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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Aug 1871, p. 3

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, CAN"AD IAN ~~rr:i\TESMAN., BO"\VMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 187'1. ±·. The Osborn. I I ·1 if~IRCUST 1 :J~~R~TJ.Aj';,';;1~~;ctJ SAN~~~~~NO~JR~~fS ! l~J:;Il~~~~=:· .· · En:t:ire Fitted up ::mc1 brought out i n Ne~ :i Atthe Ironmongery! Dress Goods I DRESS' GOODS. SOMEEHING LONG WANTED BY · EVE RYBODY, ~ OR-- Ear ly Receipt OF EVERY ONJ.<~ HIS on H ER ~ WI\' P AINTER! Magni ficence. T r o u p e o :f' A r't:is't!B ! style of unprecedented Splendor :md Also in stock. Ladies' Collars an d -Cuffs, Braid Innd E mbroidei·y nui.tcrials ;. o.nd Collars Gen~· !;> he offers t o tbe ladies of Bowroa.nville a nd surro uHtling country t at Jowest 1>ric.e. · , 1'\/ ..i ' L E O D ' S . HOUSE and Cuffs. Machine se·wing done to order; also StampiD.g for Braid i;vor k. All orders promptly filled. StO i·e Two doors F.ast of Hmldereon·s H oteL AND V ILLA P AINTS, .. P~epared for bn1nediate use 1 and .nothing hnt the pur~st ].1:a.teri~s ustid, and requiring n o further mixture of oils, Turpenhne and Dryers. STAPLE §tiU A b end. SOIREES, . 'l'K.\. PAR'fIES, . BALL SUPPERS, P~mLIC DINNERS; WEDDING OAKES Got up in the beet style and on hr the s uh!wrihel". 'l'hc whitest, the sweetest ai1d be:.t b read <le live~eU Uail)' t o custo:mci;:s in all parts of the. town . . , l o-34: THEIR COMPOSITION CONSISTS SOLEY OF .:-- Piire Color, P.ur·e White Lewl, Pun White Zinc, Linseea Oil; Spirits of Tiirpentine and Dryers carefully and scientifically combined. GOODS I FOR ! I' I l I ~asonable terin: F. F. McARTHUR · HAS The.con; umer can have any desired shade oi Colors neatly put up in Oana,_ and all hunBelf or he requires to buy with the P aint is a Brush, a. -the work can be done by _ by any member of his h ousehold. . · . ' ALEX. FLETCHER. m um v er._d{ot of ~now be6n toi3ted bey ond a ll q\1e~ition a.nd t he th~ CELEBRAT ED M A CH I~E Spring · Fashior1s m HE SUBSCRIBER HAS NOW THE .J. }tashlons for t his spring, 1871, a nd is O make L!'l, Dr e ssos a n d A-Ie.n;;t les ,. · A large stock just received fo r Autumn Pai~tin,g, itnported direct from the English Manufacturers, includihg JAMES' Genl.1ine and celebrated Rooster brand---Guaranteed pure. PURE WHITE LEAD. " pub lic hi L h lit t o-day '- - · ' AS USUAL I N LATEST STYLES! It S tands " 'ithcm t a R j T l; It .. lm._ 111, has the . · r work!.na- Pt1.-t1:i't heautifu1)u d~ ~lfllf ancl finish.- · H a.e the b&;t desi!?n of & suttJ 0, a.nd ·by flil' the ( LARGEST rtoBBixs. I t ts capable o( perform· : fQr S ewing l\!Ach loes. . ,·-_ ~, ·fl tting-. Z--§ Particnl n-r attention paid to .cu tt ing a:nd . 