJRTJG C'all and 16 41 We hav-e exannn ed into the co nchnou l\[ld standing ol the A,gricultu1a.l In su rnace Company, and do full) concur with Mr, Oa. .. en 1n 1ecommcud111g 1t tcr the Fn1me1s ot t btl! Prolin ce, as one pctfectly ,safe an l reha lu~ Jn Yl b tf' h to 1ps111e th en prop e1tv 'Ihe ~oung man ~ ml h e did not know "hat he hnd been, when the elder 1epe ited the words "1th teais 1n lus eJ ea, n.n d the yonng inan said he }uid l earned thmn n1 a Sunday School m \mer:ica j ' Come,' s ud lJ1e elder, getttug ud, ! "con1e, here 11:1 i\ hat I' e won fron1 ) 011 go! nnd nse it for sun1e good p111 pose , a~ fo1 ine, a.s God sees n1c, I have plnycd my last game 11.nd drank mJ last buttle I ha\ e misled you, H:u1y, and I a.n1 so11y Grve n1e j our hand, n1y boy, and sa.J for old A1ne11cn.', 1£ no othe1, )OU 1\ 111 qnlt l th~d 1nfe1nal btunnoss ' l,he w11ter saw t hese two men lea'i e the gan1bhng hou;:.e togethe1 a.nd " a.lked rnv:ly PRINTING I I ~N ew >:upphes icc01ved dmmg the s'eason I make selections JtT DON'T .FAIL TO CALL I I I EXECUTED Special An11ouncement. L). :E" () R B JN ANNOUNCING rHE OPE)ffNG Ol 'IHL _E S RurrAND "\ 1 · We would refer you 1o the folio " Ing gen t!emen , m regard to the ie·poootlnht) of the PRO§li'Et 'TUN G 'OR ~ 'i~il . TN <\. 8TYJ,E 111111 Ill ::Ulll I ! SECOND TO SPRING would take the opportumty of 1nfo1n11ng the public that he i::. pre1;1ared to attend 1o then- Ol'der,, lla.:nn~ recc1ved and be111g 1111ece1pt of a. "\ery good a ssortmen t or the Compnnv -D F isher, ]~sq Cash1e1 of the 0 ntar 111 Pu nk, Tn o McL f>.od, 1.f r. P J G Fauba11 i.. Esq 1 Postmast ei J E Ftti ewell Esq , Bnrr1ster Ageut for Co-bourg and v1c1n 1t: "ILLLH! T FISH \V R CLJJ\HE, I oc sl Agr n t -nt Ilo~mfl D ._n y '>l ~ u THE LA .U :'· .!~ R.J.JCIJ.1 y,, i.-r-.i.. L°' 1 1st i Newest and Most Fashionable Goods an<1 1i1 s£hc 11as dete1m1ned to conduct bU"'tne.:ffl on the v11le Dee 1870 A KI ND O"F C-0::-:ruNDRUM - A dinner '11as given recently to partws 3ust back from) Eu10pe One of the hosts ,\sked wliat \ flower are out gnests like 1 rrhey came over in t he Cluna ~tnd they ale dnnng at j the Asto1 Cash Principle Great Bargains -w:ill be given. N 13-..fll 01 tsto. id1 q a; e Jt.que&ted to b,. s~ttl ~d u>itlw? tt def.ay DAVID FORBES. I NEW SPRING GOODS NO - U- BATT I ] :N" G- s T - c N E con-1 e lo ~ut 111 ::i, J l ll Y box, pi)ss1bly 1nf tnts muy ge t to be criers in W HEN \\01ne11 1 7 1 G cou1t WHY i . a Caterp1lhr like a buek,vhoat cake? Because 1ts the gJ"1h that makes the Butter fly THERR are two dnectly oppoi:nte ieasons why sorr1e 1nen have poor credit- one be cauw they n.1e ntt kuo\~n, a:ud the nther l1ecu.11se they a1c known IN TffE OODS MEN are genera.Uy lite '~agon s, 1ht:y rnttle proc11g10usly when t here in the1n G-OLDE])J" D 0 MIN I 0 N. A YOUNH n'lan n a.n1cd Tnrn 1 nn.r r1ecl a cous1n of tlie san1e nn.nle, on the plea. that Sold in Bowma1n illc by-'.f Higglnboth&m ani " One good turn deser' cs n.nothc1 " D Stott nnd ull nledic1no dealer!! NoTRING Jok e a cold m the head to hum blea man It 1s pretty sure to brmgJnm t o hls sneeze A \VF.sTJ RN cchto1 consoled a lnan who complamed that JUSt10e had not been <lone him, by the r emark that it was "' vo1y lucky fo1 hun G.aRTEP.S wtth 1nonogram clasps now Plll'ley's A1·abian Oil. FOR HORSES AND CATTLE THIS '\ aluable prepal'at1on combines all the medicinal virtue of those articles 'vhich long experience has proved to possess the most safe and cffic1cnt :prope1t1es f or the cure of Flesli \\.,.ounM SpralJlS n1u1seA, Calls of all kind_& Ct a eked Heels Ring Bone Spavin Callous Fu!! tula, S\VCCilC) 1£xternal Poison s, scratches or G1e_ase Strains, Lamenes!