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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Sep 1871, p. 3

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,. ~!_~~~~ ··>·1W' Ch ange !I · :!.ti WtviA~ \I AND l'he BROS. ·. Ea Ply u i \. \. '( "· ..· t < CHAl'lCERY SALE --OF THE- 1ery one a-Omits that to sell mer'iandize on credit you must have, at I!' i:; oo EY fI 0l\:1E ST EAL Tnw.nship of Gal'twrig:ht. llOOEY vs. _FlLl(GLSO N, \..'ill b0 oiald by PUE J,.10 AU CTION. v.·ith the a.pprol>n.tion of J ()l[l AJ~EXANllEH BO IIJ. ~:-;quil!l;. M a.c:ite:t· in 0 d1narx ofthc c 1mrt, by T H Oro..A.S C'HRlSTIE, .A.uct rnn ee 1, 11t IlOEOA YGE01'.f J:- u Ul1SL-\.N1' TO AN ORDER 3IAD b:r the Co1l.!."t· of e ry , i1 1 H H i1i t 1 I I 1 f -iast, 10 per cent. more profit than for I RA IL CA.N Bl~ vV H'\).fJ,1' AY " .. ~ ~ . ~ .;; ~~ ';;1 ~ HAYE I h Th e subscriber hat< therefore = ... 8 '.l A_ PL E ;as . § \Witlfout. Rai!!ing the 'l'axcs, . ·;:; .; lo= ~ '= Anderson & Co's it 2 NE '\V ( DY C.t~.LLlNG . ' Thonms J!:1·1:uHc's Hot el! ) _ TQ\\'N OJ<~ .BOWMANVTLLE, ---01{-1:< THE - !decided to reduce his prices, and that on and after October 1st, 1871, he sell for AT ..... = M Cll Cll : DRY STOVER! GOODST FOR 1871, &t the hour of O~E o'.clock in the afternoon thefollovd.iigvaluableRoalEstate, in two -1, Parcels, that is to say : 't '-"--_;- ~-P:A-R:eEL-Nu.1, b eing. composed of tho north halt or Lot nun1ber Eleven c.Jtd tbe "\Veat Ha.If of tuesoa~~~foe 10\h ~a~ of Octo~er, I ! I 0 EIVE D S P R I N G I 8 7 1. - - -:o:·- · -- ~ill one and a half 11-torey high, a. Barn, a larg;t~ Drlving Sh.,ed and St.abling-nll , an.d in good j repair. TJ;i.ero is a go9d Qrchard of about four 1 acres in extent. ..'l g90d Gravel Ro:l.d passes num bi.~r irwetye, 1u tha li~·r.:>t Concesa~ol'!- of the " Township of Carhv1-ight, oonta1ning One Huridr13d ...~cres. On t.his Parcel tber _e ai·e a new Fra1ne-Bar11, a L::>g House, and a good. ::!hod ~or Cattle. 1'hcrc is uloo a 8 m a ll rcha1·d, -1he '!'onn.nts in poss.ession to hav e theOght tu 1-I mse, Thres1J. ancl ue,v"' Or;)p;; now rithe prem~ses, ! ~·ithin One l\'Juuth af1<;1· the sale.on. ' I,ot number Twelve, !n th e First co)loesslon ot tho Township or Cartwrig-ht, Ill th<' County of Durharn, containing to get.h er t wo h_ un drod acree. On this Parcel there nre erected a frame hom:1e cAsu 0NLY ·· . · · Boot & Shoe Store. I I W E BEG TO INFORM THE IN- · · and at through this No. po reel. PAHCEL ": betng tho · East Half of Lot c AS H · p R Ic£ --.. .__ " , s H.A.BITANTS of Bowmanville and sur· rounding country Lhat. ·we ar~ now· selling Boots and Shoes at Prices tllat cannotv t' to please, a.nd fl'om ·the varied uasortment th e most fa·tldious may be suited. f By strict at t ention t o business a. share of your patronage is solicited . t;;T Don't tail to call, Up the Stove ~usiness ! WI THEIR I,. · St an d 8 . · th @U t . a R" ·al IV . ' AND CONFINE M Y ATTENTION EXCLUSIVELY TO -.. 0 "OORS WEST , I STAND, TW l! ' I\-1URD <_i CH BROTHERS. J 1 1nilos \:\ .1.llia1:0.sour~. 11.:~cb. ~nd about niiies 'from f..1.