'IIRS. ALEX. ·F LETCHER . :i- · Just . "R eceived 2000 ALSO:-All stantlard Oolora, Oi!a, Val'!li·hes, and Painters' Materials. Call :;nd see how cheap a Hpuse can be Painted and Decornted, for all .t hese ll"oods:will be sold at reduced figures. GAI,LONS MACHINE OIL OF DIFF~RENT KIN D~. Threshers.and· all parties requiring such ciil are specfally hwited ·to . inspect_ the · · varioWJ qualitie·-the price being. far below ahything ever ·off>fted iii-this _ market. SPRING 1871. l I ls·. ~)~ ~oet. suh8~~ntl»1l~V' Apr ii :~S7~ g N . C Y . !VLl.ND1, AC1' L "RING CO. )))1:1'. l ·· . ""1 I --.:o: -- .- - 1ni' a. rte.Ugo" of 'YO . 1 .·lt . hit .he.rto th~ught _Bow111ANYIL~~T~F}:_1.J.~.~gd1 ~t~:I ~-.: -! . ' Ji"urn rture _}fanllf~cturiiig Cl?. , la n o ...,· 1n a._pOHI1ion 'to fill aU ·orders atlas loxv a rate a s -any deal· er in the courit.y, _ , · : . iW possible I. T HE S"GBSCRI.BER H AYING EEEN 11'26 R OBT. S. l\IANNING. nyp ointed retail aeent by the Bowmanville · h soldai :bout o~e~half'the J. . . OF' )'· B. e st s ·um m e r · f'it-!lt P r ize t;uliivators. · , the attentiO n of farm~rs tp the One.horso a.lid· two-hor se Jrori 'Cultivatoi-lnnanufacturod by._ h im, and which have f or sb: yeare obtalned ftrst prizes a t ProTindal . and Local Faks. They are undoubtcdlv t·hC. beat µnple~<mt of the ·kind in u~e ; and will In a very shprt _ time ·m ore .than rep_ ay. their cost; iJ+ the efliciencY·and excellence ·or lheti·· · wod~. Inspection in vited. .A ·s u pply of C~ltlva-. 1 toroi no w on hand for the s pring . ' vork, and will be sold nt lo\vest rates. ·.·· .T HE S UBSCRIBER WOULD DIRECT s limmer ·. Dress . : . jtist ·received several Cases · and . B ales· cifStaple . and y . t~ THE PHICE Ol' OTHER MA.CJllNES DOINO THE LIKE .WORK. Is equally at hom e on lea.ther os on fine g-oods;· Ha~ car ried off prize& over.the , llowe~- Singer, Lockn1nn, _~Vh eel er &.~ WJ.hori, w .· 'a_ n Ur, Ra . yn~ond, &c ; tl"iff' A Pcrfr.-et -1 ~ !\!a.chine Gua ranteed or no sale. · · . I ·· · \Goods· ' J. HIGGI~""BOTHAM, Fancy Dry Goods for the I . . -~ IRO N HARROWS of a superior kind, also on ha:nd. ~prrng Trade, aucl are·otfering SO LE , F OR BOWllf.ANYIJ,LE. . BUG I TREA.IH,£ « - ~~-~ constnn tly on hand for sale. .. AJI kinds of Blacksmith " 'ork do~b on the short.est n" A call solic ited. . 15-3itf. , I. "\YESTC0TT, Bowm_al:"l~e: ~ GI E S AN D "WA G 0 N S· A a EN T them at such low prices that they cannot fail to suit the I I I North-cruot ccirner . of Lot 9,,.in the 4th con. of Dar lin~t-On, 2t nlile;, fro1 n the r o\vn of Bov;:man." ·ville. 10 ncres, and 30 in W oods. ' Comfortabl e D·welling IIo~e, g _ o od Darn , Stable , and , · Shed : some lfrnit Trees on the premises, a g-ood '"ell, also a..stre..