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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Aug 1871, p. 4

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0-AN*DIAN STATESMAN, HOW THE D;;,ACON SOLD. I've char: ged nty Ju111d , BO~VMANVILLE, ri'.1HURSDA:Y, AUGUST 10, 1871. The Cheapest Weekly IN CANA.DA He ·hall never have you, Let hy~ least"lBe, if I can prevent it. A cijq dandy hke him indeed r I'd Just as lief you you'd marry D on J3lecket th e idiot, M to bccome the "ife of that popin~ay And Deacon n.1e1'l:1a1n dehberntely ttpped back lns chair agau1st the side of the Tie tty, h e S.C.'\H.l l1ouse, or ra.ther against th~ t11nk-roon1 door - a habit that" as a. favorite one with I '-v e he:!.rd something about 1~0ss Jla.r1 chnge t11a.t has conv1ncecl p 1c he is not so 1 bad ns I thought lun1 Young people " Ill be yotmg people, ~~nd if you wu~h t o marry hnn, fo1 get \\'hit I have Ba1d Bl1t he chd not tell ·her :tYhht he had heard Of conrse, the dcaco11"3 obJcction removed, it \Vas all smooth ~.vatai, and Ross drove Ins 'voo1ng so furiously, that rn three 'iveeka they were n1nrr1ed. 'l'hen her husb~11d explamed his artifice t o her, feai1ng that sh e had been deceived, but her fath er had never told her what had ch.!l.nged ]us sentnnenus And instead of bhmmg lum, she kIBsed hun and called h1n1 11 dcnr nice fcllo'v. Jn a "eek !Jie deacon hegau to talk bank stock. · It don-'t tr~uble me, s:::ud Ross with a augh 1 Don't trouble you i Il<wen't you thirty thousand dollars mvestcd l1l bank thuncle1ed hts father-1n-l11v.· To o-vvNERs -0:1<~ Parlor Albums I H..A.if{D IT'O BELIEVE! D f SC R I rT I 0N Farm Property rn FIVE ouARTo vor.mrns · - True ·Nevertheless! -AND- Price, 'P9 00 pC'1 v0 Ju1nc, or ~d 1 DET.ACHED RESIDENCES INSURE YQU R PROPERTY J N l' Hl<~ 4@,6® pci· 1::mnpl e"e. (]-ood FarJ1ily R eadi1u1 of am Inie.1 e~tin!J I >~d, and " ane of ti>.< Be.>l and J;fost OF Agricultural Insurance Compan~J -A.ND- hi.n1-and se11med t o i ega1 d the case as settled Letitia began to cry ah Ltle, then thought better of it, and, drying he1 eyes, f;.TI ew ra.p1dly indignant He IBn't a pop1n3ay' sh e said, He's as good as anybod~, and a deal better than Peter Budge, if you cli<l but knew it. Peter B1~dge was her father's favorite, a steady well to clo young farmer, though people did say he "·as a trifle pars1mon1~ ous. Well, I clon't know it, and nobody else don't know it. either' he crrnd angry1ly Peter B11dge is a king to hnn, and has got funr tunes the 111oney to say nothing of the old Bnclge farm, that is worth fiv e thousand. if it is worth a dollar I tell ye,,_ Lf·tty, a gal could do much worse t11alt to u1a1ry Peter Bndge. Auel much b etter, I hope, said Lettie. " At any i·ate I shall try, for T 11ouldn't wipe n1y sltppers on Peter B11dge " \~~ e!l, as I said before, you n ever shall inany R oss IInrdinge, snapped Deacon j\fp.rr1an1 gnn1ly, Ro