·on1, pal'Ccl T~clve will be subJect to a. reserved bi.d .flx~d bf the Master. J 'l'he purchaser:-> to pil.Y duwn at ' t he time of sale . h one-tenth or 1J1eir purchase money to the Ven- t e dora' Solic i'tol' ~nd-witb.iu one ruonth thereafter · s ufil.ciep t with suid one-tenth to . up the . ou&-third.of 1;h c purchase m oney, w1thuut interest, · the rem.aindcr to be r ec nrell by wortgage o~ tJ:i.e h . 1' Tho- above \""'penic> aro 'l'. wo and ' & ho!(; If " you~wiU - on:ly eaJl. an:d-examine , · ;.z-·,·ng - St., n · owi:D.""V ..t.\. ......... . , goods you Wlll ba satisfied· that . · . · , [tis tlw most sabsl~ni.ia.lly bUilt,·ha! :the faweat i,.vorking parts, beautiful in design o.nd fl.Dish.ANDEHSON &.e O. lias the-best ·design of i> sut\le, and- by fat the April 29, 1871_ . 4.JAf. l LARGEST H.Ollll.tNS. It·ts c'apabla uf perform· ( ing a. range_ of ·w ork hitherto thougl~t · irppCJ~sibl.e !or Sliltving Ma.chines. _ I OF . I .· 1 ., · H.~RDW~RE, Ne:vv ~- ~ .· - . t;, Goods!' Murdocfn ·.B ro's , H . VE just received several Cases and Bales of 8~ple · an Fancy Dry · Goods for the Spring Trade, and are otferi11r 1 HV.o:,L SELL , MY STCCK ·o F STOVE8, CO!>!SISTING ·OF · 1I pu1·chaser v.-ill be c..'1title.ct t u the cou veyuucc and b~ let irto pos>'es3ion. beneficlal to the buyer. The properties will be sold fre e froi;n_ do we~ aud all incumberance3. The oLlier cvnd1t1ous of · a.e ·w ill b'e standing condilions ot the Cour~ ot· cery. li'or furlher 12articulars ap;ply to the L~~·w Offl· ceei of John Ho$}, Eiqn1re; Measra. ~lake, Kerr & Bethune: !t1essra. l\htrray '· Barwu:k & Lyon; and Jllessrs. Beat·Y, wick & L>0 h, ~UBSCl:UBER 'l'oro :<~to, and to ~he Auctioneel" ant.I J an1 es Fluke, ..._. Eaq Ull'e, Ca.rt wright. I 1 : - -- premises nt the pm-dm .eer's expense, P·~~ole m t ·e cash system IS decidedly the most Pa·i:u.e II Ui vators. tour 6<}Ual annual insl«lillcnts, With illteroot . .,. yearly at eix p e t· cent.. per annuui, On 'dUCh pay. ,,, . . . "" rnenL and on the execution of the mort,;-ugee,the ' · THE SUBSCRIBER WOULD DIRECT · · I m "i .... , .· ~ . sold at about. one-halCthc I · ·I I j At . th~ Ironmongery! -OR.- SOMEEHING LONG WANTED BY EVERYBODY, ·THE , HAS prluc will be paitl A P P L E S TI w AN~L'.ED· · 1 Fall l'!'.00 Fall BARRELS HAND-PICKED i U apples fo r which the ti.ighelit Bowmnnville, Sept, · (Signed), Dated 3()th day or Acgust, 187/.' A. BOY~·4ln. I -----------------1 NO\V RECEIVED the a ttention to the one-horse and 111.·ice of· tl1ic1· JlE acla~n~s two-hor~e Iron Cultivators manufactured b1 hiln, and which have fur six years obtttined first p1·izea at Provinci1t.l and Local Fairs. '"' '!'hey are un· 1 doubtedly the best implen1e11t of the kiud in use, llnd "rill u1 Q. very short time more than repay their cost, in the efilciency and excellence of their _ work. Inepecti.on invited. A su11ply .of Cultiva· THE PRICE OJl' OTHER .MACHINES DOING tors notv on hand for the spd..n~ work, il.ll.d 'vill THE LIKE WORK. Is equally nt .. home . on be sold at lowest rates. leather a.son fine goods. Has ca..rde.d off prlzea IRON R ~RRO';'fS ... over tho· IIowe, .Singer , I,ockman, \Vheoler &or a superior kind, also on lul.nd. YVilson, "\Vanzer, Raymond, &c. m"A Perteet B U G ,G I E A N D· A G0 NS 'hfachlne, Gu.a1untocd 01· no iale. PARLOR . . .. ' I E \'ER Y ONE DIS OR HER OWN PAINTER! 