~m -of Spring W ater. '. : 12, int.he 5th con. of the above -..l1 own~hip, 130 a cres cleared ,-70 in 'V'"oods. \ II/e ll ·watered; a lso a good Won. A new Fr111110 Dwellirig H ouse, t h Ston~ . Cellar . the full size ·o f the , () 0 1 the _. . F ARMS beiag fo 1~ S ALE· AcREsoF GooD l11e_ Sot~ll 1 LAND,j Great ·Bargains .. . _;, ;· ·· · .· · 00 ..A~res , antl.10011 1 A rno 200 ACRES, BEING LOT N O. AND · w nL SELL '!'HEM ._., 'l -· . Carpets I Carpetsr I l cloeest buyer. House,_, a small L og_ Houso, t-~vo Dacrns, Stable ll.nd . Co, ,,· ~h ed. Excellent land,- sltua.ted 31 Jajles from the 'l'o \vn of llowmanville. :E'or further par ticulars .ti.;pp1y to · t he proprietor~ THOMAS "\VF;LDON , Tem po P . 0~, or to J.A.l\fES "\VEI... DON , Lot N o.13, in th e 4th con. of t he above Townshi p. · ' 16-39-3n1, '"i · R T C· · H E · ·A . . p ·.E , Dleaf'hed Cottons, Bleached Sheetings, F OR ONE MON -TH thai11'.any . in Town. Denim ~, For terms, !:Ui.mploo of !3Cwfng, &c.. , o,.pply to GUELPH fiEWI NG MACHINE OO'Y, ' · fO:-UEL PII. CAN .ADA. I j .I~'· CARPETS 'WILL BE " SIG.N OF THE BEAVER, KI N(} ST." Bowmanl-ille, .May 25, CJhccked Regattas, lieHian Tickioglll, iv The Cciuntl;s _ of pu,rharn, <'.>n UJ·.io tind Victoria. R-~<t·':l{; O'HAR A, Wl1olesa.I: ngon ts· foT is-n. nt S:peola.l 1ndu_cements to Ll\re agents:. J·anua<y )8th. 18'11. . . s A :C --R I F I c E. D ~ . ,t:otton Tit» kiugs, . · · . Facfory Cuttoll!I!, Dress Liuinglii, etc., et.., · '- ~ -- - - ._ . · ,, · ~-. .. . /- -~ McCLUN:G BROTHERS. Large . Stock BOWM-ANVILL h , CAN B{;: _BUI!ll' E.. Without R11islng the Taxelll, ~. A ~ NEW SHUTTLE OR 1'\I.[ S ' LocK·ST1TcH ·--- OF B Y CA.l.J,INO A 'I': rrHE SUPERB NEW State Cabtn Stea mer LAKE UPP~}< - . NO . RSEMAN, "LO CKl\IIAN" ! T. e.a·es Port Hop e C~C1'Y Mm'"' "u. f or B ., chesfor aMlo'clock,onar.r 1y al ()_ f G;rtq 1d l'r nnkltan~ Vn,u; U nit ed Sta.tes a.nd Canadian l\fail,s. nnil ! · ·· E xpress, A'n· .· d :. ers 0 n ' &.. Co' S FOR FAMILY . .. . I . . ~ SEWING MACHINES, ' I GEN'I'L,EMEN'S USE AND LIGHT MANUFACTURING · I ve:nh\g nt 9·o'cfock,(oxcept Satur · l ~"J:TE B E G" TO INFOR . ,]\I THE INtltt-r H .- "'vhen sheleavesat2o'c{ock, I l'f . ,, ,. . .. · P. ] 1 r, , fo1· Brighton). H ABITANTS ?f Bowmanville a-n ~ Btlr'l'hi.G is the ·favori~e summer rout e !J.·ou1 Toroii- rounding CO\tntl'y that. ,~:c .arc 'ntnv s61lin8' to. ~ n .ochcstcrt .Albanr. &.c . 11'1 10 cheapest a nd Boot.s and Shoes at Prices thp.t-c aj1not . fai l t o (Ju1 c kest route -:!:r01n p mnts East of Port Hope on 1 df th " · d rt · l · · : : t he Grand. 'l'r lmk, ~-o .Rochester, Buffalo, &o. _ ll ea_s~, a n r?m ~ '~e asso ment t la 1 n ost T h o ftivoritc rout e t.o Avon and Clifton Springs. fasf.1d1ous ma,y be 5Ultcd. · J'a.Hsen gers a nd .freight take cars along side 'L_ 1 steam er-at f{.ochestor Landing. . By st rict att ention t ~ U~18i nos.., a sha-re of ~·01u· poill,teetion 1~ade at G,obow·g and Pm·t' Hope -pntronagC is soli.Cite d. ' W J)Qn't fail t o cau,w 1th :t~oy ul 1\1ml Linc SteamOl'O frOJn I:Ca1nilt.on ! a nd !