that ls the end on't. .Atul if you won't have Peter, why you can be an old iu.ud, I suppose · I shall not clo either I have' p1om1sccl already to be llosa Har diuge's \\1fe, .u1d ha;\: e no intention of breaking n1y \Vordso there r And then, astonished nt her own ten1erity, Letty burst into teais. The deacon sat s1lent a. 1no1uent In all his hfe long 11 e had nevc1 cnool1nt.ercd a sp1r1t qtute so r ebellious as this I nevm, he cued, and in his chsui,tJ mLdeavo1ed to 1ega1n the pos rfa on of his chair But his chair \ms Jilted so required son1e exertion to do tJus , and, giving a apr1!1g, the door agamst ·w hich it was learung flew open , nnd over he went n.n1ongst the pots and kettles, and down ca1ne a pail of dirty V1·Ltter on Ins devoted he acl 7 "- e ate afraid the Deacon made use of expiess1ons that :i.t Would be wicked for a smner to ntter lie rattled around so1ne time before he succeeded m gettin g upon his feet, and when that ditlicult operntwn was acco1111)lished, hrs features resembled those of an Indian chief with the v,;ar pamt on. 'l'he wife and daughter farrly shrieked with laughter. Hush up 1 he exclai1necl It's a. p1et.ty time, if I'm to be made a laughmg stock ·of in my -O\\'ll house I \Von't endure it. "Just 1011-k 111 the glass, " rephed Letty 'l'he D encon smf!ecl,.but he looked as suggested, and the- sight of the crock thcl not improve ltls temper a particle. So you 'iVrll marry Ross H ard1nge, h ~ Mked Yes father Save f-1al.f Your J}foney. Office for Canacla, Kingston ESCH!P TIO ~ OF THE WORK THE P ARLOR ALnUM i s donb t1es 9 tl.Je most ex te nin ve AH. r G.A1 LER1: ever publi she d and by th( se w hu bu ve examined the several poi Lion s of the work, it hns bt:1~ n pro nounced '1.1 he Climax of Buuutj ." Eech volume co11ta1 ns 20 full page Chromo Lithographs, in 011 Colors, 40 full page Steel En g1avinga, 40 full vngc cngra-r1ngs on wood nnd 260 pages of i ea d Lng nrn.tter descrip h ve of t he tllu:strit1ons~ the ,vbole making each volume D G l_, 1 ood Coolfing Haisins only 5 eents a pound, and still cheapT er by the box. " Ui\>UVIER DRY GOODS at cost Reltau1e lleiv;:;papers pu.hl 1~hed 1n J'll"este r~n Oanada In uddLtion to carcfullV>\11tton ed1to11als on th e leading polit1caJ naid SOCIO! e' onts PL A .IN. AND pn.gei;i of Websters la rgest D.ict1onary volume 1 s cornp l ~te in 1teelt Rnd will detached Residences, and !.,sues Policies at be sold sepa la tcly, 1t desired Sold hr S ub .. Grea tely Reduced Rates scr1ption Only Vol I Is devotea to \Viltl American lh rdi 55 ASSETS, · ·. ····" · . . $ o,O_ QO OO Vol II Contains Wlld Americ·n Animals Deposi ted with the Finance MinisI Vol III .American Dom esticated Birds a11 d ter for special benefit of Canadian ~'1. nnnalE= Vol IV }'ore1gn Buds and An imal s ?oltcyholde1 s 1 over · · · · $l00 OOO Yol V F1sl1es H.ept1les aud In sP-cfs 1 See tha following Certificates £ lns work \"\Ill at