1';1:'LEQ.:0'S . HOUSE AND VII::.LA PAINTS, Prepared for immediate use, and nothing put the purest Materials u'·ed, and re· quiring no further mixture of oils, Turpentine and Dryets. THEIR _ COMPOSITION CONSISTS SOLEY OF:-' -AND- j I ,s . _ w BOX AD.l.PTED FOR EITHER . . . HIS lmportatlons .orl;: R~1I~V~~=i:T~ B~·;:;: ! constantly on hand for sale. Gr All kJnds or JJ!acksmlth work dono on the shortest notice. A cRll solicited. I j TlR!E .GtJ.EI.PH HA.ND TREA.DLE l . I P·iwe Oolr.Yt~ Pure White L ea.d, Pm·e White Zinc, Linseed Oil, Spirits of Twr-pentine and 1Jrye1·s carefully and scientifically combined. The consumer ran have any desired shade· of Oolor8 neatly put up in ·cans! :md a.II he rO<J.uires to bny with the Paint is a Brush, as the work .con be done by huruelf or by any memb"" of his household. . , · . · tl1em at such low prices that they cannot fail to . rm it the cloeest hnyer. · ' t.;, 1871. T. DARLING'fON. · 6·5w i J ; i 1 FANCY AND STAPLE - - - ' - - -- - - -- -- ' --. - - -- - - - - ! OPEN ED A PRIVATE SCHOOL H AS tuition in I.he usual English branches,!' with fnuc y for oppether plain und need\(n vork. B ROO.rt1 a.liuv e 1\ir. Cowle's store--entranco iYlrs. H. G . !!itoug ito · · I D ID 1 ! ry G 0 0 d s T .A . I , togo8it,e the Tov.rn Hall. tu,ow1nauville, Scpt.'6th, 1871, +G-2w. 1 1 lm1ol vent Act ot· 18('9. In the m«tte.· of OMAS · JOSEPH TH " , an. Inaoltie-nt,, a9 well Individually. as u. member of the firm I of I , 1 And notwithstanding the great rise · Shed ; some .F 'ruit Treei::l on the premises, a good \Veil, ahw a stream of Spring \ the best macte, simplest, more durable o.nd ·Lso 200 ACRES, BEING LOT.NO. reliable than any other single-thread machine.lZ, in the 6th con. of the above '.l'ownship, Larger a nd work "'-ith great ease. Will do _all 130 a cres cl~red 70 in "Vood.l:l. Well watered; kinds of dome.stiC sewing in a perfec~ly aatisfac· Wso a good '\Ven. A new Frame D welling tory Ill.l)nner. HaB taken fu-st prize w·herever 1 House, with Stone Cellar the full s ize of the House.I. a. sn1all Log House, t"wo Ba.rns, SLahle '!'nd exhibited. Cow ::;hed. Excellent land, n1iles frotn the ·ro,tn of Bowman ther the North-east corne1· uf I~ot 9~ in the <1th con. of Darlli1.-ton. Zt miles fl-om the Town ol Bowrnanville. 70 acres. cleared, and 30 in '\Yoods. Coin· fo,:table Dwelling !louse, good Barn, Stable, a.nd 100 being' ACRES OF GOOD Sont.h : t.he 90 ...<\.cres, and 10 on LAN D, .t.lVIJ> !UACDINES l · .I I COAL OR \VOOD, / PURE WHITE ·LEAD. AT COS'f · . - ·, · · ' direct , A large stock just received for Autumn Painting, imported [j from tho English Manufacturers, including JAMES' Genuine and celebrated Rooster brand-Guaranteed pure. !' I I 2000 GALLONS MACHINE OIL OF DIFFERENT KINDS. -MY STOCK O_ F--· · ' ALSO:-All standinl Colors, Oils, Varnishes, and P3.:inters' Materials. Call and see how cheap a H ouse can be Painted and Decorated, for all t hese · goods will be sold at reduced figures. BJeaf"laed Cottom1, Bleached SheetiDl'll: De11im1>, . · particulars apply to the proprietor MAS ~'aN'.