\Iontroa L , s·TAND TWO DOORS. WEST OF 7'ho Norseman will call at lh· Port .of Dnrlfng. ' · . ton "very WEDN1'SDAY M01'0'fNG, l sboul<l sufficl· .._.URDOCH BROTHERS. · cnt, frt~i ght oftC>t'. · · - I Jld1o~nin'f;, i e;_.1}'es P o1·t of R~hester " 'ay'. Trains from }Jast and \ Ves.t. (_Ch cirlott) I Boot & .shoe store·. . .. " .- .. . , 0 E-i ~ 'c!j i.;,; ~ ·...·. 0 Q "k · FURNIBHNIG$ z ~ t:I t:I .;:ti ·~ m. 37-tf ! ·-· - --~---,..-·-::--------.------- ..A.rltlr1.:-ss, R. 0, GA.RTIEH., . Port H o pe , Ont j , J K ing ~t.', Bow1n1:1.n v ! ';~ .\NDERSON & A:Pri~ . 29> 1871. CO·. ,tt~t,f. Photograph s I 1 · ..L ~1 T'I1Ji"; p niid i mp.rayed t he .~allery. latelt occup1ed ·by-Mr. 11. Tat!', is no~v pre~~i"~ ~~·~ j I :>Cd· ·.t:"" trj ··. ..L F OUR:Tll· the-pa.tts in i ts.conatrnction tha t ~s l-n oth er Maohtncs; tbere.fore onl}7 ONE~FO:lJ RTH as llAble to git out -o~ ordcr. l t ls Durable i n all its pat·t.s_ . a nd e-very motiQn Positive. l~ ha s the µn · der Or !our motiQn t eed-Tire best i n use, nnd will pas11 fro1n theflneatMu slin to t h e coarsest of work \vithotltohinge o_C ei~herTE NSION - or STITCll. I t nui.kea t he Genu1ne S HUTTL E m· L OCK STI'l' OH., al~e on both sides, s_ o fam.ous for its S t1·ength, B ea:uJ.y_ 01· p 11/r:ti.Wtit11 a nd· \ '\i"'JLL NO'l' HI P. lt rg.zur rapidlY and a Shon Stra.1 ght-Needle, which ~s casi!Y a.4.i.1;1SteQ.. 1nto place a nd .not near ·80 tt>":hr!Jalt- It is highly or~ am~nted, e qual to iiny ot _ t he high pric ~ ~a.chines . 1t·.wn1 F RIXGE, rJ1H E i\10S'l' SIMPLE MAOHINE I N 'l'HE MARKET- ONLY ABOUT ONE ' INSPECTION INVITED . l"flHE. SUBSCRIBER HAVINO UJ<:. . E- d·. · ~·11£ ..;_ · PIIOTOG.I ;AJ'HS I N A'LI·· STYld{" L . : ANO AT -. ,,- · ..:· DEAf; ER I N · ··~, Hor$~y .. . ' llllJRDOC:H BROS. .i\UM:l§ fH!GJT-.J .. . : .. . .'-\;. .. :-. ..·..-. ."':-:-·: ': : . ;:.;~~ -;-;:;.:;Q CENTS- ~call rcsll_ectfnlly solicited; Ga.Jlorf"-Corncr oi·F ---"'NIJ. U:.JJ""'"E ~ 0tan. de~19 y e "' . "!l . ·· · - ~O CJEN'.l'S · · TreleV6l:J.Sshocst-0re. Klng anqD . ivlsi. on. S <re . ")»;entr0J1ce·onpoaJte ~1 ··. 1 · v !$"~-"1i- .r a _ , ,"!'.~ ·.· .·. ! · · · _._,. · -· · · · ~ \ ;_ ' · .. ;, , ! The whole interfor ts t!:ioroup;hly ventilated and at n ig]lt BRILLIANTLY ILLU, . P icturos lll·all .l>Jn.d s,of weathe~. ! MINA'l'ED by""""" of Arn G~·!;l U$NEiU'l.'EDOU'l'B.IDE THE PAVILION. -- ~8-~A'l'_!~F,~SJ!.:J: O ~ S!,.li:A~~.;N"I£~ !4 ! . . . . . .. , , L ~W E ST . PRI.8 ·.l!l i; . . . ·1HA . Rm _.N AR . E . , ... · , . OUTLER Y, · 'N":<qLS ' H EM, ' FELL~ · 'f UCK, CORD, . BIND, FR! Lt, ,GAi'HER · IRON, MILLINERY. QUIL'I', BRAID or anything that any other. ~iiehine 'Will do. · · ' : . ·.. . AND .