once commend itself to This is to certify 1he. t the Ag11cultn rn.l Jn~ the cultivated Ameucan peoplei and no li1 surance Compnny hav1n g dep osite d 1n the brary w1l1 , he1enfte1 1 be complete with. hands of tbe Receiver General of Canada, ;!)llt tb1s o.dd1 t1on to 1 t~ t 1e,1 ~ure1' · while a:i. the sum of F 1 fty~four Thousan < l P1ve Hun- parlo1 an1 u semen t 1t 1..., uneq u A.ll e il h\ dred Dollars, in United S t-ates llu.11J s, as 1e- Amer ic an p11bl1 cat10 11 s quire d by t he Act of Canada, '!31 Yie 1 cha 48 1 sec. 22 1 is hereby hccnsed to carry on 1 thB business in Ca,nnda. of Fae Insura nce '" ~\\ I ll g it~ ugent~ >e.: y 1 1 t~ra l te1rn:> for Da.t~d at the City of Ottawa, the 2n d dr'f selling tlle above clei;icnbed pn b hcat1o n B , find of .Tune, 1870. wish t o ll.Upolnt an nge nt in e-V'"'Y to wn i n '1'HIS oltl a.nd well es labl rnhed Compnu; ipsurcs a 0Lh1ug hut F'rr rm Property nnd a.bout one half ae thick , and sRme sized !'IMES will b e tound to conta.m "ialuable selected articles fron1 the Bntish, Canadlan and American J ournalst.fonn1ng a con clSo anrl pleaelug epitome ofthc dav. tho I ( \ OTTON and woolen goods are advancing. but you can buy Particular attentwn " pu<d to PolitH H, Butish . J tl1P1~ ("tt Elliott's, for a sl1ort time. a,t tl1e old prices N()W N~l!vi.'L~6~~'~n ~t:~:ii:~~L:,l~a~~~!p1~P~~f::;1 b the tune to secure what you need , 1, Fucet1'B, &c of tho NE '* S OJ!., 'fill!.. \VEJ!,K .Q ,L O rp H IN0.::x-"' ---,. . ' ' I :r~f.mJI:E'IS -Pcthnps no department of a N"ews paper lS of more importance to the Farmer and · 11 f Store keeperthancopwusl\larkctRc]l-Orts, are l chablc for their m1part1nh:(.(¢:rectness which 'fhe Condttctors of the TI].lES will gi\~e speci.lll atten tton to tlus depa.r ~n1ent of the Journal, ana gatho. the returns from all the p1mc1pal potnts of 'fele graph and Mail, 11p to the hourof publlcat1on, for the informa.t1on of th e rr Subscr1 b e r e. Cmn1nercrn,, ntell1gence hke\.Yl!'le fm IHS .fl. lead mg fl·at tll'e lJ, hP "'\\"'F.EKI Y 'T IMES / 1ENT~EMEN in want of a neat fitting suit should call \_T early at Elliott's Fashionable Tailoring Establishment. Subscnption - - $1.00 a P ~ Y ABLE IN ADVANCE ye;,i ~~ M'J'i:lat1sfaction guaranteed rn all reasonable case:s. Henry Elliott, Jr. 1-tf. C1 UBS may b e formed at any period of t he roar 11y SIX or more Subscribers assocl.fl.tlng together u.nd r e1nltting the Cash in ...\ e. 1ERMS. Sa: Copies tor One YeB.r · ~~~ao:r1FiJ!f. o. cop~ FREE to 1h e gettei. up of a - $5 00 1ught n1ore because he Olfl Adam h11n enh rely P ooR HoRS.ES -The1e are t hon!=lauds 0f PRINTING the United States 3nd B11 ttsh Pr~v1nccs . JoRN La:>G'IO:N, fu 1 1'1n:1:HeJ ot F u:ian ee Th1s is to certlf.