~i'N~~\3~~nPih~·:11Yi" JgnJ or the ah~ l6-39·3m. I Townsh.i11. all fabrics in the foreign markets, · . :AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERJ:i f . SPI,ENDID INDUCEMENTS. I 1 H A R D w A RE I IS And, WELL ASSORTED, Threshers and all parties requiring such oH are specially invited to · inspect the various qualities-the price being· far below anything ever o(fcred in this ljlarket. 500 COOK, PARLOR, HALL ANJ;J BOX STOVES, Assignment of his e<:itatc to me, and the Cre·. ditors arenoticed to meet; at t he Insvl vent's placo or Business 111 01·0~;~ County_ or Durham, 9n :AiOND~ ,·-'l'HE Jfu.GH!'Ji;,l<;N'l'fl DA 'i. OF SEP'TEM.B "'ER, .A.. D. 1871, a.t t w v u'cl~~ in ~he afternoon, to receh·e staoements Of his a.tfa1rs, a,nd .tu o.ppoint an acih~~l:E~ R. D. BOOTH, T of Thomas anu To wnsend. HE INSOLVENT HAS MADE AN /he will sell all goods at the old prices-for cash. arriving and now on Exhibition: ~The largest and cheapest stock of General Harclware~ Oan~age Goods, and Tinware, in the County of Durham. Wellington Building, Bowmanville, August 9,1871. I I DE.HER. IN . GROCERIES, For terms, of .sewing, &c., apply W GUELPH SEWING MACHINE 00' Y , . s~mples " Striped Re;-atta11, GUELPH. CANAD.A. a., Usual, selling at Prices that con-_ tinne to .Give Safufaction. . JOHN McT,EOD~ Checked Regatta11, . He88ian Ticldnir81 Interim Bowmany!lle, Sept ·. &th, 1371. A ~s ignee. F. F. McARTHUR. 6-:::!in. R. &.· H. O'l-[AU.4, \Vholesale a..gbnt.& tor the Counties of Durham, Ontario and Vict oria.. _, Q!' Best Summer . Drink Known! ~D"wmanYille, · "'r·"" ~e'lviR1g J.ll:tchi11H~ ()lrnllcngc. rnonths in the Uuhcd ::3tales selling the l' celebrated :M:achincs= ranging in price Jr·)~ I i60 to 81&0, I am saLis1ied t.haL in range and quall· · ty of w the "Lockman " is not s .~1·passcd by anyq,fthem; and I hereb..1-· r epeat. u1y · caa.Hcn~e of Jast year, Lo r un it ag·ullisti a n y machine of us ':rHE SUBSCRIBER BEGS '£0 IN· .l'OllM the inha bitants of Bowman ville and price ·ma.Ue in S.A.l\iUEL Sl\-!A.LL. ,; urround.iug cuuntry that he bas the "L·::i'c kmen " .Agent. ror 1-t. & H. 0 liARA. lDOd1.o A FTER BEING ENGAGED FOUl{ '- Is T I I - STOVES ·"- ! STOVES Bow1uanYille, September '11, 1871. DOMJ~STIC AND ~ l ~· !31" Special inducements to Live agents. ' Jgnuury 18th,' 18il. A.ugU;<:1t 30, 187~ · . ·&: t:otton 1'ick~nir·, ov E s PORTED . . c· CHOICE T ' " , EAS ~ ;PROVISIONS, &c., CROCKERY A N P Bowm·nville, Ont. General _ Sewing Ma·chiffffkgenc~ .,! 4·'E E P -«0 o 0 LI . li.EE.1? COOL! I~ED COLD DRINKS, ~1ARKET F~c1ory . Cotton·, D.-e,,.s J,inlngs, e1c., el". · ~- }l,R UI'l'1'. . ' . Bowmanviile,July "5Lh, 1871. o2-G>. BEST SELECTION OF STOVES ever· offered ill the 'fown. comprising GLA SSWAffJ!:. ALSO BUILDINGS, FROM THE FOUNTAIN, WITH A ' Corn for Sale, cooKING, PARLouR, Box _ COAL STOVES, \Vhole or c a o li:. e cl· I t,~~ ,,~:,i~ 1.. .iND DAILY LI.NE -'£0- of t1u:: latest patterns a.n cl of , ... [}t·\:rna.n . ship, whicL. he 1·:Ul ,,1;;ll H 0 C H E~ S T E T-{. .VARIETY OF FLAVORS, J . HIGGINBOTHAM, SOLE A 'J ENT FOR DOWMANVILLEo .John iUcDoni,;·all. I Notice. BOWMANVILLl:G Large Stock · or AS CHEAP .A.S I:-1 ANY MARKET durinz the Snmmor month·. a.t' ' 1irrn 0. Ton's . E. I . :a:. A. R. iv.t S' SUPERB NEW LAKE UPPhR Militia a nd oth6rs who have been in the .Also, ag&nt fo r the oelebrated American State Cabin Steamer habit of practicing ,.,·ith ball cartridge, on the BASE BURNER AND rlEATER. da.t v.