· . .. . ' PRIV.c\/( E . ~ ~' FAlYnL'l:E8~s1M!Li:IN1E1.ti~;R D~~~s-MA.KERs;.. ·sH.ow R o·eM. - TAILORS, FARMEUS. < - ·. . - ,_. , ·ro CLERGYMEN. . .. . .. . WA RRA NTEJJ.~ · Sewing'Mac.hine TOOK THE Fl~ST PIUZ~ 4T T.l!E D oo~s open a t (Jna and Seven.P, M , · The Grea,t E nglis h Will <>ppear in E xl1ibit0 n ' ' . EI)WJJ'j .J . li'-LETOHEU. BOl\manVitlo, A,pril '26th, i87l: . IG~i· AND ALL X INriS.' !.oF to othors.'which _ w e cannot e~lai"c. her~ b ut will bo pleased to foti\·a.rd .-Circulars and 8a;mples of work everywhere on applioatlon. DIS.,;OUN'f filij" There are many points of excellence ab01:it" :the"'Macbine; Superior $!£!"MACHIN ES FULLY FARMIN G - T OOLS , CRA~LES, NEW: TIN SHOP I BOWMANVILLE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 18TH, 1871. Osha1va, August 17; Port Hope, 4.ugust 19. w . . G .. sntro~ding IN BQWll'.(ANVILLE: SCYTHES, . , F OR.KS, .. ROES, !. &o .. &-0.: got.one_ a.lrood y esta blished. Larger in_ d ucements than any oth~·compa.ny; W AGENT w.anted in Bowman.ville, and in every · oilier-Tow.n where · 16-41 Murdoch Bros. J . 0. TODD, ·General Agent . REED, N o. 7 Ros;·in H()U8e Block, Toronto, Ont, . ltAKl(~. .11 0RGOODA.~~D B EG TO INFORM THE LADIES . the"Town and Country, that their I S NO\V OF AFTERNO ON :'ProTincial E:diibitiou ! J"'U!i't lleld. a t Tt:n;ol!-to. ovei· the mo8t renowned . seW.iitg Michillea in the- 'vorld, among lvh lch were the ~-elebrxted Hov;oe, ' Vheelcr & \V~.;n, &c. This -i ~ only a conftr rnatiori oj the verdict prf)viously tendered bf· the Great Can a dian P u·Plio, a nd ,proves conclusively tlie SUPERIORITY <0F "T~ " I..O'~KM.1L.. V' ; oVEn ~Lr. OTI-fFJIB. .n"R. &: H. O'HARA, .W\lole&Ye and .Agents · . Also, agents for Guelph Se Wing :i\-. f a.cb ine Co., Grover & Baker, Singer, Ho1\-·_ c and '\Villia.m:J' l\-fa.Chines. ) Ve ha>ve also on h lind a -a full stock A N D NIGHT. in the Grand 'i'rocession will be added Mill,. Cros8-C1it and Band ·&,,,JS ; Seale..Pl,atform and Coi<nte,._ ; Bo;ing Moch_in.,; W agoo Material, imlooViiiJ Smart' s Pa· ,. h IN G AN D D I V I S ION STRE E TS · tent &lf-(}ilim.g sea,,..z..s wagonSkcin.1: · nowm anville, i-·here h e w ill keep constantly oil Painfa, Oil·, Glass, 81-0:ves a.·ui: ha nd a '"ell selected stock of stoves, .JS.p· unnecl, pressed and Tin ware, _ Tinwa.1'f out a New 'l'in Shop ln the store lately occupied by John Allen, corner of . . whlch h e ·will s ell . · MUCH PLEASURE IN IN· I I AS FOP..MING the inho.bitallts O fBowmilnVille and cO untry that he has opened CHEAP ~ · -~ · Sl)OOtacleS··and Ey6 Glaeaea manufuctUrctl by L.AZARGS &. .,MORRIS, a nd for whloh have:the sole ~gc~cY;-S:re ga.lnlng golden o.pinlon~ trOm all those WhO have tried_ it, It you ·wa_~t t preserve yoursightto~ictr~meoldage, uso thos a.nd no ot4ers. -'lARON BUCXLfiR , .agent fo Boi.vmanvi11e an fl. vicinity. 