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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Aug 1871, p. 1

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.. $' t111t !i ntl11l I ~ I DADDYS BOY VOL. XVII. B0'1VMANVILLE, QNT., THlTRSDAY, AUGUST 17, 18 11. 1 1871. Spring Goods. 1871. / THE YEARS TWELVE .CHILDREN \ND MOST FASHIONABLE SPRING GOODS JUST J ANU AP.Y worn and gray Like an old p1 g11m by'l:he \"\a-..: VVatches the snow and shncnng s1ght-.:: s_ GENTS' SUI'TS MADE TO ORDER. Aa the WJ ld ctulff\-'i around hin1 fl:tes Or huddled beneath a thorn Sits }Jra' mg for Ihe lu1ger1n ~ morn F.EBRU,\.RY bllL'I' ll.lHl bold O er ft:.rro\'\ s st1idinrr 6corns the {old A1 d w1th his hors es t '\\O Mak~ the keen :plo11gh do his behest New Felt and Straw Hats. J1i@" Please call and exant)ne Goods and Pnce8 ""' Great Bargnws "IJl l e gn>en ftough !ii :\RCR comes bluster1r.gfdown t11e l'oad In h1a ·wrath hn.ud the o::ren s goad Or "1th a rough and angry haste !:!c~tters tho aee<l' o er the da1 k ~ a9't~ for Cash APmL, a child~ half tears half s1nile~ lrip~ full oflitt.J.e playful Vi1lea And la\li'hingbeneath lier rainbow hood Eoeks t.ilG wild v1olet.s In.the wood ' What do yon ~ n.11t for yon1 hor8es > l'h . . . Chu1ese lu\\ e manJ cu~to1us pecul salll the JDcl ey iri.r to tl eir nation which strike tho "out"Daddy salC1 jOll could Ret JCI I 1.tce? ·was the response "Let 111e go down to the b Ht and look at thuoe- first fl mt oi self control In 01 dcr your horses," sa1d Brown, and ihe'i were to gm em herself, what a power hall she S00.11 at the boat acquired In st1lhng the ten1pest of pas Drown exrnnrned the horses, and l1f\J.l1ed s1011 in her OVi n boson1, she had poured the pnces he 'IOttld gne io1 tlus and that, the ml of peace over the storm flettecl and tho couutry bumpkm rn·de no ob he111!. of her cluldrun Jection, although so1ne of the o,tlers: ·wero not more than one hn,1f the real price of the animal One of the by standers gent ly ·ngge.ted that he was be·ng cheated, but he returned "Daddy said B.om1 could naine the price h1mseh,' imd so Brown had it all hrn D. AND DEALER IN DRUGGIST, JULY-th-e farmer, happy f1;;1lo·w La~hs to sco the corn grow yellow The hoo.vy grain 4e tc~eee up Erom his right hand au i'rom a. cup ' HE preache· well "ho hve· W"ll "Run"' said Brown ' that nag can t run wo1 th a. cent " " Daddy said ·o, and I guess Dnddy TOWN HALL BUILDING8, BOWMA.NVILLE. Jb tl.ttt in hasty fishes m on empty pond knows " " Why, I've got one up to the ·table tha\ could beat !1.m all hollow," said Brown "Let's "G'u.ess not," sa.icl the fellow try 'em I 11 bet tlie w lwle liiad of hosse· on '1m , ~ B1 own suulcd " I'll stake Ii\ e thousand dollars agamst your boat load of hor:1es,' .said B1own, \111nking at the oro,vd, 'and these men, sclcctmg t" o shall hold ti e stakes ' Bro,vn's five thou.sand was handed to one, and the other went on boaJd the horse-boot One of the crowd started to remonstrnto with the poor id10tic fello", but he onl) responded " Golly dad toM me he could run some and daddy ought t-0 loose im if he was s1ch a fool as .. to cell n1e that, when hu couldn't ' Browns sleek xacer was bi ought out, and Brown mounted him The cvuntry I AcausT- the rva.pcr cleaves hitl Tmi lcss "it a man has, the less he knows he wants 1 '!Vay MEDICINES,, AND CHEMICALS, Dye Stuff·, Patent l\'!ediemcs, Perfumery, Brushes, Combs, Soaps, Pamts and Oils, Pamt Brushes, Coal 01!, and Coal Oil !,o.mps &c , &c fhroll!:h golden.. 'i\ av~ at break of clay Or on his wagon pilecl corn .A.t sunset home is proudly borne SR.P' "1 U1 hlB bay1ng houu~ Leaps fence and pa.le at every bound~ ~l\.nd casts mto the 'tV1 id in scOJ n All cn:rcs and dJmgers from his hoxn OCTOBER comes a ·w oodman old P1rnFER Joss before un3ust gam, for that brmgs gnef but once, tlus fore·,, As cfayhght can be seen thiough ·ery small holes, so little thmgs .,;ill 1ll1J>trato s cha:i:acte1 a pe1son 1 You may glean kno-wledge by 1euchng but JOLI must seperata the chaff nom the whe't by tlnnkmg \\ E ha1 e no right to put the earth m mounnng for our own troubles, but many of U<;1 do it uever'cheles.s PYYSlCIANS PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUN DED AND ALL CORRECILY ~NSWERED ORD~,RS Fenced '>V11,h tough leather from the cold Round swmgs his sturdy axe and lo 1 A fit branch f.llls at every blow NO\ El\IHER C01'feT$ before the flame BJeaied cione forgethllg he1 name 1 Watchea the blue smoke curling r 1ee Ancl Urooili> upon old n1Clno11es ! 