-1 Mange '\~ lutlov; a Corn8 oa.nd Cracks .b onndered Feet Horn D1~ 1e mper Swclllngs and many other diseases ,vb1ch horses and cattle are subJect t u Thu~ celebrated L1n1mcnt ha ~ been u i;ie<l for many and 1t.6 e properties thoroughly tested and is concederl to be the cheap~st and most reliable rerncdy for an ext-er nal conrpla1nts ever oft'ererl to the puhhc-1t A NEVER FAILING REMEDY AT '!'RE worn by the pretty girls They are rnther ' a. no\ elty yet, but 've hope to see more of them Spring Importations. VVM. McMRTRY I HA.s PRJN" AN Iowa wornan advertises fo1 a hus band, "Money no ob ect, mmt b e healthy ne\ er fails ·when hmel~ usecl and fa1thfuny ~:v plted .... and w1lhng to w01 k ' 1 o be hru:l of nil Druggists and ~Countzy Mer cha.nts th roughout the Domm1on 1J Price ta centl'J A YOU N G man m Oh10 recently opened a per bottle & Lyman l\cwcastle Ontario Pio clothing store, and was sent to p1l for 1t PI:Northop ietorHfo1 Canada Reason- the clothing store belonged to Sold by J HIGGIN BO fHAM and D STOTT I n.nothe1 1nan Bov;n1a1lville Ontario measles ar e in 1311gha1n Young's It 1s tmneccssary to add that t here :ire not enough to go around, and flOYetal dozen are left i'itthont t ineaslc THE fam1l~ 'l'he Great Fen1ale Ren1~tl~ . I J JOB MOSES' PERIODICAL PILLS nEcMVl',D A LI.Ru~. PORTJO:::. o P ms months gul thus accosted her patern"l 1clatne a tlay 01 h\O tgo "Papa will Jou buy me some hole to pnt in rny e:irs, so I l~an hnve son1e ear ungs 01N'T Jlr:: <\It TH.E~f 1 ~ 'lHIRT\' TWO r1 N(, EST ,\."6LTSH1'.t1EN'r · Spring ·Stock of Dry Goods, cf .~lnc h he would r.uH :!W~1a..l s.H"'nhon t o the follo w.1.nJ" hne.: ~ I ne'er conld bea.r Dress Go o d s, NEW TYPE, P~\.l! I Clotl1s, U 1 8, COI or. ~ I Al )! fSll} ~ a.nd \VJilJ l L.Ji...A D NEW · Wuy ts an egg unde1donc like an ei;,rg ove1done1 Ileen.use they are ha1dly <lone \N exchange sa) s that the frogs of Con n ect1cut have 'vorn the skm off then 1n the vam ,:i..tten1gt to find 'vater I PRESSES. I AN !1.SSORTJ.IBN'r OF At the' erv lowe~t p11cc"' Paras ols, HORSE AND CATTLE 111EDIOrNES ~ !lantarreous n- Oounln- Stm ekceJJCf!'! supphc d on nc\. terrn~ Hats, Bonnets, . Flowers, Feathers, &c., ROT 1'0 BE J.]XOELLED IN THfo PART 01' 1HE DOMJNIO!I Jo'OR STYLE, QUALI1 Y , A l'.D P RIC'ES :BY i\.IAJL PROMPTLY F Bees ! Rees ! ! Dees ! ! ! OR SAU<J, BY le 13 CRYDERllfAN, n ear llam:r;ton ITALIAN -4ND IIYBBID BE/i.'S, A WRIT.BR m one of our rchg1ons ex chn.nges says " I w·ould hke to see a th1nk ing department ee;ita..bhshed in ou1 thcoloc. ical schools ' ;:I · !1.TTENDED 1'0 l<'IRS'J' fJluU!iS J UIJ,f,Jl\'ER alwaytt .in Attendance. A RA.THER careless cook 1n Memplus, re~ cently steeped "choice selection of lnc1fe1 matche· m the tea, ancl now a whole family , LO\VEST CLIMIE, r->RICES Dutcher s Deall 111.Pl"~i:.:e Qf ·even ~lumb er m the valley reoP;e.rExoB. /Weekly UTCHER'S LIGHTENING FLY Dthteim Killer Shot Arrivals of N e-vv Goods. Tr} Jtnd sleep 41 Jm, for Re il Bllg!I R & H

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