- n1 please b ear in mind tba.t rrom the prc~n t time, any consent., hitherto given Oy me, Call and examine Stoves and prices before ts absolutely \Vithd.rn ~·n ; aJ?.d any on~ fo ~nd purchasin~ &Ha.rdwa..::-e of all kinlie, wUtully continuing 11.ifie pr.iehce after dns not1ce Paint~, Oild,else\vhere. Putty, Glass, &c. 1 &c. pa.rryill.g U nited Sta~e and Canadian Mails and must be dealt ">Yith a~ ibe ht\Y d irects. EXIJreHS, , F.RAYNES. --:o:-l.ea'Ves Port 1-Iope C'Veru 1lfo1'n:ln1,1 for Rschester tHf. Do~vmunville. 31:ay 10, 1871. . at9o'olock~ona.rrival of Grand 'l runkRa.U, · · way '!'rains from Eu,st r.n.d VYc~t. Uetu.rning, Lea'VeB Port of Rochester (Charlott) everv evening at 9 o'cfock, (except Satur.l cfa.ys, when she leaves at 2 o'clock, An a.s$ort·;ncnt of tin'warc, Russia a~id com· P. !ti., for .Brighton). mon iron Sfove 1npe<1, G«llows pipes, This is tl1e favorite summer r oute fro1n Tol'on· 0 Lo to R oche. A:lbanv, &c. Tile ch eapest and Dwnb Stoves, &:c., kept on hcmd. . cfuic.kest.route fro1n points E ast of Port }lope on WITH H~RSE-POWJ<JR & I,A'l'llE, the Orau(l 'l'runk, to Rochester, Buffalo, &c. 'fhe favorite route to Avon an d Clifton Springs. l,a.ssengers and freight take cars along side hy fl to ordei·. sl.eamer at Rochester Landing. Scriber, Posse~ion mi ven irrnn ediat.ely. OnJr H Ai F fi d h Cnnnection made at Cobourg and Poct, Hope 1 business of the kiu,d in towu-pl0nty of <',1\StQnlJt&J- · ot · r urna.ccs tte up on. t c with Royal i\1ail Lino Stea.n1cri::1 from Hamilton r ll.lo cho.nce fo1· D. good pump1uu.ker. n1ost hnprovod plans. ~ nnd1 Mont.reaL · 'rhe Norseman will call :it the POrt of Dal"lir1g~ · K [SILVER. '\YORKM..:\..NSHIP second to uonc 1"1. the Do· ton every WED~'.ESDAY :i.1onx1xG, should suffioi· 43-1 _.Bowmnnv.iUe, :\lu.y 25, 1311. mini.:in, nil kinds or jobbing done on the. shortest t'lnt freight offer. Y ellowlecH & Qutck,·Agents. notice, and at reasonablo prices. ' .\d(!ress, R. C, CARTIEH, 37-tf . EDWIN HORSEY. Port HoJJe, Ont '\~'anted. Botvu1a.n ville, . A.ugust 16, 1871. 3·tf T IN THE DOMINION. HE MEMBERS OF VOLUNTEER NEW . SHUTTLE OR LocK.. STITCH made to order. · SEWING MACHINES, FRESH-BAKED BI50UIT FOR FAMILY USE AND LIGHT MANUFACTURING WEDDING -CAKES · and a good o.saortment of .. "'o Let. p u m p TINWARE. H OT AIR DRUMS "Lo CK MAN;, [ ~ GIIW:A.LL O.A.:n::ES, . 0 ~._ GEN'l:. ' LEM:EN'lll T h c Sh p, I I I ! f I on hand at C. ToD's -------~------- r I 1 SI~GlNG 1 PIA.NO, l'IOLIN, RA.ltl:IONJllM · AND TllE THEORY OD· >lUSm . JiAND, of above. ApJLlicat lon i2~3m. P-1 ~ 0 0 ~ FURNI5;HNIGS at present worked th ·mlJ. &c., to be n1ade to Jtlessrs. R. & H. Ifor terms, Stationers. . ' x ~·Hara, MUfl. DOC., ENGJ ORN CAMIDGE, Teacher the , . Still Ahead. TEA P AliTIES, BALL SUPPERS, PUBLIC DINNE11.S, WEDDING OAKES, rr-weeds, ~tc·· etc. 18omEEs, LUMBER FROM my.Mills in Podonk, to lJowma.llville and Oshawa. ·· l!'or further p.articulai·s enqufre at mill. ' .. ' T EAMS TO DRAW .John's Hot '-ia· ·'rst·.1"1·1ze Drum. · Photographs I E SUBSCRIBER HAVING trn. T HFl'.l'TED 1\nd impr oved the Gallcr1 occupied by Mr. H. Tait, is now pi·ep1;1.l'Cd to' tu.I·~ I INSPECTION INVITED. Bowma.nvUie M~v 3rd ifii _B. CAMPBE~hr. THIS IS THE llWST EFFIOIEN_ T f 1onou te tnure heu.t, vccupy J.ess l'Ourn, and I a11 purpOl:le lH.:t.Lcr Lhun u.ny µ t.Juir · .By its U:)e a house ctt.n be n1uch beue1· with one stovtJ :!61\SOil by a 1$aViug uf.WO v U. All ~vho ha.Ve ~r_ied. 1i.eru . ·wv1 lld 110 " bo w1thou;: th . em. ior many t1.m _es ,,neir cost. 