1:C~ 1l /ind ot '\lod oj _1\fed~c,inc~ coin- u s T fat and rosy, stndcs His <;>ld heart worm \\ oll clothed Ju>: s1J. i.:;.; 'Vith kindly l'i orU for young and old The chee1 icr fo1 tbe lJracing cold Laughing a "\<'ekome, open flings llis doors and l.3 he does 1t fnng~ DECEMBER -Clu.1.:mberB Jou,1nal THE wortluest people am the most m lured by slander, as "e usually find that to be the best fru10 which the bird· ha\ e been pecking at 'IHE happiness of the h111n!.n ra.ce in this world docs not cons1st in uu1 bemg de' 01d of pas"'1on3 but 111 01u le&t11111g to counnand tl~en-1 Ma1°kus Mayer CA PS, 01' EVERY DE~CRIPTION, f> &c., REAL fidohty m·y be iare, hue .t m the heart They ouly deny its and powe1 ·who ne\ 01 lo' ed ~ fr1end, laboied to make one happy \I HICH TIE WJLL SELJ, CHEAP ror CASH. FOR RA \V FURS. llIARKUS NilYJm BARGAINS! , GREAT BARGAIN;; ARE NO"VY GIVEN A.T THE borne Corner PUBLIC has fully JUst1hGd tie or ~1na.1 Store. We guessed her em baITas.<Jment, and of~ fered to rnheve it bl' readmg it to ha' St.I! she hesitated wlu'e she twisted a bit :b-IAKI:NG hnu sn1a1t "Sure, 11 she resumed, an that 8 Jist omps was g1vmg hi.s youngest, who 'vaa what I want, but it lsn't a gentle1nan like mclmed to be bad, a good cow hiding, the yerself that would be hkmg to know the boy cnell out, '01, ' dear fodder , it sai.;r8LS het\.\een us, an' so \there s]1e twisted the cotton q11>te nerrously) if it mil ohly pl.,ae ;i om hono", "hile ;i erradlllg it, so that ye may not hear it yerself, ye' ll JlBt p~1t th1s b1t of cotton in yeI ca1 s an' slo1v to observe THEY ha' e so much 11101 eJ u1 England atop up yer hearm' an dun t he se1.;xets JU·t now that the~ don't know "hat to do '111 be unkno,7n t-0 ye I' m·h it Heiapath's JOWJ~IC<l of July 15 7 \1\ e nadn t the heart to tefu~ hei, and says -"There is an a.bsolnte glut of mon mth the gra.1: es--c face possible complied ey N othmg could afford a stronger proof with her request , but often smce \, e h"" e of such a condit~on th tn the huge a.mount bughed hoartily at tho mmdent of private deposifo of_ the hank of England -nearly £28,000,000 How any large J UDCE B , in reprinut.ncung a crlm1nal, TEE way to command respect and plenty port10n of the money mil ne absorbed is a among other names callecl lu1n a scoun drel The prisoner rephed " Sir, I aln of rooin 1n n. crowd-carry a not uf pain problem 'There IS no adequate commercial demand and though 1nany nc" not as b1~ a scoundrel au you honor"- m each hand hera the culprit stoi:ped, hut :finally added A WEST V1rg1ma man amused hunself ha\ e been brought out, the aggregata cap -"takes inc to be " "Put you1 words bs playmg panther m a panthers skm t-0 Ital asked for is unnnpo1tant in compar1(lon closer toget her," Eia-1d the Jndgo) reflden- fnghten a boy The boy had a rille with with the supplies 111g Nmv AY oF JlfAKINo BuTTE11-Th~ him, and the.e W8'1 a funeral from the Ravenna (01110) 'Democ1at put on iecord man's late residence two days aftoi the follow mg new style of making butte1 "A few days ·mce, l\irs Mary iH Hughes put about a quart of cream m a clo1 h bag and buTied it about two feet deep m the earth, where it remained th1 ee days, when she dismteried it and founcl "It tiansfelTed mto pure, sweet butter with not one drop of buttermilk to be seen l\fis Ifnghes A. ooon story 1" told of a l\farkham phJ tlmiks that cream" ill yield about one thu:ll a1cian, who recently vaccmated a fa1mly of more butter by tlus process th m by the twelve persollll l)lld charged tweh e dollars old fashioned 'vay of chur 11rng A few days tljereafter he t-Ook a dozen IT is stated that a fe" days ago a most cabbage plants m part pay,as he supposed, exti.""aord1nary