> that I have been acqua.wt- Expenencf'd book age nts nad all other pered w1th the Offic ers and Mann.gers of th" sons of respHe t!l.lJ1 l1ty sho1 ld appJy l\t once Aguc nltural fnsurance Comp any fo1 n1A ny Anj Y' " ne; Mun , 0 1 Young LArh Cl\D 1 by deyears, and a1so with th o business operations voting ·short t nne dnnn g the d~ Y 0'" evenof tbe Company, and ha;-re no hes1 t:ition 1n ing, se rL:re n complete s~, f1ce of ex pense, recommending it as a perfectly sn..fc and rn· or, 1f p1 efcrred , we \\Il l fll!ow hug<>: Co mmis· liable Company 1 antl its O:ffice1 s a.s .. compe· fll OD ln 0fL Sh 'Ye ha ve p1 epnred ~ rnost be.u1ti.ful tent a nd honorable business men 1 and a s 1L insu1es nothing b ut Fa.rm Prope1ty nnd dl·- S11eci111es1 Bock f"o1· Age11ts, couteched \Dwfllhngs, and ho.s $530 1000 Assets tainmg r) of t h~ Oil Ch101uo~i 10 Stee l EnI consicter lt r es pon sible beyond any conhn gra vings, l O 'Vood 1-~ngra1nng~ and liO pages of dcsc11ptlve 1endin g, being select1ons gency from each Yol am e, togethet w1~h blAnl{ pA.per, suee1me n .3 of binding, &c, &c Onr SJ?ec1men Boo.Ir haf'.l cost us q1nte 1arge1) 1 a1ul we d o not , ~1s b to send tt to pcrsous "ho do uot i ntend to net as agents, en iu tecomniending it to the F1\rmers ot ttu s but to any one who will mako "an effort to Provin ce, as one perfeCtly safe a nd r~hR hJe procure subscribers to tb c \Vo1k, we will i n whi ch to insure tQ.e1r propei ty .. ., se nd the Specimen Book, prepaid, on 1ece1pt J C Cr.AnK, nank ei, of 40 cents to cover postage Enclo se s tnmp ,T OARRUTnEns & C'o. for 1erh and atl d1es.s G1:0, .A. K1 nrrPA TP.I CK 1 M. 1.. .!\ ?\iERTC AN PUBI Tt!HINU Co. 1 B M BRITTON 1 L ~ rge A ssortrr1e11 A Utt1e e,..ertion onl) is necessary to r:cc1u·e I.\ clun of F!V}; The Tr::i.11:i:i; ts U\)W 'i\'1dely kno\\ n and generally appreciated, andc:an comlctentla.Uy be 1eCOIDUJt)lldt1U. New and Fashionable, T BIS s r ocK OF STAl'LE EVERYDAY GOODS lS AS USUAL ' ', A 1, AN[) BEI~G C E S'l'EWAR'l' & Co , Propriet ors .ftanult.on, May, 1871 "EUR EKA" IllTPOR'rED BY HIMSELF frorn the British Markets, 11 J;.l[,L i-"' !? I I W PRI0 1'S SO I NYITE:D- . TO _,:Q L ~, SQ 0 W P~U,PABLY CHEAP ~ RurtANn YT. EXEOU'l'ED Ren1edy ' \'ftll 1n all cases produce a sat1sfactory 1esult hunch eds have testified to the fact l{eme1nbe1 the n ame, and see that the signature of Hurd & Oo , is on each package. Northrop & Lyman, N e-..vcastle, Ont;:lr10, prop11etors for Canada. Sold by all mecl1emc dealers IN A STYLE "\Yi fionld r efer you to the following geP. tlemen, in r egard to t he 1espons1 bihty of t he Compa.nv :-D . Ftsher1 Esq , CasTirnr of the Qntar1ll Pa.nk i Jno :McLeod, M. P, P, J, B Fn.irbfl.ill-, Esq 1 1 J E, Fnrewe11 FOR TE E l\' ' ' I 1 ( ' LI ];.1!1 L I ICeJeln:ated Bradbtu·y Piano FoJ1.·te. Esq, Barrister. Agent for Cobonrg fin d v1c1n1t.