'l'he unaersi~ed. .h.l:l.8 se.:wed tilti and econonucal Dru1u iu use, and wilt dis· answer ,Jiau unaci· the old eystem with two or t hree ;.;toves-t.o.uB 111vre than })aying for itself in vnc PHOTOGRAPHS Ill ALI· ARD AT BTY/.Jt~ Got uv in'the best stvle and on reasonable terms b'i t he subscriber. 'll'he whitest, the S'-veete.~t alld best bread delivered dllily t o customers in all parts or the town ~ 15-34:. MURDOCH BROS. ·· ALEX. FLETCHER. LO WEST P RI Ol<:~. ..i.l.g.ur.1or Bowilrn.nv:We, J.J1.1.r.m1gt-0n, C.utvv1·igbL, PictlU'es ma.d~e in all kinds of v.-eatn~l · .Jia.,.l[c and Ma.uvc.1.·s, and. ls propo.ruu ti1.J IiJJ. tu.I. SATISFACTION '.!' !··; L" I Jrd.ers vu ine dh ... r~~sc noci.ue:i. A. I\1.11 a.ssorwneu1 .... GU.·'R--'N .".>.. :-i. .. D ·1 ana.. Spring Fashions mHE suBsoRrnER HAs .. ' MILLINERY Now THE Jt'-0001', J'J;.do1· nud B ... x >::tovca, consta.:nuy on lti-18 ---- F. T. HOSH.IN. THE . LOCKMAN A_call respe~tfully Bolicited. Gt!.llory-Co:r:ner .o 1 King a nd D1vision· Str(IP~·'io. entrr..nce nnpoaite 1\h 1'releven'e shoe .store. I ..I.· .Faslu .·ons for this sprin8', 1871, and le prepared o make Ladies, Dreeees a.nd :b-Iantles . · · 'A,S USUAL IN LATEST STYLES.' attentio1i to cutt ing and SHO W Roo·M. M urdoeh Bros. No. 7 .Rossin House Block, Toronto, Ont. INFORM THE LADIES B EG TO T9Wll and lkelr: tho. C·?try, tlt.&1 nernedy 'and Pills, of the Eminent Indi a!· Jl.Jedicine ltfa,ni. Doctor Lw.vis J nsephus, 01' tltt I N THE DOl'd.I N IOiV OJ!' CANADA. Great Tribe of-ohoslionees, British COlumbi~, i , · \HIS PROUD POS11'ION I T HAi:! "'orktng the nwst 1nru-velous and astonishin1< atlaineJ. L.U.1·ough its in..r.lel'tmL good.!l. CnreS t.110 vv·o rld eve.r heard of. Xever in th< anna]B o~ Canadian :vr edical H'isto:ry bas sucl1 LJ..i<-~~e qua.litiCd ure m.1up.ll01~s , dw:abun,., ewr:nicCe's n.t·tendecl !;..lie lntroduction of' nny n1ed i o·ancc, Ud.ti.ptu,bilit.y, bcl)iil.~.::> I.I. i:l<.:ul·C ill.-i·e vI e4Ul:i.1 .uHpvrtance. }i'Vl' tull pai·ticwa,rs addrei;;:;, "°" t.ue cine heretofore. T · H AT THE GREA'l' SHOSHONEEt dEWING MAC HINE IS NOW -i'.t!E LEADING MACHINE EDWJl\f J. FLET0HE1:1 - - - -- -- - - ---- --' - ·. Bo\vn1-;,nviUe, April 26th, 1871. HS-~·\. n e :dtt!ng. . e -wing-· M e1.. ch1· I .. . . ._ Mns. ALEX. FLETCHER . . 37-tf. . · · April IZ, 1871. · · ·A ! .iir Pa.rtic.ula.r 0 ~EW TlN SHOP REED, ·1'00K . I. AG "nni FIRST PRIZE AT THE 11~ N 0 Y J.. .IN BOWMANVILLE. OF THE WR Yi SIMPLY becausi:; the numerous ·vaiuabla actrvf. medicinal vegetable ingredients, (soine of whicl ~~e " 'iJl mentio.J1 such lii'i the _ Extracts of \Vik Cherry Bark, .t'Od ophyllum, Juniper Qua.ssin. Smartweed, Da.ndellon, Hyoscya.m us, bo111pound Extra.ct of Colocynth.,. Jn.lap, Soeotrine Aloes. Capsicuw , &c., &c.,) \'thich entc£ int othe compo ~ntlon of the ~ombined medici.D.e, nrc such a ncl so harmoniously chu1sified and compounded, that it is mad~ !;he most searching cura tl vo in 1he known world, and cn.nnot help but a. ct on th(' system in a. TCl'Y' sntisfactory nnd desirable manner. No inn.tter what your nil men t· may be, oi of liow long standing, it will :find th (1 spot and you by the rapifl manner in which y011 are re.stored,to perfect, health and full vigor. 