1-m.o S TOCK OF- MILLINERY GOODS GROCERIES, · PROVISIONS, FRUIT I c 0 M ' PL E WIT~ .J T A H ERD OF TEN ELEPHANTS "CHE AP_A .8 'l'H E VVho have just arrived'-in America, and will appear harnessed to the great I CH EAPEST." CHEAP as the CHEAPF.ST . - ·,_ - THE CELEBRATED PERFE OTlW 'LL · l"HE I "CAR OF ,JUGGE RNA U T." Tfr" Sheet-Iron and Copper Ware mad· /~ order and /rept on hand;. all kinds of J o?>· bing done icitli N eafm.ess and Despatcl._ · tar OrderS from th e cOuntry promptl! r attendQd Special att fotio'\ g·iven, to G1tee" l!'a-0,to. tory apparal>u·, 81.<ch"" Vats, Heat« High est p r ice p a. for H ides. ShccPaki~d ers, lrfillc Pans, &!c., ~c. Rags, -'Vool-pickings, Copper, }""'eathers an EAVE '.l' H OTJGHI NG AN D · · TOD B !NG Horsehair. ·· Si' Groot indU.cements held out to pectiers. N. B._:___J!~a.r_mers \Van ting Milk · Pails or Pana would dO \Veil t o call n.ud examine my stock berorc purchasing elsewhere . . .A share of P ublic pa.tron(l.b'"e resp:oottuUy solicited. · W .G. P. EED. B o, vn1'.\a ville, March Sth. 1871. 32-tf. Special_ attention pa-id t o CIGARS, ' GO TO TH.ll: . Latest Novelties of the Season MliS . .. AND PI PES, .. .' s ltt c!T 4. V I S H , ALL WORK WARRANTED 'I'<> BE A. 1.--IF you DON'T BELIEVE l'J' CRYSTAL F. ""r .I. · PALACE! . A. ~mall Farm Wanted. THE who w ill fill all orders promptly. · TH E W AR ELEPHANT TEAJY.f .. .. ~ " R _._~JAH," GI VE ME A TRIA l. @" A liberal discount offered t"-' and quick returns. ot Llrn -T--1ITTLE WANZ.Jl;E. l\!aoh incs. is.among the numher, and ' will lead the ONE DOOR EAST OF · KINO ST., BOW:l<U N VILLE. . . Persons not SatiS:fiecl with one Machin e can ex" -ch & nge fof',;iny other inside o·r t hirty day!. He· member.R. & . H. O'Hara.'s i,r; the SE\VIN'~ 1\f A-~lf;IN'R .DE f O'.l',- EL E P H .L\._ NT S, Driven by N ativ;r East Indian Keep~~rs. OF lF , Brick CJottage · -. Str~ct ._. Pnr parti.,nlla:rs ~pply to 18-11' · .tf. W . P;!!OlY_ER . OR SALE, ON WEL LI NGTON PEDLARS. Remembermy lUott o: Small profit 1 fhe hlghes~ price fo1' Hid es, Sh eep Skins, , \.,.ool Ilicklngs, Rags, old Co_p)::ler, Brm:is, Fea th ers, horse Hair, &c. . C O 'W L E ' 'S' - Epw:rn HORSEY. H-tl :F!liwlll·n"\U·, May ll , ) Sil. SILVER & DOUGLAS ' exchange good house and lot in a thriVlng V>llage ln J\rechigan fora small farm n ear Bow· man v1lle, 1ffarm is wort h more than h ouse _and Jot will pay balance in m oney. Call immediately ! 1n person or a ddress · · T. W. NWI(Of,S._Box 71, i 41·t f, ll O\VID tl!1-V:i~l.~ t - UNDERSIGNED j , Thisis.a newbran chof theil' bu; ineBSand t h Stock win be round e WISHES TO I 1 OH,, .A p ' £1 ...-i.. " u ., GO .J.l .LI r 0D . 39-tf, ~ r I t ' l 1

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