}, WILLIA~! T. FJSFJ. W.R . OLIMIE, Lee n! ville Dee 1870 Special A.:'.IDnouncement. ---(). F 0 R'.B ES JN ANN OUNCING '.IR E OPENI:KG OF 'CHE 11 AUJ, SECOND TO \ DAVID FORBES. THE " EURE KA." IS A NO PURELY VEGETABLF MEDit>INE G0t1DS F F I i<'OR TRJ;:: CUR."E 0 1' DYSPEPSIA, LIVER COMPM IN'P. LOSS OF .iI'PE'I'lTF,, GlllNERl.I. lllllll.l'"l'Y c - A.T- IN THE 1 Look here, old gentlemen , if you 'ivasn 't to be ll")Y fatger-1n-la:w, I 'd rnah:e yon ask pardon for that little speech As it '"· I suppose I'll ha"c to con:nder upon stead. Sold in Bowmanvjlle by J H1gg1nbotha.m ~nd _ l\_ nd if I wasn't a deacon, I'd teach you D, Stott, und allmedH lUC dealers. better tltinhs, you puppy. ' And with that the deacon lrnrned away P11rley's A1·abia11 Oi~. to the blacksmith shop for the iron bars FOk HORSES AND OAT'i'LE. _ _ to be placed over Letty's wintlows A fool, am I 7 Ro'8 Harclinge muttered, after he was gone We'll see, old gentlemn.n, the case ts by no n1 ean s J.ec1ded. Perhaps there are bigger fools m this world than I, and ono of th em may be a deacon. I hke Letty, and she li kes me, and I'lll not go111g to gn e herup -.,,ithout a struggle of some kind So he sat down and wrote t his qmxoti c letter"DEAR ToM, - You once s~nd you would oblige me by giving me half of your fortune, 1f I would accept it. I told you I would accept the will for the deed (for I · knew it ivas nothing but foolish enthusiasm in you to offer to pay me for domg my duty by t!:raggmg you out of tl1e rtver), but now if you \vill shnply transfer the whole of your hank stock to my credit for a few days, it 'vould be a. gre<tt accom· odatwn. I pledge you my word that I will return every cent of it n1onth." ./).ncl then he signed it, a11d sealed it, and sent 1t :l:1i\ ay fa) the post office Three clays later he walkie! into t he office of Squii·e Merriam, t he clea.< on'.s brother, and told him he wished to ohtam Jns advice. In what respect i clema!1cled the Squire 'l'he mvestment of money ~iy proper ty !· mostly m bank stock, :mcl I wish to u1vest a portion in so1nethu1g eL'ie. Wh,'tt woultl you advtBe i ;r would prefer to see' your certificates of stock n.s a prehnnnary, <l13·ly observed the sq uiie. Out came pocket books and memora.ndums, and sutti.c1ent stock was accounted for to amount t o thirty t housancl clo)lars 'l'he deacon'· brother began to rub hIB eyes By Jove 1 he said to lmnself- he w11sn't a deacon, you know-if he has got that much money old Rcu hen is makmg a fool of himsel( I'll put a flea m his ear forthwith. Then, turning to Ro··, he adcletl aloud: I'd put it in r eal estate, yom1g n1anI'd put it m real estate Ross handed him ten the office. And before night deacon Merrut1n "\Vas posted. - Off came the lock and key, and the ll'On bars, having never been put on, "'ere sto11ed away with other old rubbish m a hurry. The n ex t day Ro" ventured to rall, and the warm reception he met with "~as a gi·eat surpnse to Letty, who ne<ve.r had known her father tu relent before, Slw ,GOOD S DO- MINION A'l' 'l'HE Lyn, Oct. 3rd, lS'i'O DEAR SIR,-· Ha' Jng used three bottles -ot yon, 1 valuable medicine in n1y} "1th good