'J,bis J.fedicine is pleasant un1l safe to ta.kc, nncl Js ·w arranted, and may pmdtively be relied upor> t o make a pCrn1anent ourc of all diseases of tbP 'I'broat., Lungs, .Liver Kidhe.ys_ Diges t,iveOrgan~ &c ., &c., as we.11 a.s . Scrofnlo., t;he v11. rioua Skit Diseas~s. 1Inmorl5, and a !l diseases arising frou Impurity of the Blood, excepting the 'l' hird Stag1 of Consumption. Further information, \o;ith iul ; <11reetions forusingthcGrcatSJ10.'ihonees Reined' and P ills, and containing testimonials and Ce11j · flcates of Cures, can be obtained by secudng thf' Treatise, the lland-book, or the ..::\ lmar ae and Ci.rouJarH from any respec'k'l.bJe Dr uggist in th,, Don1inion-frce. Pric.e of Re:ntedy bt lar[JP. Pint Bottlt$ i lls pa· .Box 25 ccnt.<J. t~ia.nufti.cturers, w. G. ~HJOH WILSON, f· BOWMA~, & Co., Viotor~a. lldiJD!lton, Ontario. a.nd surrounding country that he ha.s opened H. & H. o·HARA, Agents for Durham and · · PLEASURE IN INI I AS FORMING t he inhabit.ants ofBown1anville BO.WMANYILLE FURNI'fURE I MANUFACTURING CO. HE SUBSCRIBER HAYING BEEN I OP I I ---- out a Ne\v '! 'in ~hop in the store lately occupied by J obn Allen. corner of A CAUTION J, ING AND DIVISION STREETS · 0 \f.'Jh· eoUllty. . P1·0Tincial Exhibition ! appoiD.ted .retall by the Dowma.nville Ftlrn,lture Ma.nufe.cturing Co., ls nov; in a poeiion to·fill all orders at aa low a rate &S .any deal· T .l'OH GOODA.\'D ClllEA.P STOCX OF l4ILLINE:RY GOODI ROBT, S. llIANNING. ~ale~ Howman ville, where-he will keep constantly on ho.nd a well selected stock Ofstovea, Ja.p· anned, pressed and plain Tinware, ' vhioh he will sell Cottage, for GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FRUIT CIGARS, , JPES .AND P , ' GO TO THE THE CELEBRATED ' PERFECTll!I Spectacles nnd Eye Glasses ma.nufaettit'cd by LAZARUS & MORRIS, &lld for which have the sole agency, are g&lning golden opinion· rromallthosewho .h·votrie~lt. ·:rs NOW CO:Il:lPLET:JC Unprincipled v.ersons who, when thoy "< !HEAP ·.As TIIE CHEAPEST. ': c11nn.,t palm oft" a \VOrthless ~ewing Machine, on Special attention t o ver~on;i acquainted with the m erit.s of the, clif!erent ~1ach.ine8, represent therus!!lves·as age~ts EAVI!:TROUOHIN\:l A N D JOBBING iur the celebrated Lock.m'a n a:Dd Osburn Ma~ chines; and offer to grant vrarra.ntsfor the aanie, with intent to 1 deceive. We being the only au· Rtif" 01·dcrn fl'om t ho couutry promptly attended thorized a.gents for V.l est Durham, are the only persons \.Y.lio can grant warrants thereon; and to. Uf' 1-Iighest prlce pa. .for Hides, .Shcoi>skiit any perimni,; not emplo}':ed by us, repre~enting Rags, Wool-pickings, Copper, Fenthet·s nnd themselves a s ageia.ts, or offering to grant ,.,.