exlubition of the force of but upon final settlement learned to Ins gunpowder "as made m Massachusetts snrprIBe, that Mr Farmer charged doctor'· The Cape Ann Gramte, IYith a blast of se\ en kegs of powder, ·tarted a "ice block of gramte m their quarry at Bay "STR\NGER, I want to lea\e my ' r1ev; one hundred and twenty-t,vo feet in this 'ere office till the boat starts height, forty two feet wi<le, and th1rtyfcet afraid somebody \VIll sieal him" deep, cvntanmg about one 1nu1d1ed tllolts can't do it," said the clerk , " take him and cuOic feet, and ~ e1ghmg over fourteen on'ti 11 ""\'Vell, stranger, that 1s cruel, thousand tons-supposed to he the largest but you're both dispos1t10ned alike, and block ever qnarned m th's or any other he's kmde1 company for you " " Take country h.m out 1 roared the clerk "WeJl, J IT is rnmored th"t <he Dul<e of Suther SoME young rascals amio\ ed an old gen- stranger, I clon't thmk you're honest, and land, llfr John Pender, and Mi Fowfar tlen1an by ano,vbalhng ]us house He ;}OU "ant watching l-Iere, Dragon,' he the eminent engmee1, :1.bout to 1purrushed out, and cauglit one who waa look- sa1d tQ lihe <log, "sit down here, and chase the Suez Canal £01 £6,000,000 ing on, ,\nd thinking inm to be one of the watch that fellow ·he.rp 1 ancl tnrnmg on The undertaking cost the French company offenders began floJgmg 111n1 Theharde:r hrn heel, lie smtl to the clerk, "Put him 22 000,000 TnE Comm1s1 u oners of the New -York he whipped, the harder he langhed, until out, stiangc1, if he L~ troublewn1e I ' The dog laid then till the boat staited, wateh Rwt P.,elief Fund have sent to the Pres1 he stopped m <l sought an explanation "Well,' Ba1d the boy, 'I'1n li:1nghu1g be mg and gro" hng at every mo' ement of dent of the Pohce Board $10,000 to be g1 v cause yo" are awfully sold I amt t he the clerk, who gave hun the better part of en to 28 policemen, woumled m the late the office riot oums t angmf, from $200 to $800 boy ' OPINION Corne1 Store' you could ge t idea, that at the R. B. 'J'urnea·, mfor1n the rilhab1ta.nts of Dowmanv11le and fnrn10:1:s of V\re:-st Dul'ha.m thar he li:o uow p1epar ed to attend to an~ sa1cs that Inily be cnt.rusted to hrm Charges iuode1-atc 10 tf ANT> \VELL s-uITED NE \iV A A UC'l'IONEER, WOULD BEG 'IO -- ---- s. Cbest~1·ncht, UCTIONEER FOR BOW 1-f A.N BOOK, STATIONERY -.AND- VILLE and Darlington Residonce Queen Street Orde1s punctual]\ a tte.udcd to Charges ate 1~ '.rbon1as Stonhonsc. GOO:OS S'l'OitE ! IN OSHAVVA The sub,,cnOOr n1o "'t respectfully nnnounccfl to the inho.b:i_to.ut3 of Osha.wa and vJcJrutv th~t he h.ns opened ou.t a Book, S o.tlouers and Faney Goods Store t In the Stitud Lately Oooupied by :Mr. RIGGS, as a Tailoring Estahlfahmeut, w A nice lot of MONOGRAM NOTE PAPER on ha11d A choice assoitrnent' of BIBLES, HYMN and PRAYER BOOKS, cheap as the cheapest School Bool, s, Slates, Pens, Ink·, &c Call and see my stock of ALBUMS N othrng charged for showing goods. ~ I\. 2110.rc of public patront .ze resp~tfpJJy J:!OliciteU GEO S CLIJIHE B~Peate, Tailoi·. 30 oshn.wfi Ap1,120,1s11 l'1 ENTLEl'IIEN'S AND BOYS GARU ME,NTS made m the ... NEWEST STYLES Bowman"V1lle Feb 19 1863 tr: AND YOUR PROPERTY, IN THE COlVIMERCIAL UNION L REED, PROVI,. l'l"CHL LAND I J o Surve} Civil Engnieer is prepa1cd to do all ordeIB with '\h~t h be 1nay be fa.i:o1 cd Addrcss Bo'i manv11le P 0 Ma:rch 15t h 18"1 e~c ASSURANCE Cu, of LONDON ENGLAND · I C,~PlT ~L FULLY SUBSCRIBED, £2Jl00.000 STERLING 1nation Bnt don t scold She ca11ght he ... breath, a.1 d bent her face down, to conceal its expression, until it i ~ated on the silken !tau of her child "Be a good boy, Ton1my, and inother "'ll never scold you any nio1e, she murn1ured gently in his cat H I$ a.I'lns stolo npwa.ids, and "" iJiey I A weeping ca.lIID1eas -succeeded, still, she was perplexed m nnnd as "ell as grieved at her own want of relf control Wl1at was to be done with her chililien i How Cana<l wero they to bo go,erned aright' Pamful1ly did ~be feel o'er her own unfitne.. for I ·

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