etfoot,.. Mn. H. E Rovni:, - -- I feel sate 1n recomn1endrng the Eureka. for (;l"Sne tlte{ &c , it having been 1-.serl for t he abcn e cow al Debihty, In.action of the Losa of Appe1 la nts in my fa1nily Youi s re!! pecLfull~, , J FURUSON, M E Mini'3tCl'~ !". LION""_ A'l' 'l'HE --Lyn, May 11th , 1sfo. Srn,- I hn> e used £ureka fo:r S1ek Headachtt on.used by a. d1ao1dei:ed stomach, and 1nlperfec\ dtgestrnn, v;1th success, >"ih en oth e:i; ren1edie111 failed to do me any good, and I arr1 sa f.wlled nJl that is uecessary to con\ 1nce tuiy person of l"tf' ments would h e to gr"\e 1t a trrn.1, anll lcheerfully reconm1end it to all "\\hose cond1t1on demand anything of tlus n a l u 1't' E. COOK, l\IIR II E RO,Y E , r P l'op'1 of Lyn 1\ oolen l! actory, For sa le 1etail and , \ 11olesale by all"I NOR'IHROP & J,YMAN, New1."!tlJ"'.itle, Ont. B H . J\HTCHEL, Addle1:s Commu1ucations, · JOHN CAMERON ,\ 00 , -..1 dvmtise1· Office, 7ondon, Onl 8}2)ring Importations. I WM. NlcMUFlTRY of Dry Goods, of wlut:h he ·would call apecia.1 attention ro the follow1ng hn cs I I I Proclain1 1 - , i.he Glad Tidini;-it! mHA'l' 'l'HE GREAT SHOSHONEES MWic1ne- ]}f<Jn Doctor Lewis ~L · Great 'I rlbe of ~hoshonee s , Brl.tlih Coluui)na, 1si ·w ork ing t h11 n1ost Jna.rvelous and astonishbig Qnrcs the \Vod.d ever Ilea.rd of Never- in th~ an nfl1 ~ of Cauad.iau :h'.fedicnl IIL'5tory hM ~uccci;;s Itemed) and P ills', of t he Emlnent IndJa.n Josephus, of th~ mne 11 eretofo1f', attended the 1ntrodnction of nny Dl·d1 NEW ,PRESSES. HORSE AND CA'l"l'LE MEDICINES. N, B ~ Country Storekeepers frupphed on a&.mntagcous ter1ns Dress Goods, Prints, Millir1ery, Cloths, " Parasols, A N ASSOR'l'MEN'l' O:B' Pl'ld Bottler'! Bees ! Bees ! ! Bees ! ! ! °l:JiOR SALE, BY E , B. CRYDERMAN, ~ tl&'lr f{ampton, 1 00..- ITALIA N AND HYBRID BEES, Hats, ' Bonn.els, Flowers, Feathers, &c., NOJ' TO BE EXCELLED IN THIS PAR'l' OF THE DOP.[JNION FOR STYLE, QUA LITY, AND PRICES ' iUOfl,ey t.- Loan. monts, m addition to mstalments, as t hey may borrov.:erf3 ~ , L OANS FOR FROM ONE 'l'O TWEN to TY years, to hfl 1epn1d u1 mstalmeuts suit \\ lto a:re allo"\'>ed to mt\okC such pay~ ORDERS BY, MAIL - PROMP'rLY TO. I j' Lost. a gi:e~ color with "Shaggy hrur; ans\~Crs the name of Cohy. Any person g1v1ng information that ·w11l lead to her recovery \Vlll be suitably rewarded WILLIAM BOHLAND. ATTENDJi)D ABOU'l' THE STRAYED ORS'l'OLEN, of to twenty third FIRST tJl,ASS Jlllt.l,Jl'IER alway@ in Attendance. find con'\en1e11t, n1a' be obtained from the Ca nada P ermanent R111lding and 8aving ~ octety, by a pph 1n g to FAREWELL, McGEE & R UTLEDGE. April, a small Colley bitch , uf .1tFP1 .vate fun ds to loa11o Sollc1tors, .Bo" IDlUl\' 1lle. 61 t I ... OWEST PRICES OR SALE, llfAOllINE-.MADE PRESF SED "" ·h i,t-c Bncks, at the 0~baWa Tile JOHN of New Goods. Work>. 7 x W.R. O/,ilMIE W ILSON · ·

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