- a,,r. Hm·sehair. runt.":!..!' aro in1po::it.ers\ nnd liable to be prosecuted WE LEARN THAT THERE .ARE on Queen Street (East), at present unooJust held at Toronto, over tho moJJt renow ned eupied. \Vill be sold cheap. A good Guden, Sewing Mnchines in the wor1d, among \VhiCh Stable and Driving Shed attached. 'l'ERMS moderate. Applyt9 Wero the celebrated Ho"'·c, Whccl&r & W~;..n, T HE BRICK COTTAGE SITUATED Latest Noveltios of the 8~ &.·o. Thls i~ i>nly a. confirmntiou of the verdict -~~-~------~------previoushr rendered by tli:e oreat Ca.nadJa..n . h . Public, 8.nd ptoves conclusively t c St.."PJ:CRIORITV : , " LOOKllI. ! ¥"OVER ALL OTHEl:B. NOTICF; IS HEREBY Glv EN, THAT {tii!" G1 ·eat inducements held out to pcdlers. GF rnE ~· I will not be re~nsiblc for any dcbte con· for Irnutl. 'l'hc public lU'O hereby cautioned N: B.-Farme:i:s wanting Milk Pails or Pans tracted b:y niy son,' illis.m Jn.mes Sulley. against suc.h. wonld do 'vell to call and exarnine my stock be· a ·n. &J H. O'HARA, \'\'holesale and Retail , 'VILLI.AM SULLEY. R. & H, O'HARA. Uowmanville, June 22nd.1871. 47-3-m fore pl.U'Cha.slng elsewhere.. A sl1are of Public .A.gents:. Also, agents for Guelph .Sewing Ma. Da.rli'ngton, June 12, 1871. ·. . 46-tf, · respectfully solicited. chine Co., Grover & Baker, Sinker, IIowe and, - -·-· - -· Wm. f'.OUTER. Ifyou want t I· I preserve youi- sight to extreme old aae, ue thes Notice. - _ and no others. AARON BUCirLl'Jl, agent fQ Bowmn.nilllc. o.nd vicinity. 1-mo CRYSTAL F. Y. . , PALACE! 0 ONE DOOR EAST OF L OO. Ft·uit Trees to1· Sale. . - W. R. ciimi!e, I ncr G-enGrQl, SSuEii OF llfARRIAGE LICENSES. O:;ncc at th e Stntc.~rt'ltan ofllce. and best, Vlashington, &c., 50 cts. · also English Cherries, .Bigga.i:eM.L1s and Ilearts: ll.t P 1 · lJowm>nville, Mo.rch 8th. 1811. w . a .-REED. OOLEMAN.OANSUPPLYPLUl\I _ · TREES-Dlue, foi· Perserves, 25 cents; 25 cts. .1!\.. .lso, Flower.PJantsin abundance By autho1~lt·l'._ of Hi:; Excellency the Gove:r· very cheap, new growing m hot beds, . l · B rlC - k- () 0 tt age T v _ v , 32-tf. William·' Machines. We have also on hand a - afuli·tockortheLITl'LEWANZERMachincs. Persons not sa.ti..,,fled .with ono Machine can ex· 1... win. II. I.owe . FOJ;t · SALE, ON ELLINGrroN street. .F or particulars apply to . . lO·:JW. Bowman ville, April 26tb, 1871. 39·t. w. PRO \VEH. ...~ ·· «' · C.!NE p,,,..;,,, BARRISTER AND ATTORNEY·AT~ " ~ LA.W , Solicitor in Chancery and·Insolvency changa for any other inside of thirty days. Re· &c., &c. . , , · me~b·.rR. · · 11.o·H· ···s I· tho SEWING MA· . OfficConSilver Street,Dotvmanvillc,' . <;a.<.~ n. A.J,. J,, n., ' · 16-U KING ST BO,VMANVILLE " · W MON,f;Y to loan on easy t·rms. Ji>ne 2Sth,1811. iffQ.l'm is worth more tho.n house and I · DOUGLAS lmanvllle, lot will pay balance In money, Call immedi&~ly in person or address . SILVER & . · · T. W. NICHOLS,_Box U, ' Village in Mecliigan !or a. sma.11 c w A Small Farm Wanted. ta.rm near Bow"owmaAville LE'S, ITHE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO exchallge~goodhouseandlot in a. thriving 4Mf. Thia ls &MW ltra.ueli. ·f;tkdr \uaiaeM ..... Stock 11111 l>e toud . ·: .' ~- . CHE.AP . .J. D GOOD ·. · · .. > j '_,_,

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